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MAW Nationwide El Heroe Mexicano vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title Swoop keeps his belt. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Grace Harper – non-title Joanne wins to start a nice win streak before the rematch. Ten Man Battle Royal: Chris Caulfield, Phoenix, Fumihiro Ota and representatives of Elite, The Firm and Internationals face off to name the #1 contender to the MAW World title Crish Caulfield. The rest are good but it's a nasty battle royal.
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El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional title [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs. Grace Harper – non-title Ten Man Battle Royal: Chris Caulfield, Phoenix, Fumihiro Ota and representatives of Elite, The Firm and Internationals face off to name the #1 contender to the MAW World title Enforcer Roberts
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[B]El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title [I]Heroe wins the match, but not the belt as Swoop takes a countout loss to retain in ultra cheap fashion.[/I] [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs. Grace Harper – non-title [I]Non title it may be but J-Ro isn't going to lose this match, after finally getting the better of Strong to win the belt.[/I] Ten Man Battle Royal: Chris Caulfield, Phoenix, Fumihiro Ota and representatives of Elite, The Firm and Internationals face off to name the #1 contender to the MAW World title [I]I'll also stump for Phil Roberts to emerge the victor here and become the next challenger for the World Title.[/I]
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[B][U]MAW Nationwide[/U][/B] El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] (c) – MAW Traditional title [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs. Grace Harper – non-title Ten Man Battle Royal: Chris Caulfield, Phoenix, Fumihiro Ota and representatives of Elite, The Firm and Internationals face off to name the #1 contender to the MAW World title [B]Joe Sexy[/B]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;733926][B]El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title [I]Heroe wins the match, but not the belt as Swoop takes a countout loss to retain in ultra cheap fashion.[/I] [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs. Grace Harper – non-title [I]Non title it may be but J-Ro isn't going to lose this match, after finally getting the better of Strong to win the belt.[/I] Ten Man Battle Royal: Chris Caulfield, Phoenix, Fumihiro Ota and representatives of Elite, The Firm and Internationals face off to name the #1 contender to the MAW World title [I]I'll also stump for Phil Roberts to emerge the victor here and become the next challenger for the World Title.[/I][/QUOTE] I agree with the picks and the logic, including Phil Roberts. My initial instinct was that Heroe would win the title, but I don't think that's going to happen on free TV.
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 26th April 2014[/CENTER] Joanne Rodriguez vs. Grace Harper[/B] See now, this is why we brought Grace Harper in – and why, if we had the chance, we’d bring her in full time. Rodriguez was clearly still riding a high after her title win over Alicia Strong, and in the early moments this allowed Harper to take the advantage and overrun her younger opponent. But Rodriguez thrived on the cheers of the crowd, willing her on as she made a big comeback, finally dropping Harper with a J-Rocker for the win. Winner: Joanne Rodriguez (B-) * J-Ro took the mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“After twelve long months in which I’ve done a lot of things I shouldn’t have done, and said a lot of things I’m not proud of, on Saturday night I became your Women’s champion!”[/COLOR] She held the belt aloft, and the crowd gave a warm response. [COLOR="Blue"]“I intend to enjoy it while it lasts. It’s the unwritten rule of wrestling – one day, every champion loses. There’s never been a Rocky Marciano in wrestling, and there probably never will be.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I know that you all enjoy seeing your champions fighting for your enjoyment, and one of the reasons I wanted to be the champion was so I could have a say in picking my challengers to see who’d give me great fights. But for just a couple of weeks, I have to put that on hold. You see, I’m going to take a break. For the last year I’ve been out here almost every week, doing everything I can to keep myself in contention. I wasn’t very happy, and I wasn’t very nice. So I’m going to take a couple of weeks to go lie on a beach with my title belt, some suntan lotion and maybe a couple of trashy romances. And when I come back to face my first challengers, I’ll be fit and raring to go!”[/COLOR] * El Heroe Mexicano and Swoop McCarthy were shown backstage, staring at each other with a mixture of professional pride and a little animosity. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Some say that a champion who walks out on a defence is a coward,” [/COLOR]Heroe began. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Or, that he’s just pragmatic.”[/COLOR] He shrugged. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“All I know is that tonight I have no intention of giving you a choice. Joss Thompson has been here in MAW for about a minute, and last weekend he questioned my achievements in this company. Taking the Traditional title will be a sign that I am as good as people say I am.”[/COLOR] Swoop teased his sunglasses forward so that they sat on the tip of his nose. [COLOR="Teal"]“It’s been Swoop’s experience that very few people are as good as others say they are – or as bad. Now, you’re a hell of a fighter, Mexicano, but this Ozzie-done-good is on a hot streak that’s a ripper. Tonight, Swoop goes 21 and 0, and that’s gonna be a beaut.”[/COLOR] The two eyed one another warily. Then: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Look, just between you and me, do you ever get tired of the whole catchphrases and third person thing? I mean to say, growing up in Montevideo, this wasn’t how I saw myself.”[/COLOR] Swoop whipped off his sunglasses, and stared Heroe dead in the eye for a long, long moment. [COLOR="Teal"]“Sometimes, sure,”[/COLOR] he said, his posture visibly changing as he relaxed slightly. [COLOR="Teal"]“But what can you do? The people want Swoop, so the people get Swoop.”[/COLOR] He put the sunglasses back on, straightening up and assuming the more familiar look of Swoop McCarthy. [COLOR="Teal"]“And as for taking this title off Swoop... You can have the best intentions in the world, Heroe, but you are going one on one with greatness personified. Tonight you face the future – and the future is Swoop!”[/COLOR] * [B]El Heroe Mexicano vs. Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Well, how’s this? Heroe and Swoop continue to improve every day, and a match like this – where they were sent out to give the crowd a breather – really played to their charisma and natural entertainment abilities. The match started with a spell of one-upmanship as the two semi-amicably sought to outdo one another, before a thunderous back suplex from Swoop brought us into chapter two, where the two went after one another with intensity as Heroe sought his first title belt in MAW. However, Swoop showed that despite his big mouth, he is also a fighter of considerable talent, beating Heroe hard around the head with a series of clubbing blows, leaving the masked man staggered and prone to a Swoop Stunner as the champion retained for the 21st time! Winner: Swoop McCarthy (B-) * Backstage, and Elite were in their dressing room, discussing the upcoming Battle Royal. Curiously, the discussion was at once muted and heated at the same time, as though they were trying to avoid the discussion erupting into a full-blown argument. From the doorway came the sound of a throat being cleared. The five members of Elite whipped around to find Kid Arachnid leaning on the door jamb. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Well now, let me guess...”[/COLOR] he said, holding up a sheet of paper. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“I was coming in here to ask a few questions about how Elite are ending up with four representatives in tonight’s Battle Royal, when The Firm only gets one. And yet... Four isn’t enough, is it boys?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Butt out, Arachnid,”[/COLOR] Cattley growled. [COLOR="Navy"]“This doesn’t concern you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]“True, but it’s funny as all heck,”[/COLOR] Arachnid said, not moving. [COLOR="Blue"]“Didn’t you hear the man?”[/COLOR] Sexy demanded. [COLOR="Blue"]“What the matter with you, huh? Are you deaf? Do you want me to tear you some new ears?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Well, that’s a kind offer, but I’m going to go with ‘no’,”[/COLOR] Arachnid said, with a shrug. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Oh, come on guys, where’s your sense of humour? I mean, you’re the villains after all – you’re here to close this company down, and you’re arguing over who gets a shot at the title? Am I the only one who sees the humour?”