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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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MAW All Or Nothing [B]"Broadway" Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Providence [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Jared Johnson[/B] vs. Ford & Speed Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Raphael[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. JD Morgan [B]KC Glenn and Randy Bumfhole[/B] vs. The Dark Raptors [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Citizen X "Sensational" Kashmir Singh vs.[B] Aaron Andrews[/B]
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[b]"Broadway" Brandon Smith[/b] vs. Providence Make Smith look a little stronger Amazing Fire Fly and Jared Johnson vs. [b]Ford & Speed[/b] Team with a name over two young guys. [b]Lassana Makutsi[/b] vs. Raphael Debut win. Fumihiro Ota vs. [b]JD Morgan[/b] Morgan keeps the belt. KC Glenn and Randy Bumfhole vs. [b]The Dark Raptors[/b] Evil heels over the new guy on the rise and the 'star' heading out the door [b]Kirk Jameson[/b] vs. Citizen X X isn't just at his level. "Sensational" Kashmir Singh vs. [b]Aaron Andrews[/b] Um...yeah.
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: All Or Nothing Friday, 12th February 2008[/CENTER] "Broadway" Brandon Smith vs. Providence[/B] Apparently I'd never run this match before or, at least, I hadn't made a note of the fact that these two have bad chemistry. Sucks... Anyway, despite the handicap these two stuck to a largely brawl-based match that went down just fine with the North Caroline crowd, and it was only when they tried getting fancy that there were problems. Generally, they kept it simple which meant that the match was above average, and in the end Smith finished off his former protégé with a Backdrop Driver for the win. Winner: Brandon Smith (D+) * Aaron Andrews emerged from the back as Smith was making his way up the ramp: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Good win, champ,”[/COLOR] Andrews said. “[COLOR="DarkRed"]Very... impressive. Rest assured, I’ll be seeing you soon...”[/COLOR] * [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Jared Johnson vs. Ford & Speed[/B] This was mainly just a throwaway match to get the four men on the card – and with the rate our roster is diminishing I could soon be in a position where everyone can get on the card. Twice. It was a decent enough tag match, with the experience of the heel duo making the difference against the arguably superior skills of the face pairing. On commentary, we made the match seem more exciting than it actually was – but it still wasn't too bad. Ford pinned Fly to end the match after a Fallen Chances. Winners: Ford & Speed (D) * Lassana Makutsi came down to the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]“My name is Lassana Makutsi. In Africa, I have wrestled everyone, and I was the champion of the whole continent from the time that I was a very young boy. In search of competition I came to America. I will face anyone, at any time, in my quest to improve myself. And tonight I face this Raphael, whom I have known and disliked almost since my first day in this country. It will be a pleasure to perform my Lassana Stunner on him, and mark him down as one more challenge that I have overcome in my quest to be seen not only as champion of one continent, but also of the whole world!”[/COLOR] * [B]Lassana Makutsi vs. Raphael[/B] This was mainly just a throwaway match... with a difference. You see, backstage Makutsi and Raphael have a beef dating to their days in RIPW together. There may have been a girl involved, or Raphael may have made a joke that Makutsi didn't 'get', but whatever the source, I had to know if I could keep them around without there being issues. Turns out they work together okay – and while I don't see this one being a main event anytime soon, both men acted professionally towards one another throughout the match, with Makutsi going down to an Italian DDT without a whimper of protest. While I'm hesitant to say that I'll be giving big pushes to either man as a result of this match, it does make me realise once again that talent does exist in the undercard – and I may have been guilty of neglecting one of the better members of the roster (Raphael) while chasing glory with bigger names. As for Makutsi, well, he's still new here, but our recent issues have seen him jump up the card quickly. Big(ger) things await both men. Maybe. Winner: Raphael (D+) * From the announcers’ table, Rip decreed that JD Morgan’s opponent would be Wanda Fish... and Fumihiro Ota. It would be a Triple Threat match! * [B]Wanda Fish vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. JD Morgan (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] Do these three need a storyline to square off? Nah – this is MAW. If our fans didn't get one good midcard match per show, they'd riot. It was Triple Threat variant #2, with the three competitors alternating pairings with a view to taking out the third worker. Alliances were made and broken as quickly as you could count, and eventually Ota and Fish broke into an unseemly squabble, with much gesturing from Ota in lieu of actual speech, giving Morgan the opportunity to nearly decapitate Fish with a clothesline, before nailing Ota with A Shot Of JD for the win. Winner: JD Morgan (C) * Citizen X came to the ring, looking intent and purposeful: [COLOR="Olive"]“Since my return to this company I have tested myself against all manner of opponent. However, I have yet to make meaningful headway. That ends today. Today I face Kirk Jameson, for whom I have some advice. Kirk, remember that every man is born alone, and des alone. Your motives in pursuing your friend are noble, but meaningless. Every man must choose his own path in this life, and your attempts to guide Aaron Andrews are restrictive of his freedom to be who he chooses.”[/COLOR] Kirk Jameson emerged from backstage, looking angry at X’s uninvited opinions. * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Citizen X[/B] This was a gamble, as X has blown hot and cold since returning from the SWF, but he and Jameson clicked immediately. X used his aerial skills to keep the former Invitational champion off balance as he bounced around the ring like a powerball. Eventually, Jameson brought the match down and onto the mat, where he was able to wear down the SWFer with his superior technical skills, and when X managed to eventually evade his opponent, Jameson was able to ground him with a series of hard blows, before striking with The Bullseye for the win. Winner: Kirk Jameson (C+) * Backstage, and the camera followed a scantily (but decently from all angles) clad Sienna LeNoir to the door of KC Glenn. She knocked, and Glenn opened the door. [COLOR="Gray"]“My lord the Black Eagle has a message for me to pass to you... Tonight’s match could see you welcomed to the elite... And the rewards...”