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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[quote=James Casey][I]OOC: Thanks to FINisher and Bull for the awesome pics. And it may have taken me until June, but the storyline for this year has [U]finally[/U] kicked into high gear. I wish I had weekly shows...[/I][/quote] Both of those images are mine? I did the Ota alt and the clown, I used jtlant's Ota alt as the base for that.[URL][/URL]
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[QUOTE=FINisher;552424]Both of those images are mine? I did the Ota alt and the clown, I used jtlant's Ota alt as the base for that.[URL][/URL][/QUOTE] i think hes giving me credit for the bluring that both of us did here [url][/url] remember the fastest alt ever. . . but yea credit should go to fin as he was that one who did the originals when all i did was blur some symbols.
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Okay, I'm gonna say it right now: Can Aaron Andrews PLEASE drop the belt? I don't know how long his reign has been, but to me it feels like he's kinda weakening the roster. For one thing, he's like Ric Flair: an arrogant pompous champion who needs his ego deflating. Except he never loses, which makes the top faces on the roster look like putzes. In fairness, all my favourites (Smith & Singh, Jameson, Glenn, Peverell) are all faces, whilst your top heels are alll kinda on my who-cares list (Johan in particular, but I'm not too hot on Black Eagle, Firebird or Providence either), so it's probably just personal bias on my part. Just to say, though, this is still one of my favourite dynasties on the boards, I'm just not hot on the creative direction you're taking.
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Well I like the stable fued and I think Casey did plan for Andrews to drop the belt at some time but then half his main event got stolen so its taken some time to build up challangers. In some ways it kinda reminds me of Devine in J Silver (thats a compliment not acusation) in that you are now really starting to root for him to drop the belt.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;553124]Well I like the stable fued and I think Casey did plan for Andrews to drop the belt at some time but then half his main event got stolen so its taken some time to build up challangers. In some ways it kinda reminds me of Devine in J Silver (thats a compliment not acusation) in that you are now really starting to root for him to drop the belt.[/QUOTE] I hadn't thought about it like that, and it is true that Aaron and DDD have about the same levels of irritating chiceknsh*t heel to them. And as for the Fallen, I just don't like Dominant Heel groups (I'm much more of a fan of equal billing stable wars), so it's nothing personal. I guess my major complaint (which isn't even that major) is that there aren't any faces to challenge Andrews anymore. Jameson's been beaten so often that it gets harder to believe in him as a viable challenger, whilst Glenn still needs a little time on the clock. Of course, there's always JD (he's the only man who's stood up to the Fallen and walked away, which to me instantly qualifies him as a threat) and if Jay were to ever come back he'd be an obvious one, but one holds a title and the other hates Casey, so that's not happening.
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The odd thing was, I never intended for Andrews to hold the belt so long. He took the belt from Jay Chord back in 2010 (20 months ago) because Jay just wasn't working out as champion. The intent was always to put the belt on someone else relatively soon thereafter. Randy Bumfhole would have got the belt, but he outgrew us and wouldn't sign a deal to extend his contract, meaning that I couldn't justify putting the belt on him. I'd had a mind to go with Hugh de Aske, of course - the love triangle storyline, and then the team with Ota was just me really solidifying him in the main event. However, he left, so that all went down in flames. I very nearly went with Donnie J, too, but I have a nagging suspicion that he's not actually very good - and his chemistry with Andrews is masking that. JD Morgan was a definite candidate, and I was leaning that way in the storyline... But then something pretty nasty happened which counted him out. As Hyde notes, booking for a fed like mine is like spinning plates - eventually something is going to crash. In my case, it was half my main event and a significant portion of my upper midcard. Through that, Aaron has been a constant presence with nearly two years as champion bringing a real legitimacy to the belt. I'm conscious of the fact that, because of my working agreement with TCW, he'll never be stolen from me... but equally, even a medium-sized push from them will take him out of my price range. It's interesting to see him compared to Flair. For one thing, I'm using one of his 'Flair robes' alts :p More seriously, Flair held the title so many times in the 80s and 90s because he was a safe pair of hands to but the big belt in - a proven draw, and that's why Andrews has the belt. For much of his reign, he's been the best. I will say this: There's someone on the roster now who's better. That person (hopefully) will be the one to take the belt off him, when the time comes. That is, if they're not stolen by Eisen first... * Unfortunately, Firebird/Andrews/Eagle/Johan are basically the core of the main event storyline set to unfold over the next several months. If you don't like them.. well, they have their ups and downs, but they're pretty prominent. There's some good news, though, as they get beaten up a fair bit along the way :p * Bull's right about the Ota pic, incidentally - I should have been clearer about that. FINisher did the bulk of the work (I think - I don't understand Photoshop at all) while Bull did the blurring about two minutes after the request. Glad to clear that up :o * And I like the idea of Raphael as Jericho... Interesting. Any other suggestions?
