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Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone

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CZCW Coastal Tour October 2013, week 4, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Kirk Jameson. Look, like I told Peers... I get treated much better than this in Canada. If he's going to use me, he needs to use me with some respect. He seems to be listening to me; I'm getting an Xtreme Title match tonight. Sure, everyone knows I'm not winning, since there's the Unification match coming up, but hey... it could be a way out of unifying the titles. Some of the other guys... Acid, Apollo, some of the others... need to tell Peers to use them right or don't use them at all. He's got to listen to us if all get together. Yeah, yeah, I know... there's no unions in wrestling. Besides, there's enough jobbers to replace the others if they leave. Me, I can just keep working up north. Tonight's show... I dunno. There's this vibe to it. It's the last show before Long Dark Night, and people want to make it a good one. The opening match is a good example, Insane Machine and Acid II. They put a lot of effort into it, and... I mean, nobody expects Acid to win, but he makes a great show of it and actually gets a near fall at one point before taking the Kick (C-). Machine then tries to hype his match against Eagle Washington (D-), and we move on another surprising match, Jim Force vs Mercutio Sleep. Sleep wins when Speedball interferes, and Force can't believe it (D+). Most Spectacular then challenges Fox Force Five to a tag match at the big show (D-). I'm up next; the lucha Xtreme match. I like Dragon; he's a lot of fun to work with, and makes me wish the Canadian feds would hire more luchadores. Again, nobody expects me to win, but we work a few close falls in there, a few finisher reversals, and eventually I take the Dragon Driver and get pinned (C-). I roll out of the ring and let Dragon cut his promo on Andrews, and it's a great promo for him (C-). The next match continues a trend of good matches tonight, with Teddy Powell defeating Freddie Datsun, after Steve Gumble interfering to allow the win (C-). Andrews comes out to rant about Dragon (C-), and we're onto the main event, a tag title match as Andrews tries to grab all the gold in the Zone he can. He and Barry Kingman against Lauren and Remus? You better believe it's a great match, even with Dragon doing the interference to draw the DQ win for Andrews (C+). Andrews retaliates by beating down Dragon with a ladder after the match (D+), and... that's the show. It's a better show than the last few we've had (C), and it's a good feeling... there's a lot of hope for Long Dark Night. As far as I know, I'm not part of it... although I can always hope that Cliff will decide to spend a little extra money with a 'not on the card battle royal'... but lately? I doubt it. Show Results, since I've been forgetting... Insane Machine def. Acid II (C-) Mercutio Sleep def. Jim Force (D+) Xtreme Lucha: Dragon del Arco Iris (c) def. Kirk Jameson (C-) Teddy Powell def. Freddie Datsun (C-) Tag Titles: Aaron Andrews & Barry Kingman def. Lauren & Remus via DQ (C+) Show rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: The very first Long Dark Night!
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As a side note from Homefront: Brimstone? Curtain Jerking? Of course. Match of the night? Whoa. Also, as a side note to the side note, tonight will be the last show of employment for Queen Emily. She's great at what she does, she brings out the best in Cliff at teh announce table, and she's the most expensive person on the roster. She's not worth it. Cutting her will save us twelve grand a month (since she only worked one weekly show and the monthly show). Also leaving: One half of Team Panda, Panda Mask II. He's not as cheap as he used to be, and he's not as good as we want him to be. CZCW Long Dark Night 2013 November 2013, week 1, Wednesday Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA Marc 'Speedball' Speed. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Here's another long-time Zone member who's going to kvetch and complain about his spot on the show and how bad a push he's getting." Unlike some off the others, I like what I do. I'm not trying to make a living out of this. It's just something I enjoy doing. The fact I'm getting a bit of a tag-team push helps, but I've been in the 'tag team push' before, and it didn't really work out. This... I dunno, this might be different. Sleep's got talent, he just doesn't get much respect. Together... I think we've got something here. I just wish I knew what Peers was thinking... he's not telling anyone anything, even the results of their own match, until right before we head out there. The show starts with Fox Force Five cutting a promo on us backstage... every time Fox tries to say something, Force starts... well, Force-ing it up (D). The camera cuts back to me and Sleep, and we cut your standard "The hot new rising team looking to dethrone the established stars" promo in response (D), and then we all head down to the ring. Yeah, we're jerkin' the curt'in tonight. Hey, a match with Fox Mask and Jim Force is still a good palce to be, no matter where in the card it is. Before we head out, I tell Mercutio to just relax... we're not the most hyped match on the card, we're just an opener... we can have fun with this. It doesn't matter if we suck, so no pressure. And then, as we're about to step out, Peers tells us the finish for the match, and tells us to throw something together for fifteen minutes before we go into it. I think Mercutio's exact words were "No pressure, huh?" So, we go through some of the double-team moves we've been working on. There's a dodged Foxhunter, there's a Full Force Slam, but the pin gets broken up by Sleep running in and getting Force off me. Finally, Fox tags himself in with a blind tag, and Force gets mad at him for it, and Sleep and I work in stereo rollups. They both kick out, but Fox and Force start arguing and tagging each other out, until Force finally tags Fox rather hard and knocks him out of the ring; we land a spike Go To Sleep on Force for the pinfall, and the crowd... amazingly enough, the crowd could tell we were just having fun in there, and gave us a great reaction for an opening match (C). After that... nothing, not even a bombing show, could ruin our mood. The four of us hit the showers, 'cause we were pretty ripe. Apparently we missed a pretty average Insane Machine promo (D), and got back to the Green Room to catch... about half of the Machine/Washington match. They tried their best. I don't knwo what it was... having to follow us, work with little build-up, nobody buying Eagle as a threat, or just the two of them not working with each other's style... it was a decent match, don't get me wrong... but it wasn't a good match. The