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The Origin & Evolution Of NYCW

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[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/Prologue/NYCW_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/Prologue/NYCW_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/Prologue/NYCW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/Prologue/NYCW-2.jpg[/IMG]
[B][CENTER][FONT="Arial"]1988[/FONT][/CENTER][/B] [B][FONT="Arial"][CENTER]1995[/CENTER][/FONT][/B] [B][FONT="Arial"][CENTER]1997[/CENTER][/FONT][/B] [B][FONT="Arial"][CENTER]2007[/CENTER][/FONT][/B]
[FONT="garamond"][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Navy"]New York City Wrestling[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR] [QUOTE="The History Of North American Wrestling : By Adam Ryland"][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="3"]
Wrestling started becoming a real profession in the US around the 1960s, which is generally known as the "Traditional Era". Prior to this it had been little more than a sideshow attraction, but the 60s saw the emergence of several regional territories, with wrestlers travelling from promotion to promotion. It was hard for wrestlers to become real superstars, as they rarely stayed in one place long enough to really become dominant, but some carved out good reputations for themselves and earned great livings - amongst these were men like Dan Stone and George DeColt, who would later go on to be successful promoters. The major territories at this time included Championship Wrestling from Boston (run by Gene Plumelli), Dick The Devastator's All-American Florida Wrestling, the Tri-State area's American Pro Wrestling Federation, California Pro Wrestling (headed by Preston Holt), and the Texas Wrestling League. The end of this situation began in around 1978, when a relatively new promotion called Supreme Wrestling Federation, under the leadership of a young promoter called Richard Eisen, began building up an impressive roster by offering long-term contracts to some of the most popular wrestlers, which was unheard of in those days. By 1980, SWF was able to put on wrestling's first pay-per-view event, which marked the beginning of the "Supreme Era". SWF became the national powerhouse, with clever marketing and showmanship making the smaller promotions look amateurish. By the mid 80s, almost all the regional promotions had been put out of business, and SWF was almost entirely dominant, with their headline wrestlers like Sam Strong and Rip Chord being national superstars. [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="6"]A[/SIZE]pril 1988:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
Derek Bradford was not a happy man. Derek had just come from a roster meeting with Dick The Devastator and Big Al Wallace - Owner and Head Booker of All American Florida Wrestling- and the news wasn't good. For a few years now, Supreme Wrestling Federation had been plundering the ranks of lesser promotions, but the last few months had seen half of AAFW's roster gone, with nobody really able to replace them. After some consideration, Dick had gone to Richard Eisen - Owner of SWF - and came away with a buyout offer. For some, the offer was a ray of hope. The younger workers knew that SWF was their chance for the big time... A chance to show the world what their could do, and if the rumours were true, a TV deal was on the horizon and a chance to be beamed into the nations livingroom's was too good to pass up. For the veterans of AAFW it would mark the end of the road. Eisen was known for using monster like wrestlers or young pretty boys who the girls would swoon over. There was no place there for an average looking, slightly balding 39 year old, especially one that had wrestled for the last four years as The Masked Mauler in AAFW. So he had wished Dick and Al all the best and left AAFW behind him heading back to Poughkeepsie to get ready for life after wrestling.
[B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="6"]J[/SIZE]une 1988:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
Two months had past since Derek had last wrestled professionally and he was beginning to feel the itch. He did sometimes spar with his friend and former AAFW road agent Adrian Lombardi, but the thought that he would never appear in front of a crowd again saddened him. A few weeks after his departure from AAFW, Derek had taken a job at a gymnasium and it was there when he was sparring with Lombardi that he met Ray 'The Crippler' Kingman. The Crippler was a icon from the 1970's and 80's and was famous for his submission moves. He was on the lookout for somewhere for his 14 year old son Barry to train at and he wanted Derek to help. Derek and The Crippler talked for a while about the state of wrestling at the moment and how smaller promotions were just fading away and giants like SWF were taking only what they wanted. Derek then let slip his dream of one day opening his own promotion, a place where traditional wrestling would be placed above all else, and The Crippler just smiled. A few days after meeting The Crippler, they met again. This time The Crippler had an offer for him. He would have a word with some friends of his about getting some investors involved to create a local New York promotion. With Derek Bradford at the helm and Adrian Lombardi helping out with road duties, New York City Wrestling was born...
