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TEW 08 Question

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[quote=darthsiddus2;432512]it will be playable but there are some tweaks you might need to do. like add a Hall of Immortals. but I think thats about it[/quote] Plus: Nationalities, personalities, the sex appeal stat, other languages workers might know soft vs. hard drugs (Rob Van Dam should not die of a heroine overdose), nationalities in gimmicks, reputation (Teddy Hart, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy), the money allocation and exclusivity in tv deals/ppv agreements, the patience and risk of tv networks/ppv companies, australian locations, moves/movesets, the gender of a dojo's workers, family feud relationships, simmering tension relationships, plus there are a few extra match types you'll probably have to import from the default databsase...but other than that there's nothing you should have to change... :cool:
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