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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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Just wanted to say that in all the years of EWR/TEW, I've followed and enjoyed many a diary, but this is the only one that's actually had me looking forward to every update. Great storylines to follow and it's very well written. Keep up the good work.
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Leftie Wilkes and Ben Williams vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]Best chance yet for an A* match![/I] [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Casey Valentine [I]He's still Dozer[/I] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs. Black Eagle [I]Just because[/I] Jonnie Perez vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]Never really got behind Perez[/I] Steve Flash and Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Antonio and Erik Strong[/B] [I]Because I've picked too many faces[/I] [B]Jay Chord[/B] vs. JD Morgan [I]When did Jay turn? Or is it HvH[/I] Hugh de Aske vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]The Champ is here![/I] The day the Canadian Blondes are in an A* match is the day I stop reading this diary, i.e. never!
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[I]OOC: Thanks for all the comments, guys. Nice to know people are enjoying the show, and that I'm holding folks' attention.[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Beach Blast Friday, July 26th 2011[/CENTER][/B] [B]Leftie Wilkes and Ben Williams vs. The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team title[/COLOR] With 1,600 fans in attendance, this was the first time we’d been able to book the North Carolina Biker Museum twice in one month – a great sign of our continuing growth. The double main event – if you will – probably helped sell the tickets. Certainly not this match – a basic squash with the Blondes thrashing their young opponents in six minutes via O, Canada! Winners: The Canadian Blondes (E+) * Once more, Sienna LeNoir had Kirk Jameson on her mind. [COLOR="Gray"]“Kirk Jameson... Tell me, as you sit at home, alone... Do you feel the darkness closing in? When no-one calls you... When no-one cares... We know that you’re watching Kirk Jameson... Tell me, Kirk Jameson... When the sun sets tonight... Will you turn on your lights, or will you welcome the darkness?”[/COLOR] * Casey Valentine’s music played, and the second-generation superstar strutted down to the ring. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Notice someone missing? Your hero Kirk Jameson took a hell of a pasting last show – from me. And as a result, he’s benched. Frankly, even I’m amazed by my own brilliance. I guess that it just goes to show – I am the embodiment of a tremendous legacy, and even I’m not sure just how far I can go. Clearly, however, my limits exceed those of Kirk-“[/COLOR] Casey was interrupted by the music of Brandon Smith, and the Bulldozer stormed down the aisle before confronting the Second Son in the middle of the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“Casey, you can say an awful lot about your legacy of greatness, but ah guess when you were being brought up to be this great wrestler you claim to be, your elders did nothing to teach you proper manners. If ah injured a man in this ring, ah would not be crowing and a-boastin’ about it. I would be making damn sure it didn’t happen again. You seem to think it’s good fun that you put my buddy on the sidelines. Ah don’t agree. So tonight ah’m gonna teach you something your elders seem to have missed out – and in the unlikely event that you happen to get injured on the way, well, ah don’t expect to be boastin’ about it next show, but ah guess that ah won’t be feeling too unhappy about it, either.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Casey Valentine [/B] What with Casey improving in Rumble skills – again – this match against one of the premier brawlers on the face side was a definite test. It was all-out brawling from the bell, with Valentine showcasing a high-tempo, low-impact attack, whereas Smith was more about his typical high-impact, slower moving offence. The match was decent, with both men having roughly equal advantage, prior to the resurgent Valentine scoring with a Sweet Sweet Heartbreak for the win. Winner: Casey Valentine (D+) * [B]Chance Fortune vs. Black Eagle[/B] The Firm’s continued drive to civilise MAW continued with this match against The Fallen’s silent schemer. Black Eagle’s fortunes have been limited since his return to the company, but he remains an ever present threat, and for long spells of this match was in control of the former TCW star. However, Fortune lived up to his moniker, avoiding an Eagle dive by the skin of his teeth and nailing a Stroke of Luck to pick up the win. Winner: Chance Fortune (C-) * A short video played, showing Primus Allen hefting record-breaking weights with ease, cold-****ing a series of sparring partners with a single punch and dominating a series of opponents, seemingly without breaking a sweat. The video closed with a low shot of Allen, peering up at his mighty frame as he glared down at the camera, menacingly. * [B]Jonnie Perez vs. Primus Allen[/B] A short – fortunately – match in which Allen flattened the former Traditional champion, scoring the win with a Running Powerslam. As short as it was, the lack of chemistry between the two was apparent from the off. Winner: Primus Allen (E+) * Randy Bumfhole took the mic before his team’s match. [COLOR="Blue"]“The lack of respect shown by the Second Sons is more telling of their true abilities than any match, I suspect,”[/COLOR] he said, as Steve Flash nodded in the background. [COLOR="Blue"]“Their cowardly antics just make me think that they won’t – or can’t – fight fair. Tonight we’ve made it to the ring without being ambushed. Tonight should be a fair fight. Let’s see what opponents make of that.”[/COLOR] * [B]Steve Flash and Randy Bumfhole vs. Antonio and Erik Strong[/B] The feud between this new incarnation of The Firm and the Second Sons has been honourably contested – on the part of The Firm. The Second Sons have been more ruthless, and without the benefit of a pre-match ambush they struggled to make an impression in the early going of this match. With a little time, they regrouped, with Strong in particular making much of the face team’s largely ground-based game by showing off his speed and agility. But Steve Flash remained calm in the face of he onslaught, chipping away at the upstart heel duo, and setting Antonio up for a Bumfhole Buster from his teammate for the win in an entertaining match. Winner: Flash and Bumfhole (C-) * Jay Chord emerged from backstage, looking determined. Before JD Morgan came down the ramp, Jay took the mic. [COLOR="Red"]“Let this serve as a warning to anyone who gets in my way,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Red"]“I will take you down. I don’t care if you’re there by accident. I don’t care if you think you’re helping me. I don’t care if you think you have some divine right to obstruct my path. I will end you.”