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The thing about AA's title run (and I still think he should've lost to Jameson) is that he really can't lose the title in the foreseeable future...when a guy has a 20 month title reign, he can't just randomly lose it in a match that was announced that day. It has to be done right. We're probably a couple months away from anybody being ready to take the title off him, IMO. JD's nasty happening has me curious...and disappointed, as I was hoping (after KC's loss) that he would be the one to knock off Andrews eventually. Citizen X. Heel RVD. You're welcome :) What would you have said six months ago if you were told this diary would reach the 50 page/750 reply mark?
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[I]OOC: The volume I can cope with, just about - seeing ECW Worldwide top of the list with double my number of posts keeps me honest :p Being the most-posted-in '08 diary is a little weird, though. Anyway, on with the motley...[/I] * [COLOR="Green"]“One night, Eagle,”[/COLOR] I growled, limping around the masked man as he stood in the centre of the locker room. His newly won tag title belt was secured firmly around his waist, but with a flick of my wrist I undid the snaps and pulled it free. Holding it up to his face as I circled around to his front, I scowled at him. [COLOR="Green"]“You’ve been back for one night. And in that time you’ve won a prestigious title. I would have thought that you’d want to work out, to warm down. To make sure that you weren’t going to snap in two from your injured back. At the very least, I would have thought that you’d keep your head down out of gratitude that we kept faith with you, and that we’re prepared to put you in a big storyline when you’re freshly back from injury. But for some reason you felt that your time was best spent playing a prank on Lassana...”[/COLOR] I stared Eagle in the eyes, our gazes unblinking. [COLOR="Green"]“I’m going to assume that you’ve forgotten how we do things around here. It’s understandable. You’ve had a lot on your mind. So take this as a warning, Eagle. Stop messing about, or you’ll find out what can happen when I decide to mess around with your career.”[/COLOR] Eagle remained implacable. [COLOR="Green"]“And I don’t buy into you living your gimmick, Eagle. You’re from New Jersey, for God’s sake. I can just about accept that ---- from Ota, but from you it’s just annoying.”[/COLOR] Eagle looked away. [COLOR="Blue"]“Sorry, boss,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Green"]“Good,”[/COLOR] I said, clapping him on his shoulder. “[COLOR="Green"]We’ve got big plans for you over the next few months, Eagle. I don’t want to see you blow it.”[/COLOR] As I walked out of the door, Antonio fell into step beside me. [COLOR="Sienna"]“That’s it?”[/COLOR] he asked. [COLOR="Green"]“Problem, Antonio?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“Boss, he’s just been handed a title on a silver platter that I’d kill for, and he still acts like an ass. How is that fair?”[/COLOR] I frowned at him. [COLOR="Green"]“It’s not. But Antonio, he was in one of the matches of the night. You’ve had one good match in six months.”[/COLOR] He hissed. [COLOR="Green"]“Maybe if you were in his spot you could do as well as him. But you’re not, ‘tonio. You’ve had chance after chance in this company. You were my first Invitational champion, remember? I had faith in you. But you’ve not done anything to show me I can put the same faith in you that I’ve put in Eagle over the years.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“Damn, boss.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“It’s not all sweetness and light in this business, kid. You’re still young enough to make it. You’ve got decent all-round skills. I’m surprised that no-one else’s tried to take a punt on you before now. But you have to understand that until you can do pretty much everything that Eagle can then I still need him, okay?”[/COLOR] Antonio didn’t look happy, but he shrugged. I left him to it. I knew that his frustration was genuine, but equally I knew that it was fuelled in significant part by his own dislike of Black Eagle – a dislike I’d never gotten to the bottom of. As for the rest, well, Antonio was a midcarder. He’d always been a midcarder. I suspected that he always would be a midcarder. I was happy for him to stay with us indefinitely – but I’d have been even happier if he’d do that while going out and improving with other companies as well. * Over in Australia, APW have folded under the financial stress of trying to expand beyond their Cult status in a country with a plunging economy. That means the country is without a promotion, leaving over two hundred workers out of luck when it comes to getting – or doing – a job. We’re awaiting a chance to sign up Spiffy Stan Stan Standsih, Stephanie Drucker, Swoop McCarthy and Harry Simonson, but the other workers in the country are pretty much lost causes. * Not