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Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone

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Nothing witty today. Welcome to the Coastal Zone... they can't all be winners. CZCW Coastal Tour November 2010, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Genio feeling like he's on a role, and challenges anyone to a main event tonight. Out comes Lauren, sayingg that since Sparrow's not here tonight, she needs to work out some agression... so she'll take him up on that offer (D) OPENING MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Flying Jimmy Foxx via DQ in twelve minutes, Masked Patriot run-in (E+) Apollo then cuts a promo on Patriot, about how a true patriot would stand and fight, not hit and run (D-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles J4 (c) def. Masked Cougar & Panda Mask in six minutes (E) Backstage, the brawl from last week is recapped and the four men responsible are told they have a tag match... next (D-) THIRD MATCH Kirk Jameson & Remmy Skye def. Fox Mask & Snap Dragon in twenty-two minutes, Remmy flash rollup on Fox (D) Lauren cut a promo on Sparrow (D) MAIN EVENT Lauren the Lion def. Genio Verde in twenty-three minutes via DQ, Sparrow-ference (D+) Show rating: D. Ow. We were hoping the tag match would be better than that... but our instincts were right in having it be the sub-main. On the next Coastal Zone: December is upon us, and she's frigid... oh, wait, California. Nevermind.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;488504] MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Kirk Jameson via DQ after being attacked by Victor St. Hubbins, and then Luis Basora shows up attacking his identical twin Kirk Jameson, and everything just breaks down into ugliness (C-) [/QUOTE] Fixed. Victor St. Hubbins is alive. He was real. Fox Mask knows. He's the only one not affected by the altered timeline. Fox Mask is immune to changes in the TEW timeline. Fox Mask is the zone! That's enough Victor St. Hubbins worship. Now time to move on to another Cornellverse legend like Jim Force or Big Smack Scott...
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Where saying farewell sometimes means never having to say "You're jobbed." Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We bid a fond farewell to Masked Cougar, who, through no fault of his own, was misused and never had the momentum to turn out a decent match. Mosquito is, in fact, his replacement. We also have one more person beingg let go soon, not having their ocntract renewed; you can probably guess who it is. Hrm. Phil Vibert has returned to wrestling. Good for him. We... don't need another mouthpiece, really. If we ever need a manager, Queen Emiliy will do double-duty. CZCW Coastal Tour December 2010, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Genio Verde def. Bulldog Bobby Reynolds in twenty minutes via submission (D) Snap Dragon and Kirk Jameson cut dueling promos (E, E+) SECOND MATCH Mosquito Sleep def. Rod Remus in fourteen minutes via Go To Sleep (D-) Dueling promos from Apollo and Patriot (E+, E) THIRD MATCH Jameson & Apollo def. PAtriot & Dragon in fifteen minutes, Apollo finisher on Patriot (D) Fox cuts a promo on Remmy (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in sixteen minutes via Foxhunter (D+) Show rating: D+. But not a high enough D+, it seems. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We know we hve no chance of hitting Cult this year... but we're still trying to put our popularity in the Southwest higher. Three more shows, then we'll switch bck to the Midsouth for a month... but are we taking too big a burnout risk?
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Officially up waaaay too late (Seriously... it's almost 3 AM!): Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Another slow week, on to the show! CZCW Coastal Tour December 2010, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Flying Jimmy Foxx def. Buldog Bobby Reynolds in twelve minutes via finisher (D-) Fox Mask cuts a promo on... Queen Emily? Um... whoops. Must be 3AM... nope, not for seven minutes yet... (D) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Masked Patriot (c) def. Extraordinario Jr in fifteen minutes, despite the interference of Island Boy Apollo (D+) Lauren the Lion cuts a promo on Sparrow. Something about cats kill birds. (D) THIRD MATCH Snap Dragon def. Lauren the Lion in twenty minutes via DQ when Kirk Jameson attacks Dragon (C-). Sparrow responds to Lauren, saying there's a reason he didnt' interfere in that last match... he didn't need to. She's a shadow, and echo of her former self, and she won't be any competition for him t all (D+) MAIN EVENT Matt Sparrow def. Remmy Skye in eighteen minutes via finisher, interference from Fox and Lauren, yadda yadda (D+) Show rating: D+, again, not a high enough D+. Dammit. So, a quick look at how our four big matches rank for YEar In Review: Right now, Lauren vs Matt has the most heat (those two promos probably helped), followed by Fox/Skye, then Kirk/Dragon, with Apollo/Patriot bringing up the rear. With two shows left ot hype them with, we're hoping to at leasst get the Xtreme match up into the D-rnge for heat; we might even be able to push Lauren/Sparrow up to a C- if we time it right and get a killer segment between them. On the next Coastal Zone: I dunno. It'll be tomorrow, at least. I'm going to bed.