[/COLOR] * [B]Jay Chord vs. JD Morgan[/B] Inevitably, the fans were pretty cool about this heel/heel mach – but Chord had a point to prove, and his usual heelish shenanigans were absent as he focused solely on taking down the taciturn Fallen enforcer. Morgan stretched the youngster to his limits, the veteran Brit nearly wrenching Chord’s arm from its socket with one particularly vicious stump puller. But Chord retaliated by rolling through into an ankle lock, which he used to wrench and tear at Morgan, twisting him around so that he could stamp on his head as well, while Morgan tried to roll through in turn. He managed this, but Chord used the momentum of the roll to send himself into the ropes, rebounding and leaping high with a dropkick that snapped Morgan’s head back as he charged forwards. Morgan crashed to the mat, and Chord was on him like a shot, obliterating him with a Cradle Piledriver to score the win. Winner: Jay Chord (C-) * Aaron Andrews had something to say before locking up with Hugh de Aske: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I’m the Dread Pirate. I lost my girlfriend. Boo hoo. I suck... Hugh, you’re a sorry excuse for a wrestler. I know the freaks in the crowd love you, but they love Kirk Jameson as well. It says a lot about you, and a lot about them, and frankly I’m disgusted that I ever cared about what people like that thought about me. “Hugh, you’ve been running around with your Traditional title for a while now. Don’t think for a second that anyone takes you seriously because of it. The only gold that matters is that around my waist. And the chances of you taking it off me are even smaller than you getting your woman back.” [/COLOR] * [B]Hugh de Aske vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Hugh looked more focused coming into this match than he had since the departure of Sienna. In the opening exchanges, he had the champion against the ropes, and battered him with hard punches and kicks before taking it to the mat with a series of leglocks that Rock theorised were designed to eliminate both the Standing Hotshot and Flying Bodypress from Andrews’ repertoire. Andrews began to gain some ground after the Dread Pirate missed a corner charge, but he was visibly wincing as he fought back with a series of clotheslines and arm wringers, blunting Hugh’s offence. Hugh weathered the storm, and even with his favoured right arm hanging limp by his side, he was able to strike with a series of hard kicks, but Andrews in turn was biding his time, and when Hugh over-extended on a sweeping roundhouse kick, Andrews grabbed the pirate’s boot and spun him around in a full circle. Coming around once again to face the champ, Hugh was met with a boot to the gut before Andrews drilled him with a Twisting Face Crusher for the win. Winner: Aaron Andrews (B-) [B]Overall: C[/B] (Hmmm... Think we may have been paying for that opener...) [I]Next: Enter, King Midas...[/I]
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[QUOTE=Wesson;503010]King Midas=Ernest Youngman right?[/QUOTE] [I]Yup - another reader of Scapino's epics?[/I] * Black Eagle had been spreading unrepeatable rumours about Antonio – he didn’t deny it, and Antonio was furious. This one was an easy one – a stern warning for the man in the mask. Since joining the company, I’d not really had a problem with dishing out what I felt to be appropriate punishments. Apart from the time I chewed out our old ref whatsisname for something someone else did – put it down to tiredness and reflex – I considered I was even-handed. The only person who disagreed was Jay, but who cares what he thinks? Despite having publicly dressed down Eagle, Antonio still didn’t look happy with my actions. I went to speak to him, but Aaron buttonholed me, and instead I saw Jay moving in to speak to him. Jay and Antonio had a hushed conversation, and I noticed both men glancing in my direction more than once as I listened with half an ear as Aaron outlined his plan for us to go global on the back of a five year run for him with the title. I left the locker room shortly afterwards, a distinct feeling of uneasiness in my gut as I limped down the corridor. * MAW On Tour Thursday 4th August 2011 The Young Americans def. Curtis Jenkins and Raphael – E+ Amazing Fire Fly def. Jefferson Stardust – E- Kid Arachnid def. Roderick Remus – E+ Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [I]Notes: No popularity increase ... No chemistry in the main[/I] * Despite Rip’s increasingly tight control on the company, I still had the power to hire and fire people – and while I used the ability sparingly (the last person I hired was four months ago) it was still there and waiting. It was waiting for an opportunity like this: Ernest Youngman. Variously nicknamed The Assassin of the Squared Circle and King Midas, the 18-year old had been tearing up the indies and high school gymnasium scene for six months. He’d recently announced his decision to go pro on his blog – to which I’d subscribed after about his third match where he dragged something watchable out of Buck Graham. In his third match! Muscular, agile, technically rock solid, comfortable on the mic, and capable of carrying anyone to a decent match, I’d braved Rip’s wrath to bring Youngman to his attention. Rip had watched five minutes of the Graham match and another ten of a match he had with Mad Dog Mortimer. [COLOR="Purple"]“Sign him,”[/COLOR] Rip had said. [COLOR="Purple"]“Get him here and sign him.”[/COLOR] I stared across my increasingly unstable desk at Ernest, who exuded confidence – but in an easy-going, cheerful way. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Usually for someone of your age, experience and popularity, we’d be looking to pay in the region of $700 a night,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You can expect to work once or twice a month. At the moment, we may have a vacancy approaching in one of our groups, and I think you’d fit in well. Even if not, you’re looking at a decent run if your skills are all they’re cracked up to be.”[/COLOR] He nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]“I hope they are – I’ve always dreamed of being a wrestler, and to work for someone like Rip Chord... Wow.”[/COLOR] I smiled, and bit my tongue. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“So, if you can agree to the deal, I’d expect you to make your debut in the next month. Initially, you shouldn’t expect to win too many matches. However, if you catch on with the fans that could change.”[/COLOR] He nodded again, and looked a little pensive. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ll need to travel a bit to get here, and you said that you’d pay in the region of $700 a night. Can you make it $800?”[/COLOR] I thought for a moment. We’d turned a profit for the first time in about eight months in July, so offering the kid another $100 wasn’t going to kill us. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Yes, okay,”[/COLOR] I said, and extended my hand. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Welcome to the company.”[/COLOR] * MAW On Tour Thursday, 11th August 2011 The Young Americans def. Team XDW – E- Internet Favourites def. Rod Remus and Nelson Callum – E- Sensational Singh def. Raphael – D Kid Arachnid def. Jared Johnson – E- Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [I]Notes: The main event was [U]way[/U] too long[/I] * Jacob Jett is the new World Level Show Stealer champion – his first reign with the belt. I don’t know if Katie keeps up with his career, but I guess I’m pleased for him. He really is a tremendous talent. * Elsewhere, with Shawn Gonzales taking it easy nowadays, we’ve overtaken FCW in the rankings – which is nice, as we share a lot of talent and should now be their first priority in the event of a clash or, in the case of Kid Arachnid, a Japanese company wanting to take him on tour. * [CENTER][B]MAW Summernova[/B] Kid Arachnid, Chance Fortune and Randy Bumfhole vs. The Triple Threat Ernest Youngman vs. Erik Strong Singh & Smith vs. Ford and Speed Fumihiro Ota and The Young Americans vs. Jay Chord, Casey Valentine and Antonio Hugh de Aske vs. Primus Allen Bradford Peverell vs. Providence Steve Flash vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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[B]MAW Summernova[/B] [B]Kid Arachnid, Chance Fortune and Randy Bumfhole[/B] vs. The Triple Threat [I]I see the face team getting the win just based around Bumfhole's amazing form as of late.[/I] Ernest Youngman vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] [I]Youngman is great, but I don't see him getting the win over Strong in his debut.[/I] [B]Singh & Smith[/B] vs. Ford and Speed [I]Ford & Speed have been on the chopping block as of late despite their performances, and Broadway Singh seems to be getting a bit of a push, so Singh & Smith get the win.[/I] Fumihiro Ota and The Young Americans vs.[B] Jay Chord, Casey Valentine and Antonio [/B] [I]Ota is fairly directionless, and with Rip's increasing control over the direction of the company, the Second Sons get the win here easily.[/I] Hugh de Aske vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]Aske is amazing, but he's been distracted lately with Eagle, and that distraction will cost him the win here.[/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Providence[/B] [I]Peverell hasn't exactly been setting things on fire lately, whereas Providence has been a big part of the Fallen storyline lately, so he takes the win.[/I] Steve Flash vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Heel Andrews is finally getting a decent reign following his turn, and I see that continuing here against Flash.[/I]
