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I have a question about the HoI. When adding someone you can input all sorts of data for why they are in. But in game when I visit the HoI I can't seem to see anything but the picture. Is there are way to find out why someone has been inducted in game? You can click on there picture and view their profile but I can't find anything that lists their accomplishments.
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I have a question about the HOI so I'll ask here instead of starting a new thread. Does any worker who has a hope of being in the HOI have to be added in the database. Guys like Optimus don't start off in the HOI but have their info plugged into the database. Does this mean the computer will disregard anyone who isn't in there at the start of the game?
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[QUOTE=EricAdams;433039]I have a question about the HOI so I'll ask here instead of starting a new thread. Does any worker who has a hope of being in the HOI have to be added in the database. Guys like Optimus don't start off in the HOI but have their info plugged into the database. Does this mean the computer will disregard anyone who isn't in there at the start of the game?[/QUOTE] I don't think it will disregard anyone not in that list. I think it's more for the benefit of people tinkering with the editor, to know who's a potential candidate right off the bat. Also, there was a criminal lack of Nemesis in the C-verse HoI. But that's OK, I fixed it. :)
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