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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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MAW Super Showdown El Heroe Mexicano vs. Phoenix vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title Liberty vs. Ruin Tim Westybrook, “Machine” Jean Cattley and Chris Caulfield vs. Joe Sexy, Trent Shaffer and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts Lauren Easter vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Alicia Strong (c) – MAW Women’s title Plus: Eddie Powell and Sam Cannon will both be in action! ================================================ I'll take El Heroe Mexicano, to win the MAW Traditional Title. Liberty over Ruin, DQ i'd expect. Not likely a pin. Westybrook,Cattley,Caulfield over Sexy, Shaffer and Roberts(seems like a freebird team ) :) Alicia Strong to keep her belt to keep the fued going. Alicia STrong to keep her belt.
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MAW Super Showdown El Heroe Mexicano vs. Phoenix vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title [B]Liberty [/B]vs. Ruin Tim Westybrook, “Machine” Jean Cattley and Chris Caulfield vs. [B]Joe Sexy, Trent Shaffer and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] Lauren Easter vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. [B]Alicia Strong[/B] (c) – MAW Women’s title
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[B]El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Phoenix vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title Liberty vs. [B]Ruin[/B] Tim Westybrook, “Machine” Jean Cattley and Chris Caulfield vs. [B]Joe Sexy, Trent Shaffer and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] Lauren Easter vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. [B]Alicia Strong (c)[/B] – MAW Women’s title I don't post much in here but I've got to say it's always the first diary I check up on for updates :) doing a great job with MAW.
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[B]El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Phoenix vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title Liberty vs. [B]Ruin[/B] [B]Tim Westybrook, “Machine” Jean Cattley and Chris Caulfield [/B]vs. Joe Sexy, Trent Shaffer and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts Lauren Easter vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. [B]Alicia Strong (c) [/B]– MAW Women’s title
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[I]OOC: TK is right about one thing - Not a lot of love for the good guys on this show...[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Super Showdown Saturday, 20th March 2014[/CENTER] El Heroe Mexicano vs. Phoenix vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Over 3,500 fans were in attendance to see the four competitors open things up with a strong showing. Fought to the first fall, Swoop had no ‘champion advantage’ as there were no disqualifications and no countouts available. Swoop picked his spots, allowing Newton to continue his growing enmity with Phoenix and Heroe, although without Deeley by his side, he wasn’t able to do more than hold his own against the masked duo. Swoop dived in from time to time, using his strength and size to dominate his opponents when he saw the opportunity, but mostly he let them battle one another. Even when Newton bailed from the ring, Heroe and Phoenix seemed to get caught up in a private battle of one-upmanship, almost forgetting about Swoop’s presence until he clotheslined Heroe over the top rope, onto Newton, before spinning around and planting his boot in the gut of the approaching Phoenix, capping the move off with a Swoop Stunner for the win – after about two minute’s worth of effort in the whole match. Winner: Swoop McCarthy (B-) * Swoop McCarthy picked up the microphone and held his Traditional title over his head. [COLOR="Teal"]“That’s seventeen!” [/COLOR]he said, and notably he wasn’t even breathing hard. [COLOR="Teal"]“No-one’s held a title in MAW as long as Swoop. All your records will fall to the man who uses his brain as well as his fists – Swoop McCarthy!”[/COLOR] * Chris Caulfield was backstage, working over a crash test dummy with his nightstick and brass knuckles. He spun on one foot, planting a boot in the midsection of the dummy, which doubled over in a realistic manner, presenting the back of its head to Caulfield, who brought the nightstick down in an overhead swing that struck home with a sickening crack. [COLOR="Blue"]“Joe...”[/COLOR] Caulfield said, and he [I]was[/I] breathing heavily. [COLOR="Blue"]“Westybrook is defending his pride. Cattley is working for everyone in this company. Me? I’m Chris Caulfield, and I’m- [B]“-hardcore!”[/B][/COLOR] the fans chanted along. [COLOR="Blue"]“I just enjoy the fight – I always have. That you’re across the ring from me is a welcome bonus, because tonight I get to fight some of the most talented men in the industry. And you. It’s going to be a scrap, a brawl, and I intend to show that no-one is better than I am.”[/COLOR] * Sam Cannon was in the ring, and Rip announced that he was awaiting the debut of a newcomer to MAW. The newcomer made his entrance to Born In The USA, the camera zooming in to reveal a wrestler that Jerome Turner identified as Joss Thompson. [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JoseThompson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]“Thompson’s spent ten years working in Britain,” [/COLOR]he informed. [COLOR="Blue"]“Plenty of people say he’s America’s best export – and now it seems that he’s back home!”[/COLOR] * [B]Sam Cannon vs. Joss Thompson[/B] This was something of a showcase for the debuting Thompson. Cannon gave his best, but Thompson knocked him around with relative ease, before finishing him off with a Clean Cutter for the win. Winner: Joss Thompson (C-) * Joe Sexy and Phil Roberts were shown backstage looking rather pleased with themselves. [COLOR="Blue"]“Our plan is working out perfectly,” [/COLOR]Sexy declared, as Roberts lurked in the background. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ve got these three goombahs on the opposite side of the ring, and believe me when I say that we’ve got them beat. You see, each of them is coming at us for their own personal reasons, and that’s just fine. The members of Elite are a team. We have a single goal – we’re not in this for ourselves. In fact, the sooner we knock this joint over, the better. We don’t get distracted. “Now Chris Caulfield is in this to beat me up, and that’s fine. Westybrook, well, he’s in it for the cash – everyone knows that whoever’s got the biggest pockets buys his loyalty and if I’m honest, I can see a place for him up north when all this is done. As for Jean Cattley... well, he’s always been a big fish in a small pond here. I know he felt real good about lording it over everyone around here in this two-bit dump. I’m sure he’s not ready to see it all go without a fight, but he knows deep down what the outcome will be.”[/COLOR] * Liberty was backstage as well, a glass of something cold in one hand, as he watched a tape of Ruin’s highlights in MAW. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ruin’s a big man, a real threat,”[/COLOR] he said, reflectively. He took a sip of his drink. [COLOR="Blue"]“They say that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Of course, that’s only a comfort if they don’t fall on you.”[/COLOR] He flashed a toothpaste commercial smile at the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“All joking apart, he’s a real challenge. A lot bigger than me, a lot stronger than me... But his attacks on my colleagues represent a fundamental threat to the freedoms enjoyed by all and guaranteed by John Hanc0ck and everyone else who put their name to the constitution. “That simply cannot be allowed to stand, dude. You’re a menace to every hard working person in the locker room, and how long before mindless violence becomes another tragic statistic? No – it ends here, and it ends now, man. All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to stand by and do nothing. Now, I don’t know if I’m a good man or not, but I do know that I have respect for the liberties of man, and I will defend them ‘til I can’t fight anymore.”[/COLOR] * [B]Liberty vs. Ruin[/B] As a tribute to the professionalism of these two, the fact that they don’t really have any chemistry in-ring didn’t really affect their performance. But then, neither is what one might call a complicated wrestler – Ruin is a power wrestler, while Liberty has his flourishes but underneath that keeps it simple. There wasn’t much in the way of intricate exchanges to be spoilt by misunderstandings, then, just sheer bombastic exchanges of power and style. Liberty fought hard to overcome the raging former World champion, and at times seemed set to become only the second person ever to pin him. But as close as Liberty got, he only seemed to anger Ruin still more until Liberty made the mistake of leaping off the top rope at his opponent. Ruin caught him in mid-air with a hand around his throat, turning into a chokeslam that drove the fight out of the former SWF star, before Ruin hauled him upright and made sure of the finish with a Descent Into Hell. Winner: Ruin (C+) * Ruin stood over Liberty as the CGC star tried to claw his way to the ropes. Ruin watched him, almost like he was waiting to pounce. However, it wasn’t Ruin who threw the next blow – that came from an unexpected source as Davis Wayne Newton and Joss Thompson vaulted the crowd barrier and slid into the ring, dragging Liberty upright and planting him with a double DDT. Newton picked up a microphone as the trio stood over Liberty’s unmoving body. [COLOR="Blue"]“You see before you three of the most feared wrestlers in the business today,”[/COLOR] he declared. [COLOR="Blue"]“And with our colleague, Sean Deeley, we are the Internationals. All four of us have wrestled outside of America. All four of us have honed our talents in ways we never could have done just by fighting in this country. We have seen the world – and we have been successful. United, we will show that nothing American wrestling can offer will stand in our way.”[/COLOR] * Jean Cattley and Tim Westybrook were backstage, with Katie Cameron looking a bit nervous about the clear and evident tension between them. [COLOR="Navy"]“Joe Sexy made a good point, didn’t he?”