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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[B]Thea Davis, Brooke Tyler and Debbie Rose [/B]vs. Joanne Rodriguez, Jaime Quine and Nadia Snow [I]Perhaps a ploy to get the babyfaces some overness by beating a team with J-Ro on it on tv.[/I] Team Honor vs. [B]Always Breakin' Hollywood [/B](c) – MAW Tag Team titles [I]I will never doubt ABH again...[/I]:p "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [I]Westybrook will probably be a big part of your tv. He'll = ratingz real soon.[/I] [B]Eddie Powell and Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Firebird and Rudy Velasques [I]Even though it might set up some singles matches I don't think it would be beneficial to have your champion pinned the first time most people see him on tv.[/I]
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[I]OOC: Not too hard a show to predict, I guess - most people got most or all right.[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday 5th June 2013[/CENTER][/B] Our first TV show kicked off with Rip Chord and Kirk Jameson in the ring, flanking a podium with a velvet drape over the top. Kirk, curiously, wasn’t wearing his Heavyweight title belt. [COLOR="Purple"]“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to MAW Nationwide. Now, typically, we’re not the sort of company who want to start our shows with a gabfest – we’re much more about the action. But tonight is a special night – our first show here on National Pride! With that in mind, I’ve commissioned the creation of a new title belt in order to signify our new status. We’ve already ventured outside America once or twice, so it seems appropriate that Kirk Jameson, our reigning Heavyweight champion, be recognised as our first World champion!”[/COLOR] The two men drew back the drape, revealing the new belt. [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MAWWorld.jpg[/IMG] [I]Credit to ReapeR for the awesome pic[/I][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]“It’s only appropriate that as our company grows ever larger, expanding our frontiers more and more, that we set ourselves new goals. At one time, it was to hold shows outside the Mid Atlantic, and here we are in the South East. Next we wanted to get on TV, and here we are on a national television network. Now it’s to make our presence felt across the nation – and beyond. This belt is a symbol of that – of our ultimate aim to stand alongside the biggest companies in the world as an equal. “We may have to think of a new name for the company, but for now we’re Mid Atlantic Wrestling, the hottest new show on your TV!”[/COLOR] * [B]Thea Davis, Brooke Tyler and Debbie Rose vs. Joanne Rodriguez, Jaime Quine and Nadia Snow[/B] A reasonable start to our first TV show as the women all got a shot at showing what they can do. Brooke Tyler and new Women's champion Nadia Snow looked especially good, but the winner of the match was J-Ro, who scored with a J-Rocker on Debbie Rose for the win. Winners: J-Ro, Quine and Snow (D) * After the win, J-Ro went a bit nuts, grabbing Nadia and hugging her, hoisting her – and her title – up into the air. Jaime Quine looked a bit put out to be left out of the celebration. * [B]Team Honor vs. Always Breakin' Hollywood (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] This was a mess of a match, with everyone but Primus Allen looking unsure of themselves in front of the National Pride cameras. It was particularly disappointing considering how well they've done in the past. Allen dominated, and even went to the air to try and salvage the match, which at least caught the crowd's interest. Lenny Brown scored with a Sunset Boulevard on Jared Johnson for the win. Winners: Always Breakin' Hollywood (E) * Brandon Smith was standing by backstage, looking serious: [COLOR="Blue"]“A new dawn for MAW coincides with a new start for me. No more clowning around, no more taking life lightly. I’m at my peak. I’m an elite athlete. And tonight I’ll show what I’m capable of against the Iron Man himself, Tim Westybrook.”[/COLOR] * [B]"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith vs. Tim Westybrook[/B] This was a hard-hitting affair, and everything the previous match should have been. For the first time, Westybrook had someone as strong as him standing across the ring, and this led to a stand up brawl as the two exchanged hard strikes and clubbing blows. Westybrook seemed thrown by going against someone who could stand toe to toe with him, and nearly lost when Smith was able to haul him up into a Backdrop Driver. Before Smith could complete the crushing move, however, Westybrook struggled free and was able to score with the TNT Whirlwind for the narrow victory. Winner: Tim Westybrook (C-) * Firebird was backstage in his lair, goblet of brandy in hand: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“National television. Once upon a time, television had its uses. It was a tool for providing information, for telling people what they needed to know. Now we live in a society where the most worthless nothings can become famous overnight. This vacuous, self-destructive society merely confirms what I always expected, that mankind is on a downward spiral. Only those like myself, who have the courage and strength to take advantage of the situation, to sink to the depths faster than anyone, and exploit the darkness they find, can hope to rise above the plunging depravity, and take what is rightfully ours – and that is everything.”