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Jim Force Returns

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[QUOTE=Beeker;479359] As for the Tape of Brain's... er... Brawn. I... really don't know what to say. I could try to tackle something... maybe... possibly... but I can't see it being good or even postable on the family friendly GDS boards. [/QUOTE] That's exactly what I was thinking. [QUOTE=Wallbanger;479366]Man, I miss a couple of shows and the FFFOOOOOORRRRRRCCCCCEEEE forsakes me! [/QUOTE] The Force forsakes no one...well, except Ernie Turner. One more show before a hiatus, which I'll explain at the end. [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]UFW A New Force Of Hope The Weston Gymnasium Saturday, Week 3, February 2008[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/UFWLogo-Clarity.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Pre Show - Super Duper Secret Dark Match #1! It blew major chunks…[B](Rating: E+)[/B] - Super Duper Secret Dark Match #2! A step in the right direction, but still not as great as I has hoped. [B](Rating: D)[/B] - Sara Silver hosts a bikini contest, with Jaime Quine beating out Katie Cameron, Raven Nightfall, and Sara Marie York. [B](Rating: D+)[/B] Main Show - The Napoleonesque music of UFW President Brains McGhee hits, and out comes Brains himself, waddling to the ring, Jim Force ale in hand! Slung around his shoulder is a belt never seen before; considering diminutive 3’6” stature, it looks like he has a strip of carpet over his shoulder…or a swooshy cape. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/BrainsMcGhee.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Brains McGhee:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“I have a pre-prepared statement.”[/COLOR] [I](pulls a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket. Taking a sip of ale, he begins to read.)[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]“Thanks to the faith and patron…patronage? What’s that? Oh, you meant patriotism! Right? Well, anyways, thanks to you fans, Ultimate Force Wrestlin’ has grown in pop’larity. We used to be a local sized promotion; we are now a small sized promotion! On behalf of UFW, thank you!” [/COLOR] [B]71 Fans in Attendance:[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]“UF-dub! UF-dub! UF-dub! UF-dub! UF-dub!” [/COLOR] [I](OOC: Hmmm it sounds like the fans are saying something else…or is it just me?)[/I] [B]Brains McGhee:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“In honor of our success, Prez’dent Brains McGhe…wait, that’s me! I created a new championship! Over my shoulder is the UFW InterFORCEnental Championship belt!”[/COLOR] - Brains holds the belt up for all to see, [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/UFWInterFORCEntalChampionship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] …while greedily sipping on his ale. Considering a 3’6” man is doing this, the belt looks HYUUGE! [B]Brains McGhee:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“Over the next couple of shows, qualifying matches will be held to determine who is worthy of competing for this belt! The wrestler who becomes the NEW UFW InterFORCEnental Champion will be one of the most recognizable, prestigious stars in UFW, second only to the UFW Worl’ Champion! May the best man win!”[/COLOR] - Brains waddles to the back, sipping on his ale [B]Rating:[/B] E (ouch!) [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/WhippyTheClown.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]UFW World Champion Jim Force vs. Whippy The Clown[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] We start off with a non-title match between everyone’s favorite Force monger Jim Force and the Clown Prince of Rasslin’, Whippy The Clown! Whippy did everything in his power to make Jim look good, but even he wasn’t quite up to task. A decent match in the end, with Force getting the pinfall with the usual SEQUENCE OF DESTRUCTION: Force kicks out of his opponents finisher (in Whippy’s case, the Joke’s On You, a flying butt press), no sell’s everything (becomes indestructible), unleashes X number of FOOORCE PUNCHES, FOOORCE KICKS, and FOOORCE CLOTHESLINES, ascends the top turnbuckle for his trademark flying double axe handle, gives THE SIGNAL (Beeker ©), and nails his finisher, the Full Force (suplex powerslam; think Goldberg’s jackhammer)! [B]Winner in 9:44:[/B] Jim Force [B]Rating:[/B] D [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/SaraMarieYork.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Remmy Skye and Sara Marie York are seen entering together. Paradoxically, even though they’re holding hands, they don’t appear to be enjoying each other’s company… [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Dude, no way! The beef on that burger was just heinous!"[/COLOR] [B]Sara Marie York:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Remmy, can you please remember to stop calling me ‘dude’…and the burger was just fine.”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Says you! I’m like, allowed to have my own opinion!”[/COLOR] [B]Sara Marie York:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Of course you are, but…”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye: [/B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Ooohh...I get it! The boyfriend isn't like, allowed to have his own opinion about burgers, right?"