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[QUOTE=tristram;449178]Must admit, I do the same mate. Go on dailymotion as well, and just sit back and relax... Good times, good times.[/QUOTE] There are definitely a lot of good times to be had from back in these days. So should I be honoured that the Godfather of WCW is here? lol. Just ribbing on ya but I hope you enjoy the diary so far and who knows maybe you'll start one here on TEW 08. Hint hint.
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[QUOTE=angeldelayette;449181]There are definitely a lot of good times to be had from back in these days. So should I be honoured that the Godfather of WCW is here? lol. Just ribbing on ya but I hope you enjoy the diary so far and who knows maybe you'll start one here on TEW 08. Hint hint.[/QUOTE] Mate, I follow all your diaries. You know that ;)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]WCW Saturday Night[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 2, January 1991 Civic Center Roanoke, Virginia Attendance: 8,384 Following the usual WCW Saturday Night opening, the cameras pan around the Civic Center here in Roanoke. Fans hold up their signs, hoping to be caught on tv: "We C Wrestling" "Vader Fears Sting" [U][COLOR=RED]Jim Ross[/U] Hello everyone and welcome to World Championship Wrestling Saturday Night! I'm your host Jim Ross alongside Jesse the Body Ventura and Jesse tonight we have an action packed card including 3, count them, 3 title matches.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Jesse Ventura[/U] Yes, we do, Jim. Tonight, we are going to see The Total Package Lex Luger get absolutely demolished and lose his United States Heavyweight title to the man they call Big Van Vader![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Jim Ross[/U] I think Lex Luger would dispute that, Jesse. But in any event we will also be seeing Tom Zenk defend the World Television Title against the Angel of Death. And then comes our big main event![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Jesse Ventura[/U] And it's a doozy, Ross! As we see Ric Flair out of that Black Scorpion attire getting a fair title shot against the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sting.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Jim Ross[/U] What a great lineup we have for you fans, tonight. But before we get to those matches, let's head up to the ring for our opening bout here on WCW Saturday Night![/COLOR] ------ [SIZE=4]Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Flyin Brian Pillman[/SIZE] Two definite high flyers in our opening bout here. For one reason or another, the fans weren't as into the high flying action as many people may have thought they would have been. This was a definite back and forth opening bout with action from wire to wire. The end saw Flying Brian hit a Missle Dropkick on Liger and get the pinfall victory. Winner: Flyin Brian Pillman Match Time: 6:26 Match Rating: C ------ [QUOTE][B]A video begins to play... The focus is on the inside of the ring with Paul E. Dangerously standing to the side and slightly behind Ravishing Rick Rude. Rude has a microphone in hand. [U][COLOR=RED]Rick Rude[/U] What I would like to have right now is for all you fat, out of shape Roanoke, Virginia sweathogs to keep the noise down while I take my robe off and show you what a real man is supposed to look like. Hit MY music![/COLOR] The music began and Rick Rude slowly stripped of the robe, giving those hip gyrations to some digitized boos from the crowd. Several clips of him wrestling are shown, including various angles of his Rude Awakening finisher. Rick Rude... Coming Next Week...[/B][/QUOTE] ------ [SIZE=4]Ranger Ross vs. Dan Spivey [/SIZE] Ranger Ross was already in the ring when Dangerous Dan Spivey came down. He looked certifiably insane and once the bell rang, Ross was attacked. Spivey didn't ever let up on Ranger Ross with the Ranger not even getting one offensive move in. Spivey finished off Ross with a Bulldog and then a pinfall. Winner: Dan Spivey Match Time: 3:14 Match Rating: E+ After the match, Spivey picked up a microphone. [U][COLOR=RED]Dan Spivey[/U] Lex Luger! At Clash of the Champions, whether you still hold the United States Title or not, you are going to meet your maker. You are going to step inside the ring with the most dangerous athlete you have ever stepped into the ring with. Your life is gonna be in my hands.[/COLOR] Spivey cracked a wicked smile and then walked off. ------ [SIZE=4]The State Patrol vs. The Southern Boys [/SIZE] A very short match showcasing the Southern Boys in this one. The State Patrol got a few shots in but the Southern Boys were in control mostly. They nailed Buddy Lee Parker with the double Savate Kick and Steve Armstrong got the pinfall. Winners: The Southern Boys Match Time: 2:53 Match Rating: E- Following the match, Michael Hayes and Jim Garvin came running into the ring and attacked the Southern Boys from behind! The crowd booed as Steve Armstrong got dropped with a Hayes DDT! The Freebirds raised their arms in victory, leaving the ring. ------ [SIZE=4]Joey Maggs vs. The Diamond Studd[/SIZE] The Diamond Studd came out to boos from the crowd as Maggs was already in the ring. The Studd, of course, dominated the faster Joey Maggs. Studd looked very good in this match though the crowd really didn't care for it. Studd got the pinfall with the Fall Away Slam. Winner: The Diamond Studd Match Time: 1:42 Match Rating: D- ------ The crowd bursts out in cheers as the man called Sting comes out for an interview with Tony Schiavone. Sting gets into the ring and plays to the crowd for a moment before joining Tony in the center of the ring. Before the interview can get started, though, a large white gift box appears being brought out to the ring by stagehands with Sting's name on it. Sting raises his eyebrows. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] What's this?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Sting[/U] I don't know. Let's go find out.[/COLOR] Sting heads out of the ring and walks down the aisle to the gift box. He walks around it, eyeing it up before he finds the release for it. When it opens.... He is ATTACKED!!! Abdullah the Butcher comes out of the gift box with a chair, slamming it on Sting's forehead! Sting staggers and Abdullah hits him in the gut and then over the back! Abdullah rakes his nails down Sting's back and Sting is busted open on both his back and his forehead and fallen outside the ring. What a sneak attack by Abdullah! Wrestlers and others come out, pulling Abdullah off Sting and EMT's help him to the back. ------ [SIZE=4]WCW United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends against Big Van Vader[/SIZE] And it's time for one of our main event matches with the Total Package defending the U.S. Title against Big Van Vader. This was a power match from the beginning with Luger trying to take the early advantage and showing his strength. He tried to body slam Vader but Vader fell on top of him and got a 2 count. Vader started in on the advantage following that, plastering Luger with right and left forearms in the corner. Luger tried to cover up but he was getting hammered into the mat. Big Van Vader went to the second turnbuckle and then to the top with Luger down on the mat. He called out to the crowd 'who's the man???' And then leapt with a moonsault...MISSED!! Luger got out of the way! Luger slowly began to pull himself to his feet and fired back on Vader with some rights and lefts. He whipped the big man into the ropes and nailed him with a clothesline! Another one! Another one! He went Vader through the ropes and to the outside! Luger flexed for the cheering crowd as referee Jim Mitchell began counting. From behind Luger, Dan Spivey came running and slid into the ring. The crowd tried to get Luger's attention but Spivey was able to attack him from behind! He tossed Luger outside the ring and followed, hitting Luger with a Bulldog outside the ring while Harley Race distracted the official. Big Van Vader was slowly pulled inside the ring as the official continued his count. As Vader got back in, the referee called for the bell. Winner: Big Van Vader (Lex Luger retains the U.S. Title) Match Time: 10:16 Match Rating: B- After the bell sounded, Dan Spivey went back to work on Luger, lifting him up and dropping him throat-first on the guard rail outside the ring. Spivey's eyes looked insane as he smiled and motioned around his waist that he wants the belt. ------ The attention turns toward the interview area and Tony Schiavone. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Ladies and Gentlemen, that was a cowardly attack on Lex Luger. A sickening display. But at this time, I'd like to welcome out my guest, he will be challenging Sting for the NWA World Heavyweight Title later on tonight, here is the Nature Boy Ric Flair![/COLOR] The crowd booed as Flair came out and released a 'Whooo.' Flair walked over to Tony and gave a little strut. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Ric, we all saw what happened to Sting earlier tonight when he was attacked by Abdullah the Butcher out of that gift box. Do you want to explain what's going on?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] All the ladies here in Roanoke, V A want to know what's causing all this. Whoooo! To the man who sent Sting that gift box earlier this evening, I have only two words to say: Thank you![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Are you saying that you didn't send it?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] That's exactly what I'm saying, Tony. The Horsemen don't need to send those gift boxes. That's why we're the best in the business. We take care of things ourselves. Just like tonight when Sting and I walk that aisle one more time right here in Roanoke Virginia and I walk out the NWA World Heavyweight Champion yet again. Whooooo[/COLOR] ------ [SIZE=4]WCW World Television Title Match: Tom 'The Z-Man' Zenk defends against Angel of Death[/SIZE] The Z-Man came out here ready to defend that World Television Title against the Angel of Death. The Angel was off his game in this match that was mostly dominated by the Z-Man. The crowd didn't much care for it either but the Z-Man got the win following a Flying Dropkick. Winner: Tom 'The Z-Man' Zenk Match Time: 2:59 Match Rating: D- Following the match, the Diamond Studd came out, attacking the Z-Man! The Studd pulled the Z-Man in and picked him up, delivering the Diamond Death Drop before posing to a booing crowd. ------ [SIZE=4]The Steiner Brothers vs. Tex Slazenger and Shanghai Pierce[/SIZE] Another showcase match, this time for the Steiner Brothers. Both Steiners looked very good in this match, showcasing crisp tag team moves and a strong work ethic. They even dropped Slazenger