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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[I]OOC: I'm two weeks away from WIABA in game, and there's hardly been anything of note occuring in-game in that time. It's odd - but it does mean I can rattle on with the diary.[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: On Tour Saturday, 20th September 2014[/CENTER] T-Bone Bright vs. Joe Sexy[/B] T-Bone has been singled out by Elite in recent weeks, facing tough matches against Youngman and Eric before tonight going against Sexy tonight. He put on a good show, using his pace and explosive power to keep Sexy at bay for a spell, but not being able to put the veteran away, eventually falling to a One Night Stand. Winner: Joe Sexy (D+) * After the match, Sexy took the mic and said that Bright’s fate should be a warning to anyone else in MAW – Elite would put the beating on anyone who crossed the line that they drew wherever they wanted to. Any resistance from MAW would be met by the full force of Elite, and you only needed to ask Bright how bad that could be. * [B]The Party Animals (0pts) vs. The Young Americans (0pts) vs. Platinum 12” (0pts) vs. Cobra and Scythe[/B] This was a wild cluster with bodies flying in every direction – mainly at the behest of Scythe, who pasted everyone who came within range. The full-time teams couldn’t get any traction as Scythe blasted everyone, and anyone who escaped was nailed by Cobra with the Solid Snake Stunner. In the end, everyone bar the two relative newcomers was laid out on the mat. Looking around with an expression of disconcerting blankness, Scythe scooped Matthew Hocking up off the mat and planted him with the Underworld Spike for the win. Winners: Scythe and Cobra (E) * Raphael and Phoenix were backstage, and the masked man was getting irritated about Raphael’s arrogance. He confronted the younger man, and told him that until he’d achieved something of note he had no right to boast – and even if Elite were leaving him alone right now then Phoenix himself was willing to try and teach him a lesson that Raphael should really have learned by now. * [B]Phoenix vs. Raphael[/B] These two men have had a long-standing rivalry over the years, never having been on the same page at any stage in their careers. Phoenix has always had the upper hand, but in this match Raphael gave every bit as good as he got from the masked man. However, in the end he wasn’t able to avoid the Firebird Splash as Phoenix took the win. Winner: Phoenix (D+) * [B]Jared Johnson vs. Joss Thompson[/B] Johnson’s issues with the Internationals are well documented, and it clearly bothered him when Thompson taunted him about his place in the King of the Indies match. Johnson responded with some hard shots, and generally had the better of the exchanges between the two, but when Lisa Bowen made her presence felt at ringside it distracted Johnson just enough for Thompson to land the Clean Cutter for the win. Winner: Joss Thompson (D-) * [B]Kristabel Plum and Ashley Grover vs. Brooke Tyler and Tracy Brendon[/B] The four women mounted a spirited, but somewhat disjointed contest. It mainly lacked cohesion between the two teams, which the fans didn’t care much for. Despite some spectacular acrobatics from Grover, and solid work by the others, the fans largely switched off until Plum nailed Tyler with a Plum Tucker for the win. Winner: Plum and Grover (E) * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Cameron Vessey[/B] Having fought just a week before, these two were well familiar with each other’s moves and this resulted in an entertaining contest of catch-as-catch-can. The two men put on a match heavily influenced by Japanese wrestling, and the fans seemed to take to the contest, which played out evenly between the two until Vessey nailed the Vessey Driver for the win. Winner: Cameron Vessey (C-) * Jack Giedroyc seemed at a bit of a loss how to talk to Thrash. The biker had managed a multitude of sins, and the achievement would have been identifying the worst, or even the top five. Giedroyc decided that he’d mete out the wrath of God to the best of his abilities, but admitted that Thrash might be a multi-wrath job. * [B]Jack Giedroyc vs. Thrash[/B] As much as the fans roared for Giedroyc, pitting him against Thrash seemed a foregone conclusion – and so it proved, as the big man was still clearly feeling the effects of his match against Arachnid not twenty-four hours before. Giedroyc controlled much of the match, even pausing mid-way to chastise ‘the sinner’ and beg him to repent his ways, before eventually nailing a Crashing On for the win. Winner: Jack Giedroyc (C) [B]Overall: C-[/B] * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Luchas De Mascaras vs. Dirty Elite (c) – MAW Tag Team titles KC Glenn vs. Jean Cattley – non-title Joanne Rodriguez (c) vs. Alicia Strong – MAW Women’s title “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Eric Eisen Gino Montero vs. Ernest Youngman – non-title Kid Arachnid and Swoop McCarthy vs. Puerto Rican Power and Cameron Vessey Alex DeColt vs. Sean Deeley[/CENTER]
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Luchas De Mascaras vs. [B]Dirty Elite (c)[/B] – MAW Tag Team titles [I]The Elite Goons hold onto the Tag Belts[/I] KC Glenn vs. [B]Jean Cattley[/B] – non-title [I]Keeping the champ strong leading into WIABA[/I] [B]Joanne Rodriguez (c)[/B] vs. Alicia Strong – MAW Women’s title [I]Whilst it wouldn't surprise me to see the sudden title change here, as Strong has the legitimate credentials to win the belt back from J-Ro, I'll stump for the safe bet that J-Ro retains.[/I] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] [I]Forgeone conclusion, the Bulldozer has failed to rise above being a serviceable midcarder during his time in MAW and the Elite Boss needs to be kept strong.[/I] [B]Gino Montero[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman – non-title [I]It's non title and the faces could do with a victory on this show.[/I] [B]Kid Arachnid and Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Puerto Rican Power and Cameron Vessey [I]The two babyfaces getting the god push, against a loan talent and a midcarder...hmm I wonder who will win ? :rolleyes: And last time I looked this isn't Puerto Rico either[/I] :D [B]Alex DeColt[/B] vs. Sean Deeley [I]You don't bring in someone of DeColt's calibre for him to job in his debut match, even if he is probably on a shirt time arrangement[/I]
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Luchas De Mascaras vs. [B]Dirty Elite [/B](c) – MAW Tag Team titles KC Glenn vs. [B]Jean Cattley[/B] – non-title Joanne Rodriguez (c) vs. [B]Alicia Strong[/B] – MAW Women’s title “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B]Gino Montero vs. Ernest Youngman – non-title Kid Arachnid and Swoop McCarthy vs. [B]Puerto Rican Power [/B]and Cameron Vessey [B]Alex DeColt[/B] vs. Sean Deeley
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;833816] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] [I]Forgeone conclusion, the Bulldozer has failed to rise above being a serviceable midcarder during his time in MAW and the Elite Boss needs to be kept strong.[/I] [/QUOTE] [I]Funny thing. After almost seven years vacillating between midcard and upper midcard in MAW, Smith had a two month stint in WLW over the summer when he was 'out injured'. That stint saw him come back as a solid main eventer, and his grades have jumped up accordingly. Next On Tour show will see him have a very good match with [U]Cameron Vessey[/U], for heaven's sake. [U]Cameron. Vessey.[/U] That said, it's a little late for him to get a push at this point - at least he's on TV now, unlike his tag partner *shrug*[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 26th September 2014[/CENTER] Joanne Rodriguez (c) vs. Alicia Strong[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Women’s title[/COLOR] Two old rivals who’ve faced one another several times over the last eighteen months. Both have picked up wins, both have tasted defeat, and the one thing yet to be decided is which one is better – if either can genuinely claim that over the other. To that end this match didn’t settle anything one way or the other, as they battled for fifteen minutes before the bell rang to end the match as a time limit draw. Winner: No-one (B-) * As Alicia made her way back to the dressing rooms, Dirty Elite passed her on the ramp, taking the time to leer at her on the way. Alicia scowled at the two of them before disappearing backstage. Leadfoot picked up the mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“Elite have been making some appearances on the On Tour shows, so I know you’ve been watching. The tag team division in this company must be the weakest part. We’ve dominated it, and the only reason we ain’t got more defences is the lack of anyone strong enough to take their chances. No-one’s stringing together the three wins you need to earn a shot, so we’re gonna start giving them away, staring tonight. Any team that want a match, get out here and try and make it worth our while.”[/COLOR] The call was answered almost immediately by Luchas De Mascaras – Amazing Firefly and El Heroe Mexicano. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“You want a match, [I]amigos[/I], you have one courtesy of The Firm,”[/COLOR] Heroe barked. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“We were all set to take a run at you in the next couple of weeks anyway, but why wait?”