[/COLOR] she ran a finger down his bare chest, [COLOR="Gray"]“Could be exquisite...”[/COLOR] KC stared at Sienna for several long moments. With a visible shake of his head he tore his eyes away from her. [COLOR="Blue"]“Sienna, you don’t want to do this, I can tell,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Black Eagle has some kind of control over you. You can’t let people control what you do. I spent months trying to be something that I wasn’t – and it was only when my friends convinced me to be myself that I came good.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"]“My lord is my master... I give of myself for him willingly...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“And I’m sure you believe that,”[/COLOR] Glenn said. [COLOR="Blue"]“But ask yourself, Sienna, how much would Eagle care if you were hurt doing his bidding? And why would he care?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"]“I...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I don’t like what Eagle has done to you. It’s not fair to you – or any other poor girl he may meet. Bear what I said in mind. I hope that there comes a time when you realise that defining yourself by someone else’s values will only lead to misery in the long run.”[/COLOR] * [B]KC Glenn and Randy Bumfhole vs. The Dark Raptors[/B] This was our best straight tag match in... ever, I think. After losing to Firebird last week, Bumfhole and his former Firm partner went on the offensive from the start of the match, battering the Fallen pairing with hard kicks and punches and forcing them into retreat. The heel duo regrouped on the outside, before jumping back into the fray with their greater speed being decisive as they took the advantage for themselves. The match see-sawed back and forth, with the veteran masked duo often exploiting the younger Glenn's inexperience. But Bumfhole was able to pull his team back from the brink of defeat on more than one occasion, and eventually his individual skill tipped the balance of the match in his team's favour as he scored with a Bumfhole Buster on Black Eagle to score the pin. Winners: Glenn and Bumfhole (C+) * Aaron Andrews was in the ring with a mic: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Ahhhh, “Sensational” Kashmir Singh... Here’s a man with talent, apparently. I’ve been over the list of people who deserve a shot, and it’s been getting shorter by the day. Once a guy loses his shot – and they all do – then it’s down to the bottom of the list, and it takes a long time to impress me again. Don’t count on seeing Kirk Jameson or Randy Bumfhole in the same ring as me any time soon.”[/COLOR] Andrews smirked, and waved mockingly to the fans who were calling for his head. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“But Kashmir Singh, and his partner-in-entertainment-crime Brandon Smith, well, they’re yet to disappoint. So tonight I’ll throw down with Singh, and we can see just how good he is when he doesn’t have that former NFL oaf around to cover his mistakes.” [/COLOR] * [B]"Sensational" Kashmir Singh vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Wow. If Brandon Smith can manage anything like as good a match with the champ in a couple of weeks time then it may finally be time to cut these guys loose. Andrews was once again guilty of underestimating his foe, but Singh is very experienced and hasn't lost a step since working in tandem with his partner. While he may not have the all-round skill of Andrews, Singh is still an impressively talented worker in his own right, and for long spells of this twenty-one minute battle he had the champion on the run. Able to drop his goofy persona as soon as he steps in the ring, Singh can be a challenger to any given worker, and proved it here as he pressed the champion to the limits, ultimately just falling short as a lengthy exchange of reversals and counters ended with Andrews scoring a Twisting Face Crusher out of a Cal Cutter counter to score the narrow victory – and leave him looking shaken in his role as champion. Winner: Aaron Andrews (B-) [B]Overall: B-[/B] [I](Welcome, if unexpected. I might just be on the right track here. Or it might be another false dawn...)[/I] [I]Next: A ----load of bad news, expansion thoughts, and an old favourite gets politicked... Also, the first post has been updated with links to download the first eight chapters of the story so far...[/I]
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Jay Chord has dropped the USPW World title to The Bandit (AKA Randall Hopkirk). So the belt went from a 21 year old to a 47 year old. That's... great. Also in USPW, Zimmy Bumfhole finally signed a third contract, putting an end to any chance we may have had of signing him as he joins Sam Strong's merry bunch of wacky misfits. * We were lined up outside the hospital room. Looking in was a painful sight. Black Eagle was lying on the bed, his face strained. Even backstage he'd normally wear his mask, and I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen him without it on – but of course, in a hospital (at least, a non-Mexican hospital) they don't have a lot of time for that sort of thing. Myself and Firebird flanked Rip, whose face was set like stone. Eagle probably knew of our presence, but with a Misaligned Spine he couldn't turn to look at us. And with the surgery finished only a short while before, we weren't allowed in to check on him. [COLOR="Purple"]"We just can't catch a break,"[/COLOR] Rip sighed. [COLOR="Green"]"It's fine,"[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]"It would have been nice to have the Raptors in a title match, but this just gives Firebird a singles run, and there's nothing bad about that."[/COLOR] Firebird snorted quietly. It certainly wasn't how he would have chosen to go it alone. [COLOR="Purple"]"And the tag division?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"We had more heel teams than face ones anyway,"[/COLOR] I said with a shrug. [COLOR="Blue"]"Gentlemen?"[/COLOR] We turned as one to greet Eagle's surgeon, a Dr. Foley, one of the leading spinal specialists on the East Coast. [COLOR="Blue"]"Well, your friend will be walking in two months,"[/COLOR] he said, with a weary smile. The surgery had lasted over eight hours. [COLOR="Blue"]"And he should regain most of his mobility."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Most?"[/COLOR] Rip growled. [COLOR="Blue"]"Yes. I can't guarantee how well he'll be able to recover, I'm afraid. Those flights from Japan are a killer, and I understand that he flew coach?"[/COLOR] The surgeon shook his head. [COLOR="Blue"]"If he'd been to the hospital out there, I'd be predicting a full recovery, but I'm afraid that the injury was aggravated by his travelling."