[/COLOR] [B]Sara Marie York:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“You’re so immature, conceited, forgetful...”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“I AM NOT IMMATURE! OR FORGETFUL! I HAVE A MIND LIKE A…A…BEACH…BALL!”[/COLOR] - as they turn the corner, Jim Force can be seen gingerly limping towards the duo [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JimForce.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] …covered in sweat, and gasping for air as if there were barely any oxygen left on the planet. [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Hey Jim! Looks like you taught that clown a lesson!”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“AAAAIIIEEEE HAAATE CLOOOWNS! BUY MY MERCHANDISE! THEY ARE WEAK IN THE FOOOORCE!”[/COLOR] - Jim Force begins to walk away very slowly, leaving Sara & Remmy to continue their conversation. [B]Sara Marie York:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Fine! You’re not immature or forgetful! So, tell me the name of the last girl you went out with.”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“…”[/COLOR] [B]Sara Marie York: [/B][COLOR="Magenta"]“Well?”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Uh…Beach Babe Bunnie…”[/COLOR] [B]Sara Marie York:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Her REAL NAME!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Uh…it was like, Bunnie…something…”[/COLOR] [B]Sara Marie York:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“You are so shallow!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“I AM NOT SHALLOW! I’m like…the exact opposite of shallow…whatever that is!”[/COLOR] - Jim Force comes back, hands Remmy a small box, then walks away. [B]Sara Marie York:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“What did Jim just give you?”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Whoa! Jim Force…condoms! Sweet!”[/COLOR] - Jim Force comes back, hands Sara a small bottle, then walks away. Remmy Skye: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“What’d you get?”[/COLOR] [B]Sara Marie York:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Jim Force…KY…”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] D- [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/ErnieTurner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Skyfire (Jacob Jett & Ernie Turner) vs. The Immortal Iron Fists (Citizen X & Frankie Perez)[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] My search for tag team chemistry continues at this event. A few promising teams were found in previous weeks, but nothing concrete enough for me to start an official division…yet. Doesn’t mean UFW can’t have exciting tag team action and wacky tag team names! Anyways, to no one’s surprise except my own, Jacot Jett and Ernie Turner have “absolutely zero chemistry as partners”. Wonderful! I blame the so-so match rating on their lack of tag chemistry…actually, I blame Ernie Turner. Anyways, the Immortal Iron Fists pick up the win when X pinned Jett after a Flaming Anarchy (flying butt drop…what’s up with all the flying arse maneuvers?!). [B]Winner in 9:37:[/B] The Immortal Iron Fists (Citizen X & Frankie Perez) [B]Rating:[/B] D- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Matt Sparrow is sitting in his locker room looking rather angry. Maybe it’s because Jim Force doesn’t have any bird food merchandise? In comes… [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Remmy Skye; we know this will turn out well… [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“What the hell do you want Skye? Came here to gloat about how I blew my chance against the muscle-bound freak, Jim Force? Gloat about how I’ll never be the UFW World Champion?”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Dude, chill out! First of all, Jim Force is NOT a muscle-bound freak…well, he is muscle-bound, but he’s not a freak! Anyways, forget about that! I came in here to like, challenge you to a match.”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“You’re joking; why would I bother having a match with you tonight.”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Because dude, I need to know. Last month, we were the finalists in a tournament remember? And in that final match we had a draw, which is why Jim Force faced both of us in a triple threat. Tonight Is my last chance to prove that who the better man is?”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow [I](laughing maniacally)[/I]:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“Skye, I already know you can’t beat me. The way I remember it, I had that match won, and you know it! Tell you what, I wouldn’t mind leaving UFW knowing I beat the crap out of some Jim Force wannabe, so we’re on!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Then we’re on! I’ll see you in the main event!”[/COLOR] - Remmy goes to leave; Sparrow begins dressed into his gear when Remmy returns. [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Jim Force condom? I got a whole box, so if you…”[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sparrow [I](beyond disgusted)[/I]:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“GET OUT, SKYE! JUST GET OUT!”