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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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It’s been a while since I did this – three months, at least. Occasionally, the tension boils over a bit. Usually, it’s Jay who acts as the locker room release valve. I’ve come to view this slightly phlegmatically. Jay can’t be fired. Everyone knows that. And until he does something really bad, and so long as he gets visibly punished, then I’ve come around to the idea that it’s not a bad thing that he lets go occasionally. Case in point, as I followed Joe Benning through the locker room door, Jay was screaming at Oscar Golden about some slight or another. Golden was standing before him, unflinching, his arms crossed, the look on his face clearly stating that he’d come within an ace of pulverising Jay once before, and he wouldn’t object to doing it again. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Jay,”[/COLOR] I said, quietly. The word cut through the locker room, and Jay faltered. I stood in the doorway, my hands clasped atop my cane. At times like this, I wondered if I should start wearing a fedora – but I had an idea that I’d look like a pimp. Jay paused in his tirade, and turned to look at me. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Jay, you’re an idiot,”[/COLOR] I said, pleasantly. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Golden punked you out last time, and I know he’d do it again in an instant.”[/COLOR] Jay glanced at Oscar, who ****ed his head to one side and bared his teeth in what you’d have to call a smile – although there was no trace of humour in it. Jay took a half-step back. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Jay, you just don’t learn, do you?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Just stop being a ---- for once in your life. Every time you act up, you get clobbered – sometimes more than once. I suppose I ought to be grateful. You’ve helped me put together a scale of suitable punishments based on your behaviour over the last few years. This one qualifies for a -------ing in front of the rest of the locker room, you stupid ----. Now shape up, for God’s sake, and start acting your age.”[/COLOR] Jay looked somewhat meekly at the locker room floor.[COLOR="Red"] “Whatever you say, James,”[/COLOR] he said. I looked at him suspiciously, but he seemed appropriately apologetic. Nodding once, I turned and left the room – I had something even less palatable to do next. * Jean Cattley was packed and ready to go. Never one for excessive displays of emotion, he’d avoided a lengthy goodbye in the locker room by saying goodbye during the show itself. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Jean, thanks for everything,”[/COLOR] I said, as we finished packing his car. [COLOR="Navy"]“It’s been a pleasure,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Navy"]“Six years of my life, and I don’t regret any of it.” He paused. “Well, almost none of it.”[/COLOR] We shared a smile. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You’ve done great work here. I know you’ve helped the kids out a lot, and I’m not sure what we’re going to do without your influence around here.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Well, it’s been a pleasure – and I believe in giving back as much as I can. So long as I can look good doing it.”[/COLOR] I nodded. The greatest trick of any head booker lies in keeping the past, the future and the present in the proper balance. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Jean, you’ll be welcome back at any time – you know that. Have you seen Rip?”[/COLOR] He nodded. [COLOR="Navy"]“Yeah, I caught him earlier today. He’s not big on goodbyes, either.”[/COLOR] I nodded as well. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Keep in touch, Jean. It seems like there’s more people leaving than joining nowadays, but I hope you’re the exception.”[/COLOR] We shook hands, and then he was gone. I sagged, leaning heavily on my cane for support. How on earth would Mid Atlantic Wrestling survive without Jean Cattley? * Already worried about things at the office, I didn’t sleep well – not helped by the absence of Katie, off with 4C. I’d tossed and turned all night, and as such the doorbell ringing at 3.45am was almost a welcome distraction. I limped downstairs, no idea where my cane was, cursing Rip Chord for whatever prank he’d decided to pull on me. So when the door swung open to reveal a female police officer standing on the other side, for half a second I wondered if Rip had sent me a stripper. But... “Mr. Casey?” she asked, as I logged the presence of a police car outside the house. I could see several figures in the back, along with a further police officer in the front, keeping an eye on them. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“That’s me,”[/COLOR] I replied, returning my attention to the officer. “We have two men for you, sir,” she said, a half-smile tugging at her lips. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Who?”[/COLOR] They gave their names as Oscar and Saville, sir,” she replied, and now the smile was full-blown. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Oh Lord,”[/COLOR] I muttered. Something flipped in the back of my mind. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“It’s Jane, isn’t it? I’ve seen you at our shows sometimes.”[/COLOR] She nodded. “My colleague and I are fans, sir. It’s why we’ve brought them to you, rather than throwing them in the tank for the night. They weren’t really causing trouble, anyway – they were just pretty happy.” I tried to set my face into a scowl as I followed her down to the car, but it was hard to keep it up. The Canadian Blondes took immense pride in being our champions, and with our recent hires we actually had a real division in place again. I couldn’t blame them for celebrating their win – particularly as their in-ring celebrations had been subsumed by the whole debuts/departure farrago after their match. Oscar and Saville were in the back of the police car along with a third man, who I didn’t recognise at first, and who was completely unconscious. I grabbed Sav and started to haul him out of the car as he tipsily proclaimed his delight at seeing me. When I recognised the third man, I dropped Sav in the gutter, where he said something about stars that I didn’t register. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Is that...?”[/COLOR] “PRIDE Koiso, sir? No, but the resemblance is uncanny, isn’t it?” [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Was he with them?”[/COLOR] “He was buying their drinks. He seemed even happier about their win than they did, sir.” [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Did they have the title belts with them?”[/COLOR] She nodded, and her fellow officer got out of the car, holding them and looking slightly sheepish. “We took a couple of photos with them sir, I hope that’s okay,” he said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “Officers, that’s absolutely fine,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And I’m sure that the champs here will want to say thank you if you come to the next show. I know you can’t accept gifts or anything, but they may buy you a drink – although Mr. Deep Pockets here might be encouraged to show a little moderation if he comes along. What are you doing with him, anyway?”[/COLOR] “He lives a few blocks away, so we can drop him off. Can you get these two inside, sir? They asked to be brought to you.” [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Yes, officer, that’s fine,” [/COLOR]I said, judging Saville as the more sober Blonde, and holding him on my weak side. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And I’ll see you guys at the next show?”[/COLOR] “Count on it sir. Sir?” [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Yes?”[/COLOR] “Couldn’t tell us who’s getting a push in the next few months, could you?” I laughed. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise – although I hope these guys hold the titles better than they hold their drinks...”[/COLOR] * [B]MAW On Tour[/B] Thursday, 25th April 2011 – South East Amazing Fire Fly def. Curtis Jenkins – E+ Riley McManus def. Raphael – E+ Kid Arachnid def. Greg Ford – E+ Smith & Singh def. Glamour And Devastation – E Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [I]Notes: That was average ... Ford and Jenkins, of all people, objected to the booking[/I] * Up North, Richard has apparently decided to take at least part of my advice to heart – Steven Parker is the new North American champion. * [B]MAW On Tour[/B] Thursday 4th May 2011 – Great Lakes Jefferson Stardust def. Matt Hocking – E Roderick Remus def. Max Mayhem – E Antonio def. Joe Benning – F+ Kid Arachnid def. VIP Wallace – E The Triple Threat (c) def. Riley McManus, Amazing Fire Fly and Jonnie Perez to retain the MAW Trios titles – E+ Greg Ford def. Brandon Smith – D- Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR] [I]Notes: No chemistry for Arachnid/Wallace ... Antonio/Benning was match 4 in a short time – and the worst one yet ... Expanding the show doubled attendance to over 250[/I] * [B]MAW On Tour[/B] Thursday 11thMay 2011 – South East Antonio def. Hugh lee – E- Jonnie Perez def. Nelson Callum – E Kashmir Singh def. Roderick Remus – E+ Greg Ford def. Amazing Fire Fly – E+ Kid Arachnid def. Jared Johnson – D- Brandon Smith def. Curtis Jenkins – E Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Arachnid and Johnson are awesome – and should have gone on last ... I ‘knew’ that Antonio and Hugh Lee would be a bad match, but I forgot to check my notes ... 300 sell-out for the show – a first for On Tour[/I] * TCW have been on fire lately. Opposite the touring show, they put on an A* show, capped by A* matches between Brent Hill and Guide, and Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins. * [CENTER][B]MAW May The Force Be With You[/B] Masked Patriot vs. Thrash The Young Americans vs. The Canadian Blondes Stevie Grayson and Thomas Morgan vs. Ford & Speed Randy Bumfhole vs. Casey Valentine Chance Fortune vs. JD Morgan Aaron Andrews vs. Black Eagle Plus, Steve Flash, Erik Strong and Jay Chord will all be in action![/CENTER]
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[B]MAW May The Force Be With You[/B] [B]Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Thrash The Young Americans vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] Stevie Grayson and Thomas Morgan vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs. JD Morgan [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Black Eagle Nice segments there, liked them all very much. :) To be honest I'm reading this diary so that I will learn how to make my diary better. Especially those segments between shows etc.. :) Liking the diary very much!
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I don't know what's worse, the thought of Flash's mother naming him Saville, or the thought of me being out-drunk by two puny little Canadians. :D Loving the Second Sons; brilliant way to write Jean out, and I do love your Casey Valentine (and putting him with Strong and Antonio can only help them). Chance is a cool addition too, although seeing Randy without Zimmy will take some getting used to I think. CJ complaining about jobbing is pretty hilarious at this point though. Has he EVER won a match? I think I remember you giving him a sympathy/irony win once, but other than that... [B]Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Thrash The Young Americans vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] Stevie Grayson and Thomas Morgan vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs. JD Morgan [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Black Eagle
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MAW May The Force Be With You [B]Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Thrash [I]Thrash is the whipping boy[/I] The Young Americans vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]Champs[/I] Stevie Grayson and Thomas Morgan vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] [I]Only one team doesn't have Stevie Grayson[/I] Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] [I]His new persona trumps Randy's SWF-ish-ness[/I] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs. JD Morgan [I]Yay! Chance![/I] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Black Eagle [I]You don't get the title after only a month back...do you?[/I] Plus, Steve Flash, Erik Strong and Jay Chord will all be in action! [I]Yay![/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: May The Force Be With You Friday, 12th May 2011[/CENTER] Masked Patriot vs. Thrash[/B] Patriot was hot out of the gates in this one, holding nothing back as he tore into The Fallen’s brutish muscle. Thrash seemed surprised by Patriot’s focus and willingness to go all out – something he’s held back from in recent months. The match was short and brutal, with Patriot clotheslining Thrash over the top rope to the arena floor. As Thrash rather groggily climbed back onto the ring apron, Patriot launched into a huge spear that caught Thrash in the chest and threw him backwards off the apron and into the crowd barrier. From there, it was easy for Patriot to roll his opponent into the ring and cover for the win. Winner: Masked Patriot (D+) * Before Patriot could leave the ring, Black Eagle and Sienna – back in her mistress-of-the-night garb, sadly – came down to join him. Eagle stared down Patriot, but before anyone could say or do anything, Hugh de Aske sprinted down to the ring and slid under the bottom rope, before going eyeball to eyeball with Eagle. He raised a microphone to his lips: [COLOR="Blue"]“Sienna, love, I know what this weirdo did to you. You told me – he brainwashed you, and he abandoned you. Darlin’, don’t do this – remember how long it took us to get you back to normal. Remember all the fun we had!”[/COLOR] Patriot took the opportunity to leave the ring and pick up a chair. Re-entering the ring, he signalled for Hugh to step back, which Hugh did, looking slightly confused – a look that changed to horror just as Patriot swung the chair up and blasted him around the head. Hugh dropped to the ground, and Patriot looked stonily down at the comatose and bloodied pirate, before smiling broadly. He hopped out of the ring, and strolled jauntily down the aisle, swinging the chair like Gene Kelly with an umbrella as the fans jeered him lustily. [COLOR="Gray"]“Ohh... My darling Hugh...”