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FTC 1991 - Return of the Territories (McMahons's Medicine)

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/GCWHeader-1.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]GCW News[/B] GCW has signed a TV deal with the Sunshine Network for an early evening show on Saturdays that will be called GCW Superstars. Fans of GCW can look for the show to debut towards the end of February. ([B]OOC[/B] - Sunshine only broadcasts in our home region right now, but I wanted to make sure we got a deal and they were the first to offer. The time slot is good and it is only one season, so I will look for better options next time) [B]Locker Room rumors[/B] Speculation backstage at GCW is that Mike Awesome, Sabu and Paul Ellering are three workers that tned to get involved in friction backstage. Bob Roop is also known to be argumentative at times and Dark Journey has been known to cause as lot of problems in the past. Bret Hart and Wrestling II are both well respected leaders, with Owen Hart, Ricky Steamboat and Jerry Lynn also positive influences according to our sources, who say that overall the mood in GCW is perfectly harmonious backstage. [B]Around the World[/B] [B]Signings[/B] [B]AWA[/B] Ron Bass Al Perez [B]CSTATE[/B] Buddy Lee Parker [B]MACW[/B] John Tenta Ray Traylor Doug Gilbert [B]WCCW[/B] David Sheldon Hiroshi Tenzan Steve Simpson [B]CWA[/B] Chris Candido [B]HCW[/B] Larry Hennig [B]PNW[/B] Marc Lowrance Ivan Koloff [B]SMW[/B] Haku [B]ECWA[/B] Mituhari Misawa Octagon Lance Storm [B]CWF[/B] Del Wilkes Budy Landell [B]WWF[/B] Johnny Grunge ([B]OOC[/B]- As signins are slowing down now I will only report he major deals from here on out.) [B]Into the Sunset[/B] Nikolai Volkoff has retired from Wrestling at the age of 43. [B]Media[/B] MACW is debuting a new TV show called Wrecking Ball on Bravo WWF All-American Wrestling is cancelled USA Network WCW Power Hour is cancelled by TSN Network. The big boys both suffer major blows in the fallout of the McMahon/Turner scandal. [QUOTE=MrOnu;452168]A good first show. As D16NJD16, Rob's promo was great. A heel stable getting the big belt at the beginning of a company usually announces some great things in the future...hehe[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=D16NJD16;452072]Haha, that RVD promo cracked me up.[/QUOTE] Thanks guys I am hoping RVD can do some big things for the company. I need to come up with an angle to change the name though, Szatkowski is killing me :) I think I have a pretty good mix of young and veteran talent, but having to compete directly against WCW in our home base is going to make it tough. Thanks for following.
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i really like the diary so far and I liked the first show. Although, that may be because I'm a Double A mark, haha, eitehr way I like the talent in the fed. You got the young, old, and everything in between, its a good mix.
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I am sitting in my apartment getting some thoughts down for our first TV taping which will be upcoming shortly, in the backgroud the TV drones on providing just enough of a background distraction to help me focus, as though I was in a booking meeting, hearing, but not listening to those around me as I worked through an ever evolving string of storylines in my head. Suddenly I heard the "name" and what followed brought me out of my dream world with the force of Davey Boy Smith power slam, as I now focused on every word that filled the air of my Apartment. "Vince McMahon will remain a free man after a federal judge suspended any possible prison time that he could have been subject to today, as part of a plea agreement." The commentator mentioned that nearly all of McMahons liquid assets would remain frozen and likely be lost as a result of the many fines and penalties he is facing, expected to exceed 75 million dollars when all was said and done. McMahon was placed on 3 years supervised probation and given 500 hours of community service as part of the deal as well. Pausing to address the press, McMahon was candid about his interest in returning to wrestling. He read brief statement as the cameras rolled. "I obviously will not be affiliated with the WWF due to circumstances in my personal life, but I still have a definite interest in returing to professional wrestling in some capacity as soon as possible, a wiser and better man." Wiser and better? Better scams and wisdom to avoid getting caught next time? Regardless, it appeared official, that Vinnie Mac would be seeking employment again in the sport he had nearly ruined. I could not imagine any of the current owners of territories giving him the book, so it appeared his best bets would be to either start a new promotion or buy one of the existing smaller ones. CWA, SECW, HCW and PPW were all promtions that fit this bill as none of them had enough workers to even run a show still. Welcome back Vinnie Mac..... [B]OOC Note:[/B] I placed McMahon on hiatus when I started the game, with the intent to allow him to return. Just didn't think it would be so soon :) [QUOTE=buck44f;452410]i really like the diary so far and I liked the first show. Although, that may be because I'm a Double A mark, haha, eitehr way I like the talent in the fed. You got the young, old, and everything in between, its a good mix.[/QUOTE] I am big double A mark as well, he just plays that whole enforcer role so well. I expect some big things from him GCW.
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia]Georgia Championship Wrestling [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia]GCW St Valentines Shootout - Sunday February 10th, 1991 -Birmingham, AL[/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] The house lights dim and once aain we see [B]Caudle and Gertner[/B] in the ring. [B]Gertner:[/B] "Well, well well....Sweet home Alabama, I can't talk about our women...("That's cause yer gay" yells an inebriated Man in a Cowboy hat," let Bob talk") Gertner suddenly turns his attention to his heckler. "Looks like someone opened the 'closet door.' So you want me to stop, cause you love you some Caudle, and now WE all know why Bob walks.....with a waddle." [B]Caudle[/B] has heard enough and talks over Gertner. "Brilliant introduction as always Joel, Ladies and Gentlemen, we welcome you tonight and lets talk about the reason we are here.....Wrestling. Tonight in our main event you will see Arn Anderson defend his National Heavyweight Title against the natural, Dustin Rhodes. [B]Rating: C-[/B] (I chuckle, cause I know Bob fuming right now) [B]Hayabusa vs Adam Copeland[/B] Two youngsters open the show and the crowd apparently wanted some bigger names as they ignore a good match won by Hayabusa in 6:33 by pinfall with a Spinning Falcon Arrow. [B]Rating: F+[/B] [B]Rob Szatkowski[/B] slowly makes his way to the podium, high fiving fans as goes, not a care in the World, finally joining Caudle. [B]Rob:[/B] "What's up Santa Monica?" [B]Caudle:[/B] "Rob we are in Birmingham, Alabama." [B]Rob:[/B] "Cool..." (RVD smiles and gives the hang loose sign the fans) [B]Caudle:[/B] "Did you want