[/COLOR] * [B]Luchas De Mascaras vs. Dirty Elite (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] I’d hoped that this could be the big feud for the tag team titles, but despite the Dirties’ experience and Luchas’ talent and chemistry, the whole is not equal to the sum of the parts. This was a favourably booked match in all respects, allowing all four men time to do their thing and play to the crowd. Still, it didn’t quite live up to what I’d expected of the four men, and the decision not to put the four together at the pay-per-view seems to be the correct one. In the end, Fly was caught with the Dirty Bomb to give the bikers another impressive victory over a strong team. Winner: Dirty Elite (C-) * Leadfoot picked up the mic again. [COLOR="Blue"]“All too easy,”[/COLOR] he said, as Thrash delivered an emphatic punt to the ribs of Fly, sending the masked man out of the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“Anyone who wants to fight can see us in the ring at the pay-per-view.”[/COLOR] He looked set to chuck the mic away when he stopped as the first familiar bars of [I]Just Close Your Eyes[/I] hit the PA and Alicia Strong returned to the entrance ramp. [COLOR="Blue"]“Anyone? You want a challenge from anyone? That’s Elite summed up in a nutshell, isn’t it? Leadfoot, you and the pervert next to you have a match for Where It All Begins Again.” “Be serious, woman,”[/COLOR] Leadfoot spat, the word seemingly not too far from a curse in his mouth. “[COLOR="Blue"]This is fighting. You might be able to beat the other women who fight here, but we’re looking for a [I]real[/I] challenge.” “Don’t worry, Leadfoot,”[/COLOR] Alicia said. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve picked my partner, and the two of us will teach you a lot that you don’t know about fighting. A challenge? You and your goggle-eyed freak of a partner will be lucky if we let you walk out of that ring under your own steam.”[/COLOR] Leadfoot looked set to object once more, but Thrash laid a hand on his arm and shook his head. He glared at Strong, who met his eyes evenly. [COLOR="Blue"]“Looks like my buddy here wants to beat on your after all,”[/COLOR] Leadfoot said. [COLOR="Blue"]“He don’t take kindly to rejection. Normally all he can do is slash your bike’s tires, or knock the ---- out of whatever ---- the dumb ----- chooses over him. Just for once it looks like he might get something a bit more useful.” “Fine by me,”[/COLOR] Alicia replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“You bring your buddy to the pay-per-view and I’ll show you what I can really do.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Eric Eisen[/B] After Brandon got involved in the Elite beatdown of Fumihiro Ota last week, this match was booked to allow the two men to vent their anger at each other. Eric appeared confident in this match, and in the early going his confidence seemed validated as he was able to use his greater speed and experience to control the flow of the contest. However, Smith showed impressive resilience as he kept coming back at the Crown Prince, and on two occasions gained near falls with almighty spears that nearly broke Eisen in two. In the end, Eric had to use a set of brass knuckles to put Smith down for the count – and if he resorts to that at the pay-per-view, Elite could be gone from the company! Winner: Eric Eisen (C+) * Unfamiliar music played over the PA, heralding the first-ever appearance of Alex DeColt in MAW. [COLOR="Blue"]“Good evening, my name is Alex DeColt, and I have come to MAW to test myself in the King of the Indies tournament. You may know me as the owner of Canadian Golden Combat, or from my appearances for the Supreme Wrestling Federation. I have long admired the tradition of hard, fair combat in this company, and I’m pleased to have the chance to test myself against my fellow entrants in the match. I hope to put on a good show, and make my family proud.”[/COLOR] Sean Deeley’s music played, and the International walked out onto the ramp. [COLOR="Blue"]“You see, DeColt, that’s why your family sucks. I’ve fought in CGC, and you and your brothers don’t have an ounce of ambition in you. You hope to perform well, you hope to make your family proud, you’re pleased to take part... Grow a set, Alex. Maybe next year, when I’ve got the World title and you’re looking for an invite back here, I might put in a good word for you.”[/COLOR] DeColt shook his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“A little humility goes a long way, Sean. You are a good fighter. You might even one day be as good as you claim to be... But you’re not there yet. Come down here, kid, and maybe you might learn something.” “From you? I doubt it, Alex. You’ve spent your entire life in Canada. I’ve been all over the world. I know things you can’t even dream of – and because of that this match is going to be short and painful. For you.”[/COLOR] * [B]Alex DeColt vs. Sean Deeley[/B] It may not be DeColt country here in the Mid Atlantic, but DeColt is a great wrestler for MAW – and it’s just a shame he won’t sign on permanently. He and Deeley put on a thrilling technical feast that the fans lapped up. Deeley tried to throw in some puro tactics, but DeColt had him scouted and was able to wrap up the win with a DeColt Driver. Winner: Alex DeColt (B-) * KC Glenn was backstage, warming up in preparation for his match with Jean Cattley. [COLOR="Blue"]“You don’t deserve this, you know that?”[/COLOR] Glenn turned around to find Davis Wayne Newton leaning on the door frame. [COLOR="Blue"]“What do you mean?” “A match against the World champion? You? At least it’s non-title.” “Why wouldn’t I deserve that?” “You only got this match because you’re a part of The Firm, and the owner of the company thinks that giving Elite hard matches is a good idea. Still, he picked you to go against Cattley, so he can’t want him to have too great a challenge.”[/COLOR] Glenn flushed red. [COLOR="Blue"]“You missed out on your chance to face Cattley. You’re feeling jealous.” “Actually, I’m feeling bitter. My greatness is evident, my talent cannot be denied, and yet where’s my match against the champion? A few months ago I came within seconds of beating Tim Westybrook. He was almost unconscious, and the least I deserved was a rematch. Instead he went against Cattley and lost the title. Surely I’d get a match then? No – instead he’s spent the whole time fighting your mob and nobodies like Brandon Smith. People are calling me the best wrestler in the world right now. I’m certainly the best under thirty. But I keep hearing about you, and Montero, and I’m sick of it. I got offered a shot at the King of the Indies in a few weeks, but I turned it down. I want to want to put this myth to bed once and for all. So in three weeks time I want you in the ring, and I’ll show that I’m the superior wrestler, and you’re just an also-ran.”[/COLOR] Glenn regarded Newton carefully, lips pursed. [COLOR="Blue"]“Sure,”[/COLOR] he said at last.[COLOR="Blue"] “If truth be told, I’d like to face you as well. You see, Newton, I’ve had that ‘best wrestler under thirty’ tag around my neck as well. Really, it’s why I came here as Kid Arachnid, so no-one would pre-judge me based on what they’d heard. Maybe you’re right, and it’s time to step up. Maybe my facing Jean Cattley is a part of that, going up against one of the best wrestlers, period, in the business today. Someone who doesn’t quit, someone who’s known for being able to win any match, at any time. It’s almost like I’ve gone after Elite so I can take on the best in the business. It’s almost like... I’ve planned this, instead of just sitting around backstage and complaining about how hard things are because I haven’t been handed gold and platinum on a silver plate. “Grow up, Newton. The reason everyone pats you on the head and say how good you are for how young you are is because you act like a child. Facing Elite means facing the best, and if I lose then I still learn. It also means defending the company that gave me by big break, and that means a lot to me. You’ve always said how you’ll turn tail and walk if Elite torpedo this company, and I’m sure in your arrogance you believe there’ll be offers. Maybe there will, but you left here once before to go and work for the Stones, and they ended up canning you for your attitude. MAW took you back in, and you’re ready to jump ship again? Just think how good that’ll look to anyone considering taking you on. So yeah, we’ll fight in three weeks. But you’d better bring you’re a game, Davis. If it’s the last match you ever have in MAW you’d better look outstanding, because your unwillingness to stand against Elite could be the thing that makes the difference between this company surviving and going out of business.”[/COLOR] * [B]Gino Montero vs. Ernest Youngman[/B] Two of the greatest young talents in the business came together here, and we’ll be lucky if we see a better match in the coming weeks. It was cagey action from bell to bell, with both competitors trying to out-think one another as much as outfight, and the fans really bought into the cat-and-mouse interplay between the two rising stars. However, the cautious approach fell by the wayside when Montero took both men over the top rope with a crossbody, and they ended up brawling into the crowd and drawing a double disqualification as the fans got a close-up view of a match that could one day main event at the highest levels. Winner: No-one (B) * Puerto Rican Power was backstage, posing for a couple of female staff who giggled at the sight of the big man’s bicep flexing routine. Swoop McCarthy walked past and chuckled, drawing a scowl from Da Power who clobbered him across the back of the head with a clothesline. [COLOR="Teal"]“Bloody ow, mate!”[/COLOR] Swoop objected as he picked himself up off the floor. [COLOR="Teal"]“What the hell didja go and do that for?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I am Puerto Rican Power, worm,”[/COLOR] Power replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“You do not laugh at Da Power.