[/COLOR] Rudy Velasquez stepped from the darkness: [COLOR="Blue"]“I don’t care what this fool says – but he’s on my side tonight. If it makes him stronger, that’s fine. I don’t care about society, I don’t care about morals or darkness. I just care about me and mine. And tonight that means I work with this guy to take home the winner’s share of the pot, and keep my family safe.”[/COLOR] * [B]Eddie Powell and Kirk Jameson vs. Firebird and Rudy Velasquez[/B] This was an enjoyable tag team match, highlighted by the unexpectedly good chemistry between Velasquez and Firebird – and it's a shame we won't be able to capitalise on that any further as they're not exactly natural partners. It did give them the edge for much of the match, though, as Powell was kept in the ring as the heels exchanged quick tags and did their best to isolate him in their half of the ring. Jameson bounced impatiently on the bottom of the rope, stretching himself almost halfway across the ring as he tried to get the tag. In the end, a mistake from Velasquez gave Powell the chance to make the hot tag, and Jameson came into the match on fire, blitzing Velasquez before unloading on Firebird with a series of high-impact moves. The momentum was with the face side, and a few minutes later Powell tagged back in to score with a Motion Censor on the All Action champion for the win. Winners: Powell and Jameson (C-) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]Next: Rip and Sam, SWF's latest raid... and say g'day to Swoop![/I]
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I would've liked to see Jameson vs. Andrews III on the TV debut, but I'm guessing AA's contract ended too soon for that to happen. Love the new belts (if ReapeR is reading). I wouldn't mind seeing a company name change, as long as you keep the MAW initials. Mixed Athletes Wrestling? Mostly All-Stars Wrestling? Modern American Wrestling? ...I'm sure you could do better.
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[I]OOC: A company name change is on the cards for the future, if we grow to a truly National company. All suggestions are welcome, although I like the idea of Modern American or Athletic Wrestling a lot... As for Andrews, he's here for another two months or so, but I just felt that I was getting lazy about booking he and Jameson around each other. I might as well use Andrews to put some other guys over between now and his departure.[/I] * I stopped Rip after the show. [COLOR="Green"]“Nice new belt that Kirk has,”[/COLOR] I said. Rip beamed, devilishly. [COLOR="Purple"]“It is nice, isn’t it? I heard that Sam was getting a new World belt made for his company. I contacted the manufacturer and asked them to make us one on a similar design – and we got to debut it first.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Do you think that’s wise? I know you and Sam are tight, but-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“It’s fine. Another thing for him to get mad about before I buy him a bottle of something wicked to make up to him. Don’t worry, kid.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I’m worried about us having a World title when we’ve only been outside the US once – and that was a Canadian show so close to the border that I think Jay actually managed to p--- on US soil from the bathroom window.”[/COLOR] Rip glowered slightly, and I wondered if bringing up Jay had been a smart move. I hadn’t heard Rip mention him, now I thought about it, for several months now. [COLOR="Green"]“How is Jay?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Fine. We don’t talk much, but he’s busy, and so am I.”[/COLOR] I nodded. Jay’s bridge-building a few months back had always seemed a bit odd. I wondered if he’d felt under threat in TCW at the time, and was making sure that there was a place for him in MAW. [COLOR="Purple"]“Anyway, we’re on TV kid. That means exposure, and that means that sooner or later, people outside these borders will hear about what we do.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“What we do is good, Rip – but having a World title... well, it’s your company, I guess. Just bear in mind that we’re a long way from turning a profit under this model.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“It’s my money, kid. And we’re doing good things here. We’ll make it.”[/COLOR] I nodded. I’d have felt happier if Rip unbelted his wallet a bit more – I was under no illusion that we were looking at a hefty loss this month, and even if we leapt in popularity through TV, I didn’t doubt that we were looking at a lean period for MAW. That profit I’d made us over the last several years was going to vanish pretty quickly... * Nationwide drew a 0.01 rating on National Pride. That's great news for us – anything over a 0.00 was more than I'd dared hope for. * Donnie J has signed a written deal with SWF. I'm okay with that – Donnie hasn't been a part of my main event plans for some time now, and with him nearer 40 than 30, and coming up for contract renewal anyway, I had begun to wonder whether I was going to renew his deal. * [QUOTE] [I][CENTER]MAW.com show report: On Tour in Tri-State Monday, 8th June 2013 [/CENTER] Hello again, grapple fans, this is Rip Chord logging on at the Weston Gymnasium after a wild night of action. This is how tonight's show went down: "Sensational" Kashmir Singh brought his flamboyant offence to bare on the minimalist Marc Speed in our opening contest, which showed contrasting personalities, but similarly well-oiled skills on the competitors' parts. In the end, Singh won a narrow contest with a Cal-Cutter. I was privileged to welcome a newcomer to MAW next, as Australian star Swoop McCarthy made his debt with a bombastic promo, promising every champion in the company that he had his eyes on their gold – even the tag champions. In Swoop's own words: "I’ll tell you something, mate, I'm so good that the champions back home used to just line up and just give me their straps to save themselves a beating!" We'll have to see if the confident youngster can live up to his claims, but a win over Jared Johnson went some way to suggest that he might be on to something. Next up, Speed's tag partner Greg Ford had better luck in his match against Josh Jones, beating the promising Canadian with an Ace In The Hole. Backstage, and reigning tag champion Lenny Brown sought out MAW legend Jean Cattley – but Brown wasn't after advice, instead he smashed a bottle over Cattley's head. Later on in the show, Cattley would challenge Brown to a match, bits of glass still stuck in his hair. Before we got there, though, Burn went over recent arrival "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand in a thrilling aerial encounter. The masked man took the win with an Acid Rain Bomb after the pair flew around the ring like an eagle who's found a cuckoo in their nest. In the main event, Cattley went after Brown for justice, but his wounded head obviously caused him trouble as he struggled to keep up with the athletic youngster in the early going. Brown's inexperience caught up to him, however, and Cattley was able to wear him down after Brown crash-landed on a failed Star Treatment, before falling to a Mood Swing. We'll be back in the Tri-State next month for more hot action. I'm Rip Chord, and I hope to see you there. Overview: Kashmir Singh def. Marc Speed – D- Swoop McCarthy def. Jared Johnson – F Greg Ford def. Josh Jones – E+ Burn def. Michael Ferdinand – D Jean Cattley def. Lenny Brown – D- Overall: D-[/I] [/QUOTE] * Swoop McCarthy was a welcome addition to our roster, and I knew in time that he'd be a genuine star. Really, his arrival was perfectly timed for television. However, as his match rating showed, he had bad ring rust after spending a year out of work after APW folded. We'd been able to convince him to travel to the States for work, but he didn't come cheap. Still, a few dark matches at the next TV show should see him getting back up to speed... * Michael Ferdinand's third show, and his second disciplinary offence. This time, he attacked Jean – having previously done the same with Antonio. Previously, I took the fatherly route with the little scrote. This time, I gave him a verbal slap on the wrist. A match with Jean has already been set for next week's show – I may make it a triple threat to let Antonio get some shots in. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] ??? vs. Deborah Young "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith, Eddie Powell and Bradford Peverell vs. Swoop McCarthy, Tim Westybrook and Rudy Velasquez "Machine" Jean Cattley and "Sensational" Kashmir Singh vs. Aaron Andrews and The Great Ota Harry Allen vs. Kirk Jameson (c) vs. Firebird vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer – MAW World title[/CENTER]
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] [B]??? [/B]vs. Deborah Young "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith, Eddie Powell and Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy, Tim Westybrook and Rudy Velasquez[/B] [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley and "Sensational" Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews and The Great Ota Harry Allen vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] (c) vs. Firebird vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer – MAW World title
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??? vs. [B]Deborah Young[/B] [I]I figure you'll want to keep her current push going.[/I] "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith, Eddie Powell and Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy, Tim Westybrook and Rudy Velasquez[/B] [I]Westybrook's on one team which gives them the edge...[/I] [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley and "Sensational" Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews and The Great Ota [I]Sensational Machine, baby! Yeah! Also, you mentioned something about Aaron putting some guys over before leaving...[/I] Harry Allen vs. [B]Kirk Jameson [/B](c) vs. Firebird vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer – MAW World title [I]Jameson continues to prove himself to the tv audience.[/I]
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??? vs. [B]Deborah Young[/B] [B]"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith, Eddie Powell and Bradford Peverell[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy, Tim Westybrook and Rudy Velasquez [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley and "Sensational" Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews and The Great Ota [i]Singh getting a push? Yay![/i] Harry Allen vs. [B]Kirk Jameson (c)[/B] vs. Firebird vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer – MAW World title
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??? vs.[B] Deborah Young[/B] [I]I have a feeling ??? is more jobber of the night ??? than big mystery debutant ???[/I] "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith, Eddie Powell and Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy, Tim Westybrook and Rudy Velasquez[/B] [I]Could go either way, but as someone said Westybrook is on one team and that does give the edge as you want to keep his push strong. Interesting that you're bringing in Swoop as a heel by the looks of things, as most diaries I have seen him in, he is pushed as a charismatic babyface. [/I] [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley and "Sensational" Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews and The Great Ota [I]I hope you have (despite him being a bit of a d*ck backstage) that you have enough respect for Andrews to not just job him out to anyone. It looks like with this match though you're doing the right thing...Cattley continues his strong push since his return and Singh gets a bit of a rub by being on the winning side.[/I] Harry Allen vs. [B]Kirk Jameson (c)[/B] vs. Firebird vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer – MAW World title [I]Great way to showcase to the TV audience just how dominant the champ is.[/I]