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[B]MAW Summernova[/B] [B]Kid Arachnid, Chance Fortune and Randy Bumfhole[/B] vs. The Triple Threat Ernest Youngman vs. Erik Strong - Draw. Singh & Smith vs. [B]Ford and Speed[/B] Fumihiro Ota and The Young Americans vs. J[B]ay Chord, Casey Valentine and Antonio[/B] [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] vs. Primus Allen [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] vs. Providence Steve Flash vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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MAW Summernova [B]Kid Arachnid, Chance Fortune and Randy Bumfhole[/B] vs. The Triple Threat Ernest Youngman vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] Singh & Smith vs. [B]Ford and Speed[/B] Fumihiro Ota and The Young Americans vs. [B]Jay Chord, Casey Valentine and Antonio[/B] [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] vs. Primus Allen Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Providence[/B] Steve Flash vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Summernova Friday, 12th August 2011[/CENTER] Kid Arachnid, Chance Fortune and Randy Bumfhole vs. The Triple Threat (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Trios title[/COLOR] A capacity sell-out crowd was on hand to watch our latest show, and we kicked things off in style with the first defence in a long time of the Trios titles here on the main show. This match had a flavour of old vs. new about it – all three members of the challenging team have debuted since The Triple Threat won the belts, and maybe even since the last time the belts were defended on a main show. The match consisted of all-out action, with the veterans Bumfhole and Fortune displaying their well-honed skills as the neophyte champions took turns taking bumps. But in the end, despite some well-honed teamwork on the part of the champs that took both Bumfhole and Fortune out of the game, Nelson Callum was left alone in the ring with Kid Arachnid who snared him in double-quick time with a Cradle Piledriver for the win and the titles. Winners: The Firm (D+) * Backstage, and Steve Flash had laid on a celebration for the new champions. As the party got started, there was a knock at the door. Flash opened it, and a tall, muscular young man strode in. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ernest, welcome,”[/COLOR] Flash said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Everyone, this is my nephew, Ernest Youngman. He’s just started out in the business, and I promised my sister I’d take him under my wing.”[/COLOR] The Firm welcomed him cordially, still aglow in the aftermath of their title win. Kid Arachnid saying nothing, but bringing him an elaborate ****tail from the bar, which he’d whisked up in seconds. [COLOR="Blue"]“Not just yet, kid,”[/COLOR] Flash said, as Ernest took the glass. [COLOR="Blue"]“Believe it or not, guys, he’s not 21 yet – still, he’s old enough to fight. Ernest, I spoke to Rip earlier and you’ve got a fight against Erik Strong tonight. Listen, he’s a former champion here. Not to be taken lightly, do you understand?”[/COLOR] Ernest nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]“Good. He’s quick, and kicks hard – but his weakness is his lower back. Stretch him and focus on that area, and he’ll be easy enough to control.” “Okay,”[/COLOR] Ernest said. Flash slapped him on the back, and watched as he left the room. [COLOR="Blue"]“He doesn’t say much,”[/COLOR] Randy said, offering Flash a bottle of Coors. [COLOR="Blue"]“No, he’s always been shy. But he can fight. I trained him myself. Well, I had to – can you believe my sister called him [I]Ernest[/I]?”[/COLOR] * [B]Ernest Youngman vs. Erik Strong[/B] You can probably consider Youngman to be a provisional member of The Firm – an associate, if you will. He was quick to establish himself as a foe of the Second Sons in his debut, rejecting the hand of friendship offered by Strong, and suplexing him nearly out of his boots. Youngman entered a tenacious showing in his debut, but a rookie mistake caused his undoing as he scaled the turnbuckles to try and counter a Strong dive, giving the former MAW champion ample chance to send him flying, leaving him prone to a Strongsault, and giving Strong a clean win. Winners: Erik Strong (D+) * Backstage, and Smith & Singh were arriving in a stretch limo with New York license plates. Singh was standing up out of the sunroof, while Smith could be heard grumbling from within. [COLOR="Blue"]“Brandon, you look fabulous,”[/COLOR] Singh said, pointing and winking to Dawn as they passed, before looking down into the car. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s you!”[/COLOR] The limo pulled up to a stop, and the door opened. Brandon Smith emerged, the hood of his top pulled so far forward that his eyes were hidden in shadow. [COLOR="Blue"] “It is not me. It’s hideous. It doesn’t match my beard. It was a stupid bet, anyway. How was Ah to know [I]Springtime For Hitler[/I] was going to be a hit?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, well, what have we here?”[/COLOR] Greg Ford and Marc Speed emerged from off-camera, and stood nose to hood with Smith. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s a short step from self-loathing to true enlightenment,”[/COLOR] Speed said. Ford nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]“A very small step indeed. Come, Brandon Smith, show us what has caused you to come so close to our path – that we might share in your suffering, and guide you to the realisation that you crave, deep down.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“What the hell?”[/COLOR] Smith said, and pulled back his hood to glare at the two Fallen associates. But what he revealed caused the two men to burst out laughing, with Ford doubled over and Speed leaning on him for support. [COLOR="Blue"]“And here I thought you were troubled, when in fact you are insane,”[/COLOR] Speed managed between laughing breaths. Smith growled at him, but the menacing effect was rather spoiled by the shock of straw-blonde hair on top of his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“You two and us two tonight,”[/COLOR] he said, grabbing Speed by the lapels and pulling him in close. [COLOR="Blue"]“And one more word about my hair, and Ah’ll be seeing just how much darkness a man’s soul can take before he takes this Fall you keep goin’ on about, understand?”[/COLOR] Smith stalked off, Singh trailing behind him, as Ford and Speed resumed their laughing fit. * [B]Singh & Smith vs. Ford and Speed[/B] The associates of The Fallen seemed to take particular delight in ruffling Smith’s hair throughout this match, and this threw the burly former NFL star off his game. Ford in particular put his brawling ability to impressive use, targeting Smith and putting the already self-conscious Bulldozer on the defensive for almost the whole of his involvement in the match. This left Singh to try and make up the difference, but even in full-on Sensational mode, it was just beyond him, and he ended up falling to a Cross Armbreaker from Speed. Winners: Ford & Speed (D+) * Jay Chord preceded his team-mates to the ring and snatched a mic. From the centre of the ring, he glared down at Rip. [COLOR="Red"]“A six-man match. Great. Exactly how I’m going to make my impact in this company. Listen to me, Father, either start giving me a real challenge, or we’ll find out how much I’ve improved, and how much you’ve deteriorated in the last two years, understand?”