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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Providence[/B] RCI: Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] Team Honor vs The XX Factor vs. The Canadian Blondes vs [B]Always Breakin’ Hollywood[/B] [B]"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] Eddie Powell vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson [/B]vs. Firebird MAW the unoficial feeder league for SWF lol.
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Took me ages to catch up, time I could have spent on my diary. Sabotaging my diary through writing a good one of you're own. :mad: Anyway........ "Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Providence[/B] I don't like Singh. Nobody can make me like him. RCI: Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] Aaron will put someone over in this tournement, just not Amazing Fire Fly. Team Honor and The XX Factor vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes and Always Breakin’ Hollywood[/B] How can I take my kids to a show where women get beaten up by men. [B]"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] You might actually make good use of Genghis, I'm slightly interested. Eddie Powell vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B] Can't help but feel sorry for Sean. The stigma of "What if JD Morgan didn't get injured?" follows anything he does for me. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Firebird Yup!
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Haven't done this in awhile... MAW End Of Days RCI: “Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Providence[/B] [I]Even though I like Singh, Providence is probably on way too much of a roll to not qualify for the RCI.[/I] RCI: Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Yeah... Fire Fly won't stand a chance...[/I] Team Honor and The XX Factor vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes and Always Breakin’ Hollywood[/B] [I]I like ABH... You might give the faces a win to set up something for the future, though.[/I] "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] [I]I never got into Smith when he's not under the Patriot mask (it seems to be the other way around for a lot of people with diaries around here). Windameer is pretty awesome, though. Hopefully he'll turn into the leader of a degenerate group and become a multiple time champion because of who he's married to (does Rip have any daughters we don't know about?).[/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] [I]Rahn can't lose so early. His pay cheque alone dictates a win here, I would guess.[/I] :o [I]Pity about the ring rust. He'll shake it off soon enough, though.[/I] Eddie Powell vs. [B]Sean Deeley [/B][I]Deeley is awesome, although Powell's new straight forward persona is growing on me. Though the two are similar, Deeley is on a different level.[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Firebird [I]Kirk has a lot to live up to, but I think he'll do fine. He won't lose the belt before he's at least had a chance to prove whether he can constantly deliver at this level.[/I]
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RCI: “Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Providence[/B] [I]Providence is on much more of a roll right now[/I] RCI: Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Andrews does not really need to win the tournament to prove his credentials but he'll certainly advance beyoinf the first round.[/I] [B]Team Honor [/B]vs The XX Factor vs. The Canadian Blondes vs Always Breakin’ Hollywood [I]After Casey's admission that he made an error, I'm picking Team Honor, as I'm guesing the belts will be on the line [/I] "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] [I]I kind of agree with Showtime in that BBS has kind of become a bit bland in MAW since he lost the Patriot mask and that's even with the solid title run he had with the tag belts, he needs to develop something a little extra to his character. As for the match I see Windameer winning via nefarious means.[/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] [I]Don't see Rahn losing until he has faced Jameson for the title and even then he might not lose.[/I] Eddie Powell vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B] [I]The face turn has been pretty successful for Powell, but Deeley's at a different level and at this moment time, he's exactly the right man to be holding the Traditional Belt.[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Firebird [I]It's pretty obvious that you are building towards Jameson defending the belt against Rahn and Andrews, so I see no chance for Firebird to win the belt here. However it should be a good match and Firebird will provide a solid test for Jameson.[/I]
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RCI: “Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs.[B] Providence[/B] RCI: [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews Team Honor vs. The XX Factor vs. The Canadian Blondes vs. [B]Always Breakin’ Hollywood[/B] [B]"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith [/B]vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] [B]Eddie Powell [/B]vs. Sean Deeley [B]Kirk Jameson [/B]vs. Firebird
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I'll stop spamming my own diary pretty soon, but it's interesting that people have commented on Brandon Smith. I really have no clue what to do with the guy. He's a great talent, but I just get the impression that his Puro style doesn't do it for the fans. He works regular tours in Japan, and I can't help but feel that it just results in his Puro stats improving. His other contract is with USPW and, well, yeah - He's just not going to skill up there, is he? In saying that, his match on the upcoming show is a good one - and that's against LGW, who's not noted for carrying workers. Clearly he [I]can[/I] go. I just have to work out [I]how[/I] to bring that out of him, match in, match out. It's my job - and I don't like having a talent like him who I can't get the best out of. The guy's an enigma and, honestly, unless he starts performing better he might just find himself free to take up another Japanese contract. I wouldn't like it, but if I can't solve the puzzle I might just end up losing patience... * Incidentally, I've prepared a year-end roster review that'll go up in a couple of days time, so that should elaborate on a lot of the workers in MAW right now, in terms of short and long-term prospects. I'm excited to crack on with the updates (because Rip's just loosened the purse strings...) but I was waylaid over the weekend with other stuff, so I'm just now finishing up the pre main event exchange between Kirk and Firebird. The next show should be up this evening, UK time.
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Don't stop "spamming" the diary! Honestly, I quite enjoy when some of the great diary writers go out of character to discuss the game a bit. I usually find it pretty informative. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm probably not the only one. As for Bulldozer, I think he's one of those workers that everyone looks at and thinks he can be a star. If you can get his Performance skills up, he should be able to do well in almost any type of promotion, save lucha. He just one of those talents that seems to "have it". Yet I don't think I've seen someone turn him into a true star yet. He seems top out around the upper parts of the midcard, and not even there in many diaries. I think people want to see him be a star. And some predictions: RCI: “Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Providence[/B] RCI: Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [B]Team Honor[/B] and The XX Factor vs. The Canadian Blondes and Always Breakin’ Hollywood [B]"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] Eddie Powell vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Firebird
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[QUOTE=James Casey;585713]I'll stop spamming my own diary pretty soon, but it's interesting that people have commented on Brandon Smith. I really have no clue what to do with the guy. He's a great talent, but I just get the impression that his Puro style doesn't do it for the fans. He works regular tours in Japan, and I can't help but feel that it just results in his Puro stats improving. His other contract is with USPW and, well, yeah - He's just not going to skill up there, is he? In saying that, his match on the upcoming show is a good one - and that's against LGW, who's not noted for carrying workers. Clearly he [I]can[/I] go. I just have to work out [I]how[/I] to bring that out of him, match in, match out. It's my job - and I don't like having a talent like him who I can't get the best out of. The guy's an enigma and, honestly, unless he starts performing better he might just find himself free to take up another Japanese contract. I wouldn't like it, but if I can't solve the puzzle I might just end up losing patience... [/QUOTE] The fed I've got Brandon in is admittedly much bigger than MAW, but there he's probably Midcard Tag 4 Life. His A* experience team is just so much better than either man on their own; when Eagle retires in a few years (he's starting to show stat slippage) I'll likely give him a short midcard run then lock him back into a tag team playing the mentor role.