[B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="6"]D[/SIZE]ecember 1994:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
It had been 6 years since NYCW's debut, and while not really growing as large as Derek had envisioned, it was still big enough to draw in some former big names, such as SWF's Corporal Doom and Land Mass. Around the Tri State area NYCW has beginning to get a reputation as a place where you could go and watch the good ol' days of wrestling, before the commercialisation and 10 minute angles of modern day shows, and a place where older workers could end their days with dignity. However Derek wasn't that worried about NYCW. It was his friend that worried him. For the last few months, the health of Adrian Lombardi has been declining and Lomardi had been slowly grooming Corporal Doom to take over the book in the event of anything happening. And happen it would. Just after Christmas, Adrian Lombardi was rushed into hospital. Years of living on the road, drinking and smoking had taken its toll and the doctors claimed he had mere days to live. Derek spent every moment he could there waiting with his friend. On the forth day after being admitted Lombardi beckoned Derek over. [I]'Derek my friend, together we have created something special. A haven for the aging veterans of wrestling. A place where legends go to die. Our own personal Valhalla. I want your word that you will carry on once i've gone. Never let go of your dream.'[/I] [I]'I promise'[/I] Derek replied. Those were the last words Adrian Lombardi said. He died in the early hours of the morning. He was survived by his wife and son. NYCW went into a period of mourning for one of its founding members, even to the point of changing the logo to a black background with the Empire State Building standing tall.
[B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="6"]S[/SIZE]eptember 1997:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
New York was shocked to its core early 1997 with an earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter Scale. Sections of Brooklyn were reduced to rubble, but the biggest loss came when the Empire State Building came crashing down. In the aftermath of the earthquake, New Yorkers came together in a mass wave of patriotism. Every store window carried an american flag, and almost all shows based in the Big Apple, held a New York special. NYCW held a free show for the survivors of the earthquake, where the unveiled they new NYCW logo, unashamedly carrying an image of Lady Liberty herself. Derek Bradford, having been now nicknamed The Stomper by NYCW's locker room got back in the ring for his first professional match since Adrian Lombardi's death. Upon entering the ring, he walked over and touched each ringpost as a sign of respect for his friend. [I]'This ones for you Lombardi'[/I] The Stomper thought to himself. He lost, but aged 40, you cant win them all.
[B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="6"]D[/SIZE]ecember 2007:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
The Stomper couldn't believe it. 19 years on and NYCW was still going. Sure the lineup had completely changed but now he had a new lineup of veterans all ending their days with him such as Grandmaster Phunk; formally Danny B Bling from SWF. In place of Crippler Kingman was his son Barry, now 33 years old. While not the massive star that his father was, he had some success in 4C while on leave from NYCW. While The Stomper made infrequent trips to the ring, his former alter-ego was a regular there. The Masked Mauler had made various debuts over the years and they had now settled upon William Franklyn; the sixth Mauler. There was also a slowly growing youth movement in NYCW with the introduction of The New York Doll and Sammy The Shark. The youngsters were even making some of the older roster pick up their game a bit. However the 58 year old Stomper was going tired. He had been managing the book for the last few years until Black Hat Bailey agreed to help out. However the 47 year old Bailey was making noise about heading to a bigger promotion and ending his days there leaving the book to The Stomper again. It was something he doubted he had the energy for anymore. He headed back to Poughkeepsie to his house and took a stiff drink before his yearly ritual. The drive to the cemetery was always one of his most dreaded moments. He pondered over just what to say. He wanted to tell him that it was time to give up, hand NYCW over to somebody else, and retire. He was tired, and ached almost everyday. He got out the car and pulled his coat collar up to try drive off the effects of the winter chill and strode towards the grave. [I]'13 years'[/I] he muttered to himself [I]'I cant believe its been so long'[/I] He spent the next hour cleaning up the grave, before placing some flowers upon it. [I]'Adrian.. Give me a sign.. What should i do?'[/I] A noise behind made The Stomper turn [I]'....Uncle Derek????'[/I][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]This was a story that had been on my mind for a few months now.. The origin and evolution of NYCW, and i wanted to see if i could tell it. I also wanted it to prehaps be the start of a diary, but hold its own as a standalone C-Verse story just in case i dont carry it on. I thought i would post this and see what the reaction is. [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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Writing-wise, definitely a strong start to the diary. You've obviously got a lot of ideas, so I'll be keeping an eye on this one. Since you asked for reactions, though, I do have to point out one small inconsistency in the back story in accordance with CornellVerse canon: AAFW went out of business in December of 1978, whereas you've got them still open in 1988. In '88, the only "territory" promotion still open was TWL, who managed to stay afloat until 1995. Still, for the purposes of the back story it's not such a big change as to ruin the potential of the diary. :p You've got my vote to try and turn this into a longer-running diary - judging by the sheer number of predictions Tigerkinney and Dragonmack are getting, the boards are starving for good new diaries. :D
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[QUOTE=SadisticBlessings;448157]Writing-wise, definitely a strong start to the diary. You've obviously got a lot of ideas, so I'll be keeping an eye on this one. Since you asked for reactions, though, I do have to point out one small inconsistency in the back story in accordance with CornellVerse canon: [B]AAFW went out of business in December of 1978, whereas you've got them still open in 1988.[/B] In '88, the only "territory" promotion still open was TWL, who managed to stay afloat until 1995. Still, for the purposes of the back story it's not such a big change as to ruin the potential of the diary. :p You've got my vote to try and turn this into a longer-running diary - judging by the sheer number of predictions Tigerkinney and Dragonmack are getting, the boards are starving for good new diaries. :D[/QUOTE]Ah.. I bounced around the '75, '97 and default databases but i must have missed that bit of information
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Yes, carry this on. I know a lot of your dynasty's don't last long but the back story in this one is absolutely awesome. There's no point having put this much work into a backstory when you are not going to go on. I want to see where this is going.
