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TCW: On the Brink

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I was directed to a small empty office at the end of the hall on the top floor of TCW headquarters. I thanked the young man then proceeded to enter into my brand new life. Head booker of Total Championship Wrestling! Initial reaction: whoa! As I scanned over the 8"x 10" corner office with a beautiful view of...a brick wall. I set the box I was carrying down on the desk and began to unload the contents. My mind was redirected to the waiting room on the first floor where I sat a week ago, a virtually unknown 25 year old avid wrestling fan who had worked for several different promotions. Starting on the ring crew and working my way up to handling booking for low to mid card matches based on several relationships I had made with some of the "boys". I sat in that room for what felt like an eternity as the walls began to enclose on me, or so I thought. Then I got the green light, Mr. Cornell wanted to see me in his office. I think the walk there was longer than the eternity in the waiting room. Fast forward to me in Mr. Cornell's office, sitting across from the best wrestler in the world. A busy man like himself doesn't waste time, he shoots the first question at me: "What's wrong with my company?" I was struck by the question, here I was sitting in front of the owner of one of the most successful companies in the world and he wanted to know what he'd been doing wrong. Needless to say I had not rehearsed an answer for a question like that. I sat in the chair silent for, again, what felt like an eternity...
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Mr. Cornell sat in his chair waiting for a response. I loosened my JC Penny's neck tieand after collecting my thoughts: " I don't think you've got the talent on your roster to take the promotion in the direction you want it to go." Tommy looked on without saying a word. I continued, " you want to focus more on in ring than out of ring. Which is fine but your roster is filled with large heavyweights at the top that can't go much more than ten minutes in the ring. Aside from yourself and the Syndicate there isn't much there to hold up the mid card which is, in my opinion, one of the most important aspects of a show." Tommy and I continued talking for another hour and a half throwing around some ideas, everything from storylines and character directions, to hiring and firing. I finished unpacking then went to work immediately composing a list of names that I wanted to bring in for a workout. Also, jotting down some ideas for my first creative meeting later on today with Mr. Cornell and Joel Bryant.
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I met with Tommy Cornell and Joel Bryant a few days before my first show. We went over some things that were expected of me, as well as his goals for the company and a few workers he wanted pushed. I gave him my list of names I want to him to look at bringing in and a list of names I thought were expendible. After 3 hours we had the layout for my first TCW television show. [B][SIZE="4"]TCW Presents: Total Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] Live from Virginia Park Fields 1) Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law vs Rocky Golden ( Number One Contendar to the International Championship) 2) Sammy Bach vs Eddie Peak 3) The Machines vs New Wave (Non-Title) Plus More....
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[center][B][SIZE="3"]TCW Presents: Total Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] Live from Virginia Park Fields[/center] [I]The show kicks off with Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes hyping the triple threat match for the Number One Contendar to the International Championship between Koshiro Ino vs. Rick Law vs. Rocky Golden.[/I] [B]B-[/B] [I]Ricky Dale Johnson hits the ring and challenges Tommy Cornell to put the World Heavyweight title on the line against him. Cornell comes out, accompanied by fellow Syndicate members Wolf Hawkins and Sam Keith and denies RDJ any chance at his title. After a few back and forth jawwing between the two The Syndicate corner RDJ and begin an assualt. Genghis Rahn and Travis Baine run out and chase them off. [/I][B]B-[/B] [center][B]American Buffalo vs Randall Hopkirk[/B] American Buffalo over Randall Hopkirk in a squash match. [B]D[/B][/center] [I]Buffalo adds insult to injury be continuing the beatdown after the match was one.[/I] [B]C-[/B] [I]Joey Minnesota is walking backstage when Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith approach him and offer him a spot in The Syndicate. Joey thinks about it for a moment then passes on the oppertunity. Cornell warns Minnesota that if he's not with them he's against them. Minnesota lets Tommy know he's not a good fit for the Syndicate, saying he doesn't play well with others.