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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[I]OOC: This could be it, so if I'm not around for a few days, that's why. Or it could be another false alarm - there's been a few over the last few weeks. This feels different, but who knows?[/I] * CGC have made an approach to Swoop McCarthy. And so it begins... * First 4C, now CGC? Where Troy Winner’s Canadian company had a glorious run, signing the likes of Tim Westybrook and Eddie Peak to contracts, they ended their time with a hodge-podge of has-beens and never-weres under contract, and their prestigious title belts around the waists of no-hopers. I mention this because the CGC Canadian title, last held by Zimmy Bumfhole, is now around the waist of the Masked Outlaw, the wrestler more commonly known as Kenny Kuntz, or K-Squared. K-Squared defeated Lord Geoffrey Windameer in the latter’s last match for the company, his loan deal expiring as he prepares to move on to TCW. It’ll be interesting to see if Windameer remains with SWF in the meantime – if so, he could become the most important worker in America as the dirtsheets have a worker they can directly compare booking notes on... * [QUOTE] [I][CENTER]MAW.com Show Report – On Tour in Great Lakes Thursday, 17th October 2013[/CENTER] Hello everyone, I’m Reese Paige and I’m here to bring you the latest MAW action from the Great Lakes, played out tonight before a thousand wild fans in the Asylum. We opened up with one of our guests, Nathaniel Casino, going up against Marc Speed. The flamboyant gambler and the ascetic technician were evenly matched, going toe-to-toe with their contrasting styles. Casino fought hard, beating his opponent to the mat time and again – but Speed was able to thrive in that position, hooking Casino into painful submission holds time and again, before cranking him into a Cross Armbreaker to score the submission victory. Before the next match, Jenny announced that the terms of Team Honor’s challenge to The Canadian Blondes had been accepted – and if they could beat The West Texas Lawmakers tonight, the title shot on Saturday would be theirs. The match was a spirited brawl, with Marshall Dillon doing his best to wear his opponents down in particular. With Haley Buck issuing the orders, the cowboys taunted as much as they fought, trying to break the challengers psychologically. Fortunately for Team Honor, they’re made of stern stuff, and weren’t to be deterred. With Jenny cheering them on from ringside, they fought back and took the win when Lassana Makutsi scored the pin on Sheriff Blaze after a Code Of Honor. Next up, Brandon Smith issued a warning to Remmy Honeyman – he was in the hunt for gold, and wasn’t going to let anyone stand in his way. In the match, Honeyman posed a stern challenge to the former football star, but ultimately succumbed to an Inverted Piledriver as Smith bulled his way to victory. The Canadian Blondes and Brooke Tyler next spoke about their own separate quests – The Blondes to retain their gold, despite the challenge facing them at Where It All Begins Again, Tyler to get into the hunt for the Women’s title. They had a chance to show their form in six-person action against Jaime Quine and Two Smoking Barrels, but on this night they were unable to get started. Quine took Tyler down in the early going with a hard roundhouse kick that left Tyler out of it for much of the match, and when she was tagged in Quine pounced on her and unleashed a barrage of slams and punches, before scoring with a KO Kick for the win. Kashmir Singh and GB Wood are very different in their approach to the business, and have clashed in the past over their differences. They keep butting heads, though, and have never resolved their issues. Once again they went at it, and not for the first time the dedication of the more focused Wood paid off as he was able to wrap Singh up in a Stretch Plum for the win. SWF star Lead Belly was revealed as the eight entrant in the King Of The Indies battle royal. He issued an open challenge to anyone backstage, which was accepted by his fellow biker, Bradford Peverell. The two exchanged barbs about their respective rides before engaging in a wild brawl that spilled out of the ring and took in all four sides of the ring, before Peverall made one critical mistake, falling victim to an RPM Bomb as our guest squeaked out a narrow victory. Lenny Brown had his All Action title with him for the main event, and pointed out that he wasn’t yet booked for a defence at WIABA. Jean Cattley emerged and said that he had news for Brown – he was booked, all night long, with the title on the line wherever the champion was from the first bell to