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[QUOTE=TheJoshRollins;448533]I would believe so. NYCW is an interesting fed, IMO. I mean, it's old school traditional, it's still kind of sports-entertainmenty, and it's just awesome. I dunno, maybe it's just Steve Flash.[/QUOTE]I do have in mind the second part of the story which continues from where i left off.. However if i do carry this on, then its not going to be as story heavy as my previous attempts at diary writing.. Before i get so caught up fleshing out the world that i lose interest in the game. It will be the current leadup, and then shows only from then on.
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[COLOR="Navy"][B][FONT="Arial Narrowl"][SIZE="6"][CENTER][FONT="Arial Narrow"]'The Reunion'[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[I]'Uncle Derek????'[/I] The Stomper couldn't believe his eyes. It was like looking at the spitting image of Adrian Lombardi himself, but he knew that couldn't be true. Adrian was in the ground near his feet. [I]'Uncle.. Its Daniel.. You remember me dont you'[/I] In front of The Stomper stood Daniel Lombardi, Adrians son and it all came flooding back. [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Navy"][B][SIZE="6"]J[/SIZE]anuary 1995:[/B][/COLOR] It was a week since Derek had heard the last words of his best friend, and he hadn't been handling it well. He was constantly drifting off at work and had begun drinking too much. All he could think of was Adrians last words. [I]'Derek my friend, together we have created something special. A haven for the aging veterans of wrestling. A place where legends go to die. Our own personal Valhalla. I want your word that you will carry on once i've gone. Never let go of your dream.'[/I] The Stomper realised that his mind was away again, and refocused. He had to be strong today, for his friends and family. He looked over and saw Corporal Doom in the seat next to him, taking the pair of them of them to the cemetery for the burial. [CENTER] * * * * *[/CENTER] It was quite a touching service, with friends and family all saying something about what Adrian had meant to them. Even former boss Dick The Devastator had arrived flying in from Japan especially to say a few words. As people starting leaving, Derek was approached by little Daniel, Adrian son. [I]'Uncy.. Where's daddy gone?'[/I] Derek pondered over what to tell a 4 year old about death. That his father wouldn't be coming back or how cruel life could be. [I]'Daniel.. Your dad was my best friend, and we all miss him terribly, but he has moved onto something bigger. I know he loved you though and will look in on you from time to time'[/I] Daniel starting crying and Sophia, Daniels mother rushed over to comfort him. [I]'WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HIM!'[/I] [I]'Nothing.. I just told him that i knew his father loved him very much, as do i. He is like a son to me. Let me know if there is anything that you two need'[/I] [I]'We dont need anything from you.. You took my Adrian away from his son for far too long, and now he is gone and my boy is fatherless. Im taking Daniel away from here so he doesn't have to watch anymore people throw their lives away'[/I] Sophia turned and scooped Daniel up in her arms taking him away forever.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Almost 13 years had past since that day, but he could remember it like it was yesterday. Sophia had soon sold the house, and moved out of New York to someplace The Stomper had never figured out where. As the years passed, he had pondered over trying to get in touch but never could manage the courage. [I]'Daniel??'[/I] he managed to say. [I]'Yes Uncle.. You remember me!'[/I] [I]'I havn't seen you in over a decade, but the likeness to your father is uncanny'[/I] [I]'I know.. Mum used to say that all the time'[/I] [I]'How is your mother'[/I] [I]'She.. erm.. she passed away a few months ago in her sleep'[/I] Daniel shed a tear [I]'Uncle... With mum gone, your all i have left that i consider family. Would it be possible to stay with you for a while.. I'll help out wherever a can'[/I] Realisation smacked The Stomper square in the face. [I]'Adrian you sly devil'[/I] he thought to himself [I]'A sign indeed. Bradford and Lombardi again'[/I] [I]'Daniel my boy.. Wrestlings in your blood, but i have a question for you. How good are you with the book?'