[/COLOR] Without a word, Enforcer Roberts picked up a mug and threw it at Arachnid, who caught it. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“There you go. Now, let me see if I can work this out: Cattley and Shaffer, they won last time out, so they got a spot in the match. Sexy lost, but he’s your leader, so he gets a spot. Youngman, well, I don’t know how you got a spot, but you did. And that leaves Roberts. Now, I know he don’t say much, but everyone knows that the guy’s a massive -----, so the way I figure, he’s pushin’ for a spot in the match, right?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Shut your mouth, Arachnid,” [/COLOR]Youngman said. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Eh, no,” [/COLOR]Arachnid said with a shrug. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“I’ve always been a big talker. So, Youngman, are you just going to give up your spot. I mean, you ain’t done anything to earn it, least not since I checked.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“For your information, I’m a made man out west,”[/COLOR] Youngman snarled. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s Shaffer we’re talking about canning.”[/COLOR] Arachnid waited a beat as Youngman’s stablemates glared at him – except Shaffer, who took the revelation phlegmatically. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Shaffer?”[/COLOR] Arachnid asked. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Hell, go ahead! There was me worrying you were out to make the match harder or something. You want Mr. Moustache in the ring, go for it. I’ll see you guys out there.”[/COLOR] Arachnid turned and walked off. Cattley, Roberts and Sexy continued to glare at Youngman. [COLOR="Blue"]“What?”[/COLOR] he demanded. Sexy grabbed him by the front of his shirt and slammed into a row of lockers. [COLOR="Blue"]“You don’t dish the dirt, see?”[/COLOR] he demanded. [COLOR="Blue"]“What’s Elite is Elite – you don’t go blabbing to scum like Arachnid. What’s next, Ernest, what’s next? You gonna go and give him all our plans for killing this company? Huh? Is that what’s next?”[/COLOR] Youngman shoved him away, straightening up to his full height and glaring at the slightly-shorter Sexy. [COLOR="Blue"]“You want to go? We’re in there tonight, Joe. You might want to watch your back. I might have to take your orders now, but you know how the big man thinks – if I know what’s right better than you do, you know he’ll back me.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Guys, hey, relax, okay?”[/COLOR] Shaffer interjected, waving his hands vaguely. [COLOR="Blue"]“All this, it’s too much, really. Look at it this way: One of us is going to win, and then we’ve got all month to, like, sort out a gameplan for beating Westybrook. Elite is what matters, am I right?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“He’s right – and he’s earned his shot,”[/COLOR] Cattley cut in. [COLOR="Navy"]“He beat Arachnid clean, and whoever’s under that mask, well, he’s a tough competitor. In fact, Joe, maybe you should get benched tonight. You’ve had your shot, after all.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Hey, now, wait a minute,”[/COLOR] Sexy said. [COLOR="Blue"]“How did this get onto me, eh? Listen Cattley-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Alright, alright, so you’re in. Look, Youngman’s got a place, I beat Glenn so I’m in, you’re our leader so you’re in, and Shaffer beat Arachid so he’s in. That leaves...”[/COLOR] The four named men turned to look at Phil Roberts, who had just finished lacing his boots. He looked up at them, and with the faintest of sighs began unlacing them again. [COLOR="Blue"]“Listen, we’ll make it up to you next week old buddy, [I]capisce[/I]? Besides, you know the big man has box seats at the Met every third Saturday of the month, anyway, and what does he know about opera, ‘cept when you’re there coaching him?”[/COLOR] Sexy turned to the others. [COLOR="Blue"]“Okay, so here’s the plan for the match...”[/COLOR] * [B]Chris Caulfield, Phoenix, Fumihiro Ota, Kid Arachnid, Davis Wayne Newton, Sean Deeley, Jean Cattley, Joe Sexy, Ernest Youngman and Trent Shaffer[/B] in a [COLOR="Purple"]Battle Royal[/COLOR] to name the [COLOR="Purple"]#1 contender to the MAW World title[/COLOR] Bodies flying everywhere – many of them under their own steam. Even before the bell rang, even before all ten men had entered the ring, that was the motif of this match. The fight was split roughly down the middle, with four flyers – Phoenix, Ota, Newton, Shaffer – against five brawlers and one jack of all trades – Arachnid. Rare was the moment when one or more of the flyers wasn’t trying something outrageous to gain the advantage, and at one point Phoenix and Ota engaged in a twoupmanship as they lined up against Newton and Shaffer, the veterans trying to outdo the youngsters. Unfortunately for Ota, the contest led directly to his elimination as Cattley and Sexy caught him in mid air, and together pressed him over the top rope to a rough landing below. Sexy looked pleased with himself – a little too pleased as he spent too long celebrating, and Phoenix nailed him in the back of the head with a dropkick to send him sprawling over the top rope. As Sexy argued with the ringside observer, the other members of Elite looked untroubled by the loss of their leader. With those first two eliminations, the match opened up somewhat, and though it was a few more minutes before anyone else took the top rope tumble, they began to come thick and fast. Deeley accidentally sent Arachnid into Newton and as the two men tried to extricate themselves from one another, Youngman delivered a thunderous double clothesline that sent them both over the top. Arachnid grabbed the top rope as he went, saving himself from elimination, only to be sent flying by Caulfield’s hardcore intervention as his trusty billy club came down on Arachnid’s knuckles. Caulfield shrugged and Arachnid waved it off – just business, after all. Caulfield nearly paid for his inattentiveness as Youngman charged in with a big boot, but at the last second Caulfield evaded the attack, letting the Elite man crotch himself on the top rope. As the crowd roared their approval, a second swing of the billy club left Youngman toppling over the ropes to a hard landing below. [COLOR="Purple"]“How does he get away with bringing those things into matches?”[/COLOR] Rip grumbled, of Caulfield’s stocked toolbelt. We were down to five – and almost immediately four as Deeley tried to talk the Elite duo of Shaffer and Cattley into joining forces. The two men looked at one another and, in a display of non-verbal communication, instead tackled Deeley and bore him to the mat, Cattley holding him down while Shaffer laid in the boots, before they picked him up and dropped him over the top rope. From there, Phoenix and Caulfield separated the Elite duo, with Caulfield tackling Shaffer and Phoenix and Cattley tying up. On commentary, I noted that Phoenix and Cattley were MAW veterans – but hadn’t faced each other one on one in over five years. With Cattley joining Elite, the opportunity now presented itself, perhaps. Rip was right on the response, noting that the match would be a short one as Cattley ripped at Phoenix’ mask, making the veteran instinctively cover his face. But Cattley was quick to take advantage, grabbing the back of Phoenix’ head and throwing him over the top rope to the floor below. Halfway through celebrating his success, he turned to see Caulfield and Shaffer tussling against the ropes, with the ‘Psychobilly Patriot’ on the verge of pitching Shaffer out of the ring – although Shaffer was holding on for grim life, with a headscissors on Caulfield to help him stay in the fight. All that, however, just made it even easier for Cattley to sneak up behind the duo, grab Caulfield’s toolbelt, and use it to pitch him over and out, taking Cattley’s own teammate with him, and making Cattley the #1 contender to the World title! Shaffer looked up from the arena floor, a little groggy, but clearly understanding what had just happened. Cattley looked down from inside the ring, shrugged, and pointed out that the important thing was that it was a win for Elite. Unlike Kid Arachnid earlier in the match, however, it was clear that Shaffer was less than wholly satisfied with how things had played out. Winner: Jean Cattley (C+) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]OOC: I did think about putting the Trad. belt on Heroe, but decided against it late on. Right now, I think it looks better on Swoop, but there may be someone coming in who could take it from him... Also, back on page 1 you can find the full title histories for each belt right now. I was quite impressed that I did each belt by memory first, and it was really only a few of the AA belt switches and one or two tag changes that I had to look up. Next: How much? Also, On Tour...[/I]