[/COLOR] Eagle had picked up an injury while working for GCG. A seasoned veteran, he'd thought nothing of the pain at first, but four hours into the red eye flight from Tokyo his lower back had locked up, and he'd been rushed to hospital as soon as the plane had landed. [COLOR="Blue"]"I don't know if your friend will wrestle again – certainly not to the standard I understand he's capable of. It's going to be a case of waiting and seeing, I'm afraid. I'm sorry that it isn't better news,"[/COLOR] Foley said. He shook our hands, and explained that once the healing process from the surgery began, they'd have a better idea of how much actual damage had been sustained. With an exhausted [COLOR="Blue"]"Have a nice day,"[/COLOR] he moved on, leaving me to try and rewrite, once more, a significant storyline. * A bad week for Jay continued as he dropped the TCW International title to Sammy Bach. After his one week, no defences reign eighteen months ago, he managed a five week, four defences reign this time. The victory makes Bach a double champion, as he is one half of the TCW tag team champions alongside Charlie Thatcher. * In the 'inevitable' category, Vengeance is set to leave SWF when his contract expires in a few weeks – he's just too big for the Cult promotion. * Officer Jane Wyndham-Pryce popped open the hatch in the cell door and let me look inside. [COLOR="Green"]"Yes, that's Nelson Callum,"[/COLOR] I said, heavily. He looked up in surprise at the sound of my voice, and stood up. But before he could say or do anymore, Officer Wyndham-Pryce slammed the hatch shut and locked it. [COLOR="Green"]"Thank you, Officer,"[/COLOR] I said, as we walked back to her desk. [COLOR="Green"]"What's the charge going to be?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Possession of illegal narcotics. He didn't have enough to be prosecuted for intent to supply."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Ugh,"[/COLOR] I said, dropping into a chair. [COLOR="Green"]"Will he be offered bail?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Yes. We've confiscated the gear, and if he co-operates with us we can probably avoid sending him to jail."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"If he's smart – which this suggests that he's not."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Well, thank you for coming down, sir,"[/COLOR] Jane said. She was much more formal than the last time we'd met. [COLOR="Blue"]"If we need anything further, we'll let you know."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Will you need to interview anyone else on the roster?"[/COLOR] I asked. I wondered if Rip's firm of lawyers could handle anything other than the odd contract. [COLOR="Blue"]"It depends on what Callum has to say for himself,"[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="Blue"]"We'll be in touch, sir."[/COLOR] I left the police station, lost in thought. It wasn't until the flashbulbs started popping in my face that I realised that North Carolina's journalists had scented a scoop. [COLOR="Blue"]"Mr. Casey, what-" "-steroids, sir-" "-action to be-"[/COLOR] I held up my hands for silence, and remarkably I got it. [COLOR="Green"]"Ladies and gentlemen, this has come as a shock to me,"[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]"Mid Atlantic Wrestling does not condone, encourage or in any way support the use of illegal drugs. I understand that Nelson Callum was caught in possession of steroids and has pleaded guilty to possession. That's all I know."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Sir, will you be taking any action against Mr. Callum yourself?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Yes,"[/COLOR] I said, slightly dazzled by the powerful light attached to a TV camera that I could hear whirring. I gritted my teeth, but went on. [COLOR="Green"]"Mid Atlantic Wrestling has a zero tolerance policy on the use of performance-enhancing drugs. Mr. Callum will be released from his contract, effective immediately."[/COLOR] * The zero tolerance policy made for good press, and Callum's minimal presence on our shows certainly suggested that his usage wasn't something that we'd encouraged. But he was a former champion, and photogenic enough to muddy the waters when he appeared on screen after being released on bail. His lawyer did the talking, and made Callum seem sympathetic – almost something of a victim. Between the headlines, the association with illegal activities and our apparent mistreatment of a "loyal and valuable employee" it's fair to say that MAW's prestige has taken a hefty hit as a result of this bit of business. Adding to all this, Callum and his lawyer arrived at MAW HQ with a chip on their shoulders, muttering about unfair dismissal until Rip went ballistic at the pair of them. Callum left sharply, but he was still muttering as he went, and it's likely that I should avoid him for a while until he cools off. * Word reaches us that Richard Eisen has been more than his usually tricky political self behind the scenes in the land of Supreme. Quite who he’s going to try and get on side I don’t know – but I guess it might explain why former favourite Runaway Train has been fed to Steve Frehley in almost every show since the turn of the year. * Just a quick note about the new show (or shows, if it’s a financial success). Our profits in January and February have convinced us to do a single show each month in either the Great Lakes or South East territories. We’ll start in the Great Lakes, where we’ve always performed well. Next month we’ll try the South East, where business has been shaky. We’re doing this for a number of reasons: Weekly shows didn’t work. We tried it, and it failed. But the profits from the last two months have allowed us to consider adding a single additional monthly show to our schedule. Hitting Cult status (as defined by tew.com) will enable us to sign bigger and more over workers. The likes of Randy Bumfhole (who’s refused to re-sign with us) will be more prepared to talk turkey with a well regarded company, compared to one of the myriad regional feds that existing in the US alone. Hitting Cult takes (again, as defined by tew.com) 40% of responding fans in two regions to say that they’d be interested in attending a company’s shows. The poll is a daily thing, rigorously controlled on the company’s website. It can make or break a promotion. We’ve seen in recent months what happened to the SWF when the polls dropped on them. It’s a flawed system, replete with errors, but it’s the best there is right now. For the record, we’re at about 50% in the Mid Atlantic, and around 25% in both the South East and the Great Lakes territories. We’ve also picked up a few loyal fans outside of these regions, but with the best will in the world we’re not looking to capitalise on a 1 in 20 population interest just yet. We’re building up three territories for a