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Where we really need to buy a battery: Welcome to the Ccoastal Zone! Yeah, power cord fell out again. Not a problem this time; we hadn't gotten another show simmed yet. FCW lost their head booker, Shawn Gonzales; they somehow still managed to be smaller than the Zone so we weren't tempted by the offer... but if they ever passed us, we just might, so the Zone could try to get a leg up on the competition. Hrm. PGHW has hit Global size. That... so far, is not affecting us at all... CZCW Coastal Tour December 2010, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Title Masked Patriot (c) def. Rod Remus in fifteen minutes via DQ, Apollo run-in (D) Patriot cuts a promo on Apollo, reminding him that in two weeks, he'll still be champ, and Apollo will still be a chump (D) SECOND MATCH Jared Johnson def. TJ Bailey in eight minutes (E+) Kirk cuts a promo on Snap Dragon, calling one off the oldest people in the Zone (He's right; it's Genio, Phoenix, and Dragon). (E+) THIRD MATCH Lauren & Dragon def. Kirk & Mosquito in twenty minutes despite Sparrow attacking Lauren (D+) Sparrow then cuts a promo on Lauren (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Triple Threat Fox Mask (c) def. Genio Verde & Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-two minutes despite (or because of?) Remmy Skye's run-in (C-) Fox and Remmy then have a stare-down, and Fox thanks Remmy... if not for his run-in at a crucial time, he might've lost that match (E+) Show rating: D+ Another D+. Another D+ that isn't enough to gain us any popularity. Gah. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Three strikes and you're out!
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Stupid, stupid idiot! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! TJ went and started a fight with Genio Verde last night. Stupid, stupid stupid. TJ, meet the unemployment line. Inconsequential Relationship Theater: Tommy cornell doesn't like his play-by-play guy, Shawn Doakes. Hrm. Must make for some fun shows. And oh, by the way, also gone from the Zone: Ace Youngblood. Yeah, he wasn't doing much for us anyway. We decided to go with something different for this week... CZCW Coastal Tour December 2010, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA Genio Verde says everyone with a match at Year In Review isn't here tonight, so he wants to see who wants to knock him off the top of the mountain. Rod Remus accepts the challenge (E+) OPENING MATCH Extraordinario Jr def. Flyingg Jimmy Foxx in twelve minutes via finisher (D-) Hype for Kirk/Dragon (E) SECOND MATCH Bulldog def. Speedball in twelve minutes (E+) Hype for Fox/Skye (E+) THIRD MATCH Ultimate Phoenix def. Mosquito in ninteen minutes via rollup (D-) Hype for Lauren/Sparrow (E+) MAIN EVENT Genio def. Rod Remus in twenty-one minutes (D-) Show rating: E+ Okay, that sucked. But, oddly enough, we didn't lose popularity. On the next Coastal Zone: Year In Review!
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Welcome to CZCW Year In Review! 2010 Year In Review! Card of the Year: TCW Psycho Circus Match of the Year: Great Hisato def. Greg Keith at WLW Big Bang Tour Most Improved Promotion: Pride Glory Honor Wrestling Promotion of the Year: TCW (second win) Female of the Year: Fuyuko Higa Veteran of the Year: Dark EAGLE Youngster of the Year: Greg Gague (Hey, he was in the match of the year, what do you expect?) Wrestler of the Year: Sean McFly Zoners in the Top 100: Heh. Yeah, right. Bad news: Somehow, even BSC put on a better show than we did last month. Yeap, even BSC got a D+ show, and apparently a higher D+ than we did. That... is embarassing. Funny news: Monday: ELPF opens in Europe. Tueday: ELPF falls to Local size. Heh. CZCW Year In Review January 2011, Week 1, Wednesday West Texas Coliseum, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Cage Match Masked Patriot (c) def. Island Boy Apollo in seventeen minutes via escape (D) Kirk cuts a promo on Dragon (E+) SECOND MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Snap Dragon in twenty-four minutes via pinfall (C) Earlier today, Sparrow and Lauren got into a near-physical arguement (D) THIRD MATCH Lauren the Lion draws Matt Sparrow in thirty minutes via double count-out (C) Fox cuts a promo on Remmy (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Ladder Match Fox Mask (c) def. Remmy Skye in twenty-two minutes (C-) Show rating: D+ ... D+??????? OH, COME ON! That was a C- show at least! Next time on the Coastal Zone: You better believe Lauren/Sparrow will continue, but what's next for the rest of our fearless group?