Termination Kick got teased one too many times, and when he finally hit it... it felt like four mintues too long (D+). Next up, the tag champs came out to talk about not being on the card, and making an open challenge for the night... there's a cameraman in the Green Room, watching us. I elbow Mercutio and ask if he wants to head down again, but before he can answer, Barry Kingman's music hits and he gets in the ring... then introduces his partner, Teddy Powell (D). With those four, you know you're getting a good match, and sure enough they don't disapoint. I'm kinda glad it's not us down there... two matches in a night? We're not Superman. Men. Supermen. Whatever. The match turns out to just be really good filler, and the champs retain, but Mercutio and I are grinning like idiots at the thought of facing those two again (C). Dragon is out to cut a promo on Andrews for the unification match (C-)... seriously, a unification match. We have two singles titles, and we're unifying them. I don't get that. After that, Datsun and Gumble come out and Gumble gives Datsun one last chance to apologize. Gumble responds that Datsun is the one who should be apologizing. Things break down fast after that (D+). The two of them have... well, a match that lives up to the rest of the night. I honestly wasn't following their storyline too closely, but Gumble winning has to signal some kind of push, and he's the only guy beyond Andrews who hasn't lost tonight (C). Andrews cuts a promo before the main event, drawing attention to the lack of hype video and how tonight, another Zone tradition dies (C). Being an outsider really draws decent heat here. The ladder is brought out, Dragon comes out, the titles are hung, and Pee-Wee signals for the match to start. The result is a half-hour of solid action that manages to one-up the tag matches. I didn't think you could do some of those things with a ladder... and I know there were some you can't do safely, or painlessly. But every mouth in the arena dropped when Dragon hit a Dragon Driver '07 off the top of the ladder, spiking Andrews into the mat and then re-climbing the ladder to get the titles (C+). We have a unified champion, and it's Dragon del Arco Isis Jr. After a show like that (C), we should have some people talking... and us guys in the back are certainly talking about it, too. Show Summary: Mostly Spectacular def. Fox Force Five (C) Insane Machine def Eagle Washington (D+) Tag Titles: Lauren & Remus (c) def. Powell & Kingman (C) Stave Gumble def. Freddie Datsun (C) Unification: Dragon del Arco Iris def. Aaron Andrews (C+) Show rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: The Day Of The Dragon begins.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;550143]Also, as a side note to the side note, tonight will be the last show of employment for Queen Emily. She's great at what she does, she brings out the best in Cliff at teh announce table, and she's the most expensive person on the roster. She's not worth it. Cutting her will save us twelve grand a month (since she only worked one weekly show and the monthly show). [/QUOTE] Am I reading that right - $12k for two shows? :eek: No wonder you want to let her go. And a huge suprise win for the Dragon - but he deserves it.
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[QUOTE=eayragt;550159]Am I reading that right - $12k for two shows? :eek: No wonder you want to let her go. And a huge suprise win for the Dragon - but he deserves it.[/QUOTE] ... I have two weekly shows. She worked one of them. So that's four shows, plus the monthly.
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CZCW Coastal Tour November 2013, week 1, Sunday West Texas, Midsouth USA Barry Kingman. When you get paid two grand for working, at most, a half-hour a night, you don't complain about the company. Well, you do if you're Andrews. Or Gumble. Or Datsun. Maybe I've got a different outlook on things because I'm the son of the Crippler. Or maybe those guys are just spoiled. I'm not complaining about a push, or lack of push, or how I'm not allowed to pull pranks, or whatever... the others, they act like they own the place just because we brought them in for 'star power'. Like tonight's show, for that matter. I don't even have a speaking part; I show up, wrestle, shower, and go home. Oor I would, if I was as unprofessional as some people. I get there before the show, watch the whole thing, and go home when the show is over. So I'm there watching when the show opens, with Andrews demanding his rematch for both titles, and demanding it tonight. Dragon comes out with both belts and accepts (C-). I get to watch Insane Machine beat Whippy the Clown in a much longer match than Whippy deserves, but they manage not to make a mess of it (D+). Machine then declares that he's been on a roll, and wants to face Dragon at Year In Review (D+). Something new here... we get a video recap of the formation of Fox Force Five, and then bits from the last show where they seemed to implode. I have the awful feeling we're building to... yeap, Fox vs Force at YiR (D-). The next match is Mercution Sleep defeating Rod Remus, and I think this Sleep kid is starting to come into his own, because this is a pretty decent match (C-). Andrews comes out to rant about Dragon a bit (C), and then I'm up. By my math, I'm getting paid about a hundred bucks a minute tonight, and I show I'm worth my cost by putting on the best match of the night. It helps that I'm facing Steve Gumble... for all his personality problems, he's got skill in the ring, and we work a good match. Although that finisher kick of his is stiff as hell (C). Steve then declares his own intention to face Dragon at YiR (D), and then Dragon comes out to talk about Andrews for a bit (D). The main event is... not as good as their last match, but still a good match, ending with Dragon winning via DQ when Machinee and Gumble run in and start beating on him... and each other... and Andrews gets mad, and it's a big brawl, until Dragon is the only one left in the ring (C). Dragon then starts yelling at Gumble and Machine, saying he'll face both of them, but it'll be in a match of his choice -- a triple-threat ladder match (C-). So, another good show -- we seem to be having a string of those lately (C-). I think the Zone's got a good future, especially if we can keep up the good shows. I think the problem is, it won't be enough. I've seen this beofre, heard my dad talk about stuff like this... it's going to be an interesting ride. Show Results: Insane Machine def. Whippy the Clown (C-) Mercutio Sleep def. Rod Remus (C-) Steve Gumble def. Barry Kingman (C) Unified Title: Dragon (c) def. Andrews (C) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: A triple-threat for a unified title... okay, not the most unique idea, but two of the three work for under a grand a night, so why not? Let's see if we can get some heat behind it...