[/I] [B]B+[/B] [I]The New Wave come out to the ring in their wrestling gear, ready for a fight. They get on the stick and challenge The Machines to face them tonight. The Machines come out and except their challenge but choose not to put the Tag Team titlea on the line as, "they do not deserve a shot".[/I] [B]C+[/B] [center][B]New Wave vs The Machines(c) - Non-title[/B] New Wave over The Machines in a non title match when Guide gets the quick pin on John Anderson for the upset. [B]C+[/B][/center] [I]As Guide celebrated the victory Brent Hill came up from behind and smashed the Tag Team title against the back of his head, sending Guide crashing to the ground. The Machines proceed to attack New Wave in frustration over their lose.[/I] [B]C[/B] [center][B]Rocky Golden vs Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law - Number One Contendar International Title[/B][/center] [I]Rocky Golden defeated Koshiro Ino and Rick Law in a triple threat match to become the number one contendar to the International title when he pinnes Ino after Law hits Ino with the Squad Car Slam. [/I][B]B-[/B] [I]American Buffalo was backstage in the locker room when Cornell and Keith come up to him. Cornell asks Buffalo for help in their main event match against Genghis Rahn, RDJ, and Travis Baine. Cornell tells Buffalo that he will owe him whatever he wanted if he were to help. Buffalo tells him he'll think about it.[/I] [B]B+[/B] [center][B]Sammy Bach(c) vs Eddie Peak[/B] Sammy Bach over Eddie Peak with the help of his manager Karen Killer. [B]B-[/B] [center][B]Cornell/Hawkins/Keith vs RDJ/Rahn/Baine[/B][/center] Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins, and Sam Keith defeated RDJ, Genghis Rahn, and Travis Baine when American Buffalo comes out and attacks Genghis Rahn. [B]B[/B][/center] [I]The Syndicate stood victorious over the fallen members of the Resistance as the show went off the air. [/I][B]B+[/B] [U]Booker's Notes:[/U] Great first show. The fans loved the matches, aside from the Buffalo squash. Bach vs Peak earning a B- was a suprise. My first mistake was overlooking Peak by making him do the job to Bach. Not trying to discredit Bach, he is a great wrestler. Whatever Cornell and RDJ touch turns into gold.
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[SIZE="3"][B]WEDNESDAY MORNING[/B] The ratings were in, Total Wrestling did a 2.56 compared to SWF's 3.87. I had to compete with a Vengeance vs Christian Faith main event, on free television, no less. On top of that Guide cracked his ribs in the New Wave vs Machines match. Won't know if he'll be able to go in the ring next week. If only I hadn't put Buffalo in that squash match with Hopkirk. Who am I trying to kid, as much as I love technical wrestling I still have a soft spot for those big brute monsters that can't tell and wristlock from a wristwatch. I turned on my computer and starting hitting the wrestling sites, to get a feel for what the "smarks" were saying about the show. Cause everyone knows the smarks know what they're talking about. Most of what I read agreed, Supreme TV had the better show, although slightly. Of course when you give away pay per view matches on television you're going to get that kind of a response. Oh well, I had to meet with a few workers I brought in for workouts then get started on next weeks episode. In need to keep focused on beating SWF to the "buzz", as I like to call it. No way I can compete ratings wise at this point. But if I can get the buzz, the ratings will come.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]TCW and MAW Reach Agreement:[/B] Tommy Cornell and Rip Cord have reached an agreement that would allow MAW to be a training ground for future TCW stars. The agreement does not allow Cornell, or anyone associated with TCW, creative rights over the company. It is merely a training ground in which Cornell is believed to have taken on some of MAW's expenses. Also, today TCW released Ronnie V. Pain, Randall Hopkirk, and Tana the Mighty. Signing Gargantuan, Brady Prince, and Kirk Jameson. All three men to report to Rip Chord immediately. Guide's cracked ribs suffered in the victory over The Machines last week on Total Wrestling have all but healed. Doctors clearing him to compete in the ring if needed. In attempt to shake up the wrestling world it has been reported that Tommy Cornell has reached out to none other than Phil Vibert. A source within TCW has told us that new head booker Charlie Vick pushed Tommy hard to make the call. Whether or not the phone was answered? Well, we'll just have to wait and see....[/SIZE]
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Good stuff so far, enjoyed the first show found the Vengeance/Faith situation funny...that's the sort of merciless booking you're up against on this game :D not sure if the AI gets penalties for repeating matches, but hopefully for your sake they do lol. Not too familiar with his character but Minnestota as a kinda lone wolf amidst the stable wars could prove interesting, with tension between both and the constant possibility that he'll choose a side. Did the same thing myself with Carlito of all people during a Corporation vs. Uprising war with real world data on 07. :o So yeah keep it up ;)