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Where the best-laid plans of mice and men are Welcomed to the Coastal Zone! So, with all the additions and subtractings to the roster... let's re-order it and see how people should come out. Main event: Genio, Phoenix, Sparrow, Skye. Upper: Fox, Lauren, Rod, Mosquito Midcard: Kirk, Apollo, Patriot, Dragon, Bulldog, Foxx, Extraordinario Lower: Moose, Speed, Jackpot Opener: Johnson, Panda Enhancement: Americano, Lizard ... hrm. We casually kicked Kirk up to the upper-midcard. We liked Kirk. Mosquito surprised us by being Upper-worthy already... but we were rather bummed that Remmy had kicked both Fox and Lauren out of being Main Event-worthy so far. The sad thing is, we know our Main Eventers are being measured on their popularity outside out usual haunts... so no amount of jobbin on our part would drop them down and raise someone else up. We'd have to deal with it for now. Momnetum-wise, Sparrow, Fox, and Kirk were all in the C/C- range; Dragon, Genio, and Lauren were all D+, Skye, Patriot, and Apollo were Ds. Then we had a slew of D-/E+s, and a few jobbers in the E/lower range. In further booking news, Farrah Hesketh has left CGC, leaving the head booking position there open. We doubted they'd want two Coastal Zone bookers in a row however, so... So, we've decided on a new schedule: Coastal Tour will stay in the Southwest as long as we keep hitting D+ shows or higher on a consistent basis. We'll do the 'big shows' in the midsouth to keep ourselves from sliding there. In theory, we should be able to hit cult status this year... with a little work. CZCW Coastal Tour January 2011, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Sparrow in the ring, saying YiR was a fluke; he knows that he can beat Lauren, who isn't worthy enough to be in the Zone. Lauren comes out ot challenge him to a rematch, tonight (D+) OPENING MATCH Genio Verde def. Drago Americano in six minutes via finisher (D-) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Title Masked Patriot (c) def. Bulldog Bobby in fourteen minutes via finisher (D-) THIRD MATCH: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in eight minutes via foxhunter (D+) Fox then makes an open challenge for Uprising (D) MAIN EVENT Matt Sparroww draws Lauren th eLion in thirty-four minutes via double count-out (D+) Lauren and Sparrow ten argue with each otehr, and the ref, about the ending to the match, and announce they'll meet at Uprising in a Falls Count Anywhere match (D) Show rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: Two months to go and two matches ready to go... well, one match and a challenge. Maybe we'll wait a week or two before adding more...
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If it's not one thing, it's Welcome to the Coastal Zone So, we, um... were unable to re-negotiate our deal with Queen Emily. She wanted more money than anyone else in the company! So we were setting out to hire someone new to join Cliffy at the announce table soon. How badly losing Emily's natural chemistry with Cliff would hurt us, we didn't know. Nor did we realize how badly that sentance would butcher English grammar. In the meantime, on with the show! CZCW Coastal Tour January 2011, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Lauren coming out, saying she doesn't want to face Fox at Uprising... she wants him tonight. He shows up to accept (D+) OPENING MATCH Mosquito Sleep def. Snap Dragon in nineteen minutes via finisher (D-) Mosquito then calls dibs on Fox at Uprising (D-) SECOND MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Rod Remus in twenty-two minutes via pinfall (C-) Backstage, Sparrwo asks Lauren what she's doing... they still have unfinished business. Lauren tells him tonight is about championships, not egos (D) Fox makes a few jokes about Mosquito being swatted away like a fly (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Lauren the Lion in twenty-seven minutes via Foshunter after interference from Matt Sparrow (C) Show rating: C- Now that's what I'm talking about. Nice, solid show. Now... how in the world will we find a way to screw this up? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We find a way to mess something up.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;451437] Wait, what? Insane Machine will be leaving the company tomorrow? WTF??? Why?... Okay, why weren't we told he has signed a written contract with WLW? We were? Um... oops.[/QUOTE] OMG. The exact same thing just happened to me in [B]my[/B] CZCW game (complete with Machine being the Xtreme champ at the time). This is officially creepy :eek:
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Simming ahead so we don't have to play this game for the next week... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! I mean, hey, I love the game, but my unlimited-game-rental thing is going to waste. I got me some Bad Company to finish playing through, y'know. So, our new owner goal... no longer do we need to hire people who have D- Selling... now we need to hire people with D- Basics. Which, admittedly, we looked for already. No big deal. We'd have the Resilience and Stamina goals change in about two months. Our new announce team... for a few weeks, at least... Cliffy Anderson, Queen Emily, and Remmington Remus. Yeah, nobody else was a) on Emily's level and b) available. CZCW Coastal Tour January 2011, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA And right off the bat, Emily and Remus clash at the table. This is gonna be one of those shows. OPENING MATCH Mosquito Sleep def. Extraordinario Jr in eight minutes via finisher (D) Backstage, Lauren and Matt clash. Turns out it was about egos last week after all, but tonight, it's not just egos or just titles, it's both, in a triple-threat match (D+) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles J4 (c) def. Moose & Panda in four minutes (E+) Fox cuts a promo on Sleep, saying that he's far above Extraordinario's level, and Sleep won't find him nearly that easy to deal with (D-) THIRD MATCH Remmy Skye def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-seven minutes via Skye Diver (D) Skye then notes how he doesn't have a match for Uprising, and wonders who he can find to change that... (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Triangle Match Fox Mask (c) def. Matt Sparrow & Lauren the Lion in twenty-eight minutes after Mosquito Sleep runs in and... help Fox retain? (C) In the brawl/arguement that breaks out afterwards, Sleep reveals that he did what he did because he doesn't want to be cheated out of his match at Uprising. From now on, any title match is either going to include him in the match... or in the finish. Both Sparrow and Lauren are upset, and it looks like there'll be a tag match next week... but what're the sides? (D+) Show rating: D+. Admitedly, we were expecting better from Skye/Phoenix. But the main event more than made up for that. And I think it's time to remove EMily from the announce table and see what the boys can do without her. On the next Coastal Zone: Who will face Remmy Skye at Uprising? Will Mosquito find a way to rise to the main event? And can we keep up the string of popularity-raising shows?
