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WWE: How It Could Be (2008)

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[B]Monday, Week 1, June, 2008[/B] [B]Champions:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]RAW[/B][/COLOR] WWE Heavyweight: Triple H WWE Intercontinental: Chris Jericho WWE World Tag Team: Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly WWE Womens: Mickie James [B][COLOR="Teal"]ECW[/COLOR][/B] ECW Heavyweight: Kane [COLOR="Blue"][B]SmackDown![/B][/COLOR] WWE World Heavyweight: Edge WWE United States: Matt Hardy WWE Tag Team: John Morrison & The Miz [B][COLOR="Red"]WWE Monday Night RAW:[/COLOR][/B] WWE Championship: Triple H(c) versus Randy Orton Beth Phoenix versus Melina WWE Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho(c) versus Jake
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[B]Monday, Week 1, June, 2008[/B] [IMG]http://tvbythenumbers.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/wwe_raw.jpg[/IMG] [I]We kick off this evening's show with the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho. He is soon joined in the arena by his opponent, Jake:[/I] [B]WWE Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho(c) versus Jake[/B] Jericho puts up a top-notch performance here, and the youngster Jake acting a little ****y means he receives a mixed reaction from the crowd in attendance. Jake does get some innovative offense in however, but comes short when it comes to winning the Championship as Jericho hits the Codebreaker for the pinfall victory. [B]Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho in 14.53[/B] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]Following a commercial break we cut backstage where Mickie James is standing by with John Cena:[/I] [B]Mickie:[/B] Congratulations. I heard the news that you're getting a title shot at Night of Champions. [B]Cena:[/B] It's been a long time coming. What about you missy? You can take care of Beth Phoenix again, it's in your blood. [B]Mickie:[/B] I'm not too share. Anyway, I've got to go and wrestle Katie Lea now. Thanks John. [I]Mickie and Cena smile at eachother as Cena leaves the area, allowing Mickie to walk to the ring for her match, which is next.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Non-Title: Mickie James versus Katie Lea[/B] Katie is accompanied by Paul Burchill for this contest, and Katie gets alot of offense in, perhaps suggesting that Mickie James is looking ahead to Night of Champions and her title defence there. Phoenix's match is coming up later, but Mickie was still able to win this contest after Paul Burchill tries to interfere, but the referee sees him and rings the bell for the Disqualification. [B]Winner via Disqualification: Mickie James in 15.01[/B] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]As Mickie walks through the backstage area following her victory she bumps into her Number One Contender, Beth Phoenix:[/I] [B]Beth:[/B] Well if it isn't the Womens Champion. You looking forward to me taking that belt back? [B]Mickie:[/B] It wasn't a fluke me beating you in London. This Championship will stay around my waist. [I]Phoenix merely laughs, disregarding the Champion as she walks away. Her match is next.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Beth Phoenix versus Melina[/B] Melina receives a mixed reaction upon her entrance, however the fans soon begin cheering her as Beth Phoenix uses her normal strong offense against the former Champion. Beth Phoenix bends Melina's body in ways you would not think were possible, until Melina begins to fight back with some impressive kicks. Just as it looks as if the momentum is turning, however, Phoenix hits the Glamaplex to take the victory. [B]Winner in 15.05: Beth Phoenix[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]We cut backstage to DH Smith, who is talking to a strange young man who we have not seen before:[/I] [B]Smith:[/B] Look, Ted, you're Ted Dibiase's soon. Championship golds in your blood. [B]Dibiase:[/B] OK Fine. I'll team with you. Are you sure you heard Regal right? [B]Smith:[/B] Definately. The winners of Rhodes and Holly and Carlito and Marella tonight will face us at Night of Champions for the Tag Team titles. [I]The two young second-generation Superstars grin at eachother as we head back to the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]World Tag Team Championships Holly & Rhodes (c) vs Santino & Carlito[/B] DiBiase and Smith both look on from the entrance ramp as these two established teams go up against one another. Both of these teams know eachother very well by now, and at one point it looks as if new Champions will be crowned when Rhodes gets caught by a Backstabber, however Holly knocks Carlito down with a Clothesline and pulls Rhodes into the cover to retain their titles. [B]Winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions: Holly & Rhodes in 15.11[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]We cut backstage after a commercial break with Todd Grisham, who is standing by with the WWE Champion, Triple H:[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Triple H coming up next you defend your title one last time against Randy Orton, with the winner facing Cena at Night of Champions. [B]Triple H:[/B] I'll be honest Todd. Due to injuries, my business with Orton, I didn't think I'd ever step into the ring with Cena