for the first time, TEW.com are reporting that Masked Patriot AKA Providence is one of the stars of the future. His ability to play both heel and face roles, and a wide variety of characters, was noted in the profile. * Buddy Garner, the MMA crossover star, is retiring from the profession. The forty year old PGHW has placed in the top 100 for each of the last five years, ranking seventh in 2008. * Steven Parker gave an interview on leaving SWF, having outgrown the ailing company. He noted that the bigger the push he gets, the more nervous he feels. Presumably he left Supreme, then, because in a few months there was a very real possibility he’d be a main eventer as more and more of its workers jump ship. * The same concerns afflict another Steve – our own Steve Gumble. That might explain why his main event matches haven’t quite lived up to his billing. No explanation for Father Johan, though. Maybe he doesn’t like life in the upper midcard? * Good news for us – maybe not so much for Kirk Jameson? With his contract up for renewal, he signed on with a 20% pay cut, agreeing to $2,000 per appearance as opposed to his previous $2,500. I guess losing the likes of Fortune and Bumfhole has some benefits, as pay parity stretches our budget a lot less these days. * Backstage in TCW, Scout and Queen Emily have been arguing about... Well, who can imagine what those two would argue about? * Lord Geoffrey Windameer (AKA Paul Huntingdon) is the new SWF Shooting Star champion. He toppled former MAW star Hugh de Aske in a poor match. Speaking of the SWF’s talent thefts, The Mean Machine has also been in the Shooting Star division of late. His SWF career has topped out with a C+ rating, however. It’s hard to see what benefit either party is gaining from the relationship. Well, apart from Jean’s $2,600 monthly salary, of course... Cheap for SWF, but more than he’d have been earning in MAW. If he only worked one show a month. Which he wouldn’t. * An expensive month for MAW as we scraped a $1,250 profit, the culprit being increased wage costs and a drop in merchandise sales. Guess those Dark Raptors t-shirts were a poor investment, eh? In terms of the regional battle, we were behind NYCW, but ahead of PSW. I’d love to find the formula for cracking a C+ show regularly. I think I have it – emphasis on think – with our undercarders mainly in tag teams. In a way, the Redwood/Power team in USPW has shown us the way in that regard, as we can fit twice as many workers into a match, and halve the number of matches getting ratings that drag the show down. It’s a good theory. I think it’ll work. I’ve been throwing... spaghetti at the wall a little bit this year, so we’ll see what happens next month. * [CENTER][B]MAW Hotter Than Hot[/B] Smith & Singh vs. Always Breakin’ Hollywood Thea Davis and ??? vs. Providence and Father Johan Amazing Fire Fly vs. Eddie Powell KC Glenn vs. Black Eagle Steve Gumble vs. JD Morgan “Dogfight” Donnie J vs. Firebird Bradford Peverell vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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[B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. Always Breakin’ Hollywood [I]Win for the faces to build up momentum going into their feud with the Fallen (assuming these guys will be part of the face alliance to take on the fallen). Also, I've never really cared abotu Primus, in any and all forms.[/I] Thea Davis and ??? vs. [B]Providence and Father Johan[/B] [I]Whilst I really don't care for either Providence (I preferred the Masked Patriot character) or Johan (who, let's face it, isn't earning his push), I can't see them losing based on what you've said[/I] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Eddie Powell[/B] [I]I could see AFF taking this one, but I'll go with Powell on this one)[/I] [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Black Eagle [I]Eagle's an ass, and a tag champ, so he loses this one. Plus, Glenn's either a main eventer or on the cusp of it, and shouldn't be losing to a man who's based in the tag ranks[/I] [B]Steve Gumble[/B] vs. JD Morgan [I]A win for Gumble puts him in place for a title shot, freeing Morgan up to take down the Fallen[/I] “Dogfight” Donnie J vs. [B]Firebird[/B] [I]Sure, he suffers from Patriot Syndrome (being a heel who was way more interesting when he was a face), but Firebird still rules[/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Andrews teeters on the brink of X-Pac heat for me, but Peverell isn't the man to unseat him[/I]
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[B]MAW Hotter Than Hot Smith & Singh[/B] vs. Always Breakin’ Hollywood Thea Davis and ??? vs. Providence and Father Johan I have no idea. [B]Amazing Fire Fly [/B]vs. Eddie Powell [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Black Eagle Steve Gumble vs.[B] JD Morgan[/B] “Dogfight” Donnie J vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] Peverell just can't end the title run. Not after so long time.