[/COLOR] * [B]Fumihiro Ota and The Young Americans vs. Jay Chord, Casey Valentine and Antonio[/B] This was Jay’s match to dominate, and that he did. He looked a class apart not only from his opponents, but also his team-mates. Sadly, that made the match drag somewhat as the fans were really only into the action when Jay was in the ring – so when Valentine scored with the Sweet Sweet Heartbreak on Benning for the win, there were plenty of fans left feeling slightly surprised that the match was over. Winners: Second Sons (D) * Hugh de Aske was backstage, polishing his Traditional title, and humming a sea shanty to himself in a rather forlorn manner. He sighed heavily, and let the cloth and belt hang down to the floor. He sighed heavily again, and may eve have gone for a third had a lengthy shadow not fallen across him. He looked up, and craned his neck to look further up still, but before he could say anything a large hand grabbed him around the throat and hauled him upright, bringing him face to face with Primus Allen. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m taking your title tonight,”[/COLOR] Allen growled, before tossing the pirate across the room and into a bank of lockers. He stalked out, leaving Hugh looking rattled, rubbing his throat. * [B]Hugh de Aske (c) vs. Primus Allen[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Hugh’s recent funk continued at the start of this match – or, maybe, Primus just took off so quickly that the pirate didn’t really have a defence available. Whatever – Allen dominated the early going, pitching his smaller opponent around with ease, and smirking as he methodically picked apart Hugh’s defences. The champion did his best to strike back, a wild clothesline carrying both men through the ropes and buying him some respite as Allen recovered slower from the tumble. But although de Aske made up some ground, Allen kept coming, implacable in his assault. In desperation, Hugh took to the air, and with a stunning flying lariat took the big man down with such authority that it seemed that he’d found a winning solution. But when he went to the top rope a second time for a double axhandle, Allen easily caught him around the throat on his descent, lifting him up and spinning around to plant him with a Sitout Spinebuster to score the pin and lift the Traditional title for a second time. Winner: Primus Allen (C) * Providence came down to the ring. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“Big night, two titles changing hands, lots of people staking a claim to being better, others nursing their injuries and promising themselves that next time, next time will be different...”[/COLOR] Providence chuckled, somewhat off-key. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“So it goes. I think I ought to point out what it’s not whether you win or lose – it’s how much fun you have along the way. Me, I always have fun. Always. It’s just who I am. I might take pleasure in the crack of a finger as I bend it too far, or the signs in the crowd, or the drip, drip, drip of my opponent’s blood on the canvas... Whatever it is, it’s my shining moment of joy for the day. Of course, I’m only here once every two weeks. Outside of that, I have to find my kicks some other way. Last night I was walking past this old folks’ home, and-“[/COLOR] Providence’s story was cut off by the roar of a motorbike, which emerged from the backstage area and rolled down the ramp. Chromed in places, battered in others, it looked as though it had been thrown together from whatever spare parts the rider had been able to find. The bike rolled to a stop in front of the ring, and the rider turned off the engine, allowing Providence to speak once more. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“That wasn’t very polite.”[/COLOR] The bike’s rider ignored him, instead peeling off the sunglasses he had been wearing. The tall, rangey man slid into the ring, rising to stand face to face with Providence, who eyed him implacably. The rider took the mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“You see, I was backstage, hanging out, meeting people... And then I heard you out here, talking about the kicks you get. Where I come from, people like you don’t get out and about too much. They spend a lot of their time locked up – and good riddance. But there’s always someone out there who thinks the rules don’t apply to them. Someone who thinks that because they don’t care, that they can do anything. See, back on the streets I knew people like you, Providence. They may not have had your fancy vocabulary, but they had your twisted mind, and your black heart. And whenever I met them, I put them down. And soon enough, people would come to me when they had their troubles. My name meant hope to those people. Now I’m looking after a different neighbourhood, and soon enough people are going to come to me and ask for my help. But tonight I’m going to start at the top – just to show I’m serious. I’ll give you the old one,” he raised his left fist. “Two,” he raised his right fist. “And soon enough, people will know that Bradford Peverell is a force to be reckoned with.”[/COLOR] Providence took back the mic, and paced back and forth before Peverell, eyeing him from heavily-booted toe to slicked-back hair. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“Well,”[/COLOR] he said at last. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“I can see that I’m going to have a lot of fun with you.”[/COLOR] * [B]Bradford Peverell vs. Providence[/B] Oh dear. No chemistry. I remember another midcarder who started off like this... The Pev juked and jived, his unorthodox style drawing a smile from Providence, before the masked man nearly decapitated his challenger with a charging lariat. Peverell threw punches and tried to draw Providence into a slugfest, but his energetic style just didn’t mesh well with Providence’s, and the fans interest in the confident and charismatic newcomer cooled somewhat before Providence scored with the Eye Of Providence to take the win. Winner: Providence (D+) * Aaron Andrews was backstage, warming up, when Jenny approached him for his thoughts on his up-coming match. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“My thoughts. You want my thoughts,”[/COLOR] he said, before laughing shortly. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Jenny, I’ve seen you backstage, chasing after Kirk Jameson, making sure your neckline was low enough and your hemline high enough. I think that your parents aren’t going to be too proud that they put their daughter through five years of college so she could wander around a men’s locker room, asking inane questions.” [/COLOR] He snatched the mic from her, and glared at her until she backed away. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I don’t care what people think. I’ve said that before, and nothing has changed. But people still seem to feel the need to tell me. They stop me in the street. They interrupt my meals. I had one guy chase me down on the freeway a couple of days ago to tell me how disappointed he was that I’d turned my back on Kirk Jameson. It’s funny, because it was him turning his back in me that let me stick the knife in it.”[/COLOR] He smirked. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“In the interests of saving my sanity, let me make it clear. Me and Kirk Jameson, we’re not going to kiss and make up. It’s not going to happen. I’m never stepping foot in the same ring as him. I’m not going to give him the opportunity to try and upstage me again. I’m not going to do anything to give him the glory and attention that he craves – and has done nothing to deserve. “And as for Steve Flash... Well, here’s a man who’s worked his entire life in this business. Been everywhere, done everything. I respect him. He’s not on my level – never has been, never will be. But I recognise that he has talent, and on his bets day, and my worst day, he might be a threat to my title. But tonight that won’t happen. Tonight I’m going to show why I am the reigning champion. Tonight I will write another chapter of my life story – a story I’m thinking of calling I’m Better than You – Especially if You’re Kirk Jameson. It’s catchy...”