with a Steiner DDT, which had Rick lifting Slazenger on his shoulders and Scott delivering a top rope DDT. But that only got a 2 count as Shanghai Pierce broke up the pinfall. Scott got the pin on Pierce later in the match, though, with the Frankensteiner. Winners: The Steiner Brothers Match Time: 7:46 Match Rating: C+ Following the win, the Steiners celebrated inside the ring until they were attacked by the WCW World Tag Team Champions Doom! Ron Simmons and Butch Reed took down both Steiners and Rick was nailed by a top rope shoulderblock by Simmons! Doom once again stood over their Clash challengers. ------ The camera cuts backstage where Sting is being looked at by doctors, who are telling him that he shouldn't wrestle tonight. They are already having to put some stitches in his forehead. Sting looks at them and tells them that he is wrestling tonight one way or another so just patch him up and he'll be ready to go. ------ [SIZE=4]The Horsemen Arn Anderson and Barry Windham vs. The Patriots[/SIZE] The Horsemen dominated the match, focusing in on Todd Champion during most of the match. Arn Anderson looked excellent out there inside the ring. The Horsemen used quick tags and double teams to keep Champion down. The Enforcer got the win over Champion with a Spinebuster slam. Winners: The Horsemen Arn Anderson and Barry Windham Match Time: 8:12 Match Rating: D ------ [SIZE=4]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Sting defends against Ric Flair[/SIZE] And it's main event time with the crowd on their feet as Ric Flair is introduced and heads out to the ring to boos and some 'whooo's from the crowd. Then Sting's music hits, getting the crowd pumped as they blow the roof off the Civic Center with Sting coming running out from the back with the NWA World Heavyweight Title around his waist! He hits the ring and lets loose an 'OWWWW!' to the crowd! He stares across the ring toward his challenger, handing Nick Patrick the belt and bouncing slightly in the corner, looking like he's ready to go! The bell sounds and the match is underway. The first several minutes of the bout play out in slow fashion with Flair avoiding a lockup with Sting and using the ropes to keep Sting back. Flair gave a little strut across the ring to boos and released a 'Whoooo.' Sting just looked back at him and turned to the crowd, releasing an 'OWWW!' that got repeated back by the crowd! Flair looked angry for a moment and finally locked up with Sting, pushing him back in the corner. Sting showed his power by pushing Ric Flair to the mat and all the way to the other side! Flair looked up at the Champ for a moment and Sting beat his chest, showing that he is ready even after the attack earlier tonight! Another tieup and Flair backs Sting into the corner again. This time Flair lays into Sting with a chop and Sting shrugs it off! Flair with another chop and another and Sting just shrugs them all off, flooring Flair with a right hand! Then another and another and Flair rolls outside the ring to catch a breather! Ric shakes his head as this seems to be more than he was ready for tonight. The Nature Boy slides inside the ring and looks on to Sting. They go to tie up and Flair rakes the eyes, taking Sting over with a snap mare takedown and places a knee right into that injured back of the Stinger! Flair fires some forearm shots against Sting's head from behind and really goes on the advantage here. Sting's facepaint is slightly off his face from both the match and the attack earlier tonight as Flair takes the advantage. It doesn't take long for the Nature Boy to cut Sting's already injured forehead open and Sting is bleeding on the mat. Flair bounces off the ropes...picture perfect kneedrop! He makes the cover: 1...2...kickout! Somehow Sting kicked out! The Nature Boy continues on the offensive the next 5 or 6 minutes until he locks a Sleeperhold on Sting! The crowd here in Roanoke stomp their feet and clap their hands trying to get Sting to come back! Sting slowly gets back to a vertical base and nails Flair with a jawbreaker! Both men slide down to the mat and referee Nick Patrick begins his ten count. He gets up to about 8 before both men are up. Flair bounces off the ropes and Sting back body drops him to the mat, leaving Flair to hold his own back! Sting whips Flair into the corner and Flair flips over the top rope running down the apron and climbing the turnbuckle but Sting is there to meet him with a body slam and Sting holds his back. He is obviously hurting. It takes him a little bit to follow up on Flair but he gets Flair into a corner, backing up a bit and releasing an 'OWWWW!' to the crowd before he gets that adrenaline pumping and runs toward Flair...STINGER SPLASH IN THE CORNER!!! Flair takes several steps and falls flat on his face! Sting grabs Flair's legs, stepping in for that Scorpion Death Lock when he gets NAILED from behind by Big Van Vader! Referee Nick Patrick calls for the bell! Winner: Sting Match Time: 16:37 Match Rating: B- Vader pulls Sting in, growling at the crowd as he lifts the Stinger and drops him with a Vader Power Bomb! Good Lord, Sting may be dead! He is just lying motionless as Flair is slowly getting to his feet. Flair adds insult to injury by punching away at the already busted open forehead of Sting! The crowd cheers as out from the back comes the 7'7" giant El Gigante! Gigante steps over the top rope and takes down Ric Flair with a massive clothesline! Harley Race holds Big Van Vader back, telling him to leave the ring as El Gigante stands over the fallen Sting as his protector and we're out of time! OVERALL RATING: C+ TV RATING: To Be Announced[/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;449196]Angel, great read so far bud.