[/COLOR] Cattley said, his voice a low growl. [COLOR="Navy"]“You always follow the money. It’s how we brought you into The Firm. Whatever the best offer, you take it. And your performances against Elite these last few weeks... Did you already take a paycheck from New York? You’re supposed to be the big man around here – shouldn’t you have demolished Roberts, Shaffer and Sexy? Instead you got two DQs and a no-contest. What was the matter, Tim, did they pay you not to hurt them?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Jean, my client has-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Your client can speak for himself,”[/COLOR] Jean snapped at Katie. [COLOR="Navy"]“Which is it, Tim? Are you so proud that you’re fighting Elite for the sake of it? Or are you on their side, paid off with the big money they get up north?”[/COLOR] Westybrook remained typically silent, but the expression on his face spoke volumes. [COLOR="Navy"]“Fine,” [/COLOR]Jean spat. [COLOR="Navy"]“But if you stop me doing what’s right tonight, I swear you won’t walk out of this arena.”[/COLOR] * Eddie Powell came down to the ring, his tag team title belt in one hand. He held it up as he stood in the centre of the ring, a mic in his other hand. [COLOR="Blue"]“Gold. It’s what every wrestler craves. It’s the validation of their ability in this ring. Make no mistake, this title belt is important to me. “At the same time, I know that it’s a tag team title belt. You all know, I think, that I made my name in this business as one-half of a team. Those days are past, and I find myself allied with Fumihiro Ota nowadays. But I still consider myself to be a more than capable singles wrestler, so as Fumihiro isn’t here today, I’m giving out a challenge to anyone who wants a match tonight.”[/COLOR] My Generation hit the PA, and the Second Sons made their entrance. [COLOR="Sienna"]“It’s good of you to offer, Eddie. We’ll take you up on that,”[/COLOR] Casey Valentine said. [COLOR="Sienna"]“And when we win, we’ll get a shot at the tag team titles,” [/COLOR]Antonio said, with a grin. [COLOR="Sienna"]“That’s always been in the MAW bylaws – hasn’t been revoked by this whole ‘points’ system.”[/COLOR] On commentary, Rip asked if that was true. I said it was – the champions had the right to refuse matches, same as anyone. If they agreed to a match and lost, well, it was only fair that the winners got a shot. However... [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m not taking you on in a handicap match,”[/COLOR] Powell said, a half-smile on his face. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m not stupid – and even if you did win, then I wouldn’t give you a title shot. You’ve seen a chance, and you’ve taken it – I can respect that, boys. But you’re not as smart as you think. No handicap match. “However... “I will take you on in a triple threat match. That sounds like a challenge to me. After all, I know you two kids well – and somehow I think that if you do manage to get me down, you’ll be too absorbed in arguing about who gets to pin me to actually pin me.”[/COLOR] Powell allowed himself a rare smile, while Valentine and Antonio looked at each other in a sceptical manner. * [B]Eddie Powell vs. Antonio vs. Casey Valentine[/B] This was a relatively straightforward match that played out for the bulk of the time almost as a handicap match, although the Sons were clearly watching one another closely to see who’d get to score the pin and take the win. For extended periods they worked fairly fluidly as a team, and Rip noted this as an example of how well he’d trained them – only for Jerome to ask if that meant he’d trained them to go in two against one. Rip countered by stating that it was simply smart work to fight like that. In the ring, however, the partnership hit a road bump. Just as Powell had predicted, Casey hit a Heartbreaker only for Antonio to try and make the cover. Valentine pulled him off Powell, allowing the tag champ to roll clear while the partners argued. Turning around, they found Powell in place to hit a dual Motion Censor on the pair of them, before he covered Valentine to score the win. Winner: Eddie Powell (D+) * Trent Shaffer was backstage, looking faintly menacing in his all-black outfit and shades. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yo,”[/COLOR] he said, evenly.[COLOR="Blue"] “Tonight’s a big night. Tonight’s the night my employers see that the Elite are fuillfilling the terms of their brief. Tonight-“[/COLOR] He was interrupted by a staff member running between him and the camera, breaking his flow. A flicker of curiosity crossed his face. [COLOR="Blue"]“Strange. As I was saying-“[/COLOR] He was interrupted by the charging forms of two more backstage workers, this time accompanied by Jared Johnson, who stopped, turned to the camera, and said loudly [COLOR="Blue"]“He’s back! He’s back!”[/COLOR] before running off in the direction of the other workers. [COLOR="Blue"]“Okay, what-[/COLOR] This time, there was a veritable deluge of bodies flooding between Shaffer and the camera. They were trailed by Joe Sexy. [COLOR="Blue"]“Trent, come on – it’s time for us to send a message.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Okay, but...”[/COLOR] Shaffer was looking back in the direction of the running workers, even as a straggler charged past, holding what looked like a piece of black cloth over his head as he ran, gabbling excitedly about getting an autograph. [COLOR="Blue"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Eh, it’s probably nothing,”[/COLOR] Shaffer said, with a shrug, before following Sexy off-screen. * [B]Tim Westybrook, “Machine” Jean Cattley and Chris Caulfield vs. Joe Sexy, Trent Shaffer and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] This match played out under elimination rules, with each man getting a chance to show off their respective skills. Westybrook threw the Elite trio around with ease, while Caulfield kept his toolbelt close at hand, and treated Sexy and Shaffer to sneaky shots from the polo mallet in the early going. Shaffer was the aerialist of the match, using his unmatched speed to evade the worst of his opponents’ offence, while Sexy brawled with anyone and everyone (including Roberts for a few seconds before they realised that this was MAW, not SWF, and they were on the same side) and Roberts in turn just tried to tie everyone up or pin them down. For all his speed, Shaffer was the first one to be eliminated from the match. He zigged when he should have zagged and found himself in the wrong part of town. Before he had a chance to move, Caulfield caught him from one side as Westybrook caught him from the other, leaving him down and stunned long enough for a slightly disbelieving Cattley to make the cover and score the pin. As Shaffer got to his feet, Cattley was already turning to face the entering Roberts. But he was ambushed by Shaffer who nailed the Firm’s figurehead with a Heart Burn from behind before the referee could shoo him out of the ring. Roberts then lazily applied the RCT, and while Cattley didn’t submit, neither was he able to break free, and the referee had no choice but to call for the bell. Caulfield entered the ring as Cattley was carried out by trainers, but he seemed to come to almost as soon as he was slid under the bottom rope as he pushed them away, taking up position in Caulfield and Westybrook’s corner. In the ring, Caulfield was enjoying beating up Joe Sexy, unleashing big, meaty fists to the New Yorker’s gut, and nearly snapping him out of his boots with a suplex from the second rope. Cattley cheered his colleague’s on as Westybrook took over, bouncing Sexy from pillar to post, dominating the smaller man before Sexy managed to thumb him in the eye and take him down. The respite was brief, however, as Westybrook was blinded but still able to bring his hefty forearms swinging around and clapping them together on either side of Sexy’s head. Sexy recoiled in pain, clutching at his ears in a clear sign that he was hurt, and Westybrook pounced on him, drilling him with a snap power slam before setting him up for a powerbomb. However, Roberts made the save with a chop block that put Westybrook down on one knee, and before Caulfield could drag himself into the ring to make the save, Roberts unloaded with a wickedly vicious spinning elbow he’d picked up in Japan and used on special occasions only. The point of Roberts’ elbow caught Westybrook just above his right ear, eliciting a pained reaction from the crowd, who’d been conditioned to the sight of the Game Changer from years of exposure on Supreme TV. Roberts had used it as his ace in the hole, a one-shot, momentum-killing, rarity of a move that requires a precise set-up – but when hit, it turned the match on its head. From a position of dominance, Westybrook was now injured, and even as Caulfield tackled Roberts and the two rolled out of the ring, Sexy was capitalising with a running knee to Westybrook’s head that scored a close two count. Sexy stayed on the offensive, keeping Westybrook down and preventing him from being able to use his strength to his advantage. On commentary, Rip noted that Sexy may act like a clown, but he’s survived for fifteen years at the top of the business by being smarter than a lot of other people – and Sexy suited actions to words by ‘borrowing’ one of Roberts’ favoured moves, a stepover armlock that seemed set to twist both Westybrook’s arms out of their sockets as Sexy rolled through with it. Westybrook was trapped in the centre of the ring and, but for the intervention of Chris Caulfield, might even have tapped out – even with Jean Cattley on the outside, banging on the ring apron and calling out encouragement. However, Caulfield made it into the ring with Roberts hot on his heels. Showing surprising agility, he broke up the armlock with a move that Jerome Turner called a reverse senton, and Rip called an ass bump. Springboarding off the two bodies, Caulfield rolled forward and under the bottom rope, rising smoothly to his feet and stretching over the top rope to tag himself in as Westybrook made his way back to the corner. A rousing chorus of [B][COLOR="Blue"]“You’ve still got it!”