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[center][B][SIZE="4"]TOTAL WRESTLING PREVIEW:[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="3"]LIVE FROM WISCONSIN GARDENS[/center] [I]Chance Fortune vs Freddy Huggins, the winner will take on Sammy Bach at Malice in Wonderland for the All-Action title. Joey Minnesota vs Edd Stone, last week Minnesota turned down Tommy Cornell's offer to join the Syndicate. Cornell warned Joey, if he's not with them he's against them. Will the Syndicate get involved in the match? Former 4 time DAVE Tag Team Champions, New Wave gained a huge non-title victory over reigning Tag Champs and Syndicate members The Machines. It seems the young tandem are on the fast track to their first show at gold in TCW. In the main event Tommy Cornell and his protege Wolf Hawkins will take on Rocky Golden and Tyson Baine. Based on their past, can Baine and Golden co-exist? Or will the Syndicate continue their strong-hold on TCW?[/SIZE][/I]
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[center][B][SIZE="2"][SIZE="3"]TCW Presents: TOTAL WRESTLING[/SIZE][/B] Live From Wisconsin Gardens[/center] At the announcer's table where Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes kick off the show with the announcement of our main event of the evening, Syndicate members Tom Cornell and Wolf Hawkins take on Tyson Baine and Rocky Golden. [B]B+[/B] For the second straight week Ricky Dale Johnson hits the ring demanding that Tommy Cornell gives him a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. Cornell and Sam Keith come out and Cornell agrees to the match on one condition, RDJ has to defeat the Tag Team Champions The Machines in a handicap match....right now! [B]A[/B] [center][B]Ricky Dale Johnson vs The Machines(c) - Handicap[/B] [I]Ricky Dale Johnson defeated The Machines when Guide and Scott gets involved in the match allowing RDJ to hit Jon Anderson with a little Southern Justice, earning a shot at the World Title at Malice in Wonderland. [/I][B]C-[/B] [center][B]Chance Fortune vs Freddy Huggins - Number One Contendar All-Action[/B][/center] [I]Chance Fortune defeated Freddy Huggins to become the number one contendar to the All-Action Championship when Laura Huggins accidentally hits her brother in the back of his head after a reversal of an irish whip.[/I] [B]C[/B][/center] Back from the break and Laura Huggins is upset walking backstage when she bumps into Joey Minnesota. Suddenly, her demeanor changes as she begins talking and flirting with Minnesota. She wishes him luck in his match later tonight and leaves. [B]C[/B] Rick Law hits the ring and grabs a mic. Upset about losing last week he calls out Koshiro Ino to come down to the ring a face him one on one. Ino comes out and we've got ourselves a match. [B]C+[/B] [center][B]Rick Law vs Koshiro Ino[/B] [I]Rick Law and Koshiro Ino fight to a 20 minute time limit draw.[/I] [B]C-[/B][/center] Jasmine Saunders stood backstage with All-Action Champion Sammy Bach and his manager Karen Killer. Bach bashed Fortune's number one contendar victory, completely over looking the challenger at Malice In Wonderland. [B]B-[/B] Backstage personnel begin fleeing the area as a camera rounds the corner to find Genghis Rahn attacking American Buffalo for his actions last week. Neither men can get the upper hand as they trade shots back and forth, using whatever they can find as a weapon. Finally agents and security are able to subdue the two man beasts. [B]C[/B] [center][B]Joey Minnesota vs Edd Stone[/B] [I]Joey Minnesota defeated Edd Stone with the Empire Salute in a pretty standard match.[/I] [B]C+[/B][/center] The Syndicate are backstage in their locker room minus Wolf Hawkins. TC paces back and forth complaining to the Keith and the Machines about Wolf's tardiness. Hawkins comes in an 1 and 45 minutes late as if its no big deal. Tommy chews Wolf out, asking why he didn't pick up the phone and let him know what's going on, then informing him of their tag match. Wolf wonders if Tommy's his partner or his father and tells TC he had some business to take care of. Business that will make Tommy very, very, happy. [B]B-[/B] [center][B]Hawkins/Cornell vs Baine/Golden[/B] [I]Wolf Hawkins and Tommy Cornell pick up the victory over Tyson Baine and Rocky Golden when Sam Keith blasts Baine with the World title, allowing Cornell to finish him off with the Guilt Trip for the victory.[/I] [B]B[/B] [/center] [U]Booker's Note: [/U]Solid show. The Law vs Ino match wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. The fans weren't into Chance Fortune. I thought the roof was about to come down in the RDJ/Cornell confrontation[/SIZE].