[/COLOR] Sienna said, sinking to her knees beside his prone body, and cradling his head in her arms, apparently not noticing the blood dripping on her dress. [COLOR="Gray"]“Surely you knew... Surely, in your heart, you realised that my love was always with the Black Eagle... I hoped that, perhaps, you could be as dark as him, that I might be happy with you... But Hugh, you live for fun... You live for the adrenaline rush life gives you... And while you make your own rules, you do not see that there is only the rule of darkness and ultimately the rule of light...”[/COLOR] Letting his head drop with a thud, Sienna stood and beamed at Eagle, who had watched the whole proceedings silently and without movement. She looped her arm through his, and they left in tandem as our trainers rushed down to the ring to look after Hugh. * [B]The Young Americans vs. The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] Our two most experienced teams – and it makes me sad to write that – tied it up with the titles at stake. The Blondes seem to believe that they’ve justified their arrogance with this title win, while the Americans played on the Patriot card (more effective now that Patriot has gone... dark. Perhaps...) Anyway, it was a double-team bonanza, and in this case experience told the tale – the Blondes have got over a hundred matches under their belts as a team, the Americans maybe thirty or so. For the Blondes, this means a near-telepathic understanding of what happens when and where, resulting in them being able to act almost without communication – such as when a Golden Shower on Hocking prevented him from breaking up Savage’s Canadian Crab on Benning, and meant that Golden could make the pin as Benning tapped. Perhaps the Blondes’ arrogance is justified, after all... Winner: The Canadian Blondes (D-) * Greg Ford and Marc Speed came down to the ring, and took a house mic each. F: [COLOR="Blue"]“Wherever we go, people ask us if we’re still associated with The Fallen.”[/COLOR] S: [COLOR="Blue"]“And the answer is no, we’re not. Black Eagle and Firebird know that we still follow the ideals that they have instilled in us. They have shown us the light, and we continue to act as we must.”[/COLOR] F: [COLOR="Blue"]“But we have our own goals. We will soon claim the Tag Team titles. And then our example will be vindicated.”[/COLOR] S: [COLOR="Blue"]“We have been entrusted with the freedom to choose our own way of spreading the truth. And our aim is to achieve our goal in the one way guaranteed to bring attention: Through the claiming of championship gold.”[/COLOR] * [B]Stevie Grayson and Thomas Morgan vs. Ford & Speed[/B] Say good-bye to Grayson and Morgan, folks. This was their last chance to save their necks before we give them the chop, and they blew it before the match started by complaining about... everything. Losing to two guys in the same card position as you, with superior momentum, and who are actually a team? Yeah – neither of them should have complained. Both did. Rip and I are, for once, in absolute unison about these two – they’re canned. Speed dropped the metaphorical hammer on a match that would have been better without the faces’ ----ty attitude as he forced Grayson to tap out to a Cross Armbar. Winner: Ford & Speed (D) * [B]Randy Bumfhole vs. Casey Valentine[/B] So much for getting these guys off and running in their new roles: A lack of chemistry resulted in this match being deeply average, with every exchange mired in several seconds of ‘what-happens-next’ calculation that should be performed on the fly – not between spots. Bumfhole Buster not only describes the end of the match – it’s also not far from my mood as I watched it. Winner: Randy Bumfhole (D) * Backstage, Erik Strong approached Jay Chord with a big grin on his face, but before he had a chance to open his mouth, Jay held up a hand. [COLOR="Red"]“You call yourselves the Second Sons,”[/COLOR] Jay said. [COLOR="Red"]“The implication is that you’re somehow tied to my father, because of your long association with him.”[/COLOR] In a split second, Jay had grabbed the front of Strong’s shirt and shoved him up against the wall. [COLOR="Red"]“I’m already trying to break that freak pretending to be worthy of my legacy. Now I’ve got you three acting like the Chord name is enough to carry you in this business? And I suppose you want me to join you, to give you some legitimacy? Well, forget it. And consider changing your group’s name before I find the time in my schedule to break you in half – one by one, or all at once.”[/COLOR] * [B]Chance Fortune vs. JD Morgan [/B] After a shaky mid-portion of the show, this was a delight to watch. Two experienced veterans throwing down, using nothing but the talent God gave them. Although their popularity helps them with the fans, their skills kept those who hadn’t heard of them interested in the match. Morgan used his vast technical abilities to try and hold Fortune down as Chance struggled to break the holds. But the popular Fortune was able to go to the air as well, and used this to his advantage as he rained down attacks from above. Morgan, however, seemed to have his opponent well scouted, as Fortune took things a step too far – going for a flying lariat that Morgan caught and reversed into a uranage slam, before tying Fortune up in a hybrid cradle/body lock that snared the pin – but could as easily have forced the submission. Winner: JD Morgan (C+) * Backstage, Chance Fortune entered a familiar-looking dressing room not seen since Jean Cattley and Casey Valentine had their stable-dissolving feud several months prior. [COLOR="Blue"]“Chance, you fought well,”[/COLOR] Steve Flash said, as Randy Bumfhole brought his colleague a drink from the well-stocked private bar. [COLOR="Blue"]“And that’s what The Firm is all about. Jean asked me to keep his legacy going, and I could hardly refuse an honour like that. I’m glad that the two of have you agreed to join me, eh? Now, we’ve just got to wait for our fourth member to join us, and we’ll be set.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Set to rip up the Second Sons,”[/COLOR] Randy said, with a grin. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yes... and no,”[/COLOR] Flash said, looking thoughtful. [COLOR="Blue"]“I don’t think anyone can argue that the Second Sons could be a nuisance if left unchecked, and certainly they will be the main focus of our attention. But I think that it would be worth out time to confront The Fallen as well – I don’t think that what they’re selling is worth buying, do you?”[/COLOR] Fortune shook his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“I agree – and besides, listening to them talk makes my teeth hurt.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Then that’s settled. When our final member joins us, we shall set out our plan of campaign for the coming months,”[/COLOR] Flash declared. [COLOR="Blue"]“But first, did I see a can of Fresca in the fridge?” “Yep.” “Jean knew how to take care of his allies, didn’t he?”[/COLOR] * Backstage, and Erik Strong approached Jay Chord again. Jay leapt to his feet and made a grab for Strong, but Strong took a step back and said, quickly, [COLOR="Sienna"]“Arachnid!”[/COLOR] Jay paused, mid-grab, and signalled for Strong to carry on. [COLOR="Sienna"]“That’s the fourth member of the new Firm. Kid Arachnid – I saw him going into their dressing room. They’ve got four guys, we need a fourth guy, you want to get your hands on Arachnid... We can help you.”[/COLOR] Jay looked thoughtful, and torn. [COLOR="Red"]“You help me,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Red"]“You don’t expect anything from me unless I offer it, you understand?”[/COLOR] Erik nodded. [COLOR="Red"]“And you don’t try and claim that me or my father are endorsing you – you take the same chances as anyone else, and if you can’t make it work, it’s your fault, and no-one else’s.”[/COLOR] Erik nodded again. [COLOR="Red"]“Good. I think it’s time to find out what this Firm has going for it.”[/COLOR] * [B]Steve Flash and Kid Arachnid vs. Erik Strong and Jay Chord[/B] Ouch. The pairing of youth and experience on the face side of the ring had nothing going on – there was about as much understanding as there would be between Shakespeare and Slash. Strong and Chord, who have a solid shared grounding from their time under Rip’s tutelage, had no such troubles, as their exchanges were pretty smooth. Flash and Arachnid fought valiantly, but their efforts were those of two singles workers, with no cohesion – and that ended up costing them the match as a miscommunication left Flash at Jay’s minimal mercy, and he ate a Cradle Piledriver to hand the win to the Second Sons. Winner: Strong and Chord (D+) * [B]Aaron Andrews (c) vs. Black Eagle[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] A very good match to cap the show off, as The Fallen continue to have a hand throughout the MAW card. Eagle parlayed his recent momentum into a title shot here, and Andrews had to use every trick in his book to keep up with the wiley veteran. It was a generally even match, with Andrews shading things by taking things to a fistfight, an arena that Eagle showed he could hold his own in, countering again and again into painful limblocks. But enough of Andrews’ strikes got through, and he was able to score on Eagle enough to wear him down for the Flying Bodypress to score the win and retain his title. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C+) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]Next: Extracts from my inbox, and Jean's new gimmick...[/I]
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[QUOTE][I]From: Jay [U]therealjc@tcwrestling.com[/U] To: JCasey [U]booker@mawresling.com[/U] Subject: Next few months James, Just to let you know, I’ve knocked back offers from 4C and EX2010 in the last few days. I want to keep working in MAW, but I’m concerned that I’m being shoehorned into this Firm/Second Sons feud. Please tell me where you see this storyline going, Jay[/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][I]From: James Casey [U]booker@mawrestling.com[/U] To: Jay Chord [U]jchord@mawrestling.com[/U] Subject: Re: Next few months Jay, Thanks for your note. Right now, you’re not programmed as a main protagonist in the next few months. Obviously, you will be involved with Kid Arachnid, but also I intend for you and the Sons to have an interesting relationship – and probably not a peaceful one. Thoughts, please, James[/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][I]From: Jay [U]therealjc@tcwrestling.com[/U] To: JCasey [U]booker@mawresling.com[/U] Subject: Re: Next few months James, what do you mean ‘interesting’? Jay[/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][I]From: James Casey [U]booker@mawrestling.com[/U] To: Jay Chord [U]jchord@mawrestling.com[/U] Subject: Re: Next few months Just what I said – interesting. Think about what the term ‘Second Sons’ could mean in this company... James[/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][I]From: Jay [U]therealjc@tcwrestling.com[/U] To: JCasey [U]booker@mawresling.com[/U] Subject: Re: Next few months Okay – I guess I see where you’re going. I can run with this for the time being. Jay[/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][I]From: James Casey [U]booker@mawrestling.com[/U] To: Jay Chord [U]jchord@mawrestling.com[/U] Subject: Re: Next few months Glad to hear it. James[/I][/QUOTE] * [QUOTE][I]From: The Second Sons [U]erikantoniocasey@mawrestling.com[/U] To: James Casey [U]booker@mawresling.com[/U] Subject: Future Hi boss, Just wanted to say thanks for the chance to make another impact here – we know we’ve not done that much of late, and we were worried about that, especially with Erik coming in. We figured he’d be getting a push ahead of us. We’re determined to make this work, so whatever you have in line for us, we’re going to give our best shot. E, A and C[/I][/QUOTE] Some guys can just make you feel guilty, you know? I really ought to see if these guys can perform at the top of the card – they’ve put in their time, after all, and our roster is pretty lopsided... We’ll see. * Rock Downpour seems to have noted that our finances have taken a pounding lately: He’s signed an extension for $100 less per appearance than he was otherwise on. Good for him – that’s the second time he’s taken a pay cut, although they’ve sandwiched a significant rise otherwise. * Well, Jean got called up. He gave me a ring last night, and confided that SWF had plans to have him use his old Mean Machine gimmick – complete with mask. That gimmick wasn’t one of the old booking crew’s better ideas. The theory was that Jean would enter the arena in a black robe and a metal mask. The ‘why’ was never explained, he just turned up like that one day. A couple of matches later, he started using the mask to hit his opponents with, meaning cheap finishes and occasionally DQ losses. If you know MAW like I do, you can see why that was bad: The fans had no tolerance for this kind of shenanigans, and it killed off a lot of Jean’s heat. Eventually, the gimmick was dropped a few months before I joined, and set to work building up his momentum again, but I think it’s fair to say that Jean might well have been snapped up a long time beforehand had he not been saddled with that gimmick. And now it was going to be used in the big leagues? I suppose the gimmick might have more legs in an Entertainment focused fed, and with that in mind I wished Jean well, but to be honest I was making plans for his return to the company in, oh, six months or so. * [B]MAW On Tour[/B] Thursday, 18th May 2011 – Great Lakes Internet Favourites def. Glamour And Devastation – F The Triple Threat (c) def. The Young Americans and Amazing Fire Fly to retain the MAW Trios titles – E+ Raphael def. Jonnie Perez – E+ Antonio def. Kashmir Singh – D- Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Opener was fourth time unlucky ... Antonio/Kashmir has potential[/I] Thursday 25th May 2011 – South East Jonnie Perez def. Nelson Callum – E Antonio def. Riley McManus – E Kid Arachnid def. Roderick Remus – E+ Brandon Smith def. Jared Johnson – D Overall: [COLOR="darkorange"]D-[/COLOR] [I]Notes: That main event is an On Tour record ... No chemistry for Kid and Rod[/I] * [CENTER][B]MAW Mother, May I?[/B] Randy Bumfhole and Kid Arachnid vs. Casey Valentine and Antonio Smith & Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes vs. Firebird and Black Eagle Chance Fortune vs. “Lone Wolf” Robert Thomas Aaron Andrews vs. Erik Strong Hugh de Aske vs. Masked Patriot Steve Flash vs. JD Morgan Kirk Jameson vs. Jay Chord[/CENTER]
