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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[I]OOC: A short update because... I'm evil :D[/I] Rip stared at me across the surface of the dilapidated desk. His expression went from arrogant to horrified to furious so quickly that the middle phase was barely there. But I knew that it was, and I cherished its presence. Looking away from Rip’s face, I began to tidy my desk. [COLOR="Purple"]“You can’t quit.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You’ve paid me well, and I have my own money anyway. I’m done. You’ve had my work for tonight. If you want to change it, it’s up to you. But it won’t be anything to do with me.”[/COLOR] I gathered the small pile of goods that were mine – a few sheets of paper, a couple of pens, a ruler and a few photos were all that marked the passage of the last few years. [COLOR="purple"]“You can’t quit,”[/COLOR] Rip repeated, more forcefully. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Watch me,”[/COLOR] I said, not looking at him as I walked out from behind the desk and made my way to the door. I fumbled slightly with my cane and the door handle, and this gave Rip the chance to grab me by the shoulder and spin me around. [COLOR="purple"]“You’re not going anywhere,”[/COLOR] he growled, right in my face. I frowned. Unlike the last time I was this close to Rip, I was ready for his tactics. “Grow up, Rip,” I snapped. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You’re past sixty, for God’s sake. What are you going to do, hit me?”[/COLOR] He hit me, and I went down like he’d been wielding a sledgehammer. [I]To be continued... (Very soon).[/I]
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Oh, that's it Casey. No more Mr. Nice Guy from me. I'm taking Giant Redwood to the airport and buying him a ticket to London. He's coming for you, Casey -- and he's going to beat the full report out of you. And as an added measure, I'm giving him a bag full of White Castle sliders and a half-dozen burritos from Taco Bell. Oh, and a half-gallon of milk (Redwood is lactose intolerant, you know). I think you need an unhealthy dose of Redwood stench and a solid thrashing to teach you a lesson for teasing us so terribly. This is your your last chance -- if you don't post the card before Redwood gets on the plane -- well, you only have yourself to blame. I suggest a gas mask.
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[QUOTE=Pampero Firpo;512684]Oh, that's it Casey. No more Mr. Nice Guy from me. I'm taking Giant Redwood to the airport and buying him a ticket to London. He's coming for you, Casey -- and he's going to beat the full report out of you. And as an added measure, I'm giving him a bag full of White Castle sliders and a half-dozen burritos from Taco Bell. Oh, and a half-gallon of milk (Redwood is lactose intolerant, you know). I think you need an unhealthy dose of Redwood stench and a solid thrashing to teach you a lesson for teasing us so terribly. This is your your last chance -- if you don't post the card before Redwood gets on the plane -- well, you only have yourself to blame. I suggest a gas mask.[/QUOTE] Giant Redwood recently landed at Heathrow after having such a severe case of flatulence that the airplane's oxygen masks were deployed simply to provide mercy to his beleaguered fellow passengers. And now he's coming for you James. He flips through the phone book looking up "Casey" -- and he's found your address. After a long stop in the toilet, he downs a couple of more burritos and a quart of milk to recharge. Then he's off to rent a car and head toward your house. It's been 8 hours since you promised to post "very soon". You've only yourself to blame for what promises to be a horrifying -- and noxious -- scene. He'll be at your house in an hour -- your only hope is to post before then. :D
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[CENTER][I]OOC: Redwood in MAW would kill me - not the diary end I was after... I did try and hire Nemesis once - can you imagine the awesome of having him and Rip in the same ring? I'd have hired Ash Campbell to make it happen. Ash. Campbell. Alas, it wasn't to be. And before we get anywhere near to the end, there's the small matter of a fight I've been waiting nine months to write ;)[/I][/CENTER] * I’d actually blacked out for a couple of seconds, and when I came to Rip was standing over me. [COLOR="Purple"]“You lost me my son,”[/COLOR] he snarled, reaching down and hauling me upright. With a growl, he slammed against the office wall, making the whole room shake – or maybe just my head. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What?”[/COLOR] I asked, bewildered. Rip hauled back and hit me again. I managed to turn my head to offset the worst of the blow, but I still tasted blood as my head snapped around. [COLOR="Purple"]“Jay’s gone, you son of a -----,”[/COLOR] Rip said, drawing back for a third time. With a snarl, I brought my arm up to block the punch and lashed out with my foot, catching Rip’s knee and forcing it back until it locked with a click. Rip bellowed and staggered backwards, giving me room to come forward with a left hook of my own that caught him a glancing blow on his cheekbone, and probably did me more harm than it did him. Rip’s head snapped around, and his eyes were aglow with fury. He charged forward, and I was just able to stumble out of the way in time, grabbing the back of the chair for support as he pulled up just short of running into the wall. Rip turned in place, and for a moment I had a mental image of our battle as a bullfight – with me as a matador trying to outrun the charging bull with one leg, and no cape. My hands closed on the back of the chair. Rip charged again, and I swung. The chair arced through the semi-circle from floor to body, shattering on impact with Rip’s ribs and head. Rip stumbled to a halt, more surprised than hurt. I looked down at the remains of the chair, which had been damaged months before in another of Rip’s rampages. [COLOR="Purple"]“You think that hardcore ---- is going to stop me?”