[/COLOR] * [B]Steve Flash vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] I’ve been waiting five months and more to book this match – really since Flash and Andrews signed on, but especially since the same match pulled an A for NYCW in March. For us... Well, we don’t do things the easy way, you know? This was a good match, with the experienced Andrews for once not the veteran in the contest. However, I must admit, I was expecting a little more. I can only attribute it to the show as a whole being somewhat flat – and that’s no-one’s fault but my own. Possibly as well the fans knew what the outcome was going to be – at 45, and with no particular issue with the champ, Flash was unlikely to win the big one. Instead we had a superior twenty-minute match with strong performances on both sides, before Andrews scored with the Twisting Face Crusher for the win. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C+) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]Next: Casey vs. Chord - sort of...[/I]
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With nothing actually bad on the show, and two or three good matches, I was disappointed that the whole thing came off feeling somewhat flat. Accordingly, as I limped backstage and found myself in a locker room where an old Stevie Grayson baseball cap sat in the centre of the room, filled with steaming dog turds, I wasn’t in the best of moods. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Who the ---- did this?”[/COLOR] I snarled. Jay sauntered forward, looking smug. Around the room, others were gathering their things, looking green. Brandon Smith was conspicuous by his absence. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Jay,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You’re owning up?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Hell yeah,”[/COLOR] Jay said. [COLOR="red"]“Crap in a cap. It’s genius! Do you like it?”[/COLOR] My cane clattered to the floor as I slowly rolled up the sleeves of my shirt. Limping forward, my hands shot out, and I seized the lapels of Jay’s coat, yanking him towards me. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Listen to me, you stupid little ----er,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“This is your last chance. No more pranks, no more rumours, no more fights, or-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Or what?”[/COLOR] Jay spat, with enough feeling behind it that little flecks of spittle hit my face. [COLOR="red"]“What are you going to do? Fire me? My father owns this company. Christ, we actually thought you’d be useful to us, once upon a time.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I can’t fire you, Jay,”[/COLOR] I said.[COLOR="darkgreen"] “But there’s no law saying that I have to book you. You can sit on your arse in Hollywood for all I care. Your matches suck, you don’t bring people in to the shows, and you’re a generally unpleasant toerag who I loathe spending time around.”[/COLOR] Jay’s face darkened with each word, and eventually he wrenched free of my grip. Bad news for me – I’d been leaning into him and his move sent me sprawling. Jay laughed as I crashed to the ground, the wind knocked out of me as I watched his shoes walk away. [COLOR="red"]“You can try and discipline me, James,”[/COLOR] he said, on his way out the door. [COLOR="red"]“But I think you’ll find that you don’t have... a leg to stand on.”[/COLOR] There were one or two chuckles in the locker room as the door banged behind Jay. Strong hands pulled me upright as Steve Flash and Chance Fortune helped me stand, while Randy Bumfhole brought me my cane. [COLOR="Blue"]“Are you hurt?”[/COLOR] he asked, handing it over. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Just my pride,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Can I ask a favour of you three?”[/COLOR] They glanced around the rapidly thinning locker room. Kashmir Singh was fastidiously cleaning Jay’s latest prank into a bin, while everyone else was getting ready to leave. [COLOR="blue"]“What do you need?” [/COLOR]Steve asked. As always, his New York-cum-Canadian accent threw me a little. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I need ears and eyes in the locker room,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’m not asking you to spy on anyone – except Rip and Jay. Something’s coming down the line, and I’m certain it’s coming soon. I don’t want to be the last one to know about it,” [/COLOR]I said. The three veterans, all of whom had a love for the business that had transcended their better judgments to bring them to the Mid Atlantic, communicated with glances. [COLOR="blue"]“We’ve got your back,” [/COLOR]Chance said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’m not fighting a battle,”[/COLOR] I said, smiling to reinforce my words. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“And I certainly don’t want to do anything that might harm the company – even if I’m gone. But I don’t want to be left...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“...without a leg-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“-hanging,”[/COLOR] I said, with a mock scowl at Randy, who laughed. [COLOR="blue"]“You’ve got it, James,”[/COLOR] Steve said. [COLOR="blue"]“We’ll make sure you’re kept in the loop.”[/COLOR] I nodded my thanks, and found myself a spot on a bench far from the bin with the evidence of Jay’s genius in it. Despite what I’d said to the others, the fall had hurt – clearly my days of taking bumps were behind me. * It was some time later before I left the locker room. The lights were out in the arena, and I hoped that the security guards had been told I was still around. I’d had one or two embarrassing incidents in the past, working late after a show. The others had long since gone, but my aging frame had taken a lot of convincing to get up and move. I was looking forward to a hot bath and a massage – if Katie wasn’t already in bed. With those pleasing thoughts in my mind, I wasn’t ready to be taken off my feet and slammed against the wall. [COLOR="Purple"]“You don’t threaten my son, do you hear me?”[/COLOR] Rip growled in the darkness. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What the ----?”[/COLOR] I managed. [COLOR="purple"]“Do you hear me?”[/COLOR] Rip snarled, shaking me hard even as I realised that he was holding me several inches off the floor. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Rip! You’re crazy!”[/COLOR] One hand let go of my shirt, and grabbed the back of my head, lifting my eyes up to meet Rip’s cold, dead stare. [COLOR="purple"]“You don’t threaten my son, do you understand me?”[/COLOR] he demanded, his voice now flat, leaden, cold. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Yes!”