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This time last year, or thereabouts, I asked Alex DeColt about coming into MAW for a few months. He wasn’t interested then, but this time when we talked he was more interested. I get the impression that for Alex, being boss of CGC isn’t all he thought it’d be, and he’s eager to find something else to keep his mind off being ‘the man’. Alas, what Alex was after in terms of finances just didn’t add up. There’s no doubt that he’d be a tremendous addition to the company, but I just can’t justify making him the best-paid man on the roster. If we were in Canada, yes. America, no. One thing I found odd was the way he signed off: [COLOR="Blue"]“Okay, James. Keep in touch – I’d love to help MAW out one day, so let me know if I can be of assistance at all.”[/COLOR] It took a cup of tea and a read of the paper before his words percolated through to me. [COLOR="Green"]“Rip?”[/COLOR] Rip looked up from his game of Hearts to find me hanging on his doorframe. [COLOR="Purple"]“What’s up, kid?”[/COLOR] he asked. [COLOR="Green"]“Have you spoken to Alex DeColt lately?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“DeColt? No – not since September. I don’t really know him.”[/COLOR] I frowned. [COLOR="Purple"]“What’s up?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I... don’t know. It’s just some things that a few people have said lately. It’s probably nothing.”[/COLOR] Rip raised an eyebrow and sat back in his chair. [COLOR="Purple"]“Go on.”[/COLOR] I shook my head. [COLOR="Green"]“It’s nothing, I’m sure – but last time I spoke to Steve he said something about helping us, and Alex said the same... I know our finances are bad, but I didn’t realise it was public knowledge.”[/COLOR] Rip shrugged. [COLOR="Purple"]“Any company that hits Cult has money issues – that’s always been true.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Yeah... I dunno, it just sounded a bit more...”[/COLOR] I tailed off. [COLOR="Green"]“I’m sure it’s nothing. I mean, what else can happen around here?”[/COLOR] Rip shrugged. [COLOR="Purple"]“Who knows? This is wrestling, kid. Don’t try and predict things.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I guess. Well, I’ve got to get back to work Rip. The books don’t balance themselves.”[/COLOR] Rip snorted. [COLOR="Purple"]“The books don’t balance, kid. Let’s see about that, huh?”[/COLOR] I gave him a smile. [COLOR="Green"]“Sure, and someday pigs will fly. Has Nemesis got any other kids?”[/COLOR] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: On Tour Saturday, 27th April 2014[/CENTER] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Joss Thompson[/B] BBS was making a rare singles appearance here, reminding us that he can be a force in the solo ranks as well. Thompson was initially overwhelmed by Smith’s sheer power, but found enough tricks to neutralise Brandon’s advantage before nailing the Clean Cutter for the win. Winner: Joss Thompson (D+) * Team Honor entered the ring and proclaimed that they had something no other team did: Solidity. Their goals were the same – showing that the only route to true success in the business was the correct and honourable way that they espoused. Any setback temporary in the face of their correct and proper approach to the business. * [B]Team Honor vs. The Second Sons[/B] In a rematch from a recent On Tour, these two teams put on a familiar contest. And like last time, it seemed that Lassana Makutsi and Jared Johnson were headed for factory – until Cameron Vessey appeared from the crowd and tripped Johnson, leaving him open to a Heartbreaker from Casey Valentine to give the Sons the win. Winners: The Second Sons (E+, 1pt) * Vessey was quick to point out to Valentine that he had been the catalyst for the win, as Antonio looked on in clear annoyance. Backstage, and Oscar Golden and Flash Savage were being put through their paces by Kristen Pearce as they completed a harsh aerobic workout and immediately moved on to lifting weights. Pearce commented to camera that ‘her men’ were set on improving on the advantage that their experience as a team gave them over all the other teams. * [B]The Canadian Blondes vs. The Adepts[/B] Both teams were in the hunt for a first point to start their climb back up the ladder of the tag team division. The Adepts were both studies in wild fury, from bell to bell expressing their ferocity through huge clubbing blows and vocal yells. The Blondes tried to use their experience to their advantage, but it was clear they’d not faced anything quite like the Adepts, and in the end Pyre caught Savage with a Mou Kei for the win. Winners: The Adepts (D-, 1pt) * Raphael and Null joined The Adepts and Anne Sidious in the ring. As Null lurked in the rear of the group, Pyre and Wraith flanked their leader and Sidious watched on approvingly from one side. Raphael declared that their plans were in motion, and that they were so confident of the success of their endeavours that they were inviting everyone to watch as they made their predictions come true. * [B]The Party Animals vs. The West Texas Lawmakers[/B] This was something of a wild brawl, although Justin Sensitive took to the air a little as his primate buddy cheered and clapped him on from ringside. In the end, Forthdyke-Hume’s instructions from ringside gave the cowboys the edge, and a Volcanic Repeater spelled the end for Diamond. Winner: The Lawmakers (E+, 1pt) * Backstage, and Bradford Peverell approached Phoenix. Peverell convinced Phoenix to team with him to oppose the Rule of One and stand against the ill-intended plans they had for the company. Phoenix agreed to lend his support. * [B]Bradford Peverell and Phoenix vs. Null and Raphael[/B] Neither team especially operated as a unit, but that’s fine – neither is. It was just a case of four men showing off their talents, and was capped with a Firebird Splash on Null for the ‘hero’ win. Winner: Peverell and Phoenix (D-) * Cameron Vessey returned to the ring. He taunted his opponent, Sam Cannon, for being dropped from the big leagues and blowing his chance to be a star. He, Vessey, wasn’t about to make the same mistake. * [B]Sam Cannon vs. Cameron Vessey[/B] Vessey recently returned from a long injury lay-off, but you’d hardly know it from this match. Indeed, he seemed to have something to prove as he controlled the contest almost from bell to bell, before scoring with a Vessey Driver for the win. Winner: Cameron Vessey (D+) * KC Glenn and Davis Wayne Newton prepared for their scheduled match with an argument where each boosted their own profile. Glenn cited The Firm’s willingness to save the company from Elite as proof that they were superior. Newton replied that the Internationals would triumph through superior knowledge, and that regardless of who was successful between Elite and The Firm, he, Deeley and Thompson would be the ultimate winners. * [B]KC Glenn vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] These two just clicked, putting on a great match as each sought to advance their own and their team’s profiles. This is the kind of match that could main event pay-per-views in future, but even in front of 1,300 fans in Arkansas it was a thrilling display, finally ended by a Fisherman’s Suplex from DWN for the win. Winner: Davis Wayne Newton (C+) [B]Overall: C-[/B] * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Gino Montero (c) vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts – MAW All Action title Nadia Snow vs. Alicia Strong Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota vs. Jean Cattley and Ernest Youngman Tim Westybrook vs. Sean Deeley – non-title[/CENTER]
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[B]Gino Montero (c)[/B] vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts – MAW All Action title [I]DQ win, I can't see the All Action really being in Roberts sights.[/I] Nadia Snow vs. [B]Alicia Strong[/B] [I]Strong to bounce back with a win[/I] Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Jean Cattley and Ernest Youngman[/B] [I]Alot of these matches can go either way and that's a testament to the fact that you keep the whole of your upper end of the roster looking strong. But I think the Elite pairing will pull of the win here.[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Sean Deeley – non-title [I]Non title or not, Westybrook is being pushed an unstoppable juggernaut champ.[/I]
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[B]Gino Montero (c)[/B] vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts – MAW All Action title Nadia Snow vs. [B]Alicia Strong[/B] Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Jean Cattley and Ernest Youngman[/B] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Sean Deeley – non-title - Sonfaro
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;738180] Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Jean Cattley and Ernest Youngman[/B] [I]Alot of these matches can go either way and that's a testament to the fact that you keep the whole of your upper end of the roster looking strong. But I think the Elite pairing will pull of the win here.[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Sean Deeley – non-title [I]Non title or not, Westybrook is being pushed an unstoppable juggernaut champ.[/I][/QUOTE] I try and keep the UMC/ME workers strong - although a lot of that is an artefact of their largely only appearing on TV, and only facing one another. Still, some workers are being pushed, and some are content to take more losses than others, so... As for Westybrook, I must admit that writing for a character who's silent and deadly is kind of weird - it's easy to forget about him (my [I]champion![/I]) because he doesn't have a beef with anyone in particular. That's not ideal - not by a long shot.