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Now screwing up multiple negotiations in a row: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Genio Verde apparently wanted $2,500 a show, at least 15% of the merchandise, and a title run... we didn't care so much about the title run, but the rest was getting expensive, so we were going to cut him loose. Which means, you guessed it, JOB THE CRAP OUT OF HIM!!!!! CZCW Coastal Tour January 2011, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Jeremiah Moose def. Genio Verde in eight minutes via finisher (D) Of all the pairings to have good chemistry... Mosquito Sleep cuts a promo on Fox, saying nobody's seen what he can really do yet... but Fox'll get a chance to see first-hand (D) sECOND MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Genio Verde in fifteen minutes via Island Driver (D-) ... another good chemistry note? Yeesh. Fox cuts a response on Mosquito (D+) THIRD MATCH Rod Remus def. Genio Verde in eighteen minutes via finisher (E) And now bad chemistry... yikes! There goes our show rating. Sparrow and Lauren cut a promo on Fox an dSleep, saying that at least they know what each other can do (D) MAIN EVENT Lauren & Sparrow def. Fox & Sleep in twenty-five minutes, Sparrow finisher on Fox after everyone turns on their partners (D+) Show rating: D. We consider ourselves lucky it wasn't lower. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: One month until Uprising, and the building up beings building up! Skye's opponent, more Genio jobbing, and who knwos what else?
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Where we need to do more simming already: WElcome to the Coastal Zone! So, after another slow week, we find ourselves with one month to go before Uprising. Or wahtever the next show is. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2011, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Bulldog Bobby Reynolds in twelve minutes via rollup (E) Hypde video for Lauren vs Sparrow (D-) SECOND MATCH Extraordinario Jr def. Snap Dragon in fourteen minutes via finisher (D) Extra waits in the ring for Patriot to come out ofr the next match, and challenges him to a title match at Uprising, if he keeps his title tonight. Patriot accepts (D) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Masked Patriot (c) def. Remmy Skye in seventeen minutes when Rod Remus shows up to chair the crap out of Skye (C-) Remus then cuts a promo on Skye (E+) MAIN EVENT Mosquito Sleep def. Genio Verde in twenty-four minutes via finisher (D+) Show rating: D. D??? Yikes. Seriously, what the hell? That was a pretty good show... On the next Coastal Zone: We try to figure out why our ratings are going down the toilet.
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Swimming down the toilet bowl of life: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Peter Valentine has retired at the age of 47. Doesn't affect us much, as we're steadily lowering our average age to below 30, so retirement won't ever affect us unless it's due to injury. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2011, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with the champs in the ring, when the challengers come out, and set up a tag match for the main event (D) OPENING MATCH Snap Dragon def. Genio Verde in seventeen minutes via rollup (D-) Remmy cuts a promo on Remus (E+) Extraordinario then shows Remmy show it's done by cutting a promo on Patriot (D) SECOND MATCH Lauren & Skye draw Remus & Sparrow in twenty-six minutes via double countout (C-) Afterwards, Sparrow and Lauren argue over who caused that to be a count-out instead of a clean finish (D+) MAIN EVENT Mosquito & Extraordinario def. Fox & Patriot in twenty-three minutes, Extr arolls up Patriot (D) Show rating: D+ ... wait, that was a better show than the last one? Um... okay. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Two shows to go before the next big one. Four matches to type; two need to be pushed up to a D, the other two need to be kept there. Can we do it?