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]“Hey, last I checked this was a free country mate. Now listen, you may be ‘Da Power’, but I am Swoop McCarthy and you will recognise greatness!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I recognise greatness when I look in the mirror, little man,”[/COLOR] Power snarled. [COLOR="Blue"]“You want respect? Meet me in the ring. Bring a partner.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]“You got it.”[/COLOR] The two glared at one another as the show hit the break. * [B]Kid Arachnid and Swoop McCarthy vs. Puerto Rican Power and Cameron Vessey[/B] We came back from the break with an interesting odd couple dynamic in the ring. Power had literally dragged Cameron Vessey out to the ring, the younger man protesting the whole way but not being able to break Da Power’s grip. Swoop had opted for Kid Arachnid, with Rip theorising that the masked man wanted to stay sharp ahead of his World title match. Despite the relative overness of those involved, this wasn’t a patch on other matches from tonight. Power is a one-dimensional worker who doesn’t have the same popularity on the mainland that he does in Puerto Rico, while Vessey is too new a face to be seen as much of a threat to the established pairing of McCarthy and Arachnid. To no-one’s surprise it was Vessey who took the fall, then, but in a minor surprise it was Swoop who nailed the Stunner From Down Under for the win. Winners: Arachnid and McCarthy (C) * Jean Cattley made his way to the ring. [COLOR="Navy"]“With less than three weeks until Where It All Begins Again, we seem to be in the home stretch. The matches are made, the posters are out, and you should call your cable operator now to see Kid Arachnid get beaten and bloodied... and unmasked. Whoever’s playing games will learn that you do not cross Elite. We are supreme, inviolable, and I am the World champion. In less than three weeks this company’s time will end, nine years after a man with a modest idea was welcomed back into the business. Let this be a lesson to everyone: Find your place in life, and stay there. Try and make yourself something you’re not and only pain and misery await you.”[/COLOR] * [B]KC Glenn vs. Jean Cattley[/B] This was a strong finish, with some fine wrestling on show between these two talented technicians. Both men can also brawl, and we saw that on display as well. Glenn took to the air on occasion, and his speed and ability to attack from anywhere seemed to have Cattley hard-pressed for answers. Cattley, however, is known for his resilience and ingenuity in finding a way forward, regardless of the odds. He cut Glenn’s momentum short by virtue of sneaky tactics and sly attacks that left Glenn flustered, and then the World champion was able to put him away with a Mood Swing for the win. Winner: Jean Cattley (B-) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]Next: On Tour, and the monthly financial report...[/I]
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[I]OOC: Have another go...[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: On Tour Saturday, 27th September 2014[/CENTER] Kristabel Plum vs. Brooke Tyler[/B] If I was a real booker, who kept notes and referred to them, I’d know these two don’t click. Instead we sent them out to get the crowd warmed up, and it didn’t work. The two women tried their best, but anything other than the simplest, thousand repetition drills fell apart and after twelve minutes the match came to a tepid conclusion when Tyler trapped Plum in a Tradition Lift for the win. Winner: Brooke Tyler (D-) * [B]Divine Intervention (1pt) vs. The Party Animals (0pts) vs. The Me In Team (1pt) vs. The West Texas Lawmakers (1pt)[/B] This was wild four-team action from bell to bell, with near-falls aplenty. However, the drama was inevitably lacking as there was always someone there to break up the fall. These matches largely exist to help the teams involve improve their teamwork, and I think the fans are wall aware of that as they never really get into it. Of course, our fans never get to see these guys on TV, either, which doesn’t help. In the end it was Raphael and Josh who emerged triumphant, picking up the win with a Self Centred on Dazzling Dave Diamond. Winners: The Me In Team (E+, 2pts) * [B]Wendy Summers and Ariel Breaks vs. Laura Flame and Nadia Snow[/B] For all that this lacked crowd involvement, it was a tidy enough match. Nadia Snow stood out, sneaking around the ring and using her larger and more powerful partner as bait to draw the crowd favourites in. In the end her strategy won out as she caught Summers with a Plum Tucker for the win. Winners: Flame and Snow (D-) * Scythe made his typically impressive entrance, highlighted by lighting effects and an emphasis on his size and strength. * [B]T-Bone Bright vs. Scythe[/B] This was a wild, sloppy brawl from bell to bell. Neither man showed much of an interest in the win, but while that seemed deliberate on Sycthe’s part, Bright was struggling to survive after tasting the masked man’s brutal offence. It didn’t take long for the match to spill out of the ring, and from there the two brawled into the crowd, the referee eventually throwing the match out when it was clear that the two couldn’t be brought back to the ring. Winner: No-one (E+) * Backstage, Casey Valentine and Antonio were having a clearly uneasy discussion following their recent issues with Cameron Vessey. Things were starting to get heated when Vessey strolled past and laughed at the duo. They exchanged a look of mutual dislike for Vessey, and seemed to reach an understanding to set aside their rivalry to prove his judgment of them wrong. * [B]Luchas De Mascaras (1pt) vs. The Second Sons (0pts)[/B] The Sons were clearly uneasy in one another’s presence after their recent troubles, and even their desire to show up Vessey wasn’t quite enough to overcome their masked opponents. They put in a reasonable showing, but there were still issues and Heroe and Fly were able to take control of the match, Fly pinning Valentine after a Sky High Fire Fly for the win. Winners: Luchas De Mascaras (2pts, D) * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Cameron Vessey[/B] Vessey acted like he was about to deliver big in this match, and in the first thirty seconds you could believe he was going to deliver. After that, though, most of the offence was on the side of the Bulldozer and in the end Vessey bailed out of the ring and walked back to the locker room, taking the defeat by countout. Winner: Brandon Smith (C-) * Sean Deeley confronted Jack Giedroyc backstage, saying that Giedroyc was in no position to judge people. Where was his pedigree? Where were his international credentials? Giedroyc replied that Deeley was blinded by his pride in himself – something that he would remedy by opening Deeley’s eyes to humility and the befit of His grace. * [B]Jack Giedroyc vs. Sean Deeley[/B] We finished with a brilliant match, worthy of TV time. We may even re-run it in the near future. The two men tore the house down for over fifteen minutes, giving their all as they tried to break one another. It was an even match, with Giedroyc nearly trapped by Deeley’s technical expertise on several occasions, but in the end a Crashing On spelt the end for Deeley as Giedroyc continued his strong run of form. Winner: Jack Giedroyc (C+) [B]Overall: C-[/B] * September’s figures came in, and MAW made a loss of around $35,000. That’s okay – an acceptable figure. We’ve been trying different things with the shows, and we brought in a decent amount of cash, offset by the loss of TV revenue and a slight drop in PPV income last month. I’m hoping that WIABA pulls in a decent buy rate as it has all our most hyped matches on it. We’ll see, I guess. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Kid Arachnid vs. Davis Wayne Newton Lauren Easter vs. Alicia Strong Alex DeColt vs. Puerto Rican Power Julius Moor and T-Bone Bright vs. Dirty Elite – non-title “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Joe Sexy Gino Montero vs. Jean Cattley – non-title Swoop McCarthy vs. Cameron Vessey[/CENTER]
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[B][CENTER]Who is Kid Arachnid?[/B] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/KidArachnid.jpg[/IMG] Kid Arachnid is... ...a man ...based in the United States ...a middleweight ...an American caucasian ...a regular wrestler ...an active wrestler ...only employed in MAW [I]as[/I] Kid Arachnid[/CENTER]
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Yeah, I'm going to call the old long-time-reader-first-time-predictor play. The only diary I'm truly into now Self's hung up the boots. [b]Kid Arachnid[/b] vs. Davis Wayne Newton [i]Keep Kid strong so the unmasking means that much more.[/i] Lauren Easter vs. Alicia Strong [b]NC[/b] [i]Neither name leapt out, so no contest[/i] [b]Alex DeColt[/b] vs. Puerto Rican Power [i]Poor PRP...[/i] Julius Moor and T-Bone Bright vs. [b]Dirty Elite[/b] – non-title [i]Can't see why you'd give the lower carders such a big win and kill DE's momentum, despite the non-title stip.[/i] [b]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/b] vs. Joe Sexy [i]Do I sense a push for the Bulldozer?[/i] Gino Montero vs. [b]Jean Cattley[/b] – non-title [i]See the DE note - no point killing Cattley's momentum[/i] [b]Swoop McCarthy[/b] vs. Cameron Vessey [i]SWOOOOOOOOOOOP![/i]
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Lauren Easter vs. [B]Alicia Strong[/B] [B]Alex DeColt [/B]vs. Puerto Rican Power Julius Moor and T-Bone Bright vs. [B]Dirty Elite [/B]– non-title [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Joe Sexy [B]Gino Montero [/B]vs. Jean Cattley – non-title [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Cameron Vessey
