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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[I]OOC: I try not to drop of the radar too much - I plan to update [U]at least[/U] twice a week until the story's done... which might be three (main) shows time, or might run another year in-game depending on how the stories pan out. Quick query for you all: Is it obvious what the main event of Where It All Begins Again will be? It's MAW's WrestleMania, and I've had the match booked since January, in-game. I'm just wondering how the build's going, in-story...[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Back To School Friday, 12th September 2011[/CENTER] The Firm (c) vs. The Fallen[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Trios titles[/COLOR] This was just the kind of start we wanted after the mix-up last time out. A very strong showing with six of our best workers in the ring together, and throwing everything at one another. JD Morgan stood out, giving The Fallen a distinct edge as he outmuscled the face trio at every step. But the champs used their superior teamwork to wear down Morgan, who struggled valiantly, but ultimately futilely until his advantage was nullified and he was forced to bring in his partners. The fight rumbled on with The Fallen having some impressive spots – but in the end, Randy Bumfhole caught Firebird with a Bumfhole Buster to score the win in the champ’s first defence. Winners: The Firm (C) * Kid Arachnid was the last to leave the ring, and his tardiness was punished as Jay Chord left the announcers’ table and slid into the ring, grabbing Arachnid from behind and spinning him around into a Super DDT. As The Firm sprinted back to the ring, Chord tore at Arachnid’s mask, trying to reveal the identity of the man under his one-time gimmick – but before he was successful, Bumfhole and Fortune tackled him and tore him from their teammate. Chord beat a hasty retreat, leaving the Trios champions in the ring, Bumfhole glaring daggers at Chord as Fortune tended to their fallen ally. * [B]Smith & Singh and Fumihiro Ota vs. The Canadian Blondes and Raphael[/B] The three blondes dominated the two blondes and the ninja to start this match, with Raphael’s skills complimenting the tag champions’ well-oiled teamwork. But the individual excellence of Ota brought the face team back into the match. The match broke down into a wild brawl, with Smith spearing Raphael through the ropes, and Singh locking Savage in a tarantula in one corner. This left the legal men, Golden and Ota, in the centre of the ring – and Golden took a Ninja Strike to bring the decision down on the side of the good guys. Winners: Smith, Singh and Ota * [B]Steve Flash vs. Primus Allen (c) vs. Erik Strong[/B] for the [COLOR="purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Erik Strong had a strategy all worked out in the early going of this match – work with the champion to wear down Flash. But Allen clearly wasn’t interested, instead taking a seat at ringside as Strong struggled futilely to wear down the somewhat amused Flash. But Strong got lucky, flattening Flash with a desperation Strongsault that saw Allen have to make a desperation scramble under the ropes to save his title. From that point, the match was much more even, with all three men having spells in control. But Allen was determined to retain his Traditional title, and after a stiff lariat took Flash out of the ring, Allen drilled Strong with a Sit-Out Spinebuster for the win. Winner: Primus Allen (C-) * [B]The Young Americans vs. Casey Valentine and Antonio[/B] This was a short match where the Second Sons duo largely brutalised there foes, displaying ruthless aggression as they battered down their defences, before Antonio pinned Benning with an Italian DDT. Winners: Valentine and Antonio (D) * Backstage, Brandon Smith approached Kirk Jameson, who was pacing back and forth, muttering something under his breath. [COLOR="Blue"]“Kirk?”[/COLOR] Jameson snapped around, clearly not having noticed Smith’s approach. [COLOR="blue"]“What do you want?” “To ask you when you’re going to take down Aaron.” “I’m not going after Aaron, Brandon. I’m going after the man who poisoned his mind – Firebird.”[/COLOR] Smith’s shoulders sunk. [COLOR="blue"]“Kirk, it’s not Firebird – it’s all Aaron,” [/COLOR]he said. [COLOR="blue"]“He’s gone bad, but I don’t think Firebird is the cause.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“I can’t believe that,”[/COLOR] Kirk said. [COLOR="blue"]“If Aaron can go bad, then-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“Then anyone can?”[/COLOR] Firebird asked, leaning on the locker room doorframe, and studying his fingernails [COLOR="darkorange"]“Well, I believe it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“You-“[/COLOR] Kirk lunged at his masked nemesis, but Smith caught him around the waist and held the smaller man easily. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Now, now,” [/COLOR]Firebird said, smoothly. [COLOR="darkorange"]“You know that Rip doesn’t like trouble backstage. You don’t want to miss any more time, do you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Damn you!”[/COLOR] Kirk spat, but he stopped struggling. [COLOR="blue"]“I beat your puppet last time out. Face me tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“No,”[/COLOR] Firebird said. [COLOR="darkorange"]“I’ve already had one match tonight. Besides, you’re an interesting case, Kirk Jameson, but not worthy of my time. Still...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Tonight you can face my colleague Providence. I’m interested to see what the two of you make of one another.”[/COLOR] Firebird walked off, and Kirk growled, before spinning and punching a locker door. He stalked off, leaving Smith to look at the sizable dent in the steel door that Jameson left behind. * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Providence[/B] Providence baffled Jameson in the early going by showing unsuspected technical skills, tying the youngster up on a number of occasions in a manner reminiscent of JD Morgan at the previous show. Jameson lost his temper, lashing out at the masked man repeatedly with closed fists to the face, busting his lip open and drawing a warning from the referee. Providence seemed enlivened by the taste of his own blood, and used the adrenaline to attack more aggressively, forcing Jameson back into the corner. Jameson was able to duck out of Providence’s reach, leaving him grasping at thin air, but with a devilish grin on his face he ripped the cover off the turnbuckle, despite the referee’s protests. He grabbed Jameson, and tried to whip him into the exposed steel bolt, but Jameson slammed on the brakes at the last second. Providence looked annoyed, and charged forwards, but his momentum counted against him as Jameson snapped off a drop toehold that snapped Providence head first into the exposed steel. Providence bounced upright, and for a second it seemed that he might have missed seriously injuring himself. But Jameson was right behind him, and grabbed Providence by the back of his head, driving his mask and skull into the exposed steel once more. Providence crumpled to the mat and Jameson looked down at him, his face expressionless, before he dropped to his knees and made the cover for the win. Winner: Kirk Jameson (C) * [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“Ahoo, aha, ahehehehehe...” [/COLOR]Providence wheezed into the mic as Jameson stalked along the aisle. [COLOR="darkorchid"]“Yes... I see what Firebird means. You’re coming along quite nicely, aren’t you?”[/COLOR] Kirk spun around, and for a second looked as though he were about to charge down the aisle and go after Providence once more. But he checked himself, and with a nervous glance around him, turned and almost ran for the locker room as Providence’s maniacal cackle followed after him. * [B]Hugh de Aske vs. Jay Chord[/B] One day, I will remember that these two have no chemistry in-ring. Until that time I’ll have to rely on their individual talents – which, let’s not forget, are considerable – to carry them through. The resurgent Dread Pirate dominated this match, a distracted Jay barely having it in him to muster a respectable offering. The fans enjoyed the beating that Jay took, but it was clear that they would also have preferred seeing a more even contest so high up the card – Jay effectively did enough to extend this beyond squash territory, but not much more. In the end, Hugh hit the Cut Throat Driver to win, and Jay could scarcely have looked less bothered. Winner: Hugh de Aske (C) * Aaron Andrews entered the ring, and as always demanded the microphone. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Over the years, I’ve been happy to not hog the limelight. I’ve given other people every chance they could ask for to take some of the glory that rightfully belonged to me. When I won the title, everyone was talking about how great it was that the Chords finally got theirs – not that I finally captured one of the premier titles in this industry. And then as champion, I was helping out that vain ----- Kirk Jameson. I guess he’s seen what happens when you force me to share the limelight for too long, though. Smart move, Kirk – I wouldn’t give you a title shot anyway, but I’m glad I don’t want to waste time arguing about it. I’d much rather focus on my glorious, praiseworthy achievements. For example, tonight I face the so-called King Midas of the independent scene, Ernest Youngman. A kid with his sort of reputation is clearly worthy of a title shot – and so tonight he gets to go one on one with the greatest wrestler in the world today.”