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And now, the special two-hour season premire of Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Just finished tivo'd Bones premire, and now onto Fringe. It's a good TV night. So I might as well get some simming done. Tho it drives my wife nuts when I sim and watch TV at the same time. :) We're going to change things up a bit. Since Genio is leaving, and Emiliy has left, we'll chake up the announce team slightly... Cliff is on color now, Remmington is on play-by-play. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2011, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Sparrow sayin his match with Lauren should be more than a grudge match, it should be a title match, so he's going to take Patriot's title tonight. Patriot comes out and says if Sparrow wants it that bad, he'll enter a steel cage for it (D+) OPENING MATCH Lauren the Lion def. Spirit of the Lizard in a six minute squash (D+) Lauren then cuts a promo on Sparrow, saying it doesn't matter if he wins tonight, she'll take anything he wins from him at Uprising (D) SECOND MATCH Extraordinario Jr def. Ultimate Phoenix in fourteen minutes via finisher (D+) Extra then tells Patriot that he'd better not lose tonight... because the Xtreme Title is his, and he's goingg to win it in just under two weeks (D+) THIRD MATCH Fox Mask & Rod Remus def. Remmy Skye & Mosquito Sleep in twenty-three minutes, Remus rolls up Remmy (D-) Remus then gloats about the win (E+) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Cage Masked Patriot def. Matt Sparrow via pin after overbooked runins by Lauren and Extraordinario in eighteen minutes (D) Show rating: D Wow. We ordered that show wrong, huh? We figured a Fox/Remus reunion from their Pack days would be a decent match... oh, well. But we accomplished our goal of getting Extra/Patriot hyped up a bit. And once more, idioticsm rears it's ugly head. Lizard spread rumors about Remus. We gave him a stern warning and reminded him that we didn't hav to pay him good money to work for five minutes every so often. Hopefully, he'll get the message. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2011, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Flyingg Jimmy Foxx in fourteen minutes via pinfall (D-) Promos from ... aw, crap, Marc Speed (E+), Rod Remus (E), and Fox Mask (D). Guess who showed up via booking error? SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Title Masked PAtriot def. Rod Remus in eighteen minutes via DQ when Extra runs in (D+) Promos from Lauren (C-), Remmy (D-), and Mosquito (E+) MAIN EVENT Lauren, Extra & Sleep def. Fox, Sparrow & Skye in thirty-five minutes, Sleep rollup on Fox, after runins by Patriot and Remus (D+) Show Rating: D+. Hey, we'll take it. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Uprising 2011! Fox vs Mosquito! Skye vs Remus! Extra vs Patriot! Lauren vs Sparrow! One of these matches will not happen!
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Welcome to CZCW Uprising 2011! March 2011, week 1, Wednesday West Texas Coliseam, Midsouth USA We open with Masked PAtriot claiming Extraordinario decided he'd rather be someone else tonight, and that he's got an open spot in a title match available for whoever wants it. He's answered by Kirk Jameson, upset at not being on tonight's card, and the two decide to have Kirk take Extra's place (D-, E+) Remmy Skye does a pre-match promo (E+) OPENING MATCH Remmy Skye def. Rod Remus in thirteen minutes via Skye Driver (C-) Kirk rants about how Patriot doesn't deserve the Xtreme Title. Masks aren't Xtreme! (D-) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Title Masked Patriot (c) def. Kirk Jameson via flash rollup in three minutes (D) THIRD MATCH: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Mosquito Sleep in twenty-two minutes via Foxhunter (C-) Dueling promos from Sparrow and Lauren (D+, C-) MAIN EVENT: 60 Minute Iron Man Match Matt Sparrow def. Lauren the Lion, two falls to one. (D-) Show Rating: D We should really put the Iron Man Match to rest and start letting people get pinfalls in under half an hour... on the plus side, this sets teh bar low for any repeat match penalties...
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If we had a cow, this would be considered Fringe Booking: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Sorry, but Gene the Cow ensured I will watch Fringe for the rest of the season. Um... some stuff happened... but the power cord came out again, and I'm not sure exactly what it was. Luckily, I -did-n't - lose the last three posts... CZCW Coastal Tour March 2011, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Lauren saying that, since she got the first fall in theri Iron Man match, she would've won in a singles match and is the #1 Contender. Matt comes out and feels otherwise. They'll settle it tonight (D+) OPENING MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Snap Dragon, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Bulldog Reynolds, and Dragon Americano in sixteen minutes (E+) Sparrow cuts a promo on Lauren (D) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles J4 (c) def. Spirit of the Lizard & Panda Mask II in nine minutes via pinfall (E+) Lauren cuts a promo on Sparrow (D) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Title Extraordinario Jr def. Masked Patriot (c) and Kirk Jameson in seventeen minutes via finisher (D+) MAIN EVENT: #1 Contendership Matt Sparrow def. Lauren the Lion in twenty-one minutes via finisher (C) Show rating: D+ It's a pity we can't have Lauren/Sparrow again for another four-five months... they do turn out good matches. It appears Dragon Americano had been rubbing Speedball the wrong way... ah, well. Don't really care. CZCW Coastal Tour March 2011, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OpENING MATCH Speedball def. Dragon Americano in nine minutes via submission (E) Matt cuts a promo on Fox, hyping his title shot tonight (D-) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Title Extraordinario Jr (c) def. Masked Patriot in fifteen minutes via pinfall (D+) Extra then makes an open challenge for Spring Break Bash. You want the Xtreme Title? Come get it! (D+) THIRD MATCH Remmy Skye def. Kirk Jameson in twenty-one minutes via flash rollup (D+) Fox hypes up the main event (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) draws Matt Sparrow in ninteen minutes due to the interference of Lauren the Lion. (D+) Lauren then rants on the mic about how she should be the #1 Contender, so at SPring Break Bash, it's going to be a three-way match... and she's getting her title back (D) Show rating: D If not for that first match... ah, well. On the next coastal Zone: Two shows until Spring Break Bash, and we hype the main event as much as we can... what else can we find to put in the show?
