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My Thoughts on the Demo

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I think its great and i truely mean that. I'll be buying the full version for sure. However there are a couple of things that i find strange. 1/ Alot of wrestlers stats seem to have gone down! i may be wrong but i'm pretty sure. an example would be Aaron Andrews, Jacob Jett & Darryl Devine. Like i said i may be wrong but has anyone else noticed. if anything you'd think people would improve. 2/ When choosing wrestlers for matches is it appears that the option to choose tag teams has been removed. and as a result now takes longer to add tag matches and Multi-person matches. 3/ I would like to see a quick link on the main screen to your roster. but aside from that i think its great. Great Work Adam and Team!
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[QUOTE=Gnrfan;432331]1/ Alot of wrestlers stats seem to have gone down! i may be wrong but i'm pretty sure. an example would be Aaron Andrews, Jacob Jett & Darryl Devine. Like i said i may be wrong but has anyone else noticed. if anything you'd think people would improve.[/QUOTE] The three workers you mentioned have *exactly* the same stats in both versions. :p In fact, Jett and Andrews now have some skill in Booking, so theirs have technically gone up :p
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;432458]The three workers you mentioned have *exactly* the same stats in both versions. :p In fact, Jett and Andrews now have some skill in Booking, so theirs have technically gone up :p[/QUOTE] Maybe i just played my last game so long i'm used of the improved stats. I guess i was just expecting some slight improvement on some of the younger guys. [QUOTE=rajde;432332]You know there is a demo feedback thread.[/QUOTE] Sorry My Bad. Only just noticed!:eek:
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[QUOTE=Gnrfan;432331] 2/ When choosing wrestlers for matches is it appears that the option to choose tag teams has been removed. and as a result now takes longer to add tag matches and Multi-person matches. [/QUOTE] Choosing tag-teams is still there. Its now on top of the roster list, its the button that is two people.
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