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[B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton [I]Kid Arachnid has been built as the 'saviour' as loss at this stage to anyone would just be counterproductive.[/I] Lauren Easter vs. [B]Alicia Strong[/B] [I]Despite having been a former champion herself, I have always perceived Easter as the #3 in the women's division just behind Strong and J-Ro. I'll pick Strong to win here, but to be honest a win for Easter wouldn't be all that much of a surprise. [/I] [B]Alex DeColt[/B] vs. Puerto Rican Power [I]This isn't Puerto Rico, so the four moves of doom won't be working here[/I] ;) Julius Moor and T-Bone Bright vs. [B]Dirty Elite[/B] – non-title [I]Team Gridiron ain't getting the win here, as the big dreadlocked centre forward for Sunderland implied, a win for the Moor and Bright would do more harm to Dirty Elite than it would do good for them.[/I] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [I]BBS may have quietly got a little more over, but I'm sensing a too little,too late vibe in sense of a push at this stage and besides the Elite should remain looking unbeatable against all but only a select few.[/I] Gino Montero vs. [B]Jean Cattley[/B] – non-title [I]Non Title makes this a little more interesting, but I see Cattley pulling out all the dirty tricks he knows to avoid being a victim of an upset. [/I] [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Cameron Vessey [I]Swoop is the #2 Babyface right now, why kill that by having him drop a loss to Cameron Vessey. Yes Cameron Vessey of all people.[/I]
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[I]OOC: Welcome, Kenwyne. Welcome back, the rest.[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 5th October 2014[/CENTER] Lauren Easter vs. Alicia Strong[/B] You can call it spamming a proven formula, but we want Alicia good and hot ahead of her title match in ten days, and this is one of those matches that just delivers – even more so than J-Ro and Alicia. It was fifteen minutes of fast-paced action, with Alicia just edging out her fellow former Women’s champion to take the win with a Strong Arm Tactic. Winner: Alicia Strong (B) * Dirty Elite made their way to the ring, looking smug as they revved their bikes and flashed their gold title belts at everyone and anyone. Once again they passed Alicia on the way, and the two sides glared at one another for several seconds before moving on. [COLOR="Blue"]“Whatever fool decides to take a chance by teaming up with little Alicia in ten days might as well just forget any hope they have of taking these belts off us,”[/COLOR] Leadfoot announced, as Thrash nodded and smirked in the background. [COLOR="Blue"]“See, we beat up people for fun. Sometimes we beat each other up, if there’s no-one else around. You can’t fight people like us, because we don’t know when to stop. Beating up on a woman? Bring it on. If the dumb blonde is stupid enough to get in the ring with us, let her. And whoever takes her side, don’t expect to get to fight much. We may not be book smart, but we’ve got an easy match coming up knocking Sexy’s bed buddy down a few pegs. Compete with us, woman? We look forward to your failure.”[/COLOR] * [B]Julius Moor and T-Bone Bright vs. Dirty Elite[/B] Punt. Punt. Punt punt. Punt punt punt punt punt punt. The Dirties had fun in this match, kicking the living snot out of their opponents, who are clearly finely tuned athletes – Moor, like Bright, is an NFL product – but lacking in the experience required to stand up to the relentless onslaught that Thrash and Leadfoot bring to the ring. In the end, Thrash makes Moor’s debut a losing one as he picks up the win after a Dirty Bomb. Winners: Dirty Elite (D-) * Backstage, and Cameron Vessey was snarling at anyone who crossed his path as he stalked through the corridors. Eventually he came to the door of Swoop McCarthy’s locker room and barged in, spoiling the moment that Swoop was sharing with a young lady. [COLOR="Blue"]“Last week doesn’t count,”[/COLOR] Vessey snapped, as Swoop looked reluctantly in his direction. [COLOR="Teal"]“Stay or go, but shut the door, mate,”[/COLOR] Swoop sighed. [COLOR="Teal"]“Swoop doesn’t [I]always[/I] appreciate big audiences.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“What?”[/COLOR] Vessey asked, nonplussed. [COLOR="Teal"]“Why are you here? What about last week? You lost. Get over it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I didn’t lose. I didn’t want to team with Power in the first place. The old wreck thinks he’s some sort of god.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]“He does have a problem keeping his ego in check,”[/COLOR] Swoop agreed. [COLOR="Teal"]“You still lost. I pinned you in the centre of the ring. Kick, wham, Stunner. One, two, three.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“It doesn’t count! Get in the ring with me tonight, and we’ll see if you can do it again.”[/COLOR] McCarthy looked at the girl, looked at Vessey, and looked back at the girl. [COLOR="Teal"]“I’m good, mate. See you in the battle royal-“[/COLOR] Vessey wasn’t in the mood to take no for an answer. He took a running start and nearly put his foot through Swoop’s head. [COLOR="Blue"]“Get in the ring, or next time I go between your legs,”[/COLOR] he snarled, before turning on his heel and leaving the room. Swoop sat up groggily. [COLOR="Teal"]“Bear with us, sweetheart,”[/COLOR] he said, standing on slightly shaky legs. [COLOR="Teal"]“The kid’s got my attention.”[/COLOR] * [B]Swoop McCarthy vs. Cameron Vessey[/B] This match was all McCarthy – almost, as Vessey went low and cheap whenever he could. McCarthy was unleashing high-powered offence from the bell, while Vessey did his best to stay near the ropes, blocking where he could and preventing McCarthy from building any momentum. The tactic paid off, as Vessey was able to block an attempted monkey flip out of the corner by holding the ropes, and quickly snared McCarthy with his feet on the middle strand to hold him down for the upset win. Winner: Cameron Vessey (C) * Brandon Smith was waiting outside the Elite locker room. The door opened and Joe Sexy came out. [COLOR="Blue"]“Just the man Ah’ve been waitin’ for,”[/COLOR] Smith said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now, Ah’ve bin back a few weeks, and Ah reckon Ah’m back to full fitness. Time to knock you about some for hurtin’ me in our last match.”[/COLOR] Sexy looked at him in mild surprise. [COLOR="Blue"]“So, uh, I didn’t understand half of that. I guess you want a match, though. I supposed that I can fit you into my schedule. You seem to think you’re on the same level as Elite, so it’s up to me to teach you just how wrong you are. We are the best, supreme. You, meatbag, are just the latest in a line of dropouts and wasters who think that you can compete with greatness.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Joe Sexy[/B] So, yeah. I really should have remembered these two have no chemistry, but what can you do? Hopefully it hasn’t hurt the show too much – they needed to blow off the issue about Smith’s injury, even if few remembered it several months later. We do try and get that continuity in there where we can. In the end, Smith picked up something of an upset victory with a Backdrop Driver. Winner: Brandon Smith (D) * A short video played hyping the upcoming match between Giedroyc and Youngman. Both men, it was announced, would be on next week’s show ahead of their first meeting in ten days time. * Puerto Rican Power snarled and growled at the fans as he came down the aisle. Taking the mic, he launched into an attack on Alex DeColt, who was already in the ring and ready for the match. [COLOR="Blue"]“This guy across from me is a big name in Canada. Who cares? Canada stopped being relevant to wrestling when Dan Stone Senior and George DeColt hung up their boots. You and the other thieves who’ve tried to leech off their legacy are nothing but pretenders to their thrones. Anyone who hasn’t been there in the trenches with them is a fake, a nothing. You wouldn’t have lasted in the old days, boy. “I am Puerto Rican Power. I carry the hopes of my people with me, and I am worthy of that burden. You cannot even begin to comprehend how mighty I am. I worked with your father and I worked with the Stones. I could have stayed. I would have been a legend in Canada, the same as I am among my people... But I am Puerto Rican, and that is where I will always call home. I may have missed the chance to spend my career teaching you to respect your elders, boy, but tonight I can show you why they call me Da Power!”[/COLOR] DeColt looked on, somewhat nonplussed by his opponent’s rant as the referee called for the bell. * [B]Alex DeColt vs. Puerto Rican Power[/B] Compare and contrast: Canada vs. Puerto Rico. Technique vs. well, power. Finesse vs. brute strength. It made for an interesting contest, not a typical MAW match, but entertaining nonetheless. The tale of the contest came as Power tried time and again for his Four Moves of Doom™ but DeColt was equal to the challenge, taking three, or two, or even just one before finding a counter. Power even tried mixing things up and using different moves to enter the sequence, but DeColt gained in momentum as the match went on, and when Power tried to pull off the Full Nelson, DeColt reversed into a stunning DeColt Driver for the big win to build momentum going into the King of the Indies in ten days time. Winner: Alex DeColt (C) * Davis Wayne Newton strutted down to the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“In ten days time I will show myself to be the next big thing, the great white hope, the future of this industry. I am approaching my prime, and have competed in every country, in every city that means anything in this business. I have travelled the world, and learn everything there is to know about wrestling. I’m still young enough to improve, and I’m mature enough to know that I will improve – and that improvement will come from hard work and facing the best wrestlers in the world. “This company, if it survives, has some of the best talent in the world. Kid Arachnid is clearly a great talent. Jean Cattley is a worthy World champion. Eric Eisen is a tremendous competitor. My allies, Joss Thompson and Sean Deeley are nearly as complete as I am. “In ten days I will face one of the great myths of modern wrestling. KC Glenn is supposed to be somewhere near as talented as me, but we will see in ten days that he cannot compete with me, the Triple Threat. On the mat, in the air, with my fists, I am superior. There may, at this point in my career, be a few people who can claim to be better at one of the three, but no-one can match up to me in all of them – let alone compare to my peerless standard of athletic ability. KC Glenn is a sham, a shadow, a mere hint at the talent that I possess. “I am the Triple Threat. You, KC Glenn, are not.”