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[I]OOC: Dark Raptors = Firebird and Black Eagle...[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Mother, May I? Friday, 26th May 2011[/CENTER] Randy Bumfhole and Kid Arachnid vs. Casey Valentine and Antonio[/B] The conflict between The Firm and the Second Sons continued in our opener, with the ****y up-and-comers using their best heelish tactics to try and keep their opponents down. A familiar trend returned to the main shows, with Casey Valentine once again showing off his always-improving brawling skills, but for once he was eclipsed by the hugely impressive Randy Bumfhole, who showed tremendous all-round talent. However, the Second Sons duo used teamwork honed on the touring circuit to gradually wear the former SWF star down, before Valentine scored with a shock Sweet Sweet Heartbreak to take the big upset victory. Winners: Casey and Antonio (D+) * [B]Smith & Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes (c) vs. The Dark Raptors[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] Kashmir Singh took the brunt of the damage in this match, giving him a chance to work the crowd as the action rumbled around the ring. Brandon Smith was almost wholly confined to the ring apron as the four heels worked over this partner. The Blondes used their well-oiled double-team offence to devastating effect, while the Raptors relied on quick, clean exchanges to keep Singh mostly on the defensive. The interplay between the heel tandems made up the bulk of the match, as they argued (well, Eagle glared) over which team should walk out the champions. In the end, the champions retained when the match broke down into a six-way brawl and, as Smith and Eagle tangled outside the ring, Golden crotched Firebird on the top rope, leaving Savage clear to lock Singh in the Canadian Crab and force the submission victory. Winners: The Canadian Blondes (C-) * Black Eagle and Firebird remained in the ring after the match was over. They were joined by JD Morgan and Masked Patriot, who was wearing a new black and red mask somewhere between the stars and stripes traditional to the Masked Patriot character, and the flaming mask work by Firebird. It was Firebird who spoke first: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“You see before you the true incarnation of our cause. Those who have come before have served their purpose. They knew the darkness, and they saw the light – but they were servants of the truth, not capable of reaching beyond themselves to bring about the fall in others. And so Thrash, and Evil Spirit, and Toxin... They have gone from this place, to serve as an example to others, perhaps to inspire the change within them. And Greg Ford and Marc Speed still work for the light here, in their own way. But the four of us have something greater than this. “It was Black Eagle who showed me the way, and who guided me through my fall and on into the light. It was I who brought JD Morgan into this company, having seen in him the darkness – and having introduced him to the light. And together, the three of us brought about the fall of our newest ally. A man who thought at one time that his faith in his country placed him on the right path, never seeing that the true path went in a different direction. But over time he came to see the real path – and he gave in to the darkness within him, and we showed him the light. By an act of providence, he is one of us.”[/COLOR] The one-time Masked Patriot took the mic. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“It’s... funny, you should call it providence, my friend,”[/COLOR] he said with a nod to Firebird. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“All things considered, that must be what I am. I am Providence. That great complicity of fate, and chance, of intent and desire... Providence guides us all, if we only admit it. So many people try and build their little raft of rules and guidelines to keep them afloat in the great seething sea of truth. But if you look at it sensibly, the only thing that makes sense is to just dive in. Enjoy the sensation... After all, life is short. If human nature is dark, and brutal, and destructive – and in my experience that’s exactly what it is – then we might as well just be honest about it. We’d all be a lot happier in ourselves, and we could just walk around with a smile on our face all the time. And wouldn’t that be nice?”[/COLOR] He smiled widely, and turned to his colleagues, who regarded him from the other side of the ring with a visible degree of uncertainty, as though not quite sure what they’d brought upon themselves. * [B]Chance Fortune vs. “Lone Wolf” Robert Thomas[/B] That’s more like it – Thomas finally gets a decent match under his belt. His extended tryout continued with this match against newcomer Chance Fortune, and it’s encouraging that he’s capable of such a strong result. However, Chance is a long way from being an average member of the roster, and while Thomas isn’t earning huge money – the same as either Blonde – I still wish there was more of a sign that he could carry matches, as well as contribute up to half of one. Anyway, Fortune won this with a Stroke of Luck to confirm that he has talent – even if I didn’t learn much more about his opponent. Winner: Chance Fortune (C+) * Backstage, and Kirk Jameson strode up to Firebird, blocking the masked man’s way. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now look,”[/COLOR] he snapped. [COLOR="blue"]“I’ve said before that you can do whatever you want in your own time, but now you’re corrupting my friends! What you’ve done to Masked Patriot-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“The path that Providence has chosen is his own,”[/COLOR] Firebird said, smoothly. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“I helped to guide him, but make no mistake – this has come about of his own volition.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Like hell,”[/COLOR] Jameson snarled. [COLOR="blue"]“You’ve twisted his mind.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“Are you so sure?”[/COLOR] Firebird asked. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Are you so certain that nothing in your friend’s past has made you wonder about the darkness inside him?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“I...”[/COLOR] Jameson began, before pausing. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Far better for him to acknowledge the darkness, and use his experience to guide others,”[/COLOR] Firebird said, stepping in closer to Jameson. “[COLOR="darkorange"]Far better for us all. Consider it, Kirk Jameson. Watch tonight, and see how much more powerful your friend is. See the confidence that his new approach to life brings. I believe he may be even greater than I had anticipated. “And so could you be.”[/COLOR] Jameson grimaced. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ll never be like you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“As you will,”[/COLOR] Firebird said, calmly. [COLOR="darkorange"]“You will be what you will be – but if you ever start to wonder... Well, I am always glad to show someone the way.”[/COLOR] Jameson barged past him, and almost sprinted down the corridor. Firebird looked after him with a smile on his face, before heading off in the opposite direction. * Backstage, and the newly re-christened Providence was with Sienna: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“Poor, poor pirate,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“All alone, no-one to love him... I want you to understand, Hugh de Aske, that this is nothing personal. I didn’t want to get involved in the battle between yourself and Black Eagle, and I never expected to have a prize plum like this one-“[/COLOR] Sienna giggled and squirmed as, out of picture, Providence did something. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“-drop into my lap. But listen,”[/COLOR] Providence went on, looking left and right as he leant into the camera. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“I’m just doing what I’m good at. You’re good at being an opportunistic thief, I’m good at being a brute force in the service of Providence. You’re being true to your nature, I’m being true to mine. I don’t think either of us can be offended by that – in fact, I respect you for being willing to be so open about it. Now, I don’t know if I buy into this whole darkness and light thing that the others have going on, but I do know that they showed me the way to be true to myself. And that suits me just fine,”[/COLOR] he finished, the last words dropping in place with all the heaviness and certainty of lead slabs. * [B]Hugh de Aske (c) vs. Providence[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Providence circled his opponent when the bell rang, head ****ed to one side, sizing up the normally happy-go-lucky pirate. He smiled, but Hugh looked unusually grim, before charging in with a hard clothesline that Providence turned into an arm drag. Pirate Hugh was distracted throughout the match by the presence of Sienna at ringside, and Providence seemed to view this as an opportunity to showboat, taunting Hugh in a similar manner, Rock noted, to the way he himself had been taunted by members of The Fallen for the last several months. In the end, this cost him as Hugh was able to catch him with a Cutthroat Driver for the win – but Providence seemed less upset than might be expected by the result. As he accompanied Sienna down the aisle, he offered Hugh a low bow, before slow clapping him as he backed away from the ring. Winner: Hugh de Aske (C) * [B]Aaron Andrews (c) vs. Erik Strong[/B] for the [COLOR="purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] It may possibly be the case that I don’t have a lot of faith in Erik Strong, but I do remember that he put in some good efforts for us, and of the Second Sons, I think he’s most likely to end up main eventing for us. Case in point, this match would have been a perfectly satisfactory main event on many nights, with Strong showing off the new tricks he’s learned up North, while Andrews showed his resilience in taking the Strong assault, before coming back with a late rally to secure the win with a Flying Bodypress. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C+) * [B]Steve Flash vs. JD Morgan[/B] I was sure I’d booked this one before – I mean, it’s such an obvious match, but apparently not. The two veterans tied it up as though they had done so every night for the last month, their wealth of experience and skill allowing them to burn through a series of complex chain wrestling exchanges that had the MAW fans on their feet. It was a near-flawless match, with Morgan’s brutality countered by Flash’ dedication to technical excellence – but brutality won through at the close, with Morgan catching Flash with A Shot Of JD for the submission win. Winner: JD Morgan (B-) * Aaron Andrews was chatting backstage with Kirk Jameson when Rip Chord entered the room. [COLOR="purple"]“Ah, just the two men I was looking for,”[/COLOR] he said, with a wide, toothy smile. [COLOR="blue"]“Hello sir, what can we do for you?”[/COLOR] Kirk asked, as Aaron eyed Rip cautiously. [COLOR="purple"]“Well, in two weeks time, you can take part in our main event.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Do you mean in a tag match?”[/COLOR] Andrews asked, neutrally. [COLOR="purple"]“No – I want you to put your title on the line,”[/COLOR] Rip replied, his smile widening. “What?” Kirk asked. “I don’t want to fight Aaron. He’s my friend – and besides, you can’t make me cash in my title shot-“ [COLOR="purple"]“Relax, kid,”[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="purple"]“This is a freebie. You see, for the main event of our next show, I decided to try something different. I call it the Gold Rush: Our three singles champions, and three, well, let’s call them ‘randomly drawn’ opponents – all with the Heavyweight title on the line. “And before you even think of it, kid,”[/COLOR] Rip said, ruffling Kirk’s hair, [COLOR="purple"]“don’t even think about throwing the match. I know how that looks, and I’ll fire you if you even look like you’re thinking about it. “Now, have a good match against my son, okay?”[/COLOR] Rip’s smile widened as he left, leaving Kirk and Aaron to look at each other in disbelief. * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Jay Chord[/B] You go all that time without an injury... We anticipated a hot finisher here, although in hindsight Jay rarely closes out shows as well as others. Regardless, a few minutes into the match he took a nasty spill on a back bodydrop, jarring his elbow and noticeably reducing his mobility in the match. That the match was still really pretty good is a credit to these two, who improvised a series of exchanges based on Jay’s elbow – cancelling the planned assault on Jay’s back that was to have been Jameson’s strategy. Jay was mostly able to stick to his attack on Jameson’s legs, to cut out his Bullseye finisher, while Jameson by necessity worked light on Jay’s elbow – and Jay sold it as though he were in genuine pain, which he was. The injury also effect the end of the match, with Jay just about managing to lift Kirk for the Cradle Piledriver - and probably doing himself more harm in the process. Winner: Jay Chord (C) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]Next: Tension rising[/I]
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Oh man... that sucks. That show was on tap to be [I]the[/I] C+. I honestly thought the main event was going to be Steve vs. JD and then I got the real main event. That's what I get for not paying proper attention to the prediction cards... Hahaha It's good to see you not having too much backstage trouble with Double A. The guy drove me absolutely insane.
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One quibble; [QUOTE]“The path that Providence has chosen is his own,” Firebird said, smoothly. “I helped to guide him, but make no mistake – this has come about of his own volition.” “Like hell,” [B]Andrews [/B] snarled. “You’ve twisted his mind.” “Are you so sure?” Firebird asked. “Are you so certain that nothing in your friend’s past has made you wonder about the darkness inside him?” “I...” Jameson began, before pausing.[/QUOTE] Was Andrews there too or was that a typo?