[/COLOR] - Remmy leaves again. Sparrow stared at the Jim Force condom, a picture Jim Force’s eternally constipated face staring back at him. Repulsed by its mere existence, he throws it at the camera. [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/SaraMarieYork.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/GraceHarper.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Sara Marie York vs. Grace Harper[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] A pretty good match from the wonder women of UFW; Sara wins with an Energy Burst (glittering magician knee; think Hurricane Helms shining wizard) [B]Winner in 9:35:[/B] Sara Marie York [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][I]The Dark Knights (James Hernandez & Black Eagle) vs. Star Fox (Fox Mask & Mario Heroic)[/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] Star Fox has more experience; like, an entire match more…oh great, now I’m talking like Remmy Skye! Oh, fudge! Back to the match, the two teams were given plenty of time to tell an intriguing story, and no one in attendance was disappointed. There was more continuity seen in Star Fox and Fox Mask showed off his technical abilities throughout the match, getting several quick near falls. Conversely, Hernandez took a more of a brawler approach, really kicking and punching the crap out of Heroic. Eventually, the Dark Knights picked up the win when Hernandez hit an Apparition #14 (shooting star press) on Mario Heroic while Black Eagle kept Fox Mask at bay outside the ring. [B]Winner in 21:39:[/B] The Dark Knights (James Hernandez & Black Eagle) [B]Rating: [/B]C [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][I]Remmy Skye vs. Matt Sparow[/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] Could this REALLY be Matt Sparrow’s last match ever in UFW? As the old saying goes, ‘never say never’ though for the time being, I’d say yes. Luckily for everyone in attendance, Remmy and Matt have great chemistry. But I knew that already, which is why I booked it. Besides, Skye has something to prove, and prove it he did. Surprisingly, there was a “definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little.” Then again, this is our soon-to-be former road agent Fabulous Frank talking; what does he know? In the end, Skye lays any doubts to rest by not only kicking out of Sparrow’s patented Bird Brain Buster (delayed brainbuster suplex), but getting the pin after hitting the Skye Diver (flying clothesline off the top rope)! [B]Winner in 14:50:[/B] Remmy Skye [B]Rating:[/B] C [SIZE="5"]Final Show Rating: C-[/SIZE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Prediction Outcome[/CENTER][/B] FORCEchlorians earned tonight: [LIST] [*]Beeker: 7 [*]Bolton: 11 [*]Hyde Hill: 11 [*]juggaloninjalee: 9 [*]kowalewski: 9 [*]Nightshadeex: 9 [*]Tigerkinney: 9 [*]Wallbanger: 5 [/LIST] Total FORCEchlorian Points Earned: [LIST] [*]Beeker: 7 [*]Bolton: 68 [*]ColtCobana: 14 [*]CubsFan915: 51 [*]d_w_w: 52 [*]Hyde Hill: 68 [*]infinitywpi: 8 [*]Jaded: 1 [*]juggaloninjalee: 60 [*]kowalewski: 45 [*]mad5226: 14 [*]maskedpropaganda: 47 [*]Nightshadeex: 66 [*]nZane: 10 [*]Tigerkinney: 80 [*]Wallbanger: 52 [/LIST] Who will defeat Jim Force for the UFW World Championship! (NOTE: Any character in the C-Verse may be chosen. You may change your mind at any time, up to a certain cutoff date that will be announced…in the future! If anyone actually gets this right (it’s a long shot, in theory anyways) they’ll be awarded…a lot of FORCEchlorian points (I’m thinking 50…100, around there; italics indicates newest changes) [LIST] [*][I][B]Beeker:[/B] Primus Allen (new entry)[/I] [*]Bolton: Big Smack Scott [*]CubsFan915: Black Eagle [*]Hyde Hill: Remmy Skye [*]infinitywpi: Land Mass [*][I][B]juggaloninjalee:[/B] Citizen X (formerly Giant Redwood)[/I] [*]kowalewski: Gargantuan [*]mad5226: No one; impossible [*]mrnoun: Duane Stone [*]Nightshadeex: Fox Mask [*][I][B]Wallbanger:[/B] Enforcer Roberts (new entry)[/I][/QUOTE] [/LIST] [I]OOC State of the Dynasty Address: Dear readers! First of all, thank you for reading, voting, commenting, etc. on this here dynasty about a man…nay, a FORCE named Jim. I appreciate more than you know, and Jim Force appreciates it even more than I! But I digress; I wanted to let you all know that I have MCAT’s (Medical College Admission Test) coming up in less than a month. This will be the second time I’ve taken them (I didn’t do so well the first time). Anyways, I think this dynasty will go into hiatus until the test is over. Also, if you see me not predicting in your dynasties over the next month or so, well now you know why. I mean, I’ll probably have time to keep up reading, but taking that extra bit of time to log in and predict, probably not. FYI. Wish me luck! Latah, and thanks again![/I]
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For the person to beat Jim Force I predict a randomly generated character who happens to have the last name Force or a randomly generated character that you rename to Force. Oh and Jim Force can't break the Yoshimi lock, Jim Force can't no sell the Yoshimi lock. If Yoshimi and Force get in the ring Yoshimi would win but that is unlikely to happen. I wish Ryu Kajahara was in this diary, he'd be an awesome character to write for.