[/COLOR] Kid Arachnid’s music hit, and the masked man stepped out onto the stage, looking belligerent – so far as could be seen through his mask. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Newton, Ah’ve said before and Ah’ll say again that your ego is writin’ checks your body can’t cash. Now, mah buddy KC is out in Japan right now. You know that, and Ah reckon that’s why you’re actin’ so big and puffed up.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Arachnid, I just named you as a great talent. Consider that a complement. I don’t give them out often. Walk away now, and I’ll even consider letting my assessment of you stand. You’ve got a World title match in ten days. You don’t want me to break you before that. Or are you a great wrestler, but just plain stupid?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Hell, mebbe Ah am. Or mebbe Ah’m so crazy that’s just what Ah want!”[/COLOR] Arachnid snarled. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Or maybe Ah just don’t like hearin’ mah friends run down like that. Now, KC’s picked a fight with you in ten days, and good luck to him. Can he beat you? Maybe, maybe not – you’re good. However, Ah reckon Ah’ve got a bit more experience than you where it counts, Newton, so you want a fight now? Maybe you think you can’t compete with KC once you’ve fought with me?”[/COLOR] Newton scowled. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ll take you on now, Arachnid. I’ll beat you now, and beat your lackey at the pay per view. And then I’ll be able to name my price when Elite crush you, when this place gets sold and the archives belong to New York, and when the big boys gather to pick the spoils from its corpse. The Triple Threat will be number one on their lists.”[/COLOR] * [B]Kid Arachnid vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Arachnid may come to regret pushing himself so hard ahead of his World title match. Newton showed why is regarded so highly when he focuses on the wrestling, as he seems intent on making his big impression. Arachnid had a real fight on his hands, possibly the toughest he’s had since coming to MAW earlier this year. Newton’s all-round ability actually makes him more talented than Arachnid, but the masked man showed a seemingly indomitable will to win as he kept pushing, refusing to stay down and eventually catching Newton in the Antidote Web for the deeply hard-fought win. Winner: Kid Arachnid (B) * [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve asked for a match against Jean Cattley tonight,”[/COLOR] Gino Montero began. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ve fought in the past. Might do so again in the future, if truth be told. I can’t see me letting go so easy if we do lose out at Where It All Begins Again. “I wanted to take a look at Jean Cattley with no titles on the line. I’ve left my All Action in the dressing room. I’ve cleared my schedule for the next few days. Tonight I can go all out against the best wrestler in this company. That’s how me and my amigos view him – the best. Better than Newton, better than Eisen, better than any of us, because there’s nothing he hasn’t seen, and no-one he can’t beat. To win, I’ll have to be at the top of my game, and hope he makes a mistake. If not... “But that’s what MAW is about. Cattley is right, he was brought in to be the standard bearer, to show us young punks what’s what. See, though, he forgot that we were gonna get better, and that maybe MAW would benefit from that. So Jean, you’re the best, and if you ever wanted to look around you might see that MAW’s pretty damn good. You’re a big fish in a big pond nowadays. There’s room for folks like me and Heroe and Fly who don’t have the same respect for New York. There’s room for folks like KC who went to New York and didn’t like it. There’s room for Kid, who’s never wanted to go to New York. We get that your loyalties lie elsewhere nowadays, and that’s fine. But if you hadn’t started here in MAW, you’d still be some journeyman punk doing the rounds of the indies, trading on that cup of coffee you had back in PPPW. “You want to shut the MAW door behind you? You want to be remembered as the best thing ever to come out of here? Fine. Just don’t expect us to make it easy for you, esse. We-“[/COLOR] Montero was taken down by an ambush from nowhere as Jean Cattley and Eric Eisen charged into the ring and attacked the younger man, taking him down and trapping him in the corner of the ring before putting the boots to him. However, before they could do too much damage they were interrupted by the arrival of Kid Arachnid who charged the ring and took Eisen nearly out of his loafers with a leaping forearm. Cattley beat a hasty retreat to the floor as Montero dished out a few hard rights to Eisen, sending him out after his colleague. Montero and Arachnid stood united in the ring, glaring at their Where It All Begins Again opponents, neither of whom seemed willing to continue the fight now that Arachnid was on the scene. Arachnid and Montero led the crowd in a chorus of [B][COLOR="Blue"]“MAW! MAW! MAW!” [/COLOR][/B]which once again seemed to rattle the Elite leaders. At last Arachnid won over some fans by taking a seat in the front row – as Rip grumbled about him not paying for a ticket – to watch as Cattley cautiously re-entered the ring for the main event. * [B]Gino Montero vs. Jean Cattley[/B] For all that Newton pushed hard, Cattley showed himself to be no pushover by taking everything that Montero had to give as well. Although Montero had been somewhat softened up by the pre-match attack, the rescue by Arachnid was timely, and he seemed to be suffering little ill effect. He gave Cattley a huge scare inside of five minutes, breaking out a Montero Press and, when Cattley kicked out on two, drilling a perfect Cradle Piledriver in tribute to his stablemate. Cattley, fortunately for him, landed near the ropes and was able to roll to the outside and grab a breather. Back in the ring, he took the fight right to Montero, and the two went toe-to-toe for several minutes. The All Action champion gave everything he had in his bid to defeat Cattley, but couldn’t find the answer he needed. The World champion endured all of Montero’s stunning offence, eventually scoring with the Mood Swing to pick up the win as he built momentum – at the expense of a very difficult match against Arachnid’s ally. Winner: Jean Cattley (B) [B]Overall: B-[/B] [I]Next: Which Bumfhole is making the bigger impact in TCW? And On Tour results...[/I]
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Robbie Retro. I mean, I considered it, but I just couldn't find a way to fit him in. In fact, right now the list of [U]available[/U] active wrestlers at C- US popularity comprises 26 workers. Of those: [LIST] [*]11 have worked for MAW at some point [*]11 of the others are over 35 and generally MAW doesn't hire above that age [*]1 is just coming off a written deal, [*]2 are women [/LIST] And then, as noted, there's Robbie Retro. What can I say? I like variety :p
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I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Remo is no longer the TCW World champion. He lost the belt, after a creditable eleven month reign, when he was defeated by Zimmy Bumfhole. And anyone who had the over/under on a Bumfhole being a World champion inside of nine years can take a bow. I would be remiss if I didn’t point out, however, that match of the night belonged to Randy Bumfhole and Tommy Cornell, the latter toppling the former in a midcard showstealer. * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: On Tour Saturday, 6th October 2014[/CENTER] Lauren Easter vs. Tracy Brendon[/B] If there’s someone I know who loves performing against people higher up the card, it’s Tracy Brendon. She always outdoes herself when the spotlight comes on, and really gave Easter a great match before the Mid Atlantic crowd before eventually succumbing to a Belly to Belly Suplex as the former Women’s champion took the win. Winner: Lauren Easter (C-) * [B]Luchas De Mascaras (2pts) vs. The Me In Team (2pts)[/B] Just a short match to determine the #1 contenders to the tag titles after Where It All Begins Again. The Me In Team had somewhat lucked into their two points, and while they pushed their opponents hard, the outcome was never really in doubt, Heroe picking up the win with a Flying Headbutt on Josh. Winners: Luchas De Mascaras (D) * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Delirium[/B] Just a short match for the wild-talking masked man to go against the Super Ninja and pick up some useful tips before succumbing to a Shining Wizard. Winner: Fumihiro Ota (D+) * Backstage, and as Lauren Easter warmed down from her match, Joanne Rodriguez was warming up. The