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Where we're out of snappy things to say here: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Our new owner goals: D- Basics, Safety, and... Reputation? Hrm. Well, that's not costing us... anyone, that we can tell, but we think we've got the roster about where we want it with the addition of the man who's being given the name 'Goose'. Yeah, I'm sticking with the 'animal names for newbies' thing. Let's re-order the roster... huh. Somehow, that mini-feud with Fox Mask pushed Mosquito Sleep into the main event. We weren't expecting that... but we could use it. CZCW Coastal Tour March 2011, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Bulldog Reynolds def. Huey 'Goose' Cannonball in eight minutes (E-) We get a montage backstage as we learn tonight's main event is a three-way tag, and everyone goe sin search of partners. Fox Mask selects Rod Remus (D-), Lauren picks Remmy Skye (D+), and Sparrow picks Mosquito Sleep (D). SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Title Extraordinario Jr (c) def Jackpot Jordan in nine minutes via DQ when Jared Johnson does the run-in. (D) Afterwards, Extra and Jordan argue, and Extra agrees to give him another title shot, at Spring Break Bash... but his partner has to have a match that tires him out too much to interfere (D-) THIRD MATCH Kirk Jameson draws Ultimate Phoenix in a twenty-minute time limit draw (D+) Kirk then beats down Phoenix afterwards, saying he's sick and tired of not getting any respect... and he's going to start forcing it from people (E+) MAIN EVENT: 3-way Tag Sparrow & Sleep drf. Fox & Remus and Lauren & Remmy in twenty-five minutes despite having 'absolutely zero chemistry' as partners. (D+) Show Rating: D+ Annnd slow news week... CZCW Coastal Tour March 2011, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Masked Patriot def. Flyign Jimmy Foxx in eight minutes via pinfall (D+) Backstage, Remmy confronts Mosquito about a particullarly hard hit in last week's main event. Sleep tells him to relax, but Skye seems to think it meant something (D-) SECOND MATH Huey Goose def. Jeremiah Moose in six minutes via flash rollup (E). Oddest instance of great chemistry we've had yet, this is. Sparrow hypes SBB's main event (D) THIRD MATCH Matt Sparrow def. Rod Remus in sixteen minutes via finisher (D) Lauren hypes the SBB's main event (D) FOURTH MATCH Lauren the Lion def. Mosquito Sleep in eighteen minutes via submission (C???) Holy Great Chemistry Batman... Fox hypes SBB's main event (D) MAIN EVENT Fox Mask def. Remmy Skye via finisher after Mosquito Sleep does a run-in and punts him in the head (D) Show rating: C- Yikes. Two sets of great chemistry (well, 3, but we knew Fox/Remmy had it) and two C matches... that's how you build to a main event. NExt time, on the Coastal Zone: Spring Break Bash has a huge main event, and a clash between two main eventers to go with it... but will anyone show up to see Jared Johnson in action? Yeeeeeah, probably not.
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Welcome to CZCW Spring Break Bash! April 2011, week 1, Wednesday. West Texas Colloseum, Midsouth USA ... and dammit, once again, we forget Extra's working elsewhere... why'd we put the title on him, again? DARK MATCH Masked Patriot win s abattle royal involving everyone else not on the card (D-) We open with a hype video for Remmy vs Sleep (E) OPENING MATCH Jackpot Jordan def. Panda Mask II in five minutes via pinfall (E) Mosquito cuts a promo on Remmy. He may nto have been around the Zone for long... but dammit, he's here, and no, he's not goingg to be the classic Zone superstar... he's going to be the new one (D-) SECOND MATCH Ultimate Phoenix def. Island Boy Apollo in ten minutes via finisher (D) Remmy cuts a promo on Sleep, telling him this isn't about the Zone, this isn't about being the new kid, this is about not owning up to mistakes, not being man enough to say "Yeah, sorry, my bad." (D) THIRD MATCH Rod Remus def. Kirk Jameson in twenty-two minutes via DQ when Kirk snaps (D) and does the post-match beatdown (E) Dueling interviews from Fox (D), Lauren (D), and Matt (D-) FOURTH MATCH Mosquito Sleep def. Remmy Skye in nineteen minutes via finisher (E+... wow, Sleep was -really- off his game) Main Event Hype Video (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW LADDER MATCH Lauren the Lion def. Fox Mask (c) and Matt Sparrow in twenty-nine minutes (C+, New Best Match In Coastal Zone History!) Show rating: C- Wow, the main event saves the show... Remmy, Sleep, what happened? Sleep was off his game, Remmy needed freshening up, but other than that, nothing really happened, it was just... bad. On the next Coastal Zone: After that performance, do we really want to try a Lauren/Sleep feud?