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MAW Hotter Than Hot Smith & Singh vs. [B]Always Breakin’ Hollywood[/B] Thea Davis and ??? vs. [B]Providence and Father Johan [/B] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Eddie Powell[/B] KC Glenn vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] Steve Gumble vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] “Dogfight” Donnie J vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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[B]Smith & Singh [/B]vs. Always Breakin’ Hollywood Thea Davis and ??? vs. [B]Providence and Father Johan[/B] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Eddie Powell[/B] [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Black Eagle Steve Gumble vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B]“Dogfight” [B]Donnie J[/B] vs. Firebird Bradford Peverell vs.[B] Aaron Andrews[/B] Simple formula for good ratings best match last, second best match second to last, third best match first. Angles only if hit c+ or above. Heat up the crowd in pre show (aka rip chord telling stories) then the training angle so the first match doesnt get effected.
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[B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. Always Breakin’ Hollywood [I]Smith & Singh need to be kept strong, as they appear to be part of the main set of babyfaces to go up against The Fallen[/I] Thea Davis and ??? vs. [B]Providence and Father Johan[/B] [I]The Fallen continue to look strong[/I] [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Eddie Powell [I]Another strong performance in defeat for Fire Fly[/I] KC Glenn vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] [I]You need more strong faces, and Glenn looks on the cusp of being one but I have the feeling Black Eagle will take this.[/I] Steve Gumble vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] [I]I take it this is for Morgan's traditional belt, in that case Morgan wins.[/I] “Dogfight” Donnie J vs. Firebird [I]Schmozz draw, when the rest of the Fallen get involved but the chief babyfaces cancel them out.[/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Peverall wont be the one to end Andrews long reign with the belt.[/I]
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[I]OOC: Thanks all for the feedback. Even when I don't comment on it, it's interesting to read to see how I'm doing. It's nice to see that I'm not 100% predictable - but equally that I'm not so off-the-wall wacky with my booking that no-one can keep up.[/I] * [CENTER][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Hotter Than Hot Friday, 5th July 2012[/B][/CENTER] The six members of The Fallen came down to the ring together, Sienna noticeable by her absence. Black Eagle and The Great Ota (as Rip noted he now wished to be called) took up position facing the ramp as the other four men gathered in the centre of the ring. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“We are The Fallen. The superior gathering within this company. Already we have given significant warning to all who would stand against us. Kirk Jameson has been warned. And maybe, as he lies in his hospital bed, he will reconsider his oh-so-noble plans to prevent the spread of the darkness,”[/COLOR] Firebird declared. [COLOR="Teal"] “Together we will bring darkness,”[/COLOR] Father Johan proclaimed. [COLOR="Teal"]“It is our destiny, our calling. We will show the folly of following the light.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“We will dominate this company – and ensure that I remain the Heavyweight champion,”[/COLOR] Aaron Andrews said, with a contented smirk. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“And providence will come to all the... little people...”[/COLOR] Providence ended, an eerie smile on his face. * [B]Smith & Singh vs. Always Breakin’ Hollywood[/B] This was pretty much a contest of force vs. force, although Allen and Singh did manage to fit some finesse into the clash for flavour. Haley Buck was her usual shrill self at ringside, helping to bring heat down on her charges. The former champions’ bad luck continued when Singh walked into an Allen Sit-Out Spinebuster, giving the heels the win. Winners: Always Breakin’ Hollywood (D+) * Thea Davis and her new partner Jaime Quine were in the ring. They issued an open challenge to anyone in the back. Providence and Father Johan emerged from the back. [COLOR="Teal"]“Women fighting men? It is an abhorrence... And one that I delight in,” [/COLOR]Father Johan said, with a broad smile. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“As for me, well, I like a challenge. But at the same time, I like beating the crap out of people who can’t fight back just as much. It’s all good...”