[/COLOR] I half-yelled. Rip released me, and once more I dropped to the floor. It took me several seconds to gather myself. By that time, Rip was gone. * MAW On Tour Thursday, 18th August 2011 – Great Lakes VIP Wallace and Jefferson Stardust def. West Texas Peacekeepers and The Quest – E Amazing Fire Fly def. Simon Ice – E- Kid Arachnid def. Jonnie Perez and Jared Johnson – E Overall: [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Jared Johnson was used too much ... We seem to have hit a quality cap with Tour shows unless one of the bigger names is on show ... Stay tuned for a possible solution[/I] * Randy Bumfhole has signed on with TCW, adding to the number of workers we share. Chance Fortune has replaced him in PSW. Honestly, the US indy scene is a bit... Vigorous, shall we say... * MAW Moment Of Madness Monday, 22nd August 2011 – Puerto Rico Ben Williams def. Simon Ice – F- Fearless Blue def. Smart Mark – F Leftie Wilkes def. Super Sonic – F- Curtis Jenkins def. Amazing Fire Fly – E- Overall: [COLOR="DarkRed"]F+[/COLOR] [I]Notes: In Puerto Rico, that’s successful ... If we’re going to make a habit of a second weekly show, we’re going to need at least one name star on the bill ... Super Sonic pranked Leftie Wilkes backstage, got a mild warning[/I] * MAW On Tour Thursday, 25th August 2011 – South East Hugh Lee defeated VIP Wallace – E Jared Johnson def. Matt Hocking – D Kid Arachnid def. Raphael – D- Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR] [I]Notes: How about that Jared Johnson, eh? If only he had chemistry with Arachnid[/I] * [CENTER][B]MAW Iron[/B] Hugh de Aske vs. Black Eagle The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Ford & Speed Smith & Singh vs. Team XDW The Quest vs. The Canadian Blondes Ernest Youngman vs. Primus Allen Kirk Jameson vs. JD Morgan Chance Fortune vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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MAW Iron Hugh de Aske vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] [I]I don't know how long the legs are on this feud, but I hope they're like a giant pair of stilts. As a side note, stilts also represent the most useless invention in the history of mankind. Discuss.[/I] [B]The West Texas Peacekeepers[/B] vs. Ford & Speed [I]Glad to see them on the main show, and hopefully a win here will catapult them into a major role in the tag division, as I feel like they have the ability to be a franchise tag team.[/I] [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. Team XDW [I]Good enough to beat Ford & Speed? It seems no. Good enough to beat two backyarders? Definitely.[/I] The Quest vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]See above for my thoughts on this one.[/I] Ernest Youngman vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]This could be Allen's last hurrah before you decide that he's just coasting by in the company and release him, so I see him gaining some temporary momentum here. Or he could just be a transitional champion to move the belt from de Aske to Youngman.[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. JD Morgan [I]Jameson has a long, money spinning feud with Andrews that he needs momentum for.[/I] Chance Fortune vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]I see Anderson getting the win in what could very well be the best match he's produced as champion in MAW so far. Until he fights Jameson :D.[/I]
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[B][U][CENTER]Missed Opportunities[/CENTER][/U][/B] [I]Where we look at some of the workers who, for whatever reason, didn't make it in MAW. Why? Because the next show isn't ready to post yet... :p[/I] * [B]Curtis Jenkins - World of Warcraft player:[/B] Curtis Jenkins starts the game as, I believe, an average lower midcard heel in a company dominated by talented heels. In the absence of any specific gimmick, I turned him into a WoW player, referencing Leroy Jenkins (YouTube it). At the time, I was playing a lot of WoW. Then I stopped while I wrote a post a day. And now, funnily enough, the reason there's no 'real' post today is because I was playing WoW all last night... [B]Why he didn't make it:[/B] Lack of talent, simply enough. He's still around, still cheap, and still one of the better undercard workers, but he's never going to be a main worker - even in a diary where the future Masked Patriot has morphed into a Joker-inspired sociopath... * [B]Bobby Thomas - Lone Wolf:[/B] Despite Thomas' lack of promo skills, he had the talent to be a major player in MAW. The intent was for him to be a isolated tweener, no alliances, no feuds, just appearing, kicking ass, and leaving. Over time, the character would have evolved more depth... but I won't say any more. I still want to write him. [B]Why he didn't make it:[/B] His luck sucked - a lack of chemistry with almost everyone he faced meant that I couldn't risk pushing him. A bad main event could kill a show - and at my level that could be a knock that takes a long time to come back from. * [B]Frankie Perez - White boy rapper:[/B] Spot the gimmick - yes, it was MAW's John Cena. To be fair, the rapper thing was designed to keep him down, to give him a chance to bed in before I set him loose with a turn, a gimmick change, and super-stiff style that got him over huge in '07. [B]Why he didn't make it:[/B] He signed with NOTBPW and various other feds, leaving us before the trigger got pulled. * [B]Trent Shaffer - Dude:[/B] Perez' partner was the obvious catalyst for his turn. Chances are, there would have been a split, and an escalating feud capped with Perez' turn generating a lot of sympathy for a fired-up Shaffer. In terms of impact, Shaffer was one of my best signing in 07, even if I only had him for nine months, and I was keen to see something similar here. [B]Why he didn't make it:[/B] Shaffer seemingly had a low destiny stat, as he coudln't crack the main event despite his considerable talents. When he started asking for main event money, he got cut. * [B]Jay Chord - Arrogant:[/B] Is this premature? Jay's been the RCI champion and had a decent run with the Heavyweight title, but despite starring for USPW and TCW, he's seemingly hit his peak at around C+ overness. He's also responsible - in part, at least - for some disappointing main events, and in general hasn't lived up to his potential. [B]Why he didn't make it:[/B] Pushed too soon, I'm afraid. Let's be honest, the way I pushed Jay put him at the top of the card from day one, and his ego went into overdrive. Morbid fascination makes me check his personality tab every now and then, and there always seems to be one more bad thing there. The original concept for the Kid Arachnid run had him jobbing a [I]lot[/I] before his mircale RCI win, which may have deflated his ego a bit to start. But when I mised out on signing him when he debuted, Jay effectively got the pay-off to the storyline without putting in the miles beforehand. He's still a main eventer, but he's not a star. Yet. Stay tuned, though - I have a plan. * [B]Thom Morgan - Old School Face:[/B] One of our older signings, and a talented, charismatic worker. In the absence of Jay Chord, it was him under the Kid Arachnid hood. [B]Why he didn't make it:[/B] Low destiny stat? Maybe. But Morgan is dynamite as a heel - and he never got the chance to show that in MAW. A shame - but be was already in his late thirties by the time he got cut, and I couldn't bring myself to take a chance on him when he just didn't seem to be able to bring the goods. * [B]Amazing Fire Fly - Old School Face:[/B] Young, flashy, and as comfotable in the air as on the mat. More comfortable, really. [B]Why he didn't make it:[/B] He's young - he may still make it. But, in all likelihood, he's young, needs to brush up on his basics, and he's a luchadore in a traditional wrestling promotion. Maybe he just doesn't fit. I've considered editting El Heroe Mexicano and one or two of the other young Mexican masked workers to come in for testing for a tag team - but I've avoided the editor so far. * Anyway. That was... indulgent. A bit cathartic, too. I'll try and get the show up tonight, but it may not be until tomorrow as I'm out tonight. And I do need to keep working towards that epic flying mount... If anyone has any questiosn about the diary, by the way, feel free to ask. I can always postpone the real posts a bit longer to answer them :p
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MAW Iron Just Iron? Hugh de Aske vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] [B]The West Texas Peacekeepers[/B] vs. Ford & Speed [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. Team XDW The Quest vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] Ernest Youngman vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. JD Morgan Chance Fortune vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [QUOTE=James Casey;504558]even in a diary where the future Masked Patriot has morphed into a Joker-inspired sociopath...[/QUOTE] I was getting a hint of the old Sean O'Haire promos from WWE ("I'm not telling you anything that you dont already know.") but this works too I guess. Peverell as a biker is... different.