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 5th May 2014[/CENTER][/B] The show began with Alicia Strong making her way down to the ring – only to bypass the ring itself and make her way around to the announcers’ table, leaning over it in a way that accentuated her... charms. [COLOR="Blue"]“Mr. Casey, I was wondering... I’d really like a shot at the Women’s title soon, just to show that my loss to Joanne was a fluke.” [/COLOR]She giggled, and leaned forward a little bit more. [COLOR="Blue"]“And Phil Roberts, well, I think he deserves a shot at the All Action title, doesn’t he?”[/COLOR] She turned around and hopped up onto the table, swinging around and crossing her long legs in front of myself and Rip. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ll just sit here while you think about it,”[/COLOR] she said, in a husky voice. [COLOR="Green"]“I don’t need to think,”[/COLOR] I replied. [COLOR="Green"]“Miss Strong, I think you need to stop letting your boyfriend tell you what to do. The Alicia Strong I know is above this, and even if she wasn’t, she certainly should know better than to try it right in front of my fiancée.”[/COLOR] Alicia turned to look at Katie, who was regarding her with crossed arms, and an unamused expression on her face. [COLOR="Green"]“You’re the former champion, and by rights you should have a rematch – except you made a big deal about your match with Miss Rodriguez being the last time you wanted to face her.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“But look on the bright side – I agree about the All Action title match. However, I agree because being All Action champion means you [I]can’t[/I] refuse a challenge. Phil Roberts could have come down here in a miniskirt and low-cut top and asked for the match, and in accordance with the MAW bylaws it would have been his.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“As for your rematch... Maybe. I’ll think about it. Now, go and tell Roberts that he’s on next – and tell Sexy that MAW may be small to him, but we’re not stupid. If he wants to manipulate us, he needs to do better than trying to make a sex object out of one of our best competitors.”[/COLOR] Strong looked furious, and stalked off in high dudgeon. [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid, are you sure you want to provoke Elite?” [/COLOR]Rip asked. [COLOR="Purple"]“Not that I’d mind having you gone from the announcers’ table, but do you think that Sexy and the others will take that kind of thing lying down?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“This is MAW, Rip. We don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, but I’m not going to roll over and let Elite have their way on everything. They may bring in the fans, but that doesn’t mean they have free reign over the place. There are limits.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Well, it’s your funeral. I’ll start writing the eulogy.”[/COLOR] * [B]Gino Montero (c) vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] in a [COLOR="Purple"]submission match[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] Shoot. Somewhere along the way, I’d forgotten that Roberts had picked up an injury. It happened before Americana, and while he can work through it, it slowed him down – not that Roberts is the fastest wrestler anyway. In fact, Montero really emphasised the difference between the two as he eluded Roberts’ grasp for much of the match, working over Roberts legs with kicks and chopblocks, and taking him down and working over his knee. However, after ten minutes or so in which Montero had taken only light damage from a short spell of sustained offence by Roberts, the match was disrupted as Youngman and Strong made their way down the aisle and, as Strong distracted the referee, Youngman passed a chair to Roberts, who waffled Montero with it. The referee turned to find Montero trapped in the RCT and unmoving, and had no choice but to ward the title to Elite’s “Enforcer”. Winner: Phil Roberts (C) * [B]Nadia Snow vs. Alicia Strong[/B] Inevitably, a match between two heels (albeit one wronged, and one high villainess) failed to set the crowd on fire. This wasn’t helped by the ending, as we wanted a time-limit draw to move things along – but that meant the matching being longer than we would have liked. In the end, after ten minutes of decent action, the bell rang to signal that neither woman had won. Winner: No-one (D) * [B]Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota vs. Jean Cattley and Ernest Youngman[/B] After Jean’s shenanigans at the end of the battle royal last week, Caulfield was out for vengeance. Sometime DaVE worker Ota joined him, as Youngman allied with his Elite teammate. The four men put on a sterling tag effort, with a lot of back and forth as the two teams fought pretty evenly. Cattley didn’t seem intimidated by facing Caulfield, even going so far as to taunt the “Psychobillly Patriot” about his upcoming title shot. Caulfield gained a measure of revenge in the end, however, when he blasted Youngman with a Danger Drop for the win, although Cattley escaped to fight another day. Winners: Caulfield and Ota (C+) * After the bell, Cattley was walking back up the aisle, snarling at any fan who stuck their hand out to him, when Caulfield picked up a mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“Cattley, stop where you are. I want you in this ring next week, one on one.”[/COLOR] Cattley turned in place, his permanent scowl deepening as he looked back at the veteran hardcore warrior. [COLOR="Navy"]“You know what? I accept. No games, no screwing around. You being here in MAW is a stinking symbol of everything that’s wrong with this place. All the shortcuts that have been taken to bring any attention on this place, no matter what damage it does. This company used to be a purist’s paradise, but in the race to take money from my employer it sank to new lows – and then you got hired. When I become the champion and Elite control this company, I guarantee that you will be the first person given their pink slip.”[/COLOR] Caulfield smirked. [COLOR="Blue"]“Cattley, I’ve been hearing the same song for twenty years and it gets pretty boring. What doesn’t get boring is taking up your instrument of choice and smashing it over your head, whoever you are. Next week I’ll show you what I’m made of, and what little chance you might have had against the champion will go out the window when I beat you so badly you won’t even be able to crawl up that ramp, let alone strut up it like you own the joint. After all... who’s hardcore?” [B]“Caulfield’s hardcore!”[/B][/COLOR] * We cut to a video showing Sean Deeley, Davis Wayne Newton and Joss Thompson all relaxing at a health spa, wrapped up in white robes as they relaxed on lounger by the pool. Newton and Thompson were wearing face packs, while Deeley was being given a manicure. In the background it was possible to make out Haley Buck and Lisa Bowen, managers to the Internationals, sunning themselves and deflecting the attention of a string of admirers. Deeley turned to the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“Life as an International is a never-ending string of parties, premieres, galas and extravagant dinners – or it would be, if we ever started buying into that ----.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“The three of us are the finest wrestlers in the world. There’s no question of this – it’s a statement of fact. With every match, we improve. If we were ever to face one another, it’s possible that the Internet would explode hours before the match from the overwhelming excitement – but that isn’t going to happen.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You see, we realised a long time ago that we work best when we work together. Joss is the latest piece of the jigsaw. Perhaps, one day, we may find another who would measure up to our exacting standards. It is not impossible, merely improbable. “I mention all this so that you can understand where we’re coming from. We are contenders to every title. We are viable challengers to every champion. Our very existence is evidence that near-perfection is possible, for that is the state which we embody. “I am informed that my next match is against the World champion. Not a title match as yet. These matches must be earned, and I respect that. But when I defeat Tim Westybrook it will become apparent that I must be considered a viable challenger. If it is [I]not[/I] apparent, if by some chance I should lose, well, no matter – one of my colleagues will follow in my footsteps and claim victory. A victory for one is a victory for all. “We are the apex of this business. We are the true elite. We are the new firm. These last weeks and months have seen us learn all that can be learned about our fellow competitors in MAW. The coming weeks and months will see us step up still further.”[/COLOR] He beamed at the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’re about to enter the International era. Enjoy the ride.”[/COLOR] * [B]Tim Westybrook vs. Sean Deeley[/B] This was a solid match to end on, although six weeks ago it pulled an ‘A’ for CGC. Sucks to be us, huh? It was technique pitted against strength, with the World champion having the clear advantage in the latter, but Deeley equally a clear advantage in the former. At one point, Deeley had a crucifix submission applied, only for Westybrook to bull his way to his feet in an almighty display of strength, the 220lb Deeley clamped to his back. However, no matter how hard Westybrook struggled, he couldn’t break the hold and Deeley instead used his efforts to cinch the hold in still tighter, forcing Westybrook to his knees, his face contorted by the pain of the hold. Westybrook slumped forward, his heavy frame propelled to the mat by Deeley’s additional weight, and the ring shook as he hit. However, the impact broke Deeley’s grip and pitched him forward, off Westybrook’s shoulders. Deeley immediately scrambled to try and reapply the hold, but Westybrook was able to fend him off. Deeley continued to try and target Westybrook’s arms and shoulders, with Haley Buck calling support from ringside, but he wasn’t able to get the “Iron Man” in the right position, and eventually Westybrook was able to trap him in a TNT Whirlwind for the win. After the bell, the referee tried to raise Westybrook’s hand in victory, but the champion pulled away in pain as Deeley watched on, clearly annoyed at having come so close to victory, but missing out at the last. Winner: Tim Westybrook (B-) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]Next: Talking money with Joe Sexy...[/I]