[/I] 'Ok.. I guess' Daniel replied. [I]'I just need to make a call then'[/I] [I]'It always starts with a telephone call'[/I] The Stomper thought to himself, as he threw his arm around Daniel and drove him to his new home... at New York City Wrestling. [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][CENTER]The Beginning...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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WOW, that is an awesome backstory, I wish I could come up with some of the stuff you guys do, if I could then maybe I would do a diary, but I lack most writing skills :D great work clarity, cant wait to see where you go with this. :)
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[QUOTE=Trell;449248]WOW, that is an awesome backstory, I wish I could come up with some of the stuff you guys do, if I could then maybe I would do a diary, but I lack most writing skills :D great work clarity, cant wait to see where you go with this. :)[/QUOTE]Backstories are easy.. Im still pondering over writing HGC's takeover which has also been in my head for a bit
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[B][FONT="Arial"]On the next NYCW show:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW08%20Randoms/nycw.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][B][SIZE="6"]Rush Hour '08[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] Its a new year and a fresh start for NYCW. Mr Lombardi's first order as booker for NYCW was to assemble a tourmament for the right to contend the Empire Championship currently held by Steve Flash. Two matches have been scheduled for Rush Hour with the winners meeting to face each other straight afterwards. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Qualifying Match #1[/B][/COLOR] American Machine [I][SIZE="1"]Vs[/SIZE][/I] Rick Sanders [COLOR="Navy"][B]Qualifying Match #2[/B][/COLOR] Honest Frank [SIZE="1"][I]Vs[/I][/SIZE] Coyote Dynamite [COLOR="Navy"][B]#1 Contendership for the NYCW Empire Championship[/B][/COLOR] Winner 1 [SIZE="1"][I]Vs[/I][/SIZE] Winner 2 [COLOR="Navy"][B]Non-Title Match[/B][/COLOR] Steve Flash [SIZE="1"][I]Vs[/I][/SIZE] Black Hat Bailey[/CENTER] [QUOTE][B][SIZE="2"]Quick Picks for Rush Hour '08:[/B] American Machine V Rick Sanders Honest Frank V Coyote Dynamite Winner 1 V Winner 2 Flash Vs Bailey[/SIZE][/QUOTE][/FONT]
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[B]American Machine[/B] V Rick Sanders [B]Honest Fran[/B]k V Coyote Dynamite Winner 1 V Winner 2 Frank will definitely beat Dynamite but I'm only picking Machine because you're gonna want a face versus heel match [B]Flash[/B] Vs Bailey Steve Flash is great
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;450371][B]American Machine[/B] V Rick Sanders [B]Honest Fran[/B]k V Coyote Dynamite Winner 1 V Winner 2 Frank will definitely beat Dynamite but I'm only picking Machine because you're gonna want a face versus heel match [B]Flash[/B] Vs Bailey Steve Flash is great[/QUOTE] damn that was a quick reply
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[B]American Machine[/B] V Rick Sanders [I]To be honest, I have no clue, but I recall in a few games Machine appearing on totalextremewrestling.com as a rising star, so I'll go with him.[/I] Honest Frank V [B]Coyote Dynamite[/B] [I]I'm not 100% sure, but I believe Frank is younger, but Coyote is in slightly better shape. Slightly.[/I] [B]Winner 1[/B] V Winner 2 [I]Machine for the win![/I] [B]Flash[/B] Vs Bailey [I]Let's face it; Steve Flash may be the most respected man in the C-Verse.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;450388]Luck I just happen to be poking around, but I am keeping an eye on this I like NYCW and I've always liked your work.[/QUOTE]Yay... a fan!!! *EDIT* Amusing fact.. Harley Neil only just took over control of ROF as their booking position was empty.. 5 days later in a 6 man tag match for MoSC, he suffered Chronic Lower Back pain, and will be working through that injury for 3 months.. Wonder if they caused it on purpose?