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I was a bit bleary-eyed as I walked into my office the next morning. I’d stayed up late reviewing our roster, and as a consequence hadn’t got as much sleep as I’d have liked. Seeing Rip sat in my chair, scowling at me, made me wonder if I’d forgotten a meeting – but our usual monthly catch-up was on the 1st. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Rip?” [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What’s up?”[/COLOR] “My boy got hurt last night in a match that you booked, and that you laid out. By my reckoning, that makes it your fault.” I stared at him, speechless for a moment. Even by Rip’s standard, this was a bit out of left field. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Rip, I didn’t lay out that match – you did. And you let Kirk and Jay work out how it was going to go, remember? We agreed they could even call the finish themselves.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“So it’s Jay’s fault he got injured?”[/COLOR] Rip growled. I hesitated before answering – was Rip being serious, or was I being set up for an elaborate joke? [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“It’s no-one’s fault,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Even Jay said it was an accident, and he’s the one who got injured. These things happen, Rip – you’ve picked up injuries in the ring. And you’ve been in matches where other people got hurt, too.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I think Jameson needs to be punished,”[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What! Rip, you can not be serious. Kirk did nothing wrong – and if you punish him out of the blue then we risk losing him, and that would really spoil the next couple of months.”[/COLOR] Rip stood abruptly. [COLOR="Purple"]“So you’re not prepared to back me up?”[/COLOR] he asked, coldly. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“The locker room is my responsibility,”[/COLOR] I said, matching his tone. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“That’s what you wanted when you hired me, more than anything else. I keep everyone happy backstage, which you can’t do – as you seem to be proving right here and now. Rip, if you take any action against Kirk as a result of Jay’s injury, I can guarantee that there will be some seriously angry wrestlers in the locker room as a result.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Is that a threat?”[/COLOR] Rip demanded. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Oh, grow up,”[/COLOR] I snapped. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Is it a threat --------. God, Rip, I don’t know what the hell your problem’s been these last few weeks, but you’re a proper miserable sod, you know that?”[/COLOR] Rip didn’t reply – he just curled a lip in a sneer and stalked out of my office. I didn’t get much work done that day – I was too angry with Rip to settle to anything, and spent most of the weekend stewing on it as well. When I arrived for work after the weekend, Rip’s office door was closed, and Jenna told me that she would be passing messages between the two of us if required. I sighed, and shrugged, and slouched into my office. Things, I knew, would have to change – but I had no idea right now how to change them. * I’d like to take a moment, just sit right there, I’ll tell you... Oh, wait, scratch that. When I started in MAW, there was something like four babyfaces and twelve heels on the roster – not including bad guy Rip. Over time, we’ve balanced that up somewhat, to the point where we even briefly had one more face than we did heels. Of late, the divide has reasserted itself, and we’re at seventeen active faces, and twenty-two active heels. With my business head on, I could think of eight names we could trim off the roster immediately: two faces, and six heels. That would put us at a fifteen/sixteen split – close enough that I could be happy. I know Rip isn’t happy that we’ve been in the red for the last four months, and I’ve been looking at ways of cutting our losses. We could can the touring shows, but I’m not sure that would help – the popularity we’ve gained is remarkable in a short space of time, and I do feel that we’re almost at the point where we can reasonably expect to turn a profit out on the road. But it’s not happening yet – and there’s going to be a lot of people who, when their contracts come up for renewal, will be wanting pay parity with Randy Bumfhole, who’s on three thousand dollars per show. I had a few ideas about that – certain members of the roster would not be re-signed, I knew, when their deals expired – but even so: The finances didn’t make for pleasant reading, and unless I could turn things around soon, then Rip might actually have a legitimate excuse to throw me around my office. I liked to be a step ahead of Rip, wherever possible, and had prepared a lost of... well, call them expendables – whether in terms of exorbitant price per appearance, lack of direction, inability to put together an acceptable match, lack of progress – or in some cases two, three or even all four factors. [COLOR="Blue"]Fumihiro Ota[/COLOR] – $1500pa – Cost [COLOR="Blue"]Hugh Lee[/COLOR] – $600pa – Cost, lack of progress [COLOR="Red"]Robert Thomas[/COLOR] – $700pa – Lack of direction, low match quality (although the jury was still very much out on him) [COLOR="Red"]Findlay O’Farraday[/COLOR] – $400pa – Low match quality, lack of progress [COLOR="Red"]Jefferson Stardust[/COLOR] – $150pa – Lack of progress (I can’t claim low match quality as he’s always been awful, but I was hoping after three and a half years he’d have improved to bad) [COLOR="Red"]Primus Allen[/COLOR] – $700pa – Lack of progress, lack of direction [COLOR="Red"]Raphael[/COLOR] – $400pa – Lack of direction [COLOR="Red"]Curtis Jenkins[/COLOR] – $200pa – Lack of progress (Pretty much the same as Stardust but, unlike Stardust, has also developed an ego) [COLOR="Red"]VIP Wallace[/COLOR] – $600pa – Lack of direction I had ideas for some of these guys. Raphael, for example, had potential – although I wish he were a better face. Primus Allen could absolutely be a huge babyface, if I could keep him happy until October when there might be room for him to have a storyline. Maybe that would help him get over. Robert Thomas could convince me by putting on one more really good match, as his contract would expire before he had the chance to do more. The others... Well, we’ll see. * TEW.com recently ran a story noting that our growing popularity had resulted in our expansion into new areas, with fans in the Ontario, Tri-State and Puerto Rican regions. Apparently in Tri-State in particular, we were getting real attention – and that was worth capitalising on. Accordingly, we’d be running the odd Tour show out there, and maybe in Puerto Rico as well. * I think I mentioned this before, but in July 2010 former MAW Trios champion Ryan Powell signed for SWF on a developmental deal. Within a week, he’d been called up to the main roster, and at the end of his nine month deal – about three months ago – he left the company and signed for CGC. Well, he’s now signed up once more to RIPW, which makes twice in less than a year. Good luck to him, I guess, but I can’t help but think that if he’d stuck with us, he’d be on about the same level as Jay Chord right now – and there’d have been no need to sign Robert Thomas... * MAW On Tour Thursday, 4th June 2011 – Great Lakes Max Mayhem def. Jefferson Stardust – F+ Jared Johnson def. Amazing Fire Fly – E+ Kid Arachnid def. Curtis Jenkins – E Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Just three matches to see if it saves some cash[/I] * I looked down at the request on my desk, and then back up at the person sitting across from me. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Findlay,”[/COLOR] I said, as gently as possible. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You’re asking for $500 a show.”[/COLOR] The giant man nodded. The chair he was sitting on creaked. To be fair, that chair creaked when Katie sat on it, since Rip trashed my office. But with Findlay’s weight on it, I had genuine concerns about it giving way. [COLOR="Blue"]“I feel I’m worth it to the company,”[/COLOR] he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. I paused before replying, my mouth hanging slightly open as I swallowed the first reply to spring forward. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Findlay... I can’t pay you $500 a show.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“James, I’ve been wrestling on the Tour shows almost exclusively,”[/COLOR] he said. “[COLOR="Blue"]I’ve been on a main show just once in the last eight months – and that was a throwaway match with the Favourites.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I don’t see your point.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“My point is, I’m growing in popularity in the touring venues. I have people recognising me. I stand out more than most, but that just adds to my value. With the greatest respect to Jefferson, I get more of a reaction just for being me than he does when he’s one-hundred percent on.”[/COLOR] I nodded slowly. There was really no denying that. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Findlay, I’m sorry. You’re right, but I can’t pay you what you’re asking. You can re-sign for $400, but I can’t offer you five hundred a night. We’re losing money as it is, and unless you’ve been hiding something from me the last four years, you don’t have $500 worth of performance in you.”[/COLOR] He grimaced, but said nothing. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“In truth, we’re probably going to be going for a significant reduction in the Tour shows in the coming weeks. Tag teams are unlikely to be a significant feature of the shows, and with that in mind, I just don’t see you having a regular place on the cards. If you could sign on for $400, there’d be more chance of you getting picked, but...”[/COLOR] He shook his head. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Okay. Well, good luck. If we need you for the shows coming up, you’ll be notified of course, but otherwise it’s been a pleasure working with you. Good luck.”[/COLOR] We shook hands, and parted ways. It would have been nice to find $100 somewhere, but the simple truth was that in four years any improvement in his performances had been undetectable – if it existed at all. While he’d managed a few average matches, for $500 a night, I could get better. * Brandon Smith has signed to tour with EX2010. I’m not sure how much use he’ll be to them, though – they run their shows on Thursdays and Fridays, the same as us, which means that for six shows out of the eight he won’t be available – and the other two he’ll be affected by jetlag after travelling from the US to Japan. I guess there’s always their monthly show... * WLW have snapped up Extraordinario Jr on a written deal, which is a shame as I’d had hopes of bringing him as a possible tag partner for Amazing Fire Fly. However, they also approached Jay, who didn’t sign for them. I wonder if there’s going to come a point where Jay gets sick of knocking back big offers to keep working for us – but I guess he also has his TCW and USPW work, so it’s not like he’s suffering too much. * MAW On Tour Thursday, 11th June 2011 – South East Jared Johnson def. Amazing Fire Fly – D- Riley McManus def. Raphael – E Kid Arachnid def. Roderick Remus – E Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Lack of chemistry in the main event ... Jared Johnson is awesome[/I] * [CENTER][B]MAW High Noon[/B] Smith & Singh vs. Roderick Remus and Nelson Callum Fumihiro Ota vs. Jared Johnson Kid Arachnid and Amazing Fire Fly vs. The Canadian Blondes Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine Chance Fortune vs. Erik Strong Randy Bumfhole vs. Antonio Aaron Andrews vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Hugh de Aske vs. JD Morgan vs. Firebird vs. Jay Chord[/CENTER]
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Rip? Having a go at you? For Jay's injury? Ahahaha. What an ass. You should've broken your cane over his face and reminded him of why you had the cane in the first place. :p [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. Roderick Remus and Nelson Callum Fumihiro Ota vs.[B] Jared Johnson[/B] - Haven't seen him for a while, and if Ota is on his way, well... Kid Arachnid and Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] Steve Flash vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] Chance Fortune vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] [B]Randy Bumfhole[/B] vs. Antonio Aaron Andrews vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske vs. JD Morgan vs. Firebird vs. Jay Chord - It might not be Jameson, but I don't see AA coming out of this one with the gold.
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[B]MAW High Noon[/B] [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. Roderick Remus and Nelson Callum Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Jared Johnson[/B] Kid Arachnid and Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] Steve Flash vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs. Erik Strong Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Antonio[/B] Aaron Andrews vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Hugh de Aske vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs. Firebird vs. Jay Chord Last title run for JD Morgan. :P
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[I]OOC: Long main event - hope it's not too boring :)[/I] * [CENTER][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: High Noon[/B][/CENTER] [B]Smith & Singh vs. Roderick Remus and Nelson Callum[/B]Seventeen hundred people had crowded into the North Carolina Biker Museum to see this show, and in all honesty we could have picked a better opener – but I was experimenting with show pacing and this serviceable match did its job of keeping the crowd bubbling while not blowing them up too early. Smith scored the pin on Callum with a Backdrop Driver to give the established team the win. Winners: Smith & Singh (D) * Backstage, and Aaron Andrews was flanked by Hugh de Aske and Kirk Jameson. He eyed each of them a little uneasily, before turning to the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s a funny joke of Rip’s,”[/COLOR] he said, slowly. [COLOR="blue"]“Putting me in a match with my friend Aaron here, and a wild card like Hugh – no offence...” “None taken, lad,”[/COLOR] Hugh said, quietly. [COLOR="blue"]“...and then there’s the three random draws. Now, call me cynical, but I have a feeling that one just might be Rip’s son.”[/COLOR] Kirk smiled toothily. [COLOR="blue"]“Me, I have a feeling that my old running buddy JD Morgan will be in there,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="blue"]“Just something about the way he was smirking at me when I walked past him on the way in. I can’t say that I’ll be sorry about getting to tie it up with him again – we didn’t find out a winner last time.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Yarr,”[/COLOR] Hugh said, softly. [COLOR="blue"]“Titles and gold and glory and honour... It all seems a lot less fun without Sienna here. And I know that scurvy Black Eagle isn’t here tonight, so what interest do I have in this match? Still, if Morgan, or Firebird, or even that vile little ----ard Providence are in this match...”[/COLOR] Hugh perked up visibly. [COLOR="blue"]“Arrr, then maybe there could be some fun in this for me.”[/COLOR] * Backstage, Casey Valentine approached Steve Flash. [COLOR="sienna"]“You’re in our business, old man,”[/COLOR] he growled. Flash laughed. [COLOR="blue"]“Yeah. It’s good fun. I’ve not given twenty-five years of my life to this business to see someone like you come in and act like you’ve got it all figured out two days after you finish training.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]“You’ve devoted your whole career to acting like the good old days are coming back? How sad – they’re not!”[/COLOR] Valentine smirked. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Listen up, Father Time, I’ve got a proposition for you: Three matches tonight between your Firm and my team. Whoever wins two or all three is the winner of this little rivalry, and we can all just get on with our lives. You can pick out a retirement home and I’ll go get some gold polish. Sound fair?