[/COLOR][/B] rocked the arena as Caulfield sprang into action, pounding away on Sexy with his big fists and a hefty kneelift, evidently delighting once more in giving out punishment to his antagonist. However, Caulfield’s enthusiastic battering of the All Action champion caused him to make a mistake as he whipped Sexy into the ropes too close to Roberts, allowing the blind tag which the referee saw, but Caulfield didn’t. Sexy ate a spinebuster, and Caulfield roared to his feet, pounding his chest and riling the crowd – and completely missing the presence of Roberts at his back. Roberts pounced, wrapping Caulfield up in the RCT in mid-ring. Caulfield flailed his arms, but even more than the elbow smash, the RCT is recognised as a match ender. Indeed, only two men have ever broken the hold – Dread, and Christian Faith. Good he may be, but Chris Caulfield isn’t either of those. He fought hard, though, and the fans in attendance willed him on, but with Westybrook still out on the arena floor, and the ringropes nowhere close to hand, Caulfield faded, and dropped to his knees... ...and he was gone. As with Cattley, he had to be helped from the ring by medics, leaving Westybrook alone to face Sexy and Roberts. He was helped into the ring by Cattley, who hustled him through the ropes, encouraging him to face Roberts. Roberts for once showed a hint of ****iness as he approached the World champion, even turning to nod at Sexy as the latter cheered on his partner. Big mistake. Westybrook sprang off the mat, snatching Roberts up across his shoulders, even as his gaze settled on Sexy. Westybrook sneered at the Elite leader, his gaze never leaving him even as he delivered a TNT Whirlwind to Roberts and made the cover, evening the match with one man left. Before the match could resume, there was a commotion at ringside as Alicia Strong and Trent Shaffer ran down the aisle and made a feint at entering the ring. Cattley snatched up a chair and slid into the ring to ward them off as Sexy and Westybrook circled each other. The referee left the ring to shepherd Shaffer and Strong away, carrying Roberts on their shoulders, and he followed them halfway up the aisle. Because of that, he missed the sight of Jean Cattley raising the chair over his head and bringing it down with a resounding crack across the bare skull of the World champion, warping the metal around Westybrook’s head. He also missed the sight of Sexy and Cattley exchanging broad grins, before Cattley took the buckled chair and dropped back out of the ring. But he did see Sexy making a nonchalant cover on Westybrook, and in spite of Turner yelling [COLOR="Blue"]“Not like this! Not like this!”[/COLOR], the referee was in position to make the three count that ended Westybrook’s undefeated streak, and gave Sexy a guaranteed World title shot. Winners: Elite (C+) * After the bell, Shaffer and Roberts picked up Westybrook and dumped him unceremoniously over the top rope, turning away before he dropped to the crash mats with a meaty thud. The Elite members circled Jean Cattley, and for a moment it was as though his attack on Westybrook had come out of the clue – but then Sexy laughed and embraced the MAW mainstay. Alicia Strong was next to give him a hug, and Shaffer and Roberts shook his hand. Sexy took up a microphone and turned to the crowd. [COLOR="Blue"]“This is Elite,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“This is what you get when you’re the best in the industry. The best gravitate to you.”[/COLOR] He passed the microphone to Cattley, who took it with a sneer on his face that hadn’t been seen in MAW for some years. [COLOR="Navy"]“Did you all forget about my [I]real[/I] job?”[/COLOR] he demanded. [COLOR="Navy"]“Did you think, after all my time up north, that I’d still be loyal to this ----hole? “I left here to make real money, and I did. I earn more in a month up north then I did in a year down here. I came back to lord it over the lot of you. I was back about two days, and already I was World champion. Then I saved this company from old man Chord. I’m a Goddamn superstar, and I should be treated like it. But no – what I get is Westybrook being talked up as taking my place. I get that masked punk Heroe being talked about as the world’s best all-rounder. And when people talk about me, what do they say? That I’ve lost it – that I’m too old, that my time has passed, that I’m not good enough to compete in MAW anymore. “I compete at the top level of this business. MAW is nothing. I lost my World title in one bad night, and because of that, I’m past it. Well, screw you all. I came back here to show you greatness that you’d never see, and all I wanted was respect. I came back here because I thought you’d appreciate having a star in the company – but all I get is ‘you sold out, you sold out’. “You’re damn right I sold out! I sold out arenas ten times this size! I’m the best wrestler this company has ever seen, and because you people don’t give me the respect due to a wrestler of my calibre, I’ll be the last wrestler you ever see. As God is my witness, I’m going to close this company down and show you what true greatness is.”[/COLOR] He spiked the mic into the mat and stalked off, leading Elite up the ramp. Sexy paused at the barely-stirring body of Westybrook, crouching down by his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“Just so you know, champ, I’m cashing in my shot next month. In four weeks time, I take that title of yours away.”[/COLOR] * The camera cut backstage to the lockerrom of Lauren Easter and Joanne Rodriguez. The two had shed their managers, and were now clearly reunited as friends – although Rip said that he wouldn’t be surprised if the two were still feeling a little tension after their recent blowup. Indeed, although the two were cordial enough as they discussed the match ahead, there was a clear elephant in the room as they skirted around the issue of what might happen if they ended up having to fight one another. * Alicia Strong was backstage in the Elite locker room, where her male colleagues were sharing a dish of cannelloni and a couple of bottles of red wine. [COLOR="Blue"]“Tonight has been a very good night for Elite,”[/COLOR] she said, a broad smile on her face. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ve struck several blows to MAW – Jean’s joined us publicly, Joe pinned the champion, and in the process he earned himself a World title shot. As for me, well, I’m going to take on the two BFFs again, and last time that happened, I walked out of there the champion. I’ve got my man behind me, and he’s a success. I can’t do anything but live up to his example.”[/COLOR] * [B]Lauren Easter vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Alicia Strong (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Women’s title[/COLOR] Strong was confident going into the match, but when she reached the ring her cheeriness seemed to evaporate at the sight of Easter and Rodriguez in the opposite corner, clearly united in their desire to teach Strong a lesson. They began with a period of sustained team work – not exactly double-teaming, but spelling one another as they dealt out a pretty heavy beating to Strong, who was soon suffering. Strong tried to fight back, and her status as one of the world’s best wrestlers was displayed as she actually managed to hold off her two foes for some time, before succumbing to their attacks when she was knocked over the top rope to a heavy landing on the crash mats. Easter and Rodriguez peered down at Strong lying prostrate on the mats, breathing heavily, her eyes glassy as she stared unseeing up at the arena ceiling. Rodriguez put one leg through the ropes to pursue her nemesis, but Easter grabbed her arm and stopped her, signalling that that wasn’t in the plan. Rodriguez reluctantly agreed, and with Strong out of the picture, the two friends faced one another across the centre of the ring, before with a nod to each other the tied up and beginning the next chapter of the match. The two showed their familiarity with each other as they countered almost everything the other threw, putting on a real show for several minutes that the crowd rose to. The sequence was capped by a particularly well-constructed sequence of flowing moves, counters and counter-counters that kept the two in such close proximity they might almost have been handcuffed together. It was Easter who caught a break as Rodriguez missed a counter, letting Easter hiptoss her into the corner. Easter followed her in with a splash that made J-Ro stagger out of the corner, and Easter capped the sequence with a bulldog that left Rodriguez down and out. The crowd roared, and for a moment Easter played to them – but it was a mistake. They weren’t cheering for her, exactly. Alicia Strong had regained her senses and had scaled the turnbuckle, perching on the top rope. As Easter turned, Strong leapt out into space, nailing Easter with a flying Strong Arm Tactic that put the former champion down. A groggy Rodriguez tried to make the save as Strong made the cover, but before she could break up the pin, the referee had counted to three and Strong had retained the gold in spite of the odds against her. Winner: Alicia Strong (B-) * Shaffer, Roberts, Sexy and Cattley all came down to the ring to join Strong in celebrating their victories as Rodriguez and Easter made their way back up the ramp, both looking disconsolate in defeat. The party was just getting started, but looked to be settling down for the long haul, when the lights to the whole arena cut to black and the Elite theme music came to a screeching halt. A few people in the crowd called out in dismay and shock, but then replacement music swelled to fill the arena, a dark and ominous piece accompanied by flashing lights and swirling spotlights that slowly resolved themselves into a single spotlight focusing on the ring. The members of Elite could be seen milling around the ring in confusion as the spotlight changed colours, a swirling shape in the light not quite discernible as it spun, but as it slowed gradually and came to a halt, MAW veterans Jean Cattley and Trent Shaffer began to freak out as Rip proclaimed: [COLOR="Purple"]“It’s a spider! But that means-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Look at the stage! Look at the stage!”[/COLOR] Jerome cut in, as a second spotlight picked out a single figure standing at the top of the ramp. [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Random_Male241.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]“It’s Kid Arachnid!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“But... who’s under the mask this time?”[/COLOR] I demanded, as the show came to a close. [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]Next: Give me a ring sometime...[/I]
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Cattley's heel turn seemed to come out of nowhere but the post turn speech, helped make the turn make sense and the return of Kid Arachnid !! All in all a memorable show. Match quality wise, perhaps not the greatest, though a B- main event is nothing to be sniffed at but the aforementioned angles really made this show and made it feel like one of those shows that has you intrigued to find out what happens next.