the last. Brown and his manager Haley Buck looked aghast, but Cattley said that wasn’t all he had to reveal. Not only did Brown have a match tonight, against him, but Cattley’s choice of stipulation was Triple Threat match – with the other challenger being FCW’s Black Eagle! The former MAW star made his return to the company, and although it was clear that he and Cattley had no love lost between them, both seemed eager to lay out Brown. Fortunately for the champion, his title wasn’t on the line in this match, as he took the brunt of the punishment in a thrilling encounter. Although Brown and Buck will tell anyone who’ll listen that Brown is the next big thing in wrestling, it was clear that he was unready to face two challengers of the calibre of Eagle and Cattley. And if the two men don’t see eye to eye, on this night at least they both wanted to show Brown that he still has something to learn. Brown rallied near the end as Eagle and Cattley began to fight over who got to beat him, but when he tried to intervene, he was hiptossed over the top rope, leaving Eagle and Cattley free to scrap it out between them. The two went back and forth for several minutes, before the savvy Cattley was able to score the win with a big Mood Swing to help boost his momentum on the way into the big show in a few days time. Fans, I’ll be back on Saturday to take a look Where It All Begins Again. Until now, this has been a great show – and well worth coming to see next time we’re near you. Marc Speed def. Nathaniel Casino – D- Team Honor def. The West Texas Lawmakers – D- Brandon Smith def. Remmy Honeyman – D Quine and Two Smoking Barrels def. Tyler and The Canadian Blondes – D- GB Wood def. Kashmir Singh – D Lead Belly def. Bradford Peverell – D Lenny Brown def. Black Eagle and Jean Cattley – C- Overall: D+[/I] [/QUOTE] * Black Eagle was in trouble backstage, having gotten into things with Lassana Makutsi over some rumours he was spreading about the tag star. He was fined – in so much as that applies when his fee goes to FCW. Eagle is a part of the KOTI battle royal on Monday (Why Monday? Because every other day was unavailable, one way or another) so this was a risk, but he actually responded fairly well. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Thea Davis vs. Nadia Snow Eddie Powell and El Heroe Mexicano vs. Rudy Velasquez and Lead Belly Phoenix vs. Black Eagle Strong and Cattley vs. Ruin and Rodriguez Plus: Sara Silverman has an announcement to make[/CENTER]
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Thea Davis vs. [B]Nadia Snow[/B] Eddie Powell and El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Rudy Velasquez and Lead Belly[/B] Phoenix vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] [B]Strong and Cattley[/B] vs. Ruin and Rodriguez Jett is an interesting guess for Ruin. I picked up on the reference to Casey's relationship as well and wondered if that was a hint. As for the child, best of luck with that JC. Let us know when you have officially entered Fatherdom. And Happy Father's Day, even if it is early.
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Jacob Jett does sound like a good choice after that last promo. [B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Thea Davis vs. [B]Nadia Snow[/B] [B]Eddie Powell and El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez and Lead Belly Phoenix vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] [B]Strong and Cattley[/B] vs. Ruin and Rodriguez
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I believe you are throwing us of the scent and it is still JC [B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow [B]Eddie Powell and El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez and Lead Belly [B]Phoenix [/B]vs. Black Eagle Strong and Cattley vs. [B]Ruin and Rodriguez[/B] Plus: Sara Silverman has an announcement to make Westybrook vs Ruin?
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] [B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow [I]Just because..[/I] Eddie Powell and El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Rudy Velasquez and Lead Belly[/B] [I]Would LB job to the other two?[/I] [B]Phoenix[/B] vs. Black Eagle [I]He's got to earn back the "ultimate" tag somehow[/I] Strong and Cattley vs. [B]Ruin and Rodriguez[/B] [I]I still think of Ruin as an unstoppable force[/I]
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Now that we're taking guesses on The Mentor, my money's on JD Morgan. Everything seems to fit(timing of his return, knee injury), aside from him not being healed to wrestle in the odd match Mentor has been in, but there are ways around that. Best of luck with the delivery, JC and Mrs. JC.