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  • 3 months later...
[QUOTE=Bolton;481526]Good luck with your exams, and I can't wait for this to return.[/QUOTE] Thanks bud. [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;481579]Good luck with your exams, at the end of the day this is just for fun and ultimately passing your exams to get into Medical college is way more important. I look forward to this diary on it's return and hopefully with news that you've passed.[/QUOTE] Well, unfortunately I need to take them again. But that’s fine. It doesn’t work on a pass / fail rubric. There are recommended scores that you should strive for depending on which med school you wish to attend. Interestingly enough, I did very well on the writing section, and that just happened to be the section I spent the least amount of time preparing for. Ah well, c’est la vie. [QUOTE=BuddyGarner;481783]For the person to beat Jim Force I predict a randomly generated character who happens to have the last name Force or a randomly generated character that you rename to Force. Oh and Jim Force can't break the Yoshimi lock, Jim Force can't no sell the Yoshimi lock. If Yoshimi and Force get in the ring Yoshimi would win but that is unlikely to happen. I wish Ryu Kajahara was in this diary, he'd be an awesome character to write for.[/QUOTE] Ryu...I'm pretty sure he's unavailable to work in the States, and tends to retire fairly early on anyways. Yoshimi, I’m not so sure. May need to check. And Jim Force can no-sell anything! Even nut shots. :p [QUOTE=Hyde Hill;481828]Good luck on the exams mate. Has been fun so far and will await its return. I still have Tigerkinny to beat as ultimate force follower hehe.[/QUOTE] Forcechlorian counts will resume in a couple of shows. [QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;482048]This is a bummer that the Force will be weak on these boards for a month. However I will be drinking up my Force Cola and eating Force-itos chips with spicy hot Force Dip like no other during this hiatus.[/QUOTE] Oh boy...so, do you know what the "natural flavors" ingredient of Force Cola is made up of? [QUOTE=1PWfan;482143]I've heard that if you put 'feel the force' as your answer to every question, you get 100% :D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Tom Bombadil;483007]XD, this is excellent. Make those exams feel the FOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE![/QUOTE] It's technically impossible to put down 'feel the force' (it's mostly multiple choice) on MCAT's, but perhaps on future exams. Like biochemistry. [Center][B][SIZE="4"]Vacation[/SIZE][/B][/Center] “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” Jim roared at me as I walked into my office. I set my bag down, before meeting Jim half way down the hall. “Okay, what’s wrong Jim?” “WHAT’S WRONG! YOU DISAPPEARED FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS! I CAN’T RUN THIS COMPANY WITHOUT YOU!” I seriously wanted to bang my head against the wall. “Jim…I told you that I was taking a couple of vacation days, remember? This was planned for awhile! I even reminded you the day before I left!” Jim took a few deep breaths, trying to find something to say. He then grunted and stomped back to his office. After taking a few minutes to settle in, I sat at my desk. It was like I never left. Powering on my computer, the first thing I checked was my e-mail. I grin slowly made its way to my face. [I]Gotcha[/I]. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]UFW A New Force Of Hope The Weston Gymnasium Tuesday, Week 4, February 2008[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/UFW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Pre Show - Super Secret Dark Match[B](Ratng: D-)[/B] - Super Secret Dark Match [B](Rating: D+)[/B] - Sara Silver hosts the traditional UFW pre-show bikini contest, Katie Cameron defeated Jaime Quine, Raven Nightfall and Sara Marie York [B](Rating: C-)[/B] Main Show [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/GraceHarper.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JaimeQuine.jpg[/IMG] [I][B][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Grace Harper vs. Jaime Quine[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I][/CENTER] A decent match to open the show with, reigning UFW Women’s champion Grace Harper showed off some newfound aerial maneuvers, and eventually picks up the win with her patented Fisherman’s suplex. [B]Winner at 4:38:[/B] Grace Harper [B]Rating:[/B] D - We’re backstage in UFW President Brains McGhee's office! [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/BrainsMcGhee.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Brains is diligently working for a moment, looks around to make sure he’s alone, then cracks open a silver flask filled with Jim Force’s finest brew! Suddenly… [B]???:[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“MCGHEE!”[/COLOR] [B]Brains McGhee:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“AAAHHH!”