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Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;518804]I got ahead of myself and posted the preview for the previous show before I had posted up a review for January. So I'm doing a combined Jan/Feb one after I've posted up this event, then it'll be back to posting them monthly.[/QUOTE] Ah I see. Hadn't noticed that this coming show is also a February event, I assumed we were onto March now.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Fuerzas de Gran Alcace[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Saturday February 27th 2010[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Gynasium Aguada, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'000)- Sell Out !! [/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [I]The backstage camera's pick up Sara Silver walking the corridors, it also appears that she is being followed....Sara can hear the footsteps.....she turns around but no one's there.[/I] [B]Rating: E-[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] New segment rating would suck, but it's just there to start building some intrigue.[/FONT] [CENTER]_____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]We go to a different part of the backstage area, where Eddie Howard is getting ready to take part in the pre-show 4 Corner Survival when his former tag partner D.C Rayne comes up to him.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]D.C Rayne:[/B] Hey Ed how's it goin'[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Eddie Howard:[/B] What the hell do you want ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]D.C Rayne:[/B] That's no way to talk to an old pal[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Eddie Howard:[/B] Emphasis on the word old, because our friendship ended when you joined W.O.V.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]D.C Rayne:[/B] But they kicked me out brother.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Eddie Howard:[/B] That's no my problem.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]D.C Rayne:[/B] Well I just wanted to say I'm sorry and me breaking up Natural Storm was a big mistake.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Eddie Howard:[/B] I think there's an old sayin', I can think of right now[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]D.C Rayne:[/B] What sayin's that bro ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Eddie Howard:[/B] You made your bed so lie in it.....So if you don't mind stepping aside, I've got to make my way to the ring.[/COLOR] [I]Howard then brushes past Rayne (who is left with a bewildered look on his face).[/I] [B]Rating: E[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B]Match: Eddie Howard vs Jeremiah Moose vs Leftie Wilkes vs M.C Speed[/B] These four combined to put on a very passable 4CS for the early arrivals in the audience. As was expected by everyone M.C Speed (being the most pushed of all these wrestlers) picked up the win, after he made Jeremiah Moose tap out to the Gang Sign (Cross Arm Breaker). [B][COLOR=red]Result: M.C Speed defeated Jeremiah Moose, Leftie Wilkes and Eddie Howard in 6:17 when M.C Speed defeated Jeremiah Moose by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Lisa Bowen comes to the ring dressed in a low cut vest top and gold hot pants, to do not much at all except pose and dish out some free merchandise. Utterly pointless but an FCW event wouldn't be the same without it.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show begins with Wave of Violence coming to the ring and Carl Batch already has a microphone in his hand as he makes his way up the entrance ramp.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch[/B]: Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ! The Champ is in Da House !![/COLOR] [I]They then enter the ring to a chorus of boos ![/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] You lookin' at him right there the king of the yard......[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Yeah and there's nothin' all you ugly bed-wetters can do about it[/COLOR] [I]A 'shut the **** up chant' starts[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Big words, lets see you back up those words by gettin' in my ring ..........[/COLOR] [I]Unsuprisingly there's no takers[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Yeah didn't think so ? So go cryin' back home to mommy, that big nasty Da Power is the top dog round here and as I look round this place, there's no one, absolutely no one that can stop me ![/COLOR] [I]At that point Angel De Mexico comes out to the entrance ramp with a microphone.....[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Just because you're the champ, it doesn't give you the right to bore everyone with your egotistical drivel.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Who da hell is this fool ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Just some nobody in a mask[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Just some nobody eh ?....yeah the same nobody that held the People's Championship.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Well that's no accomplishment, that cap wearing fool....oh what's his name[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]M.C Speed:[/B] I believe that fool to be a Stevie Grayson[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Yeah I mean Stevie Grayson has held that worthless strap.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]M.C Speed:[/B] I wouldn't quite call it worthless, I mean kinda got my eyes on that bling[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Well it's worthless to me[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Your ego's so big Power, you're even putting down one of your own stable mates and oh yeah this 'nobody' you're talkin' to now is also the same nobody you specially chose as a tag partner, before you obviously took a major bump to the head.........[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] You're a nobody and you're interrupting my celebration time[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Well if I'm such a nobody, why don't you put those twin belts on the line against me ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Why should I, I'm the champ I can do what I damn well please[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] You surely aren't worried I can beat you, I mean I am just a nobody in a mask.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power[/B]: I ain't worried at all, I could squash you, like I just squashed J.D Morgan.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Yeah that was real big of you, I mean beating an already battered and worn opponent....and even then it took you six minutes to get the job done....[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] I was toyin' with that fool, like I'd be toyin' with you......[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] So we're on then ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Look my client here said nothin' about bein' on for no match with you fool.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] So your client there, the Undisputed Champion, is basically a big p*ssy.[/COLOR] [I]Crowd start directing a p*ssy! p*ssy! chant towards Da Power[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] OK Angel you got your damn match, but you'll regret you ever asked me for it[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Have a nice time with those twin belts, because come at the end of the night you'll be waving goodbye to them.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Most of the crowd knew that Angel was going to be challenging for the title, but this was a nice way to give the match some buld up and to give a valid reason for Angel getting a title shot, ahead of Morgan getting a re-match or Nicky R!ot even getting a shot at the belt.[/FONT] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1 : Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Masked Cougar[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ArthurDexterBradley.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was a solid opening contest that was pretty even throughout. They started off with some fast paced chain wrestling, until Cougar took control, eventually drop-kicking ADB out of the ring. Cougar then went for a suicide dive but crashed and burned as ADB moved out of the way. ADB was then in control for the next few minutes, setting up for the Superstar Splash but Cougar got the knees up. The Animal Magic man then took down a dazed ADB with the Cougar Pounce (Leaping Spear) to pick up the victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Masked Cougar defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley in 6:39 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Six Man Battle: [/B] [B]UNITY (Charles Rainer, Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs [/B] [B]The Messiahs' Circus (Leper Messiah, Soul Krusher & Inky the Squid Boy)[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_InkyTheSquid.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] This was pretty much a formula Six Man Battle, with the face trio doing all the pressing in the early going but the heels finding a way to turn the match in their favour. Both myself and Harry Allen found ourselves playing the face in peril, before Allen got the hot-tag into Nicky R!ot. R!ot cleaned house and then took down Leper Messiah with the Sub Pop Bop. Soul Krusher made the save, which then drew myself into the ring, followed by Inky and then Harry Allen, from there it just degnerated into one big three on three brawl....that soon spilt to the outside and into the crowd and in the end Bret Graveson saw no choice but to throw the match out, as all the members of UNITY and The Messiah's Circus did battle with each other amongst the crowd. [B][COLOR=red]Result: UNITY drew with The Messiahs Circus in 9:47 following a double disqualification. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: J.D Morgan vs Island Boy Apollo[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_IslandBoyApollo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was never going to be a 'classic' but with J.D Morgan in there you'd at-leat expect it to be respectable but besides from being a total squash, he also had no chemistry what so ever with the local youngster Island Boy Apollo. Thankfully it barely lasted more than 90 seconds as Island Boy tapped out (very quickly) to the Cross Atlantic Stretch. [B][COLOR=red]Result: JD Morgan defeated Island Boy Apollo in 1:33 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]After he'd done making easy work of Island Boy, J.D Morgan requests a microphone.......[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] You see that, you see how I made that boy tap, well that's only an ounce, of what I'm going to do to YOU, Da Power the next time you set foot in the same ring as me and believe you me there will come a time.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Now I'm not goin' to say that I'm an angel or anything but I've done things with a bit more honor and respect and at one time you stood for the same thing. I'll even admit I've been a jerk a few times too, but you Power, you're the biggest jerk going. The way you won the Undisputed Title off me is a disgrace. Such a disgrace that you've gone and disrespected the history of the twin belts, my history, Shawn Gonzalez's, the history of those that challenged for those belts and even your own history.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]So if you do so happen to get past Angel, then I'll be waiting, waiting to get my re-match, waiting to straighten you and the history of the twin belts out.