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The Cattley turn was well done. Just enough foreshadowing (newfound intensity at the last show, Joe Sexy referencing his heel days, his confrontation with Tim Westybrook) without giving it away. Gotta admit, I was hoping the return at the end was going to be everybody's favorite pirate (I suppose it still could be...), but it's nice to see Kid Arachnid back either way.
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[I]OOC: There was certainly an intent to do one more promo with Jean and Westybrook pre-turn - but with an hour of TV a week, it got missed out. That said, I didn't want it to be [U]too[/U] obvious - although, if you go back and read from the Invitational onwards, hopefully Jean's new attitude show up in a few hints along the way. On Tour is expanding in any case - more of the TV regulars will be showing up on the that show, with a view to doing more storyline stuff there. I don't want to completely dominate the TV show with MAW/Elite, but it does bring in the match ratings, so...[/I] * [COLOR="Green"]“So, how does it feel to be on the side of the devils again?”[/COLOR] I asked Jean. [COLOR="Navy"]“Actually... good,”[/COLOR] he said, with a grin. [COLOR="Navy"]“I miss being an ass – it’s a lot easier than being a big damn hero.”[/COLOR] I grinned. [COLOR="Green"]“Well, run with it. You’ve got a busy spring and summer ahead of you.”[/COLOR] The locker room was buzzing. A Jean Cattley heel turn – and one in which he spat on the Mid Atlantic fans, no less – was a big moment. Jean wasn’t the biggest name on the roster anymore – far from it. But the turn had the fans fuming, and as they left the arena, the main topics of conversation were when Jean would get his... and whether Kid Arachnid would be the one to give it to him. [COLOR="Green"]“How’s the mask?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]“Itchy,”[/COLOR] Arachnid replied. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]“I don’t know how Jay and KC wore this thing.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“We’ll work on it. I’m sure with all our new resources, we can come up with a comfortable mask for you to wear. After all, it’s likely you’ll be wearing it for some time to come.”[/COLOR] He nodded. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]“That’s good. I’ve never worked under a hood before. It’s something different.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“It’s always good to be versatile,”[/COLOR] I said, clapping him on the shoulder and making my way over to where Katie was chatting with Reese and Jerome. [COLOR="Green"]“Got a minute?”[/COLOR] I asked, grabbing her around the waist and propelling her in the direction of my temporary office. I crossed my fingers, trusting that Haley Buck and Lisa Bowen had done a good job. I closed the door behind us, and licked on the lights. A soft glow illuminated the room, which was filled with bouquets of roses, violets and buttercups – all Katie’s favourites. [COLOR="Magenta"]“James, what?”[/COLOR] She turned to face me, and had to look down as I had crouched stiffly onto one knee. She gasped at the sight of the ring held in one hand. [COLOR="Green"]“I should have done this a long, long time ago,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]“But if I do it now, at least I haven’t spent the ring money keeping the company afloat. Katie, I love you. Please, will you do me the honour of being my wife?”[/COLOR] Tears streaked down her face, glistening in the soft light from the dimmed bulbs. She managed a nod, and put out a shaking hand for me to slip the ring onto her finger. I rose unsteadily to my feet, taking her in my arms as I did so. It was a long, long time before I thought about anything else. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Joanne Rodriguez vs. Thea Davis El Heroe Mexicano and ??? vs. Ernest Youngman and Jean Cattley Kid Arachnid vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts ??? vs. Joe Sexy (c) – MAW All Action title[/CENTER]
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs. Thea Davis El Heroe Mexicano and ??? vs. [B]Ernest Youngman and Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts [B]???[/B] vs. Joe Sexy (c) – MAW All Action title [I]Last three are all pretty much coin flips, I just don't see Cattley losing his first match as a heel or Arachnid losing his first match, and I wanted to pick one of the ???'s to win.[/I]
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[B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs. Thea Davis El Heroe Mexicano and ??? vs. [B]Ernest Youngman and Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts ??? vs. [B]Joe Sexy (c)[/B] – MAW All Action title - Put me on the list of those who eagerly await the return of the "Dread Pirate" :D
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[quote=Candyman;721544][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs. Thea Davis El Heroe Mexicano and ??? vs. [B]Ernest Youngman and Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts [B]???[/B] vs. Joe Sexy (c) – MAW All Action title [I]Last three are all pretty much coin flips, I just don't see Cattley losing his first match as a heel or Arachnid losing his first match, and I wanted to pick one of the ???'s to win.[/I][/quote] [I]Feeling a bit lazy here, basically I agree Candyman's picks and his reasonings behind them. The womens match is the only nailed on sure bet though. [/I]
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MAW Nationwide Joanne Rodriguez vs. Thea Davis El Heroe Mexicano and ??? vs. Ernest Youngman and Jean Cattley Kid Arachnid vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts ??? vs. Joe Sexy (c) – MAW All Action title Joanne over Thea. Jean Cattely and Ernest Youngman over El Heroe Mexicano and friend. (can't have the bad guy lose so soon) Kid Arachnid over Phil Roberts. (i assume some sneaky way as i don't see it as a pin fall but the kid shall prevail.) Joe Sexy over whomever. I don't think Joe is ready to drop the belt just yet.