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[B]??? [/B]vs. Deborah Young "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith, Eddie Powell and Bradford Peverell vs.[B] Swoop McCarthy, Tim Westybrook and Rudy Velasquez[/B] [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley and "Sensational" Kashmir Singh [/B]vs. Aaron Andrews and The Great Ota Harry Allen vs. [B]Kirk Jameson (c) [/B]vs. Firebird vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] ??? vs. [B]Deborah Young[/B] [I]Gotta agree with TK here - I think ??? is more of a random jobber than a big debut.[/I] "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith, Eddie Powell and Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy, Tim Westybrook and Rudy Velasquez[/B] [I]Not an easy one, but I think Westy carries this one. Plus Swoop gets a rub. [/I] [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley and "Sensational" Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews and The Great Ota [I]Might this be where AA starts helping out others before he leaves? [/I] Harry Allen vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] (c) vs. Firebird vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer – MAW World title [I]Gotta think KJ keeps it here. [/I] ______________ As for the name change, I'm not sure. I'm would give some consideration to sticking with the good old Mid Atlantic even once this becomes a national thing (you'll get there). Wouldn't blame you for changing it, but sticking to the roots of in a company that started on an old school ideal works for me.
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[I]OOC: Sounds silly, but writing out promos as a single block of text makes it so much easier - and quicker - to format when I post. Monologues may become a theme in this diary... :p[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 12th June 2013[/CENTER][/B] The camera opened on Rip Chord at the announcers’ table: [COLOR="Purple"]“Ladies and gentlemen, the newest signing to MAW: Suzanne Brazzle!”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/SuzanneBrazzle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Brazzle beamed at the crowd as she waved. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve come to MAW as it’s home to a competitive women’s division. And I like that occasionally we get to test ourselves against men to see if we can match up. I also want a shot at the Women’s title – the way that Nadia Snow won the belt, with Kristabel beaten so badly beforehand, doesn’t exactly sit well with me. I know that Kristabel is due a rematch, but I want a shot as well. Nadia, I’m coming for you.”[/COLOR] * [B]Suzanne Brazzle vs. Deborah Young[/B] This was a sign of things to come from Brazzle, as she carried the promising but green Young to a watchable match. Haley Buck seemed put out by Brazzle's arrival in MAW, and at one point in the match offered her a contract – only to have it smacked from her hands by Young. The larger woman kept throwing glares at Buck, who for once seemed cowed, but this meant that her attention wasn't on the match and she ended up falling victim to a Brazzle Dazzle to give Brazzle her debut win. Winner: Suzanne Brazzle (D+) * Rudy Velasquez was backstage, with Tim Westybrook looming behind him. [COLOR="Blue"]“I don’t like losing, but that’s what happened last week when Eddie Powell pinned me. I lost a lot of money, and I don’t have that much to throw around. But for one night, I can afford to splash out and hire this man here, to make sure I get the winner’s purse tonight. Powell, I ‘spect think that beatin’ me earns you a title shot. Maybe you’re right, and maybe we’ll throw down at the end of the month, amigo. Maybe this’ll turn out for the best in the long run when I get the big show payout – but right now, tonight, I’m making sure I get what’s due me and my family.”[/COLOR] * [B]"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith, Eddie Powell and Bradford Peverell vs. Swoop McCarthy, Tim Westybrook and Rudy Velasquez[/B] This was just a way of throwing a few feuds together in one match. The intention is to pair off Swoop and Pev long term, while the other two pairings are going at it now. The match was broadly split along the appropriate pairings, although Velasquez seemed to want to be in the ring regardless of his opponent as he tried to fight everyone. His temper eventually got the better of him as he was taken out of the match by a Powell crossbody that sent both men tumbling over the top rope. As McCarthy tackled Peverell, Brandon Smith walked into a hard lariat from Westybrook who looked down at his fallen foe, before sighing and hauling Powell back into the ring, where the groggy Powell was demolished with a TNT Whirlwind to give the heels the win. Winners: McCarthy, Westybrook and Velasquez (D) * Aaron Andrews stood backstage. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Well, there we go. My title hopes... gone, my last chance at vengeance at the man who betrayed me and stole my title... vanished. It’s time to move on. “In a just world, where I was appreciated as I should be, there’d be an uproar. If the world were fair, then I’d still be the champion, and the return of Jean Cattley would be an afterthought – a pat on the head to the people who’ve stuck with MAW since day one, before real talent like me arrived on the scene. “Instead, all I hear is that Jean Cattley’s back. Everyone’s excited because the guy who jumped ship has come back... for now. Listen, once I leave, that’s it. I’ll be gone from MAW, and I don’t ever expect to come back. I’m honest about that – I won’t come back from the big leagues having failed to break through the glass ceiling. I’ll be a success at the highest level. Make the most of me while I’m here – and don’t be too offended when I walk away and don’t look back. I’m just being honest.”[/COLOR] * [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley and "Sensational" Kashmir Singh vs. Aaron Andrews and The Great Ota[/B] This was, I believe, the best tag match in MAW history. The four men are all standout performers anyway, but Cattley and Singh are former tag champions, while their opponents have considerable chemistry as a team. The result was a blistering ten minute display of teamwork and thrilling moves before Andrews caught Singh in the heel corner and planted him with a Twisting Face Crusher for the win. Winners: Andrews and Ota (C) * Kirk Jameson appeared for the second time, smiling at the crowd, his new World title around his waist. [COLOR="Blue"]“There’s always a lot of challengers for this title, and that’s all the more true now that MAW is growing in size and popularity. Some of the best wrestlers in the world are vying for this belt. Tonight I’m going up against no fewer than three challengers: Harry Allen, the straight talking Tennessee high-flyer, a man who is always honest – and tonight he’s going to be honest about taking me out, and taking my title. “I’m also up against Firebird, a former friend, and a man with whom I’ve had some brutal, bloody battles. He’s never anything less than dangerous, and when he’s fired up, he’s borderline unbeatable. I many not agree with his views, but I respect him as a competitor. “And then there’s Lord Geoffrey Windameer. This is a man who is one of the longest-reigning USPW World champions in that company’s proud history. He’s not to be underestimated, even if he has had a rough ride in this company since he debuted a few months back. “In short, there’s three reasons why I might not leave the ring tonight with this title around my waist. But I believe in myself. I know what I’m capable of, who I’ve beaten, and what my strengths are. And gentlemen, I’m ready for you.”[/COLOR] * [B]Harry Allen vs. Kirk Jameson (c) vs. Firebird vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW World title[/COLOR] Kirk Jameson's 17th title defence was a fantastic match. From bell to bell, it was fifteen minutes of non-stop action. Unusually for a multi-man match, there were no dead spots with one or more men laying on the outside. Instead, if one man was taken out he became the focus of whoever was looking for a quick win – be they Allen, Firebird or Windameer. Jameson, for his part, was fighting to defend his title which made for an interesting dynamic as he had to save both heels at various points, and go against his fellow face. Allen played the match shady, emphasised by us on commentary noting that he had shown no hesitation in his MAW career in going after what he wanted – namely, the World title. The match finally broke down as we neared fifteen minutes, with Windameer successfully toppling Firebird from the top rope to prevent a Firebird Splash on Allen. Jameson, meanwhile, knocked Allen from the ring as he tried to get back to his feet. The champion then stalked Windameer, catching him unawares and locking him in the Kirkhold, leaving the aristocrat no choice but to submit. Winner: Kirk Jameson (C+) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I](Swoop was used too much – he was in several dark matches before the show to knock off some ring rust, too...) Next: More funny business from SWF...[/I]
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I totally over thought these matches. Though strangely enough that frustration didn't bleed over to my enjoyment reading the recap. And I agree that one person talking is a hell of a lot easier to format than two people arguing or a person doing something while talking.
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Your logic was sound in picking the winners you did - MAW booking is fairly evenhanded, with few people going on significant streaks (Westybrook and any World/MAW champion being obvious exceptions). Most matches could go either way. About the one thing you can be reasonably sure of is that if Bradford Peverell or LG Windameer are in a match, they'll lose... I'm actually considering having the Blondes and LGW form a mini-stable where they acknowledge that their luck of late has sucked, and they try and break out of their funk through drastic action. Lots of potential for fun angles, too, as the Blondes are about the only people on the roster who might respect LGW's blue blood. I'm also considering... ah, no, [I]that[/I] one might actually come about, so I'll keep it under wraps for now ;)
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[QUOTE=James Casey;606851] I'm actually considering having the Blondes and LGW form a mini-stable where they acknowledge that their luck of late has sucked, and they try and break out of their funk through drastic action.[/QUOTE] The MAW Job Squad! "Pin us, pay us!"