couple of reasons. The first is that spillover popularity from the Mid Atlantic affects both the South East and Great Lakes regions – so we may as well take advantage of it. Secondly, it prevents us oversaturating an individual market, which I fear is what may have happened in the South East with the fortnightly shows. Finally, the US economy is on the downturn. Having been rising steadily throughout my initial three and a half years or so, last autumn saw the rise tail off and a decline set in. Having a solid base in three regions seems like a good idea right now, as we don’t want to be reliant on any one (or even two) regions. My goal once we hit Cult is to start running full weekly shows and pay-per-views. It might not be immediate, but we’ll get there. However, all this is dependent on the economy – and the fans’ interest in our shows. Our product is such that we’re not likely to suffer too much from a general decline in the industry (which is dropping side-by-side with the economy) but equally we don’t profit too much from a big boom either. At the peak of the industry’s popularity we were struggling to fill the 2,000 seat Biker Museum, and there are already signs that we won’t manage that for much longer. If the economy continues to drop, and it all goes horribly wrong and we end up playing to 200 people and a dog with the best of our roster on show... We’ll probably crawl back into our shell for a while. Hitting Cult by the end of the year is the goal. My rough calculation suggest that it’s possible, although I’m aware that I may be wrong. To that end, we’ve sacrificed DVD sales (and a certain percentage of the live gate) to put our shows back on the internet. Hopefully fans will tune in to see shows held outside their area, and that should keep the growth going. Our last expansion bid was shut down when we came close to killing the company by dropping to something like $30,000 in the bank – a month away from going into debt at our rate of expenditure. This time, with me in charge of the details, we’re taking it slower. We’ve learned from our mistakes. And we have the internet on our side – so what can possibly go wrong? * [CENTER][B]MAW Great Lakes Crisis[/B] Jared Johnson vs. Providence Kirk Jameson vs. Casey Valentine Smith & Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes Wanda Fish vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Great Lakes Crisis Tuesday, 2nd March 2012[/CENTER][/B] [B]Smith & Singh (c) vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] Our first show at the Asylum in Michigan saw almost 900 people in attendance to see the Blondes cash in their title rematch four months after dropping the belts. How time flies. The match was a good tag team match, with all four men playing to the crowd, and Flash Savage earning some plaudits for going toe to toe in a brawl with the much larger Brandon Smith. Of course, that was a mistake – and it ended up costing the Blondes the match as Smith was able to unload with some big moves that wore Savage down badly, and while he was able to tag out and forestall defeat, he was eventually brought back in later on in the match and was unable to prevent Smith scoring with a Backdrop Driver as the champions retained. Winners: Smith & Singh (D+) * Kirk Jameson was backstage with his manager, Katie Cameron: [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve asked Katie to work with me as she has a proven record of managing champions,”[/COLOR] he said, with a smile. [COLOR="blue"]“She was aligned with Aaron until he lost the plot, and I hope that some of that magic can rub off on me.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“I doubt it,”[/COLOR] Casey Valentine said, emerging from his locker room. [COLOR="sienna"]“Andrews got where he is today by skill and luck – not the talents of some bleached blond floozy like her.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Hey,”[/COLOR] Kirk snarled, but Katie held up a hand. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Casey, you’ve achieved nothing of note in the last several years. If you’ve stooped to insulting women, well, I feel sorry for you – but all that’s going to mean is that my client will be that much more thorough in destroying you tonight.”[/COLOR] Valentine sneered, but his expression faltered slightly as he looked at Jameson’s intent expression. * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Casey Valentine[/B] I don’t need to say it, do I? Apart from Casey Valentine’s ever-improving skills, this was a good, simple, back and forth match with both men having their moments. Jameson scored with The Bullseye for the win. Winner: Kirk Jameson (C-) * [B]Jared Johnson vs. Providence[/B] Oh dear. This could have gone better. After a better-than-expected match, this was a considerable letdown. It may be the case that Johnson is not as far along as, say, KC Glenn – but I didn’t think that Providence had a D- in him. The masked man picked up the win with an Eye Of Providence. Winner: Providence (D-) * Aaron Andrews came down to the ring, looking as intense and focused as ever. Taking up a mic, he addressed the Asylum: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“There’s no-one in the back who can offer me a challenge,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="darkred"]“I was going to give Brandon Smith a title shot – but he’s already taken part in a match tonight. And I’d hate for people to thin that I was somehow ducking his challenge. So I’m afraid that tonight I won’t be defending my title-“[/COLOR] Wanda Fish’s music played, and she strode down to the ring, looking every bit a match for Andrews in terms of focus and intensity. [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]“Aaron, since I arrived here in the Mid Atlantic, the only person who’s had a problem with me is you. Everyone else has accepted me, or at least not got in my face and given me the same old tired ---- about being a woman in a man’s world. So what are you scared of, Aaron? Do you really think I can’t compete with you? Or are you just too scared to admit that maybe, just maybe, I can not only compete with you, but that I can take your title and embarrass you, in this very ring?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkred"]“The reason I’ve not fought you is that I don’t believe that you have any place in this ring,”[/COLOR] Aaron said, slowly. [COLOR="darkred"]“I’m bigger than you. Stronger than you. More to the point, I was brought up to believe that a man should never hit a woman.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]“That’s sweet. Really. But Aaron, I want your title. And the only way I’m going to get it is by taking that title off you. So I’m giving you permission, champ. Give me everything you’ve got. And then, if I can beat you and take that title off you, I’ll know that I’ve beaten the best this business has to offer.”