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[I]OOC: Normally, I use Firefox exclusively at home and avoid IE like the plague. That said, when FF crashes and remains in memory, IE is the only way to go. I can't pretend I like how it looks on-screen, though, and I never know if it will do weird things to my posts. It [U]shouldn't[/U] do (I use it in work all the time, after all) but just in case it does look weird, that may be why. I'll fix when I get a chance. Roll on Windows 7...[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 26th March 2014[/CENTER][/B] The show opened with Elite in the ring, Joe Sexy and Alicia Strong flashing their title belts before Jean Cattley made his separate entrance to the ring, drawing a huge round of boos from those in attendance. [COLOR="Navy"]“Shut your mouths!” [/COLOR]he snarled. [COLOR="navy"]“You think any of you matter to me? You’re only here because you can’t afford to go to one of the big shows when it comes to town. You think I want anything to do with your sad little broken hearts and battered dreams? I don’t. Personally, I couldn’t care less if this place falls apart when I leave – but the top brass want this place gone – and they pay for the mortgage on my mansion, and the repayments on my Maserati. I’d apologise, but let’s not pretend any of you would do any different. If you were offered the money I’m on, and told to kill off some pokey little company that no-one will miss, well, you’d do it.”[/COLOR] The crowd’s reaction was telling – they didn’t like Cattley’s words. [COLOR="navy"]“And as for whatever idiot thinks that putting a mask on makes him some kind of threat to us-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="slategrey"]“That’d be me.”[/COLOR] The camera cut to the stage, where Kid Arachnid was strolling out unconcernedly. [COLOR="navy"]“Just who in the hell do you think you are?”[/COLOR] Cattley demanded. [COLOR="slategrey"]“Me? Well, I think I’m the guy who’s standing against you. I’m the guy who’s put together a group of the finest young workers in the world to meet you all one on one. I’m the guy who’s going to save MAW from Elite and your puppeteers up north.[/COLOR] [COLOR="slategrey"]“Really, when you think about it, I’m a big damn hero.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“A hero, huh?”[/COLOR] Cattley scowled. [COLOR="navy"]“I don’t think so. A hero succeeds – and you’ve got no chance.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="slategrey"]“Oh Jean, you don’t get it, do you? I will succeed – I’m a hero. Really![/COLOR] [COLOR="slategrey"]“But I’m not alone. You see, there’s a few other guys who are none too happy with the way you’ve been acting. Maybe you forgot, but you put KC Glenn on the shelf. Well, he’s back, and he’s working with me – and if you or any of your merry little band of shysters wants to work on a Saturday again, well, you have him to contend with.[/COLOR] [COLOR="slategrey"]“And we shouldn’t forget, of course, that El Heroe Mexicano has got a whole lot going for him – and I kinda guess that a lot of that is down to you, Jean. So when I was asking around, he was the first one to say that he wanted to sign up.”[/COLOR] Heroe walked out and stood alongside Arachnid. [COLOR="royalblue"]“Jean, some people might say that I looked up to you, or that I should cut you some slack because of what I owe you.”[/COLOR] He smiled, humourlessly. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“All I know is that tonight I want to give you a little bit of justice for turning on all these great fans, Jean – so tonight you can pick a partner, because I want you in a tag team match.”[/COLOR] Arachnid nodded, and then turned to face Elite again. [COLOR="slategrey"]“Then there’s this guy – he came back from Mexico when he saw that MAW was in serious trouble with you all acting like you had some God-given right to bully and hassle...[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AmazingFireFly.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="slategrey"]“...Amazing Fire Fly!”[/COLOR] Fly made his return to MAW with a burst of pyro – orange, red and yellow to match his fiery ring attire. Elite, however, did not seem too impressed. [COLOR="blue"]“Is that supposed to intimidate us?”[/COLOR] Joe Sexy demanded. [COLOR="blue"]“Him? The kid might bounce around like a jumping bean, but there’s more meat on a string bean. Hell, if he wants to step in the ring tonight, I’ll snap him in two myself!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“This ‘kid’ is the Young Wrestler of the Year,”[/COLOR] Fly said. [COLOR="blue"]“The fastest rising wrestler on the planet – and one of the best. You want a match, Sexy, I can give you a match... But not me, not tonight. You see, [I]esse[/I], when I came back north, I brought a friend along for the ride. He’s a third-generation star south of the border, the son and grandson of two all-time greats. And [I]mi amigo[/I] is ready to spread his wings. So Joe, yeah, you can have a match tonight – and because it’s been a while since you put your gold on the line, we talked to Mr. Casey and he agreed that you’ll be defending your All Action title against my friend...”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/GinoMontero_alt3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="blue"]“...Gino Montero!”[/COLOR] For the second time in a week, the members of Elite flipped out as the ‘Mexican McFly’ joined Arachnid and AFF on the stage. [COLOR="blue"]“[I]Mi amigo[/I] Fly here told me all about MAW. He said it was a good place, that a guy can come here and learn a lot. There ain’t enough places like that in the world, gringos, and I agree with Fly that you shouldn’t be allowed to come here and shut this one down.”[/COLOR] Sexy scowled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Arachnid, whoever the hell you are-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="slategrey"]“Big damn hero, I keep telling ya.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“-you’ve got yourself a match. I’ll beat your little friend there so hard his father and his father’s father will be able to feel it all the way down there in Tijuana.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="slategrey"]“Good, good. Glad to hear it. Now, I think Fly and Heroe and going to take on Cattley and whoever. Gino’s got Joe for the All Action title... Way I figure, that leaves me. Shaffer or Roberts, put your boots on – I want a match tonight![/COLOR] [COLOR="slategrey"]“Oh, and Jean, just by the way... We were backstage, kicking around a few ideas for the name we were gonna go by. In the end, we figured that you may have had some bat---- crazy ideas of late, but there’s one good one no-one can dispute. So you can call us The Firm!”[/COLOR] The camera cut to catch Jean Cattley’s reaction: Biblical, thunder and lightning fury as Shaffer and Youngman tried to placate him while the other members of Elite looked on in bemusement. * [B]El Heroe Mexicano and Amazing Fire Fly vs. Ernest Youngman and Jean Cattley[/B] It was technique against speed in this opener, with both pairings showing decent teamwork as they went after their rivals. The real heat seemed to exist between Heroe and Cattley, with the masked man several times calling Cattley a traitor as he tried to land his biggest moves on the former World champion. Cattley was savvy enough to use Heroe’s anger against him, however, and trapped the masked man in the Elite corner for a long spell, before Heroe took advantage of a mistake by Youngman to break free and brining in Fly. Fly went to air immediately, stunning the Elite duo with a series of stunning aerial assaults before Heroe regained his poise and joined his partner in a series of double dropkicks, clotheslines and flying attacks that saw Youngman bail out of the ring, grab a chair and crack Fly over the head with it when he reached through the ropes to grab him. The Elite duo were disqualified, but looked unrepentant as they walked up the aisle, leaving Heroe to tend to his fellow masked wrestler. Winners: Heroe and Fly (C) * I entered the ring. [COLOR="Green"]“There’s a lot of ways of deciding who deserves a title shot. Mostly MAW have let the wrestlers sort it out for themselves, but this month we’re going to have a mini tournament to decide who faces Alicia Strong at Americana in a few weeks time. We’ll start off with Joanne Rodriguez facing Thea Davis, next week we’ll have Suzanne Brazzle facing Grace Harper, and in two weeks time Lauren Easter will take on Nadia Snow. The winner of each of those matches will go on to a triple threat match in three weeks time, and the winner of [I]that[/I] match will face Ms. Strong at Americana!”[/COLOR] * [B]Joanne Rodriguez vs. Thea Davis[/B] Thea Davis made her temporary return to MAW in this match, the first of a three-appearance stint that will hopefully bring a little more variety to the women’s division. She fought J-Ro well, and the action was perfectly acceptable, but in the absence of any ‘top’ stars other than Rodriguez the fans rather switched off, only coming to life when Rodriguez scored with a J-Rocker for the hard-fought win. Winner: Joanne Rodriguez (C-) * Kid Arachnid emerged for his match, as Rip announced that Elite were pitting him against Phil Roberts. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Now, a lot of people might be wondering why I’m wearing this mask. Fact is, it don’t matter who goes up against Elite, so long as someone does. Kid Arachnid is a name, and a mask, synonymous with MAW. Jay Chord was the first, KC Glenn the second, and I’m the third man to wear this mask, to carry this name. Now, I’m not saying I’ll ever do as well as them, but who knows? This company they represented with pride is one I want to remain active. I’m not going to stand by and let it get washed away by the big guys – there’s too much on the line for that to happen. Who I am don’t matter none. What I stand for is MAW.”