[/COLOR] Rip growled. “That don’t play in this company.” [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You’re the one who hired those XDW guys, Rip,”[/COLOR] I said, setting myself for another attack. [COLOR="Purple"]“I thought you might be able to do something with them. Seems like my faith was misplaced – again,”[/COLOR] he added, breathing heavily as he eyed me angrily. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You wanted miracles, Rip,”[/COLOR] I replied. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You wanted to catch Eisen – but that will take years.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“You’re the one who said we’d be on TV by now.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I was dreaming!”[/COLOR] I yelled. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Fantasising! If I’d said you’d be ----ing Hannah Potter by now, would you have believed me?”[/COLOR] He growled, and took another swing at me. This one I dodged easily enough. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You’re old and stupid,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I gave you the chance to make something of your life, but you’ve wasted it chasing after Eisen, twenty years after he canned you for being a drunk.”[/COLOR] Rip sagged against the wall. I shook my head, and began gathering my belongings from the floor. I tutted at the shattered glass in the photo frames, and grunted with the effort of picking up my cane. [COLOR="Purple"]“We can beat Eisen,”[/COLOR] Rip said, his voice a plea. [COLOR="Purple"]“We can get Jay back, we can-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What do you mean, get Jay back?”[/COLOR] I asked, pausing and turning to face him. [I]Good God, he got old[/I], I thought. [COLOR="Purple"]“Jay’s gone,”[/COLOR] he replied, his voice cracking. [COLOR="Purple"]“He left when his contract expired. Said he couldn’t stand working here any more. It’s your fault!”[/COLOR] Rip pushed himself upright, and squared up to me once more. His eyes were red, his hands shaking. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Good riddance,”[/COLOR] I said, allowing myself a sneer. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And it’s no-one’s fault but your own, Rip.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“---- you,”[/COLOR] he said, succinctly. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You were a rotten father,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You indulged his every whim. You brought him up to be a spoilt little ----, you showed him that the Rip Chord way was the way to success in life, you-“[/COLOR] Rip charged again, but I pivoted on my good leg and avoided him easily enough. With a snort I glared at him as he spun around. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You gave him everything he wanted when he came here. You were soft on him when he acted up, and you tried to dump him in my lap when you couldn’t be bothered to deal with him yourself. “All your problems are of your own making, Rip. I could probably have done more to protect you from yourself, but I’m not your wife. I’m not your keeper. I’m not even your son – although I’ve done more for you than he has.”[/COLOR] Rip made a grab for my shirt, but I blocked him and pushed him back against the wall, stumbling slightly as I tried to put my weight on my bad leg. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Listen to me, Rip. You’re on the edge right now. One wrong step, and you’ll go over,”[/COLOR] I said, trying to break through to him. But his eyes were aglow with rage. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You have to realise that you can’t compete with Eisen. Even at his lowest, he’s ten times our size, with a thousand times more money.”[/COLOR] Too late, I remembered that while I was faster and more agile than Rip, he was much stronger than me. With a snarl he twisted and wrenched, pitching me against the wall with a meaty thud before he spun and tossed me through the air, slamming me down on the floor with a crash that knocked all the breath out of me. Rip loomed over me again. I looked up at him blearily. He came slowly into focus as he crouched, one meaty hand reaching down and seizing the back of my head. [COLOR="Purple"]“You listen to me,”[/COLOR] he rasped. [COLOR="Purple"]“Jay would still be here if it wasn’t for you. If you were better at your job, we’d be hot on Eisen’s tail. If you weren’t so busy trying to get into bed with him, we might even have passed him by now.”[/COLOR] I tried to protest, but Rip put his other hand over my mouth. His knee was resting lightly, but firmly, on my chest. [COLOR="Purple"]“You don’t get to talk anymore,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Purple"]“I’m sick of listening to you. Everything you’ve done, it’s brought me nothing but trouble. You and your ----ing rules, the way you treated my son, the way you’ve treated me, the way-“[/COLOR] I stopped listening. Rip had lost it, and for the first time I was actually scared of my former best friend. My hands clawed at the floor, trying to find some leverage I could use to throw the larger Rip off me. I hissed in pain as my questing fingers caught the edge of a shard of broken glass from one of the photo frames. I yanked my hand away, and my fingers closed on something round and wooden. I swung my cane up and around, cracking it into the side of Rip’s head with all my might. The damaged wood gave away, splintering and shattering on impact. Rip was knocked off me, and fell to the floor, sprawled brokenly on the carpet. I grabbed the edge of the desk, hauling myself upright. Leaning on its battered surface, I looked down at Rip, and at the splintered handle of the cane which was still grasped in my hand. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Get up, Rip,”[/COLOR] I said, slightly hoarsely, and kicked at his foot. Rip didn’t move. I swore under my breath. Limping painfully along his body, I knelt down and checked his vitals. He was out cold, but his pulse was strong and he was breathing normally. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“---- you, Rip,”[/COLOR] I said, with a sigh. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I made it through my whole career without hurting someone in the ring. I have two fights with you, I end up crippled, and you end up unconscious.”[/COLOR] [I][CENTER]OOC: To be... ah, you know the drill by now...[/CENTER][/I]
