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APW - A Country Designed Purely to Kill You.

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just had time to catch up on everything and I have to say this is great. I love the layout that your using and the development of the promotion as a whole, and certainly the individual characters is fantastic... [B]Dingo Devine[/B] vs. Motty Kuroda The Melbourne Blondes vs. [B]Samoan Demolition[/B] As machine said, it makes no sense to have them lose here. It needs to continue for the story to make any sense Lanny Williams vs. [B]Inferno[/B] Loving the inferno gimmick so, i'm gonna go with him purely on that, woo. Boo Smithson vs. Triple S vs. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull [/B](APW Australian title) Im an NZPB Mark Nathan Mackenzie vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] Its time, let the revolution begin =)
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[QUOTE=Greg2511;465105] Nathan Mackenzie vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] Its time, let the revolution begin =)[/QUOTE] Dude way to early for for Swooooop to snag the title. If he wins it already it would totally be the Rocky Mavia syndrom all over again... To early! I can here it with an Aussie accent right now.....Die Swoop Die!
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Dingo Devine vs. [B]Motty Kuroda[/B] [I]Just a hunch. And because I know Kuroda was a part of a tag team and I'm drawing a blank on Not-Daryl Devine.[/I] [B]The Melbourne Blondes[/B] vs. Samoan Demolition [I]- SD have potential but they aren't ready to topple the Blondes... yet. And the Suicide Blondes were Edge and Christian. :D[/I] Lanny Williams vs. [B]Inferno[/B] [I]- New cut + being the booker + trying to win over machine = new push![/I] [B]Boo Smithson[/B] vs. Triple S vs. New Zealand Pit Bull (APW Australian title) [I]- I think Boo holds onto it... I have no idea how. Maybe after a missed Triple S Kneedrop to some submission move.[/I] Nathan Mackenzie vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] [I]- Until the uber-push of Swoop's slows down why would anyone bet against him?[/I] *** Interesting in putting the title on Hitman just as you gave him a gimmick that... shouldn't require him to have a title. He's a Hitman, a mercenary for hire and now he's holding the gold. There are a few ways you could go with this. I'm not 100% sure if it's the right call but it will be interesting to see how you deal with it.
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[QUOTE=Beeker;466129] [B]Boo Smithson[/B] vs. Triple S vs. New Zealand Pit Bull (APW Australian title) [I]- I think Boo holds onto it... I have no idea how. Maybe after a missed Triple S Kneedrop to some submission move.[/I][/QUOTE] I could see something like this happening....If Triple S pulls an Edge and gets caught cheating with the wedding planner....Only way the boss doesn't win.... [QUOTE]Interesting in putting the title on Hitman just as you gave him a gimmick that... shouldn't require him to have a title. He's a Hitman, a mercenary for hire and now he's holding the gold. There are a few ways you could go with this. I'm not 100% sure if it's the right call but it will be interesting to see how you deal with it.[/QUOTE] Did I miss something? I did catch Hitman grabbing the title? I am wondering if your confused with the annual MegaDom match which is more so just a King of the Ring style win.
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;466243]I could see something like this happening....If Triple S pulls an Edge and gets caught cheating with the wedding planner....Only way the boss doesn't win.... Did I miss something? I did catch Hitman grabbing the title? I am wondering if your confused with the annual MegaDom match which is more so just a King of the Ring style win.[/QUOTE] Boss loses... deal with it. :) And I totally misread the Megadome match, since I just assumed it was for the title. What's the bonus for winning the Megadome match-up then? Ah well. No worries. Makes more sense for the Hitman not to have the title. Although I've got to question why people would put their lives/careers on the line for... a shiny trophy?
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[QUOTE=Beeker;466255]Boss loses... deal with it. :) And I totally misread the Megadome match, since I just assumed it was for the title. What's the bonus for winning the Megadome match-up then? Ah well. No worries. Makes more sense for the Hitman not to have the title. Although I've got to question why people would put their lives/careers on the line for... a shiny trophy?[/QUOTE] Winning Megadome is basically winning the King of the Ring - it's an honorific title. As far as I'm aware winning the King of the Ring event doesn't give you a title shot or anything, unlike the royal rumble.. but yeah. Thanks for the predictions :)
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FINALLY. Restarting really nuked all the stuff I had going but I think we may have hit the turn around.. [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/diary12.png[/img] [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/website12.png[/img] Quick Picks: 1. Samoan Demolition vs. Independence 2. Melbourne Blondes vs. S&M Connection 3. Triple S vs. Boo Smithson 4. Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams (APW’s First Title match grudge match) 5. Nathan Mackenzie vs. Swoop McCarthy (APW Commonwealth Title) This time around, I'm interested in what you DON'T like about the APW. Compliments are all very well but if there are bits of it you don't like or you don't understand why I'm doing certain things, I want to know. Be honest. Cheers guys :D
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Quick Picks: 1. [B]Samoan Demolition[/B] vs. Independence Gotta give them the title shot, your a fanboy ;) 2. Melbourne Blondes vs. [B]S&M Connection[/B] I don't like the idea of Melbourne Blondes losing to these hacks, BUT, I don't see you giving them a loss in their first match, unless you use them as a comedy act which I doubt. 3. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Boo Smithson I'd like to say Boo, cos I'm a tech mark but...ima go with TripS 4. [B]Harry Simonson [/B]vs. Lanny Williams (APW’s First Title match grudge match) No reason, just like him better. 5. Nathan Mackenzie vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] (APW Commonwealth Title) "SWOOP! Soulja Boy tell em, I got a new dance for yall called the Souljah Boy. SWOOP! You gotta lean in crank back three times from right to left" Need I say more?