[/COLOR] * [B]Kid Arachnid vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] This match was helped by pretty good chemistry on the part of the two fighters, but even without that there were plenty of people waiting to see Kid Arachnid’s debut in MAW. Rip, Reese and myself speculated on Arachnid’s identity, but all we could decipher from his tactics was that he was a decent all-rounder – and smart enough not to get dragged into a mat-wrestling contest with the experienced Roberts, who looked annoyed not to have been able to take the match into his element. However, he did at one point manage to tie Arachnid up in a seemingly impossible position – an abdominal stretch in the centre of the ring, with a lot of torque applied to really amplify the pressure on Arachnid’s back. However, Arachnid showed remarkable strength in managing to flip Roberts over with a hiptoss from that position, and before Roberts had a chance to recover Arachnid wrapped him up with an Antidote Web for the win. Winner: Kid Arachnid (B-) * Joe Sexy stood in the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“So, the best that MAW can manage is three men in masks, the son of a great wrestler, and some kid who works for us up north, but who wasn’t trusted to be part of Elite.”[/COLOR] He laughed. [COLOR="blue"]“I gotta say, we’re not impressed. This,”[/COLOR] he slapped the All Action title, [COLOR="blue"]“is a sign of my dominance in this company. In my first match, I beat one of the company’s dominant fighters. I don’t intend to lose this belt in my first defence – I’ve got a big match in a few weeks, and I’m not giving up any momentum going into it, you get me? So Tim Westybrook while you watch this match, squint at your TV a little. I’m sure you’re still seeing funny after that chair got wrapped around your head, so that should help you see what’s going to happen to you when we meet again.”[/COLOR] * [B]Gino Montero vs. Joe Sexy (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] Montero started the match afire, blitzing Sexy from all angles as he showed off his incredible range of talents. However, Sexy held tight and rode the punches as well as he could, using his years of experience over the neophyte Montero to pull a rope-a-dope and take control as the match passed the eight minute mark. Sexy unleashed some heavy hits, driving Montero back into the corner, where he proceeded to stomp a mudhole in the young Mexican. Montero tried to cover up, but each stomp drove him deeper and deeper to the mat, and Sexy sneered at him before turning away to taunt the crowd, and mime placing a belt around his waist as a message to Westybrook. When he turned around, however, Montero was already on his feet, and a superkick snapped Sexy’s head back, dropping him neatly to the mat. Montero followed up with a standing star press for a close two count before Sexy tried to catch him with a low blow – but Montero adroitly trapped Sexy’s arm and spun in place to wrench the arm half-out of its socket. Sexy yelled in pain, and yanked his arm free, rolling away from Montero and grabbing the ropes to try and pull himself upright. But Sexy’s lack of familiarity with Montero proved his downfall here, as Montero jumped onto the second rope and springboarded across the ring to drop Sexy with a legdrop across the back of his head. Sexy had no defence, and a three-count later saw a new All Action champion crowned in the debutant Gino Montero! Winner: Gino Montero (C) * Montero hit the corners, holding the All Action title over his head. Sexy was frozen in the centre of the ring, staring at his empty hands in disbelief that his reign had ended so quickly. As Montero crossed in front of him, Sexy lashed out with a low blow, before trying to take the youngster down and dish out more punishment. However, Kid Arachnid came down to the ring to save his stablemate and drive Sexy back, before helping Montero to his feet and holding his hand above his head. [COLOR="blue"]“You know what, I don’t care!”[/COLOR] Sexy snarled over the house mic. [COLOR="blue"]“Keep the title – it meant nothing to me, beyond taking it from Caulfield. Enjoy it while it lasts. In a few weeks time, I take the World title, and that’s when this company will really start to suffer!”[/COLOR] [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]Next: A screenfull of red Xs...[/I]
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Good show! And good move putting the All-Action title on Gino. He can pull a top grade out of a can of paint so it's probably best on him. Oh and [QUOTE=James Casey;722548][I]Next: A screenfull of red Xs...[/I][/QUOTE] ...this really sucks. I'm running into this now in my diary and working around it is starting to annoy me. :p
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[I]OOC: I mentioned a while back that I used the editor to make a worker available in the US. Obviously - or not - Gino Montero is that worker. He's with SOTBPW (I think) and no-one else so I can't see a justification for him [U]not[/U] signing with the #4 US promotion. It's interesting, picking up the non-North American workers and seeing what happens to them. Swoop is a star waiting to happen. AFF is the Young Wrestler of the Year. EHM is my favourite worker in the 'verse, and has tremendous potential. Montero is McFly Mark 2 - with charisma! However, I would wager good money that I will have them on my roster indefinitely. None of the other American (or even Japanese) feds seem interested in signing them, and so they're a great quartet to build around. I may be wrong - it may just be a case of building their overness and making them more attractive, but I can't see why SWF would sign Midnight Stalker (or whatever his name is) off me a few months back and ignore EHM, for example. I'm certainly not complaining, though... * I'm trying a new style of reporting the On Tour shows after this one - basically, using the standard show template but with abbreviated match write-ups and dialogue-free angles. That reflects the growing importance of the OT shows as more and more workers will appear there rather than just on TV. It actually seems to write a bit quicker, so we'll see how we go.[/I] * Yeah, fair enough, Montero and probably Fly need to be kept out of the main events for the time being... Worthwhile experiment, though. I tend to view the week 4 Nationwide as a freebie of sorts – the high rating for the month is already likely to have been set, so I can experiment a bit. I’d wager good money that Montero will be main-eventing legitimately inside of a year. * It’s certainly not a new problem, but MAW have issues with scheduling on [I]every single day[/I] they run shows. Fumihiro Ota, one-half of the tag team champions, can’t work Saturdays or Thursdays because of his commitments to TCW. That means he’s never available for On Tour, nor is he available for the monthly big show. For the same reason, Ernest Youngman, part of Elite and the first identified member of same, is only around on Fridays. It’s hard to build a feud around him – although he’s a useful and more-than-competent person to have around for Elite vs. MAW matches on Nationwide. Sean Deeley is unavailable on Saturdays because of his commitments to BHOTWG, which means no feuds for him – at least, none that need a monthly event-calibre blow-off. Deeley also misses Sundays because of CGC, who I was really hoping to have surpassed by now. This makes his availability for angles with his fellow Internationals something of a problem. At one point, I was toying with the idea of Deeley and Thompson uniting as a tag team, but any team with Deeley having the tag belts would be no better than Ota and Powell. He’s a Friday-only guy. You can say the same for Enforcer Roberts – although in his case, it’s GCG who’re keeping him out late on Saturdays. KC Glenn, meanwhile, is unavailable on Fridays – but is around on Saturdays. So he’s The Firm’s primary representative On Tour, and can join up with them at the big shows. Tuesdays aren’t too bad – except that Amazing Fire Fly and El Heroe Mexicano are away with MHW every week. It’s all a bit unsatisfying – but needs must. At least we don’t have to book around AAA and NYCW anymore... * Speaking of the latter company, they’ve just picked up Sam ‘Cannonball/Calamari Kid (and yes, I do think I have to remind you who he was)’ Cannon. How [I]would[/I] we cope if he ever left? * [QUOTE] [I][CENTER]MAW.com Show Report – On Tour in Great Lakes Saturday 27th March 2014[/CENTER] Welcome one and all to MAW.com for the On Tour report. I’m your host, Reese Paige, coming to you from Perry Hall as MAW continues to grow. Of course, the bigger we get, the more certain people expect to see themselves in front of the cameras, as we’ll see... We opened up the show with tag team action as James Casey’s plans edged a little closer to fruition. Smith & Singh took on recent newcomers The Sure Things in the first match of the night. Caballero and Ferrara had their moments, but the former champions picked up their first point under the new system when Brandon Smith pinned Caballero after a Broadway Blockbuster – and Smith and Singh let everyone know it with a beaming speech afterwards. However, in the next match, the winning side would end up with two points, and be just one win away from a title shot – and Platinum 12” appeared to believe that their victory was a foregone conclusion. Even when it became clear that their opponents were five-time champions The Canadian Blondes, it seemed they were happy enough with the draw. Indeed, the early exchanges seemed to point to them taking the Blondes way too lightly, as the former champions took control easily. However, the 12”ers didn’t give up and, despite taking a beating, showed impressive form to topple the Blondes when Stardust pinned Savage after an Idolizer to move them up to 2 points! Next, Anne Sidious proclaimed to the audience that Pyre and Wraith (formerly GB Wood and Marc Speed) had found their true master in Raphael, and that he had enlightened them with the Rule of One. The Adepts, as they are now to be known, made short work of The Party Animals, in the following tag team match to notch their first win as a team. Eddie Powell then laid out an open challenge, one that was answered by Joss Thompson. The two men had a spirited match, with Powell giving Thompson the respect due to the international star as they impressed everyone watching with their clinical display. In the end, Powell won out with a Motion Censor, but Thompson will have impressed a lot of people with his display. Davis Wayne Newton made his way to the ring, seemingly with ill intent on his mind as he eyed up the weary Powell. Before he and Thompson could do anything, however, Phoenix made his entrance and challenged Newton to a match. The fans loved the idea, and Newton reluctantly accepted. The