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[I]OOC: Might be a bit too post-modern for MAW - we'll have to see.[/I] * Another 0.01 rating for Nationwide. In my gut, I feel it did better than last week... * [COLOR="Blue"]“James?”[/COLOR] It was late – past midnight, and the ring was still only half packed away. Our crew was working sluggishly, and it was one job I couldn’t help them with. I sat on the bleachers, aware that my presence was probably distracting them rather than anything else, but also aware that I couldn’t leave with the job half done – it set a bad example. Rip was the only person I’d allow to outstay me at a show, and even he’d headed off to the hotel tonight. [COLOR="Green"]“What’s up, Harry?”[/COLOR] I asked, gesturing for him to sit. He put himself down on a lower level, straddling the bench as he looked up at me. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve had an offer.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“From who?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“CGC.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Okay, are you taking it?”[/COLOR] I was curious where Harry was going with this. He seemed nervous, but we’d never asked anyone not to take a job offer, and we were higher on Harry’s priority list than PSW, his third employer after us and NYCW. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah... James, I’m going to have to leave MAW?”[/COLOR] It came out like a question, as though he were seeking permission – or at least confirmation that he was doing the right thing. [COLOR="Green"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve got a family, James. Working for the DeColts, Stomper and Mitch means shorter travel – and that’s important.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I understand,”[/COLOR] I said, my shoulders sagging. [COLOR="Green"]“It’s okay, Harry, really. A year ago I might have been angry, but it’s alright. You’re making the right choice.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Not for MAW.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“We’ll survive. We always have.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m sorry.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I’m sorry that we didn’t get to do everything that I wanted to do with your character, but I can hardly begrudge you more time at home. Go on, give your wife a kiss, and your kids a hug, and don’t worry about it,”[/COLOR] I said. I stretched out my good leg, and poked him with the end of my cane. [COLOR="Green"]“And when SWF come calling in a few months, well, you’re definitely worth the guaranteed money.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Um...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Have you heard? Someone else got an offer today – from Supreme.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“No, I hadn’t. Who-“[/COLOR] At that moment, my phone pinged. It was a message from one of our other workers – requesting a meeting the next day. [COLOR="Green"]“Oh. Oh ----.” [/COLOR] * [CENTER][B]MAW On Tour[/B] "Machine" Jean Cattley vs. Antonio vs. "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Ford & Speed Two Smoking Barrels vs. The Canadian Blondes Eddie Howard vs. Lenny Brown Bradford Peverell vs. Swoop McCarthy – non-title Plus Kirk Jameson will make a special appearance[/CENTER]
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I'm going for Jameson.. Why else would he have a special appearance in the show? :P [B]MAW On Tour "Machine" Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Antonio vs. "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] [B]Two Smoking Barrels[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Eddie Howard vs. [B]Lenny Brown[/B] [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy – non-title
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I wonder would got signed. Kirk is the obvious choice, but would it be that simple? [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Antonio vs. "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] [B]Two Smoking Barrels[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Eddie Howard vs. [B]Lenny Brown[/B] [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy – non-title
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[B]MAW On Tour[/B] [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Antonio vs. "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] Two Smoking Barrels vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes [/B] Eddie Howard vs. [B]Lenny Brown[/B] [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy – non-title
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So after the past few days I've read the entire diary. One reader compared it to ReverseFigure4's LAW Diary. I agree. This is the first diary since LAW to keep me this entertained. I enjoyed underdog indy stories and well.. I love Rip Chord and MAW. There were some points where I had to stop reading and take a step back because either I was confused by a booking/decision or something amazed me so much I had to sit back and re-read [the Chord/Casey Fight!!~] It's good to see you picked up Swoop McCarthy. APW has been my new game to play and Swoop is brilliant in it. I hope he is the same for you. Also congrats on your expected child. I do hope you decide to cut down rather than stop. As some have said, a baby at 2 am who won't sleep will allow you to find odd hours to write =P Anyways on to predictions. It's a tour show and I honestly see one match out of here with any importance. [b]"Machine" Jean Cattley[/b] vs. Antonio vs. "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand [b]The West Texas Peacekeepers[/b] vs. Ford & Speed Two Smoking Barrels vs. [b]The Canadian Blondes[/b] Eddie Howard vs. Lenny Brown - Draw Bradford Peverell vs. [b]Swoop McCarthy[/b] – non-title [i]The only match I see of importance. To test if Peverell and Swoop have chemistry I expect? Hopefully they do or at least hoping it's not bad. Also believe Swoop will go over because it is non-title...[/i] Plus Kirk Jameson will make a special appearance