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Casey, I’ve been hearing jokes about my age since I was not much older than you are now,”[/COLOR] Steve said, shaking his head. [COLOR="blue"]“And you have to understand, it’s not the age – it’s the mileage. So all these years of making little punks like you eat your words... Well, let’s just say that if you want to go tonight, you can even face me. It’s always good to show the next generation what real wrestling is all about.”[/COLOR] * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Jared Johnson[/B] This was a definite sign of good things to come for young JJ. He and Ota had tremendous chemistry, meaning that this battle between established veteran and young virtual unknown still had the fans enthralled as they put on a technical tour-de-force en route to an Ota victory via Ninja Strike. Winner: Fumihiro Ota (D+) * The Canadian Blondes were backstage in their locker room, which was decorated with pictures of mounties, mooses, and maple leafs. To offset the Canadian theme, a number of blonde women were draped languorously around the room, but mainly focused on the tag champions. [COLOR="Blue"]“This is living. Only things Canadian or blonde – or both, like us, eh,”[/COLOR] Oscar Golden said, with a satisfied smile. [COLOR="Blue"]“The best Canadian beer, the best Canadian food and, to show we’re not in any way xenophobic, the best of the world’s women,”[/COLOR] Flash Savage added. [COLOR="Blue"]“And why do we have this? It’s simple. It’s because we are the four time-“ “-four time-“ “-four time tag team champions. No-one else in the history of this company is as successful as us. No-one else can lay claim to as much glory as us. We are the finest team in the world, and why?” “It’s not just because we’re Canadian and blonde,”[/COLOR] Oscar said, with a smirk. [COLOR="Blue"]“Nor because we’re insanely gorgeous, or because of our staggering prowess with the ladies.” “Nor even is it down to our legendary drinking ability,”[/COLOR] Savage added. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s down to teamwork and experience,”[/COLOR] Golden said. [COLOR="Blue"]“We have been a team for years. We know always what each other are thinking, we know when to help out, and when to lie in wait. No-one else in this company even comes close, and because of that, no-one else in the company is ever going to take these titles away from us.”[/COLOR] * [B]Kid Arachnid and Amazing Fire Fly vs. The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] This was really just an experiment to see if the twinned masks might work well together. Neutral chemistry – I’ve built teams on that. As always, the incredibly well-drilled Blondes had the measure of their individually superior opponents over the course of the match, although the personal abilities of the challengers kept the result in doubt, right up to the point that Fly was caught by Golden with the Golden Shower. Winners: The Canadian Blondes (D-) * Backstage, and JD Morgan was reading a copy of [I]The Art of War[/I]. In the foreground of the picture, Firebird was reading the Bible, and crossing whole sections out with a red pen as he shook his head and laughed to himself. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Morgan, apparently the meek shall inherit the earth,”[/COLOR] Firebird called, looking up. Morgan stared at him, his expression unchanged from its usual stoniness. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Well, I thought it was funny,”[/COLOR] Firebird said, with a shrug, before returning to his task. * [B]Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine[/B] In this first of the three Firm/Second Sons clashes, it was the oldest versus the youngest. Valentine was, as always, keen to show off his fighting skills, and this time it cost him. Like a nerd trying to play baseball, his limitations were exposed by the master Steve Flash, who’s outfought tougher brawlers than Casey on his worst day, and on this night took the duke with a Flash Bang. Winner: Steve Flash (C-) * Chance Fortune was backstage in The Firm’s locker room, brushing the dust off a fussball table. [COLOR="Blue"]“Welcome to the inner sanctum, the round table, the war room, the Batcave,”[/COLOR] he said seriously, before laughing. [COLOR="blue"]“Really, it’s just a big old clubhouse. Jean Cattley did things with style, I must say. And really, that’s why I came here. I know people have wondered. They’ve asked why I came here, and there’s always the implication that I could, or even should, have gone somewhere else. But wrestling is done properly here, and that’s important to me. Elsewhere, this business can get pretty stupid at times, but here in the Mid Atlantic, wrestling is all about style.”[/COLOR] * [B]Chance Fortune vs. Erik Strong[/B] In the second match of the series, Erik Strong learned from his colleague’s mistake stuck to what he knew best, taking it to the air early and often as he fought the former TCW star Chance Fortune. These two workers complimented each other well, putting together a very good match that spent as much time in the air as it did on the mat, where both men also possess some worthwhile talent. The result was a desperately close contest, decided in the last seconds by Strong’s ability to hit a Strongsault with scarcely any notice as he soared through the air to score the upset victory. Winner: Erik Strong (C-) * Randy Bumfhole was making his way through the backstage area when he was sent flying by an ambush launched by Antonio. The Second Son stomped and kicked his evening’s opponent, before trying to punt his head off his shoulders with a vicious kick that left Bumfhole down and out. * [B]Randy Bumfhole vs. Antonio[/B] This was just odd. Bumfhole, name apart, is possibly the most talented worker on the roster, while Antonio can go with the right person. And given his spot on the card, I’d expected Antonio to really bring it in this match, but it just didn’t happen. I can only think that he was intimidated by the match, as there was nothing wrong with Bumfhole’s performance, but Antonio just didn’t seem able to keep up. Maybe that’s it – Randy may just be too good to be spending time wrestling Antonio. Anyway, the match stuttered to a time limit draw as a weakened Bumfhole struggled to hold his own against a fired-up Antonio, who couldn’t quite find the combination needed to put the fan favourite down. This was time that could have been better spent on either of the associated matches, and Antonio’s dropped several notches in my estimation as a result. Winner: No-one (D) * Jay Chord was backstage, and noticeably none of the other Second Sons was anywhere to be found. [COLOR="Red"]“Chance Fortune is an idiot,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="red"]“I never liked the guy – and I’m not happy he’s here. But he did get one thing right – this company has got its priorities straight. The best wrestlers rise to the top. And it goes without saying that I’m number one – the most talented wrestler in the company. And that means that tonight I’ll reclaim the Heavyweight title. Anything else would just be against the natural order of things.”[/COLOR] * [B]Aaron Andrews (c) vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Hugh de Aske vs. JD Morgan vs. Firebird vs. Jay Chord[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Occupying fully a quarter of the show, this match was going to go a long way to deciding the final card grade, and I’m delighted to say it didn’t disappoint. The six men involved laid it all on the line from bell to bell, putting together a thrilling encounter. The early strategy saw the heels ganging up on Andrews, while Jameson tried to help his friend fend them off, and Hugh picked off anyone who came within range. This worked for a spell before Jay and Morgan got into it, meaning that the fight broke down with Firebird being double-teamed by Andrews and Jameson, while Hugh took a breather. At one point, Hugh and Jay joined together to work over Morgan, but Hugh seemed distracted, and Jay had to yell at him to get his head in the game. Hugh responded by slugging Jay, who fired back with a boot to the gut and nearly scored with a Super DDT before Hugh shrugged him off. But as Hugh turned around, Morgan struck with A Shot Of JD to make the faltering pirate the first man eliminated. The match degenerated into The Fallen against Andrews and Jameson, as the heels took it in turns to switch back and forth, Morgan unleashing a barrage of technical holds and locks to wear the faces down, Firebird going airborne to deliver punishing blows. Jay stepped in as and when he was needed, striking hard and fast before backing off. With the action chaotic, the referee couldn’t watch everyone, and at one point Firebird paused on top of the turnbuckle. With the other four brawling, Firebird used the opportunity to slip one of the covers from the turnbuckle, exposing the uppermost steel bolt underneath. Firebird took to the air immediately, taking Jameson down with a missile dropkick. Rising smoothly to his feet, he pointed at the exposed turnbuckle and Morgan, a rare – and sadistic – smile on his face, picked up the weary Andrews and threw him across the ring. Andrews crashed chest first into the exposed steel bolt, and his cry of pain echoed through the arena. Even Jay winced at the sound, but Firebird had dropped to one knee and seized Kirk’s hair, lifting his head to force him to watch his friend being injured. Kirk’s face reddened, and he fought upright, trying to reach Jay before the former champion could target Andrews with a stiff kick as he hung in the corner. But Jay reached his target a second before Kirk reached him, and Andrews bellowed in pain even as he crashed to the mat. Kirk seized Jay, and fired off a back suplex. Seizing the opportunity, Morgan and Firebird piled on to Jay as well, and the referee counted Chord out of the match with three men having pinned him. Chord looked furious as he left the ring, and snarled at the referee, before turning and glaring at Rip, who stared his son down as the four men left had a short break to regain their senses. The match resumed with Firebird and Morgan going straight after Jameson, who kept his back to a corner and picked off his opponents with punches and kicks until the weight of numbers overwhelmed him. Jameson went down swinging, but the key word was down – he was left flat in the corner of the ring before the heels turned their focus to the champ, who had struggled upright and who was clutching his ribs. Firebird charged in, and perhaps out of instinct Andrews was able to backdrop him out of the ring, with the masked man dropping hard onto the ring apron before tumbling to the mat. Morgan followed his leader in with a fast charge, but Andrews moved out of the way, snaring Morgan in a drop toehold that staggered him. As he fell, he twisted around, trying to avoid Andrews’ fate – but although he turned he still fell, and the back of his head cracked into the steel bolt. Morgan slumped, insensible, in the corner, and Andrews achingly hauled him away from the ropes, dropping across him to make the cover and score the pin. The fans bellowed as Andrews pushed himself up on all fours, but more than appreciation for his gutsy survival, their booming response was a warning to the presence of Firebird, who had scaled the top turnbuckle and was standing like a statue, attention wholly on Andrews. This, however, left him vulnerable to Jameson who had regained his senses. Hauling himself across the ring, Jameson used Andrews as a springboard, drawing an indignant yell from his friend as he threw himself through the air, slamming into the ropes and destabilising Firebird, who wobbled and wavered and dropped, crotching himself on the top rope to appreciative groans from the crowd. Pulling himself upright, Jameson scaled the ropes, lifting a barely-resisting Firebird up and throwing him backwards in a superplex. Running on adrenaline, Jameson scaled the turnbuckles one more time and, as Andrews watched on, went airborne to land a Bullseye on Firebird, putting the leader of The Fallen down for the three count, and bringing the match down to the two friends. Jameson and Andrews rose slowly to their feet, and regarded each other across the centre of the ring. Chests heaving, their bodies slick with sweat, they bumped fists once, before circling each other warily. Jameson made the first move, firing off a roundhouse kick that Andrews was able to catch, reversing it into a leg sweep that took Jameson down, and allowed the champ to work the leg. Jameson kicked out, and targeted Andrews’ battered chest, drawing bellows of pain from the champ, who responded with a thumb to the eye to buy himself some space. Jameson looked momentarily angry, but shook his head. Andrews used the time to try and catch his breath, but his injured chest was giving him trouble, and when Jameson came back in, Andrews begged off some more. Jameson looked frustrated by this, and called for his friend to get up and fight. At first, the call was good-natured, but as Andrews stayed down in the corner, chest heaving, his face darkened and he pushed past the referee to pull Andrews upright. Caught unawares, Andrews tasted a hard kick and a spinning back elbow, before Jameson went for the Kirkhold. But Andrews as close enough to the ropes to break, and this earned him still more time – or would, if Jameson hadn’t followed him in and pulled him into the centre of the ring. Andrews dropped to on knee and grabbed the front of Jameson’s trunks. With an almighty heave, Andrews dropped and rolled, pitching Jameson towards the far corner of the ring. Jameson stopped short of hitting the turnbuckles, and instead turned and ran back towards Andrews in one fluid movement. Andrews looked on in horror as his friend charged at him, and it seemed that instinct took over. As Jameson came within range, Andrew crouched and lifted him up, dropping backwards and nailing Jameson with a picture perfect Standing Hot Shot. But while normally the move would drop the victim across the top rope, Jameson landed somewhere else. On the exposed steel tunbuckle, face first. Jameson arced backwards, rising fully eighteen inches in the air as the blood from his newly gashed forehead traced the parabola of his fall. He crashed bonelessly to the mat, his body folding in on itself as he landed brokenly. Andrews lay propped against the bottom turnbuckle, an arm cradled protectively across his chest as he sucked in breaths. Slowly, he clambered to his feet, and prodded his friend carefully with the toe of his boot. Jameson didn’t move, and Andrews quickly covered. The three-count was academic, and Andrews took his title belt without much in the way of celebration. He quickly left the ring, and made his way up the ramp, turning at the top to look thoughtfully back towards the still motionless Jameson, who was being worked on by an army of trainers and medics. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C+) [B]Overall: C[/B]