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[SIZE="3"] [B]WEDNESDAY MORNING[/B] I tossed and turned all night thinking about the show. What worked, what didn't. What I could have done better. Around 3:00 am the adrenaline had finally worn of and exhaustion set in. I was able to get a few solid hours asleep when my alarm clock went off at 5:30 am. I had a stack of dvd's on my coffee table in the living room of different wrestlers I was interested in bringing in to TCW. One shower and shave later I found myself standing over the coffee maker as it ever so slowly filled the pot. Finally...I grabbed my New Orleans Saints mug, lots of sugar, lots of cream. A blueberry pop tart to top it off...damn, she got apple. It'll have to do. I finally got in to the office around 8:40 am. Ratings were in, 2.54, .02 down from last week. Not much of a drop, but a drop is still a drop none the less. The good news was SWF did 3.69, a .19 drop from last week. Not surprising for a card that featured Vegeance vs Groucho Bling in the main event, not to mention Big Smack Scott vs Akima Brave. So although SWF did better in the ratings war we won a small, but I feel, an extremely important victory. That is quality of show. Once fans catch the buzz about our show things will really take off. My phone rang, it was Tommy, and he wasn't happy about a signing I made that he forbid me from going forward with... [/SIZE]
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[SIZE="2"]Today was a pretty rough day. It started with the releasing of two stars, Billy Jack Shearer and Charlie Thatcher. It's always hard giving hard working guys the axe but the way we want to present our product, well, they just didn't fit what we want to do. Not to mention I had to make some room for the guys I've brought in throughout the week. A list that is includes Champagne Lover, probably the biggest star in Mexico, Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson, two young talents that are tearing up the indy scene. The others that round out the list are: Jake Idol, Air Attack Weasel, Daredevil Aero, Sayeed Ali, Jeremiah Moose, Ernie Turner, Dirty Frank, Mikey James, Fumihiro Ota, and Casey Valentine. All of which are to report to Rip Chord within the next week. When Tommy Cornell heard about the Champagne signing he called me into his office and basically ripped me a new one. One of the things he told me when he first hired me was to create my own stars, don't pouch anyone's talent. I tried to explain my reasoning but he wanted no part of it. I disobeyed his request, plain and simple. Rich and powerful men do not like to have their authority challenged, and Tommy was no different. I took my lumps, a fine of one month's salary. [/SIZE]
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[SIZE="2"][center][B]Total Wrestling Preview:[/B] Live From The Friedman Building[/center] [I]Ricky Dale Johnson over came the odds last week defeating The Machines to earn a shot at Tommy Cornell and the World Heavyweight Title. This week he goes one on one with the legendary Sam Keith. Wolf Hawkins defends his International Championship against Joey Minnesota. The Tag Team Champions The Machines go one on one with their challengers at Malice in Wonderland. Brent Hill vs Guide and Jon Anderson vs Scout. Also, the World Heavyweight Champion Tommy Cornell in action[/I].[/SIZE]
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[SIZE="2"][center][B]Total Wrestling[/B] Live From The Friedman Building[/center] The show kicks off back stage in The Syndicate locker room. Tommy Cornell is tearing into his stablemates. Into Wolf for his tardiness last week, The Machines for their losses the last two weeks. He puts them all on notice that he'll be paying close attention to their matches tonight, also informing them not to interfere in one another's matches. He wants to show the world why The Syndicate are the most feared group in wrestling, and if he has to do a little house cleaning so be it. [B]B[/B] [center][B]Tommy Cornell(c) vs Clark Alexander - World Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Squash match. Cornell destroys Alexander to retain the World title.[/I] [B]C[/B][/center] Danny Fonzarelli comes down to the ring a grabs the mic. He announces to all the ladies in the arena that starting tomorrow he will be conducting a nationwide search for 6 ladies who will be here next week and compete against eachother for the oppertunity to become the Fonz's next lady friend. [B]D+[/B] [center][B]Brent Hill vs Guide[/B] [I]Brent Hill defeated Guide with the Complete Package.