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I apologize if this comes off a bit newbish, but can someone explain the definition box at the bottom right of the "Product" screen in the Business portion of the office options. I believe it has 10-11 "definitions and I can't seem to put my finger on what it relates too. Also, I'm playing as TCW and when I do a Roster Overview, it no longer shows everyone's gimmick, is this because TCW is not really angel based (and the spreadsheet-type view would should all my gimmicks if I was SWF for example) or because it was cut out of the TEW 08? Thanks,
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[QUOTE]I apologize if this comes off a bit newbish, but can someone explain the definition box at the bottom right of the "Product" screen in the Business portion of the office options. I believe it has 10-11 "definitions and I can't seem to put my finger on what it relates too.[/QUOTE] It gives you hints \ tips \ info on what effects your Product Appeal (the 12 boxes above) will have on your shows \ workers. [QUOTE]Also, I'm playing as TCW and when I do a Roster Overview, it no longer shows everyone's gimmick, is this because TCW is not really angel based (and the spreadsheet-type view would should all my gimmicks if I was SWF for example) or because it was cut out of the TEW 08?[/QUOTE] It's primarily for space reasons - you can't fit the gimmick names on there. As there's never really a pressing need to see an overview of who has what gimmick, that was expendable.
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