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I'm a little confused on this one, and don't want to use it on my current show if I'm going to do it wrong... So say I have an angle that can lead to a 1 vs 1.. does that mean it'll automatically put that 1 vs 1 into the Advance Booking screen, ready for the next show.. or does it mean that it'll lead to a 1 vs 1 on the night of the angle (as in now)? The later seems less plausible for a number of reasons, but I don't wanna risk messing it up. So any help thanks.
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The way it works is that when you run the show, once you get to that segment, in the bottom left hand corner you will see a button that says booking options (I believe). Click that box. Then you can make that match either for the show you are running, an upcoming PPV or event, or the next episode of the television show you are running. If you make it for the event you are running, be sure you booked it as you are now unable to go back to the booking screen. Hope I helped.
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It shouldn't affect that shows runtime, as you already booked the show completely. Remember, when you run the show, you are seeing segment by segment, like a fan. The fan doesn't know that you already planned for the match that was announce twenty minutes in to be the main event. Just because it's an unannounced match doesn't mean it's not planned.
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All that setting the purpose bit in an angle does is allow you to effectively hype a future match - whether that match in 5 mins later, or 6 months. It allows you to create an advance booking - so if you are running your TV show and you have an angle which sets up a PPV match, then that created match will appear as an advance booking for your PPV. If it is to set up a match on the same show as you are actually currently running, then it still sets up the advance booking, but since you then run the match before you ever get to see the advance booking screen again, you never actually see it written down there. Also you have to have put that "newly booked" match into the running order of the show in the booking for the show - if you don't put it in, then you will get the message about the fans not being happy that they didn't see the expected match, XvY on this show. As was said - on running the angle, you get a box at the bottom left of the screen appear, I think called "Create Match" which takes you to a pop up where you can choose which show the match happens on. If you tick the bottom paragraph - then it is for a future show, leaving it unticked means the fans will expect the match tonight.
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