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SWF: The Dangerous Years

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OOC: Seems like i forgot to mention Runaway Train vs FAG in the PPV Preview....its now edited so if anyone wants to place their predictions for that match, be my guest... PPV should be up sometime late tonight (Aussie time, its currently 3pm)
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Eric Eisen vs [B]Jack Bruce[/B] (Cage Match) Steve Frehley vs [B]Vengeance[/B] (Last Man Standing) Big Money Brandon James vs [B]Christian Faith[/B] (Casket Match) [B]Groucho Bling[/B] vs Marc Dubois [B]High Concept[/B] vs The Bumfhole Brothers Valiant vs [B]Big Smack Scott[/B] (Hardcore Rules) Rich Money vs [B]Crowd Member[/B] [B]Runaway Train[/B] vs FAG
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B][SIZE="6"]SWF Presents Nothing To Lose[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] Something With Number's 'Crowner of Kings' plays as the SWF Nothing To Lose graphics flash up on the screen and we pan across the capacity crowd live at the Manhattan National Centre. A fireworks display goes off and we are welcomed to the show by Duane Fry and Ana Garcia who are joined, as always on Pay Per View by veteran announcer Peter Michaels. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Ladies and gentleman we are LIVE from the Manhattan National centre for Nothing To Lose! Joining me is Ana Garcia, and Peter Michaels. Peter how are you feeling? [COLOR="Red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] I'm a little sore Duane but no amount of soreness in the world would stop me from being here tonight. And it goes without saying of course that I am rooting for Jack Bruce in our main event tonight. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Nobody can blame you on that one Pete. As announcers it is of course our job to be objective and call it as it is. But tonight is no ordinary night. [COLOR="red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] Thats exactly right and all personal feelings for Eric Eisen aside, Phil Vibert has wandered into the SWF here, assembled his band of merry men and is trying to steal the SWF right out from under us. And I for one will be rooting for the SWF Superstars tonight. Planning A Prison Break blasts through the speakers and Valiant makes his way to the ring. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And that man right there could very well be the future of the SWF. [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] If there is an SWF in the future because I think if Phil Vibert gets his way, there wont be. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well in any case Valiant has been having a little trouble with The Pain Alliance, who we found out this last Tuesday are actually aligned with Phil Vibert's DaVE. And tonight he gets his retribution! A recap video plays highlighting The Pain Alliance's underhanded tactics taking Valiant out of action a month ago, and his resulting quest to get revenge. Big Smack Scott comes out next with a microphone in hand and the fans immediately start a "you can't wrestle" chant. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]A Change Of Plans[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Big Smack Scott:[/COLOR] I may not be able to wrestle but I can kick ass and thats all that matters! A Valiant chant breaks out as he stands in the ring and motions Big Smack Scott to bring it. [COLOR="red"]Big Smack Scott:[/COLOR] Valiant, my good man. You came alone!? Where's your back up? Oh, thats right WE TOOK HIM OUT! Well something you must know about me by now Valiant. Is that I always have back up. Street Love plays and Kurt Laramee joins Big Smack Scott on the stage. Together they storm the ring, and the bell rings. [COLOR="red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] That coward! [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Will Valiant ever get to face that man one on one? [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Smart thinking by Big Smack Scott though, this is a hardcore rules match. Anything goes and now its 2 on 1! [COLOR="indigo"][B]Valiant vs The Pain Alliance[/B][/COLOR] [I]Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee slide into the ring and Valiant takes control of the match from the offset, he manages to fight them both off for the better part of 5 minutes but eventually the numbers game gets the better of him as the DaVE warriors take control using a variety of weapons based attacks. Just when it looked like they had the match won, Enygma hit the ring with a steel pipe in hand to make the save. A massive brawl ensued with Valiant getting the pin on Big Smack Scott after a spiked piledriver from the top of the ropes through a table.[/I] [B]WINNER: Valiant[/B] After having made the save Enygma pulls an exhausted Valiant from the ring and helps him to the back. Peter Michaels: After what happened to Enygma this last tuesday on Supreme TV, I'm not surprised whatsoever that he would want to involve himself in the affairs of DaVE. Duane Fry: And it goes without saying that the SWF have a valuable defender in Enygma. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Challengers Challengers Challengers[/B][/COLOR] We cut backstage to Phil Viberts office, where we see The Biggz Boys and Jessie in a heated conversation with Phil Vibert. [COLOR="Red"]Jessie:[/COLOR] This is ridiculous Mr Vibert! Elmo Benson and some unknown member of High Concept have a title shot here tonight live on pay per view and we have to sit the show out? [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] They found a loophole, there's nothing I can do. [COLOR="red"]Jessie:[/COLOR] Loophole? They found a loophole! Thats all you can say? [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Sorry guys, thats what happened. Now if you don't mind. I have a pay per view to run! [COLOR="red"]Jessie:[/COLOR] Its not good enough Vibert. Brett and Bart are 4 time tag team champions. And they didn't use LOOPHOLES to get their shots. They fought for it, they worked for it. They have given years of their blood, sweat and tears for this company. And this is how they are repayed? By having to sit out pay Per Views. We aren't leaving this office until we get a title shot. Just as she is finishing her sentence an enraged Kid Toma barges through the door of the office. Akima Brave is right behind him, trying to pull him back. [COLOR="red"]Kid Toma:[/COLOR] Get off me. Vibert! Both of those title matches tonight belong to me! I had Groucho beat! I should be the number one contender to the Shooting Star Title! [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Ok, I under.... [COLOR="red"]Kid Toma:[/COLOR] No! You don't speak until I'm finished. Then, after High Concept stole my Shooting Star title shot. You just went and handed them a shot at the tag team gold as well. Hell I seen the guy they're hanging out with tonight. He's not even one of our superstars! [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Hes? Wait...Kid Toma you want a shot at gold? Jessie, your team want a shot at gold? Next tuesday on Supreme TV you get a shot, at a shot, at the gold how does that sound. The two teams look a little confused. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Next tuesday night, The Samoan Wildboyz vs The Biggz Boys for the number one contendership to the tag team titles. Jessie smiles and shakes Phil Viberts hand, The Biggz Boys follow suit. [COLOR="red"]Jessie:[/COLOR] Thank you Mr Vibert. The two teams stare at each other with Kid Toma looking particularly deranged as we cut back to the ring. [COLOR="indigo"][B]The $250,000 Challenge[/B][/COLOR] "Got Money" plays through the in-house speakers as Rich Money and Remo make their way to the ring for the $250,000 challenge. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Ok Remo, which of these losers am I facing tonight? And make it quick. I wanna get out of here to Atlantic City as soon as possible. Remo opens the envelope and reads out the name. [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] Phil Netten. It's your lucky day. Phil Netten is already sitting front row, he jumps the barricade and slides straight into the ring, he charges at Remo and throws him out of the ring. The bell rings and the match has begun. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Rich Money vs Phil Netten[/B][/COLOR] [I]Phil Netten shows that he obviously has some in ring training, and takes control of the match with a few basic takedowns. But his training isn't enough to topple the ring veteran who manages to gain control of the match after a missed clothesline. Rich Money toys with his opponent for a while before setting up for the Bank Roll. Jack Giedroyc's music hits and Rich Money turns to the stage ready for the intrusion when Phil Netten rolls him up and grabs the tights....1....2....3[/I] [B]WINNER: Phil Netten[/B] [COLOR="red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] The kid did it! He just won $250,000! [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] I never thought we'd see this day! Phil Netten slides out of the ring and grabs the brief case from the time keepers table. He jumps the barricade and makes his way out through the crowd with Remo and Rich Money both close behind. Our camera's follow them out of the arena where Netten hails a cab and speeds off. Rich Money looks devastated. [COLOR="Red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Don't just stand there you big gorilla go get the limo! With that Remo leaves to get the limo with Rich Money standing there, fuming. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well that puts an end to the $250,000 challenge, and one fan has left the arena tonight VERY happy. [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] That may not last very long when he realizes that Rich Money and Remo are right behind him. [COLOR="red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] I am actually getting word that we do have a camera crew in pursuit as well, and any footage taken will be available tomorrow on SWF.com [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well ladies and gentlemen that is why it pays to be a Supreme Package customer on SWF.com. More exciting exclusive content is being added daily, in fact as well as following Rich Money and Remo we will have exclusive interviews with all of the SWF Champions after tonights pay per view. And with all the titles on the line tonight, we may see some new superstars wearing the gold. But first we are going to cut to the back where our colleague Jerry Eisen is standing by with the current Shooting Star Champion Marc DuBois. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]I Can't Lose[/B][/COLOR] Jerry Eisen: That's right Duane, I'm here with. [COLOR="red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] MARC.....DUBOIS! The single greatest Shooting Star to ever grace television sets across the nation. Probably the best looking too. [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Well Marc you are our current SWF Shooting Star Champion and you have held the title since the beginning of August last year. Are you worried that your time as champion may be up? [COLOR="red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] Am I worried? Am I worried that my time may be up? Let me explain a little something to you Jerry. I am not just the Shooting Star Champion, I am the entire Shooting Star Division. No one else in this division will ever top me, title or no. And you know why Jerry? Because all these other fools chase the title, like when they get it it's going to mean something. Like they believe that when they get this title it's going to change their life. Groucho Bling talks about how this is his "first shot at singles glory". But the title does not define the man. No no. The man defines the title. And before I was the Shooting Star champion here in the SWF it wasn't worth a damn! This title didn't change my life. But I changed this titles legacy. You see, before I was ever a TWO TIME Shooting Star Champion, hell before I had even stepped into a wrestling ring I was already amazing. Everything I ever did, I excelled at. I walk into a room and heads turn. When I leave the room, you can feel the difference in the air. That is just the man I am Jerry, and there is no one else like me in the Shooting Star Division, or anywhere else in this company for that matter. So to answer your question, am I worried? No...I am NOT worried! Because wether I actually hold this championship belt or not, I will always be the champion. I will always be the standard to which future champions are compared. So really, the only one who should worry is Groucho Bling. Because if, by some freak chance he manages to defeat me tonight. If he brings out his stoner buddies and pulls a fast one on me. He's going to have some big shoes to fill. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]What Kind Of Name Is That?[/B][/COLOR] "Can you tell me how to get. How to get to...." High Concepts music plays as Elmo Benson and a young blonde man with a purple High Concept headband and tights make their way to the ring. Elmo is his usual animated self jumping around head banging and holding up 3 fingers in the air. He keeps trying to get the other man excited, but the newest member of High Concept appears to be a little embarrassed by the way Elmo is acting. They reach the ring and Elmo gets a microphone. [COLOR="red"]Elmo Benson:[/COLOR] IS EVERYBODY READY TO GET HIIIIIIIIIGH!? He laughs and nods his head as his new partner just buries his head into his hands. [COLOR="red"]Elmo Benson:[/COLOR] IM GONNA BE A THREE TIME TAG CHAMP NEEEEEW YOOOOOOOORK! LETS GET IT DONE! He hands the microphone to Greg the ring announcer and raises his hand in the sky awaiting a high 5 from his partner, who complies rather unenthusiastically. [COLOR="red"]Greg: [/COLOR]Ladies and gentleman. The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the SWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP, introducing first the challengers. Elmo Benson and.... There is an awkward pause as no one seems to know Elmo's new partners name. The man whispers into Greg's ear. [COLOR="red"]Greg:[/COLOR] Darry.... Elmo runs over and snatches the microphone.... [COLOR="red"]Elmo Benson:[/COLOR] No no no no no! Come on man. What kinda name is that? He holds up a hand to Greg [COLOR="Red"]Elmo Benson: [/COLOR]Don't worry Ill do it! INTRODUCING FIRST!!! THE CHALLENGERS....ELMO BENSON AND THE DIVINE MUMFORD!!!!! HIIIIIIIGH COOOOOOOOOOONCEPT!!!!!!!!!!! He smiles the typical big Elmo benson smile and hands the microphone back to Greg. He bows to all four sides of the ring and returns to his corner with The Divine Mumford. [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] The Divine Mumford? What kinda name is that? [COLOR="indigo"][B]SWF Tag Team Championship High Concept vs The Bumfhole Brothers [/B][/COLOR] [I]The Bumfhole brothers come to the ring next and the match gets underway. Zimmy and Elmo start things off, and before long the Bumfholes are isolating Elmo. After a number of quick tags and devastating double team moves Elmo manages to break away and make the hot tag to Mumford. Who steps into an SWF ring for the first time and completely cleans house. Once the chaos settles a little he engages both Bumfholes and grounds the match for a while until Randy's speed gets the better of him. Randy has the match under control when Joe Sexy comes running to the ring with a chair. He is stopped at the bottom of the ramp by the injured Angry Gilmore. Who convinces him to turn around and head to the back. The Divine Mumford rolls randy up. 1..2..but Randy kicks out at the very last moment and the match continues. After some more domination by the Bumfholes including the isolation of Mumford and a number of quick tags. Elmo Benson makes the save from the pinfall attempt a number of times before tagging himself in as Randy whips Mumford into the ropes. Mumford ducks the clothesline attempt and High Concept hit the patented Game Over on Randy. Elmo makes the cover. 1..2..3[/I] [B]WINNERS (and new SWF Tag Team Champions): High Concept[/B] Elmo and Mumford celebrate their new title win as they make their way to the back. Our eyes are drawn to the MegaTron where we see Joe Sexy sitting down in his locker room with the injured Angry Gilmore. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Priorities[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gilmore:[/COLOR] Joe! Joe!!! Get a hold of yourself man! Whats the big deal? [COLOR="red"]Joe Sexy:[/COLOR] What's the big deal? How can you say that man? Those butthole Bumfhole brothers broke your collar bone man! They took you out of competition for a whole month! [COLOR="red"]Gilmore:[/COLOR] Yeah? I'm back now though. There are more important things to worry about man. [COLOR="red"]Joe Sexy:[/COLOR] More important things? They have to pay for what they did to you man. What could be more important than that? [COLOR="red"]Gilmore:[/COLOR] The SWF! These DaVE bastards are coming in here trying to destroy our company. This place has been our home for so long. This company has been my life for 11 years, yours for 6. That is what's important. They need to be stopped. [COLOR="red"]Joe Sexy:[/COLOR] I'm sorry man. But I disagree. He stands up and storms out of the locker room leaving Angry Gilmore sitting alone and we return to the ring. Steve Frehley's music hits and he makes his way to the ring. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And this one ladies and gentleman is bound to be a barn stormer! [COLOR="red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] Steve Frehley must want to win this so bad. He said this last tuesday that the main reason he wanted to have this match was to take Vengeance out of commission so that he couldn't make his presence felt in the Casket Match later tonight. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And don't forget this is a Last Man Standing match. Anything goes and a winner can only be decided by keeping their opponent down for an entire ten count. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Things are about to heat up. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Steve Frehley vs Vengeance-Last Man Standing[/B][/COLOR] [I]Steve Frehley comes to the ring first to an enormous crowd response. Followed by Vengeance who receives almost as much hatred as Steve Frehley receives love from the 30,000 strong crowd. The match starts out as a standard in ring brawl but soon spills to the outside. Frehley controls the match, dragging Vengeance around the entire arena using various foreign objects as weapons. They make their way to the stage and Vengeance starts to really fight back even throwing Frehley off the stage through a stack of tables for an 8 count. The end comes when Vengeance hits the Skull Krusher with the aide of a sledgehammer onto the exposed metal of the steel stage, keeping Frehley down for the 10 count.[/I] [B]WINNER: Vengeance[/B] [COLOR="red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] You've got to hand it to Vengeance, as much as I do not like the man, or who he decides to affiliate himself with. He pulled out all the stops in that match and he did it alone. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Suprising though that his DaVE cohorts managed to stick to the back through that one. Steve Frehley came sooooo close to taking it a few times there. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well, he may not have won the match but one would think that he was successful in his mission. Vengeance can barely stand after the hellacious battle we just encountered. Let's go backstage to Jerry who's standing by with Frederique Antonio Garcia. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Do You Know What That Spells?[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Thank you Duane. I am standing here with Frederique Antonio Garcia and Andre Jones. Frederique you have a match later on tonight with Runaway Train, and I need to ask. How do you prepare yourself for that kind of match? [COLOR="red"]FAG:[/COLOR] I don't prepare Jerry. I am far too busy...being fabulous. When your as fabulous as me Jerry, you don't need to prepare. My....what should I call him....My tag-a-long Andre Jones. He is the kind of guy who prepares. Me? No need Jerry. [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Ok then. How do you feel about facing a man who is almost twice your size? [COLOR="red"]FAG:[/COLOR] I feel fabulous. I always feel fabulous. Don't you understand? I am Frederique Antonio Garcia! Do you know what that spells? [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Well, if you mean your initials then...fag? [COLOR="red"]FAG:[/COLOR] NO! NO! That is NOT what it spells. It spells fabulous Jerry. Fabulous. He walks away and Andre Jones approaches Jerry and speaks in a very intelligent manner. [COLOR="red"]Andre Jones:[/COLOR] Uh, excuse me, Mr. Eisen? [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Yes Andre? [COLOR="Red"]Andre Jones:[/COLOR] Well... Mr. Garcia is my friend and I would never want to disrespect him but you were right. It does spell fag. He pats Jerry on the back and leaves. "Can you tell me how to get. How to get to..." High Concept's music hits and Groucho Bling makes his way to the ring. He seems very focussed tonight forgoing his usual excited antics and heading straight to the ring. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Can Groucho make it 2 for 2 for High Concept? [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Well, if he does then they will ALL hold championships! [COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Shooting Star Championship Marc DuBois vs Groucho Bling[/B][/COLOR] Marc DuBois and Groucho Bling put on an extremely impressive outing with an amazing array of flashy high flying moves and a smattering of technical prowess all tied together very well. After many ups and downs, and a ton of false finishes Marc DuBois successfully defends after hitting the Marc Of Excellence and getting the three count. [B]WINNER (and still SWF Shooting Star Champion): Marc DuBois[/B] Marc DuBois celebrates his win as Elmo Benson and the Divine Mumford come to the ring to help Groucho out of the ring. As usual Elmo is extremely animated while Mumford and even Groucho are both very sombre. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Plenty To Lose[/B][/COLOR] We cut backstage to see Jack Bruce lacing up his boots, when Phil Vibert and Eric Eisen let themselves into the Champions locker room. Phil Vibert picks up the belt and places it over Eric Eisen's shoulder, Jack Bruce stands to face them. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Now now Jack. Don't try to grab that belt off him, I do believe that would constitute physical contact, the contract does go BOTH ways after all. He smirks and Jack backs down a little [COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce:[/COLOR] What do you want? [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Oh, nothing really. Just wanted remind you that even though tonight's pay per view is called Nothing To Lose there is actually a lot at stake for you Jack Bruce. Obviously the SWF World Heavyweight Championship is at stake, and it looks great on Eric, don't you think. Jack Bruce shakes his head and Eric is angered, he surges forward but is held back by Vibert. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Don't be silly now Eric. Give him his belt back. Let him enjoy his final moments with it. Jack...I just wanted to let you know. That when you are no longer champion. I don't really see any need for you around here. Thats all. Eric hands the belt back to Jack Bruce and laughs as he leaves the room followed by Vibert. Jack stands there staring at the door. [COLOR="Red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] Does that mean he's fired? [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Seems to me that if he loses the title he's fired! [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Of course he is, he is a threat to Phil Viberts plans to destroy the SWF and Vibert wants to get rid of him! [COLOR="red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] Well ladies and gentleman we heard from Frederique Antonio Garcia not too long ago and it's time for him to go one on one with one of the biggest men to ever step foot inside a wrestling ring. Runaway Train. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] I have to question fag's sanity when he says that he hasn't even prepared himself for this match. [COLOR="indigo"][B]Runaway Train vs Frederique Antonio Garcia[/B][/COLOR] [I]The crowd weren't particularly thrilled to see either man compete tonight. FAG bought Andre Jones along with him and he seemed to be the only man receiving any cheers from the crowd. Plenty of hate for Runaway Train though. The match itself was short and nothing too special. FAG got in minimal offense and Runaway Train took home the victory via count-out after hitting the the Train Wreck onto the steel stairs.[/I] [B]WINNER (via count-out): Runaway Train[/B] [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] And just like this last tuesday, Runaway Train wins via count-out. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] It's almost haunting seeing the Train Wreck onto those steel steps. [COLOR="red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] And no doubt about it, its a devastating move. When your falling from about 10 feet in the air landing with the back of your neck and head onto those steel stairs. Your gonna be out of it for a while. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well folks we are just one match away from our main event. And that means that it's time for Big Money Brandon James and Christian Faith. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] In a casket match! And this has been a long time coming. Over the last 5 months these two have engaged in a bitter violent and sometimes emotional feud. [COLOR="red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] And there's more at stake now than ever before with the formation of DaVE. A video plays to the tune of Story Of The Year's 'Welcome To Our New War' recapping Christian Faith and Brandon James recent fued, from its origins many months ago right through to the formation of DaVE and the announcement of the casket match. The video ends with the image of a bloody Christian Faith hanging by his ankles a few weeks ago on Supreme TV. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Christian Faith vs Big Money Brandon James-Casket Match[/B][/COLOR] [I]Over the 20 minutes allotted to this match Christian Faith and Brandon James tore the place apart. The crowd were on their feet from beginning to end. When Eric Tyler, Kurt Laramee, Big Smack Scott, and (in his first appearance on SWF) Chris Caulfield all ran to ringside in the last few minutes the crowd erupted and started throwing trash into the ring (mostly aimed at Big Smack Scott for some reason). The 5 DaVE warriors managed to outnumber and overpower Christian Faith when it looked like he was going to win the match. The forced him into the casket and wheeled him away from the ring.[/I] [B]WINNER: Brandon James[/B] After the match the 5 DaVE warriors take the casket to an awaiting hearse outside. Brandon James gets into the passenger seat along side Phil Vibert and they leave the arena with Christian Faith locked in a casket in the back of the hearse. [COLOR="red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] Where are they going? [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] That was disgusting! [COLOR="Red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] It's time for our main event Duane we have to focus, and by god I hope that bastard Eric Eisen gets whats his. Ana Garcia: But if he wins. Jack Bruce is fired! [B][COLOR="indigo"]SWF World Heavyweight Championship [I]Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen-Cage Match[/COLOR][/B] Eric Eisen puts up a good fight against the champion, even managing to bust him open against the steel cage but in the end Jack Bruce comes out victorious when Eisen taps out to the NYCrab[/I] [B]WINNER (And Still SWF World Heavyweight Champion): Jack Bruce[/B] After the match while Jack Bruce is still in the ring celebrating his victory the Mega-Tron shows the hearse that Brandon James and Phil Vibert had left in 20 minutes ago. They get out of their front seats and pull the casket out of the back of the hearse. The camera pans out to reveal that they are on a bridge. The push the casket straight off into the river below before getting back into the hearse and driving away. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Was...Was Christian Faith still in there? [COLOR="red"]Peter Michaels:[/COLOR] OH MY GOD!!!!