[/COLOR] * [B]Wanda Fish vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This was an appropriately strong finish to the show, with Wanda’s big chance coming – as we know – as a result of this being her last match. The Great Lakes crowd were treated to a thrilling battle between two tremendous wrestlers, with Andrews doing his best to put Wanda over as a threat. The fans were thrilled with a match of this calibre, and rose to the occasion to provide a hot atmosphere. The match saw several very near falls, with Wanda even getting a three – only for Andrews to get his foot on the rope with almost no time left. The momentum then shifted irreversibly, as Andrews took control of the match and shortly after hit the Twisting Face Crusher for the win to end Wanda’s career (in MAW at least) in style. Winner: Aaron Andrews (B-) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I](Good for the setting, but I hate that the semi-final had such a big impact)[/I] * [CENTER][B]MAW Third Time's The Charm[/B] Lassana Makutsi vs. Providence KC Glenn and Jared Johnson vs. The Canadian Blondes Internet Favourites vs. The Second Sons Bradford Peverell vs. Raphael “Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. JD Morgan Randy Bumfhole vs. Primus Allen "Broadway" Brandon Smith vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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MAW Third Time's The Charm Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Providence[/B] [I]Providence is far more established[/I] KC Glenn and Jared Johnson vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]Lets hope KC and JJ have some chemistry[/I] Internet Favourites vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] [I]Looks like I'm going to pick all heels...[/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Raphael[/B] [I]Bradford = stuck in midcard, Raphael = not even in the midcard[/I] “Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] [I]Champ retains[/I] Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]Bye Randy[/I] "Broadway" Brandon Smith vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Champ retains[/I]
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MAW Third Time's The Charm Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Providence[/B] [B]KC Glenn and Jared Johnson [/B]vs. The Canadian Blondes Internet Favourites vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Raphael[/B] “Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. [B]JD Morgan [/B] Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] "Broadway" Brandon Smith vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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Wow, 900 people in Michigan? Impressive. [B]MAW Third Time's The Charm[/B] Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Providence[/B] [B]KC Glenn and Jared Johnson[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Internet Favourites vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Raphael[/B] “Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. [B]JD Morgan [/B] Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] "Broadway" Brandon Smith vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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[CENTER][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling: Third Time's The Charm Friday, 5th March 2012[/B] [B]Lassana Makutsi vs. Providence[/B][/CENTER] This was a further deliberate attempt to gauge Providence’s abilities against undercard opposition, and went some way to assuaging my concerns. I think the lack of overness shared by Providence and Jared Johnson in the Great Lakes region was a big part of the failure of their match on the last show. Back in the Mid Atlantic, Providence knocked up a decent match with the less-over Makutsi, going over with an Eye of Providence. I made a mental note to test out Makutsi and Johnson as a potential team, just ‘cause. Winner: Providence (D+) * Backstage, and KC Glenn and Jared Johnson were warming up for their match with The Canadian Blondes. * [B]KC Glenn and Jared Johnson vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] This was a slightly sub-par tag team match, with the Blondes greater teamwork advantage nullified by the superior individual skills of the face fairing. Referee Dwight Kumas restricted the heel team’s ability to double-team their opponents, meaning that the two youngsters had the better of their more experienced foes, with Glenn drilling Savage with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band for the win. Winner: Glenn and Johnson (D-) * Randy Bumfhole was warming up backstage by bench pressing a set of huge weights. Primus Allen approached and easily snatched the weights from Bumfhole’s hands, before dropping the bar across Randy’s chest. Randy bellowed in pain, before Allen shoved the weights to one side and picked Randy up easily, pitching him across the room and into a brick wall. Bumfhole crumpled to the floor, gasping and clutching at his injured chest. Allen stood over him, snarling and breathing heavily, before stamping on Randy’s head, knocking his victim unconscious. * [B]Internet Favourites vs. The Second Sons[/B] This was a very sub-par tag team match. Of the four competitors, Mayhem and Lee are still here because of loyalty on my part. Antonio is here out of loyalty to Rip. Casey is here because he’s still only 23, is somewhat promising, and just occasionally puts on good matches with the right opponents. The match was just a jumble, with no-one capable of controlling the match, so the whole thing was pretty stilted and lacking in any spontaneity – and our fans are savvy enough to tell that. Antonio pinned Mayhem after an Italian DDT to score the win. Winner: The Second Sons (E+) * Bradford Peverell arrived on his bike. With something on his mind, he took the microphone: [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve been here a few months now, and I still see a lot of people running around who should be locked up for the safety of all. That sick Providence is still around and still causing mayhem whenever it takes his fancy. Our champion is dictating to the rest of the company who he’ll fight, and where, and how. You have two masked men who have stated that they’re trying to damn the rest of us to hell by any means necessary... No, my work here is not yet done. Anyone who wants to stand against me, anyone who thinks that maybe I can’t clean up this town... Well, you can come out here and taste the old one-two.”