[/I] [B]C[/B][/center] Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes announce that after their 20 minute time limit draw last week on Total Wrestling a rematch between Rick Law and Koshiro Ino has been signed for Malice in Wonderland in 2 weeks. [B]C+[/B] Jasmine Saunders interviews Rick Law backstage about his match with Ino at MIW. Law talks up Ino as a babyface would do in this situation. Saying that Ino is a very good wrestler and looks forward to the challenge. [B]C-[/B] [center][B]Scout vs Jon Anderson[/B] [I]Scout defeated one half of the tag team champions, Jon Anderson in a match that was suprisingly better than expected.[/I] [B]B[/B][/center] Tommy Cornell was in his locker room when American Buffalo and his manager Floyd Goldworthy barges in. Buffalo says that he did what he asked of him two weeks ago when he took Genghis Rahn out of the 6 man tag match. Now it's time to cash in the favor Cornell offered him. He tells Cornell he wants a title match after Malice in Wonderland. Before Tommy could reply Genghis Rahn blindsides Buffalo. Rahn beats Buffalo down as Tommy Cornell looks on. [B]B[/B] Rocky Golden comes out to do guest commentary in the upcoming match between his opponent at MIW Wolf Hawkins vs Joey Minnesota. [B]C+[/B] [center][B]Wolf Hawkins(c) vs Joey Minnesota - International Championship[/B] [I]Wolf Hawkins defeats Minnesota to retain the International Championship when Freddy Huggins attacks Minnesota. [/I][B]B[/B][/center] Chance Fortune hits the ring and begins talking about his All-Action title match at MIW against Sammy Bach. As he's talking Bach and his valet Karen Killer come out. Bach gives Fortune a choice between going forward with their match at MIW or one night with Karen. Anything goes. Fortune is disgusted by the prospect and lets Bach know that he'll see him at MIW. [B]C[/B] [center][B]Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith[/B] [I]RDJ defeats Sam Keith in what was the best match of the night after he hits the leaping lariat.[/I] [B]B+[/B][/center] After the match Tommy Cornell came down to the ring. Sam Keith slowly got up after his loss to see Cornell standing in the corner of the ring starring at him in disgust. Cornell gets in his face as if he will hit him, after a moment he exits the ring. Keith pleading his case follows behind. [B]B+[/B] [/SIZE]
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[SIZE="2"][center][B]Total Wrestling Preview:[/B] Live From Evanovich Riverside[/center] [I]Six contestants from around the nation will compete for the oppertunity to be with Danny Fonzarelli. This tuesday we'll met them as they have a dance off against one another. Less than a week away from his epic World Title Match with Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson goes one on one with Wolf Hawkins. Koshiro Ino vs Joel Bryant Eddie Peak vs Texas Pete Rocky Golden vs American Buffalo[/I] [B]Plus Much More.. [/B]Last week's Total Wrestling did 2.47 compared to 2.54 two weeks ago. On the other hand SWF did a 3.87. Up from 3.69 two weeks ago. The show featured Jack Bruce defeating Squeaky McClean.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE="2"][center][B]Total Wrestling[/B] Live From Evanovich Riverside[/center] The TCW World Heavyweight Champion Tommy Cornell hits the ring to start off the show. The rest of the Syndicate not present as he grabs a mic and begins to address his fellow stable mates and their recent poor performances lately. He calls the International Champion Wolf Hawkins to the ring, once inside Cornell chews him out for showing up late two weeks ago for their tag match. He reminds Wolf that he told him he had news that would make Tommy very happy. Tommy demands to know what it is. Before Wolf could get a word in Ricky Dale Johnson's music hits as the challenger at Malice In Wonderland comes out on stage with a microphone. He and Tommy start jawwing back and forth about their upcoming match. RDJ tells Tommy that he can throw whatever obstacle in his way he wants. He'll get past it and beat him for the title at MIW. On that note, Cornell tells Hawkins to take him out tonight. [B]B[/B] [center][B]Eddie Peak vs Texas Pete[/B] [I]Eddie Peak defeated Texas Pete with the Peak of Perfection.