[/COLOR] * [B]Ernest Youngman vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Youngman seemed offended by Andrews’ insinuation that he wasn’t up to the standard of the champ, and in the early going he took the fight to Andrews with admirable vigour. Andrews was kept on the back foot, and there were a couple of moments where he appeared to be genuinely thrown by the rookie’s offence. But class and experience told, with Andrews eventually snaring Youngman through a combination of guile and Youngman’s over-exuberance when a corner splash went wrong. From that point, Andrews dominated, roughing up the youngster to the point where he earned a warning from the referee – but Andrews just laughed and pushed the ref aside, before drilling Youngman with a Twisting Face Crusher for the win. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]Next: Can Jay Chord be fired?[/I]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;508191][I]OOC: I try not to drop of the radar too much - I plan to update [U]at least[/U] twice a week until the story's done... which might be three (main) shows time, or might run another year in-game depending on how the stories pan out.[/QUOTE] Glad you're not dropping off the radar, but I'm bummed to hear this diary may not go on much longer -- I hope you decide to keep it going. If after the current storylines are complete you want a break from MAW, you should continue the diary by pulling the trigger on a split with Rip. Then you can keep the current game going by moving on to another company. In other words, I'm begging you to keep the diary going even if it's not with MAW. If begging doesn't work I'll feed Giant Redwood a bunch of burritos and lock you in a room with him. I'm sure he can convince you to continue your diary, since we won't let you out until you agree to do so -- and between Redwood's gas problem and grating personality you'll agree to anything to get out of there. I hate to resort to such horrifying tactics, but I'll do it if I have to.
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Excellent show. For how short it was, I really enjoyed the demented Providence promo. Loving that character. WIABA's Main Event is obvious, a I-can't-wait-to-see-how-awesome-this-match-is (that's a lot of -'s) good kind of obvious. Sort of reminds me of Triple H-Batista (the buildup moreso than the expected match quality) a few years ago. Twice a week?? I was really enjoying the twice a day! :p By the way, how's Machine Jean...err, The Mean Machine doing in Eisenland? And when do the Kid Arachnid hints start? :D
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[QUOTE=Pampero Firpo;508193]Glad you're not dropping off the radar, but I'm bummed to hear this diary may not go on much longer -- I hope you decide to keep it going. If after the current storylines are complete you want a break from MAW, you should continue the diary by pulling the trigger on a split with Rip. Then you can keep the current game going by moving on to another company. In other words, I'm begging you to keep the diary going even if it's not with MAW. If begging doesn't work I'll feed Giant Redwood a bunch of burritos and lock you in a room with him. I'm sure he can convince you to continue your diary, since we won't let you out until you agree to do so -- and between Redwood's gas problem and grating personality you'll agree to anything to get out of there. I hate to resort to such horrifying tactics, but I'll do it if I have to.[/QUOTE] Pampero is not the only one who'd love this. I'm digging all of this...
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[QUOTE=Candyman;508196]Twice a week?? I was really enjoying the twice a day! :p By the way, how's Machine Jean...err, The Mean Machine doing in Eisenland? And when do the Kid Arachnid hints start? :D[/QUOTE] :p I think I only ever posted twice in a day once. Maybe twice... Jean hasn't picked up a win in SWF yet, but he's been pulling steady Cs against the midcard faces. He seems to have a bit of a problem with Sexual Aggression, as he's faced them twice (with different partners) and lost both. I have no idea how the main of the big show is going to end up. I ran a dark match between the two a while back and it got a C- but that was a pre-show, 2 minute dark match, and almost a year ago. I'm hoping for a C+ now - maybe even a B-. That B seems to have been a fluke, sadly... As for the diary post-WIABA... I've been thinking of running a TCW game for a long time now. I'm a bit cautious as I have a feeling I could diarise it easily. After not getting past my third month with any other company than MAW in 07 or 08 I really would like to run a big company and put on great shows etc. I may just have it as a break between playing MAW. Ultimately, I suspect the main event may decide whether the diary continues: Every storyline I have running right now comes to an end there. Two more shows, and we're there...