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[I]OOC: Thanks for all the comments and predictions, it's interesting how people's experiences can differ from game to game with differing characters. Welcome to Motive, who I believe is a new face around here - congrats on getting caught up :) Oh, and a stat for those that like them: As of this week, I believe this diary is now in the top ten most posted in diaries on the board - not that quantity equals quality, of course. But hey, I must be doing [U]something[/U] right...[/I] [CENTER][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: End Of Days Friday, 12th December 2012[/B][/CENTER] Rip Chord stood in the centre of the ring to open the show: [COLOR="Purple"]“Ladies and gentlemen, we find ourselves in an unusual position. On the one hand, we have the former Heavyweight champion Aaron Andrews, who has yet to receive a rematch for the title. On the other hand, we have Genghis Rahn, a former World champion who decimated our champion in a surprise attack four weeks ago. “Our champion has said that he wants to face Rahn at this time, but at our last show I felt that that, perhaps, Andrews made the stronger case. So here’s what we’re going to do: Tonight, Aaron Andrews is set to face Amazing Fire Fly in an Invitational qualifier. Genghis Rahn will face Bradford Peverell. “Assuming that both men win their matches, whichever man wins the quicker will get the title shot at the Invitational. The other man will be entered into the Invitational tournament and, of course, if they win the tournament then they get a title shot as well. I think that’s fair – but we’ll hear what Aaron Andrews has to say about that now,”[/COLOR] Rip finished, as Andrews emerged from the back, looking angry [COLOR="DarkRed"]“You’re damn right,”[/COLOR] Andrews snarled. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I shouldn’t have to win a match to earn a title shot that’s mine by right. I should have had an immediate rematch. I should have been given the chance to put this hole of a company back on track. I suppose making me jump through your hoops makes you feel good, old man – but my patience is running very thin, and one day soon I’ll walk out that door, and you’ll have to make do without me.”[/COLOR] * [B]RCI (?): Amazing Fire Fly vs. Aaron Andrews[/B] This match was all about Andrews doing his best to snatch a quick victory, but Fly simply wasn't going to let him get away with it so easily. Andrews snatched at opportunities over eagerly, and the nimble and limber Fly time and again avoided his opponent's attempts to put him down. The clock was on fifteen minutes when Fly put Andrews down and went to the top rope, but Andrews sprang to his feet and caught Fly in mid-air, using his momentum to put Fly almost through the mat with a Face Crusher for the win – at a time of 15:16 that left him wholly reliant on Bradford Peverell holding out against Genghis Rahn if he were to gain his rematch. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C-) * [B]RCI: “Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. Providence[/B] Kashmir Singh took the fight directly to the All Action champion in this heated contest. Providence tried to outbrawl Singh, but while he had the clear edge in that department, Singh was able time and again to outmanoeuvre his single-minded foe, leaving him a step ahead throughout the contest before he nailed a Cal-Cutter to advance. Winner: Kashmir Singh (D+) * Backstage, and Always Breakin’ Hollywood were in their dressing room. Lenny Brown was receiving a massage, while Primus Allen was reviewing a script. Haley Buck took the centre spot. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Mr. Chord is a very wise man. He knows a business opportunity when he sees it. Tonight’s match gives my clients the chance to win themselves a title match next month – when they win. And after winning tonight they’ll be on a roll that will keep on rolling right into the Invitational next month, and into Oscar season straight afterwards, where they’re a lock for best performance awards.”[/COLOR] * Team Honor were shown backstage: [COLOR="Blue"]“We do not have a gimmick,”[/COLOR] Lassana Makutsi said. [COLOR="Blue"]“We are not preening Hollywood fame chasers. We are not women trying to compete in a man’s world. We are not fair-haired pretty boys.” “We’re just tough to beat,”[/COLOR] Jared Johnson went on. [COLOR="Blue"]“We fight hard, and we don’t give up. Our opponents know that they’ve been in a fight when they face us, as we don’t give out freebies.” “We know no other way then to fight as though our lives were on the line. In this way, we satisfy our own honour that we have given our all – and we honour our opponents in not taking them lightly. This is necessary, as to do otherwise would imply that our opponents are beneath us, and that is simply not true. If they were, how could we gain any honour in beating them?”[/COLOR] * [B]Team Honor vs. The XX Factor vs. The Canadian Blondes vs. Always Breakin’ Hollywood[/B] On commentary, Rip noted that if the champions won this non-title match, then they would earn themselves a night off at the RCI. Otherwise, they would have to face the winning team with the titles at stake. From the first minute, it was clear that the champs would be in a match as they were swarmed by the two heel teams and as the Blondes kept Makutsi busy, Allen annihilated Johnson with a Sit Out Spinebuster to score the win. The XX Factor duo of Jaime Quine and Thea Davis had watched this uncomfortably, but seemed to recognise their chances of making the title match were improved this way. However, Allen quickly stalked the two women and, with Oscar Golden running interference on Quine, obliterated Davis with a series of hard lariats, capped with a Running Powerslam. Golden actually tried to shake Allen's hand after their successful partnership – as Flash Savage and Kristen Pearce yelled at him not to do it – but Allen seized him by the hand and whipped into ABH's corner, following him in with a 300 pound clothesline. He tagged in Lenny Brown and set Golden up on the top turnbuckle, allowing the daisy fresh Brown to score with The Star Treatment for the quick and easy win. Winners: Always Breakin' Hollywood (D-) * Lord Geoffrey Windameer was in his dressing room, which now sported a heraldic coat of arms on one wall, and what appeared to be a lengthy genealogical chart on another. [COLOR="Blue"]“I am making myself at home, as you can see,”[/COLOR] Windameer began, as a butler brought him a pot of tea. [COLOR="Blue"]“Thank you, Jarvis. “Brandon Smith, take a look around. You’re so proud to be a mid-west farmboy, to have come from nothing. Well, from where I sit, you still are nothing. No long and storied family history, no royal connections, no money... and no hope of victory in our upcoming bout of combat. “Now, I am aware that you present yourself as a rough, tough, honest brawler, and so be it. I should not imagine that you will back away from a challenge. That is laudable, and I would have it no other way. After all, many is the peasant that I have conquered on my way to the top of this business...”[/COLOR] Jarvis returned, sporting the USPW World title on a silver platter, and Windameer admired his reflection in the shiny gold faceplate. * [B]"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] On commentary, we noted that both these men would be competing at the RCI in a few weeks time. This, then, was something of a preview match, and saw Windameer's speed and finesse pitted against Smith's forthright brawling and power. The action seesawed back and forth, before Windameer scored with a High Society from nowhere to snatch a decisive victory in a not very convincing way. Winner: Lord Geoffrey Windameer (C-) * Bradford Peverell made his way to the ring, but barely had he set foot through the ropes then Genghis Rahn boiled out of the crowd and slid under the ropes, blasting Peverell from behind with a big boot to the back of the head. A hard back suplex followed, before Rahn capped the assault with a DDT and a piledriver. Hauling the unmoving Peverell up by his hair, Rahn barked at the referee to ring the bell. * [B]RCI (?): Bradford Peverell vs. Genghis Rahn[/B] After the attack, it was a simple matter for Rahn to pitch Peverell around the ring a few times, mocking his opponent, before nailing him with Rahn To The Hills for the clear – both in terms of the match, and his contest with Andrews – victory in just 3:44. Winner: Genghis Rahn (D-) * Sean Deeley and Haley Buck were backstage. Deeley smirked arrogantly at the camera. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Eddie Powell, you’ll have seen how two of my clients made short of three opposing teams earlier tonight. I don’t accept clients below a certain calibre, and I don’t think that it’s impugning Primus and Lenny at all to say that Sean Deeley may be the brightest jewel in my crown. Now Eddie, you were a joke when you wore that polyester suit. Now you seem to think that black trunks and a shaved head make you more credible. If anything, Eddie, you’re even more of a joke as no-one can take you seriously after seeing what you were. Still, you are Sean’s challenger tonight, so we shall see soon enough what you are capable of.”[/COLOR] Deeley leant in: [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Powell, I’m going to choke the life out of you.”[/COLOR] * [B]Eddie Powell vs. Sean Deeley (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] This was a very strong contest between the two up-and-comers. Powell slapped the taste out of Deeley's mouth to start off with, making the submission specialist bail from the ring and put Haley Buck between himself and Powell so he could get a moment to gather his thoughts. Haley stood her ground, but was quivering like a leaf as Powell bore down on her. He scowled, but rather than moving her out of the way he re-entered the ring and awaited Deeley's return. Deeley soon slid back into the ring as well, and started teeing off on Powel with a series of chops. The match quickly became a high-speed, back and forth affair, with Powell outbrawling the technical wizard, who in turn kept trying to wear his challenger down with attacks focused on his head. In time, this paid off as Powell was slowed by the constant battering he was taking, and when Deeley managed after several attempts to lock on a Front Choke Lock, Powell was left in the centre of the ring with no choice but to submit. Winner: Sean Deeley (C) * Kirk Jameson came down to the ring and took up a mic: [COLOR="Blue"]“Two weeks ago, I was bludgeoned by Genghis Rahn. I want to exact a little justice on him. Now, Aaron Andrews has a shot due him, and I’ll get to him soon enough – but I had to wait my turn when it comes to the title, so I don’t see why he should be any different. “As for Firebird... Well, we’ve fought each other before, and I’m sure we’ll do it again. He very nearly cost me my mind. He’s not an opponent to be taken lightly – it might even be him that Rahn or Aaron end up facing for the title... I’m not going to give Firebird any more chance than he’ll make himself to take my title, but I’m not going to downplay his talent.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Very good of you,”[/COLOR] Firebird said, emerging from the back. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“You are right, of course. I remain one of the most gifted wrestlers in the world. That is not hyperbole, that is not exaggeration – that is a statement of fact. It is clear that I have been held back by my attempts to bring about the Fall in others. No more. I recognise that selflessness is not appropriate, and that only a relentless pursuit of self glorification is appropriate. I lead not by gathering around me a coalition only interested in taking from me. I lead by example. Fall, and gain your own strength. I have Fallen, and I am strong.”[/COLOR] * [B]Kirk Jameson (c) vs. Firebird[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This was a typically high quality match between two of our most recognisable workers. Firebird followed through on his promise to be as vicious as he could, showing no regard for the referee and trying on a number of occasions to land a piledriver on his opponent. Firebird was relentless in his assault, and eventually seemed to catch Jameson off guard as he trapped him and lifted him up, but Jameson was close enough to the ropes to grab them and, when Firebird let go of him, he quickly righted himself and took control of the match, eventually putting the masked man down with a Bullseye for the successful defence. Winner: Kirk Jameson (B-) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I](Should have increased our popularity. Show has risen in importance.) Next: New Year's Eve, roster review, where are they now, and more...[/I]
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Regarding Bulldozer, I once used him in a heel role as being ****y and arrogant about knowing the 'better' Japanese style. This can be used as an excuse not to throw him against the smaller guys (they're beneath him) and not to run for the belt (he doesn't want it) yet still keep him on the roster with a purpose. Use him sparingly actually IN the ring (let his Japanese contracts etc skill him up that way) and play him as a manager/commentator role. Skill up his entertainment stats enough and he could decide to switch styles to something else. Think JBL with him, because that's who he is a lot alike if you look at his abilities.
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God bless Spectrum Infinity and The West Texas Peacekeepers, who’ve carried out sterling work with Genghis Rahn to get him over his ring rust. The RCI is shaping up to be a really decent show... * Brandon Smith has signed on to compete in INSPIRE. Jaime Quine has signed on with USPW, which means that she’ll be leaving Tamara McFly’s CWWF. That’s a shame for the Canadian fed, who’ve struggled to break out of their limited niche in the Canadian Prairies, and who as a consequence have failed to attract – or hold on to – some of the best female talent. Interestingly – to me, anyway – is the wrestler identified by CWWF as Jaime’s replacement: None other than her XX Factor partner Thea Davis. * Also in USPW, Super Lucha (Big Smack) Scott continues to be the star of the show. The former SWF World Tag Team champion is giving Sam Strong his money’s worth as he continues to put on strong matches. Really. I’m not making any of this up – the fans [I]love[/I] him. * John “Human Arsenal” Anderson has been called up... to Hollywood. He’s set to play a significant role in the upcoming Jesus II: The Wrath Of Christ. Now, tell me that’s not a movie you’d want to see. * Remo update: He won a high-powered brawl with Eddie Peak at the most recent Wrestling Clinic show, before going down to Ricky Dale Johnson on Total Wrestling. On both shows he’s been the MVP, and continues to look like a star, and the smart money is on him becoming TCW World champion in the near future. * It’s interesting to look at FCW’s shows occasionally, as we share so many of our past and present workers with them. Their end-of-year offering ran as follows: Erik Strong and Ernie Turner def. Ox Mastadon and Tigre Salvaje Jr. (D-) Flying Jimmy Foxx def. “Regular” Joe Benning (D-) Matt Sparrow def. Primus Allen (D+) Plague (Black Eagle) def. Bradford Peverell (C) The Grapplers (Fumihiro Ota and Teddy Powell) def. Stevie Grayson and Rudy Velasquez (C-) Puerto Rican Power def. Greg Rayne (B-) Kirk Jameson def. Donnie J (C+) Some interesting differences include Kirk Jameson being a hugely over heel and Rudy Velasquez being a face, while Sensational Singh is a heel as well. Interestingly, Ota is a heel while Powell is a face, as in MAW, but in FCW they’re the reigning tag champions. * The party was in full swing. Katie was taking it easy in one corner with Jenny and Dawn, while JD Morgan was spinning his wheels on the dance floor, showing off his impressive control of his wheelchair. Rip was holding forth to Raphael, having almost adopted him during the extensive work he’d done with the hard-working youngster on his entertainment skills. The West Texas Peacekeepers, XX Factor and ABH were sharing a table and a deck of cards. “Sheriff” Bradley Blaze was winning a fair a mount of money, but even he couldn’t keep up with Jaime Quine, who seemed to be intent on earning what she repeatedly referred to as “the winner’s cut” from Primus Allen and Lenny Brown. I shook my head. I knew what Jaime meant by her pointed comments. She felt that ABH were being pushed beyond their abilities, while she and Thea Davis were being held down. She was about half right, I allowed. ABH were set for a title match at the Invitational, and if successful would be in a position that would see them become a focus of the show. But then, they’d worked hard with Haley Buck to come up with a serviceable gimmick. Jaime and Thea were good looking, charismatic, and they were certainly talented... but they hadn’t overcome the fans’ strong objections to women competing in a predominantly male federation. I pondered this as I fetched myself another drink from the bar. Eddie Powell and Rudy Velasquez were sitting there in silence, not ignoring one another, but recognising in each other the need for a little solitude. I almost rolled my eyes, as each man was living their variant on the lone wolf gimmick a little too much in the real world, but then an idea struck me. [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid?”