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Zimmy Bumfhole vs. [B]Jared Johnson[/B] Steve Flash vs. [B]Roderick Remus[/B] Ernest Youngman vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] Hugh de Aske vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs. Providence Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] for the MAW Traditional title Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] for the MAW Tag Team titles [B]The Firm[/B] vs. The Second Sons for the MAW Trios titles Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] for the MAW Heavyweight title
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I just recently started reading this thread (I'd say I started last week) and I finally just caught up. Solid, solid stuff, man. And although I can totally understand the need for a break (or burnout, in my case) from dynasty writing, I hope you don't end this thing here. I want more! MORE MORE MORE!
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[CENTER][I]OOC: Don't hate Rip too much - he's still got a headache from getting his ass kicked by me ;) And Astil, that's a heck of a compliment :o[/I][/CENTER] It took quite a lot of effort to drag Rip into the one remaining chair in the office, and while I waited for him to regain consciousness, I made an effort to tidy the mess we’d left. Eventually, with the worst of the firewood kicked into a corner, Rip groaned, and started to move. I perched myself on the edge of the desk and looked down at him. Slowly, he came around and raised his head to look at me, groggily. [COLOR="Purple"]“What happened?”[/COLOR] I sighed. [COLOR="Purple"]“We had a hell of a night, Rip,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Purple"]“You passed out.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Again? I don’t...”[/COLOR] Rip was confused, and small wonder. Me carrying his drunken arse to bed had been a regular feature, back in the day. Of course, he’d been sober since I started with the company, but old habits, and all that. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Rip, do you know how much like Richard Eisen you’ve sounded lately?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“What, I don’t-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You do, Rip,”[/COLOR] I said, as he tried to focus on me. [COLOR="Purple"]“My head hurts,”[/COLOR] he managed. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I broke my cane over your head. You owe me a new one, by the way.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Sorry...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Don’t worry about it. Rip, why are you obsessed about catching Eisen?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Because...”[/COLOR] he shook his head. [COLOR="Purple"]“I’m not.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You are. Everything we’ve done these last couple of years, you’ve been judging it against the SWF, trying to grow like them, to be like him... You’ve been acting just like him.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I haven’t-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Firing Heidi!”[/COLOR] I yelled, knowing I only had a small window of opportunity before his natural self-assured Rip-ness reasserted itself. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Coddling Jay! Hiring everyone and anyone just in case they get over! This is a company based on what happens in the ring, Rip, and you had us hire Fearless ----ing Blue!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I...”[/COLOR] Rip looked bewildered, and I had to hope that at least part of that was confusion at his own actions. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You don’t have to try and be Eisen, Rip,”[/COLOR] I said, gently. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You can be yourself.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“People hate me,”[/COLOR] he said, slowly. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Who?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“The other company owners. Tamara, Tommy, even Sam doesn’t want to do much business with me.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“We got Cameron back on loan from Sam,” [/COLOR]I pointed out. [COLOR="Purple"]“Yeah...”[/COLOR] Rip’s head dropped. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Rip, stay with me,”[/COLOR] I said, grabbing his head and pulling it back so he had to look me in the eye. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You did some crappy things, back in the day, but you can make up for that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I’ve tried,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Purple"]“Look where it got me.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What? Jay leaving? Rip, he’s an ass – and you haven’t helped with the way you treated him. If you’d set him the right example, if you’d been the man you want to be, he’d probably still be here... Well, me and him might not have got on any better, but you’ve still got time, Rip. You can fix things with him.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I want the company to succeed as well. Eisen’s done that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“He’s had his ups and downs,”[/COLOR] I countered. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And you don’t have to be an Eisen to succeed in this business. Rip, you know that. You hired me. We brought in Heidi. You spread things around... But you tried to do everything yourself, Rip, and you can’t do that. Not even you can manage that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“But... I have to prove myself.