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Mainstream Hernandez w/ Sara Silver vs The Sensational Singh[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Hernandez did all the early pressing in this match, but Sara Silver was looking noticeably jittery on the outside and when he had the opportunity to put Singh away, he turned his attention to his girlfriend/valet, which enabled Singh to recover and get in cheap shot and a roll up from behind. Singh then got in a eye poke and a back rake to turn the match in his favour, that was followed by a bridging German Suplex for a two count. Singh then began to work over the legs of Hernandez to set up for the Singh it Back (Figure Four). The Mainstreamer managed to make it to the ropes, but Singh got in another cheap shot on the rope break, and then whipped Hernandez across the ring to set up for the Simply Fabulous but Hernandez reversed the momentum into a swinging DDT. That was enough to leave Singh stunned long enough for Hernandez to scale the turnbuckles and come crashing down across Singh's sternum with the Apparition #14 (Moonsault Legdrop). A solid mid-card test, the mini-angle of Hernandez being a bit off his game, due to Sara Silver not quite looking herself took a bit away from this being a stellat athletic contest but it gave a routine mid-card match some storyline to work with. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mainstream Hernandez defeated The Sensational Singh in 8:56 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Dean Daniels is backstage with his valet Lisa Bowen, just ahead of his Peoples Title defence against Fox Mask and it appears that Bowen has something to say.[/I] [COLOR=purple][B]Lisa Bowen:[/B] Two weeks ago my client Dean Daniels here, had Ultimate Phoenix beaten and he was robbed by the sound of a bell. What you are looking at here is the most ruthless, destructive going and one day he will have the Twin Belts around his waist.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]But for now Dean will proudly defend the Peoples Belt, clearing away any one who dares stand in his path. Fox Mask do you really think you have a chance, against this man, do you Fox Mask ? Only a fool would think he has any chance against Dean Daniels right now.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Peoples Championship: [/B] [B]Dean Daniels w/ Lisa Bowen vs Fox Mask[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Daniels with a steely focus from the sound of the bell was the aggressor but Fox Mask used his speed to keep the Peoples Champion off balance and the diminutive masked man was able to employ a hit and run strategy landing flurries of quick kicks on Daniels. Soon Fox Mask's strategy had Daniels so frustrated, that the uber focused Peoples champ was rattled enough to go out for a powder/ get consoled by Lisa Bowen. Fox Mask then went for a dive, but put the brakes on when Daniels moved out of the way. Daniels then got back on the apron and tried to rock Fox Mask with a fore-arm smash, but the Animal Magic ducked under and knocked Daniels back down to the floor with a step up Enziguri, then as Daniels was getting back to his feet Fox Mask, sprang off the ropes to the outside, taking Daniels out with an Arabian Press. Fox Mask then rolled Daniels back into the ring, before slingshotting back in and coming down across Daniels sternum with a double stomp. That earned Fox Mask a two count, who then dragged Daniels into the middle of the ring, before trying for another cover... Daniels kicked out emphatically this time, and was soon retaking control with a flurry of fore-arms and knee strikes, Daniels then whipped Fox Mask into the ropes to set up for a Lariat but Fox Mask was able avoid the Lariat and then use the momentum to snap off a head-scissors take down. The Animal Magic man then headed up top, but Daniels was back to his feet and he managed to sweep the legs out of from underneath Fox Mask, before setting up for a superplex but Fox Mask managed to shrug Daniels off and as Daniels go to his feet, Fox Mask came off the top rope with a missile drop-kick but Daniels moved out of the way and as Fox Mask got back to his feet he was met with a stiff fore-arm smash and then dumped overhead with a belly to belly suplex. That brought Daniels a two count, who then lifted Fox Mask back up to a vertical base before reeling off a tri-fecta of snap suplexes. Fox Mask survived that, but Daniels was now in complete control and he trapped Fox Masks arms before unleashing the flurry of knee strikes that had finished off so many recent opponents, but FM was able to use his small size to his advantage, slipping out then taking Daniels by surprise with an Enziguri. Fox Mask then slumped to the mat as he looked to buy himself some time to shake the cobwebs from his head. As both staggered to their feet....Daniels came charging in, but Fox Mask side-stepped out of the way and as Daniels rebounded back off the turnbuckle, he was met with a standing drop-kick from Fox Mask to send him slumping to the mat. Fox Mask then sprung off the ropes to land a quebrada bur Daniels was too near the ropes and the Peoples champ was able to stretch out a leg to save himself. Fox Mask then tried to take Daniels by surprise with the Fox Hunter on the rope-break but the Peoples champ caught the leg and reversed it into a Fisherman's Suplex for a two count. Daniels then lifted Fox Mask up onto his shoulders for the Human Roulette but this time it was Fox Mask who came up with the counter, spiking Daniels into the mat with a swinging DDT. Fox Mask then waited for Daniels to stagger back up , before nailing Daniels with a super-kick and then grabbing Daniels and racing up the turnbuckle to build momentum for the Fox Flip Off DDT but Daniels managed to block the move at the last split second and reverse it into the Raise the Stakes (Cradle Piledriver)...spiking Fox Mask into the mat........ The Animal Magic man went limp and Daniels made the academic cover, but not after Fox Mask had probably given him a tougher match that he or his valet Lisa Bowen had expected. According to the old crippler himself Ray Kingman, these two had an awkward chemistry, but despite that they still managed to put on a very good match that has helped to rebuild the prestige of the Peoples title since Daniels took possession of the belt. Perhaps Kingman got 'awkward chemistry' mixed up with 'clash of styles. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Dean Daniels defeated Fox Mask in 13:43 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Dean Daniels retains the FCW People's Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Bradford Peverall vs Stevie Grayson[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_StevieGrayson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Passable but forgettable filer match with Grayson doing the job once again. Grayson made the early running but an eye poke followed by a flurry of European Uppercuts turned the match in Peverall's favour and from there the result was never in doubt with Peverall finishing Stevie 'Ringrust' off with the Rapid Eye Movement sequence (series of jabs, followed by a discus lariat). Grayson's contract comes up for renewal next month and with his generally lacklustre performances , plus the fact that he's now really starting to moan backstage about the amount of losses he has suffered, means that his contract wont be getting renewed. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Bradford Peverell defeated Stevie Grayson in 6:36 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Primus w/ Carl Batch vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Primus jumped Phoenix at the sound of the bell, to get an early advantage, flinging the popular masked man into the corner before unleashing a flurry of wild strikes, that had Phoenix literally slumping to a seated position. Primus then went over to the opposite corner and waiting for Phoenix to stagger back up to his feet speared the masked man back into the turnbuckle. Primus then dragged Phoenix out of the corner and went for the cover. Some how on pure instinct Phoenix managed to kick out. Primus then lifted a limp Phoenix back up to his feet, but the masked man was proving to be a deadweight , Primus then delivered some clubbing blows to the back, before finally setting Phoenix up for a Powerbomb but all of a sudden Phoenix snapped off a rana, the momentum of which sent both tumbling over the top rope to the outside. With both layed out on the floor Bret Graveson started a twenty count, at that point Carl Batch also tried to interject himself into the match, by swinging a slapjack at Phoenix but the masked man managed to moved out of the way and the slapjack hit Primus flush in the face instead. Phoenix then rolled into the ring, as Graveson continued to count out Primus, however the rookie monster did managed to shake off the accidental slapjack shot and just about make it back into the ring with the count literally down to one. But as Primus staggerd in , he was met with roundhouse kick from Phoenix that sent him crashing back down to the mat....... But just as Phoenix did earlier, Primus was able to dig down and kick out. Primus then staggered back up to his feet but was met with a roundhouse kick from Phoenix, however Primus just shook it off and came right back with a clothesline that almost took Phoenix out of his boots. Primus then waited for Phoenix to stagger back up, before flinging the masked man over with a release German Suplex. That bought Primus a two count, who then scooped Phoenix up off the mat and in position for the Power Plant (Running Powerslam) but Phoenix somehow managed to slip off and then take Primus by surprise with a standing drop-kick. Primus however came charging out of the corner with a spear but Phoenix managed to side-step out of the way, before nailing Primus with a spin kick that had the big man staggered. Keeping the offence going Phoenix followed up with a flurry of kicks that sent Primus slumping into the corner. Primus got back up to his feet again however, but Phoenix was now a step ahead nailing the Wave of Violence man with a running drop-kick...Primus then staggered and was planted onto the mat with a drop toe hold. Phoenix then went up top, but Primus was back to his feet , Tornado leaped off looking for a Tornado DDT but Primus blocked and reversed it into the Powerbomb position only for Phoenix to reverse that into a rana, followed by a pin attempt....... Primus powered out of the pin attempt and then as they staggered to their feet, Primus took control again with another clothesline, before lifting a dazed Phoenix back up to vertical base and slingshotting the masked man into the ropes to set up for the Rruuuussshh but Phoenix saw it coming, stopping Primus in his tracks with a pin point drop-kick that sent the 'rookie monster' slumping back down to the mat. Phoenix then ascended the turnbuckles once again and this time was able to come crashing down across Primus sternum with a Phoenix Firebird Splash, to seal the win and move a step closer to an eventual shot at the Undisputed Championship. A good semi main event, Phoenix had to carry the match but Primus has alot of potential to be a major player in FCW down the road. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ultimate Phoenix defeated Primus in 11:27 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]A video plays to hype up the Undisputed Championship match between Da Power and Angel De Mexico, basically it shows Da Power winning the title and highlights of Angel De Mexico's best matches in FCW[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Undisputed Championship:[/B] [B]Da Power w/ Carl Batch vs Angel De Mexico[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPowerWOV.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][B] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Angel De Mexico doesn't even wait for the pomp and ceremony of the introductions as he takes Power by surprise with a no hands Plancha. Angel then gets back up onto the apron and with Power still down on the floor, comes on the Wave of Violence man with a frogsplash ! Angel then tries to get Power into the ring to officially start the match, but Carl Batch sneaks up from behind low blowing Angel, thus enabling Power to get back to his feet. Power then drives Angel back-first into the ring apron before tossing his former ally into the ring. As Power enters the ring, the bell finally sounds to officially start the match and despite Angel's tactic to take Power by surprise, he was now the one finding himself struggling to maintain a grip early in the match as Power in full control toyed with the masked man, flinging Angel from post to post, downing the masked man with clotheslines and following in with arrogant one footed covers. Of course Power wasn't going to put someone the calibre of Angel De Mexico, away like that but he was trying to get into the head of the patriotic masked man. But it only seemed to fuel the fire inside of Angel, who began to fight back more with each ever more arrogant pin attempt. Power sensing a comeback finally started to get serious, teeing off a flurry of fore-arm smashes then whipping Angel into the ropes, Power then went for the roaring elbow but Angel knew Power too well, and ducked under before unbalancing the Wave of Violence man with a spinning leg-sweep....Angel then went out onto the apron and as Power started to stagger back up the masked high flier, springboarded back in to take Power down with a springboard spinning head-scissors ! Suddenly the match was turned on it's head as Angel now pumped up got back to his feet and climbed up to the top turnbuckle, Power then staggered back up but Angel dived off took Power down with another Tilt-a-Whirl and applied the MEXICAN DEATH armbar to the most hated man in Puerto Rico. Power however was too near the ropes and he managed to use his long reach to force the rope-break but Angel now had the bit between his teeth and he did not let up on the offensive, as he peppered the Wave of Violence man with a flurry of kicks but Power is a hard man to get off his feet and with one clothesline the match turned back in the favour of the Puerto Rican icon, who then lifted Angel up applied a Full Nelson and flung the masked high flier halfway across the ring with the SAN JUAN IMPACT ! One...... Two......... Thr........... Angel kicked out much to the frustration of both Power and Carl Batch on the outside. Power then lifted Angel back up, pounding the back of the masked man, then setting up for a Power-bomb but just as Power was about to send Angel crashing back down to the mat, the masked man managed to twist himself round into the Electric Chair position and then in my fluid motion spiked Power down into the canvas with the AZTEC RANA ! (Reverse Hurrancanrana)......... One........ Two......... Three !! But there was no ref as Carl Batch got up on the apron, waving round a slapjack....it caught the attention of Bret Graveson who sent Batch packing but also cost Angel certain victory. At the same time Graveson was tied up with trying to send Batch to the back, M.C Speed sneaked into the ring, cracking a chair over the head of Angel De Mexico before laying Power over Angel and sneaking back out again. Graveson then turned round to make what looked to be the inevitable three count....... One...... Two..... Thr...... No !! Angel kicked out, as he kept his hopes of winning the twin belts alive, and they both staggered back to their feet Angel was the one taking the fight to Power with another combination of kicks but then...... Power connected with the roaring elbow....... Angel the staggered into the atomic drop before being planted onto the mat with the spinebuster...... And as Angel staggered back to his feet, there was only ever going to be one ending as Power drilled his former ally with the San Juan Rush (Running Big Boot)........ One..... Two......... And this time Angel was done. Quite possibly the best title defence Power has had in any of his title runs, as they told a great David vs Goliath story with Angel almost slaying the beast. In fact Angel did slay ' the beast' but thanks to Power's chronies he was able to save the Undisputed Champioship by the skin of his teeth in his first defence. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Da Power defeated Ángel De México in 13:45 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Da Power retains the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Da Power then celebrates his victory in the ring with Carl Batch joining him in the celebrations ad the crowd rain down a chorus of boos on the FCW pair.....[/I] [I]But suddenly their celebration is cut short as J.D Morgan comes out onto the entrance ramp with a microphone in his hand.....[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] Congratulations on retaining the twin belts again champ ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Yo ! Captain Morgan ...can't you see this is W.O.V's party and you ain't down on the guest list[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan[/B]: Just came out here to congratulate Power on his victory and that I want a re-match[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] You want a rematch, Morgan, I beat you, I destroyed you, why do you think beating some jabroni like Island Boy should warrant you a shot at these twin belts....[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] Seems obvious to me that this transformation, you've had Power, has also led to you having some form of memory loss, because I beat you not once but twice.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] You may have done so, but that is when I used to pander to the whims of these losers in the crowd, that is when I was weak....quite simply Morgan you ain't in my league.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan[/B]: Not in your league, I've travelled all round the world sunshine and beaten wrestlers who have more talent in their little finger than you.....[/COLOR] [I]All of a sudden UNITY's Nicky R!ot comes out onto the entrance ramp microphone in hand.....[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Sorry to interrupt your nice little chat with Power, J.D but aren't you forgetting one thing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] What's that Nicholas, because last time I remember, I was about to make you tap out to the Cross Atlantic Stretch.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] The words Pot, Kettle and Black come to mind.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] What is that you tryin' to imply Nicholas ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Yeah Mr 1991 get to the point, cos you interrupting my well deserved celebration time ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Look Power none of these fans want to see you and Batch dance badly to Gangsta Rap. But yeah I'll get to the point , if my memory serves me correctly I'd just dumped old J.D there with the CHARLES PETERSON ! until Power and his W.O.V chronies hit the ring......[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] Who the bleedin' heel is Charles Peterson ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][COLOR=blue][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] It's the move I had you beat with[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] Oh is that right sunshine, well I would with kicked out of that whatever you call it[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] A Charles Peterson[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] From where I'm standing neither of you deserve a shot at these twin belts......[/COLOR] [I]Suddenly wrestling legend Crippler Ray Kingman comes onto the entrance ramp to a reasonable pop.[/I] [COLOR=darkolivegreen][B]Crippler Ray Kingman:[/B] Da Power just because you are the champion, it doesn't give you the right to pick and choose your opponents....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Who the hell is this fool, disrespectin the champ'[/COLOR] [I]A shut the **** up chant is directed at Carl Batch[/I] [COLOR=darkolivegreen][B]Crippler Ray Kingman:[/B] Memo from the fans Mr Batch, they want you to shut your gob for once.........[/COLOR] [I]Big applause from the fans for Kingman putting Batch into line[/I] [COLOR=darkolivegreen][B]Crippler Ray Kingman:[/B] Now if I could continue, myself and the rest of the FCW management was listening the back, and both you Mr Morgan and you Mr R!ot make good cases for having a shot at the gold Power is carrying right now. So at our next event back here on March 20th, it will Da Power vs J.D Morgan vs Nicky R!ot in a threw way dance fo the Undisputed Championship !![/COLOR] [I]The show ends with both R!ot and Morgan looking reasonably happy with that outcome and Power looking a bit P'Oed that will have to defend the belt against not one, but two opponents and he doesn't even have to be pinned to lose the title ![/I] [B]Ratings: C- for Power celebration, C+ for Morgan and R!ot interrupting Power's celebration , C- for Kingman announcing the three way title match to main event the next show.[/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [I]What perhaps looked to be a bit of a filler, transitional show on paper turned out to be another very consistant show, with a stellar Peoples Title match and perhaps Power's best defence of the Undisputed Title, with Angel almost causing an upset and it also did it's job as a transitional show by setting up the main event for the next show right at the end of the show.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][U]January/February in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] We opened the year in good form with three stellar shows. The main event scene is looking stronger than ever before, meaning that we no longer have to rely on bringing in 'name' guest performers on talent trades. It should be pointed out though that the two wrestlers who have perhaps helped FCW grow the most in the past year were former guest performers in Ultimate Phoenix and most of all J.D Morgan (who did a great job of establishing a champion who could be seen as being on the same level as Da/Puerto Rican Power). I wish I could be a bit more positive about the financials, but with running three shows in two months we actually lost a little bit of money, nothing to get worried about and we'll be sticking with the format over the next two months but if we end up making another loss over the next three shows, we might unfortunately have to revert back to running just one show a month. If only we could move out of the Gynasium Aguada and into a bigger building we might be able to generate more revenue but as of right now the current global recession is supressing our desire to grow, it's the main reason why we have not really looked to take FCW over to the mainland U.S (with the Tri-State Region being the obvious choice) or tried to get a T.V deal as the additional costs would put us in alot of difficulty right now. It's becoming an extremely frustrating situation as I feel we are now ready to kick on and start building towards making it to the next level. Sara Silver, Matt Hocking, Leper Messiah, Eddie Howard and D.C Rayne all got their contracts renewed. I was a bit worried when Hocking's contract came up for renewal as I had already clashed with Senor Lopez (aka the most hated man in Puerto Rico right now !) over retaining Hocking but thankfully Hocking had proved he can 'Man Up' enough for his signing to not be an issue this time round. Last time Leper Messiah's contract came up for renewal I put in the promise of a mid-card title run as a sweetener (as I think at the time Tully was unhappy about doing so many jobs) and I wanted to keep him onside and it was a promise I almost forgot about, which wouldn't have been good for my reputation, hence the sudden tag title change. It was actually a relief in the negotiations that he was not worried about being promised a title run. It was actually touch and go whether or not one, both or neither of the former Natural Storm pairing of D.C Rayne and Eddie Howard would be retained as neither have really been what you call stand-out performers or appear to have the potential to 'break out' any time soon. However with so many changes during last year, we wanted to keep a settled roster toward and are both useful and established enough in their role as lower end mid-carders. [RIGHT]_________________________________________________________[/RIGHT] [CENTER][B][U]January/February News and Notes [/U][/B] [B][U]From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] Golden Canvas Grappling is the latest promotion in Japan to rise to National Size, making four promotions competing at that level. It's a real turn around for the oldest promotion in Japan, who a few years ago looked like they might be on their way out but a new generation of home grown talent led by the likes of Takayuki 2000 and Toshiharu Hyobanshi combined with some astute Gaijin signings has led to them once again being able to compete with old rivals BHOTWG and trendy upstarts PGHW and WLW. With four National sized promotions and with INSPIRE and leading Joshi promotion 5SSW also with cult followings, many are calling this a golden age of Puro. OLLIE, MPWF and SOTBPW, find themselves competing with a new upstart promotion in Mexico as MHW (Mexican Hardcore Wrestling) was founded by Don Richards (best known of late as Coyote Dynamite in NYCW). Richards feels that their is a niche market in Mexico, who want their Lucha Libre mixed with the sort of 'hardcore' action that put DaVE on the map. Richards first move was to hire Carlos Moreno (best known as the play by play man for MPWF) as the promotions head booker [B]Worker Signings[/B] 18 months after leaving 21CW, to try and make it in Japan, Adam Matravers returns to 21CW, Even though Matravers did manage to make it onto tours with both GCG and BHOTWG he didn't really 'make it' over in Japan (winning only a handful of matches)but will feel that he has become a better wrestler for an experience and he did get to challenge Sensational Dragon for the Burning Junior Championship. 