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[QUOTE=gg17;431853]Can someone tell me what the disadvantages to only having the trial version are? Like how long do you get to play it for? Because I am not sure![/QUOTE] 1) You can only play it for 1 month of game time. 2) The trial will usually include a few creases that will probably be ironed out when the full version is released. But basically, you've downloaded the full version already - you just have an executable file that only allows a month of play. When you buy the full game - you'll get a replacement .exe file. Dammit...Maxx beat me to it. But I can't be bothered deleting now I've done the typing!!
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;431863]The trial last forever, but you only get to play forward one month in the game. You can do [B][U]January [/U][/B]08 as many times as you want, but never [U][B]February[/B][/U] 08. But trust me, you want this game, I am sure you are sure you want it.[/QUOTE] Fixed for accuracy :D
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