[/COLOR] I turned to face Rip, noticing that it was a few minute to midnight and time for our annual review. I pushed my idea to the back of my mind, making a mental note to dig it out again in the morning for review. [COLOR="purple"]“How’s 2012 been for the company?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Good. We’ve made around a hundred and thirty thousand dollars this year. We’ve grown in popularity significantly in the Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic and South East regions. Had some great shows, made a new star or two, and I honestly feel that artistically and financially we’re set for a tremendous 2013.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Good. In general, I agree.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“In general?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“I’m concerned about the fluctuating finances,”[/COLOR] he clarified. I frowned, knowing roughly what he meant. Some months saw us losing five figures, others making twenty or thirty thousand. [COLOR="purple"]“The economy’s volatile. I want to be sure that everyone on the roster is worth keeping,”[/COLOR] he went on. [COLOR="purple"]“Do me a review of our workers over the next few days, and we’ll see if our ideas match up.”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="green"]“Anything else, Rip?”[/COLOR] He looked contemplative. [COLOR="purple"]“No. Go give your Mrs. a kiss, kid. It’s New Year’s Eve, after all. See you next year.”[/COLOR] I turned to go, and nearly walked right through JD. [COLOR="green"]“Sorry, JD. Didn’t see you down there,”[/COLOR] I said. He smiled. Jokes about his newfound lack of height had become a quick tradition backstage, fostered by the man himself. [COLOR="Blue"]“James, I wanted a quick word, if that’s okay?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Sure,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="green"]“What’s on your mind?”[/COLOR] He frowned. [COLOR="blue"]“There’s no easy way to say this... I’m not going to be re-signing with MAW when my contract comes up?”[/COLOR] I was surprised. [COLOR="green"]“How come?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“It’s this thing,”[/COLOR] he said, tapping his injured leg. [COLOR="blue"]“It makes travelling so much more difficult. I enjoy being here, don’t get me wrong, and I’m grateful to have had the chance to keep working here after my injury. There’s not many companies that would have done that.”[/COLOR] I shrugged. It had been Rip’s initiative. I wish I could have claimed it was mine, but my first instincts were less honourable. [COLOR="blue"]“Anyway, Mitch has offered me a long-term deal in Pittsburgh, and it’s a lot closer to home. Right now, I think I’m best served by taking it.”[/COLOR] I nodded. I probably understood best of everyone. [COLOR="green"]“Of course,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="green"]“Well, you’ve still got a month or so on your deal, so you’ll be here for a while. I’m sure everyone will want to say their goodbyes.”[/COLOR] We shook, and he wheeled himself off towards the bar. I, in turn, made my way towards Katie. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Problem?”[/COLOR] she asked, as I dropped into the seat beside her. I shrugged. [COLOR="green"]“Nothing I can’t work around,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="green"]“I think, though... We’re going to need a new tag team.”[/COLOR] Katie followed my gaze to the poker table, where Jaime Quine had successfully cleaned out her opponents, and was now apparently trying to win the Heavyweight title from Kirk. [COLOR="magenta"]“Oh,”[/COLOR] she said, as the countdown from ten started. [COLOR="magenta"]“Really?”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="Green"]“It’s the only way. I think...”[/COLOR] She silenced me with a kiss as the clock struck midnight. [COLOR="magenta"]“I know you’ll do the right thing,”[/COLOR] she said, afterwards. I nodded, a little uncertainly. I sincerely hoped she was right. [I]More to come...[/I]
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[B][U][CENTER]Year End Awards[/CENTER][/U][/B] Wrestler of the Year: Matthew Gauge – The 2010 and 2011 Young Wrestler of the Year makes the step up, maybe as this is the one year he’s not been involved with MAW at all... His work in World Level Wrestling has been outstanding, with an A average and an A* high from 84 matches, including Streetfighting and Universal title reigns. Young Wrestler of the Year: Nigel Svensonn – The young Swede has been tearing things up for ROF, GCG, BHOTWG, and INSPIRE this year. He’s become incredibly popular in Japan and with a B average and A high, it’s not hard to see why all the major companies are keen to sign up the 24 year old technician. He is rumoured to be looking to crack America next. Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Jeremy Stone – His fourth consecutive award in this category. Almost single-handedly keeping NOTBPW Global, the 46 year old took part in over seventy matches, with a B+ average and an A* high. Female Wrestler of the Year: Fuyuko Higa – The 22 year old threepeats in this category, with no-one else really coming close. The star of 5SSW is understood to be difficult to get along with – but worth it. Competing in 69 matches in 2012, she had a B average and an A* high. Noticeably, however, the bookers are keeping her away from the titles as it’s been over two and a half years since she wore gold – and that only a one month run with the All-Asian belt. Promotion of the Year: TCW – No surprise here, as the company dominated North American wrestling throughout the year and made forays into the other markets as well, in particular establishing a presence in Japan. Most Improved Promotion of the Year: EX2010 – The explosive action-oriented company has been one of the fastest rising in recent history, and is a noted presence throughout Japan. Match of the Year: Brent Hill def. Scout, TCW Wrestling Clinic, 18th April 2012 – A genuine classic, this was given away on free TV as the indisputable chemistry between Hill and both members of New Wave produced a string of fantastic matches throughout the year on TV and PPV. Riches like this explain why TCW is top of the heap. Show of the Year: TCW Presents Total Wrestling, 20th May 2012 – Charlie Thatcher going over Robert Oxford did nothing for anyone. Edd Stone beating Bart Biggz was okay, but standard TV fare. Brent Hill toppling American Buffalo, and Tommy Cornell upending John Anderson, though? Ah – two Match of the Year candidates on one show. That’ll do it. * Edd Stone has begun his climb up the TCW ranks. The annual New Year’s Eve pay-per-view known as Psycho Circus saw him winning the International title for the first time, after five All Action reigns. Elsewhere, GCG have risen to National size in Japan, while “Big Cat” Brandon James has left SWF, vacating the World title en route. It’s understood that Brandon had been requested to attend the Supreme TV tapings in Middlesbrough in north-east England. However, he’d balked at the travel required, and left the company unable to cover his absence and the subsequent vacating of the title. It’s understood that at present, head booker Farrah Hesketh is preparing a one night tournament to take place at When Hell Freezes Over, with Angry Gilmore and Jack Giedroyc considered to be the prime candidates to capture the belt. A Cinderella run for Steve Flash, the reigning North American champion, is also not out of the question in an attempt to gain some positive publicity for the company. [I]Next: The story so far...[/I]