[/COLOR] [B]???:[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Are you okay?”[/COLOR] - Fox Mask emerges [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ...from the shadows…well, off camera really, but whatever… [B]Brains McGhee[I](coughing):[/I][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Yeah, yeah…”[/COLOR][I](takes another swig of Jim Force beer)[/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Stop sneaking up on people like that.”[/COLOR] [B]Fox Mask:[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Sorry, I can’t help it. Dark superhero of the night thing.”[/COLOR] [B]Brains McGhee:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Fine, whatever! I just wanted to let you know that tonight you’ll be facing UFW’s newest signing!”[/COLOR] [B]Fox Mask: [/B][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Who is he?”[/COLOR] [B]Brains McGhee:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Like I’m supposed to know? I’m only the f****** prez’dint! All I know is that he used to be…used to be…the Fist of the Blue Sky or some stupid crap like that…”[/COLOR] [B]Fox Mask:[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Aaahhh, HIM! I must prepare for my opponent then!” [/COLOR] - Fox Mask goes to leave, then turns around and picks up Brains by his depends…or do midgets wear regular pampers? Well, anyways, Fox Mask picks him up! [B]Brains McGhee:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS?!”[/COLOR] [B]Fox Mask:[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Is this not tradition?”[/COLOR] [B]Brains McGhee:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“…yeah, you’re right..."[/COLOR][I](takes another swig of beer and sighs)[/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Well? What’cha waiting for? Toss me!”[/COLOR] - Fox Mask gives him a mighty Fox toss! [B]Brains McGhee: [I](flying through the air):[/I][/B] “WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” [B]Holder of the NEW UFW Record for the midget toss:[/B] Fox Mask (formerly held by Matt Sparrow) [B]Rating:[/B] E+ (OUCH!) [CENTER] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG] [I][B][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Mario Heroic vs. Davis Wayne Newton (InterFORCEnental Championship Qualifying match)[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I][/CENTER] A fairly strong match, even though Newton seemed off his game. Add to that the two don’t click, and I was happy with how well the match turned out in the end. Newton fought hard but succumbed to the Hero Attack (charging elbow blow to the head). [B]Winner in 7:59:[/B] Mario Heroic [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/SaraMarieYork.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Remmy Skye and Sara Marie York are seen walking backstage. [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]“You sure you don’t want me at ringside, babe?”[/COLOR] [B]Sara Marie York:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]“It’s not that I don’t want you there, but this is something…”[/COLOR] - Black Eagle and James Hernandez [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MainstreamHernandez_alt4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ...bump into the pair. [B]James Hernandez [I](sneering)[/I]:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“Watch where you’re going, Skye!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]“Dude, you bumped into us. You owe us an apology!”[/COLOR] [B]Black Eagle:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“Let’s get this over with!”[/COLOR] - A brawl ensues (naturally); Remmy tries to fight Eagle and Hernandez off, but heels don’t fight fair. Besides, it’s two-on-one, so Remmy goes down to punishing blows. Sara is screaming like a banshee, a sexy nerd banshee. At this very moment, heavy deep breathing can be heard, like a bull snarling A lone figure emerges around the corner... [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JimForce.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ...Jim Force is seen entering the area. He surveys the scene for a moment before reaching into his trunks and tossing a bunch of hand-sized items at the Dark Knights. [B]James Hernandez:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“…”[/COLOR] [B]Black Eagle:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“…”[/COLOR] [B]James Hernandez & Black Eagle [I](in unison)[/I]:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“Jim [/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"]Force [/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]Fruit [/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"]Pies?!?!”[/COLOR] [B]Black Eagle [I](hungrily tearing into one!)[/I]:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“Real fruit filling! Light, tender crust!”[/COLOR] [B]James Hernandez [I](practically inhaling another!)[/I]:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“Mine is blueberry! What about yours?”[/COLOR] [B]Black Eagle:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“Nectarine flavor! Amazing!”