again. I will though. [I]Triple H looks directly into the camera with a tight grip around his Championship as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]WWE Championship: Triple H(c) versus Randy Orton[/B] Orton surprises many in attendance this evening as he dominates the early sections of the match-up, with a tight headlock locked in for several minutes. Triple H eventually begins to mount an offense, with stiff punches to the skull of the former Champion. Just when it looks as if Orton is going to get caught in a Pedigree however, he throws Triple H over his head. He turns to find that The Game landed on his feet though, and he connects with a Pedigree to retain his title. [B]Winner and STILL WWE Champion in 15.16: Triple H[/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] [I]As Triple H's music hits and he begins to celebrate in the ring, his music is suddenly cut off, and John Cena makes his way to the entrance ramp:[/I] [B]Cena:[/B] It's on! Oh yes it is on. Congratulations Triple H, but there is nothing I won't do to get that title back. [I]Triple H turns to get a microphone from the ringside area, then returns to the ring to address Cena:[/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] Oh is that right? At Night of Champions, you'll wish you never came back. [I]The two men stare eachother down as Orton crawls out of the ring. The show ends with Champion and Challenger staring at one another.[/I] [B]Rating: A*[/B] [B]Show Rating: B[/B] [B]Current WWE Night Of Champions Card:[/B] Mickie James (c) versus Beth Phoenix for the WWE Womens Championship John Cena versus Triple H (c) for the WWE Championship Holly & Rhodes (c) versus DiBiase & Smith for the World Tag Team titles
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[B]Tuesday, Week 1, June, 2008[/B] [I]The youngster Jake is in the ECW locker-room, preparing for this evening's show. He feels confident, and enjoyed getting his first taste of heel heat last night on RAW. Kane walks up to him:[/I] [B]Kane:[/B] I saw you last night, you did well. I spoke it through with the agents and they said you could wrestle me tonight. [B]Jake:[/B] Wow, that would be amazing. Tell them yes. I suppose it's non-title? [B]Kane:[/B] Yeah because Show's lined up to get the title shot at Night of Champions. Here's what else is going on tonight: [B][COLOR="Teal"]ECW on Sci-Fi[/COLOR][/B] Non-Title: Kane versus Jake The Big Show versus CM Punk Elijah Burke versus Kofi Kingston
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[B]Tuesday, Week 1, June, 2008[/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Diary/ECW_Logo.png[/IMG] [I]We begin the show with Jeff Hardy from RAW walking into Armando Estrada's office:[/I] [B]Hardy:[/B] Armando, look. I know I'm not supposed to be here tonight but I'm a little annoyed. [B]Estrada:[/B] Aha, yes I saw RAW last night. You were not even on the card. [B]Hardy:[/B] Exactly. At Night of Champions give me a shot against Kane and I can join ECW. [B]Estrada:[/B] I cannot do that. It would be worth more than my life. I have already promised the Championship match to Big Show. [I]Hardy sighs and leaves the General Manager's office. Estrada sits in his chair and smiles as we head to the ring for our opening contest.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]The Big Show versus CM Punk[/B] Big Show and Punk both seem tired in this match-up, with both suffering from recent matches. The match isn't as good as many in the crowd expected, as the two styles seem to clash, the two don't seem to click with eachother. Just as it looks as if Punk is building momentum after hitting Show with a huge bulldog RAW's Paul Burchill walks to ringside, his sister Katie Lea in tow. Punk turns to face the Englishman and is distracted long enough for Big Show to get to his feet and hit a Chokeslam. [B]The Big Show defeats CM Punk in 17:55 by pinfall with a Chokeslam[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]We cut backstage to see Kofi Kingston preparing for his match. The WWE Champion Triple H walks up to him as the crowd pop:[/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I've been watching you the past few weeks and I have to say I'm impressed. [I]Before Kingston can even answer The Game John Cena walks into the camera shot, and the crowd pop again. Cena squares up to Triple H and Kingston backs away as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Elijah Burke versus Kofi Kingston[/B] Elijah Burke is unexpectedly accompanied to ringside in this match by Beth Phoenix. The two walk down towards the ring arm in arm. Burke smiles but Beth Phoenix looks a little tired and embarassed. These two young superstars put on an extremely athletic contest, and the crowd continue to cheer Kofi Kingston. The two youngsters get tired towards the end and soon, without warning, RAW's Melina runs to ringside to attack Beth Phoenix. Burke turns to see what is going on and is hit with the Trouble In Paradise. [B]Kofi Kingston defeats Elijah Burke in 7:53 by pinfall Trouble In Paradise[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]Jake is preparing for his match when John Cena walks over to him. He smiles as he greets the youngster:[/I] [B]Cena:[/B] Hey. I don't know what Triple H was talking about earlier with Kingston. You're clearly the future of the WWE. [I]Before Jake can react to the compliment Triple H