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Guest cmdrsam
Mr. Casey. Good Luck and congrats on the child. I hope and pray mother and child will be well. And to you as well sir.
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'The Mentor' storyline is really coming together nicely. Literally have no idea who he is, not sure I want to find out just yet. On one hand I'm dying to know who he is, then again it'll be intresting to see him in 'charge'. [B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow [I]Thea get's some payback on Snow[/I] [B]Eddie Powell and El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez and Lead Belly [I]Has Lead Belly done anything on note in MAW ? And you're pretty darn high on Mexicano. [/I] [B]Phoenix[/B] vs. Black Eagle [I]Talented, finding his feet again as a babyface and here for the long haul.[/I] [B]Strong and Cattley[/B] vs. Ruin and Rodriguez [I]By DQ, Ruin continues to look like a monster, but J-Ro's inability to defeat Strong continues.[/I]
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[I]OOC: The go-home show for Where It All Begins Again... And hey, on-topic, off-topic, who's counting? :p[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 19th October 2013[/CENTER] Eddie Powell and El Heroe Mexicano vs. Rudy Velasquez and Lead Belly[/B] Before the show went live, El Heroe and The Mentor had a lively discussion leading to Heroe issuing a challenge to Raphael for Monday night. The challenge was accepted, and Heroe entered the ring in bullish mood. The four men engaged in a lively contest, with the two brawlers trying to keep the fliers grounded. But Powell and Heroe were not to be contained, and the two men who will be in the King Of The Indies match on Monday found themselves pinned back and, eventually, Lead Belly was caught in the Mexican Mutilation and forced to submit. Winners: Powell and Heroe (D+) * Sara Silverman emerged from the back. [COLOR="DimGray"]“My client, Tim Westybrook, has no match at the upcoming big show,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="DimGray"]“Clearly it cannot be a ‘big’ show without my client being present. Therefore he has instructed me to issue a challenge. If anyone feels as though they are capable of going up against the ‘Iron Man’ – and such people are clearly few and far between – then my client will be in the ring on Monday night, awaiting your arrival. “But be sure that you make it worth his while. If my client cannot earn the appropriate entertainment-related bonuses, then he will take it out on you as punishment for being inadequate opposition...”[/COLOR] * [B]Thea Davis vs. Nadia Snow[/B] These two women were finally brought together after several weeks of Snow ducking Davis’ challenges. Unfortunately for Davis, Snow didn’t seem too interested in getting into it with Davis, and used the referee as a shield in the early going. When Davis did get her hands on her, Snow covered up and prevented Davis doing any meaningful damage. Finally, Snow managed to get Davis upright and landed a series of hard punches and elbow strikes, but just as she was beginning to build momentum, Snow lashed out and slapped the referee, drawing an immediate disqualification. As Davis watched on in shock, Snow immediately left the ring, into her butler’s waiting arms as he reattired her in her gown, before she walked back up the aisle, not bothering to look back as Davis’ surprise turned into anger. Winner: Thea Davis (D) * [COLOR="Blue"]“Damn it, you coward!”[/COLOR] Thea yelled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Come back and fight!”[/COLOR] Nadia turned at the top of the ramp, striking a Vogue-worthy pose. [COLOR="Blue"]“Darling, be serious. I played along with your little game, but you had your chance. You couldn’t beat me – what possible reason would I have for facing you again?”[/COLOR] She turned and disappeared backstage, leaving Thea stymied once more. * [B]Phoenix vs. Black Eagle[/B] Former tag champions clashed in this match, as the two masked men soared above the ring, trying to outdo one another in terms of inventiveness (driven, perhaps, by their backstage dislike of each other). Phoenix had the crowd’s support, with a number of the more hardcore fans chanting ‘Si-en-na’ at Eagle, who was thrown off enough that he delayed a New Jersey Turnpike long enough that Phoenix was able to pitch him off the top rope and hit the Phoenix Firebird Splash for the win. Winner: Phoenix (C) * Joanne Rodriguez paced back and forth as Alicia Strong made her entrance before the match. With the blonde star in the ring, Rodriguez marched up to her, mic in hand. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve had enough,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Cheap wins, and tag matches, and all this time wasting. I want to prove, once and for all, that I can beat you. And I want to do it on Monday night.” “Joanne, please,”[/COLOR] Alicia said, holding up a hand to stop Rodriguez in her tracks. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ve been there, we’ve done that. Why would I want to face you again?” “Because I can promise you the chance to have the match you’ve always dreamed of,”[/COLOR] Rodriguez replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“Your father’s retired. He’s gone. You finally have the chance to step out of his shadow... You know I’m the best opponent you could choose, and you know that the fans you care about so much want to see it, just as much as I want to beat you, once and for all.”[/COLOR] Alicia shrugged. [COLOR="Blue"]“So how about we settle our differences the way no women ever have before. We give the fans a match they never thought they’d see. You see, I don’t like you, Alicia, but I know what a win over you means. That’s why I keep pushing. Why should you accept it? Because if you agree, the match will be something the fans have never seen before, hell, no-one’s ever seen before. “It will be in a steel cage.”[/COLOR] Alicia looked stunned, and then slowly raised her mic to her mouth. [COLOR="Blue"]“You’re kidding.” “No. I’ve spoken to Mr. Casey. He agreed to it – he said he wanted to show that MAW was about the future, and that means giving women the same chances as men. It’s never been done before, and there’ll only be one chance to do it for the first time. This could be the match that makes you... or it could be the match that makes me.”[/COLOR] Strong looked around the gathered fans, who seemed to really get into the idea. She turned back to Rodriguez and nodded, once – which was all that Rodriguez needed, and she immediately fired off a roundhouse punch as the referee called for the bell. * [B]Strong and Cattley vs. Ruin and Rodriguez[/B] From bell to bell, this was fantastic action – even if it wasn’t strictly speaking a tag match. Ruin and Cattley brawled from the start, while Strong and Rodriguez tore into each other in the centre of the ring, with nothing so fancy as actual wrestling moves exchanged until both women were sporting rapidly colouring bruises. Outside the ring, Ruin and Cattley rumbled around the ringpost, making Mentor scramble to safety by the announcers’ table, where he was drilled with a shot from my cane as he came too close to me, sending him staggering forward, and when he saw me standing and ready to fight, he made a tactical retreat to the far side of the ring. Back between the ropes, Alicia and Joanne had upped their game, unleashing their biggest moves on each other – and yet, it was still difficult to choose anything between them. Neither was able to nail their finisher, as the two were so familiar with each other after their long rivalry that they were able to block each other again and again, culminating in Rodriguez catching Strong in mid-air when the legend’s daughter tried for a Strong Arm Tactic. Unfortunately, the momentum carried both women over the top rope, and they landed heavily on the mats at ringside. Coincidentally, this was just as Cattley and Ruin entered the ring on the other side. For once, Ruin had a discernible expression on his face and, as Rock memorably noted, he looked “like a pitbull that’s just been kicked between its hind legs”. The two went toe-to-toe, Cattley taking the worst of the blows, but refusing to go down, whereas Ruin went down once, and Cattley immediately started to kick him in the head as hard as he could. For the first time, Ruin was forced into retreat, crab-waling backwards on all fours into the corner, where the referee forced the break before calling for the bell, ending the match at the time limit with both women still lying unmoving on the floor, Ruin looking stunned in the corner, and Cattley beaten and bruised, but standing and ready for more in the centre of the ring. Winners: No-one (C+) [B]Overall: C[/B] * The World title win seems to have gone to Lobster Warrior’s head. The new SWF figurehead is rumoured to be turning heel at the next show, a move that could be the start of a long, long run as champion – or the start of a crash and burn of legendary proportions. * Swoop McCarthy has signed for CGC. He’s starting as an opener but, if he performs anything like he has for us, then he’s likely to move up the card quickly. Frankly, if he was pushed a bit more by us, he’d be in Ruin’s position right now. [I]Next: WIABA preview... ETA: Just finished booking WIABA. 26 segments, of which 13 are angles, 13 matches. 21 minutes of angles (including 6 mins dark), 165 minutes of matches. And three of the matches are rated at C- for heat, which is a definite first. This is shaping up to be either a massive flop, or a massive hit :p[/I]