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Why can't we ever get the fun decisions, like... the blonde twins or the redhead twins? No, it's always "Risk the feud on the inconsistent guy, or not". Bah. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Hot twins get in free! So, new rule: No titles if you work for a company that occasionally holds shows the same day we do. Which, right now, only effects one person. CZCW Coastal Tour April 2011, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles J4 (c) def. Moose & Goose in eight minutes via pinfall (D-) We go to Lauren celebrating her win, when Fox comes out. Lauren got into the title match by claiming her pinfall in the Iron Man Match meant she was #1 Contender.... well, Fox claimss that in a one-on-one match, he would have won. So tonight, it's Lauren vs Fox, one on one, for the title (D+) SECOND MATCH Masked Patriot def. Kirk Jameson in seventeen minutes via DQ when Kirk, once more, snaps (C-) Kirk and Patriot then argue over if that was called for or not, and Patriot promises this isn't over. (D-) THIRD MATCH Mosquito Sleep def. Ultimate Phoenix in nineteen minutes via rollup (D) Mosquito then declared himself the new #1 Contender, and regardless of who wins the main event, "I got next." (D+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Lauren the Lion (c) def. Fox Mask in twenty-one minutes via finisher (C) Show rating: D+ We seem to be on a string of hot shows... a fair bit of our midcard has evolved to the point where they can put on entertaining matches in any part of the card. Now, to make sure we don't screw up... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Lauren vs Sleep at Redundancy Show -- can we get people interested, or will this go down as a bad idea?
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Going ahead with bad ideas sincce 2005: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Hrm. One more addition to the roster, for just in case... we didn't want SWF raiding the roster if they managed to jump back past cult anytime soon... CZCW Coastal Tour April 2011, week 2, Sunday The Snake pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: CZCW Tag J4 def. Dragon Americano & Spirit of the Lizard in five minutes via pinfall (E+) Mosquito Sleep cuts a promo on Lauren, saying the day of the new guy is coming soon (D-) Kirk cuts a promo on Masked Patriot, sayin tonight there won't be any mistakes... just a beating (D) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Snap Dragon def. Extraordinario Jr (c) in sixteen minutes (D) Patriot cuts a response promo on Kirk (D) THIRD MATCH Masked Patriot def. Kirk Jameson in twenty-one minutes via pinfall (E, repeat-match penalty) Lauren cuts a promo on Sleep, sayingg she'll be watching tonight closely (D+) MAIN EVENT Mosquito Sleep def. Matt Sparrow in nineteen minutes via DQ due to Lauren running in (D-) Show Rating: D-. Whoops, tried too hard there. On the next Coastal Zone: We'll do better, we swear!
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We're in your (noun), (verb)ing your (nouns)! (Greeting) to the (adjective) (noun)! Ah, just the thing to go with simming, a pair of classic movies: Airplane! and Clue... which, yes, means that we're in for a couple of 'those' postings. :) Now, let's see if we can make up for last week... without repeating too much... hrm. CZCW Coastal Tour April 2011, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA Dark Match: CZCW Title: Lauren the Lion def. Eagle Washington in ten minutes (D) OPENING MATCH Extraordinario Jr def. Eagle Washington in ten minutes via rollup (E+) Hype video for Lauren vs Sleep at WttCZ (D-) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Snap Dragon (c) def. Rod Remus in sixteen minutes (D) Sleep cuts a promo on Lauren (D) THIRD MATCH Remmy Skye def. Masked PAtriot in sixteen minutes (C) Lauren cuts a promo on Sleep (D) MAIN EVENT Triple-threat Mosquito Sleep def. Matt Sparrow and ultimate Phoenix in twenty-six minutes via finisher on Phoenix (D) Show Rating: D Wow, random good match from Remmy... tho Patriot's been impresively good lately, too... hrm... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: With onee week to go, will we manage to hype up the only match announced for the card? Or will this be the mot mediocre card in history?