birskly walks up to Cena. The two once again go nose to nose as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Non-Title: Kane versus Jake[/B] In Jake's second match in as many nights he once again impresses many in the audience, however continues to recieve heel heat as his arrogant nature is expressed in the ring. At one point it actually looks as if Jake is going to win the match after he hits a Low Blow behind the referee's back. He pins the Big Red Machine and all of a sudden a huge explosion emanates from the entrance ramp. The pyro falls to reveal the Intercontinental Champion standing there. Back in the ring Kane hits a Chokeslam to win the match. [B]Kane defeats Jake in 7:57 by pinfall with a Chokeslam[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]As Kane begins to celebrate Jeff Hardy's music hits and he joins Chris Jericho at the entrance way. He has a microphone:[/I] [B]Hardy:[/B] It appears that I'm not the only RAW Superstar that wants a shot at your title, Kane. As for you Jericho, at Night of Champions I get my title back. [I]The show comes to a close with Hardy and Jericho staring eachother down, both looking at Y2J's title.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Show Rating: B[/B] [B]Current WWE Night Of Champions Card:[/B] Mickie James (c) versus Beth Phoenix for the WWE Womens Championship John Cena versus Triple H (c) for the WWE Championship Holly & Rhodes (c) versus DiBiase & Smith for the World Tag Team titles Kane (c) versus The Big Show for the ECW Championship Chris Jericho (c) versus Jeff Hardy for the Intercontinental Championship
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[B]Wednesday, Week 1, June, 2008[/B] [I]Triple H is sitting at the arena for a local event, thinking about what he'd like to see on SmackDown! this week. He likes the feud him and Cena are having. Beth Phoenix walks up to him:[/I] [B]Beth:[/B] Hey I know you're heavily involved in the creative process now, I just wanted to thank you for putting me back in the title picture. [I]Beth Phoenix smiles and walks off as Triple H ponders who will go over between him and Cena at Night of Champions. He jots down a card for this week's SmackDown!, ready to show the rest of the creative team:[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]WWE Friday Night SmackDown!:[/COLOR][/B] Non-Title: RAW versus SmackDown!: Triple H versus Edge RAW versus SmackDown!: John Cena versus The Undertaker RAW versus SmackDown!: Beth Phoenix versus Michelle McCool
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[B]Friday, Week 1, June, 2008[/B] [IMG]http://www.tvenvy.com/blogimages/Smackdown_logo.jpg[/IMG] [I]We kick off tonight's broadcast with Jeff Hardy from RAW making his way to the ring for our opening contest. His opponent is another RAW Superstar, Santino Marella:[/I] [B]RAW Invades: Santino Marella versus Jeff Hardy[/B] Hardy seems a little off his game tonight, but still manages to impress the SmackDown! crowd. Santino seems a little tired as this contest goes on, and eventually falls to the Swanton Bomb. [B]Jeff Hardy defeats Santino Marella in 17:33 by pinfall with a Swanton[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]We cut backstage to find RAW's WWE Champion Triple H having a conversation with his Number One Contender, John Cena:[/I] [B]Cena:[/B] You think you're all that with my title around your waist? Watch what I do to The Undertaker later. [I]Triple H merely smiles and walks away as Cena looks on at the Championship Triple H is holding as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]RAW versus SmackDown!: Beth Phoenix versus Michelle McCool[/B] Phoenix's offence is nothing pretty in this match, but she gets the job done as she hits several power moves on Michelle McCool. Just as Phoenix is about to hit the Glamaplex on Michelle, Melina runs to the ring, still clearly enraged at the Glamazon. She runs into the ring and tries to attack Phoenix, but the referee sends her to the back. Phoenix then hits the Glamaplex for the win. [B]Beth Phoenix defeats Michelle in 7:53 by pinfall with a Glamaplex[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]After a commercial break the WWE Champion comes to ringside to provide commentary for the next match. Soon the music of John Cena hits to a mixed reaction. Cena grabs a microphone:[/I] [B]Cena:[/B] Bring out this phenom I haven't got time for this. Hope you're watching Triple H. [I]The Phenom makes his way to ringside as the fans erupt in a chorus of cheers.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]RAW versus SmackDown!: John Cena versus The Undertaker[/B] Triple H looks on as the crowd provide a great reaction to this contest. Cena gets heavily booed early on, and the crowd soon start to get behind The Undertaker as he hits Old-School. The match is fairly even, with many surprised at the amounts of offence Cena is able to get onto the former World Champion. The finish comes when Undertaker goes for a Chokeslam, Cena hits a Low Blow behind the referee's back, and connects with the FU. [B]Winner in 12.52: John Cena[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]We cut backstage to find RAW's Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho sitting in a locker-room with Jake:[/I] [B]Jake:[/B] Hardy looked pretty good earlier on though Chris. Just be careful out there. [B]Jericho:[/B] Don't worry