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CZCW Coastal Tour November 2013, week 2, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Dale Kenney. Hi there. My name's Dale Kenny. You may remember me as Randall the Vandal. My story's as old as the business... I love wrestling, but never got really popular, and eventually my body gave out on me. So, I started reffing. Which brings me to the Zone. I'm not the best ref in the world, I know that. Pee-Wee Germaine is, argueably, the best ref in the world. He's also the most expensive, which is part of why I'm here. I don't know exactly what he's getting paid, but Peers tells me that my being on the roster will shave something like fifteen percent off the company's monthly losses. So, hey, I don't have to be a great ref, just a cost-effective one. I'm used to reffing more traditional matches, slower-paced ones, so I know I'm going to screw up a bit at first... but if I'm that much cheaper, it shouldn't be an issue, right? Like tonight's first match, for instance. Most Spectacular against Team Lucha. I've never reffed a lucha match in my life, but I guess this isn't lucha rules... whatever. Speedball and Mercutio Sleep work well as a team, but Acid II and Capitao Brasil seem like they haven't been working together long. Speedball gets the pin after some funky double-team move, and I almost mess up by not being in position to count the fall... but I get there in time (D). The winners then cut a promo on the tag champions, hyping up a meeting at the big show, and I hope I don't mess up that show... bad karma, right? (D+). Then, backstage, Dragon talks up his triple-threat match, and tells us he has something special planned for later tonight (D+). The next match... I dunno, I'd been told the Zone was the place for rising stars. The next match certainly doesn't feel that way. Fox Mask, supposedly one of the veterans here, takes on Harrison Hash... yeah, the former Panda Mask... and eventually pins him, but... damn, that was a boring match (D-). Fox cuts a promo on Jim Force, saying something about teaching respect at Year In Review (D+). Then, backstage again, as Dragon announces his something special: Tonight, he's asked a couple friends to help him train for a triple-threat ladder ladder match in a non-title triplee threat ladder match... and if one of them beats him, well, he'll give them a title shot (E+). The next match... now, this is what I was expecting. Fast-paced, hard-hitting, and I basicly just try to stay out of the way. I think the boys are playing with me -- they tease a ref bump that I wasn't aware of, and I freeze for a moment, not sure if I should sell or get out of the way, but Machine stops his Termination Kick before it gets near my face. Hazing the new guy... you'd think I'd remember how that works. I get cute and argue with Machine about it, and duck a second Kick just in time for it to hit Kirk Jameson in the face, and I count the pinfall (C)... then scuttle away from Machine as he cuts a promo on Dragon and Gumble (D). Then, backstage, Island Boy Apollo reveals himself as one of the friends Dragon asked for help (E+). Dollar for dollar, I can't believe this next match is actually worse than the last one. Steve Gumble is, y'know, moderately famous, and Ultimate Phoenix is fairly popular south of the border, and this match is... well, a little underwhelming. They just... didn't work well together, and I'm fairly certain it's not becuase of my reffing. Gumble gets the pin with his finisher kick... lots of finisher kicks here... (C-), and then does his own promo on Dragon (D+). Then, backstage, the other part of the main event is introduced -- Jonnie Perez. I think his brother's big in Japan (E-). Finally, the main event. It's a ladder match, so I get to just sit at ringside and wave for the bell when someone grabs the paper-mache belt from above the ring. For a company able to put on some great matches, this is... frankly, this is pure indy. Nobody has any doubt that Dragon is going to win, and so this winds up just being boring time-filler. I can't remember the last time I saw people walking out half-way through a main event (D). Peers comes up to me afterwards, tells me it's not my fault that the show was worse than usual (D+), to blame him... which, y'know, is fine with me. I had a blast, and I think there's tons of potential here, and I'm gonnaa ride it until they find someone even cheaper than me. And with what I'm getting paid, that's not likely to happen anytime soon. On the next Coastal Zone: Cliff Anderson, alone at the announce table, begins to assert some authority.