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;449217]Enjoying it so far. Interested in seeing the plans you have coming up![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=tristram;449245]Mate, I follow all your diaries. You know that ;)[/QUOTE] Thanks for the comments, guys! Keep them coming! If you have any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to toss them out there and I'll see what I can do. Also, for those of you who haven't seen the Poodleface videos, I definitely suggest going out to youtube and looking up Custom-Made and Just Like That, two Ric Flair videos that are quite simply put awesome.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Thursday night from the Benjamin Johnson Arena in Spartanburg, South Carolina and broadcast Sunday night on TBS[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]WCW POWER HOUR![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Non-Title: Sting vs. Barry Windham[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]Bobby Eaton vs. Nikita Koloff[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Jacko Victory vs. P.N. News[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Hardliners vs. Tim Parker and Sam Houston[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Michael Wallstreet vs. Big Josh[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Charlie Norris vs. Sid Vicious[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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Guest cmdrsam
Sting vs.[B]Barry Windam[/B] Bobby Eaton vs. [B]Nikita Koloff[/B] [B]Jacko Victory[/B] vs. P.N. News [B]The Hardliners[/B] vs. Tim Parker and Sam Houston [B]Michael Wallstreet[/B] vs. Big Josh Charlie Norris vs. [B]Sid Vicious[/B]
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Non-Title: [B]Sting[/B] vs. Barry Windham -PLUS!- Quote: Bobby Eaton vs. [B]Nikita Koloff [/B] Quote: [B]Jacko Victory [/B]vs. P.N. News Quote: [B]The Hardliners [/B]vs. Tim Parker and Sam Houston Quote: [B]Michael Wallstreet [/B]vs. Big Josh Quote: Charlie Norris vs. [B]Sid Vicious [/B]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]WCW POWER HOUR[/SIZE] Thursday, Week 2, January 1991 Benjamin Johnson Arena Spartanburg, South Carolina Attendance: 1,761 The sounds of the ending of Bonanza can only mean one thing. It's time for the WCW Power Hour starring the wrestlers of World Championship Wrestling! Following the usual intro the camera pans around the arena, picking up signs: 'Who Writes This Crap?' [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Hello everyone and welcome to World Championship Wrestling's Power Hour! I'm Tony Schiavone alongside Jesse The Body Ventura. Jesse, tonight we have an action packed card for our fans.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Jesse Ventura[/U] Indeed we do, Tony. We are going to see the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sting take on the Horseman Barry Windham. Wrestling fans better enjoy seeing Sting with that title because after the Clash of the Champions he won't be wearing it anymore. It'll be around the waist of Big Van Vader.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] That remains to be seen, Jesse. But let's head up to the ring for our first bout with another member of the Horsemen: Sid Vicious.[/COLOR] ------ [SIZE=4]Charlie Norris vs. Sid Vicious[/SIZE] Charlie Norris was already in the ring when Sid Vicious came out, flashing the 4 fingers and yelling into the camera that he is the 'Master and the ruler of the world.' Norris tried to attack Vicious early as Sid was climbing into the ring but Vicious shrugged off the attack and dominated throughout this short bout. Vicious grabbed Norris around the throat and dropped him with a Chokeslam before getting the 1-2-3. Winner: Sid Vicious Match Time: 2:47 Match Rating: C- ------ [QUOTE][B]A video begins to play... The video shows highlights of the feud between Sting and Big Van Vader, including the attack by Big Van Vader this past Saturday night.[/B][/QUOTE] ------ [SIZE=4]Michael Wallstreet vs. Big Josh[/SIZE] Alexandra York escorted Michael Wallstreet down to the ring and then Big Josh came out. The crowd really didn't seem to care for this match. And it was mostly dominated by Michael Wallstreet. Wallstreet hit Big Josh with the Writeoff and then got the pinfall. Winner: Michael Wallstreet Match Time: 4:29 Match Rating: E+ ------ [U][COLOR=BLUE]Jesse Ventura[/U] Tony, I want you to know that I have received another exclusive. Of course everybody wants to come to the Body with their news. I know the main event for WCW Saturday Night this Saturday Night.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Are you going to tell us?