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Normally I wouldn't rush out an event like this, but I think when you read the meeting you'll understand why :D [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/diary13.png[/img] [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/website13.png[/img] [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/meeting1.png[/img] Quick Picks - a bit different this week - if you just want to pick an overall winner go for it - if you're really bored and want to do the whole lot then that'd be awesome too. 1. Quarter Final: Nathan Mackenzie vs. Lanny Williams 2. Quarter Final: Boo Smithson vs. Rick Stantz 3. Quarter Final: New Zealand Pit Bull vs. Inferno 4. Quarter Final: Triple S vs. The Hitman 5. Semi Final: Winner of QF1 vs. QF3 6. Semi Final: Winner of QF2 vs. QF4 7. Super 8 Final: Winner of SF 1 vs. SF2 TV man :D
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Well first of all congratulations on the TV deal, I'll be cheering you on from my couch from now on, DAMN YOU MOVING TO WA ;) Anywho, the last show wasn't as godawful as it sounded. I mean alot of it was necessary. Good idea to head into the TV deal with Swoop as champion. Simply because he has that star quality, he has that charisma that can draw in those casual fans. Quick Picks-Im gonna try and pick the lot, it should be interesting to see how close I get. 1. Quarter Final: [B]Nathan Mackenzie[/B] vs. Lanny Williams I don't see Big Mac being eliminated this early, he needs to get some heat behind him again for when he inevitably challenges Swoop to a rematch. 2. Quarter Final: Boo Smithson vs. [B]Rick Stantz [/B] Just because I love the Melbourne Blondes...damn you! Why must I always pick against Boo? I love Boo!!!!! 3. Quarter Final: [B]New Zealand Pit Bull[/B] vs. Inferno I see NZPB getting one up on you, because if he doesnt, you'll destroy him lol. 4. Quarter Final: [B]Triple S[/B] vs. The Hitman Its TripS, I smell interference here though. Maybe 5. Semi Final: NZPB vs. [B]Nathan Mac[/B] Its gonna be a snoozefest when these two step in the ring but Im gonna go with Mac to head into the finals 6. Semi Final: [B]TripS[/B] vs. Stantz THIS is a match. Hella hard to call. If you hadn't turned Standish into total awesome I'd go with Stantz but im gonna have to say TripS again. Possibly interference again? 7. Super 8 Final: [B]Trips[/B] vs Nathan Mac I don't see the tournament crown going to Mac, he will get a rematch by default. And when that chapter closes its time for TripS to attempt becoming the first Commonwealth/Australian dual champion.
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1. Quarter Final: [B]Nathan Mackenzie [/B]vs. Lanny Williams [I]Mackenzie takes this one without a problem and walks away after destroying Old Man Williams...[/I] 2. Quarter Final: [B]Boo Smithson [/B]vs. Rick Stantz [I]Boo may have lost the title a few weeks ago but his time to jump into the ME is now...[/I] 3. Quarter Final: [B]New Zealand Pit Bull [/B]vs. Inferno [I]NZPB will take this match and walk away with the win b/c Inferno knows better then to cross NZPB[/I] 4. Quarter Final: [B]Triple S [/B]vs. The Hitman [I]TripS as always wins b/c of the boss's daughter...[/I] 5. Semi Final: Nathan Mackenzie vs.[B] New Zealand Pit Bull [/B] [I]NZPB some how pulls off the win and walks last second[/I] 6. Semi Final:[B]Boo Smithson[/B] vs. Triple S [I]Boo!!!!! He is winning cause TripS wants to keep working his way to the top rather then just put himself there because of his relationship with the Daughter...[/I] 7. Super 8 Final:[B]Boo Smithson [/B]vs. New Zealand Pit Bull [I]Boo for it all.lllllllll,End of story...Can you say Boooooooooo v Swooooooooop![/I]
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I always wonder when people's predictions are violently different to mine - am I being off the wall or insensible? [IMG]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/diary14.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/website14.png[/IMG] Quick Picks: 1. New Zealand Pit Bull vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes 2. Triple S vs. Boo Smithson 3. Samoan Demolition vs. The Melbourne Blondes (APW Tag Titles) 4. Nathan Mackenzie vs. Trehawke Phillips 5. Swoop McCarthy vs. Lanny Williams Comments welcome - thank you for the Diary of the Month nominations/votes as well - it's appreciated!