[/COLOR] * [B]Thea Davis and Jaime Quine vs. Providence and Father Johan[/B] Really this match just took place to emphasise the dickish tendencies of the heels. Davis has a new regular partner in Quine as, while there’s no positive chemistry in their pairing I quite like them as a team. They took the beating here against my normal team-beats-two-singles rule because, well, they’re girls and not getting main event pushes. But they can expect to pick up the odd win here and there. The match itself was okay for what it was, with Father Johan sadistic and Providence uncontrollable, the combination being too much for the girls, Quine finally falling to an Eye Of Providence at just under ten minutes. Winners: Providence and Father Johan (D-) * [COLOR="Teal"]“And so we will continue to dominate this promotion and all its competitors,” [/COLOR]Father Johan declared, as Providence nearly decapitated Thea Davis with a hard clothesline for good measure. [COLOR="Blue"]“Dominate? I don’t think so,”[/COLOR] Donnie J said, as he stepped onto the ramp, Bradford Peverell alongside him. [COLOR="Blue"]“I think you should be required to prove yourself against someone with more experience... and more your own size. So you can take a couple of challenges to your buddies. Tonight, I want Firebird in the ring.” “KC Glenn has said that he wants to fight Black Eagle tonight. And as for me, I want a shot at your boss, Aaron Andrews,”[/COLOR] Peverell said. [COLOR="Teal"]“He is decidedly not our boss, Peverell,”[/COLOR] Father Johan declared. [COLOR="Teal"]“And on behalf of The Fallen and all our members, I declare your challenge to be accepted.”[/COLOR] * [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Eddie Powell[/B] Amazing Fire Fly constitutes a weakness for me. He’s just such a great wrestler – but he’ll never fit in old-school MAW. He’s had the odd decent match, and he’s cheap, but even against someone like Eddie Powell, who should be an ideal opponent he’s just not the right fit here. And that’s why the win went to Powell, who nailed a Motion Censor for the pin. Winner: Eddie Powell (D-) * Black Eagle was shown to be meditating. Sienna was watching him from the couch, leaning forward at the least sign of movement, and sitting back in disappointment whenever he failed to move further. * [B]KC Glenn vs. Black Eagle[/B] Ouch. I’d hoped that this would be an all-star kick-off, being the first singles match between members of The Fallen and the soon-to-be-named face stable. It was okay – but it could (should?) have been better, given who was involved. Glenn took the win with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band in a subtle pointer to Eagle after his performance at the last show. Winner: KC Glenn (D+) * JD Morgan stood by with Haley Buck. [COLOR="Magenta"]“My boy Morgan is at the top of his game – and that puts him at the top of the business. There’s no-one who can stand against him, and he’ll show that tonight. It doesn’t matter who gets in the ring with him – Cornell, Hawkins, Dubois... He can take them all!”[/COLOR] For his part, Morgan looked a bit uncomfortable with his level of hype, but said nothing. * [B]Steve Gumble vs. JD Morgan (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] I hope Glenn and Eagle were watching this – the cool-down match from their effort. A much stronger contest, this featured two seasoned professionals showing off their skills to an appreciative audience, who really got behind the contest as Gumble took everything that Morgan had to offer and kept coming back – before falling at the last to A Shot Of JD. Winner: Steve Gumble (C+) * Firebird stood backstage: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Donnie J... When last we met, you were being scouted. You faced myself, and the revered Father Johan. We tested you to see what you were capable of... And you did not convince us. Tonight you will face me at my strongest, and you will not be able to withstand it.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Dogfight” Donnie J (c) vs. Firebird[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] This was another well above average effort, a rematch from a few weeks ago as Firebird noted. This time there were no gimmicks, just the masked man pushing the unrelenting Donnie to the limit. For all Firebird’s words, however, Donnie was able to keep up with him – just. The two men fired at each other both in the air and on the mat, with Donnie barely edging an incredibly close contest with a Death On Miami Beach. Winner: Donnie J (C+) * Aaron Andrews came to the ring. He looked a bit annoyed, but forced a smile onto his face: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I can see that I'm going to have to have a word with Father Johan about who decides what matches I take and don't take. Nevertheless, Bradford Peverell is a morsel. With The Fallen supporting me, there is nothing and no-one who can stand against me. I’ve faced every challenge placed in front of me. After tonight, I demand that new challenges be brought in for myself... and my allies.”[/COLOR] * [B]Bradford Peverell vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This was a risk – and it didn’t pay off. Our worst main event in... years? Probably. Anyway, there was no chemistry between the two men – something that I’d usually check before I put them together in the main event, but this one time I missed out on the test. The two stumbled through their exchanges, leaching the heat from the crowd before Andrews dropped his challenger with a Twisting Face Crusher for the win. Winner: Aaron Andrews (D+) [B]Overall: D+[/B] [I](Ouch.)[/I] [I]Next: Ouch again. Guess who (clue: two of them) our friend Richard has signed away from us?[/I]
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[QUOTE]Amazing Fire Fly constitutes a weakness for me. He’s just such a great wrestler – but he’ll never fit in old-school MAW.[/QUOTE] Luchas actually work pretty well in traditional feds its the cruisers/super juniors and spot monkeys that struggle. Check out my post on product type vs wrestler type for full details. [QUOTE]Next: Ouch again. Guess who (clue: two of them) our friend Richard has signed away from us?[/QUOTE] JD Morgan as you hinted you had to scrape plans to make him the next champ. And i´ll guess Donnie J.