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[I]OOC: Whoops - forgot yesterday's update...[/I] * I’d been trying to catch Rip for a couple of days to discuss the release of Findlay O’Farraday. Mainly, I wanted to confirm that he was happy to add Robert Thomas to the list. Thomas had had dark matches against Kid Arachnid, Kashmir Singh, Brandon Smith and Amazing Fire Fly at the last show, and I considered that to be a fair cross section of the MAW roster. The results just weren’t impressive. To be sure, he’d had a good match here or there – most noticeably with Chance Fortune a couple of weeks back. But then, almost anyone can have a good match with Chance Fortune, certainly at this level. I’d been really excited when we signed Thomas, and had had pretty big plans for him. I’d even come up with a scenario where he won the Heavyweight title... But it didn’t happen, mainly as a result of him having such bad chemistry with so many people at the top of the card. His early opportunities to build some momentum bombed, and he never really recovered. Still, he wasn’t that expensive, and if Rip wanted to keep him around I figured it wouldn’t hurt to keep trying – but I couldn’t reach Rip to ask. Irritated, I showed up at MAW headquarters a few days after the show to try and speak to Rip face to face. The door to his office was locked, although I could hear a lot of voices beyond it. I frowned, and looked around for Jenna, but she was conspicuous by her absence. Feeling short of ideas, I went to my office and checked my computer. Opening Rip’s calendar, I was surprised to note that his entire week was blocked out for ‘Interviews’. Wondering who Rip could be interviewing, a memory dawned slowly on me – how Rip, a year or so back, had gone over my head to bring in a string of new workers, kickstarting The Fallen several months before I’d intended. But surely... Rip had to know that we were losing money. We weren’t looking to take on new workers – we wanted to cut costs. Limping unsteadily out of my office, I rapped on Rip’s office door with the handle of my cane. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Rip!”[/COLOR] I shouted. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I need a word!”[/COLOR] Silence quickly fell behind the office door, and there was the sound of chairs shifting and scraping to give someone room to approach the door. Several chairs. Many chairs. Lots of chairs. I shook my head. [I]Surely not even Rip...[/I] The door opened a few inches, and Rip glared balefully out at me. [COLOR="Purple"]“What do you want?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Can I have a word, please?”[/COLOR] I asked, trying to be polite. [COLOR="Purple"]“What about?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Interviews,”[/COLOR] I said. Rip’s face told the whole story – and Jenna’s presence was suddenly obvious. Rip was hiring, and Jenna had made herself scarce. Leaving the appointments in Rip’s calendar – a place he never visits – told the tale to anyone who might look. Like me. Rip stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind him. His stocky frame prevented me seeing anyone who might be beyond. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Who are you talking to, Rip?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="Purple"]“The final candidates,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Purple"]“I’m running a new talent initiative. We need some cheap workers for the touring shows, if we’re going to move into the new areas, and these guys are unknown, pretty talented, and cheap.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“How many?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="Purple"]“There’s sixteen-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Sixteen!”[/COLOR] I surprised myself with how high my voice went – suddenly I was a soprano. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Sixteen!”[/COLOR] I was back to normal. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Rip, we can’t afford to hire anyone. Sixteen is so far outside the realms of what we can afford to do that I don’t think that there’s words for it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Don’t exaggerate,”[/COLOR] Rip growled. [COLOR="Purple"]“If they work cheaply, we can afford them. I doubt we’ll take them all, but if they’re happy to sign on for $300 or less a night, I’ll take them.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Shouldn’t you consult me first?”[/COLOR] I asked, my voice now a treacherous, petulant whine. [COLOR="Purple"]“No,”[/COLOR] Rip said, coldly. [COLOR="Purple"]“I own this company. It’s my money we’re spending. Go and write some storylines.”[/COLOR] With that, he turned away and slipped back through the door, and I was left none the wiser about who we were signing, how much they might cost, or what they would bring to the table. * [I]OOC: Anyone remember Al Coleman? Black-listed by MAW in late 2006 (five years ago, game time) he got picked up by CZCW a year later and got dropped by them at the end of 2009. Since then, he’s worked independent shows. Given his chance to make it back into the pros, he demanded $500 a show, plus travel, plus more than 10% of his merchandise. ‘Rip’ didn’t agree to re-sign him. Another potential re-singing, Ricky ‘Douglas’ Turner was also after $600. If he’d settled on $400, he’d have been back in, but...[/I] * MAW On Tour Thursday, 18th June 2011 – Great Lakes Roderick Remus def. Matt Hocking – E Kid Arachnid def. Nelson Callum – E+ Jared Johnson def. Kashmir Singh – D- Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR] [I]Notes: That middle match looks familiar...[/I] * [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“How many did we get?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Twelve. All of them on $200 or less a night.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And you want to debut them this week?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“As many as you want – we’re hitting the Tri-State area, right?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Yes.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Seems like a good time to use the cheap guys.”[/COLOR] I sighed, and nodded. Rip looked down at me – I was sitting behind my desk, he was standing on the other side of it, looking down on me, and the smirk on his face said more than I wanted to think about. * Thursday, 25th June 2011 – Tri-State The West Texas Peacekeepers def. Simon Ice and Curtis Jenkins – E Team XDW def. The Quest – F VIP Wallace def. Jonnie Perez – E- Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Team XDW have great chemistry ... Yeah, XDW in MAW. We went there ... Not a bad debut in the Tri-State area[/I] * We’d invited all the new guys along on the show, something Rip had paid for out of his own pocket. I was grateful for that – seven of the twelve signings had debuted, the other five would all appear in the coming weeks. Happily, we’d found two new teams – the Peacekeepers were similar enough that I couldn’t avoid pairing them off. Team XDW had great chemistry – but... [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Xavier, you can’t punk out a fan for saying you suck,”[/COLOR] I said, as the assembled locker room looked on. [COLOR="Pink"]“The dude was all up in my face, giving it large about me being backyard, and not fit for real wrestling. I was all like, go screw yourself, and he was all like, you can’t talk to me like that, and it was like, I’ll hit you if keep on at me, man, and then he’s all like, officer, this guy’s threatening me, and like-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Xavier,”[/COLOR] I said, drumming my fingers on the handle of my cane. The XDW survivor lapsed into silence. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Xavier, you do suck. All you XDW guys do. Hell, most of you new guys do – and so do a lot of the people you’ll be working with over the next few months. The point is, by signing on with MAW, you might not suck in the future. And if you think I’m being unfair, well, maybe there’s a reason none of you were working for any other promotion when we signed you, hmm?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Pink"]“Damn, man... That’s kinda harsh,”[/COLOR] Xavier said, staring at the floor. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Chin up, lad,”[/COLOR] I said, as bracingly as I could manage. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Look, the XDW rivalry storyline will keep you guys busy for the next few weeks as we cycle through the matches available to us out on tour. You’ll all improve, some of you will make appearances on the main shows in due course. In fact, Dillon, Blaze, you guys are up tomorrow – I liked what I saw tonight. “Look, I’ll be honest with you. We’ve taken a chance on all of you. Even the other Tour guys aren’t guaranteed to make it in this business, although I’d say that most will, one way or another. I can’t guarantee that in three months or six months or whatever, that we won’t cut you. We might. But all I’m asking is that you give your best, work hard to improve, and hopefully you can step up in the weeks and months to come.”[/COLOR] [I]Or years,[/I] I added, in the privacy of my own mind. They were all willing, and Blaze and Dillon had the potential to make it, at least with us. As for the rest... [CENTER][B]Rip’s new signings, June 2011[/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Simon Ice[/COLOR] – English high-flyer who Rip signed up as he’s prepared to fly out here for a pittance – less than the plane fare, sad to say. Working as a heel, he’s acting up as the future of the business, although ‘acting’ is a strong turn for what he manages by way of performance... Potential: 4/10 [COLOR="Blue"]The American Flash[/COLOR] – A moderately talented high flyer who’s effectively Masked Patriot #22. Has some ability, and is generally fairly decent, but is basically an archetypal spot monkey. Potential: 3/10 [COLOR="Blue"]Leftie Wilkes[/COLOR] – Younger brother of Duberry Excess, and has almost as daft a name. He does look a bit tougher, however, and is pretty entertaining. He’s basically set to play a generic friendly face role. He’s a modern cruiserweight, in that his game features a solid technical base. Potential: 4/10 [COLOR="Blue"]Fearless Blue,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Extreme Deluxe, Super Sonic, Xavier Reckless,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Daredevil Aero[/COLOR] – Might as well take the XDW survivors together. These five guys range from reasonably talented to very weak. They’re all flyers, with the exception of Reckless, who’s a brawler. Reckless is probably the pick of the bunch, and would make a decent manager. They’re otherwise pretty poor, and chances are they’ll play out their legacy of XDW storyline on the tour shows (You want to know? OK, basically Deluxe is leading Reckless and Sonic in an assault on MAW, using backyard/hardcore tactics wherever possible. Aero and Blue, feeling a bit guilty about their past, are trying to stop them) without ever getting a sniff of the main shows. But they’re cheap, Reckless has potential, and maybe if someone like JD Morgan smacks them around a bit they might lose their attitude. Potential: 3/10, 2/10, 2/10, 4/10, 3/10 respectively [COLOR="Blue"]Ben Williams[/COLOR] – ‘The Bump Machine’ is really just here to do that. I know he’s worked a million different gimmicks on the indies, but the kid is only moderately good in his best areas, and as for the rest... But he’s not bad at selling, and very consistent, so he can lose to our heels and make them look good. Potential: 2/10 [COLOR="Red"]Mark Smart[/COLOR] – AKA Smart Mark, the Internet heel. Effectively, he’s an obnoxious lightweight who’ll get on people’s nerves. Playing heel, he’ll criticise/hype up workers accordingly. Another one who might make a decent manager, he’s actually not too bad in the ring, and could even fit in quite well in a CZCW style fed. He’s got reasonable basics and surprisingly decent technical ability, so I think the kid has a chance. Potential: 5/10 [COLOR="Blue"]Marshall Dillon and Bradley (Sheriff) Blaze[/COLOR] – AKA The West Texas Peacekeepers. Why West Texas? Why not? They may be from Dallas, but West is, as we all know, the manly compass direction – and these guys are manly, tough cowboys. Manly, tough cowboys from a time where Brokeback is a medical condition, to be absolutely clear. When I started here in MAW, Dillon was in RIPW on a developmental deal, but it didn’t work out for him. Blaze, meanwhile, is fresh out of training. I can’t help but feel that these two were made for each other – and it wouldn’t surprise me to see them in the big leagues in the future. Blaze, at 18, shows tremendous promise, but Dillon might also have a shot if the team works out properly. Potential: 5.5/10 and 7/10 respectively. * [CENTER][B]MAW Summer Showdown[/B] The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. The Canadian Blondes Chance Fortune vs. Primus Allen Randy Bumfhole vs. Erik Strong Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine Hugh de Aske vs. Black Eagle Fumihiro Ota vs. JD Morgan Aaron Andrews and Kirk Jameson vs. Firebird and Providence[/CENTER]
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Man's Man manly - they even squeeze their own orange juice ... And yeah, sorry, that's as much update as you get today. For those who want an inside line on how I write the diary, the matches get written while I run the show, so that I can tell you who's done what in each match - the road agent notes often affect the write-up (especially the longer matches) so I need them in front of me. The angles, on the other hand, I write after the show. I know what's going to be said, and who's going to say it, and so on. The ratings are usually bad (Jay, Rip and Aaron can pull in C-rated segments, which the fans will accept. Everyone else, D or lower, which the fans hate.) Anyway, long story short, the angles for the next three shows haven't been written yet - so I'll have to try and sort that out in the next day or two. Hopefully I'll get a show up tomorrow...
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[I]OOC: Need to keep the wolf from the door somehow :p[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Summer Showdown Friday, 26th June 2011[/CENTER] The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] A good ‘debut’ for our new tag team threat, with the rough and ready cowboys almost polar opposites from the sleek and sophisticated Canadian duo. I’d asked the four of them to play to the crowd as much as anything else, and while MAW fans can tolerate a little of this, it doesn’t do to overdo it. Fortunately, the Blondes are old hands at this sort of thing, and led their challengers through a quite enjoyable contest that was brought to an end when the champs debuted their new finisher, the O, Canada! This allowed Golden to take the win, Dillon being the victim of the move. Winners: The Canadian Blondes (D-) * Chance Fortune was backstage, chatting up Dawn when he was suddenly slammed hard into the wall, leaving a dent as he peeled slowly off it and dropped to the ground. Primus Allen stood over him, looking mean, before grabbing one limp arm and dragging him through the corridors towards the ring. * [B]Chance Fortune vs. Primus Allen[/B] The match that followed showed Allen dominating his opponent in the early going, pitching the popular Fortune around the ring with relative ease. Fortune did his best to fight back, and stung the monstrous Allen with some impressive moves, but his main contribution to the match was his unwillingness to lie down (mirroring, I’m sad to say, his reaction when informed about the booking of the match). Allen tried again and again for pins, but Fortune kept kicking out as the fans got behind him, but after the ambush backstage, he had no chance to make up the lost ground, and eventually fell to a Running Powerslam as Allen marked his return to action with an emphatic win. Winner: Primus Allen (C-) * Backstage, Randy Bumfhole was pacing back and forth. [COLOR="Blue"]“Erik, you and I have done this dance, and it never ends well for you. We can throw down again – that’s not a problem. I’m happy to beat some sense into you – but not indefinitely. I’ve got gold on my mind, Erik – and until it’s around my waist, I’m not going to be settled here in MAW.”