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Help with screen modding.

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I opened a discussion on the main TEW08 forum about the original screens of TEW08, [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=31896[/url] Thinking that those original screens are quite ugly and badly done, I also discovered that they are very hard to mod, because of the new structrure of the game. There's now buttons planted in those images, so you must leave them exactly where they are. Any tips, hints? I've tried some magic wand, but because of the colours it comes out very ugly and .. Well, take a look: [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/control_room.jpg[/IMG] I really would not want to edit all those screens pixel to pixel. It'll take forever. Do you guys have better ideas, tips, hints, acknowledge of image editing? Or have you already done new screens yourself? :)
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That's just the thing I've been saying this whole day. :( Darn. I would really like to know how the original designer of those screens did those, which program did he/she use and how long it took for him/her to get those buttons and backgrounds right.
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Tried it again but I'm really not good enough with graphisms. Someone who's good at cutting should try and do a template for all files (pngs with only the buttons/frame left, so people could combine whatever background they'd want with that). Sadly it sounds like a lot of work, and people are probably more busy actually playing the game now :/
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It's kinda tough to do it using the magic wand because the background color is pretty similar to the borders of the buttons. I think we might just have to do it all brushing by hand. I've already started to work on my pics a little bit, but this looks like it could take a while so I may just update pics here and there until they're all done. Here's the first pic I am working on now for the Hall of Immortals. [URL=http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/9437/immcs9.jpg][IMG]http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/9437/immcs9.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I gotta do something with the top right corner of the banner but I'm pretty happy with the rest.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;431540]Not bad at all.. But; How can you do that in all the images? There's over a hundred of those :( It would take forever.[/QUOTE] Seconded. Looks really good so far, but man you're in for a ride doing them all... thanks a lot anyway if that's your plan :)
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I kept the current layout, but changed the banner to the one I used for the media section in 07. Just for those who don't want to look at the one with the game. I've included all the screens you'll need. Just extract them to the screens folder. This is strictly to replace the ones with the top banner on it. Extract to, say yes to overrite. I'll end up making my own screen set soon enough. But this should hold people over. [url]http://www.mhayes.fwrestling.com/Screens.zip[/url]
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I've edited all the internet screens to have a new top part, as the only bit I hated was the cartoony fonts used. Now I've just realised that they're also else where other than the buttons, but never mind. I'll get to those later. Here's a look: It's based on PWInsiderElite's website (my personal choice for wrestling news): [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0703/ColdCobra/BannerTempcopy.jpg[/IMG] Now imagine that at the top of every website page. Hardly professional, but I find it better to look at than the comic book font.
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[QUOTE=Cold Cobra;431638]I've edited all the internet screens to have a new top part, as the only bit I hated was the cartoony fonts used. Now I've just realised that they're also else where other than the buttons, but never mind. I'll get to those later. Here's a look: It's based on PWInsiderElite's website (my personal choice for wrestling news): [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0703/ColdCobra/BannerTempcopy.jpg[/IMG] Now imagine that at the top of every website page. Hardly professional, but I find it better to look at than the comic book font.[/QUOTE] That looks great.
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[QUOTE=Cold Cobra;431638]I've edited all the internet screens to have a new top part, as the only bit I hated was the cartoony fonts used. Now I've just realised that they're also else where other than the buttons, but never mind. I'll get to those later. Here's a look: It's based on PWInsiderElite's website (my personal choice for wrestling news): [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0703/ColdCobra/BannerTempcopy.jpg[/IMG] Now imagine that at the top of every website page. Hardly professional, but I find it better to look at than the comic book font.[/QUOTE] Any chance you could put that up as a download
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[QUOTE=FINisher;431516]Or have you already done new screens yourself? :)[/QUOTE]I did update the splash page already [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW08%20Randoms/title_screen.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] As for the other pages.. I dont think modding them would actually be too hard, just time consuming
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[QUOTE=W3LSHY;431865]I created some alt. screens...[/QUOTE] Thanks, that sure was fast! Those screens are simple but waaaay better than the originals to me (as in, they don't cause my eyes to bleed), that'll do as a temp fix, thanks a ton man! :) Too bad it's only the editor though, but I'm only using the editor so far, so it works ;)
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Yeah nice work; How did you get those edges so smooth? Especially the boxes etc.. I'd really like some hints as I would like those TEW05 screens running on '08 :o BadFurDay, only editor? The trial was released yesterday? :D
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[B]I did it!![/B] Finally I found that thing I was looking for: Modify / Contract! So the thing is; I click with magic wand all those black boxes etc, everyone. Then Modify -> Contract, 5pixels, so that it makes the area 5 pixels smaller! And then inverse, and THEN you can do whatever you want to the outside of the boxes! [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/add_angle.jpg[/IMG] That is just a harsh sketch, but you get the idea! :) YES! Finally! Also a question; What colours do you people want? And I can also do other images than the TEW05 background! I know the buttons and boxes need a bit tweaking, but now we know the easy way to mod those TEW08 screens! Hurray! ^^
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