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[QUOTE=Editor6;504993]I was getting a hint of the old Sean O'Haire promos from WWE ("I'm not telling you anything that you dont already know.") but this works too I guess. Peverell as a biker is... different.[/QUOTE] [I]Providence pretty much writes himself. There's a bit of the old Citizen X in there, a little Joker, a hint of a character called Padre Just from my first dynasty on the boards... But Joker does seem to be taking over. In my mind, at least, he has Heath Ledger's mannerisms. As for the Pev, well, he's a work in progress... And yes. Just Iron.[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Iron Friday, 26th August 2011[/CENTER][/B] [B]Ernest Youngman vs. Primus Allen (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Primus angry, Primus smash! That’s pretty much how this match played out, with young hopeful Ernest Youngman fed to the huge Traditional champion in only his second match in the company. I was hoping for a much better rating, of course, but I think the fans have cottoned on – quickly – that Ernest is here to lose matches and make others look good. Unfortunately, he couldn’t manage the second part there as the match was effectively an extended squash that was way too extended. Allen won with the Sit-Out Spinebuster. Winner: Primus Allen (D-) * [B]Smith & Singh vs. Team XDW[/B] Squash. Moving on... Winners: Smith & Singh (E+) * Hugh de Aske emerged from the backstage area, and marched determinedly down to the ring. Taking a mic, he addressed the crowd: [COLOR="Blue"]“My wench is gone, my title is around the waist of another, my sense of fun appears to have been pinched by that Providence bloke, and I’m not sure I want it back after what he’s done with it... It’s not been much fun being me these last few weeks. “Still, there’s always the horizon to aim for – no matter how bad the storm you sail through. So, here’s the plan. Black Eagle, I want another match with you, lad. Now, there’s no title at stake, but I wager there’s something we both want that worth’s fighting for – and that’s my love, Sienna. “Perhaps you think you don’t need to fight for her, she’s already yours. But Eagle, in case you didn’t notice, she was mine until you came back. Who knows where she might be next month? So tonight, we cross swords again. If you win, you get rid of me for good – I’ll leave you alone, accept that Sienna is happy with you, and be gone from your life. If I win, I get to speak to Sienna with no interference, and see if I can’t shake whatever voodoo you’ve used to taker her away from me. It seems like a fair deal, so when you’re ready to accept, just let me know.”[/COLOR] Before Hugh could move from the ring, Sienna appeared at the top of the ramp, Black Eagle appearing several seconds later, a slightly alarmed look in his eyes. [COLOR="Gray"]“A battle... for my love... and when you lose... peace...” [/COLOR]Sienna whispered, ignoring Black Eagle’s attempt to take the microphone from her. [COLOR="Gray"]“We accept, Hugh de Aske... my pirate prince...”[/COLOR] * [B]The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Ford & Speed[/B] This was rather more competitive than the previous tag match, as the cowboys fought with honour against the sneaky pairing of Ford and Speed. It was fairly basic good vs. bad, but the fans quite enjoyed it, and appreciated it coming in at under 10 minutes when the heels nailed Dillon with Fallen Chances for the win. Winners: Ford & Speed (D-) * The crowd erupted at the sight of Kirk Jameson emerging from behind the wheel of a Corvette. Barely had he locked the car up, though, then he was confronted by Brandon Smith. Kirk raised an eyebrow at Smith’s golden hair, but allowed him to speak first. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah hope you’re here to take that jackass Andrews’ smug smile off his face,”[/COLOR] Smith said, glowering at Jameson. [COLOR="blue"]“Ah know you were injured, but you have got to know what he’s been saying about you.” “I do know,”[/COLOR] Jameson replied. [COLOR="blue"]“Brandon, I appreciate your concern, but don’t worry. I’m here to do what’s right.”[/COLOR] He walked off, leaving Brandon to look after him, not entirely satisfied with his response. * [B]Hugh de Aske vs. Black Eagle[/B] Black Eagle seemed unready for the ferocity of Hugh’s attack, as the pirate exploded out the blocks and hammered away at the masked man. With the sight of Sienna at ringside seeming to spur him on, Hugh had an answer for nearly everything Eagle threw at him, and even when Eagle managed to gain the advantage it was fleeting at best. This almost feel into the category of extended squash, but for the skill of the two men and the desire of the crowd to see Sienna back with Hugh, and it seemed like they’d get their wish – at least temporarily – as Hugh scored the win with a Cut Throat Driver. Winner: Hugh de Aske (C-) * Sienna entered the ring slowly, her face betraying her nerves at being so close to Hugh de Aske again. Hugh smiled at her, and reached out his hands, but she stopped several feet away. Hugh looked hurt, but closed the gap himself. Cradling Sienna’s head in her hands, he whispered to her insistently, staring into her eyes. Sienna’s resistance visibly weakened the more Hugh said, and her hands came up in turn to touch his face. Her expression changed as Hugh leaned in for a kiss... ...only to get smashed in the head from the side with the ring bell by Black Eagle, knocking the Dread Pirate away from Sienna, who stood for a second, lips pursed top receive her kiss, before she shook herself and looked from the fallen Hugh to the Fallen Eagle. She took half a step towards Hugh, but Eagle’s hand whipped out like a cobra striking and seized her around the wrist. Instantly cowed, she moved to his side, and looked at Hugh with disdain. The Fallen couple left together, Sienna not even looking back at Hugh as he slowly came to and called out to her, one hand outstretched before he slumped back to the mat. * [B]The Quest vs. The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] Squashy McSquash Really, what possessed me? Oh, yeah – the new guys are cheap... Golden pinned Aero with an O, Canada! Moving on... Winners: The Canadian Blondes (E+) * Kirk Jameson came down to the ring, a look of serious intent on his face. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve been laid up at home for the last month,”[/COLOR] he began. [COLOR="blue"]“It was the effect of cumulative head injuries taking their toll. Despite what Casey Valentine might have you believe, it wasn’t him who brought me down. It was mainly a result of the two vicious Hot Shots onto cold, hard steel. And those Hot Shots were inflicted on me by Aaron Andrews. “And that brings me onto my point for the evening.”[/COLOR] The crowd rose in anticipation. [COLOR="blue"]“Firebird, get out here!”[/COLOR] The crowd subsided slightly as Firebird emerged from the backstage area, looking slightly surprised at being called out. [COLOR="darkorange"]“You called?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“You are a poison,”[/COLOR] Kirk snarled. [COLOR="blue"]“You’re a menace to the very fabric of society. The bile you spew infects good people, makes them think that wrong is right. Somehow, I know, you infected Aaron Andrews. You tainted him. You changed him. Just being exposed to your hate-filled view of life turned him-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“Oh, I see,”[/COLOR] Firebird said, with a smile. [COLOR="darkorange"]“You blame us. Well, I would love to claim credit for Aaron Andrews’ Fall, but he is working on his own. He is a man apart. He is a man of a different colour. His Fall is not yet complete – although I must admit that he is very promising indeed.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Firebird, get in this ring now,”[/COLOR] Jameson demanded. [COLOR="blue"]“I know that you poisoned my friend, and I’m going to make you pay for that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“Oh dear,”[/COLOR] Firebird replied. [COLOR="darkorange"]“You’re really not listening, are you? I’ll say it again – Aaron Andrews’ descent is nothing to do with me or my fellow Fallen. He truly believes that all the woes in his life are a result of... you.[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“And as for facing you in a match... No, I see no benefit to that. Your mind is clouded. You are not seeing properly. You would provide no challenge. And yet... Yes. Why not, after all?”[/COLOR] Firebird smiled, devilishly. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Kirk Jameson, there is something to be gained from you fighting tonight. Yes, that is clear to me now. But not against me, not on this occasion. No, tonight you will face JD Morgan. And I’m sure that this challenge will reveal a great deal – about you...”