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haha, good work Phil ;) and as for the PPV Predictions, there was no clear cut winner, a number of people tied on 6...good work guys... Supreme TV Preview will be up soon, along with some new Supreme package content.
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Supreme Package Content PPV Post Show[/B][/COLOR] Jerry Eisen is sitting on a locker room bench backstage. [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Welcome to the Nothing To Lose post-show on SWF.com, and thank you for tuning in supreme package members. This is of course the only place you can get exclusive interviews with the SWF Champions after every pay per view. First up on tonight's show, a man who had a hell of a hard fought battle earlier tonight. A man who many people believe is barely holding on to his championship and whose days may be numbered. The SWF Shooting Star Champion Marc DuBois. The camera pans out and we see Marc DuBois dressed up in a suit with the title over his shoulder sitting beside Jerry. [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] First of all let me be the first to congratulate you on your successful defence tonight Marc [COLOR="red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] Thank you [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Tonight you successfully defended your title against none other than High Concept's Groucho Bling. And he proved himself to be a worthy contender. I think the question on a lot of people's lips after tonight is, will you grant him a rematch? [COLOR="red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] No, next question? [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Well if you don't mind me asking Mr DuBois, why not? [COLOR="red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] Because it's just like I told you earlier Jerry. I am in a league of my own here in the SWF. I am not just the Shooting Star Champion. I am the SWF's Shooting Star...period. I do not need to defend my title unless I deem the opponent worthy. I don't really care wether you think he deserves a rematch, or if the hundreds of thousands of fans watching think he deserves a rematch. The bottom line is this, I am the champion...He had his chance tonight and he lost. You don't get to where I am by having things handed to you Jerry. Not all of us were born into the SWF which is something you need to understand. If he earns another title shot. And I mean REALLY earns it. Yeah, I'll think about it. Honestly at the moment, I don't think there is a single person in the SWF worthy of taking a shot at my Shooting Star Championship. [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Well in that case, where do you go from here? [COLOR="red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] Well Jerry, as I told you earlier. The title does not define the man, the man defines the title. And right now, I take a look around the SWF and at the champions in particular. And there is one championship title that I think needs a new definition. Groucho Bling, Elmo Benson, and this Divine Mumford loser are making a mockery of the entire SWF Tag Team division. I mean what kind of a name is Mumford? Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to announce my intent right here on SWF.com tonight. I am looking for a tag team partner, but my expectations are high. I am the Shooting Star of the SWF and I expect nothing less than an excellent athlete and upstanding citizen to stand by my side in that ring. So from here? I am moving up Jerry, constant motion, to the top of the company. Next stop...Tag Team Champion! [COLOR="Red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Well good luck with that Mr. DuBois and thankyou very much for joining us here on SWF.com. Coming up next the NEW SWF Tag Team Champions, Elmo Benson and...The Divine Mumford? Don't go away.
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OOC: Ok guys, really sorry about this, but my compy crapped itself and died, so i need to actually replay the game up until the point im at now, which hopefully wont take too long... in the mean time I will continue with the Supreme Content Updates...but the next show may be a while, lol sorry guys, love to hear what everyone thought of the ppv though
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[COLOR="indigo"][B]SWF Supreme Package Content PPV Post Show[/B][/COLOR] We return from SWF Merchandise ads to see Jerry Eisen sitting next to the new SWF Tag Team Champions Elmo Benson, and The Divine Mumford. [COLOR="Red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Welcom back, I'm joined now by the new SWF Tag Team Champions Elmo Benson and...The Divine Mumford? Congratulations on winning the titles guys how does it feel? [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] It feels AWESOME! It's like. Dude, it's like when your totally hungry and your face starts melting so you drink more soda pop! Only...AWESOMER!!! [COLOR="red"]Mumford:[/COLOR] Yeah, it feels incredible Jerry thanks for asking. [COLOR="red"]Elmo Benson: [/COLOR]Incredible? C'mon man. You know what? You talk to much. And it doesn't even make sense. He laughs and offers his hand up for a high five. Mumford just stares at him. [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Elmo, obviously you two weren't the only members of High Concept with a title match tonight. Your partner and friend Groucho Bling went one on one with Marc DuBois in what turned out to be an amazing match for the SWF Shooting Star Championship. Unfortunately though he was unsuccessful in dethroning the current champ. I had Marc DuBois on the show earlier tonight and he stated that he would NOT be giving Groucho a rematch, and just to add insult to injury I suppose. He's now looking for a partner to come after you and your tag team gold. [COLOR="red"]Elmo Benson:[/COLOR] Groucho took it hard for sure dude! But it don't matter that he didn't bring home the Shooting Star Cheese man! It doesn't matter, we got him something better yeah! Marc DuBois is a monkey! [COLOR="red"]Jerry:[/COLOR] Sorry? [COLOR="red"]Elmo Benson:[/COLOR] Oh don't apologise man its not your fault...Dude, I'm hungry. Jerry looks fairly confused and Elmo starts tearing through his bag looking for food. [COLOR="red"]Mumford:[/COLOR] As for Marc DuBois looking for a partner and coming after our titles. I hope your watching this Marc! Because you need to get in line. You can claim all you want to be the "entire shooting star division", but one thing you can NEVER take claim on is the tag team division. I only just got here to help my friends out of a bind. But I know what it's like here and the tag team division is alive and kicking. Teams are lining up out the door to get a shot at THESE titles. So take a number, and prepare! We'll get to you in time. Mumford stares down the lens of the camera. Elmo is eating a pack of Funions messily, spilling crumbs everywhere. [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] Dude who are you talking to? He stands up and starts looking around. He ends up standing right in front of the camera blocking its shot. [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] Dude, that ain't Marc. It's just a frikken camera guy, hahahaha! You thought this guy was Marc DuBois, hahaha! Dude seriously didn't I just say you talk too much? You only need to say one thing. Elmo returns to his seat, still eating the Funions and whispers in Mumford ear. [COLOR="red"]Mumford:[/COLOR] I'm not saying that. [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] It's all you need to say man. Just say it. [COLOR="red"]Mumford:[/COLOR] I'm not saying that. [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] Say it dude [COLOR="red"]Mumford:[/COLOR] I'm not saying that. [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] Just say it man, I can keep going like this all night. Mumford looks extremely unimpressed and speaks unenthusiastically. [COLOR="red"]Mumford:[/COLOR] Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwiches. [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] Yeah! Thanks for having us Jerry. 3 time champs OUT. He does a peace symbol with his hands and drags The Divine Mumford out of the locker room.