two friends were laughing and joking, with J-Ro in a better mood than we’ve been used to seeing her in recently. * [B]Jared Johnson vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Revisiting the rivalry between Team Honor and the Internationals, Newton called out Lassana Makutsi before the bell for next week’s Nationwide. In the match itself, he and Johnson worked through a skilful mat clinic with both men scoring close falls, but in the end Newton trapped his foe in an STF for the win. Winner: Davis Wayne Newton (D+) * [B]Joanne Rodriguez (c) vs. Brooke Tyler[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Women’s title[/COLOR] For Brendon earlier in the show, read Tyler in this match. The young second-generation star took the fight to the champion in this thrilling contest, and on several occasions came close to unseating the title holder. However, J-Ro is resilient and skilful, and was able to upend her challenger with a J-Rocker for the successful defence. Winner: Joanne Rodriguez (C) * Eric Eisen entered the ring and issued a challenge to any of the ‘washed up has-beens, wasted never-weres or hopeless can’t-ever-bes’ that made up the MAW roster. He did a double-take as Swoop McCarthy’s music played and the big Australian made his way down to the ring. He said that he took offence to the way Eisen was acting, saying that he’d wrestled all over the world, and the fans here in MAW – “MAW! MAW! MAW!” – were as good as any he’d ever fought in front of. If for no other reason, Eric deserved to get his face kicked in for that. * [B]Swoop McCarthy vs. Eric Eisen[/B] Swoop is well used to taking on opponents smaller and faster than himself. Eric is well used to taking on opponents larger and stronger than himself. The two understood each other’s roles well, making for an entertaining match which the crowds enjoyed a lot, although they didn’t think much of Eisen’s sneaky shots to Swoop’s bread basket when the referee was unsighted, setting up a Silver Spoon Shock for the win. Winner: Eric Eisen (C+) * Jean Cattley strutted down to the ring, shaking hands with Eric en route. He flashed his World title at anyone within range, and taunted the crowd about how, in nine days time, MAW would no longer exist. To make sure that he was ready for Kid Arachnid, he wanted a challenge. He wanted to fight someone with a mask so he knew what he could do to take advantage of it in the match. That brought out Phoenix, who’s been a staunch opponent of Elite from day one. He said that he was more than ready to give Cattley the fight he was looking for. He may be a veteran nowadays, but he still had plenty of go in him: Enough to take on someone as arrogant and deluded as Cattley, without question. * [B]Phoenix vs. Jean Cattley[/B] The two men tore into one another from the bell. Phoenix had the upper hand initially, showing his considerable experience in evading the worst of Cattley’s offence as he struck fast and hard against his foe. Cattley weathered the storm, taking heavy punishment but not staying down. Bit by bit he chipped away at Phoenix, his willingness to bend the rules giving him an edge over his honourable opponent. Eventually he was able to nail a Mood Swing for the win. Winner: Jean Cattley (B-) Overall: C+ * Jack DeColt may want to get out of Canada for a while, as he’s split with fiancé Hotstuff Marie. Thirty-seven year old DeColt, who works for NOTBPW, was unavailable for comment. A friend of Marie’s cited the distance between their respective home bases as being the deciding factor, with the two rarely being close enough to catch more than a few minutes since Jack left CGC and Marie remained behind. * (Ultimate) Phoenix has left OLLIE. The thirty-nine year old has been an MAW mainstay for over six years, and could now make an appearance at Where It All Begins Again as MAW are his sole employers. * SWF’s Let The Games Begin was a strong show, pulling a B rating from tew.com. Steve Frehley defended his World title against Freddie Datsun in the main event (B+) but the match of the night came four from the top when Squeaky McClean defeated Lenny Brown in an A-rated match. Yes, you read that right. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Kid Arachnid vs. Eric Eisen El Heroe Mexicano vs. Joe Sexy Jack Giedroyc vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts Lauren Easter and Joanne Rodriguez vs. Tracy Brendon and Nadia Snow Harry Allen vs. “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Joss Thompson Lassana Makutsi vs. Davis Wayne Newton Plus: Ernest Youngman and Jean Cattley will be in action[/CENTER]
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Eric Eisen El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts [B]Lauren Easter and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs. Tracy Brendon and Nadia Snow Harry Allen vs. “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Joss Thompson[/B] Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Plus: Ernest Youngman and Jean Cattley will be in action
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[B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Eric Eisen [I]It's just not smart to give a loss to a guy who's going to be World Champion in a week...[/I] El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [I]Gotta even up the Firm/Elite score.[/I] [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts [I]Giedroyc seems to have a slightly better push.[/I] [B]Lauren Easter and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs. Tracy Brendon and Nadia Snow [I]No brainer.[/I] Harry Allen vs. [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Joss Thompson [I]The other two don't seem worthy of the win, though it's hard to know how over Allen is.[/I] Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [I]It's Davis Wayne Newton.[/I]
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[b]Kid Arachnid[/b] vs. Eric Eisen [i]Can't see you weakening this guy yet, whoever he is.[/i] [b]El Heroe Mexicano[/b] vs. Joe Sexy [i]/Lucha mark[/i] [b]Jack Giedroyc[/b] vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts [i]He's getting a decent push at the moment and he's talented, so I can't see you letting him lose yet.[/i] [b]Lauren Easter and Joanne Rodriguez[/b] vs. Tracy Brendon and Nadia Snow [i]More star power here/[/i] Harry Allen vs. [b]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/b] vs. Joss Thompson [i]Bulldozer's building up a head of steam, and Thompson and Allen have yet to do anything spectacular, so I imagine that Smith will take this.[/i] Lassana Makutsi vs. [b]Davis Wayne Newton[/b] [i]Hard to call, as I don't know how well these two are developed in your world, but in the default database DWN is the better worker.[/i] Plus: Ernest Youngman and Jean Cattley will be in action
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[B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Eric Eisen El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] Jack Giedroyc vs. [B]“Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] [B]Lauren Easter and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs. Tracy Brendon and Nadia Snow Harry Allen vs. [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Joss Thompson Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] James is doing his bit for keeping the unemployment rates down by employing all the wrestlers in the USA at one time or another :p
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[B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Eric Eisen El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts [B]Lauren Easter and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs. Tracy Brendon and Nadia Snow Harry Allen vs. [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith [/B]vs. Joss Thompson Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B]
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Kid Arachnid vs. Eric Eisen [I]Schmozz no contest draw, when both Elite and The Firm get involved. You don't want to suddenly kill Arachnid's unstoppable momentum but I think you also want to put some doubt in the fans minds that it won't be a foregone conclusion.[/I] El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [I]Sexy squeeks by but has to do so via cheap tactics, something he won't be able to do at WIABA. [/I] [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts [I]Giedroyc is getting a decent push, and Roberts has taken enough losses now for his aura as a threat to have slipped.[/I] [B]Lauren Easter and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] vs. Tracy Brendon and Nadia Snow [I]The BFF's sometimes competitive rivals pick up the win.[/I] Harry Allen vs. “[B]Bulldozer” Brandon Smith [/B]vs. Joss Thompson [I]BBS does seem to be building up a little momentum, so I'll choose him for the win, ask me this a month ago I would have chosen one of the other two.[/I] Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [I]I'm going to lean towards Newton picking up the win here, but given the almost parity like booking going on here outside of the very top wrestlers, it would not surprise me too much if this went the other way......[/I] [I]Speaking of which, what did Scoop McCarthy do to suddenly have his momentum halted ? I know the loss to Vessey was meant to look like a bit of a fluke 'out of nowhere' victory for Vessey but for me it just 'killed' Swoop as a credible threat, rather than help build Vessey as someone to take seriously. [/I]
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Short term, Swoop is involved in the KotI storyline, as is Vessey. Swoop is an upper midcarder, while Vessey is midcard. Although Vessey going over Swoop is a stretch, it's not that far. Swoop can also be built up quickly again if needed. Short term, Vessey benefits from the rub. The other person he could have beaten would be Harry Allen, but Allen deserves better on his return to MAW (and would probably cc a loss to a midcarder anyway). * Of the possibilities for Arachnid, several are second generation workers :p