[/I][B]C+[/B][/center] Danny Fonzarelli comes out to hold the first round of his managerial search. He calls the 6 finalists down to the ring in order to met them. 6 of the scariest, down right homely women in wrestling make their way down to the ring as the Fonz stares at them in horror. They introduce themselves as Eliza Buckley, Connie Morris, Rebecca Petty, Heidi Brooks, Devil's Daughter, and Black Widow. Danny announces that he doesn't want to go through with the search. A TCW executive comes down and after a private conversation Danny goes on with the segment. For the first round each girl had to give the Fonz a lap dance. Each contestant does their worst, literally, and Rebecca Petty is the first eliminated by the crowd. [B]D[/B] Koshiro Ino and Joel Bryant come out for their match. Before they can start Rick Law comes down and stands on the outside in order to get a good look at Ino, who he'll be facing at Malice In Wonderland. [B]C+[/B] [center][B]Koshiro Ino vs Joel Bryant[/B] [I]Koshiro Ino defeated Joel Bryant after the Kobra's Bite.[/I][B]C+[/B][/center] Joey Minnesota is walking through the backstage area when he bumps into Laura Huggins. He asks Laura where her brother Freddy is, he's got some business with him to take care of after Freddy's interference in his match last week. Laura doesn't know and begins to flirt with Joey. As the two talk Freddy comes up and tells Minnesota to stay away from his sister then challenges him to a match. Minnesota confidently accepts. [B]C[/B] [center][B]Aaron Andrews/Chance Fortune vs Sammy Bach/Edd Stone[/B] [I]Chance Fortune and Aaron Andrews defeat Sammy Bach and Edd Stone when Fortune pins his oppenent at MIW Sammy Bach after the Stroke of Luck.[/I] [B]C[/B] [B]Rocky Golden vs American Buffalo[/B] [I]Rocky Golden defeats American Buffalo after Genghis Rahn interferes[/I]. [B]C[/B][/center] Backstage we saw the challengers to the Tag Team Titles being brutally attacked and bloodied by the Tag Team Champions The Machines. [B]C[/B] [center][B]Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins [/B] [I]RDJ defeated Hawkins by disqualification when Tommy Cornell gets involved[/I]. [B]B[/B][/center] Cornell, Keith, and Hawkins attack RDJ in the ring. Rocky Golden and Tyson Baine run down and make the save.[B] B[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][U]Final Rating:[/U] [B]B-[/B] [/SIZE]
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[SIZE="2"][center][B]Preview: MALICE IN WONDERLAND[/B] Live From Alabama Field Row [B]WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP[/B] [I]Tommy Cornell[B](c)[/B] vs Ricky Dale Johnson[/I] [B]INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP[/B] [I]Rocky Golden vs Wolf Hawkins[B](c)[/B] [/I] [I]Sam Keith vs Tyson Baine[/I] [B]TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP[/B] [I]New Wave vs The Machines[B](c)[/B] [/I] [B]NO HOLDS BARRED[/B] [I]Genghis Rahn vs American Buffalo[/I] [B]ALL-ACTION CHAMPIONSHIP[/B] [I]Sammy Bach[B](c)[/B] vs Chance Fortune[/I] [I]Joey Minnesota vs Freddy Huggins[/I] [I]Rick Law vs Koshiro Ino[/I][/center][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="2"][center][FONT="Arial Narrow"][B][SIZE="3"]MALICE IN WONDERLAND[/SIZE][/B][/FONT] Live From Alabama Field Row[/center] Down at ringside where Joel Azaria and Kyle Rhodes open the show talking about the huge main event World Heavyweight Championship match between the Champion Tommy Cornell vs Ricky Dale Johnson. [B]B+[/B] [center][B]Joey Minnesota vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins[/B] [I]Minnesota defeats Freddy Huggins after Freddy tires of Laura checking up on Joey. He slaps her, she slaps him back leading Minnesota to roll him up for the 3.[/I] [B]C+[/B][/center] The Syndicate are backstage in their locker room. Wolf and Tommy talk about the suprise Wolf talked about 3 weeks ago. Wolf tells Tommy that tonight he will findout what it is. [B]B[/B] [center][B]Sammy Bach(c) w/Karen Killer vs Chance Fortune - All-Action Championship[/B] [I]Sammy Bach defeats Chance Fortune to retain the All-Action title.[/I] [B]C[/B][/center] Danny Fonzarelli reluctantly came down to the ring to hold the second round of his search. The final five contestants, Black Widow, Connie Morris, Devil's Daughter, Eliza Buckley, and Heidi Brooks answer a questions ala the dating game. Danny's first question: How would we celebrate after a victory? 55 year old Heidi Brooks answers first: [I]"First we'd take in a game of bingo then it's back to the hotel for a glass of brandy while we listen to Frank Sinatra on the record player."