4C have taken advantage of SWF's fall to cult size (and their inability to resign workers on written contracts) by snapping up Akima Brave on a PPA deal. 5SSW have added gaijn veteran Connie Morris and Fuyuko Higa (the protege of Thunder Hike) to their roster on PPA deals. BHOTWG have made only one addition to their roster for their upcoming spring tour and that's the addition of Matthew Keith, who joins on a touring contract. Geena Warrior Princess who has spent her entire career, returns to her native North America, having signed for CWWF. CZCW are another promotion to take advantage of SWF's current problems by snapping up Aaron Andrews on a PPA deal, whilst 'Hollywood' Brett Starr also joins. GCG have added former INSPIRE King of Fighters Marat Khoklov, Hitomaro Suzuki, Stone Yoshikawa and hotly tipped young talent Omezo Shiktei to their roster, all on written contracts. Danjuro Komatsu the former junior broadcast analyst for BHOTWG has been snapped up by their feeder league Hinote Dojo on a PPA deal. Don 'Coyote Dynamite' Richards has managed to attract some pretty good talents to his MHW promotions with a good mix of established veterans and promising youngsters making up his intital roster. The established names include Angel De Mexico, Junior Youth, Laberinto Jr, Mexican Beast, Mexican Ghoul, Phoenix III, Rafael Ruiz, Slayyer and Swarm I, whilst Richards himself will also be an active competitor where he will be reverting back to his old Black Hat Richards gimmick. The young talent is led by the signing of Gino Montero, but others to join also include El Hijo Espada Rioja, El Sucio, Heavy Metal Anarchy, Hijo Del Mephisto and Velocidad. Rounding out the roster Carlos Moreno and Teadoro Nieto will be the commentary team, Oceano joins as a road agent and Domingo Castillo will be the resident referee. With their recent rise to Regional Size, MOSC added current 21CW talents Hugh De Aske, DJ Reason and Philip Cooper to their roster. MPWF looking to revitalise their roster added established veterans Luchador Original and Asiatico. NOTBPW determined to make their womens division the best in all of North America, have snapped up Cherry Bomb, who joins on a written contract. PGHW have snapped up Li Bingci on a written contract and former MMA star Billy Russell will take part in PGHW's up coming spring tour. Leo Price returns to ROF, four years after leaving them for 21CW. Price still works for 21CW as well, but Nova's promotion have since scrapped the ill fated exclusive PPA contracts. Duane Fry and SWF employee for 9 years (and one who joined on his 18th Birthday) has shockingly defected to rivals TCW to join up with their announce team, the loss of a supposed loyalist like Fry is a sign that SWF has hit what must be an all time low point for the promotion. USPW are another promotion to take advantage of SWF's recent troubles snapping up Zimmy Bumfhole on a PPA deal, whilst Wanda Fish suprisingly leaves NOTBPW to go in the opposite direction of Cherry Bomb and join USPW's womens division. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extended the contracts of Philip Cooper, Mister King Nate Manchester, Nightmare, referees Jacob Bailey and Karl Dexter, valet Kathleen Lee and commentator Steve Smith 4C extended the contracts of Shane Nelson, Young Leo (Trent Shaffer), Joey Poison, Stan 'The Man' Manna, Canadian Crusher and valet Faith. A busy two months of contract negotiations for 5SSW as they extended the contracts of Devil Karube, Dragon Assasin Gorgon, Jaguar Endo, Joanne Rodriguez Kit Hatoyama, Otsune Tsumura, Saori Nakadan, Tomoko Nagatsuka, Tsuki Kawamata, Umeko Hotta, road agent Saeko Hiroyuki , referee Tsugiharu Odaka and managesr Ryuzabaro Sugiyama and Seishiro Hiraga. AAA resigned Kate Lilly, announcer Jim Lou Freebush, back stage interviewer Sue Danes and Marcus McKing. APW were also busy with contracts negotions during the first two months of the year, extending the contracts of Alyx Macquarie, Dingo Devine, Lanny Williams, New Zealand Pitbull, Switchblade, Vaughan and Vance Sturt, announcer Mitch Y.Bryson, general manager Nigel Darling and manager Max Forbes BHOTWG extend the written contracts of Sessue Kawate, Tiger Fuyuki, Toshiki Shibanumo, Yasuhiro Taira, Yoshii Shiomi and referee Okura Umeki. While Eisaku Hoshino rejoins on another lucratvive pay per appearance short term contract. BSC extend the contracts of Annie Hitch****, Dharma Gregg, Kathy Neptune and Nurse Hope Daye. CCG were another promotion busy with negotions, securing Bobby Thomas, Jason Evans, Joe Gilbert, Matty Phatty, Nate Johnson, Nathan Black Ricky DeColt, Trent Shaffer, road agent Fate, referee Coach Normana and color commentator Farrah Hesketh to contract extensions. CWWF extend the contract of Claire 'Missy' Masterson. CZCW extend the contracts of The American Flash, Jake Idol, Marc Speed, Matt Sparrow, Plague, Snap Dragon, Whippy the Clown, referee Pee Wee Germaine and valent Little Miss Sunshine. EWA extend the contracts of Doctor Insane, Mr Evilness, Super Falcon plus manager (and locker room cancer) Stetson Hatt GCG now at National size secure top home grown talent Toshiharu Hyobanshi, plus Shingen Miyazaki, Morimasa Kato and key gaijins Jimmy Cox and Sean Deeley to exclusive written contracts. Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deals of Dynamite Narahasi, Young Boy Sayuki and referee Masami Aizawa. INSPIRE extend the contracts of Burning Takash!ta (short term), Hajime Sugisatsu, Kalu Owusu, Willlie York and referees Doppu Ibu and Yo****ora Shigemitsu MAW extend the contracts of Antonio, Brandon Smith (who is working in MAW as The Masked Patriot), Cameron Vessey, Nathan Coleman and Ricky Douglas. MOSC extend the contracts of veteran Geordie Jimmy Morris and road agent Tyrone Hughes. MPWF extend the contracts of Daniel Cano, Electrico, Heavy Metal Anarchy, Slayyer, Spanish Superfly and announcer Carlos Moreno. A busy first two months for NYCW as they managed to keep a fair chunk of their roster intact going into 2010 by resigning Greg Keith, Honest Frank, Jean 'The Mean Machine' Cattley, The Masked Mauler, Rhino Umaga, Sgt Bubba Lee West, Xavier Reckless and referee Michael 'NO B.S' Bull. OLLIE were even more busy resigning the following to contract extensions; Asesino Del Hacha, Championa Jr, Decipher, Dragon Americano, El Estrella, Gino Montero, Hijo Del Relamapago, Julio Dominguez, Laberinto Jr, La Sombr Jr, Tricolor Jr, Phoenix I, Tigre Salvaje Jr , referee Domingo Castillo and road agent/legend Manuel Prieto. PGHW secured Alexander Robinson, Ryoma Muruyama and Tetsunori Yasuda to new written contracts. PSW extended the contracts of Dead Bolt, Dean Waldorf, Johnny Martin, Nelson Callum and Primal Rage. RIPW extend the PPA deals of Jerry Martin, Jim Force, Kentucky Bill, Kirk Jameson, Madman Boone and Raphael. ROF manage to hold onto long term champion Merle O'Curle and also extend the contracts of Eric Future, Martin Heath, referee Humphrey Woolsey and announcer Justin Blackham. SAISHO extend the PPA deals of Henry Bennett, Hirokazua Yamanoue , Simon Flemingway and Wasichi Inao, whilst Goemon Komiya signs on with a PGHW developmental contract. SOTBPW were almost as busy as rivals OLLIE extending the contracts of The Cannonball Kid, El Diamante Azul, El Hijo Del Zonk, Hysteria, Lobo Blanco, Magik, Mayan Idol, Pablo Rodriguez and valet Lucia. SWF resign Bart Biggz, Big Smack Scott, Enygma and Eric Tyler to PPA contracts. In a quiet opening two months for TCW, they secure road agent Archie Judge and valet Laura Huggins to new written contracts. UEW extend the contracts of Inky the Squid Boy, Jamie Anderson, Michael Moodie, Otto Hammerschmidt, Stig Svensson and announcer Matthew Morris. USPW extend the contracts of Colussus (Hells Bouncer), Harry Allen, Java, Lex Appeal, Primus Allen, Mick Muscles, Assassin #2 (Ernie Turner) and The Bandit (Randall Hopkirk). Eisaku Hoshino also extends his lucrative short term deal with WLW. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Former tag champion Ivan Ivanoff was somewhat suprisingly not offered a new contract with 21CW It appears that 4C are going through a period of change as long time stalwarts Brett Fraser and Canadian Dragon are not resigned. With nothing left for him to do and with full control of the promotion in the hands of his son Alex, George DeColt has officially left CGC. Cherry Bomb leaves behind both USPW and CWWF after signing an exclusive contract with NOTBPW Insane Machine completed his departure from CZCW after signing on exclusively with WLW at the end of last year, whilst Nate Johnson also departs to concentrate on his commitments in Canada. Hitomaro Suzuki departs from Hinote Dojom SAISHO and INSPIRE after he secured a written deal with GCG, whilst Shingen Miyazaki and Morimasa Kato also depart from INSPIRE for the same reason. Magnifico and Guillermo Marcos depart from MPWF, after both were unable to come to agreement on new contracts with the Mexican promotion. In a something of a suprise, former womens champion Wanda Fish has departed from NOTBPW. Fish was an instant success when she arrived in NOTBPW but it appears that NOTBPW and Fish could not come to agreement over a new contract. Sammy The Shark was not offered a new contract by NYCW. [B]Injuries[/B] Just when things were looking up for GCG, they were suffered a major blow as key star Toshiharu Hyobanshi shattered his elbow in a match with Takayuki 2000, it is thought that the injury will keep the GCG 'home grown' out of action for over a year. CGC's Lee Rivera sustained a minor concussion, after he landed awkwardly following a botchd suplex from Philip LaGrenier. There is actually relief that the injury didn't turn out to be more serious. A couple of injuries were suffered in 5SSW with Otsune Tsumura suffering a floating knee cap (which will keep her on the shelf for about 2 months) and Yuma Muruya ruptured her spleen (out of action for 10 weeks) WLW's Tokoyuni Hardcore suffered a Hernia and will be out of action for around 45 Days. [B]Retirements[/B] Jean Pierre Baptiste has now fully retired from the wrestling business. Baptiste was the first CWF National Champion but following the arrival of bigger names, he became better known for his tag team run alongside Frenchie Marcel. The pair (who mostly worked as 'foreign' heels) had a strong rivalry with the (face) Canadian Wolverines and two tag team title reigns, the last of which lasted four years between 1985 and 1989 (though that was in the dying days of the CWF and the reason it lasted so long was due to the lack of competition) [B]Media News[/B] TCW have secured a deal with Prime Japan TV to show their Action Packed show in Japan, from March. [B]Title Changes[/B] The returning Adam Matravers ended the two month reign of Igor Ivanoff to become a two time United Kingdom champion in 21CW. Raku Makuda became the 5SSW World Champion for a second time ending the suprise reign of Amber Allen, while Saori Nakadan claimed the All Asian Title and Culture Shock (Joanne