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[B]American Machine[/B] V Rick Sanders [B]Honest Frank[/B] V Coyote Dynamite Winner 1 V Winner 2 [B]Honest Frank[/B] [B]Flash[/B] Vs Bailey My icon boy Frank is getting more love in '08, so he gets to be the next challenger for Flash, but no one in his right mind would have Flash drop the belt to ANYBODY on the default NYCW roster, unless he was leaving.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;450419][B]American Machine[/B] V Rick Sanders [B]Honest Frank[/B] V Coyote Dynamite Winner 1 V Winner 2 [B]Honest Frank[/B] [B]Flash[/B] Vs Bailey My icon boy Frank is getting more love in '08, so he gets to be the next challenger for Flash, but no one in his right mind would have Flash drop the belt to ANYBODY on the default NYCW roster, unless he was leaving.[/QUOTE]Have i ever been in my right mind??
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This is very nicely written. Interesting content and good use of fonts/colors. I like it. [B]American Machine[/B] V Rick Sanders [B]Honest Frank[/B] V Coyote Dynamite American Machine vs. [B]Honest Frank[/B] [B]Flash[/B] Vs Bailey
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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/Prologue/NYCW-3.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Navy"][B][SIZE="6"]RUSH HOUR 2008[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B]
[B] [COLOR="Navy"]The Weston Gymnasium[/B][/COLOR] Saturday Wk 2 January 2008 300 In Attendance [COLOR="Navy"] [B]Preshow Ratings:[/B][/COLOR] E & E+ [COLOR="Navy"][B]Segment #1[/B][/COLOR] The lights come up on a lone figure at the back of the Gymnasium, and its revealed to be Mr. Lombardi, NYCW's new booker. With a microphone in hand, he tells the fans that while he respects the older generation backstage, he didn't care about their achievements. So tonight he was going to have the first of several tournaments for the NYCW championships. [B][COLOR="Navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] E [B][COLOR="Navy"]Qualifying Match #1[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER]American Machine [B][COLOR="Navy"][I][SIZE="1"]Vs[/SIZE][/I][/COLOR][/B] Rick Sanders[/B]American Machine defeated Rick Sanders in 8:09 by pinfall with an Old Glory.[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] D- [B][COLOR="Navy"]Qualifying Match #2[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER]Honest Frank [B][I][SIZE="1"]Vs[/SIZE][/I][/B] Coyote Dynamite[/B]Honest Frank defeated Coyote Dynamite in 9:02 by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter.[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] E- [B][COLOR="Navy"]#1 Contendership for the NYCW Empire Championship Match:[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER]American Machine [SIZE="1"][I]Vs[/I][/SIZE] Honest Frank[/B]Honest Frank defeated American Machine in 8:32 by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter.[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] D- Having come through two matches to claim the #1 contendership, Honest Frank celebrates in the ring with a lot of enthusiasm. [B][COLOR="Navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] D- [B][COLOR="Navy"]Non-Title Match:[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER] [B]Steve Flash [I][SIZE="1"]Vs[/SIZE][/I] Black Hat Bailey[/B] Black Hat Bailey drew with Steve Flash in 14:56 when the referee lost control and stopped the match due to Grandmaster Phunk's run in to attack Steve Flash.[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] C [B][COLOR="Navy"]Segment #2[/COLOR][/B] The cameras pick up on Grandmaster Phunk right after he jumped Steve Flash. After a few seconds, Phunk has Steve Flash on the ground and begins laying into him with a series of kicks. As the announcers and fans scream their outrage, Grandmaster Phunk pulls out a paint bucket from underneath the ring. With a scowl of menace, Phunk proceeds to paint Steve Flash bright pink!! [I]'You want a number one contender.. Well how about you fight me'[/I] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] C [CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][B][SIZE="4"]Final Show Rating:[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] D[/FONT][/CENTER]
[FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Navy"][B]Post-Show:[/B][/COLOR] After the show, Daniel Lombardi was heading towards the locker room to see what the reaction was, when the loud shouting distracted him. [I]'You should have seen it, walking down to the ring, it looked like you were waddling'[/I] That was Fern Hathaway, and as he arrived he met the poor victim of the abuse.. Cheerleader Nicki. [I]'What the hell do you think your doing'[/I] Daniel said. [I]'Just making sure the girl here doesn't trip on her sagging titties, thats all'[/I] [I]'Well its not your place to say anything. If i think Nicki is slacking, then im gonna tell her. If i ever hear of you ripping into workers again, then your gonna get a hell of a lot worse than a warning.'[/I] [I]'Whatever'[/I] Fern said and walked off[/FONT]
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