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CZCW Coastal Tour November 2013, week 3, Sunday Grissom Arena, Southwest USA Cliff Anderson. It's embarassing, really. Peers walked in on me in the bathroom, cutting a promo in the mirror. I clamed up, but he told me to continue... my time working with Emily had really improved my talking, he said. So, he wants me to take a bit of a bigger role in the shows. I don't know how I feel about that, but then he told me that, since I don't draw a salary, using me is infinitely more cost-effective than using anyone else. That, my friends, is how you speak my language. I start the show at the announce table, and announce that, since Year In Review is at the end of December, I refuse to have the unified title go undefended until then. So, both Steve Gumble and Insane Machine have been allowed to select someone to compete in tonight's contendership match to see who faces Dragon next week. I have to admit... I don't suck (D+). The opening match, however... Island Boy Apollo vs Jackpot Jordan? That... has no relevance whatsoever, and the crowd realizes it. Apollo gets a win, and at least it's short (E+). Dragon cuts a quick promo backstage about how he doesn't care who he faces next week, he's still going to Year In Review as the champion (D). Then, a promo from Gumble and Machine, revealing their thought process... picking people they thought could beat Dragon, but that they felt they could beat. So tonight, our main event is Jim Force... and Ulimate Phoenix (D+). Next up... Tidal Booking! Apparently, Jonnie Perez and Kirk Jameson want the tag titles, so they'll go through tidal booking tonight. Two singles matches, and if they can win either one of them, they get a tag match. The first match is Lauren vs Jonnie, and it's relatively short, with Lauren getting the win with her suplex (C-). Rod comes out, and the champs taunt the challengers for a bit (D+), and then the other singles match... which is horrid by comparison, almost dropping to Apollo/Jackpot levels, with Kirk getting the surprise roll-up victory (D-). The challengers then celebrate the fact that they've won a title match (D-), and we get right to it. Both sides are a bit tired, so the match isn't as long as I like title matches to be, but the champs retain and don't look quite as bad as that singles match (D+). The champs then cut a promo on Most Spectacular (D+) and we move on to something that will hopefully be more fun. We follow that mess up with another tag match, as Gumble and Machine take on Dragon and his surprise partner Fox Mask. This is a much longer match, but not much better, and ends with a Termination Kick on Fox (D+). We get promos from Jim Force (D+) and Ultimate Phoenix (D), and then the main event... well, bombs. We had a sold-out crowd, and I know I saw empty seats before the match finished. For the record, next week is Dragon vs Phoenix, and I like the Mentor/Student vibe from that (D). Not our best show... but not one that made people think we suck, so I can't complain too much (D+). It still brought in money, and we're dangerously close to breaking even... of course, before those pesky end-of-month expenses, but I still can't complain too much. I can still complain, though. We're finishing the month with under a half-million in cash. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt, for now... but I'll be damned if I let him bankrupt my company. He got close before... I don't want him to think I'll let him get away with it again. On the next Coastal Zone: Dragon vs Phoenix. And to keep things fair, Gumble vs Machine!
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CZCW Coastal Tour November 2013, week 4, Sunday West Texas, MidSouth USA William "The Grand Avatar" Peers. That penny-pinching little... okay, I can understand he's upset. But this is just... mean. I know he doesn't put on great matches, but Jim Force is... Jim Force! How can you -not- want him on your roster? Obviously, Cliff doesn't. He set me a new goal... no hiring or extending contracts of people with less than C- Athleticism. Jim Force is barely passing that, and he's the only one in danger of falling under that. If Jim gets hurt... ah, well. What're the odds of Jim Force working so hard he pulls something? Yeah, I probably just jinxed myself. Something's going to go wrong. And not just because I'm booking while sick. Yeah, I caught the flu. But I'm still going to try to make this feel like a big-time show tonight. We open backstage with Dragon and Phoenix, discussing tonight's match. It's your basic student/master kung-fu movie stuff, with a luchadore twist. I think it goes down pretty well (D+). The opening match... doesn't, but at least it's short, as Mostly Spectacular finished off J4 in one of the shortest tag matches in recent memory (D-). We then go backstage again, as Fox and Force are seeking partners for a tag match tonight. Fox picks Barry Kingman as his partner, and Jim Force picks Freddie Datsun as his. I know, I know... this is booking for a good match, not to pick partners that make sense (D). In another part of backstage, Dragon cuts a solo promo on Phoenix, talking about how Phoenix is the grandmaster of Lucha in the Zone... but Dragon is from a part of Mexico where Phoenix is an afterthought, and tonight, he shows why (D+). This is the part off my plan I'm not sure of... introducing the comcept of 'different schools of lucha', whereas the Zone always treated Lucha as a whole. If it doesn't work, well, maybe I can just sweep it under the rug. The Fox/Kingman vs Force/Datsun tag is next, and... wow, this is much worse than I was expecting. When these four can only pull off a match like this, something is very, very wrong. Fox gets the win, but nobody really looked good during this one (D). Backstage again, this time for Phoenix. He gives your standard 'old gunfighter being called out again' promo, saying that he respects Dragon, but tonight he needs to show why he's the leader of Team Lucha (D+). First, we get our sub-main of MAachine vs Gumble, and we do a nice, long, action-killed match with multiple finisher-kick-dodges, and finally go to brawing outside the ring, a double-finisher-kick-connect, and both men are knocked out and fail to answer the ten-count to get back into the ring (C). With a match like that, I have high hopes for the triplee-threat ladder match. To show a return to tradition, we get a hype video before the main event (D+), and then go right into Dragon vs Phoenix. I kinda kick mself for not making this a Lucha Libre rules match, but I'm sure it won't make too big a difference. The match rocks a box of socks on the docks, and goes for a good half-hour befoore the Dragon Driver '07 connects and the champ retains (C+). Now that's the kind of show I was hoping for... after the last few, it's nice to be able to know I can still book decently (C). Although if I could replace that tag match with something better... Ah, well. Four shows to go before Year In Review. Let's see if we can do something memorable here... Show Summary: Mostly Spectacular def. J4 (D-) Fox/Kingman def. Force/Datsun (D) Insance MAchine draws Steve Gumble (C) Unified Title: Dragon del Arco Iris Jr (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix (C+) Show Rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: Our last trip to Texas for the year means... ah, hell, I don't know what it means...