Rodriguez aand Tsuki Kawamata) became the Tag Team Champions. New Zealand became the first two time Australian champion in APW. The CWWF Tag Team Titles were left vacant, following the departure of Cherry Bomb, who held one half of the titles alongside Lauren Easter. Harry Allen ended the year long reign of Donnie J to become the Coastal Zone champion in CZCW. Bam Bam Johansson regained the EWA Universal Title from Byron, to become a two time champion. In perhaps the most significant title change of the first two months, Matthew Keith wins the GCG World Championship at just 20 years of age. Confirmation if needed that he has what it takes to follow in the foot steps of his famous father. The Openweight Championship also changed hands with former MMA star Roy Edison claiming the title, as well as the Tag Titles with Shotaro Ikina and Yasude Tayama becoming 4 time champions. Swarm I defeated Rafael Ruiz to become MHW's first Campeon del Mundo, whilst Laberinto Jr and Slayyer became the inaugral Campeones de Parejas. Hombre De La Energia became the Campeon de Lucha in MPWF, ending the ten month reign of Angel De Mexico. Madman Boone became the 2010 winner of the Rip Chord Invitational in MAW, the second year running that a veteran wrestler has claimed the title, following the victory of Warlord Power at last years tournament. Boone defeated The Sensational Singh, Sgt Bubba Lee West and Steve Flash on his way to winning the trophy. Rounding out the field for this year The Masked Patriot, James 'Mainstream' Hernandez, Hells Bouncer and Cameron Vessey. Asesino De La Espada ended the half year long reign of Julio Dominguez to become the Campeon de Mexico in OLLIE. The Deadly Alliance domination of PSW is beginning to wane, as Johnny Martin regains the PSW Championship, perhaps the Alliance will actually be forced to defend the tag titles now. Barry Griffin defeated fellow gaijin Stuart Ferdinand for the SAISHO Destiny title, following the departure of previous champion Hitomaro Suzuki to the resurgent GCG. Merle O'Curle's dominant reign as the Ring of Fire Champion ( a reign that lasted for over 3 years) was finally brought to and end by Walter Morgan. Another dominant reign in ROF was also brought to and end as Future-X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) were finally beaten for Tag Team Titles by perennial rivals The Shooters (Billy Robinson & Don Henderson), who claim the belts for a third time. Lobster Warrior unseated Vengeance as the SWF World Champion, to win the belt for a second time. Chance Fortune, regained the TCW All Action Title from Fumihiro Ota, to win the title for a record setting fourth time. Joey Beauchamp ended the dominant 16 month reign of Ali Bloxsome to become the UEW Nations Champion. Alicia Strong defeated the departing Cherry Bomb for the USPW Womens Championship. USPW also introduced a new title the USPW Intercontinental Title which was won by Lex Appeal. It is thought that the title will be contested by the lower end of the USPW roster. Former WEXVV owner and hardcore icon Ryu Kajahara defeated Magnum KOBE for the WLW Universal Title at the beginning of the year, but KOBE regained the title the next month to become a two time champion. The Show Stealer title also changed hands twice with Emerald Angel winning the title for a second time but KOKI Ishibashi winning it off Angel the following month, whilst American and Haru Kurofuj both became two time champions of thr Street Fighting and Tap Out Titles respectively.
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[CENTER][B][I][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/I][/B] [B][I][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/I][/B][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] FCW return to action at the Gynasium Aguada on March 20th with Marzo En Batalla. Last time out at the Fuerzas de Gran Alcace event Da Power survived the challenge of Angel De Mexico by the skin of his teeth but now he must put the Undisputed Title on the line against both J.D Morgan and Nicky R!ot in a match where he doesn't have to be pinned (or submit) to lost the title. Can J.D Morgan regain the title that many say was 'stolen' from him or will it be Nicky R!ot's time to ascend to the summit of FCW ? Whatever the outcome Da Power will likely stop at nothing to prevent either R!ot or Morgan taking the twin belts out of his and Wave of Violence possession. Meanwhile Nicky R!ot's UNITY stable mate Charles Rainier will get an opportunity to win singles gold when he takes on Dean Daniels for the Peoples Championship. The Tag Team Titles will also be on the line as Animal Magic get their opportunity to take the titles away from the Messiah's Circus duo of Leper Messiah and Soul Krusher can the masked high fliers, overcome a major size disadvantage and upset the monstrous duo ? Also on the show Ultimate Phoenix goes up against Mainstream Hernandez in a clash of fan favourites with a shot at the Undisputed Championship on the line, whilst Angel De Mexico who just came up short in winning the twin belts last month will look to gain a measure of revenge on Wave of Violence, when he takes on former tag team champion M.C Speed. Rounding out the show will be the first ever FCW Batallla Royale, an over the top rope gauntlet match, with the survivor being named the winner of the match. The 10 man field for the match will include [SIZE=2]Arthur Dexter Bradley, Bradford Peverall, D.C Rayne, Eddie Howard, Harry Allen, Inky the Squid Boy, Jeremiah Moose, Matt Hocking, Primus andThe Sensational Singh, with the winner being guaranteed a shot at the Peoples Championship currently held by Dean Daniels.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]The bonus pre-show match for those who get to the Gynasium early will be a tag team contest pitting Joe Benning & Leftie Wilkes against The Great Oxii and Island Boy Apollo.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I]Here is a full run down of the card for Marzo En Batalla[/I][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=2][B][U]FCW Marzo En Batalla[/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2]Saturday 20th March 2010[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]at Gynasium Arriba in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2] Da Power vs J.D Morgan vs [SIZE=1]'Representing UNITY'[/SIZE] Nicky R!ot[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Contenders Match:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs Ultimate Phoenix [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]People's Championship:[/B] Dean Daniels vs [SIZE=1]'Representing UNITY'[/SIZE] Charles Rainier[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] The Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & Soul Krusher) vs Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask)[/CENTER] [CENTER]Angel De Mexico vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] M.C Speed[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Batalla Royale:[/B] [I]Featuring:[/I] [SIZE=2]Arthur Dexter Bradley [SIZE=1](Heat Magnets),[/SIZE] Bradford Peverall, D.C Rayne, [/SIZE][SIZE=2] Eddie Howard, Harry Allen [SIZE=1](UNITY),[/SIZE]Inky the Squid Boy [SIZE=1](Messiahs Circus[/SIZE]), Jeremiah Moose,Matt Hocking [SIZE=1](Heat Magnets), [/SIZE] Primus [SIZE=1](Wave of Violence[/SIZE]), The Sensational Singh.[/CENTER] [/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New][B]Bonus Pre-Show Match:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Joe Benning & Leftie Wilkes vs [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]The Great Oxii & Island Boy Apollo[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]__________________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Predictions Form:[/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B][U]Marzo En Batalla[/U][/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] Da Power vs J.D Morgan vs Nicky R!ot[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Contenders Match:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship[/B]: Dean Daniels vs Charles Rainier[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] Messiah's Circus vs Animal Magic[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Angel De Mexico vs M.C Speed[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Batalla Royale:[/B] [SIZE=2]Arthur Dexter Bradley, Bradford Peverall, D.C Rayne, Eddie Howard, Harry Allen, Inky the Squid Boy, Jeremiah Moose, Matt Hocking, Primus, The Sensational Singh.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Joe Benning & Lefitie Wilkes vs The Great Oxii & Island Boy Apollo[/COLOR] [/LEFT] [/quote] [/SIZE]
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[B]Marzo En Batalla[/B] Undisputed Championship: [B]Da Power[/B] vs J.D Morgan vs Nicky R!ot Contenders Match: Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Charles Rainier Tag Team Championship: Messiah's Circus vs [B]Animal Magic[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs M.C Speed Batalla Royale: Arthur Dexter Bradley, Bradford Peverall, D.C Rayne, Eddie Howard, [B]Harry Allen[/B], Inky the Squid Boy, Jeremiah Moose, Matt Hocking, Primus, The Sensational Singh. [B]Joe Benning & Lefitie Wilkes[/B] vs The Great Oxii & Island Boy Apollo
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Marzo En Batalla Undisputed Championship: [B]Da Power[/B] vs J.D Morgan vs Nicky R!ot Contenders Match: Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Charles Rainier Tag Team Championship: [B]Messiah's Circus[/B] vs Animal Magic [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs M.C Speed Batalla Royale: Arthur Dexter Bradley, Bradford Peverall, D.C Rayne, Eddie Howard, Harry Allen, Inky the Squid Boy, Jeremiah Moose, Matt Hocking, [B]Primus[/B], The Sensational Singh. Joe Benning & Lefitie Wilkes vs [B]The Great Oxii & Island Boy Apollo[/B]
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Predictions Form: Marzo En Batalla Undisputed Championship: [B]Da Power[/B] vs J.D Morgan vs Nicky R!ot I think the belt will stay on Da Power for quite a bit longer. Contenders Match: Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] Phoenix gets some more belt toward a match with Da Power and Hernandez loses due to distraction by his girl. People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Charles Rainier Daniel's won't be an interm champ Tag Team Championship: Messiah's Circus vs [B]Animal Magic[/B] As you stated the Messiah tag team run was just to appease the leper so the better team will take the belts. [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs M.C Speed Angel wins but probably by DQ with an immediate assault by W.O.V. to folow. Batalla Royale: Arthur Dexter Bradley, Bradford Peverall, D.C Rayne, Eddie Howard, Harry Allen, Inky the Squid Boy, Jeremiah Moose, Matt Hocking, [B]Primus[/B], The Sensational Singh. With W.O.V. controlling the top belt I'd think the other members should look strong. Joe Benning & Lefitie Wilkes vs [B]The Great Oxii & Island Boy Apollo[/B] No real reason
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Predictions Form: Marzo En Batalla Undisputed Championship: [B]Da Power[/B] vs J.D Morgan vs Nicky R!ot [I]Da Power isn't going to let you hotshot the belt off him[/I] Contenders Match: Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [I]Phoenix will get the next shot[/I] People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Charles Rainier [I]Feeding yourself to Daniels new darker persona[/I] Tag Team Championship: Messiah's Circus vs [B]Animal Magic[/B] [I]He got his title reign, now it's time the belts went to someone who can do something with them.[/I] [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs M.C Speed [I]He just challenged for the top title in the company, something Speed is a long way away from.[/I] Batalla Royale: Arthur Dexter Bradley, Bradford Peverall, D.C Rayne, Eddie Howard, [B]Harry Allen[/B], Inky the Squid Boy, Jeremiah Moose, Matt Hocking, Primus, The Sensational Singh. [I]Could be Peverall, but an Allen win sets him up as another contender to be fed to Da Power.[/I] Joe Benning & Lefitie Wilkes vs [B]The Great Oxii[/B] & Island Boy Apollo [I]The only one of the loser squad to have actually seen the win column[/I]
