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Surgery Risk in Editor

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So I'm adding a lot of injuries to the current injury list and see that it takes into account the whole "Surgery Risk" thing that Adam was talking about. All in all, I was wondering how I would use this? Like lets say I am creating a "Knee Ligament Tear"... Surgery could ultimately help the person a lot, however, I don't know what level to put onto it? Since it would be invasive in some sense... Would it put it at a high risk level? I was just wondering if someone knew how to go about using this part of the database and what the levels would mean. Cheers.
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Personally I'd go with the guidline that the higher the reward, the higher the risk. This generally works from a realism point of view as well as a game play one. A Knee Ligament Tear would be pretty easy to repair surgically (not saying I could do it, but from the surgeon's point of view.. :p). It is, after all, the surgical equivalent of tying two bits of pre-drilled wood together with a piece of string (admittedly, using chopsticks). Whereas anything to do with the back, neck, brain or heart would be a much higher risk. But on the plus side, the reward for a successful surgery is significant (whereas, with knee ligament tears, it's not. You're still not going to be able to walk for ages, just slightly fewer ages than otherwise).
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[QUOTE]Personally I'd go with the guidline that the higher the reward, the higher the risk. This generally works from a realism point of view as well as a game play one. A Knee Ligament Tear would be pretty easy to repair surgically (not saying I could do it, but from the surgeon's point of view.. ). It is, after all, the surgical equivalent of tying two bits of pre-drilled wood together with a piece of string (admittedly, using chopsticks). Whereas anything to do with the back, neck, brain or heart would be a much higher risk. But on the plus side, the reward for a successful surgery is significant (whereas, with knee ligament tears, it's not. You're still not going to be able to walk for ages, just slightly fewer ages than otherwise).[/QUOTE] Thanks man! I appreciate it! I think I understand it now! Cheers.
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