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Notes from the Homefront: Masked Patriot recovered from his injury earlier than expected, and was givena Homefront tour to shake off any ring rust he may have. The results: Bad chemistry with three of his four opponents, and in the one match he didn't have bad chemistry, he took a hard hit to the face and bruised his eye socket. Other Notes: The Coastal Zone has spawned an imitator! Pro Wrestling Max has formed, owned by TJ Bailey, a former TCW jobber. They've already made job offers to Fox Mask and Cliff Anderson. ... seriously. They want Cliff to work for them. Where do they get the... the sheer brass grapefruits to offer the owner of a cult promotion a position in a small promotion? Yeesh. ... okay, we're just scared Cliff'll take the job to spite us. And a final note: Brimstone has entered his final month with the company. Cliff won't let us hire or re-hire anyone with lower than C- Basics, and he... doesn't, despite our attempts to train him, he hasn't gotten any better in the last year. .... MUTHA*****, HE TOOK THE JOB! And they got Pee-Wee, too! how the heck are they affording this???? ... breathe, just breathe, it's okay. They're just Small. So what if they're based the same place we are... no way they're going to do weekly shows... we'll burn out the market from them and nobody'll want to go to their shows... And now, back to your regularly scheduled Coastal Zone... CZCW Coastal Tour December 2013, week 1, Sunday West Texas, Midsouth USA Infinity "Too sick to get into someone's head" WPI. We open with Aaron Andrews in the ring, ranting and raving at Cliff for not respecting him and giving him a title shot and whatnot, even putting his hands on Cliff. Cliff, in response, tells him that tonight... he's got a handicap match agaisnt the tag champs. And if he puts his hands on the owner again, he'll find something even worse for him (C-). We follow this with an opening match of... Kirk Jameson defeating Whippy the Clown. Which goes as well as you'd expect (D-). Lauren and Remus warn Most Spectacular not to think tonight is going to weaken them or anything... and then get told that, to keep things fair, they both have a singles match tonight before the handicap match (C-). Remus will face Teddy Powell (D-) and Lauren will face Barry Kingman (D-). We follow this with... an even worse match than the opening match, as Brooke Tyler and Eagle Washington defeat Team Lucha's Acid and Velvet. Wow, that was bad (E+). Then, we go a bit into 'standard template' mode. Powell comes out, cuts a promo on Remus (D). Then they have their match, which ends with Andrews doing a run-in to clock Remus and letting Powell hit his finisher (C-). Kingman comes out, cuts a promo on Lauren (D), and then they have their match. This one goes even longer, Andrews tries to do a run-in but gets stopped by Lauren, and the match continues on for a bit before Lauren ducks another Andrews chair, lets it hit Kingman, and then pins him (C). The tag champs then cut a promo on Andrews, making fun of him for having to resort to run-ins and what not (D+), and then we do a hype video for Year In Review's main event (D+). Finally, the main event handicap match... is a bit of a letdown, but isn't -bad-, just... mediocre, as the tag champs get the win after about twenty minutes (C-). That damn main event... I should've expected that to not be as good as a singles match, but Andrews/Lauren's been done too much lately, so... still, a C- show is enough to give us a bit of a rise in Texas, so I won't complain too much. Show Summary: Kirk Jameson def. Whippy the Clown (D-) Eagle Washington & Brooke Tyler def. Team Lucha (Acid II & Velvet Suarez) (E+) Teddy Powell def. Rod Remus (C-) Lauren the Lion def. Barry Kingman (C) Lauren & Remus def. Aaron Andrews (C-) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: Um... something. We've got some feuds to try building up a bit more, don't we?