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[I]OOC: I've just written one of the outright goofiest segments I've ever conceived. I've no idea if it'll make it to 'air' but I had fun with it. Suffice to say: Julie Andrews... Bear that in mind when you consider who you voted your CV Writer of the Month ahead of everyone else, huh? Not that I'm not grateful... :p[/I] * A busy day for SWF they rise back up to Global status. John Greed and Eric Eisen sign up with the company – but Alex and Ricky DeColt stay with CGC. As if losing Greed – Father Johan for those of you who didn’t recognise him – wasn’t bad enough, one of our finest young stars has up and signed with Supreme as well... * [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Come in, Rip,” [/COLOR]I said. The half-pint of vodka sat on my desk, a liberal slug contained within the glass held in my hand. [COLOR="Purple"]“Not a good way of handling things,”[/COLOR] he said, screwing the cap back on the bottle. [COLOR="Green"]“Give me a break, Rip. We’ve got two shows to get the best out of KC Glenn. Two shows. ---- it, Rip. I wanted the kid here for years.”[/COLOR] Rip sat down on the other side of the desk, casting another glance at the bottle. [COLOR="Purple"]“That’s not how it works, kid. We build them up, and then they get cherry picked by the bigs.”[/COLOR] I paused. Rip's metaphors were something I'd never got used to, even after all this time. [COLOR="Green"]“If we could sign a deal with Eisen...”[/COLOR] I tailed off. [COLOR="Green"]“It’d never work, would it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Eisen’s scared, kid. He can’t keep that company of his stable, and if that punk Callum hadn’t screwed us over then we’d be even closer on his tail then we already are. Another year or so-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“----,”[/COLOR] I said. Rip snorted in amusement. [COLOR="Green"]“I’m going to make him pay,”[/COLOR] I said. Rip raised an eyebrow. [COLOR="Purple"]“Is this the bit where I crack your cane over your head?”[/COLOR] he asked. [COLOR="Green"]“This isn’t personal, Rip. This is professional. He’s been pushing people around for far, far too long.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“That’s not going to change, kid.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“It is. He’s getting worse and worse with age. I’m going to break him in two. We’re going to break him in two, Rip, if you’re with me.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Taking down Eisen? Sure, kid, I’m in. One condition, though.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Name it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“We’re not going to define ourselves by Eisen, okay? I’m happy to put him out of business and take what’s left for ourselves. But we can’t do that now, and won’t be able to for years to come. If and when that day arrives, though...”[/COLOR] Rip grinned ferally. [COLOR="Purple"]“...we can break him in two.”[/COLOR] * [CENTER][B]MAW Great Lakes Grand Parade[/B] The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. The Dark Raptors Jared Johnson vs. Providence Spectrum Infinity vs. The Canadian Blondes KC Glenn vs. The Great Ota Donnie J vs. JD Morgan[/CENTER]
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Congrats on your DOTM win, JC. Your diary continues to be a great read. But please stop your whining about the SWF. If you expect to run in the same jungle, you have to expect that the lion is going to eat the smaller animals when it gets hungry. Richard Eisen is the king of the jungle, and MAW is where all the slow antelope live. :D:rolleyes::D (Wow, that metaphor got out of hand.)
