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So unlike in TEW 07 where sponsorship was guarenteed based on size, 08 bases this off of size and product. In my tests though I have never recieved any sponsorship money. I have tried with promotions that would find trouble with sponsors and those that would be easy to have sponsors for. I am wondering if sponsorship money is given on the first of the month or if it is something else as I can not figure out how to get this money.
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It's on the first of the month. The only month I've finished was APW. I don't remember exactly what I got, but considering that I made a couple thousand profit overall, using everyone on the roster, it must have been a decent chunk of change.
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It comes on the first of the month and is influenced by the promotions prestige and product. The promotions I ran that got the note "Might have trouble getting sponsorship" get a little less money for the size of promotion. Large promotions obviously get more.
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