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[I]OOC: Yeah, that was supposed to be Monterrey - but for now I'll leave it in, just in case we end up going somewhere with it... Anyway, if updates seem a bit slow at the moment, that'll be because me, my wife and our little girl all have varying degrees of chest infections at the moment, so motivation for writing is a bit off right now. I [U]have[/U] done some glorious alien splatting on X-Com though...[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: On Tour Saturday, 6th May 2014[/CENTER] Smith & Singh (2pts) vs. The Adepts (1pt)[/B] With Anne Sidious at ringside, The Adepts had a willing and able distraction whenever her clients were in trouble. The unsmiling duo made full advantage of this, allowing them to double-team Singh as Smith was stuck on the outside, before forcing him to submit to a Mou Kai. Winners: The Adepts (D, 2pts) * Raphael entered the ring. The Adepts knelt before him, and he laid his hands on their heads in an apparent act of benediction, his expression one of total satisfaction. * [B]Jared Johnson vs. Null[/B] Anne Sidious remained at ringside for this match, but was much less involved. Null is as much a cipher as his name suggests, never showing pain or pleasure as he fought his opponent. Only cold calculation presented itself as he worked over Johnson, who wasn’t able to find an answer to Null’s technical skills, and eventually was beaten with a Cho Sun. Winner: Null (E+) * In spite of his defeat, Johnson looked relatively upbeat as he was joined by his tag partner, Lassana Makutsi. Johnson pointed out that he was a tag specialist – singles matches had him at a disadvantage. Makutsi shrugged, and said that he intended to excel in both disciplines – nothing else would satisfy him. * [B]The Young Americans (0pts) vs. The West Texas Lawmakers (1pt)[/B] The Americans barely had time to take off their ring jackets before they were jumped by the Lawmakers. The cowboys spent several minute laying out their opponents before they took off their hats, the only interruption before they laid out Hocking with a Volcanic Repeater for the win. Winners: Lawmakers (E, 2pts) * Delirium came down to the ring and said... something ahead of his match with Makutsi. About all that was intelligible was a reference to ‘Point Break’, although what the masked man meant by that can only be speculated at. * [B]Lassana Makutsi vs. Delirium[/B] Makutsi threw Delirium around the ring in the early going, but couldn’t seem to put the masked man down. Part of this was down to Delirium’s crazed ranting – Makutsi seemed to be uncertain how to handle him. In the end, Makutsi nailed a Lassana Stunner for the win, but Delirium had survived a lot longer than might otherwise have been the case. Winner: Lassana Makutsi (D-) * Backstage, and Brooke Tyler and Amber Allen were found on either side of Ariel Breaks, trying to intimidate the newcomer and get her to be their lackey. She was saved by the intervention of Wendy Summers, who challenged the duo to a tag match. * [B]Wendy Summers and Ariel Breaks vs. Brooke Tyler and Amber Allen[/B] This was a four-score brawl with the contestants all giving their all. In the end, the debutant Breaks was the victim of a Tradition Lift from Tyler to give the arrogant duo the win. Winners: Tyler and Allen (D-) * Before his match with Amazing Fire Fly, Joss Thompson called out Chris Caulfield, challenging him to a match at Old School Rules. He claimed that he would show the superiority of the International approach to business over the mindless thuggery that Caulfield had depended on throughout his career. Fire Fly emerged and ran down Thompson, who he claimed was out of order disrespecting the veteran Caulfield. Added to Thompson’s buddy Ruin putting Fly on the shelf for several weeks, and Fly had a lot of reasons to hand out a beating to Thompson! * [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Joss Thompson[/B] Thompson was all aggression in the early going of this match, countering Fly’s aerial tactics with hard-hitting strikes. Fly wore his opponent down through sheer speed and varied offence, but Thompson showed true grit as he fought through and nailed a Clean Cutter for the win. Winner: Joss Thompson (D+) * Raphael returned to the ring and proclaimed that the Rule of One were the dominant force On Tour. Any losses were insignificant – the greater victory was all. True domination, true power and dominion over all was the final goal, and that would take time. Gino Montero emerged from the back, looking angry. He accused Raphael of leading a ‘low-rent Elite’, and said that he’d seen gangs trying to rule through fear and intimidation when he was growing up in Mexico. Raphael’s phoney theatrics would be no more effective On Tour then they had been on Montero when he was a child. * [B]Gino Montero vs. Raphael[/B] The leader of the Rule Of One fought one of The Firm in this main event contest. Montero and Raphael are skilled all-rounders, and while Montero has been recognised as one of the world’s best, Raphael gave a good accounting of himself, at one point nearly finishing the match with a Tunbuckle Exploder, only for Montero to escape at the last second, and shortly afterwards landing a Montero Press for the win. Winner: Gino Montero (C-) [B]Overall: D+[/B] * Ricky Dale Johnson has won his fifth International title in TCW, beating Paul “Aristocrat/Lord Geoffrey Windameer” Huntingdon. It wasn’t a great match, it must be said – in fact, it was one of TCW’s weaker matches of recent weeks. It also came just four weeks after Johnson lost the title to Huntingdon in the first place, meaning that many critics feel any boost Huntingdon got from toppling the legend has been wasted. Johnson has been back in the midcard ranks for a while now. He’s still over, and he can still go, but after his third World title reign ended in early 2011 he’s been phased out of the main event scene. He’s 44, after all, and that’s not the image TCW want to promote. Although he seems happy enough putting the next generation over, he equally doesn’t want to do too much harm to his image, and we’re told that’s why Huntingdon’s reign was a short one: Johnson put him over, but also got his win back in fairly emphatic fashion – too emphatic for a lot of the fans watching. * Here’s an odd thing. I’d noticed that Joe Sexy hasn’t been getting the same response from the crowds as he did when he signed with us. I asked him in for talks, and he admitted that he just wasn’t as able to hold the fans’ attention here in MAW as he once was – and with that in mind, maybe it was time for him to start thinking about retiring, to think about hanging up his boots. I must admit, I’d had similar ideas. Joe was never someone I’d thought about signing. When I was putting Elite together, he was available, had the name value and the experience, and so we picked him up along with Enforcer, who we had much more interest in. His actual value to us is fairly limited and we’ve found ourselves using the other Elite members more and more. To cut a long story short, Joe’s contract came up for discussion. To my surprise, he seemed to feel a bit guilty about what they were earning in relation to the other talent – Trent Shaffer’s deal came up, and Joe knew that he was getting much bigger pops than Joe was, for a start. So we thrashed out a new, shorter deal, worth less to him and therefore more to me. Bringing Joe in on an eighteen month contract was a risk. Knocking him down to twelve months at around 2/3 the cost per appearance felt good. Maybe I can start making this company make some money... * General news: Gino Montero has signed on with CGC ... El Heroe is staying with MPWF ... Edd Stone has left TCW ... Jaime Quine has signed with AAA ... KC Glenn to tour with INSPIRE? ... Jean Cattley to leave SWF? ... Citizen X called up ... Lassana Makutsi and Ernest Youngman win USPW Tag titles ... TCW approach KC Glenn, Lassana Makutsi The Quine news bugs me. I hadn’t realised she’d been available, or I’d have snapped her up – but we missed out, and we’ll have to wait until she outgrows BSC or AAA before we can get her now. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts (c) – MAW All Action title Amazing Fire Fly vs. Joe Sexy Kid Arachnid vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ernest Youngman Lauren Easter vs. Alicia Strong Chris Caulfield vs. Jean Cattley[/CENTER]
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Fumihiro Ota vs. “[B]Enforcer” Phil Roberts (c)[/B] – MAW All Action title [I]I was surprised to see Roberts win this belt (just because I felt it would be beneath him) but I don't see him dropping it to someone this early.[/I] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [I]As much as I want to see Fire Fly win, I feel Sexy will pull out the win via nefarious means[/I] [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ernest Youngman [I]On what I feel will be a fairly heel dominated show, I feel Arachnid picks a win up for the faces here.[/I] Lauren Easter vs. [B]Alicia Strong[/B] [I]Could got the other way, but Strong picks up another win as she builds towards a rematch with J-Ro.[/I] Chris Caulfield vs. [B]Jean Cattley[/B] [I]Caulfield shouldn't be ruled out but I just see this going Cattley's way.[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 12th May 2014[/CENTER] Kid Arachnid vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ernest Youngman[/B] Arachnid had a ball in this match, taking apart his opponents as they bickered amongst themselves. Thompson and Youngman were unable to get on the same page, and Arachnid almost danced between them, scoring hits of his own as the Elite and International members brawled with one another. Too late, they seemed to realise that Arachnid had managed to evade taking any serious damage and turned on him, but even then Arachnid was able to hold his own until the opportunity presented itself, and he nailed Thompson with a Rip Chord DDT for the win. Winner: Kid Arachnid (C+) * Kid Arachnid was celebrating after his win when Ernest Youngman snatched up the mic.[COLOR="Blue"] “Don’t get too big for your boots, Arachnid. You see, tonight was just a taster for Old School Rules. If you’re committed to protecting this company then in eight days time you can take on the leader of Elite – Joe Sexy!”[/COLOR] Before Arachnid could respond, Joss Thompson cut in. [COLOR="Blue"]“That washed up relic? Please. If Arachnid has any sense of sportsmanship and pride, his opponent at Old School Rules will be my close personal friend, Davis Wayne Newton!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Now, wait, I think I see a solution to this problem,”[/COLOR] Arachnid said. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“How about if at Old School Rules... I take on both of them in a triple threat match!”[/COLOR] * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] Roberts is still injured, but I knew that Ota was a good person to help cover for him. It was a largely ground-based affair, covering for Roberts’ busted knee. The fans enjoyed the action, but clearly would have wanted more of it as it was a slow-paced, methodical affair, brought to an end when Roberts wrapped up his ninja opponent in the RCT for his first successful defence. Winner: Phil Roberts (D+) * Joe Sexy stood in the centre of the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now you all listen, you get me? I won’t stand for any shilly shallying around here, see? Myself and my colleagues have a mission to bring an end to this company, and we intend to follow through on it, easy as pie. The Firm are standing in our way, and it seems like maybe these International mooks are set on ----ing off the big man in New York. I don’t know who they’re supposed to be representing, but rest assured that the big man don’t take any lip from anyone. “Tonight I got another one of the masked midgets in the ring. If you want to know what happens when a fly like this company goes up against a juggernaut like the one the big man owns... This should give you an idea. And as for Old School Rules, well, Arachnid and Newton aren’t gonna know what hits them unless I give them a heads up, so fellas: The guy kicking your ass to Vegas and back is gonna be me, capisce?”[/COLOR] * [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Joe Sexy[/B] The low man on the Firm totem pole, against the notional leader of Elite. Yeah, this was a chance for Sexy to beat one of his enemies and look good doing so. He managed the first part, but the second part is open to debate. As the undoubted veteran of the match, I left the flow of the match up to Sexy, but it was definitely not his best effort as he went over with a One Night Stand in a match that could have been a lot better. Winner: Joe Sexy (D) * Joe Sexy made his way backstage, and found Alicia Strong preparing for her match. [COLOR="Blue"]“How about some sugar for the winner?”[/COLOR] Joe drawled. Strong beamed and laid a big kiss on him. [COLOR="Blue"]“Mmm-mmm. Sweetheart, it’s worth coming down to this hole just for you, you know? Now, go and break that dumb Easter broad, and you and me can find whatever counts for a nightlife around here and show everyone what being Elite is all about.” “Oh Joe...”[/COLOR] Alicia sighed. [COLOR="Blue"]“Daddy said that you were no-good, but you do treat me well. And I know with Elite’s backing, I’m going to be champion again soon.” “Sure you are, sweetie. Just remember to enjoy it, because this company’s in the toilet, and my hand is on the flush.”