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[QUOTE] [B][CENTER]TEW.com Where It All Begins Again preview[/CENTER][/B] Hi everyone, I’m Jay Reso and this is my look at the upcoming MAW event, Where It All Begins Again. As you may be aware, I’ve been the MAW specialist here at TEW.com for some time now, and this time of year is one that I’ve always looked forward to – even if it means having to be aware of any sudden shifts in the calendar as MAW has to book around all the companies it shares talent with, and mid-October is a busy time of the year. Still, we have eight confirmed matches, plus the always-entertaining All Action title open challenge, so let’s take a look at what’s what. We’ll start with a look at this year’s King Of The Indies battle royal. This is the second time of asking for this match, which was a strong effort on an excellent show last year. Zimmy Bumfhole won’t be back to defend his crown, and in fact there are very few repeat performers this year – only Rudy Velasquez, if memory serves. This is one of the few times that you’ll see TCW described as an ‘indy’ as well – even if Handsome Stranger’s continued employment in Hollywood is a mystery to many. The line up comprises Black Eagle (FCW), Nathaniel Casino (CZCW), Harry Allen (NYCW), Ricky DeColt (CGC), Lead Belly (PSW), Handsome Stranger (TCW), Rudy Velasquez, Swoop McCarthy and GB Wood (MAW) and one mystery entrant. The mystery entrant is rumoured to be someone big – a former World champion, we’re told. MAW have taken a chance on not having him be a part of the build-up, but I guess this way they can use him in the aftermath of the show as well. I would suspect that, if the unnamed worker is as big a deal as is rumoured, then he may well be the winner here, and you can’t really count Ricky DeColt out, either. But I don’t think you can look beyond Swoop McCarthy otherwise, as it’s clear that MAW have big plans for the Australian, who’s been rubbing shoulders with the best that the company has to offer in recent weeks, even if he’s mostly been losing while doing so. Who can say who’ll answer Tim Westybrook’s open challenge? My sources have been quiet here – save to say that it’s a new signing, rather than another loan. MAW have been light on babyfaces of late, even with the turn of Fumihiro Ota, so let’s see who’s going to go toe-to-toe with the Iron Man, and whether that entertainment bonus will be winding its way to them as a result. Next, Lenny Brown defends the MAW All Action title all night long. Long-time fans will know that this is generally a pretty wild scramble, with lots of switches back and forth throughout the night. Don’t rule out Brown ending the night with the title – even if he’s likely to lose it within seconds of the ‘match’ starting. A year after they were defending the Tag Team titles, Team Honor get the chance to regain them as they take on The Canadian Blondes. The Blondes have been with MAW since day one, and will always be there or thereabouts when it comes to the titles – but Team Honor delivered some great tag matches (for MAW) when they had the belts, and I wouldn’t rule out a second reign for the duo. El Heroe Mexicano is facing Raphael in a sub-plot of the MAW vs. The Mentor feud. Heroe has been jaw-droppingly good since he arrived in MAW about four months back – his sneak preview a year ago in the KOTI match apparently confirmed Rip Chord and James Casey’s desire to sign the masked man at any cost. On the other hand, Raphael of late has been in his best form since joining MAW, and if he’s a minor member of The Mentor’s stable, he’s still a part of an ongoing storyline. I wouldn’t rule out an upset here for that reason – although it’s very possible that Heroe is being lined up as the next headliner for MAW. For the first time in nearly twenty years – think about [I]that[/I] - James Casey will be stepping into the ring against The Mentor, with Casey’s shares in MAW on the line. I’m told that Casey being part-owner of the company is legitimate as he’s bailed out the company with his own cash a couple of times now. Of course, Mentor won’t really be winning those shares if he wins... But it’s a nice way of melding reality and storylines. Casey returning to the ring is an odd one – this [I]can’t[/I] be a good match, even if Mentor did look surprisingly good last month. But