to talk about your match with Sabu tonight?" [B]Rob:[/B] "Oh yeah..So I was checking out that Dark Julie babe that hangs out with him....Dude, she is hot!!" [B]Caudle:[/B] "Ah, yeah, I think you have told me that before....now about Sabu?" [B]Rob:[/B] (snickering) Yeah, he's a dick, hey where we at again?" [B]Caudle:[/B] (openly annoyed) "A-L-A-B-A-M-A" [B]Rob:[/B] "Right, well party on dudes and hang out to watch me beat up Sabu tonight." [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Mike Awesome vs The Tonga Kid[/B] Awesome, with Ellering offering advice from ring side gives the Kid a stiff beatdown, finally ending the night with an Awesome Bomb at the 6:35 mark. The youngest member of 'The precious few' wins his GCW debut [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Dark Journey and Sabu [/B]come to the ring. "Rob Szatkowski, you are such a jerk!! I am not a chick, a babe or hot....I mean I am hot, but mind your own business! And, my name is not Julie!!! I don't care how cute you are...I mean you're not cute" (DJ is obviously out of sorts and Sabu nudges her and gives her a dirty look) "Sorry honey" DJ regains her composure and continues. "MY man, is much better, much crazier and nowhere near as stupid as you Rob Szatkowski, and later tonight, you don't get the girl, you won't get a win, infact.....I bet you won't even remember where you parked your car.....I hate you!!!" [B]Gertner:[/B] "Well that was strange, seems like Dark Journey was a bit distracted....no doubt by yours truly, the one and only, the quint..." [B]Caudle:[/B] "GERTNER, we have a match!" [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Chris Chavis vs Yuji Nagata[/B] The War Eagle pushed the pace early, as Nagata looks to get his martial arts into play mid match. From here it is back and forth, until Chavis hits the Indian Death Drop, getting the pinfall win in 7:05. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Tommy Rich's[/B] entrance music starts and up on the video screen the cameras pan the crowd, finally focusing on a peculiar looking long haired rocker type, banging his head with the 'Devil's Horns' thrust above his head. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Tommy Rich vs Boris Zhukov[/B] Rich has slowed a it, but still knows his way around the ring and generally manages to thwart Zhukov's tomfoolery at every turn, though the Russian does do some damage. Rich gets the win in 10:15 by pinfall with a Lariat that would make Stan Hansen proud. [B]Rating: E[/B] (These two have big chemistry issues in the ring) [B]As Rich leaves [/B]he stops where the heavy metal fan is sitting and does some headbanging with him before heading to the back. [B]Gertner:[/B] "Looks like both of them ate their share of paint chips growing up" [B]Caudle:[/B] "Well there was obviously enough left over for you still Joel." [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Sabu vs Rob Szatkowski[/B] An exciting match that brings the house down as these two look to steal the show. Szatkowski takes an enziguiri and winds up on the floor, where Dark Journey comes over and appears to be checking on him. She helps him up, brushes the hair from his face, then maces him, as Sabu hits a plancha from inside the ring. Dazed and blind, Szatkowski is counted out at 11:46 giving Sabu the win. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Arn Anderson[/B] makes his way to the ring, grabs Gertner's Mic and gives him an evil stare that sends him scurrying for cover. "Bret Hart....The Hitman, the greatest thing to hit wrestling to these rednecks since 2 for 1 Pabst Blue ribbon night at the Horse and Hoof Saloon!!! Well guess what punk, this belt rests on the shoulder of an Anderson, just like it has so many times before. Why, cause your shoulder wasn't big enough to carry the expectations of being National Heavyweight Champion son." "This belt if for legends, not two bit Canadian jobbers!! And speaking of legends, tonight I face.....The son of a legend, son of a Champion, son of Dusty Rhodes......Well to me Dustin, you're just the same sorry sonofabitch your Daddy was, and I'm going to beat you down seven ways to Sunday, just like I always did him!!!!" [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Bret Hart vs Steve Keirn in 13:31[/B] Hart, obviously distracted be Anderson's promo before his match, has some trouble with the wily veteran of the southern wrestling wars, but recovers to win by pinfall with a Backbreaker in 13:41. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Hart calls for a Mic[/B] after his hand is raised. "Anderson....you think one victory that you couldn't even pull off without help and a few harsh words are going to keep the Hitman down? I am here, just like you for the long haul, and I WILL have that belt that you disgrace right now......You are looking at the excellence of execution and I promise you this......Every step you take down that road as Champion, look behind every bush, check under every bridge, because you never know where I'll be....until it's too late.....And the National Heavyweight Title....is mine!!" [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Arn Anderson vs Dustin Rhodes - National Heavyweight Title[/B] Young Rhodes brings energy and determination to the fray, but it is no match for the guile and sadistic nature of AA, who works Rhodes lower back with elbows and violent whips into the turnbuckles. Rhodes rallies, finishing a flurry with several of his Fathers ademarked Bionic Elbows to send Anderson scrambling for higher ground. Arn soon regains control however and wins in 16:57 by pinfall after a horrific Spinebuster, made possible after a distraction from Paul Ellering. Arn Anderson makes defence number 1 of his National Heavyweight title. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Overall Rating: D+ Attendance: 3656[/B] Thought we would get better than this, but I think I need to schedule a hotter match out of the gate instead of just having two greenhorns open the show. Sabu and Szatkowski had the match of the night and it probably hurt Harts match as it was a tough act to follow. Especially when Keirn seemed a little off his game. Mike Awesome was getting some substantial heat backstage due to his attitude and several veterans offered to check him if he didn't straighten up. I read him the riot act after the show and he responded I was wasting his time and he would handle things. I warned him against being stupid, but he didn't seem to care. Fresh from that pleasantry I find Bob Caudle waiting for me. "Of all the things I have seen in my life in wrestling, tonight was one of the most humiliating. You are going to allow that snot nosed kid to make homosexual references to me and insult our fans like that?" [B]Me:[/B] "Bob, he is a heel, that's what they do....has your life in wrestling taught you that?" [B]Bob:[/B] "Don't patronize me......I want him to show me respect or I want another partner" With that he storms off as I thing of two perfect partners for him. Ole Anderson and a small cabin in Siberia where they can live out their days trading insults and memories from the book of who gives a damn.