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Cliff Anderson taking a job at another company doesn't get any comments? Wow. CZCW Coastal Tour December 2013, week 2, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA I dunno, I'm still sick... let's say Gil Grissom, owner of the Grissom Auditorium. I don't know if I'd call myself a 'fan' of these guys... I mean, I usually only book wrestling events when I don't have a musical act come through, or... well, anything, really. Wrestling fans are a pain to clean up after. But these Coastal Zone guys... well, they run almost a regular schedule, week in and week out here... and in this age of live webcasts and whatnot, musical bookings are down. So a regular source of income isn't half bad. Then I realize, after all this time, I've never actually watched one of their shows. I figure this week, that'll change. The show opens with these two guys who call themselves Most Spectacular, challenging Team Lucha. I guess that's what they call their Latino wrestlers? The challenge gets answered by this girl with a nice body and a purple mask, and I figure I should watch these shows more often... but then I realize, she's not accepting for her clients, she actually plans on wrestling the guys. Don't know how I feel about that. And she tells the other team that she's got a new teammate to join her tonight. I guess it's a big deal or something, because a lot of the people who seem to know what's going on start up a roar when she displays a mask to the crowd. It's this yellow-orange thing with some what and a diamond on it... I don't get it. But then out comes a guy wearing the same mask, and the crowd starts going nuts (D). The match happens right away, and it's kinda fun, some flipping and flopping around, and this Masked Cougar guy seems pretty good. But I knew that girl shouldn't be in the ring with those guys, and she winds up getting on the wrong end of a double-team move and pinned (D). Most Spectacular then talks about how they're going to be tag team champions (D). We get another match right after that, and it's another man vs woman match... I'm all fo requality, but c'mon, really? The guy, this Kirk Jameson, looks decent... almost like you know he's gonna be big someday... but the girl he beats, Eagle Washington... eh, not that good (D-). After the match, the announcer of all people gets in the ring and says he wants to introduce the newest member of the company. He says it's someone who has been in more SWF Shooting Star Title matches than anyone. Someone who has fought former Zone members like Matt Sparrow, Remmy Skye, James Prudence, and the like, and has decided to come here to show what he can do. It's this guy Andre Jones, who I've never seen before, the crowd reacts like nobody's business, especially when Anderson says the job offer is contingent on one thing: Winningg tonight's match against Barry Kingman (C+). Which happens right away... and it's an okay match, I guess, better than the others we've seen tonight. It goes on an awful long time, and I keep thinking someone should've won by now. I check my watch, and the match is almost half an hour before Jones hits some sweet-looking finishing move for the win (D). It's time for people to talk now, and I guess these three guys they do pre-taped interviews from are fighting at the end of the month... they'll probably rent the Gorski for that... but I'm kinda interested in seeing how that mach goes (Machine D+, Dragon D+, Gumble D). Finally, the main event has each of those three guys pick a tag partner. Steve Gumble has picked Jim Force, and that's the only team where I know both guys. Dragon, the champion, has picked some guy with a fox mask as his partner, and Insane Machine has picked Masked Patriot... My dad used to watch his dad wrestle, I think. It's another long match, and it's not bad, the best we've seen tonight, really. But I feel a bit underwhelmed. No wonder these guys are always at my place and not somewhere bigger like the Gorski except for once a month. Anyway, Jim Force and the Masked Patriot team up to beat up the fox guy, but it distracts their partners, letting the champion pin the guy wearing the hocket mask to get the win. Kinda confusing, but I guess it was fun to watch (C-). So, yeah, it was a good show. I mean, I got to watch for free 'cause I own the place, but I can see why they always sell me out (C-). Don't know if I'd pay to see it, but I'm not a huge wrestling fan anyway. Show Summary: Most Spectacular def. Team Lucha (Velvet & Cougar) (D) Kirk Jameson def. Eagle Washington (D-) Andre Jones def. Barry Kingman (D) Dragon & Fox def. Machine Patriot and Gumble & Force (C-) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: Fox vs Patriot as we try to get a better show than that mess... two debuts and a re-debut, and that's what we get??? Hey, wait... isn't this the last show before Year In Review? Maybe we should do the hard sell...
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;554297]Cliff Anderson taking a job at another company doesn't get any comments? Wow.[/QUOTE] We've been shocked into silence, perhaps? I think we're all still trying to figure out how [B]TJ friggin' Bailey[/B] can afford to bankroll a wrestling promotion. I mean, Cornell's got enough name recognition that he can get investors. Who the hell knows who TJ Bailey is?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;554297]After the match, the announcer of all people gets in the ring and says he wants to introduce the newest member of the company. He says it's someone who has been in more SWF Shooting Star Title matches than anyone. Someone who has fought former Zone members like Matt Sparrow, Remmy Skye, James Prudence, and the like, and has decided to come here to show what he can do. It's this guy Andre Jones, who I've never seen before, the crowd reacts like nobody's business, [/QUOTE] Masked Cougar's back and he gets a cruddy video and a loss while Andre Jones gets all the freakin' hype!?! The Cougar is back. The Cougar is gold. The Cougar is... I must get over my Cougar obsession. But I can't wait till he debuts in my game.
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[quote]The match happens right away, and it's kinda fun, some flipping and flopping around, and this Masked Cougar guy seems pretty good.[/quote] :eek: Now that is understatement. Couga[B]r[/B] is a God. I've always had a passion for him also eayragt; When I play CZCW he's always one of my top guys who I push to the stars, along with Snap Dragon.
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CZCW Coastal Tour December 2013, week 3, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA A very tired and flu-adled random person. What can I say, I'm writing this at two-thirty in the morning because I was so sick I didn't wake up until four in the afternoon, and as tired as I am, I can't sleep. So it'll be booked just like it's written... simple and short. But first, PWMAX is setting itself up as Zone-Lite. Not only Cliff and Pee-Wee, but also James Prudence and Masked Cougar. And Snap Dragon. And Insane Machine. Yeesh. Well, imitation is the sincerest yadda yadda. The show opens with Masked Patriot cutting a promo on Fox, and saying after Jim Force beats Fox, he'll win the tag titles with a -real- partner, as American Force (D+). Fox, however, manages to defeat Patriot in a twetny-two minute match (C), and then cuts his own promo against Jim Force, saying that it doesn't matter who has the Force... it's who has the Fox (D+). Then, we do a round-robin thing with the three people in the championship match; all non-title when Dragon is involved. Dragon defeats Machine in twenty-three minutes (C), Machien beats Gumble in twenty-five (C-), and Gumble beats Dragon via cheating in twenty-eight (C+). When that's done, Cliff hypes up the main event for Year In Review, and we're done (D+). Short, sweet, to the point. Good show (C), and we're done. We do a quick Homefront in the hopes of getting Brimstone's basics up to C-... and fail, so we won't be renegotiating with him, which means someone's getting demoted to fill his spot, yadda yadda... we'll wait until the new year to re-order the roster... Show Summary: Fox Mask def. Masked Patriot (C) Dragon def. Machine (D) Machine def. Gumble (C-) Gumble def. Dragon (C+) Show rating: C on the next Coastal Zone: Year In Review 2013! Dragon vs Machine vs Gumble! Fox vs Force! Lauren & Remus vs Mostly Spectacular! And filler!