[/I] Black Widow: [I]"We'd go back to my room where I'd strap you down to the bed then begin to torture you until you black out from pleasure."[/I] Eliza Buckley: [I]"****, ****, ****, hairy *****!"[/I] Connie Morris: [I]"Pump some iron then give swirlies to nerds."[/I] Devil's Daughter: [I]"Sacrifice a puppy."[/I] Fonzarelli is mortified as the the crowd votes off Devil's Daughter with their jeers. [B]D[/B] [B][U]Note:[/U][/B] GET THIS OVER WITH!!!!!!! [center][B]Wolf Hawkins(c) vs Rocky Golden - International Championship[/B][/center] [I]Solid match that may have torn the roof down with if it had more tv time to develop. Wolf gets the victory with the Full Moon Rising to retain his International title.[/I] [B]B-[/B] Shawn Doakes stood in the center of the ring and welcomed the newest addition to the TCW roster, "Champagne" Cesar Chavez (aka Champagne Lover). Chavez talks up his in ring debut as the greatest thing to happen to, not only TCW, but to United States pro wrestling. He promises he'll give the TCW roster a wrestling clinic, and do it with class and style. As only Champagne can do. [B]D[/B] [center][B]American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Genghis Rahn - No Holds Barred[/B] [I]A violent match that saw alot of weapons as well as both competitors "juice" themselves. Buffalo picks up the victory after a led pipe to the back of the Rahn's neck. Afterwards perimedics carry Rahn from ringside on a gurney.[/I] [B]C[/B][/center] A video recap is played of the fued between the Tag Team Champions, The Machines and their challengers The New Wave. Starting off with the New Wave challenging, and beating the tag champs in a non title match and finishing with the Machines viciously beating down Guide and Scout a week before their match. [B]C+[/B] [center][B]The Machines(c) vs The New Wave - Tag Team Championship[/B][ [I]Not quite the payoff that was expected for a fued that got alot of air time. The Machines defended their titles using classic heel dirty tatics, a low blow and roll up from Hill to Guide.[/I] [B]C+[/B][/center] Backstage we see Genghis Rahn being put in the back of an ambulance and driven to the nearest hospital. [B]C-[/B] [center][B]Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law[/B] [I]Koshiro Ino defeated Law in another match that didn't do as well as hoped. It seems that Law and Ino just don't have any chemistry together. Too bad, I want this fued to go on longer.[/I] [B]C+[/B][/center] After the match Rick Law was clutching his shoulder in pain as he grabbed a mic. He said that the only reason Ino defeated him was because he was wrestling with a banged up shoulder. Then he goes on to say he needs to take some time off to rehab the injury and come back when he's 100%. [B]C+[/B] [center][B]Tyson Baine vs Sam Keith[/B] [I]The legend Sam Keith is finding the TCW a pretty difficult place as his losing streak continues after a Hades Bomb by Baine[/I].[B] B[/B] [B]Tommy Cornell(c) vs Ricky Dale Johnson - World Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Tommy Cornell defeated RDJ to retain the World title after a 7'0' tall monster comes out and chokeslams RDJ[/I]. [B]A[/B][/center] After the match the 7'0' monster left the ring while Cornell curiously watched him exit the arena. Tommy Cornell then celebrates his title defense as the show ends. [B]B+[/B] [center][B]Final Show Rating: B[/center][/B][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][center][B]Malice In Wonderland Aftermath:[/B] [I]Ricky Dale Johnson overcame every obstacle that the World Heavyweight Champion Tommy Cornell could throw his way only to fall short after interference from a 7'0" monster. Was he the "suprise" that Wolf Hawkins had promised Cornell for weeks? What's next for RDJ now that he's back to square one? Laura Huggins has caused her brother Freddy several loses in the past few weeks including his match at Malice In Wonderland against Joey Minnesota. Freddy has made it clear that he doesn't want his sister anywhere near the ring as he goes one on one with Joey Minnesota in a rematch on Total Wrestling. Newest TCW acquistion "Champagne" Cesar Chavez makes his in ring debut. Rocky Golden looks to rebound from his loss to Wolf Hawkins as he takes on legendary Sam Keith. Plus, Aaron Andrews vs Edd Stone [/I] The Young Guns are also in action.[/SIZE][/center] [B][U]PPV RATE:[/U][/B] Malice In Wonderland did 1.67
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