[/COLOR] * [B]Bradford Peverell vs. Raphael[/B] Yet another trial match as I see who has immediate promise, and who’s more of a long-term investment. I think that Pev and Raphael are around the same level as Jared Johnson. Providence, KC Glenn and Lassana Makutsi are a notch higher, for reference sake. All of them need more time with our more experienced workers – but occasionally I need to throw them out there together for ten minutes to see what happens. In this case, Raphael’s scientific approach wasn’t enough to overcome Peverell’s flying fists, and he fell to a Dream Left Hook. Winner: Bradford Peverell (D) * Backstage, and Kashmir Singh was listening to show tunes on his mp3 player, singing along and swaying to the music. Haley Buck strode up to him and yanked the earphones from his ears, making him yelp in surprise and pain. [COLOR="Magenta"]“What’s the big deal, Singh? You challenged my man to a match? What makes you think that you can beat him?”[/COLOR] [B]“Okay, first of all, ow!”[/B] Singh said, scowling as he rubbed his ears. [COLOR="Blue"]“Second of all, I have held the tag team titles with my friend Brandon for almost six months now. I am a contender for any title in this company, and if the Heavyweight champion doesn’t have a problem with me fighting for his title, I don’t think that JD Morgan should, either.”[/COLOR] Haley sneered and looked him up and down. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Listen, pal,” [/COLOR]she said. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Let’s get one thing clear. You’re not in my man’s league. No-one is. See, I know something you don’t. I know what Rip has been plotting for these last few weeks, and I know that soon no-one will be able to tell me that my client needs to fight anyone – because he’s going to be the man to beat in MAW.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. JD Morgan (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] I suspected that this show would be a three match event – and this was the first of the three. Perhaps we shouldn’t have loaded the top of the card so much, but I’ve never been fond of the rise-and-fall approach to booking – not when the match quality in the company is as variable as it is. This was another straight wrestling match. Rip refused to be drawn on why he hadn’t picked a stipulation for the contest – even letting Morgan know his opponent some time in advance. All he said was that he was preparing something for the next show that had taken all his time. Without gimmicks and surprises, Singh and Morgan ended up putting on an enjoyable match that teetered in the balance until the last few seconds, when Morgan nailed Singh with A Shot Of JD to score the win. Winner: JD Morgan (C) * [B]Randy Bumfhole vs. Primus Allen (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] I’d banked on Bumfhole’s overness carrying this match to a great show – but there was zero chemistry in this pairing. Of course, we played that off as Bumfhole feeling the effects of the earlier beating, but the match stumbled through its eighteen minute duration. As the man in charge in-ring, Bumfhole has to take some of the blame – but Allen didn’t help, going to the top rope for the first time ever with a flying clothesline attempt that didn’t look too great – although Bumfhole sold it like death. It at least set up the finish, with Bumfhole quickly moving to a Sit Out Spinebuster to score the major upset. It’s just a shame we won’t be able to use much of the footage from the match to make a big deal of Allen in future... Winner: Primus Allen (D) * Aaron Andrews came down to the ring: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“You may have heard, or may not – I don’t care, frankly – that a few nights ago I gave Wanda Fish a beating. I took no pleasure from it. I don’t think she belongs in a ring with me, or with any other man. And she seems to agree, because she’s just announced her retirement. So goodbye, Wanda. You won’t be missed. “As for my opponent tonight, he’s big, mean, and is one-half of the reigning tag team champions in this company. He’s always impressive in the ring – but it’s taken him four years to earn a title shot, just to give you an idea of how hard it is to impress me.”[/COLOR] * [B]"Broadway" Brandon Smith vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] A good match to end the show, and probably would have been better if the previous two matches had been reversed in order and heated the crowd up a little. Such is life. This was a simple tale of two brawling experts tying it up, with the much larger Smith relying on brute force for effect, while Andrews used his faultless precision to score major damage. The two men traded blows, slams and suplexes, and when Andrews went to the mat Smith even showed off some little-used technical skills to hold his own. In the end, the difference was that Andrews could also go to the air. He used his impressive speed to considerable effect, wearing down the bigger man before scoring with the Twisting Face Crusher for the win. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C+) [B]Overall: C-[/B] * I could have had Wanda come out and say something during the show, but... Well, she costs 3k a time. For a few minutes of chatting, or even a match unlikely to top her main event clash with Andrews, it didn’t seem worth it. I picked her as Andrews’ opponent in the Great Lakes show because she’s over everywhere, and other than Randy she really was the next contender in line. With a bit more time in her career she might even have got that title for a few shows... But her time in MAW was destined to be brief. Entertaining, but brief. * [CENTER][B]MAW March Madness[/B] The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Ford & Speed Lassana Makutsi vs. Primus Allen KC Glenn vs. Citizen X Bradford Peverell vs. Firebird Smith & Singh vs. The Second Sons Kirk Jameson vs. JD Morgan ??? vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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When was the last time you did three straight posts that were shows? ;) MAW March Madness The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Citizen X Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Firebird[/B] [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Second Sons Kirk Jameson vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] ??? vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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MAW March Madness The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]KC Glenn [/B]vs. Citizen X Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Firebird[/B] [B]Smith & Singh [/B]vs. The Second Sons Kirk Jameson vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] ??? vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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[B]The West Texas Peacekeepers [/B]vs. Ford & Speed Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]KC Glenn [/B]vs. Citizen X [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] vs. Firebird Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] ??? vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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[QUOTE=pepper2008;540119]No