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[B]Machine" Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Antonio vs. "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand [I]Cattley continues on his winning run since his return[/I] The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] [I]For some reason I imagine the West Texas Peacekeepers music beginning with some hillbilly shouting 'WESSSTTTT TEXAAAAAASSSSS PEAAAAACCCEKEEEEEPPPPPPERRRRRSSSSSS!!!' at the top of his lungs before some really awful country song starts playing. My brain works in odd ways sometimes. Question is can they actually win this time ? I think even Ford and Speed will be too good for them[/I] [B]Two Smoking Barrels[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [I]All the Blondes do these days is job[/I] Eddie Howard vs. [B]Lenny Brown[/B] [I]Keeping one half of the Tag champs strong[/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] – non-title [I]It's non title so the Pev loses.[/I] Plus Kirk Jameson will make a special appearance- [I]Could this sadly be the 'go I'm going to the SWF announcement' or have you thrown this into the preview as a ruse. I'm hoping it's the latter.[/I]
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[B][U]MAW On Tour[/U][/B] [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Antonio vs. "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] [B]Two Smoking Barrels[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Eddie Howard vs. [B]Lenny Brown[/B] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy [/B]– non-title Plus Kirk Jameson will make a special appearance I realized I just made the same picks as TK, and for pretty much the same reasons. Like TK, I'm really hoping taht Jameson isn't making an appearance to say goodbye. With just getting on TV, losing someone major would suck so bad.
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[B]"Machine" Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Antonio vs. "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] [B]Two Smoking Barrels[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Eddie Howard vs. [B]Lenny Brown[/B] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B]
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[I]OOC: Alas, alas, alas...[/I] [B][CENTER]MAW On Tour – Great Lakes Monday, 15th June 2013[/CENTER] "Machine" Jean Cattley vs. Antonio vs. "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand[/B] A sell-out crowd in The Asylum saw Jean Cattley and Antonio getting a chance for some revenge on Ferdinand – or, in storyline terms, Cattley using his experience and skill in what effectively amounted to a handicap match. Ferdinand took a lot of the punishment in this match and, as the match neared its end, Antonio turned on his fellow bad guy, trying to capitalise on the beating he'd taken, only for Jean to pitch him from the ring and drill Ferdinand with a Mood Swing for the pin. Winner: Jean Cattley (D-) * Kirk Jameson stepped out onto the stage as Jean made his way back up the ramp. [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s the sort of fantastic action you see in MAW, ladies and gentlemen. And I love that about this company, I really do. Tonight, I found myself here in Michigan and I realised that I had a chance to make an appearance here and defend the MAW World title. I can’t pass that up – so if anyone wants the chance of a lifetime then I’m right here, and you can face me tonight!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“I’ll do it.”[/COLOR] Kirk turned to find Jean still standing on the ramp, looking at him with absolute focus. [COLOR="Blue"]“Jean? You already wrestled tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“I’m the best choice, then. I’ve shown what I can do, and I’m ready to face you. With all due respect to everyone in the back, no-one else is a former MAW champion. And when I lost that title, I never got a real rematch. It may be almost four years later, but I haven’t forgotten.”[/COLOR] Kirk looked unsure for a moment, but then he stuck out his hand. Jean took it, and the two men shook. [COLOR="blue"]“Jean, it will be a pleasure to face you again.”[/COLOR] * [B]The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Ford & Speed[/B] This was a short tag match between two teams who really aren't over in this region. Ford & Speed are a little more over, though, and that meant that they got the win when Speed wrapped Blaze up in a Cross Armbreaker. Winner: Ford & Speed (D-) * Backstage, and The Canadian Blondes had a rare promo – or, rather, Kristen Pearce did. [COLOR="Magenta"]“My boys are shamefully neglected,”[/COLOR] she declared. [COLOR="magenta"]“They’re rarely given matches, and get the chance to air their views even less often. I consider this to unacceptable, and demand that they receive more matches in accordance with their status as multi-time tag team champions in this company.”