two put on a barn-storming display of technical and aerial wizardry, with the veteran Phoenix pushing Newton to his limits – and almost beyond, as Phoenix came within inches of scoring with the Firebird Splash. Newton was adroit enough to evade the dive, however, and wrapped Phoenix up in the STF for the submission win – one we will be sure to hear more about, I suspect. Fans, it’s been a great night of action here in Perry Hall. We’ll be back next week for Nationwide, so we’ll see you then! Smith & Singh (1pt) def. The Sure Things – D- Platinum 12” (2pts) def. The Canadian Blondes – E+ The Adepts (1pt) def. The Party Animals – E+ Eddie Powell def. Joss Thompson – D Davis Wayne Newton def. Phoenix – C Overall: D+[/I][/QUOTE] * In something of a shock move, indy darling Fumihiro Ota has knocked back the chance to re-sign with FCW. The ‘Super Ninja’ has enjoyed a resurgence in his fortunes with TCW of late. His national popularity is now out of reach of a company of FCW’s Regional status. The news comes on the heels of what is rumoured to be a renewed singles push in MAW, as the versatile cruiserweight is said to be in the running for a sustained run in the Traditional title division. What this may mean for his tag team with Eddie Powell is not yet known. * Elsewhere, 46 year old Larry Wood is to retire from in-ring competition. The charismatic and intelligent ‘Mountain Man’ joined NOTBPW as head booker in 2010, and although he lost his position to Peter Michaels a couple of years later, he remained on screen in the midcard. Never the holder of a great win-loss record, Wood’s no-holds-barred ring style earned him a considerable cache with the fans, and he became a surprisingly popular member of the roster. It is thought likely that Wood will remain with NOTBPW in a backstage role after retirement, although Peter Michaels is considering a transition into an on-screen role, if a suitable storyline can be put together to explain the move. * El Heroe Mexicano has added a third company to his schedule as WAM sign up one of the best wrestlers in the world. * [COLOR="Blue"]“Please hold for Mr. Flash.”[/COLOR] I grunted as the switchboard clicked onto an instrumental version of [I]Simply The Best[/I]. SWF has never done subtle – ever. I actually know the lyrics to the first verse of the song through sheer brute repetition. Back in the day – and this is going back nearly twenty years now, back to before the knee injury – when I’d go out drinking with Rip, Christian and the others the odd night would end up in a karaoke bar if no better option presented itself. Seeing Faith in all his biker gear doing a hip-swinging strut across the stage before breaking into a credible tenor rendition of this song... Well, it sticks with you. I mouthed the opening verse twice over, and amused myself as best I could by making up lyrics to the rest of the song one and a half times before the phone clicked again and the Calgary-by-way-of-New-York voice of Steve Flash was greeting me. [COLOR="green"]“How’s it going, champ?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="blue"]“It’s going well, James, it’s good to hear from you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“And you. How was main-eventing Supreme Challenge?”[/COLOR] The pride radiated down the phone line to me, even before Flash replied. [COLOR="blue"]“Epic,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="blue"]“A day I’ll remember for the rest of my life, no question.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“It was a great match, too – shame about the end.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“I knew I’d never win the belt, so that was fine,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="blue"]“Just being there. Just being in that good a match, on that night, the biggest show of the year... “What can I do for you, James?”[/COLOR] he said, after a few seconds of reverent thought. [COLOR="green"]“I’m taking a flyer here, and guessing that the answer’s no – but would you be interested in coming back down south?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Working for MAW again?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Yeah, there’s a spot opening up.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“In or out of Elite?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Out. The Firm needs an older hand – always has done. Westybrook doesn’t fit, but Caulfield could do it. You’re the first choice, though – and you’ve been there before.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Yeah,”[/COLOR] he said, non-committal. [COLOR="blue"]“I think I’m going to pass, though. I appreciate the offer, but I’m not getting any younger. I know the money would be good, but right now I’m not looking for more work – just time at home with my family.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“I understand. Thanks anyway, Steve, and enjoy yourself up north.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“No problems, James. Say hi to Katie and the twins, and don’t hesitate to call if I can help out in any way.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I will do, Steve – and thanks.”[/COLOR] I hung up the phone. The Firm did need an experienced worker... but the five men involved were hardly rookies. The least experienced had three or four years under their belts, while Montero had been around over six years, and Arachnid... Well, he was a veteran. In his case, the ‘Kid’ part of the name was a misnomer. I put the idea on the backburner for the time being. Yes, having an older head around was useful, but Jean, Joe and Phil on Elite were raising the average age already. Having The Firm comprised wholly from younger workers wasn’t too bad an idea, I mused. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Grace Harper Amazing Fire Fly vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional Title El Heroe Mexicano vs. Jean Cattley Tim Westybrook vs. Trent Shaffer vs. Davis Wayne Newton – non-title[/CENTER]
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[B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] vs. Grace Harper [I]Is this Harper's debut ? Then again she must be getting on in years and it's possible you may have just brought her in to be competent job fodder at this stage.[/I] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional Title [I]As much as you and I love Fire Fly, I just don't see him being the one to end Swoop's long reign with this belt.[/I] El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Jean Cattley[/B] [I]I see Cattley being booked strong for the forseeable future following his heel turn.[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Trent Shaffer vs. Davis Wayne Newton – non-title Non Title it may be but I'm not backing against Westybrook when he has the undefeated streak going, then again someone else could get pinned here and you can still claim that he is 'undefeated'.
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 5th April 2014[/CENTER][/B] Grace Harper began the show in the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s fine, I’ll wait until you have picked your jaws up off the floor,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="Blue"]“I know that it’s not often you see such beauty in this ring. Really, you never have. I pity you for that – it must be difficult. But I also feel glad for you, because now I have visited your dreary lives and you can tell your children and grandchildren about the one time in your lives that you saw true beauty. “In fact, it may be that I will become a constant feature in your lives. The match you are about to see will result in my victory, and from there I will win the triple threat match to go on to Americana. And at that show, I will become your Women’s champion. Three wins, and I become a regular feature in your lives. “Lucky for you.”[/COLOR] * [B]Suzanne Brazzle vs. Grace Harper[/B] Grace Harper has joined us on loan from USPW and is taking part in the Women’s title qualifiers. She’s a real talent, but at 38 was considered to be too old to join us during the Women’s division construction last year. That’s a shame, as chances are if we’d picked her up then, she’d have been a real contender, as she showed in this decent effort against Suzanne Brazzle. However, the fans just weren’t into the match, despite the relatively decent level of interest in the match ahead of time, probably as a result of regional disparities in popularity. In the end, Harper took the win with a Fisherman’s Suplex to advance to the qualifier in a fortnight. Winner: Grace Harper (D) * Trent Shaffer was backstage, preparing for his main event match. [COLOR="Blue"]“So... yeah. I got a match. I got a match against the champ, dudes. Now, it’s non-title, but that’s okay. Joe’s got the title shot at Americana, so that’s cool. I don’t want to steal his thunder or anything, y’know? “Still, Elite have a job, and that job is putting MAW out of business. I gotta admit, karmically, I don’t think it’s the best idea in the world. But, you know, sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Stuff evens itself out, y’know? “Anyway, Joe’s got his shot in a few weeks. I figure tonight I can put a beating on Westybrook and help my bro out, y’know? No hard feelings, and all that, but I gotta back my buds, right? So, y’know, tonight I gotta win, I gotta give Tim Westybrook the biggest case of Heart Burn he’ll ever have. “Y’know?”[/COLOR] * Swoop McCarthy came down to the ring, Traditional title secure around his waist. [COLOR="Teal"]“We keep getting busier in this company, don’t we?”[/COLOR] he asked. [COLOR="Teal"]“Swoop’s opponent tonight used to be here, then he left, and now he’s back. Swoop doesn’t remember facing him before, but if he did, he’s sure that he won. Likewise, Swoop is sure that tonight’s match will end the same way – Swoop notching up an eighteenth defence of this Traditional title, and moving one step closer to being recognised as the undisputed greatest champion this company has ever seen!”