[/COLOR] * [B]Randy Bumfhole vs. Erik Strong[/B] I was pleased about the quality of matches tonight, although always cautious about getting too ****y. This was another in the ongoing Firm/Second Sons conflict as we’d decided to take the slightly unusual approach of just putting the guys in the ring to fight and seeing what happened. What the hell – this is an old school fed, after all. Strong and Bumfhole are probably the two strongest workers (Jay Chord aside, and we’d get to that match soon enough) on their respective sides, and put on a good, energetic match, evenly fought, with Bumfhole using his all-round game to counter Strong’s aerial flair, keeping the outcome in doubt through to the point where Randy hit the Bumfhole Buster for the win. Winner: Randy Bumfhole (C-) * [B]Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine[/B] Every match, we say it, and every match we see it – yes, Casey Valentine once more showed signs of improving brawling ability. He took the fight to the veteran Flash from the off, and had control of the match for several minutes as Flash focused mainly on countering his opponent’s offence, probing and teasing for any signs of weakness. When Flash made his move, it was to counter a spinning back elbow into an overhead release back suplex, a move that brought our fans to their feet as Valentine took a devastating bump off the move. The match was a classic tale of wiley veteran countering the young hothead’s strikes again and again, with one move of his doing the work of ten of his opponent’s and, really, it’s hard to think of any two other’s on the roster who could do it better. This was Casey’s best ever match here in MAW, and Flash looked delighted with how it went, even taking the time to give Valentine the old Morpheus beckon towards the end of the match as a nod to what the match was really about. In the end, Flash scored with the Flash Bang for the win, but in the long run this might just be seen as the match that Valentine showed he could do his bit in the big matches – and that might just make him the real winner. Winner: Steve Flash (C) * Backstage, Sienna LeNoir was staring down the camera at close range: [COLOR="Gray"]“Hugh de Aske... My darling pirate king... Walk away now... Walk away with your body intact... The Black Eagle is a raptor, soaring through the night... And when he strikes... His prey will not survive the attack... Tonight, Hugh de Aske, you are the Black Eagle’s prey...”[/COLOR] * [B]Hugh de Aske (c) vs. Black Eagle[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional Title[/COLOR] I’d have expected nothing less from these two than that they’d come out here and step the card up a notch. Although the title was on the line, no-one seemed to expect Eagle to be in it for the gold – this was all about two men fighting over a woman, a tale as old as time itself, as Rip noted on commentary. Hugh abandoned his usually hyper-confident approach to his fights, betraying none of the usual good humour that made him a favourite long before he officially turned face by getting dumped. Eagle, on the other hand, showed more emotion than usual – literally bouncing on the spot as he awaited Hugh’s entrance, and displaying some gratuitous public displays of affection for Sienna as Hugh entered the ring. As with the previous match, this was something of a clash of styles – with Hugh going all-out to inflict injury on his opponent, while Eagle sat back and capitalised on the pirate’s mistakes, of which there were many. Overeager, over-anxious, and overemotional, Hugh time and again fell prey to Eagle’s surgical kicks and strikes, leaving him vulnerable to the masked man’s aerial wizardry. Hugh fought back as best he could, doing best when he had his back to Sienna, and was not distracted by her. Notably, she wore on her wrist the headscarf she had always worn as Hugh’s wench, and every time he caught sight of it, he lost focus. Eagle seemed to enjoy the chance to let his opponent do much of the work, as he taunted and mocked his opponent throughout. At one point, he laid out Hugh with a top rope lariat, and went outside the ring to cuddle up to Sienna, who surrendered to his embrace enthusiastically. Slowly, Hugh woke up, and spied the action outside the ring. Rising slowly, his eyes never left the scene before him. Perhaps he wondered – as I did – what Eagle was doing to Sienna with half his face covered. Whatever he thought, he objected immensely, rising to his feet and sprinting to the far ropes, using them to build momentum as he dashed back across the ring and with one almighty bound went airborne. Hugh seemed to hang in mid-air for whole seconds – certainly, that can be the only explanation as to how he was able to push Sienna away in time. Although, perhaps, she spied Hugh in mid-flight and broke free herself. Either way, the Pirate Plancha claimed just one victim – Black Eagle got splattered across the ringside area, instantly undoing the big lead he’d built over Hugh. Hugh, meanwhile, seemed energised. He started after Sienna, who had the sense to dart away. After a second’s hesitation, Hugh returned his attention to Eagle, who lay unmoving at ringside. Rolling him into the ring, Hugh lifted him up and drilled with a Cutthroat Driver to gain a measure of revenge in victory – but as he rose after the bell, his eyes fell on Sienna, who stood and watched him unmovingly from the top of the ramp, until she tore the headband from her wrist and let it drop to the ground. Winner: Hugh de Aske (C+) * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. JD Morgan[/B] This was a bit of a placekeeper match, but at the same time I was curious about how well they’d do. I suspect JD Morgan is getting a bit touchy about the lack of focus on him, as he didn’t perform to his usual standards. To be fair, though, he’s third or fourth in line in his group. We’ll have to see if he has more of a future outside of the group. I’ve had an idea about that, but for now The Fallen needs him. Anyway, Ota’s been grumbling about not being used, and I figured this would satisfy him. It was a great match, and it’s a shame it was a bit of a throwaway one – but neither man is really in a position to carry a storyline and, I suspect, that’s unlikely to change in the next few months. Still, very good match indeed, which Ota won with a Ninja Strike. Winner: Ota (B-) * Backstage, Kirk Jameson and Aaron Andrews were stood in their locker room. Jameson was staring grimly at Andrews, who was returning his gaze steadily. * Elsewhere, Firebird and Providence smirked into the camera. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“Oh dear. Trouble in paradise,”[/COLOR] Providence said, with a wide grin. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“You see what comes of keeping secrets, fellas. I’m sure Aaron promised his good buddy that it was gonna be friends forever, and honour among thieves, and all that sort of thing. I guess Kirk learned a hard lesson. When there’s gold on the line, people will do whatever it takes. It’s just human nature.”[/COLOR] Firebird smiled: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Kirk, we’ve been telling you for months now. You cling to this notion of honour and faith and trust. See where it’s got you, my friend. Realise for yourself that the true path lies into the darkness. Only by confronting your inner darkness can you come to terms with all that is necessary to be successful.”[/COLOR] * [B]Aaron Andrews and Kirk Jameson vs. Firebird and Providence[/B] There was a buzz in the air about this one, with tension on all sides. Jameson didn’t seem happy with Andrews. Firebird, meanwhile, didn’t seem entirely at home with Providence, who smiled eerily whenever the two men’s eyes met. Sienna, for her part, watched it all with a smile and a watchful eye. The match consisted of two teams for whom teamwork was not an option and, therefore, was really more of a series of intertwined singles matches. All four men are decent all-rounders, with Andrews in particular able to brawl with Providence and go to the air with Firebird in even measure. Despite the heavy tension between Andrews and Jameson – Jameson, at one point, tagging himself in behind Andrews’ back, and cutting off the champ’s momentum – the faces seemed to have the advantage as the match passed the halfway mark, with Andrews controlling Providence in-ring. As the ref focused on the match, Firebird once more took the opportunity to loosen the turnbuckle cover in his corner of the ring. Sienna took the cover from him, and hid it in her dress so that, when the referee noticed it, he had no choice but to warn the wrestlers of its absence, and let the match continue. Providence almost immediately took advantage of this, trying to send Kirk Jameson into the bare steel bolt, but Jameson slammed on the brakes – although not until he was near enough for Firebird to drill him with a hard right, removing the bandage from his head, and making his injured head even more of a target than it already had been. This blatant cheating brought Andrews into the ring, as he protested, forcing the referee to cut him off. Providence and Firebird used the opportunity to work over Jameson, setting him up for a spike powerbomb. But Jameson managed to grab Providence’s mask and block the move and, as Andrews broke free of the ref and charged across the ring to clothesline Firebird over the top rope, Jameson swung through into a hurricanrana that sent Providence sailing across the ring. With both heels down, Andrews and Jameson bumped fists in the centre of the ring, to the fans’ approval, personal issues seemingly resolved. Jameson nodded to his partner and turned to go after Providence once more. But before he could move, Andrews grabbed him and spun him around. Seizing him around the waist, Andrews lifted his team-mate up and fell backwards, and for the second time in two weeks caught Jameson with a Standing Hotshot onto an exposed steel turnbuckle. Andrews rose to his feet, and stared down at his partner. Jameson was unconscious on the mat, blood streaming from his reopened wound. Andrews looked down at him for a long moment, before turning away with a smile on his face. Catching sight of Providence, he paused. But Providence simply inclined his head to the champ, before slowly applauding him as he left the ring. Andrews backed up the ramp, watching as Providence scuttled across the ring, the boos and jeers of the crowd raining down on him as the pinfall was counted. He raised his arm in the air in salute as the night’s action came to a close. Winners: Firebird and Providence (C+) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]OOC: Ah... mid-match turns. Gotta love them. I've been wanting to turn Andrews for, well, forever - this was just the right time. Next: A quiet couple of weeks...[/I]
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[QUOTE]But before he could move, Andrews grabbed him and spun him around. Seizing him around the waist, Andrews lifted his team-mate up and fell backwards, and for the second time in two weeks caught Andrews with a Standing Hotshot onto an exposed steel turnbuckle.[/QUOTE] Is there a typo somewhere? There's too many Andrews mentioned there I think. :o
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Awesome show, as I love the angle between Eagle and Hugh, and Andrews' heel turn was flawless. If I have one critique (and, as my comments have shown, this is probably the first criticism I have of this diary), it's that Providence's speech text may be better suited to another color, as I highlighted it to avoid straining to read it (yeah that's right, I've become one of [I]those[/I] guys - as a side note, I did just get off a grueling 11 hour shift of work, and that might not help the old eyesight). Still, amazing show, and this continues to be my favorite dynasty on the board.
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[I]OOC: Have darkened Prov's text back to the proper colour - don't want him getting confused with Rip, but I do want him to be purple...[/I] * Leaving MAW this month: Evil Spirit, Robert Thomas, Stevie Grayson, Thom Morgan (who’s been with us almost since day one, and is the first ex-champion we’ve agreed to let go) and Spirit’s locker room companions Ultimo Soetsu, Yusuke Takahama and Zeshin Makioka. It still smarts that I put a lot of effort into Spirit, and it never really clicked. No-one’s fault but mine, though. * MAW On Tour Thursday, 4th July 2011 – South East Raphael def. Ben Williams – E Jonnie Perez def. Extreme Deluxe – F+ The Triple Threat (c) def. Amazing Fire Fly and The West Texas Peacekeepers to retain the MAW Trios titles – E+ Kid Arachnid def. Jefferson Stardust – E Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [I]Notes: No chemistry in the main event ... A few cheap workers, a few expensive ones[/I] * MAW On Tour Thursday, 11th July 2011 – Great Lakes Internet Favourites def. Team XDW II – F+ Joe Benning def. Smart Mark – F+ Kashmir Singh def. Jared Johnson – D Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR] [I]Notes: No chemistry between Benning/Smart ... Xavier Reckless and Extreme Deluxe have great chemistry too[/I] * Shawn Gonzales has hung up his boots. That’s bad news for FCW, who relied on their head booker for a great deal of their prestige. It’s good news for us, however, as they’re the next largest company in the world, and one of our rivals. * [CENTER][B]MAW Hotter Than Hot[/B] Internet Favourites vs. JD Morgan and Providence Singh & Smith vs. The Canadian Blondes vs. Ford & Speed Kirk Jameson vs. Casey Valentine Randy Bumfhole vs. Black Eagle Steve Flash vs. Antonio Hugh de Aske vs. Jay Chord Fumihiro Ota vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER] [I]OOC: Told you it was quiet...[/I]
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[I]OOC: Starting to feel a natural conclusion coming for this diary - perhaps around the RCI next year. Will have to see if inspiration strikes in the meantime to keep me going...[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Hotter Than Hot Friday, 12th July 2011[/CENTER][/B] Kirk was backstage, a fresh bandage across his head once more. He spun around as the locker room door opened, but it was Hugh de Aske who entered, and Kirk relaxed visibly. Hugh stood in the doorway for a moment, before dumping his stuff on the bench. [COLOR="Blue"]“So,”[/COLOR] he said, as he and Kirk regarded one another. [COLOR="Blue"]“How’ve you been getting on lately?”[/COLOR] * [B]Internet Favourites vs. JD Morgan and Providence[/B] There were nearly two-thousand fans in attendance to watch this rare venture onto main show territory for the Favourites, who’ve been doing their thing on tour of late. This wasn’t quite a squash match, but Providence and Morgan had the bulk of the offence. Even with Dawn cheering them on from ringside, the Favourites were limited to brief flurries of offence, and The Fallen duo weren’t unduly stretched by the challenge, Providence capping things off with a pin on Mayhem for the win. Winners: Morgan and Providence * As Morgan made his way backstage, Providence took the mic: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“That was fun. If not particularly difficult. “Me, I’m a strange breed. I know that most people here are interested in titles, or bettering themselves. I can understand that, sure, but it’s not why I get out of bed in the morning. I’m a bit more... random... “You see, I just like to have fun. Everyone’s always so... serious. I tried that for a bit. I got into this business because I like hurting people, and here’s a job where I can get paid for it. But all these people talking about pride, and honour... No, no, no. I don’t buy into all that. “No, I’m just here to take out certain people. They won’t know who they are. I mean, I don’t know who they are. I just come into work and see someone, and it seems like a good idea to hurt them. I’m a creature of impulse, driven by providence to fight... well, anyone. “It’s nothing personal.”[/COLOR] * [COLOR="Blue"]“Brandon, you never told me about Broadway!”[/COLOR] The locker room door burst open, and Kashmir Singh strutted in, looking... different. The hair was blonde, and around his shoulders was a pink boa. The ensemble was capped with a natty beret, and a jacket in pink and black that sparkled and shimmered with sequins. [COLOR="Blue"]“Kashmir, ah never even thought you’d like Broadway,”[/COLOR] Brandon Smith said, trailing behind his friend. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah know ah promised to give you a tour of this country, but ah figured you’d want to see the national parks, and the mountains – all the beauty nature provided.”[/COLOR] “Brandon, Broadway offers natural beauty as well,” Kashmir admonished his friend. [COLOR="Blue"]“Music! Dancing! Chorus girls!”[/COLOR] Smith raised an eyebrow. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s... Sensational!”[/COLOR] Singh threw an arm around his friends shoulders. [COLOR="Blue"]“Four years I have been here, and never did I imagine such bounty, such magnificence. My friend, we have so much time to make up for. Tell me, when can we go back?” “Well, anytime ol’ buddy, I guess,”[/COLOR] Brandon said, rubbing the back of his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah mean, it’s not really my thing, but I feel kinda guilty for not think of it for you all this time.” “Ah, say no more,”[/COLOR] Singh said, and he swung his arm in an arc, staring up at the highest point as though looking up at the stars. [COLOR="Blue"]“One more time, Brandon, and if you’re not convinced then I will say no more on the subject. But let’s do the big shows soon! Avenue Q! Mamma Mia! Spamalot! Chicago!