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The problem with touring.

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Adam, is there a specific reasons you've designed touring schedules to work the way they do? What I mean is, you have the tours set up where touring companies take MONTHS off at a time. That isn't how the touring system works. In Japan, it would be completely unrealistic for a company to completely shut down for an entire month (Or in the case some of the Japanese groups, two+ months.) The typical Japanese schedule is something similar to "two weeks on, a week off." Of course, it varies depending on the group. As far as I remember, it's been this way in the past three TEW games. So I'm just curious as to why this hasn't been fixed. I understand if you're not knowledgeable about Japan, but at least find somebody who is that can help you.
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[QUOTE=Steviec2k8;432742]Adam, is there a specific reasons you've designed touring schedules to work the way they do? What I mean is, you have the tours set up where touring companies take MONTHS off at a time. That isn't how the touring system works. In Japan, it would be completely unrealistic for a company to completely shut down for an entire month (Or in the case some of the Japanese groups, two+ months.) The typical Japanese schedule is something similar to "two weeks on, a week off." Of course, it varies depending on the group. As far as I remember, it's been this way in the past three TEW games. So I'm just curious as to why this hasn't been fixed. I understand if you're not knowledgeable about Japan, but at least find somebody who is that can help you.[/QUOTE] It hasn't been "fixed" because it isn't broken, it's working the way it's meant to be. I'm well aware of how things work in Japan, but there is a requirement that tours are broken into monthly blocks and so the current way is the most accurate depiction of reality currently possible.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;432746]It hasn't been "fixed" because it isn't broken, it's working the way it's meant to be. I'm well aware of how things work in Japan, but there is a requirement that tours are broken into monthly blocks and so the current way is the most accurate depiction of reality currently possible.[/QUOTE] I think the better question would be why is it setup this way? What is this requirement thing you speak of? Just my opinion, but I think every strive should be made to make the game fit real life situations. The month off for promotions can be huge because it might prevent them from going into the black.
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[QUOTE]I think the better question would be why is it setup this way? What is this requirement thing you speak of?[/QUOTE] I'm not going to get into coding with you, it's pointless. [QUOTE]Just my opinion, but I think every strive should be made to make the game fit real life situations. [/QUOTE] Every effort was made, that doesn't mean that it magically becomes possible. [QUOTE]The month off for promotions can be huge because it might prevent them from going into the black.[/QUOTE] No it doesn't, because the finances are adjusted to take into account the system being used.
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[QUOTE=Greg2511;433412]Why? TEW is all about the cornellverse[/QUOTE] In my opinion the C-Verse is worked around the MOD, not the mod working around the C-Verse. That's why taking a good look, and playing around with the C-Verse is such a great help at making "real" mods. Meaning, I don't think the game was made with the "C-Verse" in mind. It was made to simulate being a booker in a wrestling world, reguardless of what world you play in. The point Adam just made was that he has every intention to make the game as "real" as possible (obviously keeping the "Fun" factor in). If it's not possible, he does the closest thing possible. Real world data does effect how the mod is developed. See "3rd Brand", and Added regions to the game world, for two fast example's. How many C-Verse promotions have 3 brands?
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;433491]In my opinion the C-Verse is worked around the MOD, not the mod working around the C-Verse. That's why taking a good look, and playing around with the C-Verse is such a great help at making "real" mods. Meaning, I don't think the game was made with the "C-Verse" in mind. It was made to simulate being a booker in a wrestling world, reguardless of what world you play in. The point Adam just made was that he has every intention to make the game as "real" as possible (obviously keeping the "Fun" factor in). If it's not possible, he does the closest thing possible. Real world data does effect how the mod is developed. See "3rd Brand", and Added regions to the game world, for two fast example's. How many C-Verse promotions have 3 brands?[/QUOTE] Or 2 for that matter?
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