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I stared Jay Chord down. We were the same height, of comparable build and honestly I figured if it came down to it then I could just smack him around the head with my cane. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You attacked Hugh,”[/COLOR] I said. We were alone in my office, and Jay was cradling his bruised knuckles. [COLOR="Red"]“Our match sucked,”[/COLOR] he said, defiantly. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And you’re putting the blame on him?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“I’m putting the blame where it belongs.”[/COLOR] I’d entered the locker room just behind Rip after the show to find Flash and Antonio trying to haul Jay off Hugh. I’d ordered Jay into my office – amazingly, he’d complied – and Chance had filled me in. A discussion between an overheated Jay and a flippant Hugh about their match had descended into the two men shouting in one another’s faces. Hugh had come to his senses quickly and tried to walk away, but Jay kept needling him – and when Hugh didn’t respond, Jay sucked punched him, before jumping on top and raining blows down on him as Hugh tried to cover up. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“The fault is mine. I should have remembered that you two don’t work that well together in the ring,”[/COLOR] I said. There was a knock on the door, and Heidi came in with a bowl of ice. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Thank you Heidi,”[/COLOR] I said, as she set it down on my desk. I gestured for Jay to sit down and ice his knuckles. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Can you ask Rip to come in here, please?”[/COLOR] I added, as Heidi left. She turned and nodded, before heading for Rip’s door. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“So the fault for the match is mine. I apologise for that. I’ve had a lot on my mind recently, but I should have remembered.”[/COLOR] Jay relaxed slightly, settling into the creaking chair and giving a sigh of relief as his knuckles were numbed by the ice. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“The fight is no-one’s fault but yours,”[/COLOR] I went on, looking through the papers on my desk for Jay’s contract. I heard Jay’s hissed intake of breath as the door opened, and Rip came in. He had a face like thunder, and for once the recipient of his fearsome gaze was Jay. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You’ve been warned before, Jay,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And this isn’t the last straw. This is an entire sack of rocks. “You’re fired.”[/COLOR] I waited a beat, before looking up. Rip was staring at the scene before him grimly. Jay’s jaw had dropped. [COLOR="Red"]“What? But... you can’t... That’s the stupidest thing I ever... Dad?”[/COLOR] We stared at Rip together, waiting for the decision on whether I could ever expect his support again – or whether he was going to prove to be a blind, over-indulgent parent. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Well, Rip?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What’s it going to be?”[/COLOR] [CENTER][I]To be continued...[/I][/CENTER]
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[I]OOC: Hello and welcome to all returning and new readers - nothing like threatening to quit to get you all to post, huh? :p And now, hot off the presses... An interlude...[/I] * MAW Moment Of Madness Monday, 15th September 2011 – Tri-State Amazing Fire Fly def. Jefferson Stardust – E+ Team XDW def. The Quest – F+ Kid Arachnid def. Extreme Deluxe – E Ernest Youngman def. Curtis Jenkins – D- Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Welcome to the Ernest Youngman show[/I] * The phone rang, and I answered it reluctantly. I was in my office, so it wasn’t Rip – for once. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Hello?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“Hello, James,”[/COLOR] came the rough, Liverpudlian voice of Tommy Cornell. I blinked in surprise. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Tommy, hi,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What can I do for you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“I heard about your spat with Jay and Rip,” [/COLOR]Tommy said. I rolled my eyes. The ‘spat’ had made its way onto every wrestling site and dirtsheet in the country. I hadn’t told them, and Rip had an inbuilt distrust of wrestling journalists dating back to the kayfabe era, so there was only one person who knew the story who could have spilled the beans. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“And Jay’s out west with you right now, isn’t he?”[/COLOR] I asked, neutrally. [COLOR="darkorange"]“He is. The little gobs---- has been running his mouth off since he got here.”[/COLOR] I felt a surge of affection for Tommy Cornell. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What can I do for you, Tommy?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I don’t expect that you called to pass on the backstage gossip.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“No, I didn’t. Tell me, James, what do you think of Jay? Your professional opinion, I mean?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“He’s a great talent, and he’ll go a long way in this business,”[/COLOR] I said, without hesitation. [COLOR="darkorange"]“And his attitude?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“He’s still only a kid,”[/COLOR] I said, without hesitation again. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“If he’s giving you trouble, he just needs handling properly.”[/COLOR] Tommy chuckled. [COLOR="darkorange"]“That’s what I’ve always liked about you, James. You’re able to separate personal and professional – it’s very dignified.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’m glad you think so,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]”Was that all you wanted? Because, to be honest, I’m not exactly an expert on how to handle Jay Chord.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“Neither’s his dad,”[/COLOR] Tommy replied. [COLOR="darkorange"]“No, there was something else. Come and work for me.”[/COLOR] I froze. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What?”[/COLOR] I croaked. [COLOR="darkorange"]“I’m offering you a job. You’d be head road agent at first. Then, when you’ve had a chance to recover from dealing with Rip and Jay, you can get involved more in running the show.”[/COLOR] My mind raced at the thought of going Hollywood. There was so much talent available. I’d have the chance to work with Aaron on the big stage. The chance to work with Sam Keith, and Brent Hill, and Wolf Hawkins... And Tommy himself! [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Why me?”[/COLOR] I asked, at last. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Why not you?”[/COLOR] Tommy asked. [COLOR="darkorange"]“We’re a few months away from going global. I want someone with your credentials backstage to look after things. Besides, any excuse to ---- off Rip. You know that.”[/COLOR] I frowned. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’m not going to be a pawn, Tommy,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You’re the head of a multi-national company. MAW is struggling to fill high school halls outside of the Mid Atlantic. Don’t you think you could leave off Rip?”[/COLOR] Tommy laughed again. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Calm down, James. If I wanted to put Rip out of business, I would,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="darkorange"]“He gave me a rough time coming up the ranks – the same as he did a lot of people. That’s Rip. But you reap what you sow, and it’s harvest time for Rip Chord, James. He’s made a critical error in the way he’s treated you. You have to realise that.”[/COLOR] This time I did hesitate before speaking. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Tommy, I won’t pretend that I’m as happy here as I have been in the past. But I have a contract, and the big show’s only a few weeks away.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“I understand,”[/COLOR] Tommy replied. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Look, the post is there. We won’t be looking to fill it for a while yet, but you’re our number one choice. We’ll pay your relocation costs, and if you want to bring Katie out with you then I know we can find a spot for her as well. If you want to commentate, you can. If [I]she[/I] wants to, I’m sure we can find her a spot.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You’re serious about this,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="darkorange"]“You’re our number one choice. You’re [I]my[/I] number one choice. James, I look at what you’ve done in the last few years and I’m very impressed. You’ve made mistakes, I know, but you’re sharp, and you’ve got a great mind for the business. Think about what I’m offering.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I will,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Tommy, thank you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“I’ll be thanking you if you come out here,”[/COLOR] Tommy said. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Let me know what you decide.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Okay, Tommy. I will.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“Good. Speak to you soon.”[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=That 1 Dude;508628]I'm playing MAW and I'm still trying to figure out how to get D- matches out of Curtis Jenkins.[/QUOTE] Ernest Youngman :p But Curtis is no less talented, I would say, than either Canadian Blonde (anyone seen D-Lyrium recently, by the way?) , Antonio, or Findlay O'Farraday - and he's certainly better than Jefferson Stardust... He'll never be a world beater, but he should shape up to be a reasonable midcarder - he just needs exposure.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;508263][CENTER][I]To be continued...[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] We're waiting.... and not patiently. I have to admit the Cornell post was a good tease. I've never been into the bigger promotions but if you do move to TCW I promise to follow along. But that can wait for another day. For now, we want to know.... what did Rip say? Fork it over Casey, or I'll send Giant Redwood your way to squish the answer out of you. That wouldn't be pleasant, so I suggest you post soon. :p
