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Converting from TEW05 --> 08

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I have TEW 05 but not 07. I have a great game going with NYCW in 05 which I would like to continue with all the features in 08. Is there some way to convert the 05 database to the 08 one? If not, I seem to remember that there was a 05-07 converter. Would it be possible for me to convert my saved game in TEW05 to TEW07 and then to 08 using the 07->08 conversion system?
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Brokencycle is correct; you can only convert databases, not saved games. If you're still interested in converting the '05 database, here's an idea that MAY work (though I don't know why you'd want to; you'd be missing out on new workers, new promotions, and a bunch of other stuff I can't think of; the only advantage I'd see is if you want to start in January 2005. But I digress...) Download the TEW2007 demo, and use the converter in there to convert your '05 database to an '07 one. (I'm pretty sure you can do this without paying for the full version of '07. It works a bit differently, so read the 'readme' file). Then convert the '07 to an '08 one. As for converting a save game, sorry but it's been brought up numerous times before, and I'm paraphrasing but Adam mentioned the coding involved would make the undertaking unfeasible. Yes, he understands it's something we'd all like, but it ain't happening. You may just have to create a database from your saved game manually, if that's what you want to do.
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