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Undisputed Championship: [B]Da Power[/B] vs J.D Morgan vs Nicky R!ot Contenders Match: Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Charles Rainier Tag Team Championship: Messiah's Circus vs [B]Animal Magic [/B] [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs M.C Speed Batalla Royale: Arthur Dexter Bradley, Bradford Peverall, D.C Rayne, Eddie Howard, [B]Harry Allen[/B], Inky the Squid Boy, Jeremiah Moose, Matt Hocking, Primus, The Sensational Singh. Joe Benning & Lefitie Wilkes vs [B]The Great Oxii & Island Boy Apollo[/B]
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Marzo En Batalla Undisputed Championship: [b]Da Power[/b] vs J.D Morgan vs Nicky R!ot [i]I think he'll keep the belt for a while yet[/i] Contenders Match: Mainstream Hernandez vs [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] [i]Phoenix is on a roll, and must be riding a decent wave of momentum at the moment so I say he keeps going[/i] People's Championship: [b]Dean Daniels[/b] vs Charles Rainier [i]I don't really like the idea of user characters holding titles, and Daniels has been solid.[/i] Tag Team Championship: [b]Messiah's Circus[/b] vs Animal Magic [i]I'm in two minds about this one, so I've gone with the idea that the two big guys *should* be able to overcome the little highflyers[/i] [b]Angel De Mexico[/b] vs M.C Speed [i]A win to regain some momentum for Angel[/i] Batalla Royale: Arthur Dexter Bradley, Bradford Peverall, D.C Rayne, Eddie Howard, [b]Harry Allen[/b], Inky the Squid Boy, Jeremiah Moose, Matt Hocking, Primus, The Sensational Singh. [i]Between Allen and Primus with Peverall as an outside bet, but Allen is a face to go against Daniels.[/i] Joe Benning & Lefitie Wilkes vs [b]The Great Oxii & Island Boy Apollo [/b] [i]No reason[/i]
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Marzo En Batalla Undisputed Championship: [B]Da Power [/B]vs J.D Morgan vs Nicky R!ot [I]He'll hold on to it in a 3-way, I'm fairly sure.[/I] Contenders Match: Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [I]Really interesting match here, and the reason I'd attend this show live. Phoenix to win it and challenge Da Power.[/I] People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels [/B]vs Charles Rainier [I]Daniels is doing a good job with this belt[/I] Tag Team Championship: [B]Messiah's Circus [/B]vs Animal Magic [I]Although others have mentioned the contract stip now being completed, I don't think you'll hotshot the belts again straight away. The holders are two big guys that may hold on to them for a bit yet[/I] [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs M.C Speed [I]Erm...next![/I] Batalla Royale: Arthur Dexter Bradley, Bradford Peverall, D.C Rayne, Eddie Howard, [B]Harry Allen[/B], Inky the Squid Boy, Jeremiah Moose, Matt Hocking, Primus, The Sensational Singh. [I]As Rainier has the title shot this month, kind of makes sense for another UNITY member to get it next time out. The others will gang up to get Primus out, who appears the other major contender[/I] Joe Benning & Lefitie Wilkes vs [B]The Great Oxii & Island Boy Apollo [/B] [I]Ooh, I was wrong - this is the real reason I'd go to this show in person!! Oxii is quite big, and Apollo is a hometown hero, so that team wins.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Marzo En Batalla[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Saturday March 20th 2010[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Gynasium Aguada, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'000)- Sell Out !! [/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [I]We see Sara Silver being followed by someone she can't see again. She then turns the corner and Mainstream Hernandez is there...... Hernandez notices the concerned look on Sara's face.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Sara you look a bit, I don't know how to say it....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] I think someone's following me[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] I thought that Bradford would have stopped bothering us[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] But I don't know if it it is Bradford, I didn't get a good look[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] But who else round here is obsessed enough to follow you around[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Apart from you of course ![/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Well yeah apart from me[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Besides I didn't get a good look, everytime I turn around this person has gone.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernnandez:[/B] I'm gonna sort out Bradford once and for all, that dude needs to learn how to let things go.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] But I've got no proof that it is Bradford, don't be too hasty James.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Who else is it going to be ?! He thought he could hurt you physically, we put a stop to that, now he's trying to hurt you psychologically and we need to stop it, because I won't have anyone hurting you.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B]Match: Leftie Wilkes & Joe Benning vs The Great Oxii & Island Boy Apollo[/B] Ugly match but what else would you expect from three young jobbers and a big lump with almost no wrestling skill what so ever. It was also hindered by the fact that Oxii and Apollo don't work well as a team, but despite that they picked up the win after Oxii put the terminally hapless Joe Benning away with the Ten Ton Splash. One regular on the FCW messageboards said that Oxii is the only one to see the win column when he did predictions for this match, and the big lump is actually unbeaten this year going 2-0. It's less of a case that he loses alot of matches, and more of case that he doesn't get used all that much and when he does it's on the pre-show with the jobbers. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Great Oxii and Island Boy Apollo defeated Leftie Wilkes and Joe Benning in 5:55 when The Great Oxii defeated Joe Benning by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]UNITY are backstage getting ready for what could be a big night ahead.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] Could be a big night for us, could be a chance for us to show everyone we're the premier team in FCW.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Harry Allen:[/B] Just don't get why we ain't getting a shot at the Tag Titles ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] Harry I know you ain't in a title match tonight but you can go and become the first Batalla Royale winner and you never know you could be facing me for the People's Championship.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Harry Allen:[/B] And then we get our Tag Titles back.........[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] Yes Harry, and then the Tag Titles will be coming back to us[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Look Harry everything we'll start falling in place after tonight, Charles here will have the People's Championship and if you win the Batalla Royale, it'll be staying in our possession for the forseeable future, management can't ignore your rights to a rematch for a tag title shot and I'll be Undisputed Champion ![/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] What Nicky says is right Harry, you've just got to think positive.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Harry Allen:[/B] But what if we all get screwed again, we're being squeezed by Wave of Violence on one side and those weirdo's Messiah's Circus on another.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] And you gonna let that bother you, you gotta think positive Harry. It's like with my match tonight I'm up against J.D Morgan and Da Power. Morgan's probably the best pure wrestler in FCW right now and if you've ever been in his Cross Atlantic Stretch and you can't save yourself, you've had it and we all know Power will literally resort to anything to keep the twin belts round his waist. But if I went into that match not believing I could overcome those odds then I might as well not turn up, you just gotta believe ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [RIGHT][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/RIGHT] [I]Lisa Bowen comes out dressed like a naughty secretary and she went to all that effort to shoot merchandise into the crowd[/I]. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [RIGHT][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/RIGHT] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show begins in traditional FCW style with Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch welcoming us to the show, then shilling the main event the Three Way Dance between Da Power, J.D Morgan and Nicky R!ot for the Undisputed Championship.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Tonight in the main event Da Power must put the Undisputed Championship on the lin against not one, but two opponents in the form of Nicky R!ot and former champion J.D Morgan and the bad news for him is that he doesn't even have to be pinned to lose the title ![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] That would really please you if Power lost the title wouldn't it ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Well I think it would certainly be comeuppance for the way he went about winning the twin belts from J.D Morgan.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] You feel really betrayed by Power don't you ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] I think everyone has felt betrayed by Power, since his return.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Well except me.........[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] So I'll take it you're a Power fan now ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Not particularly but I did try to warn you about his ego and you wouldn't listen[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Well everyone believed he was a good guy and deep down I believe he still is, obviously losing the twin belts first time round hurt him so bad, that it's sent him over the edge....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Like it or not Dane, Power is a scumbag but you know what I'm kind of coming round to him now, at least he's honest now about being a scumbag, which makes him a hell of a lot more honorable these days.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] There's nothing at all honorable about Power these days and whoever takes the twin belts off him tonight, whether it be Nicky R!ot or J. D Morgan will hold them with honor than Power is right now......[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] You really can't let the fact that Power is no longer your idol anyone go, can you ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] It's not a case of letting it go but I sure hope he gets to eat some humble pie tonight, because he betrayed each and every one of the fans who support FCW each and every night they came to the Gynasium to cheer his name and he just threw it all back in our faces[/COLOR] ! [/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1 : Batalla Royale [/B] [B](Featuring: Arthur Dexter Bradley, Bradford Peverall, D.C Rayne, Eddie Howard, Harry Allen, Inky the Squid Boy, Jeremiah Moose, Matt Hocking, Primus, The Sensational Singh.)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ArthurDexterBradley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DCRayne.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_InkyTheSquid.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JeremiahMoose.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHocking.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] * First two wrestle each other for two minutes, until the third entrant comes out, then each entrant comes out a minute after each other * First two in the ring are Arthur Dexter Bradley and Eddie Howard, Bradley uses his speed to keep Howard off balance for the first minute but then Howard catches up and his power game starts to take over. * Matt Hocking is out next and the Heat Magnets double team Howard. (2 Min) * D.C Rayne is out next and he goes over to help Eddie Howard, Natural Storm reunion ! (3 Min)....the two Natural Storm guys seem to be getting the better of it agains the Heat Magnets, when.... * Inky the Squid Boy comes out (4 Min) but the reunited Natural Storm sitll look dominant. With Inky and the Heat Magnets left laying it only seems a matter of time before Natural Strom dumped them over the top but all of a sudden Eddie Howard dumps D.C Rayne over the top rope with the Powerline, and we can see Howard mouthing 'Don't trust you !' [B]Elimination # 1: D.C Rayne @ 4.44[/B] * But then only seconds later with Howard and Rayne exchanging heated words with each other, the Heat Magnets nail Howard with a double team drop-kick that also sends him tumbling over the top-rope. [B]Elimination #2: Eddie Howard @ 4.55[/B] * The match then settles down for a bit with Jeremiah Moose (5 Min), Harry Allen (6 Min) and Sensational Singh (7 Min) filling the ring....with Singh and Inky forming an unlikely alliance to try and eliminate Harry Allen and The Heat Magnets going up against Jeremiah Moose. Inky and Singh almost have Harry over the top rope but he survives and takes them both down with a double team drop-kick, meanwhile The Heat Magnets drill Jeremiah Moose with the 2 Hot 2 Handle (Double Lifting DDT) before dumping Moose over the top for the third elimination [B]Elimination #3: Jeremiah Moose @ 7.57[/B] * Bradford Peverall is the penultimate entrant (8 Min) and he immeidiately goes after Harry Allen, meanwhile The Sensational Singh sneaks up behind Matt Hocking and appears to low blow the Heat Magnet before sending Hocking over the top with a clothesline ! [B]Elimination # 4: Matt Hocking @ 8.23[/B] * ADB angered at what Singh has just done gets into a heated exchange with the Fabulous one at that point Inky comes charging towards them but both Singh and ADB see him coming and use the Messiah's Circus member to send him crashing over the top rope with a double team back body drop. [B]Elimination #5: Inky the Squid Boy @ 8:52[/B] * The final entrant is Primus (9 Min) and the Wave of Violence heavy hitter, wastes no time in making his prescense felt as he takes down the rest of the field one by one with clothelines and spears. Primus then send The Sensational Singh into the ropes before nailing the flamboyant Indian with the Rruuushh !! Primus then lifted the rather limp Singh up into a military press before dumping Singh over the top. [B]Elimination # 6: The Sensational Singh @ 10:10[/B] * Realising that Primus was the dominant force in the match the remaining survivors Harry Allen, Arthur Dexter Bradley and Bradford Peverall made a pact to team up and try to eliminate Primus. But no matter what they tried Primus was proving diffiuclt to take down. Eventually the triple teaming did have Primus in trouble but they were still having problems getting him over the top rope and frustrated at being unable to eliminate the big man, Bradford Peverall turned on Harry Allen as he nailed the UNITY man with a European Uppercut, before tossing Allen over the top........ But Allen skinned the cat and when Peverall came charging towards Allen to knock the UNITY man off the apron, Allen snapped off a head-scissors whilst hanging in the ropes to send Peverall tumbling to the floor. [B]Elimination # 7: Bradford Peverall @ 12:52[/B] * Harry Allen then headed up top, as he looked to do more damage to an ailing Primus (possibly with the Flying Fist Drop) but he had forgotten about Arthur Dexter Bradley (who had wisely bee taking a breather and the Heat Magnet was opportunistic enough to nail Allen with a standing drop-kick, that sent the UNITY man tumbling off the top turnbuckle and crashing down onto the floor. [B]Elimination # 8: Harry Allen @ 13:49[/B] * That left Arthur Dexter Bradley who had been out there since the start and the man dubbed the 'rookie monster' Primus, and though ADB had just eliminated Harry Allen he had perhaps made a mistake in not working together with the UNITY man to take Primus out of the match. And it looked bad for ADB, as Primus had now recovered from the earlier triple teaming as the big man simply dominated ADB, throwing the athletic half samoan around from pillar to post, it literally only looked a matter of time before Primus would win the match but each time he went to send ADB over the top rope, the Heat Magnet would somehow hang on....... Frustrated at being able to put ADB away, Primus then went to finish ADB off with the Rruusshhh !! but ADB moved out of the way and Primus went shoulder first into the turnbuckle, then ADB rocked the big man with an Enziguri...... That staggered Primus who then walked right into a standing drop-kick from the Heat Magnet, Primus still stayed on his feet but then a suddenly pumped up ADB went out onto the apron and then launched himself at Primus with a springboard flying fore-arm. However Primus caught him in mid-air before going to dump ADB over the top but the Heat Magnet somehow reversed the momentum into a swinging DDT on the apron ! Both went crashing down onto the floor....... With such an inconclusive finish to the match, the crowd waited for the referees decision....... Arthur Dexter Bradley was declared winner as Brett Graveson said that Primus feet touched the floor first ! In what has to be seen as a big upset ADB had survived the Batalla Royale from the very beginning. The actual wrestling in Battle Royal/Rumble matches is usually not all that great with lots of basic brawling but the FCW midcard put on a solid enough edition of this type of match. The winner would have come as a surprise to everyone but ADB has all the potential to be a break out star and I thought this was the sort of match to give him his first really significant win. [COLOR=red][B]Result: Arthur Dexter Bradley won a battle royal in 16:07. The final four competitors also included Primus, Bradford Peverall and Harry Allen, with Primus being the final elimination.[/B] [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]Primus unhappy at the referees decision takes his frustration out on ADB with a post match beat down, Matt Hocking then comes out to try and make the save but he gets beaten down too as Primus leaves the ring looking like the real winner.[/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]A video is then shown to hype up just how dangerous Dean Daniels has become since he dropped the goofy Dino Bravo persona and won the People's Championship. It puts over the Trapped Knee strikes and the Raise The Stakes (Cradle Piledrive) as a combination of finishing manouevres that will be able to put anyone away, no matter who the opponent.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Peoples Championship: [/B] [B]Dean Daniels w/ Lisa Bowen vs Charles Rainier[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG][B] vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Daniels tried to be aggressive right from the start but by trying to nail me with fore-arm flurries but I managed to use my speed and agility to avoid them connecting and further frustrated the Peoples champ by connecting with my own kick combinations. Eventually Daniels did connect with a clothesline that dropped me to the mat, before picking me up off the mat and flinging me over head with a German Suplex....... But I managed to right myself onto my feet and as Daniels turned around I took him down with leg-sweep. Feeling the moment I then went for a quebrada but that proved to be a mistake as Daniels was back up to push me off the top-rope and send me 'crashing an burning' to the floor. Daniels then simply waited for me to get back up on the apron, but as I got back up Daniels charged with a fore-arm smash to knock me back off the apron, as Brett Graveson re-started a twenty count. Again I tried to get back into the ring but was met with another stiff fore-arm that sent my crumbling off the apron....... With the count down to four , I had to find a way to get back into the ring and this time as I got back up on the apron, I ducked the charging fore-arm of Daniels, before delivering a shoulder block into his mid-section and flipping over the ropes to take him down with a sunset flip ! Daniels kicked out of the pin attempt, and then got me in position for a snap suplex, but I worked myself way out of it before taking him by surprise with a jawbreaker and rolling him up with a La Magistral Cradle. Daniels then reversed the leverage, before we went back and forth exchanging flash pinfall attempts. Daniels then took control with a series of elbow strikes before flinging me over with a release belly to belly suplex. That brought Daniels probably the most solid two count of the match so far, before lifting me up into posiiton for the Raise The Stakes (Cradle Piledriver) but as he lifted me up I freed myself from his grasp and as I flipped back I managed to nail the People's Champ with the RAINDROP ! (Dropsault)........... One.......... Two................. Thr................ Daniels managed to kick out but he remained planted to the mat, and I decided to go up top but I took a little too long to steady myself and Daniels was back up clubbing me from behind and then bringing me back in with a superplex ! Daniels who himself had a absorbed a big bump from the superplex then scrambled across to make the cover, laying a single arm over my chest......... One.......... Two........ Thr.......... If Daniels had hooked the leg the match might have been over, Daniels then lifted me back up to a vertical base, before lifting me up for the Human Roulette (Spinning Crucifix Toss), this time Daniels managed to complete the move, flinging me into one of the turnbuckles but as he came charging in to follow in, I got the boots up......Daniels then charged in again but I got the boots up again and then hopped up onto the top turnbuckle, to then plant Daniels into the mat with a bulldog. Daniels then got up but I managed to nail him with a Roundhouse Kick that sent him back down onto the mat, before quickly racing up the turnbuckles and launching myself off the top, to land across the sternum of the Peoples champ with a Moonsault ! One........ Two.......... Daniels kicked out and got back to his feet but kept the advantage by nailing him with another combination of kicks and as he started to wilt, I double hooked the arms to set up for the C.R Driver ! But Daniels was proving difficult to lift up and he soon reversed the double underhook in his favour before dishing out an unstoppable flurry of knee strike........ Bret Graveson could see that I had no way of coming back and called for the bell, as I became yet another victim of the 'Trapped Knees'. Another solid defence of the People's Championship from Dean Daniels, who has returned the title to the same level of prestige as when the belt was round the waists of Kirk Jameson and Angel De Mexico. It probably shouldn't go unnoticed that Daniels is receiving the sort of push based around a no nonsense 'machine' like gimmick that Jameson was getting at the beginning of last year. So if Jameson was still around Daniels would probably be 'treading water' as Dino Bravo. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Dean Daniels defeated Charles Rainier in 11:59 when Charles Rainier was knocked out. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Dean Daniels retains the FCW People's Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]The Messiah's Circus are hanging around in the boiler room, when Leper Messiah's turns to camera to deliver a message to their opponents for the night.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Leper Messiah:[/B] Another sacrifice shall be made tonight, the revolution shall stay strong for the Messiah's Circus are the evolution of mankind, for the magic of the animal kingdom shall not be enough to overcome such crushing power, as we will crush your bodies and devour your souls.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Soul Krusher[/B]: ANIMAL MAGIC CRUSH ! DESTROY ! CRUSH ![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Leper Messiah:[/B] Yes, yes, yes, that's right Krusher, Animal Magic shall be devoured, consumed, destroyed until they are no longer a threat to the revolution, for man must learn to embrace his natural destructivemess, this world will die on us and only the strong shall survive and we my fellow purveyor of destruction are the Strong.