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Where we realized we're getting low on simmed shows... and our son won't go to bed... Welcome to the Coastal... I SAID BEDTIME! Git back there, ya little varmit! Hard to believe that I've haad him longer than I've had the Coastal Zone... can that be right? *checks* June 20, 2004 was the first Coastal Zone post... so yeah, he out-ages the Zone by about eight months. *sniffle* The Zone'll be heading to kindergarden in another year... Retirements! On the same day: Alyssian Scottsfield, Eva Berlin, and Runaway Train. Train had been unemployed since July, so it wasn't a big blow to any major company... but still. CZCW Coastal Tour April 2011, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Masked Patriot def. Extraordinario Jr in eighteen minutes via Patriot Slam (C-) Patriot then cuts a promo on Remmy Skye, telling him that he's got his number... and he challenges him to a rematch at Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Remmy... doesn't respond (D) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles J4 (c) def. Panda & Lizard in five minutes via pinfall (E+) Sleep hypes up the main event for Welcome to the Coastal zone (D) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Snap Dragon (c) def. Remmy Skye in nineteen minutes due to Masked Interference (D+) Lauren rants about how Sleep doesn't deserve a title shot (C-) Remmy accepts Patriot's challenge, saying he's got The Enigmatic One's full attention (D-) MAIN EVENT Lauren & Fox def. Sleep & Sparrow in twenty-one minutes, Sleep rolls up Lauren (C-) Show rating: D+ In a shocker, BHOTWG falls to Cult size. On the next Coastal Zone: Welcome to the Coastal Zone 2011! Lauren the Lion vs Mosquito Sleep for the CZCW Title! Masked Patriot vs Remmy Skye! And probably a bunch of other stuff too... or it'll be a pair of Iron Man Matches, and those haven't been paying off too well for us lately...
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Welcome to Welcome to the Coastal Zone 2011! Ah, the annual Redundancy Show.... May 2011, week 1, Wednesday West Texas Coiseaum, Midsouth USA Dark match: 10-man battle royal, featuring everyone not on the card. Fox Mask wins (D-, yes, you read that right, Fox Mask is not on the card.) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Title Snap Dragon (c) def. Kirk Jameson in fifteen minutes via DQ, Kirk snaps and ignores the ref (C-) Sleep hypes the main event (D-) SECOND MATCH Matt Sparrow def. Ultimate Phoenix in ninteen minutes via finisher (C) Patriot rants about Remmy, and tells him that tonight... he brought the cage with him... (E+) THIRD MATCH: Tag Titles Team America (Eagle Washington & Flyingg Jimmy Foxx) def. J4 (c) in nine minutes via pinfall (E+) Team America celebrates a bit afterwards, just to provide folks a chance to get back from the bathrooms (E+) Backstage, Lauren bumps into Mosquito, and the two exchange some choice (bleeped) words (D) FOURTH MATCH: Cage Remmy Skye def. Masked Patriot in eighteen minutes via finisher (E... overuse... despite our trying to make it better than any of their other matches... arg). Remmy then declares himself the #1 Contender against whoever walks out with the belt (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Ladder Lauren the Lion (c) def. Mosquito Sleep in twenty-four minutes (C) Show Rating: D+. After the sub-main mistake, that's the best we can hope for. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Lauren vs Remmy! Last time they met, Remmy came out on top... this could be anybody's game! New tag champs try to revive a division, and will Kirk continue to snap? All this... and the shoking appearance you won't see coming!
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Where you only get twelve chances to make a first impression: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Spirit of the Lizard was involved in a backsta... whoa, deja vu. This time, he was picking on Sleep. We made him realize this was the absolute last time we'd allow this. It turns out former Zoner, Miss Mexico, was retiring soon. Regrettably, we wouldn't be able to offer her a contract to have her final match with us. CZCW Coastal Tour May 2011, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, SOuthwest USA We open with Remmy in the ring, oce mroe declaring himself #1 Contender, when Fox Mask comes out and tells Remmy he's not the only one who won last night -- and Fox is the only one who beat nine other men. Remmy responds by saying he's the only one people actually saw win. Yeah, they'll have a match tonight. (D) OPENING MATCH Ultimate Phoenix def. Masked Patriot in fifteen minutes via Firebird Splash (C-) Remmy cuts a promo on the main event (D) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Team America (c) def. Moose & Goose in eleven minutes via pinfall (E+) Fox cuts a promo on Remmy (D) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Title Snap Dragon (c) def. Kirk Jameson via DQ when Kirk snaps after fifteen minutes (D+) Out comes Ultimate Phoenix, saying he's sick and tired of Kirk's recent lack of respect to his opponents. Kirk's given up on winning and is just focusing on hurting people... and Phoenix is tired of seeing young punks with that attitude end their careers, or end someone else's carrers. So Phoenix is going to show Kirk what it means to snap... at Battle at the Beach, it'll be a Submission match. And Phoenix will show Kirk first-hand that it's time to quit (D) MAIN EVENT: #1 Contendership Remmy Skye def. Fox Mask in twenty-four minutes via Skye Diver (C) Show rating: D+ We really need to stop putting on 'average' sub-main matches. On the next Coastal Zone: That's... embarassing.
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