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Supreme Content PPV Post Show[/B][/COLOR] After the new tag team champs have left we cut to a video with the caption at the bottom of the screen "earlier tonight" [COLOR="indigo"][B]The Chase[/B][/COLOR] Rich Money is standing in the same spot that Remo left him to go get the limo. A white stretch limo pulls up in front of Rich Money who hurriedly gets in the back. [COLOR="Blue"]Half an hour later[/COLOR] Inside the limo with Rich Money and Remo tension is high. They have been driving around for half hour and despite not having actually found any evidence of Phil Netten coming here have pulled up at the airport. [COLOR="Red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Are you sure this is where he went? [COLOR="Red"]Remo:[/COLOR] Yeah yeah...Definitely. He must be skipping town. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Well hurry up and park! We gotta go find him and GET MY MONEY! A caption appears at the bottom of the screen "to be continued..."
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Supreme Package Content PPV Post Show[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jerry Eisen: [/COLOR]Ladies and Gentleman welcome back to the Nothing to Lose wrap-up show, exclusive to SWF.com, I am joined at this time by yours and my SWF World Heavyweight Champion. Jack Bruce! [COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce:[/COLOR] Thats right Jerry. STILL SWF World Heavyweight Champion, The only man in the SWF who kicks ass in the ring and on the stage. The master of the microphone and king of the ring JACK BRUCE. [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Well tonight you were involve.... [COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce:[/COLOR] Sorry to cut you off Jerry, but I am a rockstar and my time is precious. I have to get out the back of the arena and sign some autographs, find some hotties and hit up my hotel room's hot tub. With that said, I'm going to make this quick and easy so that even the most brain damaged DaVE fanatical can understand. This is not DaVE! If you want to hold onto a rotten stinking corpse of a dream that died almost a year ago. Be my guest. But go do it elsewhere. This is the SWF! This is SUPREME! Phil Vibert, I don't want you here. And these fans...MY fans, they don't want you here. So you want to threaten me? You want to try and send me packing? Give me your best! Give me Brandon James, give me Vengeance, hell put me in the ring with that chunky Eisen kid, it doesn't matter. The bottom line is I will never let go of this championship and before long you will be the one packing your bags and getting the hell out of here. Until that time, I suggest you don't go using your mouth to write cheques that your ass can't cash. You just made a powerful enemy Vibert. May DaVE rot in hell. He lets out a high pitched metal style screaming and rushes out of the locker room, leaving Jerry to close the show. [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] There you have it folks, SWF Champ Jack Bruce willing to take all challengers and do whatever it takes to force DaVE out. Be sure to tune in next tuesday to see ALL the fall out from Nothing To Lose, I know I'll be watching. For everyone here at the SWF thank you for tuning in, good night. We fade to the SWF logo. [I]OOC: Thanks everyone for all the praise and also for voting me first 08 DOTM, its an honor and I will do my best to keep the good shows rolling in. I've rebooked my game up to date since the computer rebooting fiasco, and...well plans are changing obviously different owner goals and different outcomes from the previous shows may see new faces getting a rub...who knows? Supreme TV Preview should be up soon[/I]
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Supreme TV Preview [/B][/COLOR] Right off the back of Nothing To Lose, Supreme TV is coming to you LIVE this week from the Friedman Building in Houston Texas, ONLY on C.A.N.N. If your in Houston this tuesday we highly reccomend you come on down and catch all the action in person because as Duane Fry would say "It's going to be a barn stormer" Ever the fighting champion, just moments after his victory at Nothing To Lose, Jack Bruce informed the world on SWF.com's exclusive PPV Post Show, that he would take any and all challengers for his World Heavyweight Championship. This week he meets the first such challenger when he goes head to head with Vengeance. The man who managed to keep Steve Frehley down for the ten count at Nothing To Lose. Will Steve Frehley make his presence felt? Can Vengeance dethrone our fighting SWF Champion or will he live to fight another day? Also on the PPV Post Show, Marc DuBois stated he is looking for a partner to take on the newly crowned Tag Team Champions, High Concept (Elmo Benson and The Divine Mumford). He's not the only one looking for a shot at tandem glory though as we will see The Samoan Wildboyz face off against The Biggz Boyz over the number one contendership. And how will the Bumfholes react after losing their beloved championship? Valiant will look to get some measure of revenge this week as he faces Kurt Laramee in hardcore action, Rick Law is back on SWF Programming as of this week and we can only imagine that he is still hurting after the vicious beatdown he suffered at the hands of The Pain Alliance. In what many consider to be a foolish move, Andre Jones (at his friend Frederique's request) has laid out a challenge to Runaway Train. Looking to even the score after the Train Wreck onto the stairs suffered by F.A.G at Nothing To Lose. Runaway Train has accepted the challenge and the two will face off this tuesday. Also, SWF President Phil Vibert has a "major announcement" to make. We can only wonder what it could possibly be. So be sure to tune in this tuesday and find out. All this and more this tuesday. LIVE on C.A.N.N Confirmed Matches Jack Bruce vs Vengeance (SWF World Heavyweight Championship) The Samoan Wildboyz vs The Biggz Boyz (#1 Contendership) Valiant vs Kurt Laramee (Hardcore Rules) Runaway Train vs Andre Jones
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[QUOTE=Greg2511;460150][COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Supreme TV Preview [/B][/COLOR] Confirmed Matches *Jack Bruce* vs Vengeance (SWF World Heavyweight Championship) The Samoan Wildboyz vs *The Biggz Boyz* (#1 Contendership) *Valiant* vs Kurt Laramee (Hardcore Rules) - Rick Law will probs interfere He has to lol *Runaway Train* vs Andre Jones - Sorry for the pun but the train will keep rolling...[/QUOTE] Great Diary by the way really enjoying reading it
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[QUOTE=Rob4590;460291]Call me stupid - but who on earth is the Divine Mumford?? :confused:[/QUOTE] OOC: The Divine Mumford debuted at Nothing To Lose, as the surprise partner for Elmo Benson (as his usual partner Groucho Bling was busy taking on Marc DuBois for shooting star gold) There will be a little more talk about him on SWF Supreme Content so stay tuned ;) [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v478/shua/DarrylDevine_alt3.jpg[/url]
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[QUOTE=Rob4590;460529]Cheers guys - I haven't used Devine yet in 08 (due to SWF signing him every time lol) so haven't seen his alter egos![/QUOTE] this is an alter ego that I created =) YAY haha, predictions welcome btw =)
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B][SIZE="6"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] The usual music, intro video and fireworks display opens the show. We see a video recapping the events of Nothing To Lose before cutting away to the announcers table. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Welcome to Supreme TV. And what a night we have ahead of us! Vengeance vs Jack Bruce for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship! [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Both of those men must be hurting though, given the physical hell they went through in their respective matches 5 nights ago. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Jack Bruce of course the fighting champion, taking any and all challengers knowing full well that the second he loses that championship our SWF President Phil Vibert is planning to fire him. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Where were you?[/B][/COLOR] DaVE's music hits and Phil Vibert heads to the ring flanked by Brandon James and Vengeance. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Speak of the devil here he is. Accompanied of course, by two of DaVE's golden boys Vengeance and "Big Money" Brandon James. But where is Eric Eisen? [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Maybe he's still crying over his loss to Jack Bruce? Vengeance and Brandon step on the ropes to allow Phil into the ring. Phil has a microphone with him and he raises it to his mouth to speak but is berated with ******* chants from the sold out Friedman Building. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Looks like the big announcement from our President is going to kick things off here. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Yeah if the crowd ever let the man speak of course. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Excuse me, we have a show to run here if you don't mind so I'd like to get this out of the way. I have a little announcement to make. You see 5 nights ago at this little show we held in Manhattan called Nothing To Lose. Professional wrestling suffered a major loss. I am of course talking about Christian Faith, who was brutally beaten by THIS MAN and then locked inside a casket alive. BARELY alive mind you, but still alive. After the match we took the casket and its contents to the Manhattan Bridge, and dumped it burying it and Christian Faith forever at the bottom of the East River. The crowd boo heavily as Brandon James patrols the ring telling the people to shut up. Vengeance stands in the very centre of the ring completely still. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] And with that one man we buried the legacy of an entire piece of **** company that should have been buried years ago! The SWF, in recent years, has become a shell of what it once was. The superior wrestling that was once seen here every tuesday night has degraded over time into Disco Stu rip-offs and giant lobster's fighting over who gets the last piece of pizza! So we did each and every wrestling fan in the world a favor. We put to rest the "Supreme" Wrestling Federation, and in it's place we will reform the greatest wrestling promotion in the history of North America, Danger and Violence Extreme! So we invite you america, join us in 2 weeks time when we debut televisions newest saturday night staple, DangerZone TV, right here on C.A.N.N and put to rest 20 years of "Supreme"! "One Step Closer" blasts through the speakers of the Friedman Building and Eric Eisen stands in a full business suit on the stage with a microphone in hand. He seems to have some dressings over a wound above his eye. [COLOR="red"]Eric:[/COLOR] Phil, Brandon, Vengeance...Man am I glad to see you guys! My friends, my partners! He starts to make his way down to the ring. [COLOR="red"]Eric:[/COLOR] I am so happy to see the three of you reveling in "our" successes. I have to say though, guys...I mean, how great was last thursday night huh? Oh it was DaVE's night alright. I mean Vengeance you had a great match with Steve Frehley, you destroyed him. You were the LAST MAN STANDING. Just like DaVE will be the last promotion standing when you...I'm sorry I mean WE finish burying my fathers company in two weeks time right? And Brandon. BIG MONEY Brandon James. I can't even IMAGINE the bonus you must have received from Phil for locking Christian Faith inside that casket. Christian Faith, a 20 year loyal employee to my family is now breathless at the bottom of a river because of you...WOW, what a night. He reaches the ring and slides in under the bottom rope and comes face to face with Phil Vibert. [COLOR="red"]Eric Eisen:[/COLOR] It sure was, a good night. Wasn't it Phil? Phil Vibert nods his head in agreement and smiles, almost awkwardly. [COLOR="red"]Eric Eisen:[/COLOR] Im not...forgetting anything? Am I? Phil and Brandon both shake their heads "no, thats it great night", Vengeance remains still and silent. [COLOR="red"]Eric Eisen:[/COLOR] Oooooooh, thats right! I had a match too! A cage match I believe. Wow! I cant believe I forgot about my cage match. Although I have to admit things about that time of the night have been a little hazy for me. You know what? Maybe the guys in the back can help me out here. Do we have a highlight clip of my match? I need a little refresher. We are treated to another recap video and see highlights of the Jack Bruce vs Eric Eisen match from Nothing To Lose. [COLOR="red"]Eric Eisen:[/COLOR] WHERE WERE YOU GUYS!? You couldn't wait!? You couldn't wait until after my match to go and bury that son of a bitch!? You didn't think that maybe I wanted to be there!? That maybe we could have done it to celebrate ME being the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. No!? No no no, of course not. Because all I am to you is a pawn. I am a pawn on your little chess board, and here I am trying to run with the Knights, the Rooks... He points to Brandon James [COLOR="red"]Eric Eisen:[/COLOR] And the QUEENS! Brandon James surges forward angrily, the crowd let out a massive cheer as Eric Eisen smashes the microphone over Brandon's head dropping him to the mat. Phil Vibert slides out of the ring and is followed by Vengeance who drags Big Money out after him. [COLOR="red"]Eric Eisen:[/COLOR] I'm onto you Phil! Regretfully, I drank the cool-aid for a few weeks but not anymore. You only had me around, you only showed any interest in me, so I could keep my father from ruining your plans. That is all I ever was to you, and that is all I would have ever been to you! But damnit Phil you have made a huge mistake in underestimating me like all the others. You will rue the day you decided to **** with the Eisen's! He throws down the microphone and climbs up onto the turnbuckles pandering to the fans as Phil Vibert, Brandon James, and Vengeance head to the back. [COLOR="Blue"][B]-Commercial Break-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Punishment[/B][/COLOR] We return from commercial to SWF President Phil Viberts office where we see Brandon James on a couch holding his head while Vibert paces back and forth, he throws a lamp off his desk in anger. Vengeance is standing behind the desk. [COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] God Damnit! [COLOR="red"]Vengeance:[/COLOR] Let me take care of it. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] No! You need to focus on your title match tonight! That son of a bitch! Think Phil think! [COLOR="red"]Brandon James:[/COLOR] Phil, I'll take him out. In the ring. Tonight. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Are you kidding? The kid called you a queen! Your gona get angry, angry people make mistakes. No, you won't punish him. I've got a better idea. Andre Jones and his pathetic revenge match can wait, tonight Eric Eisen is going to pay for his actions when he meets Runaway Train one on one in that ring! We cut back to the arena as The Samoan Wildboyz Music hits and they begin making their way to the ring for their number one contendership match. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Plans have changed! Eric Eisen being forced into a match with Runaway Train tonight. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] I can imagine that somewhere backstage Andre Jones is breathing a huge sigh of relief right now. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well were going to kick the night off tonight with some tag team action. The winners of this match will be named the number one contenders and will go on to face the new tag team champions Elmo Benson and The Divine Mumford at Awesome Impact. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] I still can not get over that guys name! [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Who? [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] The Divine Mumford!? What kind of name is that!? [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] A creation of Elmo Benson's no doubt. And as much as Elmo is an unusual character he is always able to get it done in the ring and thats what matters. And that's what these two teams are hoping to be able to do here tonight. Get it done in the ring, and prove themselves worthy in what is becoming a crowded Tag Team Division as of late. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]The Samoan Wildboyz vs The Biggz Boyz[/B][/COLOR] [I]A solid opening contest from these four, Kid Toma particularly stood out though. Constantly dominating both members of the opposing team. Highlight of the match was probably the brawl between Bart's girlfriend Jessie and the Samoan's manager BJ O'Neil in front of the announce table. This provided a distraction for Bart Biggz who was rolled up by Kid Toma for the three count.