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Jesse Ventura[/U] Though you don't deserve to know, Tony, I'll tell you anyway. It's going to be the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sting teaming up with the WCW United States Champion Lex Luger against their challengers at the Clash: Big Van Vader and Dangerous Dan Spivey![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] WHOA, Jesse! What an announcement! That could be the biggest match in the history of WCW! Fans, make sure you tune in![/COLOR] ------ [SIZE=4]The Hardliners vs. Tim Parker and Sam Houston [/SIZE] The crowd didn't seem to care for this tag team match. It was dominated by Dick Slater and Dick Murdoch as Parker and Houston didn't stand much of a chance here. Slater was slightly off his game but got the pin on Tim Parker following the Lariat. Winners: The Hardliners Match Time: 4:56 Match Rating: E ------ The camera focuses in on a backstage area where Sting is getting warmed up for his match tonight. He turns toward the camera. [U][COLOR=RED]Sting[/U] Let me tell you all something. Let me tell the WORLD something. I am SOOOO looking forward to the Clash of the Champions and my match with YOU Big Van Vader. At the Clash, I am going to prove how worthy I am to carry this belt that I have around my waist. I am not going to let down all my little Stingers. Vader, you've entered the jungle, baby. OWWWW!! And don't think I've forgotten about you tonight, Barry Windham. Later on tonight, you better be ready to give up, to submit to my Scorpion Death Lock because with all the little Stingers in the audience tonight how can I go wrong?[/COLOR] ------ [SIZE=4]Jacko Victory vs. P.N. News[/SIZE] Yo baby yo baby yo! The Rapmaster P.N. News headed down to the ring with Victory already inside. Victory attacked News before he could do his rap and the match was on. Jacko choked News on the ropes but that was about as much offense as he got in. News fired back and took down Victory. And it was only moments later that News came off the top turnbuckle with the Broken Record Splash and got the pinfall. Winner: P.N. News Match Time: 2:36 Match Rating: E- ------ The camera focuses in on a backstage area where Ric Flair is standing by. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] So it is signed, sealed and will be delivered. At the Clash of the Champions the Nature Boy is going to take on that 7'7" freak El Gigante. El Gigante, many people may be afraid of you because of your height but not Ric Flair. I am the Nature Boy. I am a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion, brother. You've got to think about that when you walk that aisle at the Clash. You're stepping into the ring with Slick Ric, one of the best and you're not even in my league, pal. Whoooo. And after the Clash, the Horsemen are gonna be riding high like we always are. And Sting if you manage to hold on to the belt against Big Van Vader, you're gonna be next, pal. Whooooo.[/COLOR] ------ [SIZE=4]Bobby Eaton vs. Nikita Koloff[/SIZE] A semi-main event as both men got introductions to the ring. The crowd actually got into this back and forth bout. Eaton tried his best to use technical skills against the Russian Nightmare while Koloff used his power. The match wasn't a very long one and the ending came when Koloff hit Eaton with that fame Russian Sickle and got the pinfall. Winner: Nikita Koloff Match Time: 3:05 Match Rating: D ------ [QUOTE][B]A video begins to play... The focus is on the inside of the ring with Paul E. Dangerously standing to the side and slightly behind Ravishing Rick Rude. Rude has a microphone in hand. Rick Rude What I would like to have right now is for all you fat, out of shape Spartanburg South Carolina sweathogs to keep the noise down while I take my robe off and show you what a real man is supposed to look like. Hit MY music! The music began and Rick Rude slowly stripped of the robe, giving those hip gyrations to some digitized boos from the crowd. Several clips of him wrestling are shown, including various angles of his Rude Awakening finisher. Rick Rude... Coming This Saturday Night... [/B][/QUOTE] ------ [SIZE=4]Non-Title: Sting vs. Barry Windham[/SIZE] And it's main event time in a non title bout as Sting takes on Barry Windham. The Champ looked good in this match against the member of the Horsemen though Windham also looked pretty good firing back against the Stinger. Windham got several near falls in the bout and took the advantage throughout a lot of the match. But Sting fought out of a sleeper hold and into a jawbreaker. Sting started fighting back, press slamming Windham and then sending him into the corner. Sting let loose an 'OWWWWW' before running toward Windham and nailing the Stinger Splash! Windham fell out of the corner and Sting grabbed the legs, twisting him over in the Scorpion Deathlock! It was only a matter of time before Windham said 'I Quit' and Nick Patrick called for the bell. Winner: Sting Match Time: 6:56 Match Rating: C+ Following the match, Big Van Vader and Harley Race came rumbling down to the ring as Sting was up in a corner, playing to the crowd. Sting dropped down and turned into a Vader clothesline - DUCKED! Sting ducked the clothesline and began kicking and punching away at his larger adversary! Sting knocked Big Van Vader in the corner and then turned to Harley Race, whipping him in for good measure! Sting released an 'OWWW!' to the crowd as he stepped back and nailed a Stinger Splash on both of them! Sting stood tall for the fans here in Spartanburg as the show came to a close. OVERALL RATING: C TV RATING: To Be Announced[/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;449850]Sting vs.