[/COLOR] - Hernandez and Eagle leave, hungrily tearing into their newfound processed food. [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]“Jim Force Fruit Pies! That’s using your brain, Jim Force! I totally would have done that if you gave me a few minutes.”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force [I](pointing at his surprisingly ginormous noggin)[/I]:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“THE FOOORCE IS SMAAART AS HE IS STROOONG! YOUR TIME SHALL COME REEEHHHMEEE SKYYYEEE! GO AND SPEAK WITH JACOB JEEETT! COMBINE YOUR FLYING SPEED TO REACH SUPERSONIC SPEEEEED! FEEEL THEEE FOOORCE! AND BUY JIM FORCE FRUIT PIES!”[/COLOR] - Jim Force leaves for the ring. His match is next. [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/WhippyTheClown.jpg[/IMG] [I][B][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]UFW World Champion Jim Force vs. Whippy The Clown (non-title match)[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I][/CENTER] In a rematch from the last UFW show, Whippy the Clown once again challenged Jim Force. Force happily obliged and dominated once more. It proved to be a quick back-and-forth affair, where Jim hit his usual assortment of trademark moves, starting with the SEQUENCE OF DESTRUCTION! As a reminder the SEQUENCE OF DESTRUCTION begins when Force kicks out of his opponents finisher (in Whippy’s case, the Joke’s On You, a flying butt press…Whippy needs a better finishing move…). Force proceeds to no sell everything (becomes indestructible), unleashes a baker’s dozen FOOORCE PUNCHES, FOOORCE KICKS, and FOOORCE CLOTHESLINES, ascends the top turnbuckle for his trademark flying double axe handle, gives THE SIGNAL (Beeker ©), and completes this vicious offensive cycle by nailing his finisher, the Full Force (suplex powerslam; think Goldberg’s jackhammer)! Amazingly, the match was better than the last time they faced one another. [B]Winner in 7:50: [/B]Jim Force [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/SaraMarieYork.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RavenNightfall_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [I][B][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Sara Marie York vs. UFW Women’s Champion Raven Nightfall (non-title match)[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I][/CENTER] UFW Women’s Champion Raven Nightfall found some strong competition tonight in Sara. Both women hustled, but in the end the match was longer than it should have been, and a few boring chants could be heard at times. Raven picked up the win with the Night Faller (Reverse DDT) [B]Winner in 15:18:[/B] Raven Nightfall [B]Rating:[/B] D [CENTER] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [I][B][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]The Dark Knights (Black Eagle & James Hernandez) vs. Superion (Remmy Skye & Jacob Jett)[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I][/CENTER] Remmy and Jett were both off their game tonight, but it was still a very strong match overall, and Sara’s strong color commentary gave the match a boost. The finish came when Skye made the hot tag to Jett who cleaned house. However, some cheating and double-teaming the referee conveniently ignores allows Hernandez to hit the Apparition #14 (shooting star press) and gets the 3-count on Jett. [B]Winner in 15:08:[/B] The Dark Knights (Black Eagle & James Hernandez) [B]Rating:[/B] C- [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [I][B][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Ultimate Phoenix vs. Fox Mask[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I][/CENTER] Putting these two in a match together was a no-brainer, and both men went all out, putting on one of UFW’s best ever matches. The finish came when Fox Mask went for a Fox Cutter (think Stone Cold Stunner), but Phoenix pushed him away and caught a rebounding Fox Mask with a textbook drop kick. Phoenix quickly went to the top and hit his finisher, the Phoenix Firebird Splash for the pinfall victory. [B]Winner in 15:25:[/B] Ultimate Phoenix [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [B][SIZE="5"]Final Show Rating: C-[/SIZE][/B] [I](OOC: And so it begins yet again. Thanks to those who voted in the other thread. It looks like people liked for me to overcome my writing block on this and get back to Jim Force. Evolving him will take some time, but as I've stated numerous times there are long term plans. I just hope we can get to them lol. Thanks for the kind words and support. Since this was gone for so long, I wanted to get a show up ASAP. Generally, I'll have a show on Saturdays and predictions on Sundays. So expect another show before you have opportunities to vote and earn Forcechlorians for guessing my predictable voting. Also, for those that like to, you don't have to predict match grades. I just throw that in there for people that like to do that as well. Latah.[/I]
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