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[I]OOC: I'd apologise for the slew of cheap finishes but, well, hype show...[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 12th October 2014[/CENTER] El Heroe Mexicano vs. Joe Sexy[/B] A busy night begins with this Firm/Elite clash, just three days removed from Where It All Begins Again. The two men circled each other at the bell, seemingly reluctant to tie up and risk too much so close to the big show. Eventually they got involved in a fairly heated brawl, but as soon as Heroe began to take the lead in the conflict Enforcer Roberts hit the scene and attacked the masked man, drawing the DQ. Winner: El Heroe Mexicano (B-) * In the blink of an eye Amazing Fire Fly was charging down to the ring. He scaled the top rope and launched himself into the air, nailing a beautiful missile dropkick on Roberts to break up the double-team. The two duos brawled in the ring, security spilling out of the locker room in an attempt to separate them as we faded to black. * Back in the Elite locker room Joe Sexy and Phil Roberts enter, immediately coming face to face with Eric Eisen. [COLOR="Sienna"]“What the hell was that?”[/COLOR] he demanded. Sexy and Roberts looked nonplussed. Well, Sexy looked nonplussed. Roberts just looked like he always does. [COLOR="Blue"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“You couldn’t beat Heroe straight up? You got Roberts involved? Do you know what happens on Monday if that happens? You cost us in this little game Arachnid’s cooked up.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“And whose fault is that?”[/COLOR] Sexy shot back, looking angry. [COLOR="Blue"]“You didn’t have to agree. I’ve said all along that we shoulda just come in here with lead pipes, like the old days.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“How many times, Joe, this isn’t the old days. This is a legitimate business nowadays. We have shareholders. We have a public image. I agreed to this game because Arachnid is right – we should be capable of defeating the rabble Arachnid’s gathered. If not, then the company’s stock will take a fall. “And Joe, believe me, you do [I]not[/I] want to be responsible for that happening.”[/COLOR] Sexy and Roberts exchanged looks as Eisen turned to look at Ernest Youngman. [COLOR="Sienna"]“What’s your problem?”[/COLOR] Youngman looked up with a scowl on his face. [COLOR="Blue"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“You look like you lost a million and found a grand.”[/COLOR] Youngman shrugged. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Well, sort yourself out. You can’t be worried about Giedroyc.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Why not?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“The man’s a charlatan. Mind games is all he knows.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“He beat Newton. He beat Roberts.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“So? I can’t imagine you’re about to let us down, Ernest.”[/COLOR] Youngman’s frown deepened at the edge in Eric’s voice. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ll take Giedroyc down. But once we’re done with this place, I want a raise, and I want more respect around here. I brought you in, and I’ve had nothing but ---- since then.”[/COLOR] Eric was the scowling one this time. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Beat Giedroyc, and we’ll talk,”[/COLOR] he said, shortly. The door opened once more and Jean Cattley walked in, looking smug about the presence of the World title around his waist. He stopped short, and looked around at the four men already in the ring. [COLOR="Navy"]“What’s the matter?”[/COLOR] Youngman stood up abruptly and stormed out of the room, shoulder-checking Cattley on the way. [COLOR="Navy"]“What’s his problem?”[/COLOR] No-one answered. Clucking his tongue, Cattley turned and walked out. * Joanne Rodriguez and Lauren Easter were backstage, laughing and joking as they warmed up for their match later on. Rip commented that whatever problem had been bugging Rodriguez of late, she seemed to have shaken it off. * [B]Harry Allen vs. “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Joss Thompson[/B] A warm return for Harry Allen in this match, the cowboy having been spirited away to PSW, CGC and someone else a couple of years back. The former All Action champion impressed in the early going, as he pitted his speed against Smith’s strength and Thompson’s finesse and willingness to cheat. In the end, he crowned a triumphant return with the win as he nailed Thompson with a Flying Fist Drop for the pin. Winner: Harry Allen (C-) * Jack Giedroyc was shown backstage in a dimly-lit room. [COLOR="Indigo"]“Ernest Youngman, in three nights time you will know how disappointed He has become. You had such potential. Such amazing gifts, but you have sought self-gratification and glory. You could have been a role model, an example to many. You could have been one of His chosen ones. “Instead I am reliably informed that your paycheck funds an obsession with expensive clothes, overpowered sports cars and fruity c0cktails with slices of cucumber on the rim.”[/COLOR] Giedroyc shook his head. [COLOR="Indigo"]“These have been poor choices, Ernest. On Monday I will help you to understand how poor. He will help you understand.”[/COLOR] * [B]Lauren Easter and Joanne Rodriguez vs. Tracy Brendon and Nadia Snow[/B] This match barely got started before Dirty Elite made their way to ringside, took up prime positions in the aisle and started drinking beer and hurling abuse at the competitors, throwing them off their stride. Snow and Rodriguez took particular exception to this, and scaled the turnbuckles, launching themselves out of the ring and onto the Dirties. Their partners followed and jumped on the brutish bikers, but Thrash and Leadfoot shrugged off the women and looked set to dish out a beating when the crowd erupted at the sight of Alicia Strong charging down to the ring with a steel chair in her hands. She swung for the fences on Leadfoot, while Thrash caught a shot to the gut. This convinced the bikers to back off, although Alicia had to use the chair to block a jet of beer that Thrash sent her way. The five women stood united for a few moments while the bikers disappeared behind the curtains, before their more natural feelings towards one another asserted themselves and they went their separate ways. Winners: No-one (D-) * Ernest Youngman was stalking the halls, snarling at anyone who got in his way. Suddenly, he was spun around from behind, and came within a few inches of planting a fist in the face of Jean Cattley. [COLOR="Blue"]“What?”[/COLOR] Youngman snapped. [COLOR="Navy"]“You’re letting Giedroyc get under your skin,”[/COLOR] Cattley said, calmly. [COLOR="Navy"]“I’ve warned you about that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, you know a lot, don’t you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Yeah, I do,”[/COLOR] Cattley replied. [COLOR="Navy"]“I’m trying to help you, Ernest. I know we don’t always see eye to eye, but there’s no need for you to make mistakes if you just listen to what I say.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I do things my way, Jean. I beat Swoop on my own. I’ve kept this title on my own. All that’s happened since you joined Elite is me getting pushed out of the limelight. You cost me my chance to be a double champion in the Gold Rush match. You got all the attention when you slithered in after I did all the hard work convincing Casey to bring in Joe and Phil.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“It’s not difficult to fool Casey. I’ve been doing it a lot longer than you, Youngman.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“So you’re a great liar? Well, clearly I should listen to you.”[/COLOR] Cattley scowled, and took a deep breath. [COLOR="Navy"]“Clearly there’s no talking to you, Ernest. I’ll leave you to your little emo moment.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s it, walk away,”[/COLOR] Youngman spat. [COLOR="Blue"]“Leave your responsibilities behind, like you’ve done with Elite.”[/COLOR] Cattley spun on his heel. [COLOR="Navy"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You heard me. You could have ended this months ago. Instead we’re stuck down here instead of enjoying the high life in New York. You’re so ----ing in love with that image of yourself as the champion, you don’t want to let it go. All that screwing around with Arachnid, setting him a gauntlet to run to get to you... If you’d faced him at the start you could have crushed his pathetic resistance movement. Instead you put yourself first, just like I should have known.”[/COLOR] Cattley raised his chin, staring down the length of his nose at Youngman. [COLOR="Navy"]“This is my company, Youngman. I get to determine how and when it dies. And it dies on Monday night.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well,” [/COLOR]Youngman said. [COLOR="Blue"]“I guess you’ve got tonight free then.”