[/I] [B]WINNERS (and new number one contenders): The Samoan Wildboyz[/B] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Cheer up buddy, we got you something![/B][/COLOR] After the match Kid Toma and Akima Brave celebrate in the ring with BJ O'Neil and we cut backstage to see Groucho Bling sitting on his own in the High Concept locker room looking rather depressed. The door to the locker room swings open and in bounds Elmo Benson followed by The Divine Mumford, both sporting shiny new SWF Tag Team Titles over their shoulders. Elmo is carrying a gift which is wrapped pretty badly. [COLOR="Red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] Groucho buddy! I know how much winning the SS cheese meant to you dude. And it sucks that it didn't work out but we got you something even cooler! He hands him the poorly wrapped gift and smiles. [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] C'mon man its special! I wrapped it myself! Groucho unwraps the box and opens it up. He reaches inside and pulls out a plastic replica of the SWF Tag Team Championship, a huge smile spreads across his face [COLOR="red"]Groucho:[/COLOR] AWESOME! [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] Three Time Champs Baybeeeeeh! [COLOR="red"]Groucho:[/COLOR] Yeah! Where'd you get it? The two men high five and Elmo points to The Divine Mumford. [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] It was mummy's idea! We got it at the merch stand! It was only like $40. AWESOME! Now we can all be Tag Team Champs! Haha!!! [COLOR="red"]Mumford:[/COLOR] I told you not to call me mummy! [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] Chill mumma! And stop talking, I swear I thought we had this discussion? [COLOR="red"]Mumford:[/COLOR] Why can't I talk? Elmo: Because your weird and I don't understand what your saying. So Grouch, your hoobie whapla's on the d-l high or wizzy!? Mumford raises an eyebrow as Groucho nods his head. [COLOR="red"]Groucho:[/COLOR] Kind of man, but...I can't be REALLY happy unless he says it. [COLOR="red"]Mumford: [/COLOR]I'm not saying it! Groucho begins to pout. [COLOR="red"]Elmo:[/COLOR] Mummy madness divine dude! Dont dilly dally or delay! Say it broseph I dont wanna see Groucho cry today! There is a long silence as Elmo and Groucho wait in eager anticipation. Finally The Divine Mumford lets out a sigh... [COLOR="red"]Mumford:[/COLOR] Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. [COLOR="red"]Elmo and Groucho:[/COLOR] O-RITE! They high 5 as we fade to commercial. [COLOR="Blue"][B]-Commercial Break-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Valiant vs Kurt Laramee[/B][/COLOR] [I]This match quickly turned into a wild bloody brawl on the outside of the ring. Rick Law and Big Smack Scott who accompanied their respective partners to ringside were involved almost from the get go, before long they were joined by former DaVE superstars Eric Tyler and Christ Caulfield. Valiant and Rick law put up a great effort against the 4 DaVE warriors but the combination of being outnumbered 2 to 1, combined with a number of weapons based attacks allowed Kurt Laramee to pick up the win after about 7 minutes with the Switchblade Powerslam onto a pile of tacks. The 4 on 2 beatdown continued until Enygma and Angry Gilmore ran out and chased off the DaVE warriors.[/I] [B]WINNER: Kurt Laramee[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Enygma and Angry Gilmore making the save. It seems that the SWF locker room is coming together over this DaVE invasion. Ana Garcia: It sure does Duane but one man who stands in the middle is Runaway Train. I mean, he is a member of the SWF roster and he hasn't aligned himself with DaVE as far as we know. Yet Phil Vibert is using him as a punisher of sorts. Duane Fry: Well obviously there are alot of questions to be answered about where exactly his loyalties lie. And standing by in the back with Runaway Train and The Guru to get those answers is our colleague Jerry Eisen. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]The Middle Man[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jerry:[/COLOR] Thank you Duane. I am here now with The Guru and Runaway Train. Guru, there has been alot of speculation as to where your loyalties lie in this war between SWF and Phil Vibert's DaVE. You have over the last few weeks been taking on, and consequently taking out, people who may have gotten on the wrong side of the battle in Phil Viberts book, and even just people who have annoyed him. Take F.A.G for example. [COLOR="red"]The Guru:[/COLOR] Jerry, this is not a question of loyalties. Runaway train does not have loyalties, and I prefer not to disclose my own. All this is, is business. If Phil Vibert needs an enforcer, and asks us to step into the ring with Frederique Antonio Garcia, will we do it? Yes we will. If we need to take on Eric Eisen will we do it? Yes we will. It doesn't matter to Train who he is in the ring with. Because the outcome will be the same, every time. He will systematically destroy them, take them to the outside of the ring and drive them headfirst into the steel steps. Ten seconds Jerry, ten seconds is all it takes. [COLOR="red"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR] Ten seconds is all it takes for what? [COLOR="red"]The Guru:[/COLOR] Ten seconds is a long time Jerry Eisen. Your brother is going to find out tonight that alot can happen in ten seconds. In fact. I think you need to learn as well. Runaway Train scoops Jerry Eisen up into a Train Wreck on the concrete floor of the backstage area. He stands over Jerry's lifeless body as The Guru counts to ten and they leave. [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Can we get some help back there? [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry: [/COLOR]That monster, one on one with Eric Eisen...NEXT! We see Eric walking backstage as we fade out to commercials. [COLOR="Blue"][B]-Commercial Break-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Runaway Train vs Eric Eisen[/B][/COLOR] [I]A surprisingly good match from these two involving a lot less punch punch kick than expected. Eric took control for a short while but for the most part Runaway Train decimated the bosses kid until Lobster Warrior ran down to ringside and under the ring. The Guru prowled around the ring systematically looking under the apron from each side to see where the lobster would re-emerge. Just as Runaway Train was looking to hit the Train Wreck onto the steel stairs a muscular bald man slid out from under the ring and assaulted Runaway Train from behind with a steel chair. Eric Eisen slipped away and made it back into the ring before the ten count.[/I] [B]WINNER (by countout): Eric Eisen[/B] [COLOR="indigo"][B]Who is Chris?[/B][/COLOR] After the match the bald man continues the assault outside the ring, eventually pulling the steel steps away from the ring and hitting Train with it before following up with a double arm DDT onto the bottom step, the whole time he is heard shouting "Chris don't take **** from you! Chris don't take **** from you!". After hitting the DDT onto the steel stairs he crawls back under the ring where he came from and almost immediately Lobster Warrior re-emerges and runs back up the ramp high fiving fans along the way. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry: [/COLOR]I am not sure what we just witnessed Ana. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Me either, but if that was Lobster Warrior with his mask off, he should leave it on. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Ladies and gentleman we have to go to commercial but stay with us, when we return an update on the status of Rich Money and Remo's $250,000 challenge. [COLOR="Blue"][B]-Commercial Break-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]The Challenge Continues[/B][/COLOR] As we come back from commercial a video plays recapping the history of Rich Money and Remo's $250,000 challenge. Right up to Phil Netten's win (with Jack Giedroyc's help) at Nothing To Lose. We then see Rich Money in some kind of hotel room. [COLOR="Red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Hold the camera still you dumb gorilla! Remo can be heard muttering from behind the camera [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Hello Houston! How are you all? I'm here in the great down under. Wow, what a fantastic 5 days it has been for Remo and I. Remo laughs and the camera shakes a little. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Yes thats right. Remo and I have come all the way to Australia for a few reasons really. To be honest we just thought it was time we took a vacation from putting our lives on the line to entertain you worthless people. We also found our little friend Phil Netten, yeah he took a plane back to his home country of Australia so we decided to follow him. And with a little friendly persuasion he was convinced to give me back my money. Remo moves the camera to the bed which has the open briefcase on it with money everywhere. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] He came to understand that you can not cheat a man out of his money in a challenge like this. Jack Giedroyc is an impatient little man who refuses to wait for his chance to take my North American title. You see he knows that he will not get his title match until the $250,000 challenge is over. So he decided to take it upon himself to try and end it early. But we don't take too kindly to that Jack. And upon my return to the states I will be having some lengthy talks with Phil Vibert about wether or not you should even be number one contender after that little stunt. And believe me Jack, he'll listen. Because Money talks. [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] Yes it does haha [COLOR="Red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] So, what does that mean for me? I hear the average SWF fan asking. Well it's really quite simple. The $250,000 challenge has not been won yet, and therefore it continues as of next week. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well you heard it here first folks the $250,000 challenge will continue as of next week. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR]And in the mean time, all of our Supreme Package subscribers can log on and check out everything that Rich Money and Remo got up to in Australia including their confrontation with Phil Netten on SWF.com [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Confessions[/B][/COLOR] We cut backstage to Phil Viberts office again. Vibert is alone this time and has his head buried in his hands. There is a knock at the door. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] What do you want? [COLOR="red"]???:[/COLOR] Uh, Mr. Vibert its Randy. Randy Bumfhole. My brother and I would like to talk to you. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] This better be good. Come in. The Bumfholes enter the office and take a seat in front of Phil's desk. [COLOR="red"]Randy:[/COLOR] Mr Vibert last thursday night we lost the only thing keeping us sane in this hell hole. We need a rematch as soon as possible. [COLOR="red"]Vibert:[/COLOR] What do you mean keeping you sane? [COLOR="red"]Zimmy:[/COLOR] Zimmy! Phil looks at Zimmy a little confused before directing his attention to Randy again. [COLOR="red"]Vibert:[/COLOR] Is he retarded like that kid on South Park or something? [COLOR="red"]Zimmy:[/COLOR] No! Im not! Zimmy is driving us insane. Bumfhole is driving us insane. What? You thought that BUMFHOLE was our real surname? You thought I was called Zimmy? Who calls a kid Zimmy? [COLOR="red"]Vibert:[/COLOR] I guess I never really thought of it. Look just change what the ring guy calls you I don't have time for this. [COLOR="red"]Randy:[/COLOR] We came here to the SWF to realize our dreams and take Cruise Control to a whole new level [COLOR="red"]Vibert:[/COLOR] Cruise Control? [COLOR="red"]Randy:[/COLOR] It's our team. We came here, thinking this was the greatest thing that could have ever happened to us. [COLOR="red"]Zimmy:[/COLOR] Then that idiot Richard Eisen gives us the name Bumfhole and tells us to flirt with chicks at ringside. Does he realise how ugly female wrestling fans are? [COLOR="red"]Vibert:[/COLOR] Ok? So what do you want me to do? [COLOR="red"]Randy:[/COLOR] We want the world to know the truth. We want the world to know who we really are. We want to be a part of your DaVE, and we want to bring the tag titles with us. Vibert nods in approval and smiles. He looks at the camera crew [COLOR="red"]Vibert:[/COLOR] Get out! We need to talk in private! [COLOR="indigo"][B]If you can't beat me. You can't join me. [/B][/COLOR] The camera shuts off and we return to the ring where Robbie Retro is standing with a microphone. [COLOR="red"]Robbie Retro:[/COLOR] Marc Dubois, I heard you were looking for a partner to challenge for those tag team titles. Well the best kind of dance is the disco duet and the only thing that looks better on me than gold...is sequins. I'll be your partner. Marc Dubois' music plays and the Shooting Star Champion makes his way down to the ring. [COLOR="red"]Marc:[/COLOR] Robbie, I'm sure that even back in the 70's you would have heard the saying if you can't beat em, Join em? [COLOR="Red"]Robbie Retro:[/COLOR] Robbie Retro knows what your saying brother. [COLOR="red"]Marc:[/COLOR] But I have a slightly different philosophy. The way I see it. If you can't beat me. You can't join me. He unstraps his belt and hands it to the announcer who also takes the microphone. As Marc DuBois readies himself to fight. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well it looks like were gonna have an impromptu match here. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Im trying to get the image of Robbie Retro wearing sequins out of my head. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] You know I'm probably dating myself here, but I remember wearing sequins in high school. Whats wrong with sequins. [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Fashion Tragedy! [COLOR="indigo"][B]Robbie Retro vs Marc DuBois[/B][/COLOR] [I]Another solid match, nothing spectacular. Marc DuBois pretty much carried the whole match and fittingly got the win following the Marc of Excellence at about the 9 minute mark.[/I] [B]WINNER: Marc DuBois[/B] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]A Mutual Enemy[/B][/COLOR] After the match as Marc DuBois makes his way up the ramp Minor Threat's "Straight Edge" blares through the speakers and he is joined on the stage by Squeeky McClean. [COLOR="red"]Squeeky:[/COLOR] Marc! You and I have a common enemy. You are after High Concepts tag team gold. While High Concept stand for everything I hate in this world. Hell their name alone is full of drug references, and we've all walked past their locker room, and smelt what they are smoking. They need to learn their lesson, and I want to help you teach it to them. Marc Dubois grabs the microphone from Squeeky. [COLOR="Red"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] If you can't beat me. You can't join me. Next week. Duane Fry: Well thats next week. But coming up next we will see Jack Bruce take on Vengeance for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. We see a split screen view of Vengeance and Jack Bruce both heading to the ring backstage. [COLOR="Blue"][B]-Commercial Break-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF World Heavyweight Championship Vengeance vs Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] [I]Vengeance takes control of the match early and manages to overpower the champion for the better part of 5 minutes. Jack Bruce slips out of a few of Vengeance's signature moves and hits the New York Minute out of nowhere for 2. He builds up momentum and takes control for a while. Vengeance gets in some brief offense towards the end and there are numerous false finishes befor Jack Bruce inadvertently knocks down the referee when he is whipped into the corner. Vengeance hits the Skull Krusher while the ref is down and Phil Vibert and Brandon James make their way to the ring. Vibert counts the pin but Jack Bruce kicks out at two. Referee Ric Young starts to recover but Brandon James takes him out with a chair. Jack Bruce recovers and launches himself over the top rope at Brandon James but is dragged back into the ring by Vengeance. After a brief two on one attack Brandon James hits the Big Money Move and Vengeance follows it up with a second Skull Krusher for the pinfall which is counted quickly by Phil Vibert.[/I] [B]WINNER (and NEW SWF World Heavyweight Champion): Vengeance[/B] Phil Vibert grabs a microphone and stands over the broken body of former champion Jack Bruce [COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] HIT THE ROAD JACK! AND DONT YOU COME BACK! Brandon James tosses Jack Bruce from the ring and the 3 DaVE warriors celebrate with the championship as we fade to the SWF logo.
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'08 has only been out a couple of months, and already there is a new pantheon of top notch diary writers out. We may only get the occasional spurt of Monkeypox and J Silver to whet our appetites, but with people like you, McShamrock, TEWFan and others churning out topnotch, quality stuff, and adding even more depth and characterization to the C-Verse, the forum readers have a plethora of great diaries to read. I want to say this is really excellent stuff, more than deserving of being the initial DOTM winner for '08 and probably several times more depending on how long it continues. Welcome to the pantheon of great diary writers. :D Now , I am going to go sulk a while because there is YET another writer far better than me here! .....( Goes off to manly weep) :o :p
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