[/COLOR] * [B]Two Smoking Barrels vs. The Canadian Blondes [/B] With a little more time to breathe than the previous match, this felt like a somewhat better contest. Flash Savage was the star, sort of, as while his in-ring work wasn't that impressive, he was much the most entertaining competitor, even shading Kristen Pearce at ringside as the one to watch. In the end, he wasn't involved in the finish as Oscar Golden scored with O, Canada! on Josh Jones for the win. Winner: The Canadian Blondes (D-) * Eddie Howard stepped out onto the ramp. [COLOR="Blue"]“Myself and DC Rayne form Natural Storm. We are one of the most well-established and respected teams in America today. I don’t want to make a big deal of this – I don’t think that we deserve a title shot just because we exist. But equally, I don’t think that our last match against Always Breakin’ Hollywood settled anything – it was far too close to be conclusive. So here’s the deal: Primus Allen or Lenny Brown, I’m challenging you to a match here and now. If I win, we get another title shot at the end of the month. If I lose, we get out of your faces.”[/COLOR] Lenny Brown emerged, with Haley Buck in tow. [COLOR="Magenta"]“My clients do not think you have what it takes to give them a competitive match. Therefore, the answer is-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Quiet, Buck.”[/COLOR] Brown ordered. Haley looked at him in shock. [COLOR="blue"]“You know about money and contracts, but this is about fighting. And that’s where me and Primus make the decisions. Howard, you got a match right here, and right now.”[/COLOR] Buck threw her hands up in annoyance, but accompanied her client to ringside. * [B]Eddie Howard vs. Lenny Brown[/B] This was a fairly enjoyable singles match between these two midcarders. Haley Buck, as ever, impressed at ringside but Eddie Howard did a lot of good work to get the crowd on his side. With the title shot on the line, Brown seemed to crack under pressure as the more experienced Howard was able to overcome his athletic opponent with an Explosion Kick to earn his team a rematch for the tag team titles. Winner: Eddie Howard (D) * Swoop McCarthy approached Bradford Peverell backstage. [COLOR="Teal"]“Hi there, Pev. Listen, you’ve got something that Swoop wants. You probably know that what Swoop wants, he gets. Now, you don’t seem like the sort of bloke who’s going to just hand over your title...”[/COLOR] Peverell was looking at Swoop with his eyebrows raised. [COLOR="teal"]“No, somehow Swoop didn’t think so. Name your terms, Pev. What does Swoop have to do to earn himself a title match?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“You want a title match?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"]“That was the general thrust of my point, yeah. Well done.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, I don’t have anything else on tonight. If you can beat me, you can have your match at the end of the month.”[/COLOR] * [B]Bradford Peverell vs. Swoop McCarthy[/B] This was a high-powered and fast-paced brawl, kept short to compensate for Swoop's newness in the country. In a month or two's time, I suspect he'll be in the main event – but for now he contested an all-out eight minute match, edging out the Traditional champion with a Running Powerslam to earn himself a shot at the title in twelve days time. Winner: Swoop McCarthy (D-) * Jean and Kirk stood in the centre of the ring ahead of their title match. Jean extended his hand to Kirk, who shook it, the sign of the respect between the two getting the crowd’s attention for this rare contest between two fan favourites. * [B]Kirk Jameson (c) vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW World Heavyweight title[/COLOR] There isn't really a swear word adequate to meet the requirements here, so let's just say that this match came about as a necessity. Of the three candidates to face Kirk in this match – and it had to be here, as he's not available for Friday's television show – Aaron's leaving soon anyway, and Westybrook's current feud is with Brandon Smith. Jean has three shows to build a feud capable of headlining our next big show. Oh, sorry, the match – it was a strong technical offering, the best thing we've put on an On Tour show ever (a technicality, but it counts). After eight months with the title, and having finally overcome Aaron at the last big show, I was all set to give Kirk a long run with the title – but fate intervened in the form of the SWF. Kirk's off to make a star of himself with our best wishes, and in his last appearance for the time being, he met the original MAW standard bearer. The two went back and forth for almost twenty minutes, putting on a technical clinic that more than overcame their relative lack of overness in the area. It was a desperately close contest, with a slew of near falls and narrow submission escapes, but in the end Jean scored with the Mood Swing to capture a record third MAW title! Winner: Jean Cattley (C-) * After the match, Kirk looked stunned at having lost, and as the referee picked up the title belt and went to hand it to Jean, Kirk snatched it from his hands. The crowd seemed a little unsettled by this, particularly as Kirk stared at the title for several long seconds, ignoring Jean and everyone and everything else. Eventually, though, he looked up at Jean and forced a smile upon his face, holding out the title to him. Jean smiled, understanding Kirk’s predicament. The crowd showed their appreciation as Kirk fastened the title around Jean’s waist, before raising his hand. The deposed champion then left Jean alone in the ring to celebrate his victory, with the crowd applauding both the new champion, and the man who he had defeated for the title. [B]Overall: D+[/B] [I]Next: How to make a star...[/I]
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