then, he was limited in his time in ring, and was fighting Heroe and Phoenix. They could make me look good. All signs point to a short, possibly bloody match, then. Lots of drama, not much action, but as far as the storyline goes, Casey losing seems likely. Who’s under the mask? Well, there’s been a few signs that a certain worker injured last year could be the man. If that’s the case, then the voice we’ve been hearing has been a fakeout – he doesn’t have the mic skills to pull this off. On the other hand, is it just me, or has Mentor looked different from show to show? It’s hard to tell with the hood and the black clothes, but... MAW do have form in this area, after all. We have a slightly odd match next as Suzanne Brazzle takes on Lauren Easter for the MAW Women’s title. The Davis/Snow feud has been kept off this show, while Strong/J-Ro has had a lot of focus. MAW seem to be relying on Brazzle/Easter to succeed on the title alone, as they’ve neither of them had much in the way of mic or camera time to sell the match. I guess with the cage match, there was a decision not to over-egg the pudding, but I wonder how the champion and contender feel about it? And speaking of that match... It’s Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez in a steel cage. This is either going to be glorious, or a dreadful mess, as neither woman has worked in a cage before – hell, there’s never been an all-female cage match in the USA before. I’m not even sure if there’s been one in Japan, either. This could be a world first. I like the storyline behind this. Strong and Rodriguez have been the best female workers in America since Fish’s retirement, and the matches between them in MAW have been fantastic. Rodriguez wants to beat Strong, just once – while Strong wants to put on the match that sees her accepted everywhere as being more than Sam’s daughter – we know that from USPW. Now that the old man’s retired (brother), Alicia has got her first real chance to step out of his shadow. This could be the show-stealer. And finally, we have the World title rematch from last month – “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Ruin. Ruin has been in fine form since his debut in MAW. Being a big fish in a small pond clearly suits the former Texas Pete, who’s taken to the zombiefied character with relish. The first crack seems to have been made in that stony exterior, judging by the end of Nationwide this week... so maybe, just maybe, Cattley might be in with a shot at regaining the title. Either that, or Ruin will be out for revenge. Whichever way the cards fall, I’ll be there. See if you can catch me on the MAW.com live feed – I’ll be the one with the sign asking J-Ro to marry me. That should narrow it down. [RIGHT]~Jason Reso[/RIGHT][/QUOTE] * [CENTER][B]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/B] Team Honor vs. The Canadian Blondes (c) - MAW Tag Team Titles King Of The Indies: Black Eagle, Nathaniel Casino, Harry Allen, Ricky DeColt, Lead Belly, Handsome Stranger, Rudy Velasquez, Swoop McCarthy, GB Wood and ??? El Heroe Mexicano vs. Raphael ??? vs. Tim Westybrook Suzanne Brazzle (c) vs. Lauren Easter - MAW Women’s title Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez in a Steel Cage match James Casey vs. The Mentor "Machine" Jean Cattley vs. Ruin (c) for the MAW World title[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;653059]Welcome back! And I'm curious as to who people think The Mentor may be, so do share...[/QUOTE] Why thank you. Took a while to catch up after my absence. All I can say is, wow, you got big. A TV show? And wimminz wrestling? Awesome. As for Mentor, I have no idea any more... I'm thinking it has to be someone from North America - if it was JD Morgan the voice would give it away, and I'd hope a writer of your calibre would've mentioned the obvious English accent the mentor had, were it Morgan. ¬_¬ The last promo had me sure it was Jett, but the other promos... nah, it's someone older. Someone that's been in MAW before, is or was an active wrestler, and can talk the hind end off a donkey. The more I think about it, the less I can remember about what happened to Citizen X... [U]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/U] Team Honor vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] (c) - MAW Tag Team Titles [I]- Blondes! Still![/I] King Of The Indies: Black Eagle, [B]Nathaniel Casino[/B], Harry Allen, Ricky DeColt, Lead Belly, Handsome Stranger, Rudy Velasquez, Swoop McCarthy, GB Wood and ??? [I]- Because I've always wanted to use him in a Gambit-from-X-Men gimmick, but could never keep a diary going long enough for him to debut."Are you Nathaniel?" "Do I owe you money?" "No..." "Then yes... yes I am!" But we all know Swoop is winning really.