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[CENTER][U]MAW: The Story So Far...[/U][/CENTER] 2005 – 2007: Following his retirement from active competition, wrestling legend and multi-time World champion Rip Chord opened Mid Atlantic Wrestling, aiming to provide a stage on which the best young talents can hone their skills and get valuable experience. Early stars included Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker, Mean Jean Cattley, and the Natural Storm duo of DC Rayne and Eddie Howard. The company made small waves in the industry, with Rip’s reputation enough to gain some attention, and a few standout workers quickly attracting the notice of larger companies. After two years, the first crop of workers ‘graduated’ from the company, with Hernandez, Parker, Rayne, Howard and others moving on to gain more experience. In late 2007, seeking additional help with a burgeoning roster of talented but young and unruly workers, Chord hired his friend James Casey to act as road agent and head booker. 2008: Casey’s first show saw Antonio winning the Rip Chord Invitational title, while Cattley’s group The Firm dominated the promotion. In October, Cattley picked up the Heavyweight title, defeating long-tem incumbent Erik Strong. The first year was notable more for Casey coming to grips with the roster at his disposal, and an influx of new faces resulting from a heavy heel bias. Elsewhere, Frankie Perez and Trent Shaffrer tussled with the Canadian Blondes over the tag team titles, with Stevie Grayson replacing Perez as champion once Perez was snapped up by larger feds. 2009: The year opened with two shocks – first, with masked bump machine Kid Arachnid winning the Rip Chord Invitational. Second, Arachnid unmasking himself to reveal none other than Jay Chord, the son of the company’s owner. Jay proceeded to torment his father for the next nine months, eventually forcing him to agree to a match at Where It All Begins Again. Along the way, the feud took in a bloody War Games match that saw Rip’s squadron of four stars uniting to force Jay to submit. Jay’s luck didn’t change in the father/son match, as he was brutalised by Rip in a shocking display of violence. Elsewhere on the show, the recently-returned Steven Parker regained the Heavyweight title from Jean Cattley in the third match of a fantastic series. Meanwhile, six-man fever took over MAW as the Trios title debuted to... mixed reactions. The belts gave a quick and easy way for championship promises to be granted, but were infrequently defended on the main shows. They did give championship experience to the likes of younger workers like Jared Johnson, however. Also, MAW went out on tour, visiting the Great Lakes and South East regions every fortnight to increase exposure in short shows that also helped develop our young, less polished talent. 2010: Future MAW franchise Aaron Andrews debuted to considerable acclaim as he threw himself right into the Heavyweight title hunt. That meant chasing Jay Chord who’d parlayed his previous RCI success into a shock win over Steven Parker in Parker’s last match before moving to SWF. Masked star Ultimate Phoenix, who had been leading MAW’s undercard faces in a war against The Firm, lost the plot when his group was forced to disband after losing a closely contested series of matches. Turning heel, the newly christened Firebird took his game to new heights as he tried to drag everyone he faced to the dark side. Meanwhile, Rip had aligned himself with Jay, expressing regret over his brutal beating of his son – and the duo used Rip’s power to prevent Andrews earning a title shot. Ultimately, Andrews won out and the match was booked for Where It All Begins Again. Andrews claimed the title in a narrow victory on a show that also saw the final disintegration of The Firm, with members Casey Valentine and Jean Cattley going at it. Cattley turned face after the match, and would go on to reform The Firm as a force for good, as Valentine roped in Rip’s other trainee Antonio as his partner, before scoring a coup when they aligned with Jay. Elsewhere, it was the year that Hugh de Aske consolidated his reputation as the best indy worker in America. The Belgian pirate had good or great matches with almost everyone he faced, and frequently worked the smaller shows as well – until he realised his true worth to the company and started wanting main event money. 2011: With Andrews dominant in the Heavyweight ranks, all attention in January turned to the RCI, with Kirk Jameson claiming the crown. Jameson was a true success story, rising from almost nothing when he joined MAW in the great influx of 2008 to becoming a genuine contender with considerable charisma and star quality. The two champions united in a team that went after the company’s worst heels before Andrews grew jealous and turned on his partner. At first, Jameson refused to seek revenge, viewing Andrews as having fallen under the sway of Firebird’s Fallen stable, but after a bloody series of battles with Firebird’s group, he realised that Andrews had merely fallen victim to his own fears and greed. The two men faced off in the supremely heated main event of Where It All Begins Again. The storybook ending was not to be, however, as Andrews came out on top once more. Elsewhere, Jay Chord walked out on the company, citing dissatisfaction with his push and the company’s disciplinary procedures under Casey. Elsewhere, it was the year that MAW exploited the big feds – and learned that bearding a lion in its own den will have unpredictable results. Randy Bumfhole and Chance Fortune arrived in the company, and formed the focus for the show in a revived Firm alongside Steve Flash, who had signed in late 2010. However, SWF had recently risen to Global and over the course of six months Fortune, Flash, Hugh de Aske, Erik Strong, the MAW stalwart Jean Cattley, and hot prospect Ernest Youngman were all signed up exclusive Supreme contracts. 2012: With MAW expanding rapidly, new faces continued to debut. Both Bumfhole brothers passed through the company, as did Rich Money who led the company’s babyfaces against Firebird and his followers, which did at last include Aaron Andrews. The feud took up the better part of the year, starting slowly but spreading to encompass much of the company. A vicious War Games match in September saw veteran JD Morgan go down with a Shattered Knee, disrupting the company’s plans, but Where It All Begins Again was a fantastic show, highlighted by Jameson’s victory, after a near two-year build, over Andrews for the Heavyweight title. Elsewhere, the tag team division was truly competitive as established teams like The Dark Raptors, Smith & Singh, the Canadian Blondes and Ford & Speed mixed it up with newer tandems like Spectrum Infinity and Team Honor. The last team scored the year’s big upset as they upended the Raptors for the titles, and held off all challengers. Meanwhile, The XX Factor challenged people’s perceptions as two women (Jaime Quine and Thea Davis) tried to compete alongside the men. This had been quite successful for Wanda Fish earlier in the year, but the ladies were less successful. [I]Next: Roster review...[/I]
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[I]OOC: This took way, way too long to put together...[/I] [CENTER][U]January 1st 2013 Roster Review[/U][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/BulldozerBrandon_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/COLOR] Push: Lower Midcard Record: 11-0-14 Average/High: D+/C+ Achievements: MAW Tag Team champion – October 2011 to June 2012 Notes: At 29 years old, should be just hitting his prime ... Long-term team with Kashmir Singh yielded some success, and decent matches ... Puroresu style may just be too unusual for MAW fans to grasp ... It’s now or never for the former pro football star [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]“Dogfight” Donnie J[/COLOR] Push: Main Event Record: 12-2-8 Average/High: C/B- Achievements: MAW All Action champion – April to May, May to August and August to October 2012 Notes: Experienced veteran was considered for a long time to be too small and too much of a flier to be a success in MAW ... Our loss ... CZCW mainstay has proven to be a tremendous asset to the company ... Three match series with Aaron Andrews yielded great matches [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/KashmirSingh_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]“Sensational” Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] Push: Midcard Record: 10-0-18 Average/High: D+/B- Achievements: MAW Tag Team champion – October 2011 to June 2012 Notes: Indian all-rounder is probably never going to be a superstar ... Fun gimmick makes him stand out ... Comfortable in the ring, and works well with a range of opponents ... A valuable utility worker [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AaronAndrews_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR] Push: Main Event Record: 22-3-7 Average/High: C+/B+ Achievements: MAW Heavyweight champion – October 2010 to October 2012; MAW All Action champion – May 2012 Notes: MAW’s franchise for three years now ... Lengthy feuds with Jay Chord and Kirk Jameson have seen him run the gamut of emotions ... Rising TCW star has met every challenge we’ve set him ... May have outgrown the company, and has grown dissatisfied with the management ... Considerable talent, considerable ego [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AmazingFireFly.