[B]Barry Windam[/B] Bobby Eaton vs. [B]Nikita Koloff[/B] [B]Jacko Victory[/B] vs. P.N. News [B]The Hardliners[/B] vs. Tim Parker and Sam Houston [B]Michael Wallstreet[/B] vs. Big Josh Charlie Norris vs. [B]Sid Vicious[/B][/QUOTE] Great guesses! A couple of them threw you off there but 4/6 isn't bad at all! [QUOTE=DarrenDouglas;449876]Hey, just spent some time catching up on this. Great work. I'm deff checking it out.[/QUOTE] Thanks for reading. Always happy to have another reader. If you have any comments or suggestions feel free to toss them out and remember I'm always looking for sign ideas in my p.m. box. [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;449892]Non-Title: [B]Sting[/B] vs. Barry Windham -PLUS!- Quote: Bobby Eaton vs. [B]Nikita Koloff [/B] Quote: [B]Jacko Victory [/B]vs. P.N. News Quote: [B]The Hardliners [/B]vs. Tim Parker and Sam Houston Quote: [B]Michael Wallstreet [/B]vs. Big Josh Quote: Charlie Norris vs. [B]Sid Vicious [/B][/QUOTE] 5/6! Great job, outlaw! The Rapmaster win seems to have thrown a lot of people.
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[SIZE=5][CENTER]World Championship Wrestling[/CENTER][/SIZE] -Bill Kazmaier and Deadeye Dick were officially released from their contracts. We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors. -Jesse Ventura got into a heated argument with a fan outside of the arena last night, and had to be restrained before he made things physical. After his incident with the Diamond Studd last week, he was given a stern warning. Jesse said in return 'OK, I realize that it was unprofessional, I'll do better in the future. -WCW Saturday Night drew a 1.85 rating on TBS. -TBS have sent word that they are unhappy with the ratings of WCW Saturday Night, and want to see improvements. -Saturday night's house show made $31,140. -TBS and TSN have both sent word that they are unhappy with the ratings of WCW Power Hour, and want to see improvements. -WCW Power Hour drew a .25 rating on TBS and a .00 rating on TSN. -WCW has signed independent wrestlers Kid Kash and Mike Bucci. -WCW has decided to implement a medium sized drug testing policy. -Sunday night's house show made $15,940. -WCW signed independent wrestler Mike Quackenbush. -GWF lost their show on ESPN.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Wednesday night from the Littlejohn Coliseum in Clemson, South Carolina and broadcast Saturday night on TBS[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]WCW SATURDAY NIGHT![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Lex Luger and Sting vs. Big Van Vader and Dan Spivey[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]Big Josh vs. Nikita Koloff[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Rick Steiner vs. Butch Reed[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Rick Rude debuts against Ricky Morton[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Badstreet vs. Scorpio[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Handicap Match: El Gigante vs. The State Patrol[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Scott Steiner vs. Ron Simmons[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]WCW Saturday Night[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 3, January 1991 Littlejohn Coliseum Clemson, South Carolina Attendance: 8,191 The cameras panned around the arena in Clemson as the fans went wild! Everyone was trying their best to get on television as Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura welcomed everyone to World Championship Wrestling Saturday Night and talked about the main event tonight featuring Big Van Vader and Dan Spivey against Lex Luger and Sting! ------ [SIZE=4]Scott Steiner vs. Ron Simmons[/SIZE] A great opening match here and one of two where the Steiner Brothers and Doom will be meeting in action tonight. A good open, back and forth contest between the two stellar athletes. Scott picked up the clean pinfall following a Frankensteiner. Winner: Scott Steiner Match Time: 8:04 Match Rating: B- ------ The camera cuts backstage to show the IV Horsemen standing within their locker room. [U][COLOR=RED]Ric Flair[/U] Alright guys, you know the plan tonight. We make sure that El Gigante doesn't make it to the Clash of the Champions. Is that understood?[/COLOR] Everyone nodded and threw up the four fingers as Sid threw the cameraman out. ------ [SIZE=4]Handicap Match: El Gigante vs. The State Patrol[/SIZE] About as competitive a match as one might consider it to be. Gigante dominated against the State Patrol and made Lt. James Earl Wright submit with a Choke. Winner: El Gigante Match Time: 6:24 Match Rating: E- Following the match, Ric Flair and Arn Anderson came out to the ring and slid inside! Ric chopped El Gigante's chest several times and Anderson threw punches and they merely rocked the big man. Gigante grabbed their heads and rammed them together before getting knocked from behind by Sid Vicious! Sid used his power to get Gigante off his feet and helped his fellow Horsemen members up and they went to work on the right leg of El Gigante! The giant man screamed in pain as the three Horsemen worked over that knee before officials came running down to break this up. ------ [SIZE=4]Badstreet vs. Scorpio[/SIZE] The newest member of the Freebirds came out for this match against Scorpio. The crowd didn't much care for the match though it was slightly back and forth with each man getting in some good shots. The ending came when Scorpio hit Badstreet with the Scorpio Splash and got the pinfall victory. Winner: Scorpio Match Time: 7:29 Match Rating: D- ------ The camera cuts backstage to show Tony Schiavone with Sting and Lex Luger! [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Hello wrestling fans! Tony Schiavone backstage here with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sting and the United States Heavyweight Champion Lex Luger! Gentlemen, later on tonight you will be taking on your Clash of the Champions challengers in tag team action. Sting, your thoughts?