[/I] El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Raphael[/B] [I]- via interference?[/I] ??? vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [I] - No idea who he'll face though[/I] Suzanne Brazzle (c) vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] - MAW Women’s title [I]- Dunno, to be honest.[/I] [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez in a Steel Cage match [I]- Love the cage match idea, but it makes it harder to predict... Strong is surely already 'made', but winning the first ever women's cage match is something she'd probably want to do... but I'm gonna go with J-Ro, just because if she loses this match, she's pretty much going to have to give up and admit that she can't beat Strong, which would kinda limit her usefulness in your women's division.[/I] [B]James Casey[/B] vs. The Mentor [I]- I'm pretty sure it's not CitX either now, but I'm fairly sure whoever it is will lose. Can't see you giving up MAW, even if it is only kayfabe.bOne thing is certain, it's going to be an awesome moment even if it's not a great match.[/I] [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Ruin (c) for the MAW World title [I]- Because if The Mentor is going down, he might as well do it in style.[/I]
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[B]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/B] Team Honor vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] (c) - MAW Tag Team Titles King Of The Indies: Black Eagle, Nathaniel Casino, Harry Allen, Ricky DeColt, Lead Belly, Handsome Stranger, Rudy Velasquez, [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B], GB Wood and ??? El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Raphael[/B] ??? vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] (c) vs. Lauren Easter - MAW Women’s title Alicia Strong vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] in a Steel Cage match James Casey vs. [B]The Mentor[/B] "Machine" Jean Cattley vs. [B]Ruin[/B] (c) for the MAW World title
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MAW Where It All Begins Again Team Honor vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] (c) - MAW Tag Team Titles King Of The Indies: Black Eagle, Nathaniel Casino, Harry Allen, [B]Ricky DeColt,[/B] Lead Belly, Handsome Stranger, Rudy Velasquez, Swoop McCarthy, GB Wood and ??? El Heroe Mexicano vs. [I]Raphael[/I] ??? vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] (c) vs. Lauren Easter - MAW Women’s title [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez in a Steel Cage match [B]James Casey[/B] vs. The Mentor "Machine" Jean Cattley vs. [B]Ruin [/B](c) for the MAW World title
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[B]Team Honor[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes (c) - MAW Tag Team Titles - blondes while luvable still suck. King Of The Indies: Black Eagle, Nathaniel Casino, Harry Allen, Ricky DeColt, Lead Belly, Handsome Stranger, Rudy Velasquez, [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B], GB Wood and ??? - or the mystery entrant [B]El Heroe Mexicano [/B]vs. Raphael- anti mentor group plus hero needs to remain strong. ??? vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B]- Your number 1 man imho [B]Suzanne Brazzle (c)[/B] vs. Lauren Easter - MAW Women’s title- Easter needs more overness and sets up J-Ro vs Brazzle. Alicia Strong vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez [/B]in a Steel Cage match- finally as no more cc as its ppa not loan. James Casey vs. [B]The Mentor[/B] - Its Jay setting up for Rip's retirement/death and maybe your retirement depending on how the baby goes. "Machine" Jean Cattley vs. [B]Ruin (c)[/B]- Keep him strong
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[U]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/U] Team Honor vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] (c) - MAW Tag Team Titles King Of The Indies: Black Eagle, Nathaniel Casino, Harry Allen, Ricky DeColt, Lead Belly, Handsome Stranger, Rudy Velasquez, Swoop McCarthy, GB Wood and [B]???[/B] El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Raphael[/B] ??? vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] Suzanne Brazzle (c) vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] - MAW Women’s title [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez in a Steel Cage match [B]James Casey[/B] vs. The Mentor [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Ruin (c) for the MAW World title
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