it would not be weird:D[/QUOTE] ;) * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: March Madness Friday, 12th March 2012[/CENTER] The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Ford & Speed[/B] We like the idea of the Peacekeepers improving, but there’s not too much time available to manage that. Still, with Ford & Speed good workers, the match was worth doing, and it was decent enough. The more experienced team snatched the win with Fallen Chances. Winners: Ford & Speed (D) * [B]Lassana Makutsi vs. Primus Allen (c) [/B]for the [COLOR="purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] This was a match worth having, as we were able to discover that these two have tremendous chemistry. Makutsi was able to withstand Allen’s initial thunderous offence in the early going, and had control of the middle of the match with his superb technical skills. The exchanges were fluid, improving the match to the point where it was on a par with Allen’s matches with uppercard workers. Allen used his own technical skills to break free, and scored with Sit Out Spinebuster for the win. Winner: Primus Allen (D+) * [B]KC Glenn vs. Citizen X[/B] While Glenn was under the mask, he fought X on a number of occasions. This was the best of the lot, making it worthwhile to revisit the match. This is the sort of contest we were looking for when X re-signed with us, as he played the arrogant veteran to a T, battering Glenn from post to post. But the Invitational champion proved to be resilient, fighting back and scoring with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band to score the win. Winner: KC Glenn (C-) * Rip entered the ring: [COLOR="purple"]“A couple of announcements before we go much further. Firstly, tonight’s All Action title match between Kirk Jameson and JD Morgan will be conducted under submission rules. “Secondly, I had a great idea last year. And I’ve decided to revisit it this year: The Gold Rush! Each of our six champions will be entered into the match. The Heavyweight, Traditional and All Action titles will all be on the line and if any of the champions is forced to submit or is pinned then they will lose their belt. We’ll see that match in three weeks time, next time we come back to the Mid Atlantic!” [/COLOR] * [B]Bradford Peverell vs. Firebird[/B] This was another strong match, with Firebird doing a lot of work to make Peverell look like a star. He sold Peverell’s punches like death, and the crowd were hollering for Peverell to put the hated luchadore away. But Firebird is resilient, and came back strongly. He avoided a series of charges, before staggering Peverell with several quick kicks. These were followed with a barrage of high speed attacks, culminating in a Phoenix Firebird Splash that was enough to put the larger man down for three. Winner: Firebird (C-) * [B]Smith & Singh (c) vs. The Second Sons[/B] for the [COLOR="purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] This was a surprisingly good match, on a par with the preceding matches. Apparently the Sons have been practising without my noticing... Anyway, the four men know each other of old, each having been in the company for at least four years and in some cases much longer. The familiarity made for a solid contest that the fans really enjoyed, with Valentine once more opting to go toe-to-toe with the bigger Smith in a fistfight, and holding his own for long stretches. But it was the other half of the match that brought about the result, as Antonio was unable to keep up with Kashmir Singh, and fell prey to a Bombay Duck to give the champions a successful title defence. Winners: Smith & Singh (C) * With Aaron Andrews already in the ring, Rip Chord entered the ring once more, to announce the challenger for his title: [COLOR="Purple"]“Ladies and gentlemen, we promised you a surprise worthy of keeping to ourselves when we advertised tonight’s show. I hope you’ll agree that this was worth the suspense. Aaron Andrews’ challenger tonight is...” [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JimForce.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “[B]...JIM FORCE![/B]”[/COLOR] Andrews went ballistic as the face-painted muscleman sprinted down to the ring, pounding on his chest and bellowing as he slid into the ring. He stayed on all fours, chest heaving as he peered at Andrews from underneath his fringe, the paint on his face serving to highlight the wild, staring eyes as he glared at his opponent. * [B]Jim Force vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This match was demoted to the semi-final of the show as, while Force has a certain name value, it should never be thought that he’s an MAW-appropriate wrestler. Force is reputed to be quite the egomaniac, but I have nothing but good things to say about him. The story of the match was that Force used his unorthodox style and explosive energy to control the opening exchanges, with his hard clotheslines and high powered slams making Andrews bounce around the ring like a lightweight. But Force tired quickly, and Andrews was able to make his comeback. While Force enjoyed sporadic bursts of energy, he was unable to enjoy the same dominance that he had managed in the early exchanges, and Andrews was able to regain the ground he had lost, before putting the former World champion down with a Twisting Face Crusher for the successful defence of his title. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C-) * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. JD Morgan (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] in a [COLOR="purple"]submission match[/COLOR] I’d hoped that these two could put on a strong show, and I was rewarded as they managed a suitably strong showing, aided by their good chemistry with each other. The match focused on their technical skills as they tried to wear one another down enough to put on their submission holds (Kirkhold vs. Cross Atlantic Stretch, respectively). The crowd ate up the action, as it was a contest that played directly to their tastes, featuring lengthy chain wrestling sequences that finally saw Morgan roll through on a Kirkhold attempt and clamp down on a Cross Atlantic Stretch in the centre of the ring, leaving Jameson with no option but to tap out, giving Morgan another successful defence. Winner: JD Morgan (C+) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I](Yeah, I wouldn’t even try and write a proper Jim Force promo...)[/I] [I]Next: What has Nelson Callum done for me lately?[/I]
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It was a one-off swap for Aaron Andrews. Andrews, amusingly, was the highlight of the night when he made his USPW appearance a week or two after this show. I needed a stopgap challenger for Andrews in this show, and I'd been curious about how Force would play in MAW anyway. I'd been tempted to throw him up against someone like Firebird for an ultimate style clash but, on this forum, nothing but a title match would do :p As for a Force promo... No chance. I've tried before, and I just couldn't do it. My Forcechlorian count isn't high enough, I guess :D