[/COLOR] * [B]Lauren Easter vs. Alicia Strong[/B] We’ve run this match a lot in the last six months, and fans just weren’t that into it. That threw the competitors, who were trying their best, but weren’t able to overcome the deficit. The result was a good match, but lacked a certain something that could have separated it from the rest of the night. I’d toyed with the idea of putting these two on last, but with familiarity breeding contempt, I’d decided against it. In the end, the match was really only notable as Sexy’s interference made the difference, costing Easter as she tried to suplex Strong from the ring apron inward, with Sexy catching her foot and pulling her over with Strong landing on top. Sexy then held Easter’s legs down as the referee counted three. After the win, Strong celebrated like the result was meaningful, as on commentary Rip groused about what her father’s reaction would be like. Winner: Alicia Strong (C-) * Chris Caulfield came down the ramp ahead of the main event, his toolbelt swinging from his determined stride. [COLOR="Blue"]“Cattley, I’m sick of hearing about your superiority. I’m sick of you claiming that this company owes you anything. You get paid, same as the rest of us. I still see people out there in the crowd wearing your ‘Machine’ t-shirts, waiting for you to realise what an ass you’ve been. You want respect? You had it – but you’re losing it every day you spend hanging out with Joe Sexy and sucking up to the big man.”[/COLOR] Cattley came out onto the ramp. [COLOR="Navy"]“Chris, you’ve got a hell of a lot of nerve talking to me like that. You’ve been here for ten minutes, but I devoted the best years of my career to building this company. When I had the chance to make a killing up north, I chose to come back here and help them. When Rip Chord went crazy, I didn’t side with the man who help me make the big time, I sided with the company we built together. “I never asked for anything in return, and I got even less. So if I want to kill this company, I say it’s my right: I built it, I held it together, and now I’m going to watch and smile as it collapses. “And in eight days time I’m going to take the World title back from Tim Westybrook. Tim, you’ve never beaten me. As many times as we’ve fought, you’ve never been able to find a way to pin me, or make me submit. I know that you talk about this being a business for you. You say that there’s no emotional investment. But you’ve never in your career had someone you can’t beat before, and I know it eats away at you. You’re sat at home tonight, watching this on TV, and it’s gnawing away at your guts like acid. “You’ve never beaten me. You can’t beat me. And at Old School Rules I’ll prove that’s true by taking back the World title. “For now... I’m going to show another intruder just how much shutting down MAW means to me.”[/COLOR] * [B]Chris Caulfield vs. Jean Cattley[/B] This was brawling against technical skill, with Caulfield and his belt of tricks a constant source of annoyance to Cattley, who in turn was clearly just trying to get past his unexpected challenger ahead of his World title shot. Cattley kept trying to ground Caulfield and take away his size advantage, but Caulfield was able to will himself through incredible pain as he contorted himself through Cattley’s holds to find the breaking point. However, he wasn’t able to put too much of a hurting on Cattley in turn as the former champion was able time and again to blunt Caulfield’s offence through superior talent. However, in the end Caulfield broke through an went for a Danger Drop, only for Cattley to clout him with a closed fist and drop him to the mat where he scored a pin that, like Strong, he celebrated as though it had won him the title outright. Only on the replay was it possible to see that Cattley had used brass knuckles for the win – and a second cheap Elite win of the night. Winner: Jean Cattley (C+) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]Next: TCW making moves...[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: On Tour Saturday, 13th May 2014[/CENTER] Phoenix vs. Joss Thompson[/B] Thompson and Phoenix contested an even match, with Phoenix seemingly intent on putting down the arrogant younger man. However, Thompson is resilient, and was able to pick up the win with a Clean Cutter. Winner: Joss Thompson (D+) * After his impressive victory, Joss Thompson challenged Chris Caulfield to a match at Old School Rules, claiming that Caulfield was old news, past it, just standing in the way of the Internationals. And with Newton and Deeley otherwise occupied next Saturday, Thompson was taking it on himself to make an impact – and he promised that the impact would be a memorable one. * [B]Ariel Breaks vs. Nadia Snow[/B] After her recent television appearance, Snow seemed on a roll and finished off the newcomer Breaks relatively easily with a Strong Arm Tactic. Winner: Nadia Snow (E-) * After the bell, I stood up at the announcers’ table and told Snow that I thought she’d been impressive of late, challenging Alicia Strong and taking her to the limit. I figured that as Alicia hadn’t beaten Nadia that they were both worthy of a title shot at Old School Rules, so it would be a triple threat match against Joanne Rodriguez! * [B]Sam Cannon and Bradford Peverell vs. Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine[/B] Vessey and Valentine, former tag champions in their own right, showed that they still had some spark here. Cannon and Peverell did well, holding their opponents at bay for some time, but then Vessey led Valentine in some effective cheating, culminating in Valentine using the ropes for leverage to pin Cannon. Winners: Vessey and Valentine (D-) * Vessey and Valentine cut a promo about their tremendous ability and how well they worked as a tag team. Valentine seemed to have no qualms in bypassing Antonio as he talked up Vessey as the best partner he’d ever had. * [B]Team Honor (0pts) vs. The Adepts (2pts)[/B] Anne Sidious encourage Pyre and Wraith throughout this match, and at times it looked like they were just seconds away from the win and a title shot. But Team Honor are the more experienced team, and that experience told as they were able to wear Wraith down, Jared Johnson picking up the win with a Carolina Crossface. Winners: Team Honor (E+, 1pt) * Team Honor stayed in the ring, and promised that the next challengers for the tag team titles would be none other than themselves. On Nationwide, they proclaimed, they could show that winning with honor was not just possible – it was the best way to fight. Platinum 12” made their way down to the ring, Gianna gyrating in their wake as their latest ‘hit’ played over the PA. They faced down Makutsi and Johnson in the ring, title belts held up by their faces. Stardust said that honor was overrated – the gold was in their hands, and they’d won it without worrying about honor. Odam added that they’d keep it however they needed to, but they welcomed any challengers. In fact, they were going to scout two of them tonight, right now! * [B]The Party Animals (0pts) vs. The Young Americans (0pts) vs. Platinum 12”[/B] In this match, beating the champions would have been worth double points for either of the young contenders. This led to great competition between the two, and Gianna was quick to stir things up from ringside. Odam and Stardust were almost able to let their opponents defeat one another, before Stardust snatched the win with a pin on Joe Benning. Winners: Platinum 12” (E) * Backstage, and KC Glenn and Davis Wayne Newton were once more arguing about the relative merits of the Firm and Elite. Inevitably, they agreed to fight it out once more in the ring. * [B]KC Glenn vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] These two always put on a great match, and this time was no exception. Aligned once more on opposite sides of a divide, they were fighting for more than just personal pride, and for Glenn in particular that clearly meant a lot. However, in the end it was Newton who came out on top, clamping on an STF that once more confirmed him as one of the pre-eminent young talents in the business today. Winner: Davis Wayne Newton (C+) * Glenn’s Firm colleagues El Heroe Mexicano and Gino Montero were backstage. Gino was trying to convince Heroe to face him in a match – he had a rematch against Enforcer Roberts upcoming, and had been booked to face one of the Internationals at Old School Rules. At first Heroe was reluctant, but then he seemed to warm to the idea of putting on a great show for the fans, and agreed to the match. * [B]El Heroe Mexicano vs. Gino Montero[/B] This was a slight downturn from the previous match, as it had a definite air of a training match about it. The combination generated superior ringwork, but Montero just isn’t that over yet – and face/face matches don’t quite click with the fans unless the workers are very over. Still, it was a good match in spite of all that, and Heroe picked up the win with a Mexican Mutilation before the two men shook hands to end the show. Winner: El Heroe Mexicano (C) Overall: C- * KC Glenn was the subject of a series of rumours being spread by our referee, Jonathan Taylor. Taylor came to us with a reputation for being an ass, but in fact this is the first time we’ve had trouble with him. On that basis, he got a stern talking to as although it’s his first disciplinary issue, his attitude backstage leaves a lot to be desired. It’s always risky, disciplining your only staff member in a given category. Our referees have raised some major heck over the years, although Dwight Kumas was a gem. I seem to remember Marv Earnest, our play-by-play guy when I joined, being a class A jerk, although that’s so long ago now it’s hard to remember. Back then, I had a month between shows to find a replacement. Nowadays, there’s a lot less time available. Sooner or later we’ll bring in a backup referee – I have my eye on a few – but I like watching Taylor evolve as a referee. Like Kumas before him, he’s a fast learner and while it’s hard to put numbers on something like this, I’d gauge his improvement in the region of two or three percent a month. That adds up over time. It’s one reason I don’t mind hiring sub-par referees, as Kumas and now Taylor have shown how their talents can sky-rocket, given a chance. Taylor, for what it’s worth, claimed that message came through loud and clear. Good. It should have done – I was a few decibels short of shouting, and my enunciation and diction are good. * NOTBPW have signed Lauren Easter. That means she’ll drop her commitment to CWWF, and this in turn means that she’ll vacate the CWWF World title as she won’t be around for their next show in mid-June. NOTBPW have also made the significant re-acquisition of Edd Stone – not a bad pickup, eh? Edd left the Stone family promotion in late 2007 after a reported falling out with his father, although the exact details have never emerged. What is known is that Edd has been happily plying his trade in and around the midcard for TCW since then. When he left Hollywood this month, it emerged that it had been he, rather than Tommy Cornell, who had engineered his departure – Edd felt that the time was right to move back home and take his place among his family once more. * TCW have let Fumihiro Ota go (good for us) but signed KC Glenn (bad for us, ish). Glenn is probably now free from Japanese commitments, so should be available to us on Fridays – but not on Saturdays. Ota, meanwhile, is now an MAW exclusive. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Amazing Fire Fly vs. Trent Shaffer El Heroe Mexicano and Kid Arachnid vs. Jean Cattley and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts Joanne Rodriguez and Lauren Easter vs. Alicia Strong and Nadia Snow Fumihiro Ota vs. Joe Sexy Tim Westybrook vs. Ernest Youngman – non-title[/CENTER]
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Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] [B]El Heroe Mexicano and Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Jean Cattley and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts Joanne Rodriguez and Lauren Easter vs. [B]Alicia Strong and Nadia Snow[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman – non-title Nice reuniting CV2 Vessey is much better then Antonio anyways maybe dumb him out of the tag and make CV2 permanent?