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Sting[/U] Well, Tony, let me tell you something. It has been WEEKS and WEEKS that this big man, this Big Van Vader has been attacking me from behind. He's been talking about how big and bad he is. Tonight, he's going to see the NWA World Heavyweight Champion face to face inside the ring. Tonight with my best friend the Total Package Lex Luger we are going to step into the ring with these two big men and come out as giant killers. OWWWW![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Lex Luger, why don't you wrap it up?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Lex Luger[/U] There's not much more that needs to be said, Tony. Dan Spivey, you've attacked me before from behind, just like Vader did to the Stinger here. But tonight you've got to look us both face to face and you're not going to like what you see.[/COLOR] ------ [SIZE=4]Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham[/SIZE] A very good match in the middle of the card between four accomplished tag team wrestlers. Pillman and the Television Champion the Z-Man started off hot but the Horsemen used their cheating methods to make the comeback. During the match, the Diamond Studd came strutting out and Arn Anderson tossed the Z-Man out at his feet. The Studd leveled the Z-Man with a punch while Anderson distracted the official. He also rammed the Z-Man's back into the ring before tossing him back in. Double A hit the Anderson Spinebuster on the Z-Man and got the pinfall victory. Winner: Arn Anderson and Barry Windham Match Time: 9:34 Match Rating: C- The Horsemen held Brian Pillman back as the Diamond Studd came into the ring and attacked the Z-Man! Zenk went for a ride on the Diamond Death Drop and the Diamond Studd flicked a toothpick down on the Z-Man before exiting the ring with a smile. ------ A graphic showed on the screen, hyping the main event match at the Clash of the Champions where Sting will defend the NWA World Heavyweight Title against Big Van Vader. Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura talked about that match for a moment before getting ready for the debut of Ravishing Rick Rude. ------ [SIZE=4]Rick Rude debuts against Ricky Morton[/SIZE] Ricky Morton came out to some cheers from the crowd before Paul E. Dangerously led Rick Rude down to the ring. Rude was given a microphone. [U][COLOR=RED]Rick Rude[/U] Cut my music! What I would like to have right now is for all you fat, out of shape, southern Clemson Tiger slobs to keep the noise down while I take my robe off and show you southerners what a real man is supposed to look like. Hit my music![/COLOR] Rude's music cranked back up and Paul E. helped him remove the robe and Rude flexed to boos from the crowd before turning his attention to Ricky Morton. The Rock and Roll Express member is no slouch in the ring and that helped make Rude's debut that much more of a success. Ravishing Rick Rude dominated most of the match though Morton got in a few good shots on Rude. The Ravishing One got the pinfall on Morton following a Rude Awakening Neckbreaker. Winner: Rick Rude Match Time: 6:49 Match Rating: C ------ [SIZE=4]Rick Steiner vs. Butch Reed[/SIZE] The Dog-Faced Gremlin taking on the Hacksaw in this match. Reed is the current NWA World Tag Team Champion but Rick is looking to take that belt at the Clash. These two showed great chemistry inside the ring and it made for a much more intense bout. Scott Steiner had gotten the pinfall over Ron Simmons earlier and Butch Reed got the pinfall here following a Gorilla Press Slam. Doom and the Steiners are tied 1-1 going into the Clash. Winner: Butch Reed Match Time: 7:37 Match Rating: C ------ [SIZE=4]Big Josh vs. Nikita Koloff[/SIZE] A major brawl in this match with the North Westerner getting in some good offense against the Russian. Koloff, however, didn't take too kindly to the blows by Big Josh and came right back on him, finishing him off with that powerful Russian Sickle and getting the win. Winner: Nikita Koloff Match Time: 6:57 Match Rating: D ------ [SIZE=4]Lex Luger and Sting vs. Big Van Vader and Dan Spivey[/SIZE] And it's main event time as the two champions come out to real loud cheers from the crowd. Harley Race led Big Van Vader and Dan Spivey out to boos from the crowd. Spivey and Luger started the match and eventually Luger became a bit of a face-in-peril inside the ring with Big Van Vader and Dan Spivey teaming up on him. Big Van Vader showed some improved technical skills and it was some power shown by Luger that got him out of a Dan Spivey bearhug! He literally broke the bearhug with his strength and then took Spivey down with a clothesline! Luger crawled over to the corner and made the tag and Spivey tagged in Vader! Sting went immediately on the offensive against his Clash challenger! He knocked Vader in a corner and climbed up, punching away on Vader as the crowd counted to ten! Sting dropped down and backed up, shouting "OWWWW!" to the crowd before he went straight in and hit Vader with a Stinger Splash! But Vader didn't go down! Sting backed up and hit a second Stinger Splash in the corner! Vader teetered and up on the apron came Harley Race! Sting looked over and so did the referee! Dan Spivey went into the ring and met Lex Luger and the two began brawling! Vader was slowly recovering as Sting took the bait. Sting grabbed Race and Race called for help! Vader came over and clubbed Sting from behind! Vader pulled Sting in...VADER BOMB!!! Sting got PLANTED! Vader makes the cover: 1...2..3! If Big Van Vader can do that on Tuesday we will have a new Champion! Winners: Big Van Vader and Dan Spivey Match Time: 11:10 Match Rating: B- Following the match, Vader pulled Sting over toward the corner and climbed to the second turnbuckle. He bounced several times and then landed HARD on top of the Stinger! The crowd booed and Stingers looked on sadly as Sting lay on the mat and Big Van Vader stood tall with his arm raised in the air as the show ended. Overall Rating: C TV Rating: To Be Announced[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Thursday night from the Civic Center Auditorium in Amarillo, Texas and broadcast Sunday night on TBS[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]WCW POWER HOUR![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Scott Steiner vs. Ric Flair[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]WCW World Television Title Match: Tom Zenk defends against the debuting Mike Quackenbush[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Nova vs. Johnny B. Badd[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Chris Benoit vs. Kid Kash[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]WCW POWER HOUR[/SIZE] Thursday, Week 3, January 1991 Civic Center Auditorium Amarillo, Texas Attendance: 1,975 The WCW Power Hour kicked off following the ending of Bonanza and we were welcomed to the show by Tony Schiavone and Jesse the Body Ventura. They spoke about the main event tonight where Ric Flair takes on Scott Steiner, two men looking to make a large impact at the Clash of the Champions. ------ [SIZE=4]Chris Benoit vs. Kid Kash[/SIZE] Two solid wrestlers kicked off this edition of the Power Hour as the Rabid Wolverine Chris Benoit took on newcomer Kid Kash. The Crippler Benoit dominated a lot of the contest though Kid Kash got his moments in to shine as well. Benoit scored a pinfall victory following a Dragon Suplex. Winner: Chris Benoit Match Time: 6:50 Match Rating: D ------ [QUOTE][B]A video begins to play... The video highlights the debut of Ravishing Rick Rude and his subsequent victory over Ricky Morton at the last WCW Saturday Night.[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Keeping with the trend of revisiting WCW Saturday Night, highlights of the StingLuger/VaderSpivey match are shown. Big Van Vader comes away with the pinfall victory over Sting and a subsequent attack after the match. Will Sting be able to defend his title at the Clash?[/B][/QUOTE] ------ [SIZE=4]Nova vs. Johnny B. Badd[/SIZE] Another match featuring young superstars as Nova takes on Johnny B. Badd. Tony Schiavone explains that Nova got his name by being an inNOVAtor of offense and he showed some quick moves against the boxing Johnny B. Badd. Badd came back though and hit Nova with the TKO and got the pinfall. Winner: Johnny B. Badd Match Time: 5:36 Match Rating: E+ ------ [SIZE=4]WCW World Television Title Match: Tom Zenk defends against the debuting Mike Quackenbush[/SIZE] A major match for the debuting Mike Quackenbush, taking on the Television Champion Tom Zenk in his debut. The Quack Attack got in a few good, heavy acrobatic shots on the Z-Man but Zenk fired back. Zenk made this a successful title defense by hitting Quackenbush with a Flying Drop Kick! Winner: Tom Zenk Match Time: 4:40 Match Rating: D- ------ [SIZE=4]Scott Steiner vs. Ric Flair[/SIZE] And it's already main event time! This hour goes by so fast. But this was by far the best match on the card. The crowd appreciated the athletic skills of both men in this contest. Steiner showed why he was a great amateur wrestler at Michigan by matching Flair with technical skill after skill. Even Flair seemed surprised at the way that Scott Steiner kept up with him. In the end, it was a little well-timed interference from Arn Anderson while the referee was out in the form of a Spinebuster that allowed Flair to roll Steiner in the inside cradle and get the 3 count. Winner: Ric Flair Match Time: 10:31 Match Rating: B Overall Rating: C+ TV Rating: To Be Announced[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE=5]World Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER] -WCW is waving goodbye to several superstars: Big Josh, Norman the Lunatic, Abdullah the Butcher, Angel of Death and Ice Train. We wish all these gentlemen the best of luck in the future. -WCW Saturday Night draws a 1.87 rating on TBS. -TBS have sent word that they are unhappy with the ratings of WCW Saturday Night, and want to see improvements. -Saturday Night's house show brought in $12,290. -WCW Power Hour drew a .25 on TBS and a .00 on TSN. -TBS and TSN have both sent word that they are unhappy with the ratings of WCW Power Hour, and want to see improvements. -WWF Primetime Wrestling was axed from both USA and TSN. -Monday night's house show made $16,030.
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