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Quick Picks: 1. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull [/B] vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes Cementing his place in the new allaince 2. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Boo Smithson Seems to be on a Swoop push. 3. [B]Samoan Demolition [/B]vs. The Melbourne Blondes (APW Tag Titles) Get the belts of the blondes and let em move onto singles competition they are good enough for that. 4. [B]Nathan Mackenzie[/B] vs. Trehawke Phillips More momentum for the ex champ. PS I would swap boo vs sss with this one 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Lanny Williams Swooop there it is. TCW management have agreed to let the APW continue use of him as long as they pay his air fares and that he doesn´t loose. PS You set up your own competition???? And good luck with the tv show.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;473778] PS You set up your own competition???? And good luck with the tv show.[/QUOTE] Yep, I added a tiny TV station as there is no TV coverage in australia, and I added the ASAW because it's no fun just playing against yourself :)
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Quick Picks: 1. New Zealand Pit Bull vs. [B]Whirlwind Lee Wilkes[/B] an upset for upsets sake ;) 2. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Boo Smithson its tripS 3. [B]Samoan Demolition[/B] vs. The Melbourne Blondes (APW Tag Titles) I love the blondes...but YOU love demolition, lol 4. [B]Nathan Mackenzie[/B] vs. Trehawke Phillips Get some heat on the ex champ 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Lanny Williams SWOOOOOOOOP!
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1. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull[/B] vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes 2. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Boo Smithson 3. [B]Samoan Demolition[/B] vs. The Melbourne Blondes (APW Tag Titles) 4. [B]Nathan Mackenzie[/B] vs. Trehawke Phillips 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Lanny Williams
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Very fun diary here, Rathen4. Solid write ups, very good character work and your booking seems sound. You've got another reader. As I've been playing APW as well, it's interesting seeing what the two games have in common and where they diverge. Over here I started out pushing Big Mac and Swoop strong until they both became enormously egotistical head cases who wanted ridiculous amounts of cash. Had to let them both go as I've been bleeding money like you wouldn't believe. On the plus side, I'm getting closer and closer to Cult, and should start turning a profit then. Current champs -- Boo Smithson & Fuzzy Freeman have the tag belts, Lanny Williams is my Australian champ and Hitman Harry has the Commonwealth title, he's held onto it for 15 months now and is at C- popularity throughout the country. Quick picks for your next show: 1. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull[/B] vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes - possibly with interference from Inferno as a reward for lying down 2. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Boo Smithson - Standish seems to have the momentum 3. [B]Samoan Demolition[/B] vs. The Melbourne Blondes (APW Tag Titles) - Stantz turns heel, betrays Belushi 4. [B]Nathan Mackenzie[/B] vs. Trehawke Phillips - Big Mac for sure 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Lanny Williams - Lanny seems to be relegated to jobbing, poor bloke
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[QUOTE=edenborn;475840]Very fun diary here, Rathen4. Solid write ups, very good character work and your booking seems sound. You've got another reader. As I've been playing APW as well, it's interesting seeing what the two games have in common and where they diverge. Over here I started out pushing Big Mac and Swoop strong until they both became enormously egotistical head cases who wanted ridiculous amounts of cash. Had to let them both go as I've been bleeding money like you wouldn't believe. On the plus side, I'm getting closer and closer to Cult, and should start turning a profit then. Current champs -- Boo Smithson & Fuzzy Freeman have the tag belts, Lanny Williams is my Australian champ and Hitman Harry has the Commonwealth title, he's held onto it for 15 months now and is at C- popularity throughout the country. [/quote] Awesome to hear from another APW writer even if I have been cheaply plugging this diary elsewhere. The Swoop/Big Mac thing is something I'm monitoring very closely - overpushing them is only going to make them too big for us and I'm having to be really careful. I seem to have done okay with the sponsors as I'm making a small profit, though I will start losing money once the TV deal kicks in. Smithson and freeman are an interesting team - a flyer and a technician is a good mix to make sure they gel with others... i will ponder that. Thanks for the good words, and I hope to keep you entertained :)
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;475845]Smithson and freeman are an interesting team - a flyer and a technician is a good mix to make sure they gel with others... i will ponder that.[/QUOTE]Boo Fuzz have been working well together, with Fuzzy gradually picking up more of Boo's technical expertise. I've been playing them as a comedy team--the stuttering hobo and the confused guy who never seems to know where he is. They won the titles off of Too Right! (Swoop & DDP with excellent tag chemistry), who did a great job for APW as dominant heel tag champs despite being a nightmare behind the scenes. [QUOTE=Rathen4;475845] Thanks for the good words, and I hope to keep you entertained :)[/QUOTE] I'm very entertained, thanks--keep up the great work!
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