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia]Georgia Championship Wrestling [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia]GCW Superstars TV Taping - Monday March 4th, 1991 - Macon, GA[/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] The very first taping of GCW Superstars opens with [B]Bob Caudle and Joel Gertner[/B] at the announcers table in front of a sell out crowd. [B]Gertner:[/B] "Well, well, well........There's a scent in the air, that reminds me of Bacon........Then I see all you Pigs and I know..........We're in Macon!" (The crowd suddenly turns very hostile and Caudle jumps in) [B]Caudle:[/B] "Oh please.....Ladies and Gentlemen, be assured that Mr. Gertners opinions are nobodies but his own. I, on the other hand would like to welcome you all to The Georgia Championship Wrestling Superstars TV show. Tonight we have a match for the new Georgia TV Title featuring [B]Sabu and Owen Hart![/B] And if that was not enough, in our main event....[B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart takes on Bob Roop[/B]. If Hart wins he gets a rematch with [B]Arn Anderson[/B] for the National Heavyweight Belt at 'Ides of March' later this month!!!" [B]Gertner:[/B] "Don't forget Dark Journey.....That lady is sweet, like a fine chocolate shake, so sweet that i'd like to feed her my..." [B]Caudle:[/B] "Gertner!!!! Let's get to the action folks!!" [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Marty Jannetty vs Dean Malenko[/B] The former Midnight Rocker uses an electrifying aerial attack to offset Malenko's solid mat game, scoring the pin in 6:53 by pinfall with a Rocker Dropper. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Arn Anderson[/B] joins Gertner in the ring...... [B]Gertner:[/B] "Standing with me, is the man the makes the...." [B]Anderson:[/B] "Oh cut the crap fatso....listen up and listen up real good, and I'm talking to you Bret Hart!! This belt is staying exactly where you see it now and it's staying here for a long, long time!! Hart, you get a rematch if you win tonight. Well son....Remember two things.....Precious means coveted....and few, that means not very many....Like the number of Brain cells you have if think you have a chance to get by Bob Roop tonight. Because in Georgia, 'Precious Few' stands for the best there is and when you face one of us, you face all of us....Which means you'll need a stretcher when we're done with you!!" [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Tommy Dreamer vs New Jack[/B] A wild brawl that soon ends up out on the floor and into the crowd. Both men get color and the crowd seems shocked at the brutality. Things come to an end 6:57 when the referee is unable to maintain order and declares the match a draw due to double count out. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith[/B] are exchanging words backstage. [B]Smith:[/B] "This is rubbish, I deserve the shot at the TV title, you puny little cur, you don't stand a bloody chance!" Hart brushes Smith off and walks to the Ring. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Sabu vs Owen Hart - GCW Television Title[/B] A thrilling match of high flyers that exposes the crowd to moves they have never seen before. Hart is more than holding his, until Dark Journey interferes and clocks him with her purse. Sabu follow up with an Arabian Facebuster to score the pin in 10:40. Sabu wins the GCW Television title, and Dark Journey is beside herself. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Owen Hart[/B] is being helped back down the aisle by medics, still stunned from the high impact move landed by Sabu. Davey Boy Smith rushes by him to the ring, grabs a microphone and proceeds to taunt Owen. [B]Smith:[/B] "What a bloody disgrace, losing cause a bird 'it you in the face with 'er purse. Yer nothing but a nancy boy you are!!" Owen tries to turn and go back and fight, but the officials restrain him and drag him backstage. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Bob Roop vs Bret Hart[/B] Definitely a worthy main event as these two set the arena on fire. Stiff back and forth action that has the crowd on the edge of their seats, with both men scoring near pinfalls. Hart locks on the Sharpshooter and all hell breaks loose as Arn Anderson and Mike Awesome storm the ring. Awesome attempts to distract Jim Mitchell as Anderson attacks Hart. Bret fights back and Mitchell calls for the bell, the winner by DQ in 10:56.....Bret Hart, who now gets a Title shot at 'Ides of March'. Hart avoids a severe beatdown when ducks a double clothesline from Anderson and Awesome, slides out of the ring, grabs a chair, then proceeds to clean house. [B]Rating: B-[/B] (Our first B match!!) [B]Overall Rating: C+ Attendance: 2000[/B] I couldn't have envisioned a better effort for our first TV show. Roop, despite being 42, stepped up big time with Hart in the main event. Hopefully this will get our TV show off to a strong start and build some interest for the March event (Ides of March) with the rematch between Hart and Anderson now firm. The feedback from the show is excellent, drawing lots of praise from those in attendance. The only negative is that some feel our ticket prices are too high, which may cause them to stay away in the future. In response to this, I drop the majority of tickets 1-2 dollars, with select tickets being dropped 3 or 4 dollars.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/GCWHeader-1.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]GCW[/B] There is much anticipation over the debut of GCW-Superstars this Saturday night on Sunshine Network. Exit polling indicates the show was well received and GCW will be looking to gain a strong foothold in the southern TV market, now that WCW has lost all their Television shows. GCW Owner Michael Hayes has apparently received several concerned calls from rival promotions over GCW's ticket prices. With the feeling that wrestling is facing a major threat to it's existance in the aftermath of the WWF/WCW scandals, it is felt that promotions should work together to keep events affordable as the industry works to win back fans. [B]Around the World[/B] SECW continues to struggle as they fall to small size. There is fear that Dusty Rhodes promotion mayl never get off the ground as they have yet to run a show since reopening and have only 4 employees. [B]Mass Exodus[/B] GWF has been a revolving door for talent, as the following workers have left the promotion over the last two weeks. The promotion still has a hearty roster and these moves were basically seen as house cleaning. Booker T Jerry Lynn Stevie Ray Alex Porteau Steve Simpson Dark Patriot Marc Lowrance Tom Pritchard Chris Walker Johnny Grunge, Rocco Rock and Sandman have all left DCW in the past week as well, despite all having a style tailor made for the promotion. [B]These are the Breaks[/B] AWA and SMW mainstay Tracy Smothers has sustained a torn rotator cuff, that will keep him out of action for 12 months. [B]Off into the Sunset[/B] Lou Thesz 74, Otto Wanz 42, Andre The Giant 44, Bugsy McGraw 49 and Bobo Brazil 66 have all anmnounced their retirements from Professional Wrestling. Thesz, Andre and Brazil have all been inducted into the hall of immortals. [B]Trouble behind the curtain[/B] Road Warrior Hawk and Charles Wright (AKA Papa Shango) were involved in a scuffle backstage at a MACW show and there is allegedly substantial heat between the pair. [B]Media[/B] WCW Power hour has been cancelled by TBS. WCW now has no TV shows! UWF Fury Hour has been cancelled by Sports Channel America The backlash from the last 12 months of scandals has cost wrestling dearly in terms of TV exposure. Currently only 6 of 20 active US promotions have Television deals AWA - All Star Wrestling (Sunday medium syndication) GCW - Superstars (Saturday Sunshine Network) MACW - Wrecking Ball (Thursday Bravo) Portland Wrestling (Saturday local TV) USWA - Memphis Mayhem (Thursday Southeast Cable) WWF - Primetime Wrestling (Sunday small syndication) and Wrestling Challenge (Friday Sky One) [B]Welcome Back[/B] In addition to Vince McMahon, Blackjack Mulligan and King Kong Bundy have also both returned to wrestling. At press time McMahon had still not received any offers of employment as he looks to rebuild his battered legacy. [QUOTE=buck44f;454557]Good first tv show. The shootout card will be killer in couple years game time. I like what the Few are doing, still very interesting, keep it up.[/QUOTE] Thanks Buck, I am hoping Awesome gets a good rub off of Roop and Anderson. I am very surprised with how well Sabu and RVD have started, they currently have a C- for their storyline.
