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I have a question about payment....

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It's been a while since I last purchased a game from GDS (the last TEW on release day lol) so I wondered if anyone can confirm (preferably Adam) if paypal is still being accepted as a payment option ? and if it is how do i access it again ? The reason I asked is because I was poking around in the GDS Store and I didn't notice any paypal payment options, just credit cards. And I'm 99.99 % certain that it was possible in the past to purchase TEW via paypal, it was just a little more involved but my memory is shady on it. Speaking of payment I recently decided to (try to) reinstall TEW 07 to get me in the mood for the new game, and upon typing in my receipt code (you know the single line one) to receive a license for the game, it proceeded to tell me that I had used up all my remaining installs for this license....and I was like wtf ?? I payed for it and despite all the restrictions in place i also have to put up with limited installs per license ? I can understand all the other restrictions to prevent obvious piracy but I cant understand limiting legit customers who payed for the game already to be limited in their installs. Whats up with that ? As it is it gave me a straight choice, contact the supplier (for a new receipt code, sorry I cant remember what its actually called) or buy the game all over again (yeah right). I have to say if the new TEW wasn't right around the corner I'd be really angry, as it is it's just a point of principle. As luck would have it. I'm still not happy about it though and I would like an explanation for this however. If Adam, or someone else on the GDS team could find the time to adress my questions I would be most grateful. Thanks.
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Ahhh, that is most likely what happened. Knowing me, I either had to reformat my PC or I simply uninstalled the game - either way I more than likely totally forgot to unlicense the game before I uninstalled it. I apologise for the slight outburst, my bad. Thanks for the help guys. :) Anymorer takers ?? EDIT @crayon - I hope you are not accusing me of pirating the game. Just so you know I could accuse you of slander right now but I'm decent enough not to outright come out and mention it....in other words it's best to know when not to joke about something. Now is well and good, before was serious.
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[quote]Just so you know I could accuse you of slander right now but I'm decent enough not to outright come out and mention it[/quote] Err, I think you did just mention it :) But if anything i was poking fun of GDS, and not you so don't worry about it. Now hopefully I won't have GDS staff accusing me of slander either, and we can all sleep easy tonight.
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[QUOTE=thommohawk;430946]Ahhh, that is most likely what happened. Knowing me, I either had to reformat my PC or I simply uninstalled the game - either way I more than likely totally forgot to unlicense the game before I uninstalled it. I apologise for the slight outburst, my bad. Thanks for the help guys. :) Anymorer takers ?? EDIT [QUOTE]@crayon - I hope you are not accusing me of pirating the game. Just so you know I could accuse you of slander right now but I'm decent enough not to outright come out and mention it....in other words it's best to know when not to joke about something. Now is well and good, before was serious.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE] Is it me or did he sound like Screech(Dustin Diamond)just then?
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[QUOTE=crayon;431049]Err, I think you did just mention it :) But if anything i was poking fun of GDS, and not you so don't worry about it. Now hopefully I won't have GDS staff accusing me of slander either, and we can all [B]sleep easy tonight[/B].[/QUOTE] Sleep? The night of the demo release? Get real ;)
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The reason why it is a Visa or MasterCard debit card is so that you can purchase things using the Visa or MasterCard credit feature without having to apply for a credit card or make a monthly payment. It's a feature that banks offer you so you will want to bank there. As a bank teller myself, I can honestly tell you, that while it's almost impossible to go without a bank account (let's be serious here), it is also almost impossible to find a bank that cares about you and won't screw you over. Go with small banks, which still offer Visa or MasterCard debit cards, for the most part. Sorry 'bout the rant, but I hate banking. Just pays well, and at least they won't screw me over.
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