[/COLOR] * [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional Title[/COLOR] Quite apart from defeating Elite, it’s clear that the new Firm members have their eyes on gold in MAW as well, with Montero bagging the All Action title last week. Fly was all over the ‘pragmatic’ champion in the early going, but couldn’t get any real momentum going as McCarthy took every opportunity to stall and break up the flow of the match. In the end, Fly tried to go for a victory roll from the top rope, only for McCarthy to smartly roll him up for the pin and an opportunistic win. Winner: Swoop McCarthy (C) * Davis Wayne Newton was in the locker room with his new manager, Lisa Bowen. [COLOR="Blue"]“Elite against The Firm – that’s all anyone has had to talk about of late. It doesn’t say much for us Internationals, so tonight is when we start to make an impact. Let me be clear about this: Sean Deeley, Joss Thompson, Ruin and myself are a match for any other group in MAW. Rule Of One, Elite, The Firm... We can beat you. This isn’t a personal declaration of war. We have no stake in the future of this company. Each of us would find work elsewhere if it closed, but so long as it remains open we intend to show our superiority as we face whoever is put in front of us.”[/COLOR] * Jean Cattley was backstage, the scowl on his face seemingly still in place from the previous week’s announcement. [COLOR="Navy"]“I wonder if the so-called Kid Arachnid has ever had any new ideas of his own, or if he just steals from others? I rebuilt The Firm last year to save my job here in MAW, but in the process I realised that MAW really wasn’t worth saving, and that’s why I disbanded the group after the Invitational. That’s when Sexy, Roberts and myself began to recruit the most supreme wrestlers of the next generation to close this place down. That’s when we began to lay a beating on people like KC Glenn and Chris Caulfield. “Maybe I shouldn’t care that I’m opposed by my own creation, and in a lot of ways I don’t. It’s not The Firm – not without me. And for those who try and claim it is, and for those who believe them... I pity you. For those who try and perpetrate the insult to what I have achieved, well, this company will be dead soon. I will take a special kind of pleasure in putting you all out of your misery, however. “I’ll start tonight with El Heroe Mexicano. You seem to have some special kind of hatred for me, kid. Well, get real. It’s the way of the world that you’ll take the best paid option, that you’ll do what’s best for yourself. Anyone who claims differently just has a hidden agenda. The sooner you realise that, the sooner you’ll see that sticking around this place will kill your career, forever tainted by your attempts to save what amounts to nothing more than a rotting carcass, floating in the surf while myself and my Elite allies pass by, laughing as you sink into oblivion.”[/COLOR] * [B]El Heroe Mexicano vs. Jean Cattley[/B] Oh dear. This was a feud that I had hoped would elevate Heroe to the top rank in MAW, but the pair lack chemistry. There are ways of working around that, of course, and it may be that we’ll have to just rewrite rather than completely scrap the idea. Still, this was a good match that could have been amazing, but the pair just couldn’t get on the same page enough to do more than the basics. As a result, the match just didn’t get out of second gear, and in the end Cattley scored with a Mood Swing for the win. Winner: Jean Cattley (C) * Tim Westybrook was nowhere to be seen, but the never-disappointing form of Katie Cameron stepped before the camera. [COLOR="Magenta"]“My client has been out of action for two weeks – time spent not earning money. That, of course, is just not good business. My client is a superior specimen of humanity – his size, his musculature, his power, his poise, his ability to withstand punishment... All these features are at a premium in this industry. My client, the Iron Man, is one of the prime specimens. He commands a high price throughout the industry and for the last two weeks has not brought in the income upon which his lifestyle outside the ring is reliant. “My client doesn’t take these matters personally, you understand. He accepts that there is no profit to be gained from pursuing personal vendettas with clouded feelings that could not equally be gained from pursuing a professional career path with a clear head. “My client, therefore, holds no particular ill will towards Elite. If MAW were to fold, then my client will move on. If the company survives, my client will continue to work here so long as there is paid employment available. “That being said, my client does take some pride in his until recently unblemished record here in MAW. Because of this, when my client faces you, Mr. Sexy, or you, Mr. Cattley... It won’t be personal, but it may be a little bit more... satisfying...”[/COLOR] * [B]Tim Westybrook vs. Trent Shaffer vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Shaffer and Newton at first worked together to try and take down the champion, but even before Westybrook had been beaten that badly, the two heels were arguing amongst themselves, and Westybrook was able to take them down with a thunderous double clothesline. From that point on, Newton and Shaffer were never quite able to mount a coherent offence against Westybrook, who was able to stay ahead of the game before taking Newton down for the win with a TNT Whirlwind. Winner: Tim Westybrook (C+) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]Next: On Tour, including KC Glenn, Gino Montero and more tag team action...[/I]
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[I]OOC: I can't count - [U]this[/U] one is post 1,800 :D[/I] * I may have to bench KC Glenn all together. Not only is he spending a lot of time flying between Japan and the US, he’s also dating Lauren Easter. I’m amazed that he has the energy to compete... * Elsewhere, TCW is cementing its place as the #1 company in the world – it won the National Battle in Japan last month, finishing ahead of BHOTWG and PGHW. * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: On Tour Saturday, 6th April 2014[/CENTER] KC Glenn vs. Joss Thompson[/B] This was a battle of Firm against Internationals, and was a solid technical contest. The younger fighter came out on top with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band. Winner: KC Glenn (D) * After his victory, KC Glenn challenged Jean Cattley to a match at Americana as payback for turning on him and helping set him up for attack by Elite. * [B]The Young Americans (0 pts) vs. The West Texas Lawmakers (1 pt)[/B] The Lawmakers were accompanied by a new manager – Ernest Forthdyke-Hume! EFH deftly guided his charges to victory, pointing out Hocking and Benning’s weaknesses and allowing the cowboys to pick up a second point as they moved within sight of a title shot. Winner: The Lawmakers (E, 2 pts) * EFH then proclaimed that his ‘boys’ would be hot on the heels of any team with the gold at any time. * [B]Team Honor (1 pt) vs. The Second Sons (0 pts)[/B] The Sons have been languishing somewhat since The Cult Of Chord dissolved three months ago. Team Honor took advantage of their rough patch to score their own second point in the standings. Winner: Team Honor (E-, 2 pts) * Backstage, a blue-lit room showed Null meditating while swathed in a voluminous robe, only the outline of his features visible. Anne Sidious moved sinuously in the background, proclaiming that her master’s apprentice would begin the ‘conquest of this backwater civilisation’ by taking the All Action title from Gino Montero. * [B]Bradford Peverell vs. Phil Jerome[/B] The stalwart Bradford Peverell then clashed with youngster Phil Jerome. Peverell ignored Jerome’s attempts to distract him and disable him with technical flare, before simply putting him down and out with a Dream Left Hook. Winner: Bradford Peverell (E) * Kristen Pearce proclaimed that The Canadian Blondes were about to get into the hunt for the tag team titles by picking up their first point. * [B]The Canadian Blondes (0 pts) vs. The Sure Things (0 pts)[/B] The five-time former champions did just that, stunning Caballero and Ferrara with their well-oiled teamwork en route to victory. Winner: The Canadian Blondes (E, 1pt) * Ahead of the next match, the six women involved were to be found backstage, arguing as they warmed up for their contest. * [B]Lauren Easter, Wendy Summers and Kristabel Plum vs. Nadia Snow, Brooke Tyler and Amber Allen[/B] Amber Allen was making her debut here. She seemed to have some of Snow’s glamorous looks about her – but a hard-hitting technical style that bores ome resemblance to Tyer’s. However, she was targeted by Easter’s team as the inexperienced weak link, and ended up submitting to Easter’s Figure Four Leglock. Winner: Easter, Summers and Plum (D) * Gino Montero introduced himself to the watching crowd. He hugged the All Action title to him, and proclaimed that he was holding onto it until such time as someone could tear it from him. He’d fought big men, fast men, strong men and skilled men, and he’d always found a way to come out on top. And even though he wanted to help his friends protect MAW, he wanted gold as well – and he wasn’t ready for the belt to be taken from him yet... * [B]Gino Montero (c) vs. Null[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] in a [COLOR="purple"]submission match[/COLOR] The match was a back and forth contest, with Null seemingly the harder, faster fighter – and one who showed no compunction in breaking the rules. However, Montero showed that he has the heart of a champion, and despite Null’s skill and Anne Sidious’ taunting from ringside, was able to force his opponent to submit as he retained his title. Winner: Gino Montero (D+) Overall: D * Fumihiro Ota’s time in FCW came to an end as he dropped the Puerto Rican title to Mr. America at Call Of The Wild. Ota is leaving the company to concentrate on his work for TCW and MAW, although it is strongly rumoured that USPW owner Alicia Strong is considering a move for the talented and experienced cruiserweight. FCW have already picked out a possible successor for Ota, as they are reported to have moved for Lassana Makutsi. However, the former MAW tag team champion is considered unlikely to join the Puerto Rican company, as he already has three contracts and is not believed to be looking to expand on these. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] The Gatekeepers vs. Sean Deeley and Joss Thompson – non-title Gino Montero vs. Swoop McCarthy – non-title Phoenix vs. Trent Shaffer Amazing Fire Fly and El Heroe Mexicano vs. Jean Cattley and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/CENTER]
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