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Amazing Fire Fly[/COLOR] Push: Midcard Record: 3-0-13 Average/High: D/C- Achievements: None Notes: Young high-flier is a star in Mexico, turning down WAM’s contract extension as he’s outgrown them ... Slowly improving in a company not designed around his talent ... Increasingly popular with our fans ... A little more seasoning and he could really make a difference [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Antonio.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Antonio[/COLOR] Push: Midcard Record: 10-0-10 Average/High: D/C Achievements: None Notes: Was, is, and ever shall be a midcarder ... Loyalty to Rip is repaid with an effective lifetime contract ... Rip’s lifetime, not Antonio’s [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Random_Male195.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Blue Shift[/COLOR] Push: Upper Midcard Record: 5-0-7 Average/High: D/D+ Achievements: None Notes: Trained by Acid, and is a decent high-flier in his own right ... Not as good as he thinks he is, though ... Tendency to believe his own hype is not winning him any friends backstage [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Bradford Peverell[/COLOR] Push: Upper Midcard Record: 3-1-16 Average/High: D+/C+ Achievements: None Notes: Has the same average/high across all four promotions he currently works for (USPW, RIPW, MAW and on loan in FCW) ... Just look at that record! ... And yet he’s perfectly happy with us ... Weak psychology and a one-dimensional style means he’s unlikely to break out beyond his current role [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/CaseyValentine.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR] Push: Lower Midcard Record: 10-0-14 Average/High: D/C Achievements: None Notes: Moderate talent in danger of being a prime example of wasted potential ... Turns down other companies on an almost weekly basis ... Loyalty to Rip is misplaced, kind of ... Would do well to sign on with USPW, or even one of the Canadian feds [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Random_Female051.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Dawn[/COLOR] Push: Manager Notes: Also known as Persephone ... Fiancé of Steven Parker stuck with MAW even when he went out into the world ... Manages Spectrum Infinity reasonably well, but doesn’t stand out among the other managers ... Cheap enough to always be rehired [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/DwightKumas.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Dwight Kumas[/COLOR] Push: Referee Notes: Refereeing skill-up from C- to B- in the last twelve months ... MAW referees tend to outgrow us as they may work twenty matches a month just with us so tend to improve quickly, and become more expensive with it [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/TeddyPowell_alt7.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Eddie Powell[/COLOR] Push: Upper Midcard Record: 5-0-10 Average/High: C-/B Achievements: None Notes: Current PSW National and FCW Tag Team (with Fumihiro Ota) champion ... Face turn was well received ... Consistent worker has finally escaped Sammy Bach’s shadow ... Is in his peak years, and benefiting from choice opposition [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/UltimatePhoenix_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Firebird[/COLOR] Push: Main Event Record: 13-2-11 Average/High: C-/B Achievements: Mid Atlantic Tag Team champion – June to October 2012 Notes: Masked worker is possibly our most valuable talent ... Can make almost anyone look good, and is a lot cheaper than other talents who are less consistent ... Crazed cultist gimmick walks a fine line in MAW ... Storyline disappointments seem to have left him at a crossroads [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/FlashSavage.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Flash Savage[/COLOR] Push: Lower Midcard Record: 7-0-9 Average/High: D-/D+ Achievements: None Notes: Four-time tag champion found his niche long ago, and is comfortable in it ... Has never shown any signs of being able to move up the roster ... Dependable enough worker who’s probably got a job for life [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/GhenghisRahn.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Genghis Rahn[/COLOR] Push: Main Event Record: 6-0-1 Average/High: D/C- Achievements: None Notes: Record includes dark matches ... Will stand as Kirk’s first big-name challenger in main event of RCI ... MAW future beyond that is unclear ... At 42 years old he is still a valuable person to have around [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/SammyTheShark_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Greg Ford[/COLOR] Push: Midcard Record: 11-0-10 Average/High: D+/C+ Achievements: None Notes: A talented enough worker, but may be wasted in tag team with Marc Speed ... Brawler could have good matches with Peverell, Smith ... Solid enough, but may continue to be overlooked unless he forces himself forward [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/HaleyBuck.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Haley Buck[/COLOR] Push: Manager Notes: Versatile talent with her own storyline agenda ... Had brush with greatness when originally chosen to manage Hugh de Aske ... Abrupt departure saw her land on her feet with JD Morgan, Always Breakin’ Hollywood, and now Sean Deeley as her clients ... Success-hungry character works well at getting her and her clients over [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JaimeQuine.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Jaime Quine[/COLOR] Push: Midcard Record: 2-1-10 Average/High: D-/D+ Achievements: None Notes: Fans are still a bit unsure about women competing with men ... Storyline losses continue to mount ... Backstage unhappiness is growing with each defeat ... Will need to show she can exceed men’s abilities to be pushed above them [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JamesCasey.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]James Casey[/COLOR] Push: Road Agent/Colour Commentator Notes: Some say he’s the best road agent in the business ... Loyal to MAW and Rip, dating Katie Cameron ... Doubles up on colour and can do play-by-play as well ... Lacks the overness to work on-screen, but can be support in an angle if necessary [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JaredJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Jared Johnson[/COLOR] Push: Lower Midcard Record: 10-0-16 Average/High: D/C- Achievements: MAW Tag Team Champion – September 2012 to present Notes: Turned face at end of 2011 ... Rubbed shoulders with the top of the card but has found place in midcard ... Has great chemistry when teaming with Lassana Makutsi ... Promising youngster is a gifted all-rounder, but let down by weak psychology [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]JD Morgan[/COLOR] Push: Road Agent Record: 19-3-6 Average/High: C/C+ Achievements: MAW All Action – November 2011 to April 2012; MAW Traditional April 2012 to October 2012 Notes: Mr. Consistency is now on the shelf ... Shattered kneecap may spell end of in-ring career ... Wants to see out contract and focus on PSW career [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Random_Female040.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Jenny[/COLOR] Push: Manager/Backstage Interviewer Notes: Otherwise known as Jenny Playmate ... Dropped the surname when she joined MAW ... Mostly a pretty face who’s yet to really add to her clients’ acts [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Katie Cameron[/COLOR] Push: Colour Commentator Notes: Bowed out of managing for the time being ... Commentating on the middle shows each month [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/KirkJameson.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] Push: Main Event Record: 18-1-7 Average/High: C/B Achievements: MAW Heavyweight champion – October 2012 to present Notes: Reigning FCW Puerto Rican champion since April 2011 ... Main event promise has come good over last twelve months ... Can work with almost anyone ... Entertainment skills have come along in leaps and bounds ... Long term position as MAW figurehead seems set [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/KristenPearce.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Kristen Pearce[/COLOR] Push: Manager Notes: Babelicious manager of Canadian Blondes ... Could do with better clients [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/LassanaMakutsi.