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Last bit of whining for a while, even if they aren't done raiding our talent. I may go off on SWF about this, but they're singularly guilty of it. We've lost talent to other promotions, but almost a quarter of the SWF roster at this point is former MAW boys. But regardless, next time I mention Richard by name is a fun segment, because it'll just happen to feature a certain other couple of company heads and one or two second generation superstars as well :p (Anyway, not that you're biased or anything, Mr. "I can sign Sean McFly" :D)
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The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]The Dark Raptors[/B] Jared Johnson vs. [B]Providence[/B] [B]Spectrum Infinity[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes KC Glenn vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] [B]Donnie J[/B] vs. JD Morgan Break SWF in two you can do it! (just leave TCW alone) Your turn to go mad after em? Like the backstage segment. more of the same pls. Story between you and rip last year was a highpoint imho.
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In all seriousness, I know full well ([COLOR="Green"]and so do I[/COLOR]) that the chances of SWF and MAW being on the same level are almost zero. I suspect that they will eventually settle down as a high National company. * I love the backstage segments as much as anyone - this [I]entire diary[/I] was conceived with the fight between myself and Rip eventually playing out, so you can imagine how pleased I am that it went down so well. I've sort of been casting around for something else to write about (possibly why I fixated so much on SWF, who popped back up in my subconscious around the time my feud with Rip ended) and I think that I do have some ideas. Suffice to say, the segment you'll get to see around September game-time may be the first of several of its ilk in the diary. However, I'm going to try and make sure that the bulk of the attention stays on the shows, and we've got some good stuff coming up really soon on that score...
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The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]The Dark Raptors[/B] [I]Masks are cool and the Fallen are just so dominant at the moment[/I] Jared Johnson vs. [B]Providence[/B] [I]More fallen domination[/I] Spectrum Infinity vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] Toss up either way. KC Glenn vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] [I]Glenn's on his way to the SWF, job him out as much as you can ![/I] Donnie J vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] [I]Is Morgan's Traditional belt on the line ? Can't believe I'm about to nitpick a three time diary of the month winner, but I am in. In the prediction form/card preview at the end, it may be helpful, to state whether or not a match is title or non title, when a title holder is involved[/I]. And well done on yet another diary of the month win. Perhaps with you out of the way next month, I might be able to win one next time. :p
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[I]OOC: Valid comment. Generally, titles are always on the line in my shows. Very occasionally I do book non-title matches, but you can assume that the belts will always be on the line when the champions are in the appropriate type of match. In this instance, of course, it's champion vs. champion - and therefore title vs. title :)[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Great Lakes Grand Parade Tuesday, 9th July 2012[/CENTER] The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. The Dark Raptors (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] This was a fairly by-the-numbers match. The young challengers threw everything they had against the champions in the early going, but the experience and talent of the champions gave them the decisive edge needed to let them make the comeback and retain the gold in their first defence. Winners: The Dark Raptors (D) * Providence came to the ring: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“Sugar and spice and all things nice... Worthless. Blood, and toil. Bruises, and batterings... From such things can true greatness be spun. And no-one is prepared to toil as hard as I am in order to make sure that my opponent leaves the ring bloodied, bruised and battered.”[/COLOR] * [B]Jared Johnson vs. Providence[/B] Another match that was pretty predictable, as the sometime tag wrestler Jared Johnson laid it on the line against Providence, only to have the brutal and enigmatic Fallen member pummel him from pillar to post before putting him down with an Eye Of Providence. Winner: Providence (D-) * A video played of a smoky club, lights and lasers flashing as beautiful young people danced to thumping, bass-heavy music. In the middle of the crowd was Dawn, flanked by two lean, muscular men. One man wore a black mask streaked with red, the other a black mask streaked with blue. The camera moved in closer as a bulky man put the moves on Dawn – only to have his head nearly kicked off his shoulders by a somersault kick from the man in the blue mask. A second man tried to dive past him, only for the man in the red mask to plant the edge of his hand in the man’s throat, before turning and pitching the aggressor easily over the heads of the crowd. The camera tightened in on Dawn. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Spectrum Infinity,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Blue Shift and Scarlet Strike. They party hard, but they wrestle harder. And now they’re coming to party in MAW.”