about me., I have plenty of time to prepare for Hardy. I'd worry about yourself at Night of Champions, you're against his brother, remember? [B]Jake:[/B] It's about time I got a title shot. I may be English, but at Night of Champions, the US title's coming to me. [I]Jericho nods at Jake, and the two smile at eachother as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]RAW Invades: Non-Title: Holly & Rhodes versus JBL & Paul Burchill[/B] The Tag Team Champions from RAW make a surprise appearance on SmackDown! to take on the make-shift partnership of Burchill and JBL. Rhodes continues to impress, although is beaten down for a majority of the match. When he finally does get a tag to Holly he's able to hit the Alabama Slam on Burchill for the victory. [B]Holly & Rhodes beat JBL & Burchill in 7:40, pinfall with an Alabama Slam[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]Jeff Hardy's music hits across the arena for the second time tonight and he comes out to address the fans:[/I] [B]Hardy:[/B] It's great to be here tonight. Thanks for the warm welcome. I hope you'll all continue to support me at Night of Champions when I win back my Intercontinental Championship. [I]Hardy keeps it short and sweet as the fans applaud. He shakes hands of fans at ringside as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]RAW versus SmackDown!: Jilian Hall versus Cherry[/B] Jilian comes to SmackDown! to take on the former valet of Deuce and Domino, Cherry, who receives a mixed reaction from the fans. The two surprisingly put on a better match than Phoenix and Michelle showed earlier, which ends with Jilian hitting a Face Plant for the victory. [B]Winner in 13.05: Jilian Hall[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]We cut backstage to find Shawn Michaels from RAW walking through the backstage area. He bumps into a fellow RAW employee, Randy Orton:[/I] [B]Orton:[/B] What in the hell are you doing here tonight? You aren't scheduled for a match. [I]Michaels simply smiles and walks away from the area, leaving Orton to look very confused as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Non-Title: RAW versus SmackDown!: Triple H versus Edge[/B] The most hyped match of the evening sees the Champions from RAW and SmackDown! competing against one another. The match is fine, and towards the end Triple H looks set to hit a Pedigree, before Santino Marella shockingly knocks Hunter down with a clothesline as the referee rings the bell. [B]Winner via Disqualification in 13.13 due to Interference: Triple H[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]Following the conclusion of the match Triple H gets beat down by both Edge and Santino Marella. Umaga's music then hits and he joins the attack on The Game. Whilst Santino and Umaga strike Hunter, Edge grabs a microphone from the ringside area:[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] You see Triple H? Umaga and Santino, from your own show, they despise you. This is what you get when you hold people back. [I]The World Champion returns to the ring and hits a thunderous spear on Triple H whilst Umaga and Santino hold him up as we cut to a commercial break.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]RAW versus SmackDown!: Non-Title: William Regal versus Matt Hardy[/B] The General Manager of RAW wrestles his first wrestling match in a while here in SmackDown!'s main event against the United States Champion. Jake is on commentary scouting Hardy for this match, and it ends when Matt Hardy is able to hit a Twist of Fate to secure the win. [B]Winner in 13.19: Matt Hardy[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]Following the conclusion of our main event we cut backstage to find Triple H and John Cena nose to nose. Triple H has a black eye:[/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] Where the hell were you earlier? You won your match, and I just sat back and watched. [B]Cena:[/B] All's fair in love and war Champ. You should know that. I just hope you'll be able to compete in time for our title match. [I]Triple H looks furious as Cena smiles at the bruised WWE Champion as the show comes to a close.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Show Rating: B-[/B] [B]Current WWE Night Of Champions Card:[/B] Mickie James (c) versus Beth Phoenix for the WWE Womens Championship John Cena versus Triple H (c) for the WWE Championship Holly & Rhodes (c) versus DiBiase & Smith for the World Tag Team titles Kane (c) versus The Big Show for the ECW Championship Chris Jericho (c) versus Jeff Hardy for the Intercontinental Championship Matt Hardy (c) versus Jake for the WWE United States Championship
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[B]Monday, Week 2, June, 2008[/B] [I]Jake is at the arena having a conversation with Triple H, the WWE Champion:[/I] [B]Jake:[/B] I heard it was you who pushed for me to get the title match at Night of Champions. [B]Triple H:[/B] You're a good kid. In fact you're on the card tonight against myself. [I]Jake looks astonished at his recent luck as a heel and shakes The Game's hand. He takes a look at the current card on the board:[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]WWE Monday Night RAW:[/COLOR][/B] Non-Title: Triple H versus Jake Non-Title: Chris Jericho versus Randy Orton Non-Title: Mickie James versus Katie Lea
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