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Talent Trade...Popularity

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Ok, so im running a regional australian entertainment promotion AWE, and ive worked out some working agreements with some overseas promotions, to get some international talent coming through the promotion, while also increasing my workers visibility overseas, a solid business plan i feel. So im in negotiations with Puerto Rican Power, to bring Mainstream Hernandez out for a few dates in which he will be in the corner of The Melbourne Blondes to help take down Dashing and Debonair (Spiffy Stan Standish renamed as Dashing Dan Standish teaming with Debonair David Peterson with Sean Quartermainne in their corner) who are loyal to the crown, the queen and the motherland of england. The only thing is, PRP wont budge, no matter who i offer in return. Originally i was offering Boo Smithson who could have some amazing matches with some of the FCW guys, but he said the trade wasnt equal, he wants someone with the same popularity as Mainstream. So i bumped it up to Swoop McCarthy, one of my MAIN guys with D+ overness throughout Australia and he still said no. Mainstream has F- overness in australia, and E+ in the states. Swoop is F- in the states and D+ in Australia. Seeing as how I am getting a worker who is F- overness in my region, why am i expected to give him a worker who is E+ in his (of which i have none, btw). Is this how its supposed to work? Is this fair?
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and in an even more dissapointing move, MAW, a promotion who focus on in-ring talent NOT popularity or entertainment, wont take any of my workers, not even in return for Jefferson Stardust, their least popular, least talented worker... wth?
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yes to both questions? i can see how it is meant to work this way, but in all honesty.... if your giving me a worker who is not popular at all in my region, how then can you expect a worker who is popular in your region in return? espescially in the case of performance over popularity promotions
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They want a talent that matches or is higher than the popularity of the talent you want, [I]in the area they're located in[/I]. Think about it this way, Swoop's got a name in Australia (D+), but nobody knows him from Adam (F-) in PR where FCW holds shows. You're trying to ask PRP to consider that person as an even trade for somebody who's starting to make a name (E+) in his area. Put yourself in PRP's shoes, would you take that offer seriously? Your best bet if you want to take advantage of talent trades sometime in the future is to build up your home grown talent until you can throw away $25,000 on relocating a decent low level talent like Velocidad or K-Squared or Evil Spirit. I suggest this for three reasons: 1. All of these three talents have a wide selection of possible work areas and a great amount of skill for their level, so you'll be able to make use of them on your own cards and mold their skills. 2. They already have popularity outside of Oz, so you can use them as direct trades to smaller promotions like MAW and FCW, which will increase their popularity. 3. Since they retain their previous working areas when they relocate, they can still be hired by promotions whose eye they catch (which means they'll gain popularity quicker without you having to worry about trading them for it). The only other option is to wait for an unused talent to decide to open up to traveling to or from Oz and snap them up as your tether to the outside world, but you have no control over when or if that will ever happen.
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To add to what Vladamire Dracos said: [QUOTE=Greg2511;434182]and in an even more dissapointing move, [B]MAW, a promotion who focus on in-ring talent NOT popularity or entertainment[/B], wont take any of my workers, not even in return for Jefferson Stardust, their least popular, least talented worker...[/QUOTE] You've fallen into the same line of thinking that sinks a lot of people - every promotion, no matter how focussed on in-ring action, takes into account popularity to some degree. A guy with zero name value, even if he has awesome skills, is pretty useless to them until he at least has some popularity - and you aren't going to build that in the 3-5 appearances of a talent trade. Therefore, as Vladamire said, instead of looking at it entirely from your point of view you need to take into account the other promotion's side of things - why would they want to take the hit of several poorly rated segments to build this guy's popularity up just to then ship him back to you. They get poor segments, you get a more valuable worker. Great business for you, terrible for them. In closing, Australia is meant to be an isolated game area, there was never meant to be any talent trades, at least not until the user can grow them sufficiently.
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