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Lassana Makutsi[/COLOR] Push: Midcard Record: 7-0-12 Average/High: D+/C- Achievements: MAW Tag Team champion – September 2012 to present Notes: Former ‘African champion’ and SWF developmental prospect has rock-solid fundamentals and decent entertainment skills ... Could become a useful upper carder with more experience [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/LennyBrown.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Lenny Brown[/COLOR] Push: Midcard Record: 10-0-4 Average/High: D/C- Achievements: None Notes: MAW bookers are high on the prospects of the Californian youngster ... Has considerable potential and an exciting, high impact style ... With the right experience, can go a long way [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Aristocrat.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/COLOR] Push: Main Event Record: 7-0-7 Average/High: D+/C+ Achievements: None Notes: Reigning USPW World champion ... Still active in SWF ... Still in his early thirties, he’s not peaked yet ... A bit inconsistent, and can’t carry lesser workers to good matches ... Remains a useful roster member, but not on the same level as other main event talent [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MarcSpeed_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Marc Speed[/COLOR] Push: Midcard Record: 11-0-7 Average/High: D/C- Achievements: None Notes: Skillset is well suited to MAW ... Could do with some more singles matches to better gauge his potential [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MarshallDillon.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Marshall Dillon[/COLOR] Push: Opener Record: 0-0-10 Average/High: D-/D Achievements: None Notes: Appeared less than once a month and always lost ... Low man on the roster with less potential then his younger partner ... Unlikely to progress far beyond current role [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Oscar Golden[/COLOR] Push: Lower Midcard Record: 7-0-9 Average/High: D-/D+ Achievements: None Notes: With MAW since day one ... Vastly experienced team with Flash Savage is useful to have around ... More tag team gold almost certainly in his future ... Probably won’t grow beyond tag role [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/PrimusAllen.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Primus Allen[/COLOR] Push: Upper Midcard Record: 12-1-5 Average/High: D/C Achievements: MAW Traditional – August 2011 to April 2012 Notes: One of the most promising young talents in North America, but his progress has been limited ... 2010 RCI victory wasn’t the elevation many hoped for ... Works elsewhere, but suspicion is that he lacks the dedication to make big progress ... Tag team with Lenny Brown plays to his strengths, but he is being outshone by his partner [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MaskedPatriot_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Providence[/COLOR] Push: Upper Midcard Record: 13-2-8 Average/High: D+/C+ Achievements: MAW All Action champion – October 2012 to present Notes: Current USPW Television champion ... Convincing in role as unhinged sociopath, his entertainment skills improve almost visibly every time he picks up a mic ... Continues to improve in every match as well ... A bright future awaits, although may have to go through another gimmick change to crack the main event [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/QuentinQueen.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Quentin Queen[/COLOR] Push: Midcard Record: 0-0-3 Average/High: D-/D- Achievements: None Notes: Youngster has promise and a big attitude ... Too soon to make further judgments [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MarcDuBois_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Raphael[/COLOR] Push: Opener Record: 6-0-5 Average/High: D/C- Achievements: None Notes: Has made great strides in entertainment skills of late ... Diligence will be rewarded in MAW ... Young, good-looking all rounder has done everything we’ve asked of him ... Lack of chemistry with Jameson is a problem to be worked around [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Rip Chord[/COLOR] Push: Colour Commentator/Road Agent/Authority Figure Notes: Even-handed authority figure also takes charge of occasional matches ... Popularity makes him an excellent choice for hot opening segments ... Would very much like to work with his son again [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/RockDownpour.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Rock Downpour[/COLOR] Push: Announcer Notes: Talented announcer does okay for MAW ... Has chemistry with Rip ... Is somewhat outclassed by top-level matches ... Has not noticeably improved since joining, so may not survive jump to Cult if he can’t keep up [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/RudyVelasquez_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Rudy Velasquez[/COLOR] Push: Upper Midcard Record: 4-0-4 Average/High: C-/C Achievements: None Notes: Current FCW People’s Champion ... Has settled in well to a company not tailored to his style ... Charismatic loner has made as many enemies among the heels as the faces ... Consistent performer in several different match types [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Random_Male194.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Scarlet Strike[/COLOR] Push: Enhancement Talent Record: 5-0-8 Average/High: D/C- Achievements: None Notes: Note the disparity between Strike and Shift’s card positions ... Great talent, but no mic skills ... A better overall prospect with a good attitude, but even in MAW you need to be able to talk [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Sean Deeley[/COLOR] Push: Upper Midcard Record: 9-1-3 Average/High: C/B- Achievements: MAW Traditional champion – October 2012 to present Notes: Current CGC World Tag Team champion with Bobby Thomas ... Reasonable but not great entertainment skills, but possibly the best wrestler on the roster ... Potential feud with Kirk Jameson offers mouth-watering match potential [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/BradleyBlaze.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Sheriff Blaze[/COLOR] Push: Opener Record: 0-0-10 Average/High: D-/D+ Achievements: None Notes: Still only 21 ... Peacekeepers team could form a J.O.B. Squad with XX Factor ... Promising talent, but lack of exposure doesn’t help [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/FumihiroOta_alt16.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]The Great Ota[/COLOR] Push: Main Event Record: 12-1-8 Average/High: C/B Achievements: None Notes: Current FCW Tag Team champion with Teddy Powell ... Veteran talent can do it all ... Probably never going to headline long-term, but still a valuable asset [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/TheaDavis.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Thea Davis[/COLOR] Push: Midcard Record: 3-1-12 Average/High: D-/D+ Achievements: None Notes: Talented youngster could be a star ... Good all-rounder, comfortable on the mic ... Needs to overcome general prejudice against mixed matches [I]OOC: Kirk Jameson has gained around 20% in Microphone and Acting in 2012. Providence has gained almost 25% in Microphone and 10% in Acting. Raphael has gained around 15% in Acting. It’s amazing what a concerted effort can do. Others have done well too, but they’re the most improved.[/I]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;588481][I]OOC: This took way, way too long to put together...[/I][/QUOTE] But roster reviews put smiles on our faces, so it's totally worth it. Or is it? *dun dun duuuuuuun* Edit: And I'm working my way through early 2010 now, so I should be caught up with your diary about this time next year.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;588526]Might wanna check your link on the Katie pic there, guv.[/QUOTE] Fixed, and thanks to Hyde as well for PMing me on this. Y'all should have seen the first one - Oscar Golden and Providence somehow both ended up with Primus Allen's pic, Amazing Fire Fly had Aaron's pic... That's why I don't generally bother with them - that and Photobucket is so flaimng fiddly nowadays. * Yes, Blue Shift is Acid II. I signed him almost by reflex but, to be honest, he's not all that. Surprised that no-one's pointed out that Raphael is using a Marc DuBois alt - purple streaks aside, it's prtty much spot on for his role right now. It was a surprise to look back and see how poor the records of some of the guys were. I mean, midcarders are there to look main eventers look good, and fair enough, but for Pev to have lost 80% of his matches, against 60% for Jared Johnson, for example... Weird.