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CZCW Year In Review 2013 Decenber 2013, week 4, Sunday Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA Andre Jones. Okay, yeah, I'm nothing but an SWF jobber to most people. But I was jobbing there back when they were a big company, not the shattered shell it is now. Up until that ungreatful Eisen family decided to let me go. After kicking around the indies for a year and a half, Peers and Anderson offered me a job, hyped me up for my debut, and I proceed to have a sub-par match with a good worker. I tried to blame opening-night anxiety, but I still got the lion's share of the blame. Which is why I'm in a ten-man battle royal to warm up the crowd before the show. It's an expensive match; me and Ultimate Phoenix alone are a normal singles match here, and the other eight... well, they're motly cheaper types, but still. What's sad is that right off the bat, I toss Velvet Suarez over the top, and then everyone else gangs up on me and throws me out. Then Whippy, Hash... Hash takes a bad fall, he hits the apron jaw-first on the way down... Brooke, Jackpot... then Apollo goes out, leaving Kirk Jameson in there with two Team Lucha members. Kirk manages to get Acid out of the ring, but doesn't have enough left ot stand up to Phoenix, who wins the match. The show officially opens with Aaron Andrews (aka Primadonna) complaining how he doesn't have a match on the card. Out comes Teddy Powell (aka Criminally Underused) to tell him that ever since they all came to the Zone, all Andrews has done is complain, complain, complain. Tonight, Powelll will be happy to stop his complaining. The opening match is an unadvertised match, with Barry Kingman (aka Solid and Dependable) defeating Freddie Datsun (aka Over The Hill) in about twenty-five minutes. It looks like it's going to be a night of long matches instead of smaller ones; with the financial pressure the company's in, I can understand why. But it pays better than the indies do. The next match is... well, almost embarassing, and certainly will be the worst match of the night; I mean, it's Jim Force (aka Twenty Years Too Late) and Fox Mask (aka Indy Darling), and... you know, they've been hyping this for almost two months now, and the fans still figure this is the bathroom-break match. For what it's worth, Indy Darling wins with a Foxhunter (A kick to the head while the opponent is sitting on the mat... unlike the Termination Kick, a kick to the head while the opponent is standing, or the Savate Kick, a kick to the head from behind while the opponent is standing... lots of kicks here). Cliff then talks up the tag match, and we go right into it. Mostly Spectacular takes on the tag champs of Lauren and Remus (aka Team Nothing Better To Do). It's probably as long as the last match was, but feels shorter because there's so much going on, you're not checking your watch every two minutes. Surprisingly, the challengers get the win after a spike Go To Sleep on Remus to claim the tag titles. This was a fun little match that I didn't think the challengers could pull off. Andrews comes out to rant about Powell and about how he's highly disrespected here. Out comes Powell to shut his mouth, and the crowd seems amped to see that, and we get another twenty-five minute match... this time with Andrews winning by pulling the tights, and the crowd hates that, the sheer heel heat... when soemone shuts Andrews up, it's going to make them here. We then get what I'm told is the main event hype video, and it's into the triple-threat ladder match. This is the reason I'm still at the show... I want to see this. A lucha star, a Puro star, and an American star, all with great talent, in a ladder match main event? Who wouldn't want to watch that? And it's a great match... maybe not the blow-away match they were hoping for, but still a great match and the champ manages to retain after over half an hour of... well, this kind of stuff is why I want decided to join the Zone. Not the paychecks, but the chance to be a part of a match like this. Some of the boys are grumbling... they're worried that with matches like that, the show should have been better, and they almost sound like they're blaming Fox and Force for it... well, yeah, they had a worse match than the big battle royal, of course you're going to get some blame for that. Show Summary: Pre-Show Battle Royal, winner: Ultimate Phoenix (D+) Barry Kingman def. Freddie Datsun (C-) Fox Mask def. Jim Force (D+) Tag Titles: Most Spectacular def. Laurne & Remus (c) (C+) Aaron Andrews def. Teddy Powell (C+) Unified Ladder Match: Dragon (c) def. Insane Machine and Steve Gumble (C+) Show rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: 2013 Year In Review, which is totally different from Year In Review 2013!