[/COLOR] * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. JD Morgan[/B] There’s a reason the big guys are worth the big money – even after the... interesting booking of the first half of the show, Morgan and Jameson can come out and put on a fine match like this. On another night, it could have been a match of the year contender. Here, it just did the job of building up to the main event. Morgan was brutal in his treatment of Jameson, who seemed determined to play by the most honourable rules of combat to show how unlike his chosen foes he was. Morgan played on this, taking a sadistic pleasure in pushing Jameson into positions where the easy route out would have been the dishonourable one, and it was clear that Jameson was tempted, but time and again he fought his way back into the match with sheer grit and intestinal fortitude. Despite this, he was struggling to inflict real damage on Morgan, and seemed destined to pay for his moral fibre, as Morgan also punished Jameson with a series of armbars from which there was no cheap escape, and Jameson was left favouring his left arm badly. Morgan wrapped him up in the ropes in one corner and, seemingly confident of victory, aimed a leaping splash on the entangled arm – but at the last second Jameson moved and Morgan hit hard, smashing his head into the steel post. He crumpled backawards, clearly out for the count, and Jameson looked down at him in dismay. Rousing himself, Jameson ascended to the top rope, and leapt off with the Bullseye to score the win – but as he left the ring he looked back at Morgan, and the gloating form of Firebird perched over him, and it was clear that the victory had a very hollow ring to it. Winner: Kirk Jameson (C) * Chance Fortune entered the ring, looking calm and confident. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s been a busy show. New guys, established guys, romance... I’d hate for my first heavyweight title shot in the company to get lost in the shuffle.”[/COLOR] Fortune tapped the clover and horseshoe necklace around his neck. [COLOR="blue"]“Tonight, I feel lucky-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkred"]“Lucky? Tonight, you’re stepping in the ring with the greatest wrestler in the history of this company. You’ll need a hell of a lot more than luck,”[/COLOR] Aaron Andrews proclaimed as he stepped through the curtain and made his way down to the ring. [COLOR="darkred"]“You’ll need the luck, the nerve and the sheer skill to make a success of yourself, despite all the people trying to hold you down. You,” Andrews sneered, “have got one out of three. I’ll tell you what – come back when you’re up to two, and maybe, maybe, you’ll be worth my spending time on.”[/COLOR] Chance smiled easily. [COLOR="blue"]“Aaron, you’re a big fish, I can’t deny that. I wouldn’t want to deny that. When I take your title, I want everyone to know that I’m the best – because I beat the best. But be honest with yourself – have you got the experience I do? Have you been in the big matches I have? Have you held the titles I have?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkred"]“Past tense, you has-been,”[/COLOR] Andrews fired back. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I am the now. I am the greatest wrestler in the world today. You are past it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“I’m a long way from past it,”[/COLOR] Fortune replied. [COLOR="blue"]“And as for your holy trinity... Consider this, Aaron. I’m good enough to be in this match with you tonight. I’ve got enough nerve to do this,” he added, as he stepped forward to stand nose-to-nose with Andrews. “And as for luck... I’ve got that covered, Aaron. After all, Fortune favours the bold!” [/COLOR] * [B]Chance Fortune vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This was a great end to the show. Fortune pushed his one-time TCW running buddy to the limit, taking all Andrews’ new-found rage and throwing it back at him with interest in the early going, and for a time the fans were roaring at the possibility of a new, and popular, Heavyweight champion. But Andrews is made of stern stuff, and fought back in turn when Fortune missed a second rope legdrop, giving him the chance to inflict some serious damage. He attacked without hesitation, targeting the small of Fortune’s back, where the face had taken the brunt of the impact from his blown spot, and quickly reducing Fortune’s mobility to the point where he was badly hobbled, unable to move to effectively defend himself, and vulnerable to the all-out assault of Andrews, which saw him taste a Twisting Face Crusher to which Andrews added extra spin to further wrench at Chance’s back. The pin was academic. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C+) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I](Memo to self: Big shows, big names. It’s not hard...)[/I] [I]Next: Peace and quiet[/I]
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[I]OOC: I'm back - miss me?[/I] James ‘Mainstream’ Hernandez teams with American Buffalo in TCW and the duo had been the tag team champions – until they dropped the belts to Charlie Thatcher and Sammy Bach, anyway. * MAW Moment Of Madness Monday, 1st September 2011 – Tri-State The American Flash def. Smart Mark and Simon Ice – F+ Amazing Fire Fly def. Extreme Deluxe – E- Team XDW def. The West Texas Peacekeepers and The Quest – E- Ernest Youngman def. Jefferson Stardust – D- Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Ernest Youngman steps up ... Xavier Reckless pranking again [/I] * Big news: We’ve moved ahead of NYCW on the priority list of our talent. Although we’re behind them in Tri-State, we’re ahead overall. Go us. * MAW On Tour Thursday, 4th September 2011 – Great Lakes Internet Favourites def. Roderick Remus and Raphael – E The Canadian Blondes (c) def. The Young Americans to retain the MAW Tag Team titles – E Jared Johnson def. Ernest Youngman – D Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Near sell-out, which is great for a Small show ... No chemistry anywhere to be seen, positive or negative[/I] * MAW Moment Of Madness Monday, 8th September 2011 – Ontario Dardevil Aero def. Jefferson Stardust – F+ Super Sonic def. Fearless Blue and Xavier Reckless – F+ Simon Ice def. Ben Williams and Amazing Fire Fly – E Extreme Deluxe def. Curtis Jenkins – F Overall: [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [I]Notes: That main event was a mistake: Heel vs. Heel? Oi... Super Sonic spreading rumours about Simon Ice, gets a slap on the wrist[/I] * MAW On Tour Thursday, 11th September 2011 – South East “Regular” Joe Benning def. Jared Johnson – D- Nelson Callum and Raphael def. Internet Favourites – E Roderick Remus def. Matt Hocking – E+ Ernest Youngman def. VIP Wallace – D- Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Popularity gained once more On Tour ... Jared/Ernest should be a barnstormer one day soon[/I] * [CENTER][B]MAW Back To School[/B] The Firm vs. The Fallen Smith & Singh and Fumihiro Ota vs. The Canadian Blondes and Raphael Steve Flash vs. Primus Allen vs. Erik Strong Hugh de Aske vs. Jay Chord The Young Americans vs. Casey Valentine and Antonio Kirk Jameson vs. Providence Ernest Youngman vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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[B]MAW Back To School[/B] The Firm vs. [B]The Fallen[/B] [B]Smith & Singh and Fumihiro[/B] Ota vs. The Canadian Blondes and Raphael [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Primus Allen vs. Erik Strong Hugh de Aske vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] The Young Americans vs. [B]Casey Valentine and Antonio[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Providence Ernest Youngman vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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MAW Back To School The Firm vs. [B]The Fallen[/B] [I]The Fallen seems to be much stronger storyline wise than The Firm, so I see them getting the win in what should be one heck of an opening match.[/I] Smith & Singh and Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes and Raphael[/B] [I]Barring Smith going more "dark" in this one, I see the Canadians winning here, as Smith, Singh, and Ota seem to all be on job duty lately[/I] Steve Flash vs. Primus Allen vs. Erik Strong [I]I honestly can't pick a winner in this one. All three of these guys are great, on a decent roll of some sort (with the possibly exception of Flash), and if this is a title defense by Allen it makes it even harder to pick. Curse you, Casey. :mad:[/I] Hugh de Aske vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [I]Aske just had a hot win over Eagle, but I see either Sienna or Eagle playing a hand in this one, giving Jay the win.[/I] The Young Americans vs. [B]Casey Valentine and Antonio[/B] [I]They've floundered everywhere else, they might as well be a good tag team.[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Providence [I]This one should be fantastic.[/I] Ernest Youngman vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Youngman is great, but he's not exactly what I'd call world title material, and so Andrews wins here.[/I]
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