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia]Georgia Championship Wrestling [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia]GCW Superstars TV Taping - Monday March 11th, 1991 - Sarasota, FL [/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [B]The show starts[/B] with highlights of the recent bout between Rob Szatkowski and Sabu as [B]Sabu[/B] is announced as GCW’s new TV Champion…. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Dark Journey[/B] comes running out to the announcers table, absolutely livid. “Why are seeing highlights of Sabu’s match against that jerk Rob Szatkowski? He is absolutely gross; you know he leaves me notes in the locker room? Sabu beat Owen Hart for the TV Title, show that match, why do I have to see this? I am going to be physically ill!!” [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Gertner:[/B] “Well, well, well….Dark Journey, I would never be crass and leave you a note, but I sure would be happy, to tickle your throat.” (Caudle cringes, as Dark Journey slaps Gertner simultaneously…..a stiff slap at that.) [B]Caudle:[/B] “We will pretend you don’t exist Joel…..Ms. Journey, I was also handed a note before we came on tonight. The reason we are seeing this video, is because Szatkowski and Sabu will meet once again, next week, with the TV title on the line!” Dark Journey is beside herself, pushes the papers on the announcing table to the floor and storms off screaming. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Davey Boy Smith vs Tommy Dreamer[/B] The British Bulldog owns the inexperienced Dreamer, pummeling Tommy and delivering the coup de gras in 5:47 with a Running Powerslam. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Davey Boy Smith[/B] grabs a microphone. “Ey I would just like you to take proper note of ‘ow to lay a thrashing down in the ring. (Smith points to the video board where still photos appear showing Dark Journey knocking [B]Owen Hart[/B] out with her purse) “Now ‘ave a look ‘ere gents. Owen Hart, is getting knocked on ‘is arse by that slag Dark Journey….Are you kidding me? What a bloody sissy!!” Smith drops the Mic, laughing as he makes his way to the back, amidst chants of Limey and other words that will be edited for the TV broadcast. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Arn Anderson[/B] comes out to the ring and starts to address the crowd, when something grabs his attention. “What in the H-E double toothpicks is this?” (The camera pans to show [B]Michael Hayes and Kerry Von Erich[/B] sitting ringside together) “Catching up on old memories Hayes? Maybe, just maybe if you were back there doing your job, I wouldn’t have to carry this company on my back against pretenders like Bret Hart!!” [B]Hayes grabs a Mic[/B]: “Anderson, if your talent was as big as your mouth, we wouldn’t need anybody but you in this company boy” [B]Anderson:[/B] “Boy??? I hope you’ve eaten dinner already Hayes, cause talking to an Anderson like that will get the taste slapped out of your mouth in a hurry!! You don’t even wrestle here Von Erich, and if you did I’d beat you so bad you’d never leave your Daddy’s side in Texas again!!!” [B]Hayes:[/B] “Anderson, your eyes are bigger than your brain….BOY! Since I do RUN the company I am more than happy to give Kerry a one night contract, since you seem so eager to ‘beat someone up’ Hell Anderson, I bet I could even dig up some gear and you can pick who you want……What about that…BOY!” [B]Anderson:[/B] “What about this you gutless wonder, you can both suit up, I’ll get a partner and I can beat the hell out of both of you!!!” Hayes: “Welcome to badstreet baby!!” [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Buddy Rose vs Chris Chavis[/B] Chavis quickly frustrated Rose with his speed and power, forcing the playboy to resort to his vast arsenal of underhanded tricks, which eventually gave him the win in 5:42 by pinfall as he held Chavis’ tights. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Bret Hart is backstage with Bob Caudle[/B]. “Arn Anderson, you got a lot to say about everyone in GCW and your ‘Anderson’ tradition. And like most everyone else, I am sick of hearing it. Less than 2 weeks to go until I get you again at ‘Ides of March’ and this time…….The excellence of execution is going to introduce you to a new ‘Anderson’ tradition .............Staring at the lights from your back!!” [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Tommy Rich vs Lord Humongous[/B] Wildfire struggle early with the hulking Humongous, but eventually wears him down through a series of beautifully executed speed and finesse moves. After hitting the flying Head scissors, Rich closes the deal in 7:46 by pinfall with a Lariat. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]As the cameras[/B] pan the crowds, they stop again on the head banging fan who is in full worship mode as Rich walks by. [B]Gertner:[/B] “This guy is to bizarre, what you are to boring Bob…..Look at him, even the inbred masses in Florida look at him like he’s three bales short of a hay wagon.” [B]Caudle: [/B] “Joel, you don’t even have the keys to the Hay Wagon.” [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Arn Anderson and Bob Roop vs Michael Hayes and Kerry Von Erich[/B] As expected, Bob Roop joins Anderson for the main event and it is a donnybrook. Von Erich gets in a lot of offense but can’t close the deal as Anderson and Roop manage several key saves. As the match wears on, Ellering signals to the back, then distracts the Referee……Awesome runs in, gives Von Erich an Awesome Bomb, then Anderson follow up with a Spine Buster to get the pin in 10:44 as Hayes is prevented by Roop from making the save. Anderson and Roop take the match! [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Overall Rating: D+ Attendance: 2000 (Sell out)[/B] A slight drop off in match quality from our last show, in particular the Sabu / RVD storyline, which was our second highest rated coming in. I see Caudle and Gertner in the corner and Caudle has finally lost it…..”Tickle her throat….What kind of smut are you spewing out there?” Gertner: “Bob relax, I meant with a feather, tickle her throat with a feather….or was it tickle her ass with a feather? Either way it was just some harmless tickling…..It wasn’t like I said anything nasty” Caudle: “Nasty? Nasty oozes from your pores, it is your life essence…..There is nothing about you that isn’t nasty….So why don’t you just take a nasty walk off a pier into the damn ocean………” I walk away…….The scars of Ole still remain after all this time and I frankly don’t want to hear it…………Though I am sure Caudle will find me and I will anyway……Sheesh!”