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2013 Year In Review! End-Of-Year Awards: Card of the Year: WLW Lost Cause Tour, Thursday. Which Thursday? Don't know. Match of the Year: Sean McFly def. Tommy Cornell, TCW Television. When? Don't Know. Most Improved Promotion: 5SSW Promotion of the Year: TCW (Fifth Year) Female of the Year: Alicia Strong Veteran of the Year: Dark EAGLE (3) Rookie of the Year: Fuyuko Higa Wrestler of the Year: Tommy Cornell Rest of the Top Ten, from 2 to 10: Sean McFly, Eddie Peak, Eisaku Hoshino, Akima Brake, Champagne Lover, Golden Scorpion, Matt Gague, Greg Gauge, Angry Gilmore. Zoners in the Top 100: None. Did we even get a B- match this year? No way we'll have anyone make it... Former Zoners in the Top 100: Frankie Perez (77), El Mitico Jr (75), Jungle Jack (73) News Stories of 2013 BSC Goes Down Again... Then Goes Back Up Again. 5SSW falls to Cult in February. Then grabs telent from now-bankrupt CWWF, and is bck to National by August. CZCW to Cult, back to Regional, back to Cult. BHOTWG rises to National, drops back down to Cult. Other Cult Promotions: AAA and MHW rose up; PGHW goes down. Bankruptcies: CWWF and OLLIE. Wait, OLLIE went under? How did we not notice that? PWMAX opens, copies 'Early Coastal Zone' style. Major Injuries: Shirai Yanagawa, Shattered Knee Jacob Jett, Major Concussion Jed High, Shattered Knee Gorgon, Torn Rotator Cuff Hiroyasu Gakusha, Shattered Knee Retirements: Jeremy Stone, Pete the Hillbilly, Idaho Punisher, Nathan Coleman, Eric Tyler, Black Widow, Cat Quine, Kit Hatoyama, Raul Hughes, Grace Harper, Doctor Insane Notable Incidents: Zimmy Bumfhole, caught with hard drugs. Carl Edwards, known as "Repeat Offender", has a run-in with police. And a moment of silence, please, for the passing of Nemesis at the age of fifty-four. CZCW Financial Report Over the last two months, we have managed to reduce worker costs by almost half; if this trend continues, next month's losses will be reduced from six figures to five. However, ticket sales are also down nearly thirty thousand from two months ago; we realize the two trends may be connected, and will try to find a way to sever that connection. Goal Outlook Our critical goals will be coming up this year; by May, we need to have not lost popularity in America, which will not be a problem; by September, we need to make sure we have not fallen below #18 in the promotion rankings. We are currently #17; the only Cult promotion lower than us is AAA. 21CW, despite being Regional, is ranked one above us. We hope to be #16 by the time this goal comes due. our recruiting goals are a bit more... odd. For most of the year, we will be restricted to C- or higher Basics; for the whole year, C- Athletics. We are also restricted to D- or higher Athletics, but that's... superfluous. On the next Coastal Zone: With over half our former fortune gone, will the Zone manage to achieve stability in 2014, or will they be forced back to a sustainable size?
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CZCW Coastal Tour January 2014, week 1, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Well, not a week into the new year and some poor sap with SAISHO just broke his damnfool neck. We also have a new announcer in the business named Shawn Helmsley. No word on if he has the 'degenerate' gimmick or not, but he's not as good an announcer as Cliff, so we don't give him a second look. Dragon del Arco Iris Jr. I've been an MHW National Champion... MPWF Champion... and am a current MPWF tag champion... but I never thought I'd be a dual-champion in the Zone. As much as they like Lucha, it tends to be an afterthought... an appetizer, not a main course. I don't know how long it's going to last, but Peers has at least shared some idea of his future booking plans with me... at least, who he wants me to face at Uprising. I just can't get the gringo to tell me if it's a title match or not... slippery little bugger he is. But I gotta say, I like the potential in the matchup. Let's see how he makes it happen. Tonight is the 'setting off the stage' for the next month and a half. We start off with Steve Gumble coming out to challenge me to a one-on-one match, citing his win over me in the round-robin warmups before Year In Review. I decide to grant him one (D+). The opening match is for the tag titles, as Most Spectacular takes on Team Lucha... in this case, Team Lucha is Masked Cougar and Acid II. As far as matches go, this was hardly spectacular, but it didn't stink, and Acid gets pinned for the loss (D+). Afterwards, the champs taunt Team Lucha, saying no combination of them can win the tag titles (D-). Next match is a good one... pity it's a throw away, as Lauren the Lion defeats Rod Remus in a nice twenty-minute affair with her suplex... the chica needs a better finishing move. But it's a good match (C) that makes me wonder why it's serving as filler... and gets followed up with Aaron Andrews demanding his title back, and he doesn't care who he goes through to get it. Out comes Insane Machine, telling him to get in line with everyone else. Of course, the two argue, and a match is made (D+). The match is a great one, and it turns out these two have some good chemistry going on. It's nearly a half-hour later before Andrews hits a flying body press for the win (C+). I'll take a rematch of that as a main event any night. Backstage, Lauren and Remus shake hands and decide their match showed they're both better off as singles competitors than as a tag team. They say they'll try not to get in each other's way... but no promises (C-). Then comes the main event, me and Steve. I give it my best shot, but Steve... I don't know, Steve wasn't como se dice... 'feeling it' tonight? It's not a bad match, but we're capable of so much more... but I hit the Dragon Driver at the end of another half-hour match for the win (C). All in all, it was a decent show, but not a great one (C-). I know we can do better, but that tag match just wasn't up to our usual standards of quality... and I know the main event was a bit of a letdown. And of course, after the show, we find out Dale, our new ref, was reffing 'commando style' due to Andrews stealing his underwear. That got Andrews chewed out big-time, you betta believe it. Show Summary Tag Titles: Most Spectacular (c) def. Team Lucha (Cougar & Acid II) (D+) Lauren the Lion def. Rod Remus (C) Aaron Andrews def. Insane Machine (C+) Unified Title: Dragon del Arco Iris (c) def. Steve Gumble (C) Show rating: C- On the next Coatal Zone: Another person with an axe to grind goes after the champ, while Team Lucha tries again to tag the tag titles.
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