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[I]:p Good job I'm in a good mood after getting my desktop back online (even if I do have to download all the new WoW patches for the second time in 24 hours...)[/I] * MAW On Tour Thursday, 18th September 2011 – Great Lakes Joe Benning def. Nelson Callum – E+ Roderick Remus def. Matt Hocking – E+ Internet Favourites def. Jared Johnson and Raphael – E Ernest Youngman def. Flash Savage – D- Overall: D- Notes: Welcome to ... wait, I already did that ... Ernest Youngman is awesome, though * Jay sat across from me, lounging insouciantly in the chair. Rip stood behind him, hands upon his son’s shoulders. [COLOR="Purple"]“In the last few days, Jay has turned down offers from WLW, INSPIRE and SAISHO,”[/COLOR] Rip said, beaming at me. [COLOR="Purple"]“I expect his loyalty to be rewarded.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Fine,”[/COLOR] I said, shortly. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You can have a run with the Trios belts. Antonio and... Oh, Casey, why not, can be your partners.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I meant a real reward,”[/COLOR] Rip said, his smile vanishing as he looked at me. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You want me to find him a hooker for the night?”[/COLOR] I asked. Rip flushed purple. I settled back in my chair, my posture a deliberate mirror of Jay’s. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Now, let’s get serious. Jay wants some wins. Understandable, and I’m prepared to write that into the shows. I’ll give him a win on every show, if you want. But I’m not doing that at the expense of the company as a whole. We’ve already got the problem of keeping Jay and Hugh apart.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Fine. Sack Hugh,”[/COLOR] Jay said, carelessly. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“He’d take us to court and own the company before your father had time to down a pint,”[/COLOR] I shot back. It was a cheap shot – in five years working with the Chords, I’d never dropped so low as to refer to Rip’s battle with the bottle. In fairness to him, he’d not touched a drop since I’d joined the company. I raised my gaze to meet Rip’s. His face was unreadable. Inwardly, I shrugged. What was done was done, and apologising would make no difference. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You both know the plans for the next few weeks as well as I do. They’ve been set in stone for months. They will not change – not now, not tomorrow, not ever.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“And that’s your last word?”[/COLOR] Rip asked. The sentence hung in the air. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Yes.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I see. Come on, Jay. We need to make some phone calls.”[/COLOR] Rip stalked out of the office, Jay trailing in his wake. At the door, Jay turned to say something, but I had already turned my attention back to the papers on my desk. I did have a message for him, though – my left hand rested on the top of the desk, middle finger pointing at the sky. The door slammed as Jay left the office, and I sank back into my chair. Katie had left a powder compact on my desk some time before, and I used it quickly to inspect my hair. No question – there was more grey there than the last time I looked. [I]Next: Rip's revenge...[/I]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;508649]Ernest Youngman :p But Curtis is no less talented, I would say, than either Canadian Blonde (anyone seen D-Lyrium recently, by the way?) , Antonio, or Findlay O'Farraday - and he's certainly better than Jefferson Stardust... He'll never be a world beater, but he should shape up to be a reasonable midcarder - he just needs exposure.[/QUOTE] I realize that but I can get goodd matches out of any of them. The D- or higher matches always escape Stardust and Jenkins whom refuse to improve at all. Though it is different for everyone. Keep up with the dairy I'm enjoying it. I think I'll start one with my next game, you've inspired me.
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[I]If all else fails, stick Jenkins and Jefferson in a tag team. Random jobber tag teams always have a place in any company, and they may just turn out to click - or, at least, be cheap fodder to feed to any spare babyfaces at your show.[/I] MAW Moment of Madness Monday, 22nd September 2011 – Ontario Leftie Wilkes def. Curtis Jenkins – F+ Amazing Fire Fly def. Xavier Reckless – E Kid Arachnid def. Jefferson Stardust – E- Ernest Youngman def. Simon Ice – E Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [I]Notes: King Midas, but not a miracle worker ... No chemistry in matches one and three[/I] * [COLOR="Magenta"]“James?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Hi, Heidi,” [/COLOR]I said, glancing up from the call sheets for the next Tour show. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What’s up?”[/COLOR] It was a moment before Heidi replied, and when I looked up I was shocked to see tears in her eyes. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Heidi? What's the matter?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"I just spoke to Rip... He said that the company's not going to renew my contract,"[/COLOR] she said, making an effort not to break down. My stomach sank. Heidi took a lot of the day-to-day business off my hands, letting me concentrate on the shows and workers while she dealt with the sponsors, merchandising and so on. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Did he say why?"[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="Magenta"]"He said that we're running at a loss, and he's making cuts."[/COLOR] I scowled. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"That idiot. We're running at a loss because he wanted two shows a week before we were ready. Heidi, I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could do, but I can't extend your contract when Rip's blocked it."