[/COLOR] The two men glared at one another for several long moments. [COLOR="Navy"]“I’ll see you in the ring,”[/COLOR] Cattley replied at last. * [B]Lassana Makutsi vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] We were reminded that Newton had called out Makutsi, a persistent foe, at On Tour last week. He wanted to show that even a talent like Makutsi would fall before him, as would KC Glenn, he claimed. Also we wanted Newton to be firing on all cylinders ahead of his match against KC Glenn on Monday, and putting him against someone he’s been proven in the past to have great chemistry with... well, that’s just fine. Makutsi gave Newton the expected tough match, but in the end the Triple Threat picked up the win with an STF. Winner: Davis Wayne Newton (B-) * Newton picked up the mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“KC Glenn... I know you’re watching. I know you’ve just seen me defeat a pretty good wrestler. And that’s what you are, KC. Good. When I defeat you on Monday, I am sure that you will fight hard. I know that will provide me with a challenge. However, I will win, and I will show that whatever happens on Monday I will be recognised for what I am: A truly outstanding talent.”[/COLOR] * [B]Ernest Youngman vs. Jean Cattley[/B] This wasn’t too much of a match, just a sign of disintegration among the Elite forces as these two tore into one another, months of niggling arguments and disagreements spilling over into outright hatred as they traded punches in the centre of the ring. Their matches in three days seemed forgotten as they exchanged blows, although at times the fog of war seemed to lift, and one or the other would ease off a little. That only gave their opponent the chance to go on the offensive, though, and these two evenly matched competitors spilled out of the ring and began brawling around the ring, leaving the referee no choice but to throw the match out as a double disqualification as the two men continued their war among the fans, neither man giving an inch as they traded thunderous blows. Winner: No-one (C+) * Jack Giedroyc entered the ring and, as per usual, collected a mic on the way. [COLOR="Indigo"]“Phil Roberts. Such promise. Such potential. He expected so much from you. You were sent forth to do good in this world, but you have been exploited, Phil. There are those who have exploited your desire to be helpful, and have directed you in a way he never wanted. He knows that in your heart of hearts you want to do better, and in the final reckoning that will count for much. “For now, Enforcer, you will face the penultimate reckoning, for I am his right hand,. I am his Wrath. “And after all you have done in the last twenty years, he is very angry indeed.”[/COLOR] * [B]Jack Giedroyc vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] Looking rather pleased with himself, Giedoryc took the fight to Roberts, who was cagey in allowing the younger man to make the early running. Roberts took a beating, but was able to lure Giedroyc in close enough to nearly trap him in the RCT – a move that would have spelt the end of the match. Rather than allow himself to be trapped in the near-inescapable submission hold, however, Giedroyc was able to slip free at the last second. He was flustered, and the match proceeded on more even grounds for several minutes. He began to regain his composure, however, and with Roberts hurting from the initial phase of the match, he was able to wear the veteran down before nailing the Crashing On for the win. Winner: Jack Giedroyc (C+) * Giedroyc didn’t have time to even acknowledge the win before he was jumped from behind by Ernest Youngman. Youngman drilled his nemesis with a chairshot across the back, before following up with a bodyslam on the folded chair. Youngman stood over his foe with a wild, unbalanced look in his eyes as he glared down at Giedroyc. * As Kid Arachnid and Eric Eisen made their separate entrances, Rip and I commented that for this match all members of Elite and The Firm were barred from ringside. Arachnid picked up the mic. “Three days from now Ah’ll be fighting Jean Cattley. There’s a lot on the line: The title, maybe the whole future of MAW itself. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Jean Cattley has said before now that he’ll take this mask off me if he wins. He won’t get a chance. Win or lose, the future of this company is decided on Monday night. “Some of you may think you know who Ah am. Ah admit, the accent isn’t my own. The mask Ah picked because of what it means – it’s an MAW legacy. Who Ah am, well, maybe you’d recognise me, if you’ve bin watching this company long enough. “Ah chose to come back here because of what Ah owe this company. But Ah’m a proud man. So regardless if Ah win or lose Ah’ll unmask. I owe the fans that much.”[/COLOR] Eisen sneered. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Touching. I don’t think anyone was fooled about you having an ego, Arachnid. But to make the last show this company ever has all about yourself? That’s impressive. If you weren’t such an annoying little b-----d, I’d think you had the stones to be a part of Elite. I’m going to enjoy doing this.”[/COLOR] Without any more warning, Eisen swung his mic, cracking it hard into Arachnid’s jaw and knocking him to the mat. Eisen followed in with a series of punches as the referee shrugged, and called for the bell. * [B]Kid Arachnid vs. Eric Eisen[/B] With the aim of this match to establish both men as premier competitors, I left it up to them to decide the outcome. Of course, neither men are exactly known as shy and retiring, so what we got was fifteen minutes of blistering action – one of the best matches we’ve ever put on. Arachnid and Eisen displayed both outstanding skill and will to win as they wore each other down with a series of big moves, barely stopping to let the fans catch their breath before entering into another series of stunning moves and counter-moves. The match came to an end when Eisen went up high with a flying crossbody, only for Arachnid to catch him on the way down with a dropkick in a collision that took it out of both men. They lay on the mat, unmoving as the referee stood over them, counting at a decreasing pace until finally he had no other option to call for the bell, both men still and unmoving on the mat at the count of ten. Winner: No-one (B) * With the match over, the two sides were free to charge the ring. First into the squared circle was Ernest Youngman and, as Eisen and Arachnid began to stir he was straight into the action, nearly separating Arachnid’s head from his shoulders with an almighty kick to the side of the head. The follow through grazed Eisen, and might have been worse had he not dropped out of the way at the last second. He sprang upright and grabbed Youngman, but before the two could do more than glare at one another, Youngman saw Jack Giedroyc in the crowd. The Wrath was sporting taped ribs and didn’t approach the crowd barrier, but his silent presence was enough to make Youngman back away. However, he only made it as far as El Heroe Mexicano, backing into the masked fighter and being whipped over in a back suplex before he had a chance to react. Giedroyc left as silently as he’d arrived – but his departure may as well have been a gunshot signalling the start of a race, for all hell broke loose. Every other member of The Firm and Elite made their way to ringside, an almighty brawl sparking and everyone trading blows. The last to arrive was World champion Jean Cattley, who ghosted through the chaos and into the ring. As Arachnid and Eisen traded groggy blow in the middle of the ring, Cattley ambushed Arachnid from behind, smashing the World title belt into the small of his black, dropping him like a stone. Cattley looked down at his archenemy in disgust, before gesturing peremptorily to Eisen. For once the Crown Prince didn’t object to being ordered around and, as Leadfoot was dropkicked by Amazing Fire Fly into an Alicia chair swing, he hauled Arachnid upright. Cattley grabbed Arachnid’s chin, and for a moment it looked like he might unmask his foe there and then. Instead he stared intently into Arachnid’s unfocused eyes, before snatching him from Eisen and planting him with a Mood Swing. Cattley stood over the fallen body of his opponent, only just avoiding Heroe diving from the top rope. Instead Eisen took the blow, and Cattley was quick to drop the masked man with a belt shot to the face. On the outside, Thrash was smashing Montero repeatedly with his big fists, but the All Action champion ducked under a wild swing, sending Thrash staggering into Alicia’s chair – an impact that took as much from her as from him as they both crumpled to the floor. Montero, meanwhile, had evaded Thrash only to walk into an RCT from Roberts, and although he fought valiantly, he succumbed to the near-inescapable hold. Before Roberts had a chance to react, however, a dropsault from Fly sent him sprawling backwards over the crowd barrier to a hard landing on the concrete beyond. Fly, for his part, decided to take the fight to Jean Cattley. The two were the last men standing, and traded blows for a few seconds, but then Cattley abandoned all semblance of fair play and kicked Fly between the legs, grabbing him as he doubled over and dropping with a DDT. The World champion rose slowly to his feet, surveying the carnage around him, each member of The Firm and Elite laid out in and around the ring. Cattley stood alone, the World title held above his head as he looked around him, revelling in his status as sole survivor just three days from Where It All Begins Again. [B]Overall: B-[/B] [I]Next: I have a cunning plan...[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Who is Kid Arachnid?[/B] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/KidArachnid.jpg[/IMG] Kid Arachnid is... ...a man ...based in the United States ...a middleweight ...an American caucasian ...a regular wrestler ...an active wrestler ...only employed in MAW [I]as[/I] Kid Arachnid ...a former champion in MAW[/CENTER] And that's the last clue. If you know your history you'll see six possible candidates, three of whom are second generation stars, three of whom are first generation. More on this in the next few posts.
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