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[COLOR="Green"]“Aaron, this is the third time in five months you’ve been a dick backstage. What the hell is wrong with you?”[/COLOR] I demanded, glaring at the younger man. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Hey, Antonio was the one who overreacted – I was just joking around.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Choose your audience, Aaron,”[/COLOR] I said, with a scowl. [COLOR="Green"]“Antonio doesn’t have a big gold belt to wear around backstage. It’s easy to get offended when you’re in that situation.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Yeah, okay,”[/COLOR] Aaron said. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I won’t let it happen again.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Glad to hear it,”[/COLOR] I said, with an approving nod. [COLOR="Green"]“Now, go on home. I’ll see you for the Gold Rush.”[/COLOR] * Rip, myself and a few others from MAW attended Wanda Fish’s retirement bash. It was a classy affair as she said goodbye to her friends from AAA as well. She will take a short sabbatical while she considers her options, although most expect her to show up in 5SSW or CWWF as a trainer and road agent in a few months time. I’d have loved to keep her around as she’s a tremendous talent, and definitely someone I’d love to work with again, but at $3,000 a time she simply wasn’t someone we could afford to keep around. Too bad... * Runaway Train is to retire in a few weeks time. The two time CGC and SWF World champion was once one of the world’s premier big men, and even in recent years has been a valuable member of the SWF roster. Perhaps coming up short to Steve Frehley in six World title matches out of the eight contests he’s had this year wasn’t quite the send-off he had in mind, though... There’s no question that it’s helped Frehley get over, though – he’s probably the most popular worker in the whole of America right now. * Someone hasn’t learnt our lesson: Stevie Grayson has extended his deal in NYCW. In better news for the Empire state company, Kashmir Singh has also re-signed. * A battle of MAW alumni in 4C saw Ryan Powell topple Trent “Delicious Danny” Shaffer for the Canadian title. * A quick look at our fellow Regional American competitors: AAA Imporance: D (North West), D- (Mid West) Prestige: E- Owner: Anne Stardust Head Booker: Corporal Doom Stars: Katherine Goodlooks, Stephanie Wade and Grace Harper Last five shows: D+, D+, D+, D+, D Notes: Right there on the edge of Cult, provided they keep running shows in the Mid West. However, they only run once a month, so even if they do progress it’ll be slowly. Also, being a women’s only promotion, they could only cause us trouble by taking Thea Davis from us. As high as I am on Davis’ prospects, that wouldn’t be a major loss. BOSC Importance: E+ (South West) Prestige: E Owner: Honey Golightly Head Booker: Marilyn Stardust Stars: Grace Harper, Raven Nightfall Last five shows: D-, D, D, D, D Notes: A nudie promotion – nearly – has more prestige than its distant cousin AAA. Is it just because they’re honest about their T&A leanings? However they manage it, they’re doing just about enough to stay at Regional. CZCW Importance: D+ (South West) Prestige: E+ Owner/Head Booker: Cliff Anderson Stars: Colossus (AKA Hell’s Bouncer), The Bandit (AKA Randall Hopkirk) Last five shows: C-, C, D, C-, C Notes: Perennially over in the South West, but they never seem to get over outside the region. Honestly, I think they’ll stay where they are forever and a day – never getting over, but also never going under. FCW Importance: D (Puerto Rico) Prestige: D- Owner: Puerto Rican Power Head Booker: Shawn Gonzales Stars: Jack Griffith, Kirk Jameson, Puerto Rican Power Last five shows: C, C+, C+, B-, C+ Notes: Big on the island, but basically unknown elsewhere. So long as Power remains active, they’ll continue to be unassailable in Puerto Rico, but he’s already forty and can’t have more than two or three years left, you would expect. NYCW Importance: C (Tri State) Prestige: D- Owner: The Stomper Head Booker: Black Hat Bailey Stars: Aaron Andrews, Kid Toma, Tana the Mighty, Jack Griffith Last five shows: C, C-, C, C+, B Notes: The biggest little fed around, constricted by their unwillingness to go beyond the Tri State region. Badly hurt by the loss of Steve Flash (responsible for their last B grade show), but benefiting from the presence of the Samoan pairing and Andrews in particular, who are keeping them around the C ratings. PSW Importance: D (Tri State) Prestige: E+ Owner: Mitch Naess Head Booker: Alex Braun Stars: JD Morgan, Johnny Martin, The Wolverine Last five shows: E+, C, D+, D+, C- Notes: An aging main event scene that hasn’t been refreshed in the last several years is just one of PSW’s problems. A complete lack of consistency is a major issue as well. Competing in the same market as NYCW isn’t great. And putting your big belt on the oldest man on the roster (Wolverine)? Not even in USPW, Braun... RIPW Importance: E+ (New England) Prestige: D- Owner/Head Booker: Professor Nero Stars: Honest Frank, Shady K, Jim Force Last five shows: D-, D-, D, D, D+ Notes: Obviously growth is not an issue for RIPW – the SWF doesn’t want it to get much bigger, if at all. Still, with all of the SWF’s resources behind you, and a remit of creating stars, wouldn’t you run more than once a month? As for us: Importance: E- (Great Lakes), E (South East), D (Mid Atlantic) Prestige E+ (---- you, Nelson Callum – we had more prestige than anyone Regional before he screwed up. Now we have to book around PSW.) Last five shows: C-, C-, C-, B-, C- Notes: We could certainly stand to put on better shows. But trawling through the competition’s rosters meant that, among other things, I was able to pick out who the underrated workers out there were. And sign them up... * Over in TCW, Darryl Devine and Jay Chord (aka The Tag Team Masters) are the new World Tag Team champions. It’s of some consolation to Jay, who dropped the International title after just four defences to Sammy Bach. In WLW, Matthew Keith has picked up his first Streetfighting title, toppling Munemitsu Senmatsu for the belt. * [CENTER][B]MAW April Showers[/B] Internet Favourites vs. The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. The Second Sons vs. The Canadian Blondes ??? vs. Citizen X Jared Johnson vs. ??? Kirk Jameson vs. Providence KC Glenn vs. Brandon Smith vs. Kashmir Singh vs. JD Morgan vs. Primus Allen vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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