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Cornellverse vs Real World Mod

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I have already done TNA and ROH for by real world mod so I could import WWE over from my TEW 07 mod and give it a run over and hopefully I can have something for early next week If anyone could do a pic pack of WWE, TNA and ROH on the cornellverse background that would be helpful [url]http://www.wwe.com[/url] [I]is a good place for WWE pics[/I] [url]http://www.tnawrestling.com[/url] [I]has pics in the roster section under workers or you can checkout some of there myspace sites for good pictures[/I] [url]http://www.rohwrestling.com[/url] [I]if you click multimedia then photo gallery there is some excellent pics of ROH and CHIKARA wrestlers in there (some are posed pics aswell but you have to look through the whole packs. Or again myspace is a good place to find pics[/I]
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Woodmeister, the legends game I told you about is called Wrestling Encore. It's on the Kayfabe Flashback The 80's. It has every wrestler from that era in it. The website is : [url]http://www.kf-80.com[/url] Those legends you may find helpful. If you get the game, that's when headshots will come handy, requiring if they have any good ones.
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i was going to go with real world picks to start with but if i or someone else would like to do a cornellverse vs. real world 'the legends' mod that could come in handy. EDIT: i have started a new fed to hype up the release so if you have any queries about it please go there :)
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