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[I]OOC: Anyone who's played through to 2012 or so in the CVerse will know who the prospect with no mic skills (or any sort of entertainment skills) is - one of my favourite workers... and one day he'll be a star. Maybe.[/I] * [B][U][CENTER]Where Are They Now?[/CENTER][/U][/B] Black Eagle – He’s working for FCW, and had a tour with GCG after leaving MAW in September. He’s doing okay, and annoyingly his average ratings are up by a full grade, maybe two. Cameron Vessey – He’s working for CZCW and USPW, and he has also conducted a number of Japanese tours, most recently with WLW. Although he still has the odd horror – mainly in USPW – in Japan he really gets to cut loose, and it wouldn’t be too big a surprise to see him make the move permanent. Chance Fortune – He’s on a written deal with SWF. He had twenty-two matches in 2012, ranging from fantastic (against Christian Faith) to woeful (against Dan DaLay). Darryl Devine – He’s still one half of the TCW Tag champions with Jay Chord, but Devine has been spreading his wings a little in recent weeks with strong singles showings against Wolf Hawkins and Rick Law. He finally seems to be getting over at a level to match his skills. Ernest Youngman – He had just fifteen matches in SWF in 2012, ranging from awful to good. He’s still only 19, so it’s not surprising he’s not a fixture of TV yet. He’s definitely shown signs of being a major player one day, even picking up wins over Citizen X and Freddie Datsun. Findlay O’Farraday – He’s unemployed, and hasn’t held a regular position since being released from MAW in mid 2011. He’s worked just three matches since then, and only one in 2012, losing to Ben Williams in January. He almost seems to have retired from wrestling since then... Frankie Perez – He signed a written deal with NOTBPW at the end of December. Competed in ninety matches in 2012 (eighty-nine for WLW), so should view 2013 almost as a holiday. Fantastic wrestler who was on the verge of superstardom in Japan, he will view Canada as just one more challenge to be overcome. Grease Hogg (AKA Thrash) – Although he’s been unemployed since leaving MAW in mid 2011, he’s found steady work on the independent scene since then. Had an interesting run where ten of eleven matches involved Hogg teaming with or fighting one or more of the Hillbillies, but now seems to be focusing his attention on Harlem Haynes. Huey Cannonball (AKA Hugh Lee) – Hasn’t worked since leaving MAW in April 2012. Hugh de Aske – He’s been there or thereabouts in the SWF midcard in 2012. Had a six month Shooting star title reign that included eight consecutive victories over Erik Strong. He missed the whole of August and September, though, apparently through lack of interest on the part of the booking committee. Jacob Jett – He competed in ninety-one matches for WLW in 2012, and almost all of them were very good or great. Captured the Show Stealer belt twice in 2012, but I bet that he misses Katie each night... Jay Chord – Between TCW, USPW and INSPIRE he took part in almost eighty matches in 2012. Matches averaged around good, with some strong efforts when set against the right opponents. Had a five match run with the International title in addition to his tag reign with Devine. Jean Cattley – One win in 2012 over Joss Thompson – his worst match of the year. Stuck in the SWF undercard, and is suffering because of it. Jefferson Stardust – Has only competed in a handful of matches since leaving MAW in late 2011, he’s yet to find regular employment elsewhere. Jesse Christian – He’s a steady worker for RIPW whose best and worst efforts are pretty similar. He matches up well against high impact brawlers, for preference. Joe Benning – He’s still in FCW, where he didn’t work a show until May. He’s a mediocre wrestler who’s yet to deliver on what was once considered a very promising career. Joey Poison (AKA Toxin) – He is signed to a written deal with NOTBPW, he’s a dependable and occasionally excellent uppercarder who’s had one title shot in the last two years because his name isn’t Stone, McFly, DeColt or Bruce. KC Glenn – He signed with SWF in summer 2012 and immediately lost eight consecutive Shooting Star title matches to Paul “Aristocrat/Lord Geoffrey Windameer” Huntingdon. One of them was a fatal fourway, for variety. Prodigious talent has tended to work a couple of shows a month, so is staying in the public eye. Knuckles – He’s a so-so SWF midcarder who was mainly involved in tag wins with Dan DaLay before the Canadian got released. Now loses or wins fairly randomly. Matt Hocking – FCW seemed to have the same idea that we did about Hocking, as he was allowed to run his contract down after leaving MAW in January 2012. He gave fractionally better performances than Joe Benning, just. Still not sorry he’s gone, though. Nelson Callum – He has had one match since leaving MAW over a drugs bust. He lost that match, which was a stinker, and hasn’t been booked since. He’s fortunate not to be in jail, but his reputation precedes him... Randy Bumfhole – He notched up almost seventy matches in 2012 between CGC, TCW and MAW. He has evolved into a dependable uppercarder although an Amazing Bumfholes reunion in CGC is apparently holding him back, as the matches are not up to the standard of his singles efforts. Shady K – The “Ultimate Thug” is now an RIPW mainstay. Does okay for the Rhode Island fed, but has not shown any signs of progressing beyond upper midcard for a regional fed. Steven Parker – The hot prospect and two-time MAW champion signed with TCW after a six month post-SWF career break. Left Supreme after they fell to Cult and spent six months on the sidelines recuperating and rejuvenating himself. Yet to win in TCW, but the match quality has been high. Stevie Grayson – He works for FCW and NYCW, so he is still capable of fooling some of the people all of the time. In fact, 2012 was a decent year for Grayson, who benefited from a recall to TCW. There is a lingering suspicion that his best matches just happen to involve him, rather than anything else... Thomas Morgan – He spent the first half of the year in NOTBPW, and the second in CGC, and the match quality stayed around C- the whole time. Generally did okay, but at 38 has probably had his last shot at the top. Trent Shaffer – He did well in CGC, 4C and CZCW in the first half of the year, with several strong matches north of the border in particular. He signed for SWF in August and his match quality tanked. After one win in four months, his Shooting Star title win was a shock. The low match ratings he’s scored since becoming champion won’t have convinced anyone. Compare and contrast with Frankie Perez, his former tag team partner in MAW... [I]Next: RCI preview... And I'm taking questions as well, whether MAW related or not.[/I]
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