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/GCWShowheader.gif[/IMG] [CENTER] [/CENTER]
[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia]Georgia Championship Wrestling [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia]GCW Superstars TV Taping - Monday March 18th, 1991 - Tampa, FL [/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [B]Dark Journey[/B] is standing in the Ring with [B]Sabu[/B] as the show starts. “Tonight, Rob Jerkowski….MY man, is going to get rid of you once and for all and when he does, I want you out of my way, out of my hair, out of my life…..Stop calling me!!!! You think with your muscles and smooth talk and….that look that you give me can make me do anything I want to do with you?….I mean what you want to do with me……the answer is NO!!” (Dark Journey storms off as Sabu stands there with a deranged look of confusion on his face. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Rob Szatkowski[/B] appears on the video screen, apparently still at the Beach. “Whoa…..the red lights on Dude….What? Oh, talk? Cool, hey, what’s up Daytona?” (A voice from off camera advises Rob he is in Tampa) “Oh right, hey Tampa, just chilling at the Beach, digging the Babes…..Dude can Dark Journey hear me? This is for you Babe” (Szatkowski flexes)……Oh yeah, there was this chick I met earlier, she tells I ‘missed her Friday night,’ so I say like whoa, I can be Mr. Friday night, Mr. Saturday night, whatever night you want, get it?” (Sabu whispers a voice from behind the camera) “Whoa….I almost forgot, hey Sabu…..you totally suck and I’m gonna be all over Dark Journey after I kick your butt!!…..Hey my watch stopped on 4:20 Dude, awesome!! What, we’re late?” (As the screen fades to black) [B]Caudle:[/B] “I don’t have words for that.” [B]Gertner:[/B] “I do and her first name is Mary….” (Caudle just looks confused) [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Owen Hart vs Dean Malenko[/B] Hart and Malenko put on a clinic in mat work, though Owen surges ahead as he opens his arsenal up and out speeds Malenko. Dean goes for a Suplex, but Owen blocks and counters with a quick roll-up for the pin in 8:43. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Owen Hart[/B] is on the turnbuckle acknowledging the crowd when [B]Davey Boy Smith[/B] hits the ring and Powerbombs him to the Mat. He proceeds to put the boots to him, finally spitting on the prone Hart, then leaving the ring calling several angry cowboy types “Bloody wankers” as he passes them. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Buddy Rose vs Christopher Daniels[/B] Daniels never gets into the match as Rose is all business, putting is opponent to sleep with a Piledriver in 4:34. Still full of energy, Rose then struts around the ring, showing his amply abs to the frightened Ladies at ringside. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]As Rose begins to leave[/B], he notices that “fan” wearing a Tommy Rich shirt, booing and giving him two thumbs down. Returning to the ring, Rose motions the fan to join him. “Well hi there Mr. stuck in the 80’s guy….what do they call you?” [B]Fan:[/B] “I’m Jerry! Hey are we on TV?” [B]Rose:[/B] “Did you just ask if we were on TV? See that….It’s a camera, that means yes….we are on TV!” [B]Jerry:[/B] “Wow, that’s darn cool!” [B]Rose:[/B] “Darn? Cool?……what are you the love child of Rob Szatkowski and Tommy Rich?” [B]Jerry:[/B] “I do love Tommy Rich, and I have been training like a maniac, I’m gonna tear wrestling up when I get a chance, just like Wildfire!!…..rrrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh!” (Jerry goes into a head banging seizure, complete with devil horns and all) [B]Rose:[/B] “Whoa….hey, hey stop son, your heads going to wind up in the third row…..hey come over here.” Rose motions for Jerry to stick his head through the ropes and points to the crowd. [B]Rose:[/B] “Take a good look at the audience; no really stretch yourself to get a good look, all the way to the back.” As Jerry cranes his neck and pushes his upper body through the top two ropes to see what Rose is pointing at, Buddy slips behind him and kicks him in the rear, sending him tumbling to the floor. [B]Rose:[/B] “That was as close as you will ever get to becoming a wrestling, now go back to your mothers basement, change your sheets and play another Judas Priest record….The 80’s are gone and so are you!!” [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Rob Szatkowski vs Sabu[/B] As thrilling as their first match was, this one tops it as they go for move, as they each kick out of the others finisher. Dark Journey climbed on to the ring apron to distract Szatkowski, but Sabu drop kicked him into her, knocking Dark Journey to the floor. The match ended in a 15 minute, time limit draw, though both men continued to battle into the back. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Bret Hart vs Mike Awesome[/B] This one never got off the ground as Ellering attacked Hart less than three minutes in, blatantly attempting to injure his knee (A blatant attempt to protect double A’s title) winner in 2:47 by disqualification…Bret Hart. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Arn Anderson and Bob Roop[/B] join the assault and they set Hart’s knee between two chairs as Mike Awesome prepares to jump on it from the top rope. Suddenly, [B]Dustin Rhodes and Michael Hayes[/B] hit the ring, preventing any further damage and “The Precious Few” are sent scurrying for cover. Hart’s knee is saved for the clash at “Ides of March” [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Final Rating: D+ Attendance: 2000 (Sell Out)[/B] A decent taping, that once again sees the RVD/Sabu match steal the show, it is a shame they cannot generate some better ratings with their angles or their feud (currently a C-) would be red hot. We are having money woes and will have to downscale the “Ides of March” event. Hayes was supposed to be obtaining funding, but has not come through, probably because he has been too busy. In addition to now reappearing in the ring in GCW, he has also taken offers to do shots for both GWF and CWA, which makes me question where his head is. We had been warned by Sunshine Network before the taping to take the innuendo machine that is Joel Gertner down a few pegs, so I basically kept him quiet tonight, which of course made Caudle feel special. Other promotions are now coming after some of our guys and I am not happy about it…..one in particular that worries me is Bret Hart, who has signed a WWF PPA agreement. [quote=D16NJD16;455640]Still waiting for a follow up RVD promo :o[/quote] RVD has been busy surfing :)
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia]Georgia Championship Wrestling [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia]GCW - Ides of March - Sunday March 24th, 1991 - Johnson City, TN [/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [B]Search lights dart through[/B] the Arena as a video plays detailing the growing animosity between Arn Anderson and. Bret Hart and hyping their title Match tonight. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Marty Jannetty vs Steve Keirn[/B] A lackluster battle as Keirn is converting to a more brawling style, which does not match well with the younger Janetty, who scores the pin in 9:07 with a Rocker Dropper. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Davey Boy Smith[/B] comes to the ring and starts to bash Owen Hart who interrupts him. [B]Hart:[/B] “I am sick and tired you and your stupid accent ‘bloody this, bloody that’ in Canada, where I’m from bloody means you’re bleeding……take note, tonight you will learn that!!” Owen throws down the Mic and storms off as Smith stands in the ring and feigns fear. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Rob Szatkowski vs Yuji Nagata[/B] A nice match up as Robbie Z and Nagata exchange stiff martial arts moves, Szatkowski catches Nagata with a wicked super kick, then delivers a split legged Moonsault to take the win in 8:51. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Rob Szatkowski[/B] panders to the crowd as [B]Sabu[/B] comes to the ring and jumps up on the apron. The two engage in a nose to nose stare down, until [B]Dark Journey[/B] comes out and drags Sabu away. Rob blows her a kiss as she goes, which brings a quick smile to her face, before she catches herself and goes into her usual tirade against Szatkowski. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Mike Awesome vs Chris Chavis[/B] Chavis gives big Mike all he can handle and has Awesome up for an Indian death drop, but Ellering grabs Chavis’ ankles causing him to fall with Awesome on top of him. Mike then picks him up and delivers an Awesome Bomb off the second to get the pin in 7:47. [B]Rating: D-[/B] The video screen shows [B]Tommy Rich[/B] and [B]“Jerry the fan” [/B]backstage. Jerry is smiling like a kid in a candy shop as Rich introduces him to a few workers and then takes him into his dressing room. [B]Gertner:[/B] “Look at that, he’s taking him into his dressing room…..alone. I always thought that Tommy Rich seemed a bit ‘funny’ if you know what I mean?” [B]Caudle:[/B] “Gertner, don’t even get started!” [B]Rating: D-[/B] No sooner does [B]Caudle[/B] finish, when [B]Tommy Rich[/B] appears and walks to the ring with his new friend. Once in the ring Rich calls for a Mic. [B]Rich:[/B] “I tell y’all what….There is nothing in this here life that I am more passionate about than rasslin! And to meet somebody that shares that same passion is a rare thang….But I tell y’all what. This man right here…..He has the passion. So I’m a gonna take upon myself, to help him live his dream of being a rassler. Tennessee….I want y’all to give a good old fashioned southern style welcome, to my new buddy…and traning partner. Mr Jerry Lynn. Say howdy to the folks Jerry” [B]Lynn:[/B] (Obviously a bit uncomfortable with the attention) Ah…howdy….ah thanks.” [B]Gertner:[/B] “Charisma personified Bob.” [B]Caudle:[/B] “Sometimes less is more……words to live by there Joel.” [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Bob Roop vs Dustin Rhodes[/B] Paul Ellering is the MVP of the “Precious few” as he hand delivers yet another win to his stable, this time slipping Roop some brass knuckles, then distracting the Referee allowing Roop to cold **** Rhodes and get the pin in 14:20 in what to that point had been a hard fought match up. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Davey Boy Smith vs Owen Hart[/B] Hart goes at Smith with a rage never before exhibited in his career, sending the British Bulldog scrambling from the ring for cover on no fewer than 4 occasions. The emotion subside however and the Bulldog gets back into the match, catching Owen with a power slam, then getting the pin using the ropes for leverage in 12:09. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Owen Hart[/B] is complaining vehemently to referee Jim Mitchell that Smith cheated. [B]Smith[/B] walks to the announcers table and grabs a Mic. “Boohoo little Owen Hart, face it ya bloody sod, you’re not a quite up to task for the British Bulldog….But then again mate, you are from Canada, which is where the bloody French send blokes that aren’t even tough enough to last on the mean streets of Paris, so really what do you expect?” Hart flips and comes after the Smith with bad intent, as the latter drops the Mic and retreats to the back. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Arn Anderson vs Bret Hart – National Heavyweight Championship[/B] A wild donnybrook, which has both wrestlers unleashing their whole arsenal, as neither gains control for long. As the match wears on Roop and Awesome appear ringside, but Anderson feeling confident waves them to the back. It is his only sportsmanlike gesture of the match, as soon after Ellering slips him the brass knuckles. Hart intervenes and clocks Ellering, knocking him to the floor, out cold. Anderson begs off and Harts feigns a punch, and then throws the knucks into the crowd. Taking control, Hart traps Anderson in the sharpshooter and Arn looks to be done screaming in agony as the Bell sounds…….a 30 minute time limit draw. Anderson retains the belt!! [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Overall Rating: C+ Attendance: 1000 (Sell Out)[/B] A great main event and a solid overall rating for our March event. Unfortunately we had to cut costs and use a smaller venue, probably costing us about 2000 paid admissions, but we get the word out in Tennessee that GCW is a promotion to watch as the show draws a lot of praise! Backstage not all is well however as Sabu and Mike Awesome come to blows, after Sabu initiates a confrontation over locker space. I pull Sabu aside and tell him I am fining him 25% of his pay for the show and that I expect this will be the last time this occurs. He spits out a terse “Whatever booker man” and storms out of the arena. The anger over Sabu is countered by news from Wrestling II that a contract offer I sent out earlier in the week to a major star has been accepted….When I debut this wrestler it is going to be huge!!! Now if I can figure out how to afford him I will be set…..
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The new major stars hould be a face. Bret Hart will need some help against Anderson and friends. Or maybe it's the Big Bossman. Wasn't he presented as an ex-prison guard from Georgia at some point ? Maybe it's a bit later though, I'm not sure.
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[QUOTE=MrOnu;458228]The new major stars hould be a face. Bret Hart will need some help against Anderson and friends. Or maybe it's the Big Bossman. Wasn't he presented as an ex-prison guard from Georgia at some point ? Maybe it's a bit later though, I'm not sure.[/QUOTE] I will be posting the next TV show tonight and he won't be revealed then, but Michael Hayes may have couple of interesting announcements ;) I will say it is not the Big Bossman though......This Wrestler is a little smoother.....:cool:
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/GCWShowheader.gif[/IMG] [CENTER][FONT=Georgia][/FONT] [/CENTER]
[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia]Georgia Championship Wrestling [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia]GCW Superstars TV Taping - Monday March 25th, 1991 - Canton, OH[/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [B]We begin our first [/B]TV taping in Ohio, a surprising strong spot for us, with highlights of the recent Title bout between Bret Hart and Arn Anderson. [B]Caudle:[/B] “Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen and Welcome to Georgia Championship Wrestling!! You are watching highlights of the tremendous match yesterday between [B]Arn Anderson and Bret Hart[/B] for the National Heavyweight Title…” [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Arn Anderson[/B] interrupts Caudle as he slams down a suitcase on the announcers table and snatches the microphone out of Caudle’s hand. [B]Anderson:[/B] “Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes, home to the Anderson’s, fine purveyors of over 10,000 butt whippings served!!! This suitcase, holder of 10,000 dollars!!! The reason I have this here? Bret Hart!!! Son, you have been nothing but a sliver under my skin since the first day this company reopened, and if it even needs to be said…….When you play with an Anderson, you may as well be walking through Hell in gasoline britches, cause it’s only a matter of time…….Time until your whole world burns down Hart, and I am offering this suitcase as a bounty, no questions asked, to anyone that wants to light the match!! Bret Hart, consider yourself a wanted man!!” [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Davey Boy Smith vs Adam Copeland[/B] The Bulldog crushes the green, yet game Copeland, delivering four running Powerslams before finally covering the hapless youngster at the 5:37 mark. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]After the match Smith[/B] slides to the floor and walks around the ring admiring his destruction of the still prone Copeland. [B]Owen Hart[/B] comes out of the crowd, clocks Smith with a chair, then delivers a neck snapping Pile Driver onto the concrete floor. Smiling sadistically, Hart leaves the Bulldog laying there, his leg twitching. [B]Rating: C-[/B] After Smith is stretchered out [B]Buddy Rose[/B] comes to the ring and grabs a Mic. “In all my years……as the sexiest man in wrestling…….217 pounds, so svelte, I make the ladies melt.” [B]Caudle:[/B] “Joel, apparently Rose has gotten into your book of cheesy poems.” [B]Gertner:[/B] “Quiet Caudle, this is pure culture!!” [B]Rose:[/B] “I have never been more embarrassed than I was yesterday. Tommy Rich….You disgrace my status as a legend, to literally bring some long haired freak into the ring and talk about how you are going to make his wrestling dream come true.” (Rose now imitates Rich and Jerry Lynn) [COLOR="Blue"]“Hi Jerry, mah name is Tahmmy, you wanna be a rassler??? Hi Tommy, well ah, ummm, I , ah…golly gee yeah. That’s great little buddy cuz Wildfire well make y’all the best goll darn rassler ever…”[/COLOR] (Rose looks disgusted and spits on the ring mat) “You two clowns make me sick!!!! I have worked for years to get where I am….look at this body…..look at this face…..Everybody wants to be like Playboy Buddy Rose…..But you can’t just have this handed to you and I promise, I will do everything in my power….to put a stop to this charade!!!!” [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Dean Malenko vs Christopher Daniels[/B] A decent match between two sound technicians, that stays that way until a frustrated Malenko has to resort to his bag of dirty tricks to gain the upper hand. The end finally arrives in 6:51 as Malenko wins by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf. [B]Rating: D-[/B] Highlights of the recent bout between [B]Rob Szatkowski and Sabu[/B] are played in a video package in preparation for Sabu’s TV title defense against Marty Jannetty. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Bob Caudle[/B] makes his way to the ring, where he is met by Dark Journey. [B]Dark Journey:[/B] “Bob Caudle, I demand this stop, I can’t go anywhere without having to see Rob Szatkowski, either wrestle Sabu or look at videos of them wrestling. You’re doing this cause you know it tempts…..I mean ticks me off!!! I hate him and want you to focus on Sabu’s match with Marty Jannetty, not that nasty Jean Claude Van Dam look-alike!!! [B]Caudle:[/B] “Are you sweating?” [B]Dark Journey:[/B] “That’s because I’m hot……And not from Szatkowski, from the lights!!!” [B]Caudle:[/B] (snidely) “I never would have presumed otherwise.” [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Sabu vs Marty Jannetty – Georgia Television Title[/B] Janetty is a more than capable opponent and actually has Sabu’s shoulders down for a 3 count after a Rocker Dropper, but Dark Journey has Jim Mitchell distracted and Sabu is able to recover and kick out by the time he starts the count. Jannetty finally tires of Dark Journey’s tomfoolery and goes after her, only to be maced as he reaches the ropes. As he writhes in agony in the ring, Sabu hits the Arabian Facebuster to retain the Title in 11:58. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Michael Hayes[/B] comes out and is not too happy. “Arn Anderson…..seems you have a whole lot on your plate boy….the poster boy for ‘The Precious Few’ and Hair club for men!! Ya got Bret Hart hot on your heels after your precious little Title Belt…..and on top of all that, you decide to you want a piece of Michael Hayes and Kerry Von Erich, a man that has earned nothing but my respect over the years. You had to stick your nose in our business…..then you get your goon, Mike Awesome to come save your ass in the tag match against us and steal the win for Roop and yourself! Well boy….you took a step down the wrong street……Cause Texas is real close to Bad Street, Atlanta GA!! And you forget there are a few other people in that state……that have mine and Kerry’s back….So if I were you boy….I’d be sleeping with one Eye open….gripping your pillow tight…….and about everything else you can grab Anderson…..cause you got a big surprise coming!!!” [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Overall Rating: D+ Attendance: 2000 (Sell out)[/B] Some below par matches brought down some good angles, but we still get decent reviews on the show….I definitely need to get the same heat from Szatkowski and Sabu in angles that they get in their matches. Dark Journey is again up to some backstage shenanigans, but I can’t exactly figure out what…….To me somebody consistently draws E’s in her segments better be an Angel if she wants to stay on board. I can always bring in Missy Hyatt ;)
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[QUOTE=BYU 14;458829] Dark Journey is again up to some backstage shenanigans, but I can’t exactly figure out what…….To me somebody consistently draws E’s in her segments better be an Angel if she wants to stay on board. I can always bring in Missy Hyatt ;)[/QUOTE] Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/GCWHeader-1.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][B]GCW[/B][/COLOR] The competition has begun to heat up around the territories and the following GCW Wrestlers have signed PPA agreements with other promotions. Michael Hayes - CWA Rob Van Dam - PNW Davey Boy Smith - WCW Paul Ellering - HCW Chris Chavis - PPW Bret Hart - WWF (yikes) Adam Copeland - PPW Tommy Dreamer - PPW Marty Janetty - WCW Dustin Rhodes - HCW Owen Hart - AWA (So far no conflicts and the big offender this month was Polynesian Pro Wrestling, which will never be a threat if Wrestlers have to make a choice.) [B]Tickets[/B] Fans are grumbling about the high ticket prices, this despite the fact that GCW lowered ticket prices across the board after a similar concern last Month. There has been no comment from the company regarding additional reductions. [B]The Ratings Game[/B] Ratings are in on the first three broadcasts of GCW Superstars on Sunshine Network. March 1991 Week 1 - 0.08 Week 2 - 0.07 Week 3 - 0.07 [B]By the Numbers[/B] Some milestones for the first two months of the new GCW Best Show: GCW - Ides of March (March 1991) C+ Best Match: Bret Hart Defeated Bob Roop (March 1991) B- Highest Attendance: GCW - Resurrection (January 1991) 4,698 Highest TV Rating: GCW Superstars (March 1991) 0.08 [B]Misc Errata[/B] It has become apparent that Steve Keirn is transitioning styles as he gets older to be more of a Brawler. Rob Szatkowski wins best young prospect award in a recent Magazine Poll [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Around the World[/B][/COLOR] [B]Growing Pains[/B] UWF has risen to Regional size [B]Medic[/B] AWA's Todd Champion will be sidelined for 2 1/2 Months with floating Bone Chips. [B]Kudos[/B] Results of recent internet and Magazine polls. Jim Cornette - Best Color commentator and Best Manager Kendi Kobashi - Best Overall Worker Most Entertaining Wrestler - Ric Flair
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;460281]WWF has a really frequent schedule so, your going to have a hard tiem fidning dates where Bret is free I know that[/QUOTE] They have lost all their TV deals but one, so amazingly he has GCW as his priority. :) They are still the largest promotion in the world, but took a huge hit on influence (Outside the top 10)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/GCWShowheader.gif[/IMG] [CENTER] [/CENTER]
[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia]Georgia Championship Wrestling [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia]GCW Superstars TV Taping - Monday April 1st, 1991 - Atlanta, GA [/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [B]Dark Matches[/B] Yuji Nagata defeated Hayabusa in 6:46 by pinfall with an Exploder. [B]Rating: D[/B] The Masked Rebel defeated Chris Chavis in 6:31 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]TV Show[/B] [B]Owen Hart[/B] comes to the ring with a crazed look in his Eyes…..”Smith, you pushed…..you pushed….and you pushed again. I pushed back….hope your neck feels better!!! I have had enough of you, enough of her majesty the Queen…..I can’t even drink tea anymore…..but I have this…….A contract for you and me, in the ring, tonight!!!!” [B]Gertner:[/B] “He’s gone crazier than a Sailor at a whorehouse with no wallet!!” [B]Caudle:[/B] “Do you even know how to spell couth?” [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Dustin Rhodes vs Lord Humongous[/B] Rhodes jumps Humongous early, unleashing a two fisted fury and a running Bulldog to win in a squash in 3:11. [B]Rating: E[/B] A music video is shown of [B]Jerry Lynn[/B] learning the ropes from [B]Tommy Rich.[/B] It shows them running through forests, toting large pieces of lumber – and sharing a cold one on the tailgate of Rich’s pickup truck. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Marty Jannetty vs Dean Malenko[/B] An even match as the sound Malenko puts Jannetty through the paces, not as solid as their first meeting, but a big finish as Jannetty hits the Rocker Dropper in 7:38 for the pin. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Highlights of the recent events between [B]Rob Szatkowski, Sabu and Dark Journey[/B] are played in a video package. [B]Caudle:[/B] “There is really a weird dynamic going on here that I can’t quite put my finger on…..” [B]Gertner:[/B] “Well, when you are talking about Dark Journey there is really only one place to put your finger Bob.” [B]Caudle:[/B] (Verging on breaking Kayfabe) “God you are a pathetic, fat, vile human being, how did you even get a job here?” [B]Gertner:[/B] "Fat? Now that really hurts Bob." [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Owen Hart vs Davey Boy Smith[/B] Smith comes to the ring in an neck brace and begs off several times, but Hart is relentless. At the 9:33 mark, Smith removes the neck brace and clobbers Hart with it knocking him cold to get the win. Hart is also busted open as there is obviously more to the brace than meets the eye. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Owen Hart [/B]is still down and [B]Davey Boy Smith[/B] drags him from the ring and delivers a running Power Slam to the cement leaving him Hart motionless, spitting on him as he leaves. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Bret Hart vs Boris Zhukov[/B] Boris tries every dirty trick in the book, but the dynamic Hart is equal to the task, countering brilliantly throughout, getting the pinfall at 8:08 with a Backbreaker. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Bob Roop[/B] comes out and gets in Hart’s face. “You know, you have crossed the line Hart. Arn Anderson is so upset with you he can’t sleep, can’t eat, and can’t even enjoy the comfort of a cold Stroh’s anymore, so he has to put up $10,000 to take you out!!!! Well Arn is my Brother, my teammate and my friend, so I am willing to wipe the floor with your raggedy ass for free!!!” [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Bret Hart smiles[/B]. “Just like you did the first time Roop? Tell you what, I’ll be happy to give you the chance, because you can’t stop the excellence of execution….that is Bret Hart.” [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Roop and Hart[/B] stand nose to nose as the show ends…… [B]Caudle:[/B] “This is going to get real nasty folks……we are out of time, on behalf of my obnoxious co-host, we’ll see you next week.” [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Overall Rating: D+ Attendance: 2000[/B] Arn Anderson and my new signing were both working for MACW tonight, currently the only promotion our guys are putting over GCW. Luckily just a one time conflict. Hart really saves the show tonight as the matches were nothing special. I tell the guys afterward we need to turn it up for the TV matches, as are losing Money and need to get into some bigger arenas. Caudle and Gertner are bickering like Children after the show and I finally tell them to use their differing styles to their advantage…..The audience likes their dynamic so go with it…….or go somewhere else. Caudle just looks disgusted I use Dark matches for the first time to get some experience for some of my undercard guys.
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[SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia]Georgia Championship Wrestling [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[B][FONT=Georgia]GCW Superstars TV Taping - Monday April 8th, 1991 - Marrietta, Georgia[/FONT][/B] [LEFT][B]Dark Match The Masked Rebels vs Tommy Dreamer and The Tonga Kid[/B] The masked Rebels defeated Tommy Dreamer and The Tonga Kid in 6:44 when Rebel 2 defeated pinned The Tonga Kid after a Powerslam. There is much speculation as to the origins of this team. [B]Rating: E[/B] The cameras go to [B]Bob Caudle[/B] at the podium as the show starts, “You know there is never a lack of excitement here in Georgia and the upcoming match between Rob Szatkowski and Sabu will be no exception. Based on recent events between theses two, this promises to be a barnburner, folks!" [B]Gertner:[/B] “Barnburner……Gee lets have a ho down too Bob, yeehaw!! Oh wait, Dark Journey will be there so we will have a……Ho down” [B]Caudle:[/B] “You repulse me.” [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Marty Jannetty vs Steve Keirn[/B] The veteran gives Jannetty a stiff test, but the finally withers under a high energy assault, which culminates in Janetty winning in 7:54 by pinfall after a Rocker Dropper. Afterward Jannetty playfully flexes for the fans. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Rick Rude[/B] comes to the ring and grabs a Mic. "You think you got a body? What the hell are you smoking?? Let's have a little pose down you snot nosed punk! Then you will see how a lady acts when she sees a real man in action……..the only tough part will be finding a lady in this sea of Sows….HAHAHAHA!!!" [B]Rating: C[/B] Rude taunts the fans as they shower him with love and a half eaten box of Nachos. Marty Jannetty climbs up on the ring apron and lets Rude know he accepts any challenge, anytime, anywhere….”And son” Jannetty adds…”The only thing getting smoked, will be your behind!!!” Jannetty storms off as Rude laughs. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Rick Rude vs Christopher Daniels[/B] Rude toys with the weaker Daniels for a bit, before Daniels uses his speed to make a brief comeback. Angered, Rick promptly hits a Rude Awakening to get the pin in 4:27. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Bob Roop[/B] saunters out to the announcers table and pushes Gertner to the floor, taking his chair. “You know something curdle!!” [B]Caudle:[/B] “It’s Caudle and no Mr. Roop, please enlighten me” [B]Roop:[/B] “SHUT UP!!!….I have had enough of you, of the fans, of everybody else all up in arms about our little situation with Hart, so when I get my hands on him, I may just break both of his off and hand them to you, along with the $10,000 I’ll be collecting from my brother so you can buy a new shirt!!! [B]Caudle:[/B] “Didn’t you offer to do it for a Stroh’s last week??” [B]Roop:[/B] “SHUT UP!!!” [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Bret Hart vs Yuji Nagata [/B] Hart is flawless, outclassing his talented, but green foe, defeating Nagata in 4:32 by pinfall with a Victory Roll. [B]Rating: C[/B] Staring at Roop, who is still sitting in Gertner’s chair, Hart calls for a Mic. “You know Roop. You’re nothing but a bully and a has-been. Rip off my arms, kick my butt, finish me off……….All talk. When you do get your hands on me, I promise you, you’ll wish you had kept them in your pockets!!” Hart leaves as Roop, now seething, enters the ring for his match with Bret’s brother Owen. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Bob Roop vs Owen Hart[/B] Bob Roop defeated Owen Hart in 11:56 by pinfall with a well place eye poke and a handful of tights as Hart rubbed at his eyes in pain. [B]Rating: D[/B] Roop leaves Hart rubbing his eyes, reaching blindly for support, which soon presents itself in the form of ……..[B]Davey Boy Smith[/B] who proceeds to kick the living hell out of Owen, pausing only to throw referees and security over the ropes as they try to intervene. He finishes the assault with a pile driver as Bret finally arrives to chase him from the ring and tend to his brother. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Smith grabs Gertner’s Mic and taunts Owen, calling him a “Nancy Boy” who needs his brother to fight his battles. “Next time Owen, nobody will be able to save yer miserable ‘ide!!” The show ends as Bret looks fit to be tied as the camera zooms in on him. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Overall Rating: D+ Attendance: 1000 (Sell out)[/B] Not completely happy with the overall rating, after getting some good pops here and there. The Masked Rebels are an experienced looking duo, which adds to the mystery as to why nobody has heard of them before. Hopefully Rude getting involved will spike things and help lift Jannetty as well. The ravishing one gets cheap heat with the best of them. [B]Note[/B] Now that our Season is winding down I will have some more free time to get this going again. Sporadically at first, but it will pick up.[/LEFT]
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