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, okay,”[/COLOR] Brandon said. [COLOR="Blue"]“I mean, why not? But heck, we’ve got a match to prepare for, ol’ buddy.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah! For the gold!”[/COLOR] and Singh beamed still wider. * [B]Singh & Smith vs. The Canadian Blondes (c) vs. Ford & Speed[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] I’ve been toying lately with the idea of dropping Ford and Speed, but whenever I put them in a match they do well. Case in point, this match saw them dominate during the initial spell, really showing off in this too-rare opportunity to stretch their legs. They almost seemed to be trying to one-up each other as they went for big moves and put together some impressive sequences – before Ford got splattered with a Backdrop Driver courtesy of Smith. Then the match became once more a contest between the two perennial rival teams, with the Blondes eking out a narrow win over the newly-fabulous Singh with an O, Canada! Winners: The Canadian Blondes (D+) * Sienna LeNoir smiled eerily at the camera. [COLOR="DimGray"]“My master has bid me speak with you, Kirk Jameson,”[/COLOR] she said, huskily. [COLOR="DimGray"]“For surely now you see the truth... Believe me, believe us... Treachery... Deceit... Mistrust... Only those who have seen the light are worthy of your faith... Kirk Jameson, you have always been our desire... So noble, so deluded... Join us, Kirk Jameson... For your greater good you must realise the true way of the world... Join us, and the success you crave will be yours...”[/COLOR] * Kirk Jameson’s music played, but instead of the popular fan favourite, Aaron Andrews emerged from backstage with the title belt around his waist. Smirking and yelling at the fans as he walked down the aisle, he appeared perfectly at ease with his reception and recent actions. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Thank you, thank you,”[/COLOR] he said with a grin, as he took the mic. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Yes, you’re right, that was a brilliant piece of thinking on my part. I can tell by your reaction how much you admire me. I can tell how much jealousy you feel of my actions. I know how much you wish that you were in my boots, and had the balls to take down your closest competitor. “Not that I believe for a second that Kirk Jameson is anything like the kind of competition you cretins seem to believe he is. But over the last year, you’ve been cheering for him. You’ve been busy, making him the most popular man in the Mid-Atlantic. And I supported you, all the way.”[/COLOR] The fans jeers, which had been bordering on riot level, dipped in volume somewhat. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Why wouldn’t I? The man was my friend, and I wanted him to succeed. But his moderate success gave him ideas above his station. He wanted to work with me – steal from my popularity, try and usurp me. So I cut him down.”[/COLOR] The boos intensified once more. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Why the hell wouldn’t I?”[/COLOR] Andrews snarled.[COLOR="DarkRed"] “You morons don’t respect this!” he slapped the belt around his waist. “You don’t respect me. Over the last year I’ve been the champion – but look how often darling Kirk Jameson has been in the main event. Taking my limelight, stealing the respect due to me as the greatest champion this company has ever had. “Kirk Jameson is a nothing, a cipher. He’s only as good as the man carrying his worthless hide. For the last year, that’s been me. At first I thought it was amusing, that having a sidekick would be useful as I held back the challenges to my title. But when I needed the man, where was he? Was he there when I got attacked? Was he there when Rip or Firebird or whoever threw unknown opponents in my path? “No. He wasn’t. Kirk Jameson did what Kirk Jameson has always done. He took what he wanted from our partnership, and gave nothing back. Well, that’s over. That’s done. Two weeks ago, I took what I wanted from Kirk Jameson – a pound of flesh and a pint of blood. And believe me, I’m giving nothing back. I’m sure he’ll want a match to get his revenge, but that’s not going to happen. I’ll fight anyone – but not him. That’s the champion’s prerogative, after all.”[/COLOR] The fans jeered and booed still more as Andrews invoked Jay Chord’s old fallback, but he just smirked as he left the ring. And then Kirk Jameson’s music played again. Andrews froze in the centre of the aisle as Kirk emerged from backstage. He stood, unmoving, as Kirk came down the aisle, and dropped into a defensive stance as Kirk drew near. But rather than attack, Kirk instead stepped around his former partner, not even acknowledging him, and entered the ring, leaving Andrews to back up the aisle, looking confused as Kirk stretched and warmed up for his match. * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Casey Valentine[/B] Hmmm... We may have had Casey’s coming-out party a bit prematurely. I know Jameson doesn’t like losing, but this match could have benefited both men – and their storylines – with the right performance. As it was, despite Casey Valentine’s ever-improving brawling skills, this wasn’t all that it could be. Put it down to Jameson playing his role too well, as the distracted fan favourite was upset by the resurgent Valentine with a shock Sweet Sweet Heart Break. Winner: Casey Valentine (D+) * [B]Randy Bumfhole vs. Black Eagle[/B] Black Eagle has looked great since returning, mainly in high-profile losses to guys higher up the card than him. That’s not accidental – we let him go last time because he got too big for his boots. This match continued the trend, with a no-complaints, no-frills performance from the masked man, putting Bumfhole over and keeping our big-name star on the happy side of content, taking a Bumfhole Buster for the pin. Winner: Randy Bumfhole (C) * [B]Steve Flash vs. Antonio[/B] Same result as the earlier Sons match, of course, but I’m happier with this one – Antonio can probably only realistically be expected to put on D+ or thereabouts given his talent. I’d even wager this was a better match overall, although it’s always hard to be entirely sure. Flash continued his strong showing against the next generation stable with a Flash Bang for the win. Winner: Steve Flash (D+) * Before Steve Flash could even have his arm raised in victory, Casey Valentine had slid into the ring, and ambushed the veteran from behind. Antonio joined in the beatdown until the crowd erupted at the emergence of Randy Bumfhole from the backstage area. Bumfhole slid into the ring, and took Antonio down with a hard clothesline, but Casey nearly decapitated Bumfhole with a Sweet Sweet Heartbreak, and the two Sons proceeded to take gleeful delight in beating down their veteran opposition, including a vicious spike powerbomb to Randy that saw him smashed down across Steve, leaving the two Sons smirking as they left the ring, enjoying the sight of their fallen foes. * [B]Hugh de Aske (c) vs. Jay Chord[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Two guys with no chemistry, going a full fifteen minutes. Ouch. Still, it could have been a lot worse – Hugh and Jay are hugely talented, and the action was very acceptable, meaning that there were a lot worse ways to spend the time. We could even play the mismatch off as being down to both men having other things on their mind. Still, as the clock ran down and neither man had the spark to change things up a gear, I couldn’t help but feel a touch of sadness that a potentially tremendous match had fallen a little flat – and with it any chance of a feud between the two... Winner: No-one (C) * After the match, Jay stayed in the ring, and demanded the mic. [COLOR="Red"]“I’m getting sick of this,”[/COLOR] he growled. [COLOR="Red"]“Look at me. I’m the youngest damn champion this company ever had. I’ve done everything, and what do I get? A match against a pirate, for God’s sake, while some freak wearing my Kid Arachnid mask continues to swan around pretending that he’s anything like as good as me, and stealing from my reputation the whole time. “Now, ‘Arachnid’, listen to me. You ever grow the balls to get in the ring with me again, consider yourself in possession of an open ticket. Until that happens – and I think it’ll be a long wait – I’ve got something else to deal with: JD Morgan. “I’ve got a couple of reasons for wanting to face you, Morgan. First, you helped eliminate me from the title match last month. Without you and your buddy, I stood a good chance of taking my title back. So I want to beat some more ugly into your face to make you pay for that. But also, you’ve got a hell of a reputation as a tough guy, so when I put you down for the count it’ll be another step closer to being taken seriously again.” [/COLOR] * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] After his win last month, Ota had the momentum to make this match believable. The always popular ninja dug deep into his bag of tricks for this match, keeping Andrews busy and never giving him a chance to settle. Ota struck from every conceivable angle, out-flying and out-wrestling the champion, and forcing Andrews to get down and dirty. This proved to be Ota’s downfall, however, as Andrews displayed a definite relish at the chance to just start hitting his opponent with everything he had, eventually wearing the ninja down to the point where he was able to score with a Flying Bodypress for the win. Winner: Aaron Andrews (B-) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]Next: Jay's causing trouble. Again...[/I]
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[I]OOC: I don't mind talking to myself, but I'm starting to get some funny looks and the white coat that ties up at the back may not be too far away... In other words, all comments welcome :p[/I] * I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. I’d forgotten, as it happens, that Rip and I had an agreement where he would deal with Jay’s misdemeanours. Somewhere along the way, it had fallen by the wayside. Tonight, with Jay getting in Kirk’s face about some imagined slight, and Rip nowhere to be found, I realised that I’d allowed Rip to drop this particular problem back on me. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Kirk, are you going to knock Jay out?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“No.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Jay, are you going to shut up before I donate your pay to charity, or after?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“What? I-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Jay.”[/COLOR] For a moment, Jay scowled. Then he sighed. [COLOR="Red"]“Yeah, you’re right. Sorry, Kirk.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“No biggie,”[/COLOR] he said, and that was that. Behind the scenes, Kirk is so laid-back he’s practically horizontal. I’ve wondered from time to time whether a drug testing scheme would throw him up as a dope user – certainly he’s as mellow as any pothead I’ve ever known. It’s part of the reason I’ve taken so long to push him – and why I worry a bit whenever he’s required to show emotion in angles. It’s a little hard to make the leap from viewing him as Mr. Chilled Out – for Kirk abides – to someone capable of portraying the whole range of human emotion and experience. As for Jay, well, he defaults to arrogant ass – but you knew that, right? Partly it’s the pressure of living up to Rip’s name. Mainly it’s because he is an arrogant ass. So long as he doesn’t get into serious trouble, I’ve tended to accept the trade-off. But his chance of holding the main title again any time soon diminishes every time he gets into trouble backstage. I made a note to call in at the orphanage down the road on my home. It was always nice to see how glad they were that Jay had messed up again – he’s their favourite wrestler... * MAW On Tour Thursday, 18th July 2011 - Jefferson Stardust def. Ben Williams – F Riley McManus and Jonnie Perez def. Extreme Deluxe and Super Sonic – F Curtis Jenkins and Smart Mark def. Leftie Wilkes and The American Flash – F+ Kid Arachnid def. Raphael – D- Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [I]Notes: None, really...[/I] * Since being called up to SWF, Jean Cattley has made two appearances – losing a week effort to Kurt Laramee in his debut, and being one of the losers in a four corners match three weeks later. That match was better, though. * MAW On Tour Thursday, 18th July 2011 – Ontario The West Texas Peacekeepers def. The Young Americans and Team XDW – E- VIP Wallace def. Riley McManus – E Kid Arachnid def. Nelson Callum – E- Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [I]Notes: First show outside the US ... Not bad for what it was ... I think I need ‘Arachnid + Callum = bad’ tattooed on my forehead, though – that’s at least three times I’ve booked it ... Backstage, Xavier pranked Super Sonic and got a slap on the wrist ... As little as he’s worth, he may already be more trouble ... Impressive speed in that regard[/I] * The ringing of the phone jolted me awake, and as I rolled over in bed I smiled despite my tiredness. Katie was back in town for the show, and was helping keep my bed warm. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Hello?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Kirk blew out his knee,”[/COLOR] Rip growled down the line. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Oh ----.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“He’s out for a month.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Oh... Well, that’s not too bad. We can work with that,”[/COLOR] I said, sitting up and pulling the bedsheet around me. I rubbed at my eyes with the heel of my hand. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“He’ll miss two shows,”[/COLOR] I said, mind racing. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I’ve been meaning to get Bulldozer in on this storyline anyway, so that works. It’s fine, Rip. Not ideal, but with a month off, he’ll be re-energised when he comes back.”[/COLOR] Rip made a snorting sound. [COLOR="Purple"]“And another thing. I want Jay on commentary during the main shows.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Okay.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“He’ll be taking your place.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Starting tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Rip, what-“[/COLOR] The dial tone was my only response. I stared blankly at the handset as Katie stirred behind me. [COLOR="Magenta"]“James? What’s the matter?”[/COLOR] I set the handset back in its cradle, trying to process what had just happened. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I... I think Rip’s phasing me out...”[/COLOR] * [CENTER][B]July – Beach Blast[/B] Leftie Wilkes and Ben Williams vs. The Canadian Blondes “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Casey Valentine Chance Fortune vs. Black Eagle Jonnie Perez vs. Primus Allen Steve Flash and Randy Bumfhole vs. Antonio and Erik Strong Jay Chord vs. JD Morgan Hugh de Aske vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER] Oh, and because I think it's cool and because after 38 matches in almost four years we're finally there... [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/tcbexp.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A*! Yeah! Now to get them in an A* match!
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Love the backstage stuff -- you do a great job with it. Although you getting to bump uglies with Katie is simply dreaming -- an old cripple like you could never hit that. ;) I'm still curious about the identity of the new Kid Arachnid (or did I miss the reveal?). Are you planning to explore that storyline? Great job getting the Blondes to A*. I've never been able to get close since I always get sick of them within the first year and send 'em packing. Anyway, keep up the good work. I look forward to your posts and appreciate that you update regularly. It's a great excuse for procrastinating at work (like now, when I should be working on a memo).
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