[/COLOR] * [B]Spectrum Infinity vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] You can’t get much more of a low-key debut than this – jobbing to the Canadian Blondes in front of less than 500 fans as the plummeting industry and economy conspire to present us with a crowd less than half that predicted. The masked duo showed some energetic moves, with Blue Shift taking to the air to bombard the former champions, while Scarlet Strike kept things on the mat. However, their inexperience allowed the wiley veterans to launch a counter-attack, and the Blondes picked up a rare win with O, Canada! Winners: The Canadian Blondes (E+) * [B]KC Glenn vs. The Great Ota[/B] We’d rattled through the opening four matches in not much more than 30 minutes with the idea of giving the last two matches time to breathe. That may not have been the best idea as, simply put, these guys just aren’t over enough in the Great Lakes to impress. With Glenn on his way out, and Ota freshly turned and in need of a way of establishing his heel credentials, the outcome was hardly a surprise, Ota polishing off the youngster with a wickedly stiff Ninja Strike for the win. Winner: The Great Ota (D+) * The match over, Ota turned to leave. But before he left the ring he turned back. Glenn was still lying on the mat, and Ota grabbed him by the back of his head. With an expressionless face, Ota planted Glenn’s head into the mat with a curb stomp. Only then did he leave the ring, apparently considering his work to be done. * [B]Donnie J (c) vs. JD Morgan (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] and the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] We needed a hot match to finish the show, and that’s what we got with these two veterans. For thirty minutes they tore the house down, Morgan in particular doing a great job of selling his mounting frustration at being unable to put his foe away, and at the antics of his manager at ringside. Donnie, in contrast, kept his cool throughout – although a rising level of concern was evident in his occasionally requests to the referee for a time update. Ultimately, despite the best efforts of the two men, they were just unable to score the win, resulting in the time limit expiring. Winner: No-one (C+) * The match over, Morgan and Donnie stood across from each other in the ring, eyeing one another warily as they were handed their title belts. Before either man had a chance to leave the ring, however, Donnie was ambushed as The Great Ota, Providence and Father Johan bolted from the crowd and dived into the ring. It only took a few seconds for the trio of heels to demolish Donnie, culminating in Ota spraying a yellow mist from his mouth into Donnie's face which seemed to leave him paralysed. Ota and Providence seized his arms and held him in a kneeling position as Father Johan took the mic and pulled back Donnie’s head by his hair. [COLOR="Teal"]“Morgan, you would be a valuable member of our group. You can join us now. Follow the darkness. Destroy this fool who dares to challenge us.”[/COLOR] Morgan’s response was a hard elbow strike to Father Johan’s head. Without hesitation, Providence and Ota dropped their captive and charged Morgan, bringing him to the ground and laying in kicks and strikes – until KC Glenn charged the ring with a chair and scattered the trio even as Father Johan regained his feet. The Fallen workers congregated at the foot of the ramp and scowled and gestured at the three men in the ring as Glenn helped Donnie to his feet, before they turned and stalked off in high dudgeon. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, JD Morgan, looks like you made yourself some powerful enemies,”[/COLOR] Glenn said. [COLOR="Blue"]“No means no,” [/COLOR]Morgan said, shortly. [COLOR="Blue"]“I don’t like repeating myself.” “How would you like someone to watch your back?”[/COLOR] Glenn asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“I didn’t turn down one cult to join another,”[/COLOR] Morgan replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“No cult. Definitely no cult,”[/COLOR] Donnie said, coughing a little as he rubbed at his throat. “[COLOR="Blue"]Hell, I can’t say I was too convinced, but each time I see those losers I get another reason to dislike them. All they had to do was leave me alone, and I’d probably have done the same to them. But they’re starting to make this personal, and that means I’m taking more of an interest.” “All we’re talking about is trying to counteract their influence. Trying to make this a safe place to work where you don’t have to worry about being recruited or ambushed whenever you walk through the door,”[/COLOR] Glenn said. Morgan appeared to be wavering, as Haley desperately tried to get his attention from ringside. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m not signing up to anything,”[/COLOR] Morgan said, slowly. [COLOR="Blue"]“But if you guys will help me when I’m in trouble... I guess I can do the same for you.” “That’s all we’re asking for,”[/COLOR] Glenn said, as he extended a hand. Morgan shook it, and the three men stood united to end the show. [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]OOC: 1PWfan noted recently that a dominant heel group is boring unless there’s someone to stand up to it. Turning JD Morgan face (not that it affects his character, just whose ass he’s kicking) gives the ‘good’ side a significant boost. And next show, the group even gets a name! Exciting stuff... [/I] [CENTER][B]MAW Beach Blast[/B] Kirk Jameson vs. Raphael Smith & Singh vs. The Second Sons Steve Gumble vs. Citizen X Amazing Fire Fly vs. The Great Ota JD Morgan vs. Black Eagle KC Glenn vs. Father Johan Kid Toma vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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