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"I know,"[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Thanks for bringing me in anyway - it's been a fun couple of years."[/COLOR] I nodded, and put the show aside to help her clear her things. I walked her to the door, past Rip's office. The door was open, and Rip was at his desk, but when I glanced inside, he was staring fiercely at his computer screen. There could have been any number of reasons for that - but a part of me knew that he was working out how to spend Heidi's $200 a show. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Goodbye, James. Keep in touch,"[/COLOR] Heidi said, once her car was loaded. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I will. And perhaps in a few months-"[/COLOR] She shook her head. [COLOR="Magenta"]"I don't think so. Not if Rip's still like this. And be honest, James, do you think you'll still be here in a few months?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Tommy offered me a job,"[/COLOR] I said, suddenly. I felt like I owed her something - I hadn't even had a chance to discuss it with Katie yet. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Take it!"[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="Magenta"]"James... I think Rip's going to run this company into the ground trying to catch up with the Eisens. Get out, before he takes you with him."[/COLOR] I didn't know what to say to that, so I watched in silence as one of closest allies got into her car and drove away. * [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Boss?"[/COLOR] I raised an eyebrow as Erik Strong slunk into the room, looking as though he'd found a dollar – but had paid 99 cents for it. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What's up, Erik?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I've had an offer from up north. They want me back."[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"That wasn't unexpected. Have you told Rip?"[/COLOR] He nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]"He said I should take the chance with both hands – he seemed really calm about it."[/COLOR] I was slightly surprised, but kept that to myself. [COLOR="Blue"]"Boss?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Not any more I'm not – but go on, anyway."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Listen, before I go, I just wanted to say thanks for keeping faith in. For bringing me back after I left the first time. You've done a lot for me."[/COLOR] I shrugged. Really, I'd always looked at Erik as a body to fill the roster with. He had talent, but he didn't seem able to keep up at the top of the card. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You're a good worker, Erik. And MAW has always been about good workers, first and foremost."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I know. But... has anyone told Mr. Chord?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What do you mean?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Well... He's different to how he used to be. Maybe because I've been away I can see it – he just seems angry all the time, like something's chewing at his insides. And... Look, I'm going to be gone, so it doesn't affect me. He's called a meeting of the whole roster on Saturday morning – and told everyone not to tell you. I thought you should know."[/COLOR] I nodded, as though I had already known. In fact, it wasn't much of a surprise – if anything, I'd expected it to happen after the big show, but Rip had always been impatient. And that was the problem. I'd given Rip a taste of success with MAW, and his long-term plan of catching and beating Richard Eisen – for there was and nearly always had been bad blood between them – had been brought so much nearer by SWF's precipitous fall from grace. Rip wasn't given much to introspection, and I knew that having SWF so near, and yet so far (for, realistically, they were still one of the top three wrestling companies in the world, if somewhat down on their luck right now) was eating away at him. Seeming to be so near, and not being able to make that final step... Well, Rip would find someplace to lay the blame. And that place, it was clear, was going to be on me. It was now only a matter of time. I shook Erik's hand, and walked back inside to call Tommy and find out more about TCW. * MAW On Tour Thursday, 25th September 2011 – South East VIP Wallace def. Hugh Lee - E Jonnie Perez def. Oscar Golden – E+ Joe Benning def. Nelson Callum – E Ernest Youngman def. Raphael - D Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Perez and Golden have great chemistry[/I] * [CENTER][B]MAW Fall Of The King[/B] The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Ford & Speed Kid Arachnid vs. Antonio The Young Americans vs. Smith & Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes Randy Bumfhole vs. Jay Chord Hugh de Aske vs. JD Morgan Kirk Jameson vs. Black Eagle “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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Yay TCW! [B]The West Texas Peacekeepers[/B] vs. Ford & Speed [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Antonio The Young Americans vs. Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] [B]Randy Bumfhole[/B] vs. Jay Chord [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] vs. JD Morgan [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Black Eagle [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews Is Smith in two matches?
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