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You’re Rip Chord! What the hell do you have to prove?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“That I can be a success! That I'm not just some dumb old wrestler who can't cope in the business today!”[/COLOR] I stopped myself from replying straight away. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You are a success,”[/COLOR] I said, after some thought. [COLOR="Purple"]“Not at running this company. I needed you to come in and help get us on the right track. That's not the way it should have been. I should have been able to do it all myself! Like Eisen! I just wanted...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Yes?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I wanted Jay to be proud of me, kid. I want to know that when he takes over...”[/COLOR] He paused. Jay would take over the company when Rip died, I knew. [COLOR="Purple"]“When he takes over, I don’t want his golden opportunity to be a poisoned chalice.”[/COLOR] Involuntarily, I smiled. He scowled at me. [COLOR="Purple"]“Something funny?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I haven’t heard you mix a metaphor in months.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I’ve been trying to cut it out. Eisen’s always well spoken.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You can’t even say his first name, Rip. Do you really think someone you don’t like is the person to try and emulate?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I don’t have to like the man to respect him.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Respect, fine. But be yourself, Rip. I guarantee you that Richard Eisen is a lot more worried about MAW taking over from SWF with Rip Chord at the helm, then he is about us taking over with you pretending to be him.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“He’s been a lot more successful than I have.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“He’s been doing this for thirty years. Let’s be honest, he’s made a hell of a lot of mistakes. And anyway, Eisen doesn't do it all himself, Rip. And the times that things go wrong for him are the times he gets too involved in the produce himself. You know that, Rip – you brought me in. You brought Heidi in. We've got Flash backstage... Rip, I’m telling you, go back to thinking like Rip Chord and not Richard Eisen and I’ll bet that things will start to shape up around here.”[/COLOR] I let go of Rip’s chin. His head dropped a bit, but he straightened in the chair and looked up at me. [COLOR="Purple"]“So I should let you run the company?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You should let me help,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“It’s your company, Rip, but maybe we can go back to the way things were? I’ll even make my peace with Jay.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“It’s all for him, kid,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“So long as it’s not all [I]about[/I] him, I’ll even help you get him back on board.”[/COLOR] Rip sighed. I let go of his head, and he nodded. [COLOR="Purple"]“So, are you going to take that job Tommy offered you?”[/COLOR] I blinked. [COLOR="Purple"]“He called me to crow about it,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“The only reason I considered it was that working here hasn’t been much fun,”[/COLOR] I said, feeling slightly embarrassed. [COLOR="Purple"]“It’s fine, kid. You can go.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I’d like to stay,”[/COLOR] I said, suddenly realising how much I meant it. [COLOR="Purple"]“Yeah? Have you got any ideas about the next year?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“A few, but...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“What?”[/COLOR] I looked around the trashed office. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Can we go somewhere a bit more comfortable?”[/COLOR] Rip laughed, and stood up, grasping the desk to prevent himself toppling over. [COLOR="Purple"]“You pack a hell of a wallop, kid,” [/COLOR]he said. I laughed, and put my arm around his shoulders. Together, we helped each other to the door. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Actually, that reminds me of something,”[/COLOR] I said, gesturing with the handle of my shattered cane. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I think I know where DaVE went wrong.”[/COLOR] Rip paused with his hand on the door handle. [COLOR="Purple"]“Hardcore, kid?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“----ing XDW, Rip,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Purple"]“Yeah, I guess I owe you for that one,”[/COLOR] he sighed. [COLOR="Purple"]“What do you want to do?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Well, I’ve got an idea for a new title,”[/COLOR] I said, as Rip opened the door, and we limped gingerly out. I glanced back at the remains of my office, and with a smile I closed the door. [I][CENTER]Next: Where It All Begins Again[/CENTER][/I]
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[QUOTE=That 1 Dude;513795]Am I the only one who likes Fearless Blue?[/QUOTE] [I]I don't mind him - but of all the XDW guys, his name scanned the best when I imagined saying that sentence aloud. Am I thinking about these things too much?[/I] [QUOTE=Jericho Rules;513788]Well man, I must say, this has to be my favorite diary since reversefigure4's LAW diary. (I wonder if anyone remembers that one.)[/QUOTE] [I]I remember it - Flying Armadillo, huh? A heck of a read, but a huge shame it was never wrapped up fully.[/I] [I]Anyway, just a quick post to note that I'm expecting to put the show up tomorrow. I had a family thing today, and while all the matches are written up, the segments are only half done. I'm expecting to have it online for you all inside the next 24 hours... I hope.[/I]
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