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[U]MAW Nationwide[/U] [B]Amazing Fire Fly [/B]vs. Trent Shaffer El Heroe Mexicano and Kid Arachnid vs. [B]Jean Cattley and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Lauren Easter[/B] vs. Alicia Strong and Nadia Snow Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman – non-title
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Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] [I]Fire Fly is Amazing but Shaffer's got the skills too and the Elite man will pick up the win here.[/I] El Heroe Mexicano and Kid Arachnid vs. [B]Jean Cattley and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] [I]Not unfeasible for the masked duo to pick up the win, but I see the Elite duo winning after some form of skullduggery.[/I] Joanne Rodriguez and Lauren Easter vs. Alicia Strong and [B]Nadia Snow[/B] [I]I know Snow is a former women's champ but she's just not in the other three's league and she hasn't been in the top tier of the womens division for a while now, so yeah she'll be the one eating the pin in this match. Wouldn't surprise me if she gets beaten down by her own partner afterwards. [/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [I]Ota's pretty much just a JTTS these days and Sexy needs to be kept strong.[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman – non-title [I]Non title it may be, but part of Westybrooks aura is that he wins regardless title on the line or not.[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 19th May 2014[/CENTER] Amazing Fire Fly vs. Trent Shaffer[/B] It was a battle of two fliers, and that didn’t automatically endear the competitors to the crowd. However, the action had enough technical work to keep them onside, and they warmed to the contest as the plucky masked man went up against the larger Shaffer, striking with a speed almost unmatched in wresting today. Shaffer weathered the storm, however, living up to Kid Arachnid’s high opinion of him as he overcame Arachnid’s stablemate with a Heart Burn for the win. Winner: Trent Shaffer (C-) * Shaffer was celebrating a hard-fought win when Jean Cattley and Phil Roberts crashed the party. [COLOR="Navy"]“Westybrook, don’t forget, tomorrow night you’ve got me and you’re going to be losing that singles title you love so much. Forget about earning any champion’s bonuses after tomorrow, champ. You’ll be lucky if you can walk down to the social security office.”[/COLOR] Kid Arachnid’s music played, and he and El Heroe Mexicano appeared at the top of the ramp. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Jean now come on,”[/COLOR] Arachnid cut in. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Have you forgotten about The Firm? You see, we’re here to stop ya. I mean, it’s in the mission statement and everything.”[/COLOR] He pulled a laminated sheet of card from his pocket. It had two words printed on it: STOP ELITE. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“These weren’t cheap. We kinda have to stick with this. Jean, just remember that we’re gonna be dogging your every step until you just, you know, give up and get on out of here.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Do you [I]ever[/I] stop talking?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]“It has been known. Mainly when I’m thinking about what to talk about next.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Look, Arachnid, we’re going along with you tonight. We’ve got you in this match, so just shut your mouth and come down here. Next month, though... Next month is when things start to get more real around here, and Elite will become that much more supreme.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]“More real? How do you get ‘more’ real?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Next month Elite stops messing around. Until now, my colleagues have been settling in. Joe, Trent and Phil have needed time to acclimatise. Time to learn the weakest spots in MAW. After all, there’s no point in us spending too much time and effort knocking this place down. We’ve got real work to do back in New York.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]“So... Next month, it’s on?”[/COLOR] Cattley nodded. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Fine,”[/COLOR] Heroe cut in. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“I guess that means that tomorrow night Trent’s free to face me. What do you say, Shaffer?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Sure, whatever.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Your enthusiasm for destroying these feckless irritants is noted, Trent,”[/COLOR] Cattley scowled. [COLOR="Navy"]“Just remember what the boss said last time we reported back.”[/COLOR] Shaffer shrugged. [COLOR="Navy"]“Fine. You got your match for tomorrow, Heroe. Consider yourself lucky if you make it, though. I need to warm up for breaking Westybrook, and you and your leader are the lucky ones.”[/COLOR] * [B]El Heroe Mexicano and Kid Arachnid vs. Jean Cattley and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] This was a much slower-paced match, occasioned by Roberts’ injury. Arachnid and Heroe were visibly chaffing at the restraints, which we sold as their being grounded by the technical skills of their opponents. The crowd could tell, however, that something wasn’t quite right, and the only incident of note came when Cattley scored with a Mood Swing on Heroe to carry the momentum into his title shot at Old School Rules. Winner: Cattley and Roberts (D+) * Backstage, and the door to a locker room opens to reveal Joanne Rodriguez and Lauren Easter finishing off preparations for their match. Notably, the room had been decorated in the black and red of Easter’s ring gear, and the white and tan of J-Ro’s. They looked up as one, and smiled at the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s been a busy few months,”[/COLOR] Rodriguez said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Turning my back on the old ways, finally beating Alicia, winning the title... And along the way I got to settle my differences with Lauren.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s bad news for anyone who wants to pick a fight with either of us,”[/COLOR] Easter added. [COLOR="Blue"]“Because we’ve got each other’s backs. And Alicia... Don’t think that I’ve forgotten about you hitting me with a roll of quarters when you joined Elite. Tonight seems like a good time to get my own back on you for that little spot, as you, Joanne and I will all be in the same place again...”[/COLOR] * [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Lauren Easter vs. Alicia Strong and Nadia Snow[/B] Strong and Snow worked surprisingly well as a team, isolating Easter as they managed to maintain their focus, although Strong tried to boss around her teammate. The last champion tried to order Snow into letting Rodriguez into the ring so they could work her over ahead of their match, but Snow just wanted to keep Easter in the ring. In the end, the tension reached a breaking point as Snow decked Strong – but that allowed J-Ro into the ring as Easter made the hot tag. The four women brawled in the ring as the referee lost control. Strong went toe-to-toe with Rodriguez, while Easter and Snow brawled, before Strong evaded a right hook and used the champion’s momentum against her, pitching her into Snow and Easter. J-Ro and Snow clashed head and crashed to the mat. Easter staggered backwards, allowing Strong to nail a Strong Arm Tactic to pick up the win, leaving her the only woman standing at the end of the match. Winner: Strong and Snow (C) * A short video played of “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith tackling opponents and smashing through them, before finishing on a shot of Smith staring intently into the screen. [COLOR="Blue"]“Swoop McCarthy doesn’t have a challenge yet for tomorrow night,”[/COLOR] he declared. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now, Ah don’t know if people think that he’ll run away from them if they do challenge, or if people have got caught up in his whole twenty-two and oh rigmarole. “See, Swoop’s kinda got a case of that MPD goin’ on – one minute he’s a pragmatist, the next he’ll fight anyone, any time. It’s a good trick. People don’t know if he’s comin’, or goin’. Well, I figured out that it’s just a trick. Swoop likes to keep people guessin’. It’s all part of his mystique. “Swoop, let me put this in language you’ll understand. Old School Rules is tomorrow night. Bulldozer is all about Old School. You might say that Bulldozer embodies Old School. Tomorrow night, Bulldozer is gonna show up and take on Swoop for the Traditional title, and Swoop ain’t gonna get a chance to walk away, or run away, or even just crawl away. Bulldozer is gonna flatten Swoop, and take the Traditional title all for himself.”[/COLOR] * Joe Sexy stood mid-ring and stared imperiously out at the crowd. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now, you all in this area are going to listen to me, understand? Tomorrow night I’m going to take Kid Arachnid and break him. Just... break him. By the end of the night, Kid Arachnid will be no more. Whoever is under that mask is going to be lying in a gutter, licking his wounds, and thanking the Lord above that he’s got no more business with Elite. As a bonus, I get to kick this Newton goombah where it hurts. Internationals, you’re straying close to our turf. So far, we’ve been tolerant. So far.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Yeah, I’ve never heard that before,”[/COLOR] Arachnid said, stepping out onto the ramp once more. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Sexy, you’re a big guy. I can see why your boss sent you down here. Heck, if I was just a guy in a suit you’d look pretty intimidating. But what’s it going to be, Joe? Earlier tonight, your boy Cattley says that Elite will be getting’ serious next month. Tomorrow, you me and the Triple Threat have a match. Will you just be bringing a book to read in the corner?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Come next month, Elite will be getting serious,”[/COLOR] Sexy said, his face split with a sinister smile. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ll let you decide tomorrow night just how bad things can get once we really start to show what being a part of the Elite is all about.”[/COLOR] * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Joe Sexy[/B] This was a classic give and take battle between these two experienced stars. Sexy underlined his right to lead Elite as he pushed the Super Ninja all the way, with the two men countering seemingly every move the other could come up with. In the end, however, Sexy’s toughness allowed him to outlast his foe as he picked up the win with a One Night Stand. Winner: Joe Sexy (C-) * Backstage and Ernest Youngman was winding his wrist tape up. Joe Sexy burst into the locker room, drawing a scowl from his teammate. [COLOR="Blue"]“What?” “Listen, Youngman. You just do what you’re meant to do tonight, see? Tonight isn’t about you – it’s about softening up Westybrook so Jean can beat him easy tomorrow, capisce?”[/COLOR] Youngman bared his teeth, but his voice was steady. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m not about to go out there and just lie down in the middle of the ring.” “Don’t get overconfident, kid. God,”[/COLOR] Sexy snarled to the world in general. [COLOR="Blue"]“I hate working with young punks. You think you know it all.”[/COLOR] He jabbed a finger in Youngman’s direction. [COLOR="Blue"]“You haven’t been out there like me, working in this business for twenty years. Westybrook is big, he’s mean, and he’s strong. And you know what happens to guys like that in this business?”[/COLOR] Youngman remained silent. [COLOR="Blue"]“They win. You can know all the fancy holds you want, but size and strength get the job done. And there’s no-one, [I]no-one[/I], in this business stronger than Westybrook. The guy’s a freak.”[/COLOR] Youngman casually flexed one thick bicep. [COLOR="Blue"]“Give me a couple of years-“ “Yeah, well, you’ve got a couple of minutes. Listen, this is one you’re taking for the team, remember?”[/COLOR] Youngman snarled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Without me, there’d be no team. I’m the one who went to the boss and convinced him this place had to be slapped down.” “Yeah, and why? Because you didn’t get the top spot that old drunk Chord promised you when you followed him after he went crazy. And now me and Phil and Trent are slumming it here in this dump because you wanted revenge for getting made to look like a punk. So don’t expect thanks from me or the others.”[/COLOR] The two men glared at one another. [COLOR="Blue"]“You’re not going to be around forever, Joe.” “Thank God for that if you’re representative of what’s coming up in the ranks below me,”[/COLOR] Sexy sneered. Youngman stormed off, leaving Sexy behind. He pulled out a phone and speed-dialled someone. [COLOR="Blue"]“Boss? Yeah, he bought it. Should go out there and give Westybrook everything. “Yeah, he’s a hothead. Just let me know if... “Okay, boss. Your call. I’m just saying... “Yeah, I gotcha. Yeah, he’s on now. Arcadia 2, if you can get it. “Yeah, I know you get the full package, but this place is pretty rinky-dink. “Okay, boss. Speak to you later.”[/COLOR] * [B]Tim Westybrook vs. Ernest Youngman[/B] These two always put on a good match, and this was no exception. Youngman’s underrated strength allowed him to trade huge blows with the World champion for a lot longer than most other competitors could manage. The two also segued into a smooth technical segment that showed their good chemistry, before the match was brought to an abrupt end by Jean Cattley, who slid into the ring and jumped Westybrook from behind, beating him to the mat before nailing a piledriver as Youngman watched on. Cattley stood over Westybrook as the show came to a close, taunting him with just 24 hours until their World title match at Old School Rules. Winner: Tim Westybrook (C+) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I](Technical irregularities forced this show to be re-run. As I didn’t have a precise note of how long the matches were, I ended up with a show where every match but the first one graded at least one (women’s, main event), and in the other cases two grades lower than originally. The show dropped from a B- to a C as well. Frustrating? You betcha!) Next: Old School Rules preview[/I]
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[I]OOC: Hyde, thanks for the PM. Rest assured, I'm already working on it...[/I] [QUOTE] [B][CENTER]MAW.com preview: Old School Rules[/CENTER][/B] Chris Caulfield vs. Joss Thompson The International era is about to begin – and Chris Caulfield is a member of the old guard. Sometimes all the hype you need for a match is that two men hold different views. Chris Caulfield still feels that he’s worthy of a place in this business, while Joss Thompson wants him out of the way so he can move forward. “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title Brandon Smith has been with MAW for many years, but his singles career has been spotty at best. Seeing Swoop McCarthy cheating and conniving to retain his Traditional title doesn’t sit well with the former NFL star, so Smith has issued a challenge to the champion that Swoop has accepted! Gino Montero vs. Ruin Several weeks ago, Ruin put Montero’s teammate Amazing Fire Fly on the shelf. Since then, tensions between The Firm and the various Internationals have escalated. Montero is the latest to take a run at Ruin, but can even McFly Mk. II have a chance against the monstrous former World champion? El Heroe Mexicano vs. Trent Shaffer The conflict between The Firm and Elite continues to bubble under in MAW, although Jean Cattley’s promise that this coming month will see things heating up is ominous. These two are among the most talented all-rounders in the business, so we should see something great from them. Joanne Rodriguez (c) vs. Alicia Strong vs. Nadia Snow – MAW Women’s title The current Women’s champion takes on the woman she defeated for the belt – and the first Women’s champion, Nadia Snow, who was talked down to by Strong several weeks ago. Since then, Snow has dogged Strong’s footsteps as she seeks to prove she should be taken seriously, and this Saturday should see three of the most talented women in the business pushing one another to the limit in pursuit of the Women’s title. Kid Arachnid vs. Joe Sexy vs. Davis Wayne Newton The increasingly keenly-felt presence of the Internationals in MAW can be seen in this match, pitting three of the most recognisable faces in the company against one another. Newton and his fellow Internationals may be treading on dangerous ground by going up against these two warring factions, but they could make a real name for themselves if Newton can go over the battling captains here. Tim Westybrook (c) vs. Jean Cattley – MAW World title Nine months ago, these two men went to war over the World title. When Ruin intervened, they were separated and since then had been working as allies. Two months ago, Cattley caused Westybrook his only defeat in MAW thus far, drilling him with a steel chair to cause the damage. Westybrook seems to be taking this personally, and that could mean trouble for the former World champion as he seeks to climb back up to the top of the company. [/QUOTE] * [CENTER][B]MAW Old School Rules[/B] Chris Caulfield vs. Joss Thompson “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title Gino Montero vs. Ruin El Heroe Mexicano vs. Trent Shaffer Joanne Rodriguez (c) vs. Alicia Strong vs. Nadia Snow – MAW Women’s title Kid Arachnid vs. Joe Sexy vs. Davis Wayne Newton Tim Westybrook (c) vs. Jean Cattley – MAW World title[/CENTER]
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