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Soul Krusher:[/B] CRUSH ! CRUSH ! GRRRRRR !!!![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Tag Team Championship: [/B] [B]Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & Soul Krusher) vs [/B] [B]Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Animal Magic knewing that they had to get some kind of advantage, due their considerable size disadvantage in this match, launched themselves at the monsterous tag team champions, taking down the Circus with a pair of tope suicida's !! Animal Magic then waited for the Circus to get into the ring before nailing the tag champions with stereo drop-kicks. Leper Messiah went tumbling out of the ring but Soul Krusher stayed on his feet and then took both members of Animal Magic down with a double clothesline. Krusher then nailed Masked Cougar with a big boot and then went to chokeslam Fox Mask, but Cougar got back up to chop Krusher down with a basement drop-kick. Krusher then let go of Fox Mask, before Animal Magic drilled Krusher with the LAST HUNT (Double Enziguri's !) ....... One........ Two........... Thr..... Soul Krusher kicked out, but he still found himself isolated in the Animal Magic corner, who used quick tags to keep the monsterous Circus member in their corner and Leper Messiah looked on in frustation........ Leper Messiah seeing enough then entered the ring, which tied up Bret Graveson and appear to be playing into the hands of Animal Magic, but as they were about deliver a high/low move, Inky the Squid Boy sneaked out from under the ring ! To push Masked Cougar off the top rope, then blow black mist into the face of Fox Mask ! That gave Soul Krusher the opportunity to then clobber Fox Mask from behind and bodyslam the CZCW icon for a two count, before dragging Fox Mask over to the Messiah's Circus corner and to finally bring Leper Messiah into the match. The Messiah's Circus then worked Fox Mask over in their corner, much to the frustration Masked Cougar who tried to get back into the match, but each time Cougar entered the ring it only tied up Bret Graveson and gave the Circus and opportunity for a three on one, as Inky would sneak out from under the ring and join in on the beatdown. With Fox Mask suitably worn down Messiah & Krusher then slammed the dimunutive masked high flier into the mat with the Gutwrench Lankyplex (High angle double team gutwrench suplex) and with Inky pulling Cougar down off the apron, that was enough for the latest incarnaiton of the Messiah's Circus to make a succesful first title defence. Definately a match of two halves with Animal Magic coming out hot at the start, but then the Circus turning it around via blatant cheating followed by the fact that once they had one of Animal Magic isolated they could just 'bully' them into the canvas. The match itself felt a little rushed but in someways not having to endure Krusher and Messiah's generic big man offence for too long is probably a good thing and Inky now serves more of a purpose in the Circus as an irritating 'interference' runner. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Messiahs Circus defeated Animal Magic in 7:36 when Soul Krusher defeated Fox Mask by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Messiahs Circus retain the FCW Tag Team titles.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Angel De Mexico vs M.C Speed w/ Carl Batch[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-WoV.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Speed charges at Angel but gets taken down with an arm drag, the W.O.V man then staggers back up but is taken off his feet again with a leg-sweep before Angel snaps off a standing moonsault for a two count. Angel lifts Speed back up, sends him into the ropes and almost snaps the W.O.V man's head off with a pin point standing drop-kick. After a quick pin attempt, Angel lifts Speed up and sets up for the Acapulco Twist but Speed blocks and gets in a eye poke before countering with a Fisherman Suplex ! That brings Speed a two count, who then grabs Angels ankle and applies the Deadly Heel Hook, but the patriotic masked man rolls through and kicks Speed off, but as Angel gets back up Speed springs back off the ropes and nails Angel with a running knee strike. Speed then lifts Angel up for the W.O.V Spike but Angel has it scouted, squeezes out of it and takes Speed by surprise with a rolling cutter, before heading up top, however Angel sees Carl Batch about to interfere and he launches himself off the top-rope to take Batch down with a moonsault press...... However that gives Speed time to recover and when Angel springboards himself back into the ring, Speed catches him in mid flight, placing Angel on his shoulders for a Death Valley Driver but in one fluid motion Angel snaps off a tilt-a-whirl and applies the MEXICAN DEATH Armbar right in the middle of the ring and M.C Speed is forced to tap out ! These two NEED to hook up again sometime down the road, this was the sleeper hit of the night, even though they only got around six and a half minutes but they packed a hell of a lot into such a short amount of time. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ángel De México defeated M.C Speed in 6:40 by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [I]Wave of Violence's Speed and Primus try to jump a celebrating Angel De Mexico after the match but he manages to duck under a clothesline from Primus, before 'making his own save' by sending both members of W.O.V out of the ring with drop-kicks.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Contenders Match: [/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez w/ Sara Silver vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This one started with alot of chain wrestling, with neither man able to gain a considerable advantage and ending in a stand off, after a couple of minutes. They follow with a respectful handshake and Phoenix manages to persuade Hernandez to run the ropes, Hernandez comes charging but Phoenix ducks under and tries a legsweep but the Mainstreamer avoids that and nails Phoenix with a drop-kick. Hernandez then waits for Phoenix to get up but gets taken down with an arm-drag and is then sent out of the ring with a drop-kick from Phoenix, Phoenix then soars over the ropes with a no hands plancha but Hernandez moves out of the way but Phoenix lands on his feet and nails Hernandez with a spin-kick before pitching the Mainstreamer into the ring. Phoenix gets a two count with the subsquent cover, before lifting Hernandez back up and taking him over with a German Suplex. That brings Phoenix another two count who then decides to head up top but Hernandez gets back to his feet, rocks Phoenix with a step up Enziguri and then brings the popular masked man back into the ring with a hurracanrana. Hernandez rolls through into the pin attempt, but Phoenix rolls through into one of his own....back and forth they go with pin attempts until they are both too exhausted to carry on with the exchange. They both stagger back to their feet and then engage in a kick exchange, Phoenix then goes for a springboard roundhouse as he builds up some momentum but Hernandez ducks under and nails Phoenix with a SUPERKICK !! One........ Two......... Thr......... Phoenix kicks out but he remains planted to the canvas. Hernandez surveys the scene and then decides to lift Phoenix up to his feet, to attempt the Pontiac to Home but the Mainstreamer's brief moment of indecisiveness probably cost him some crucial split seconds as Phoenix had the move scouted and countered into a regular STO. Phoenix then reeled off a standing moonsault........ That brought the former CZCW and MPWF champion a two count, before he lifted Hernandez up and drove the Mainstreamer into the mat with a Falcon Arrow.......... One........... Two............ Thr........ Hernandez kicked out, but Phoenix could sense victory and he headed up top once again, to soar off the top rope with the ever graceful PHOENIX FIREBIRD SPLASH !!! But Hernandez moved out of the way at the last split second and Phoenix ate nothing but canvas......... They both staggered up to their feet but it was Hernandez who re-took control of the match, taking Phoenix by surprise with the PONTIAC TO HOME (Swinging Reverse STO) One....... Two....... Thr....... Phoenix kept his chances of a title shot alive by kicking out at the last split second....... But Hernandez could sense victory and headed up top setting up for the Apparition #14, but he looked distracted by something....Sara Silver seemed to be getting hassled by a masked man in the front row.......... With Hernandez 'frozen' , Ultimate Phoenix got back to his feet and sent the Mainstreamer crashing back into the ring with a belly to back superplex ! And as both got back to their feet, Phoenix stopped a suddenly out of sorts Hernandez in his tracks with a kick to the mid-section before driving the Mainstreamer into the mat with the FLAMING DRIVER (Sunset Driver) One......... Two........ Three Ultimate Phoenix has earned a shot at the Undisputed Championship ! Technically this was a good match, as they both pretty much displayed all their best stuff but for some reason it wasn't as great as it could have been. This may have to with the fact, that the match lacked a bit of 'heat' due to the fact that both clearly are faces and that the crowd had a hard time trying to choose who to get behind. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ultimate Phoenix defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 14:42 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [I]With Phoenix heading back up the entrance ramp, Hernandez staggers back to his feet and requests a microphone......[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] REVEAL YOURSELF, I know that's you Bradford.....what's your problem ?, what your problem ?![/COLOR] [I]All of a sudden Bradford Peverall comes out onto the entrance ramp........[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Here I am Mainstreamer, old pal ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] But........[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Yeah I'm here, where did you think I was ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] But who was hassling the lovely Sara ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] I don't know, probably just some dude who wants to admire her hot body, I mean she has got a hot body...I'll give her that.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]: Look I don't know what crap you're trying to pull here Bradford but I'll get to the bottom of it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Maybe, just maybe 'James' you should stop being so over protective[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Over protective ? Over protective ?! With creeps like you around.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] And to think we used to be such good friends.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Bradford, please, please, stop bothering us and move on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Hey I have, you should try telling that to 'James'.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]A video then plays to hype up the main event the Undisputed Championship match between Da Power, Nicky R!ot and J.D Morgan. It mostly concentrates on the events that have led to this match up being made.[/I] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Undisputed Championship: [/B] [B]Da Power w/ Carl Batch vs Nicky R!ot vs J.D Morgan[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPowerWOV.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][COLOR=white] __[/COLOR][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Big staredown between all three at the start of the match, the bell rings and both R!ot and Morgan lay into Power.....the champion practically gets used as a Punch-bag at the start as Morgan would rock the 'turncoat' with a European Uppercut , who would then stagger into a hard right from R!ot, much to the amusement of the crowd. Eventually Power has enough and tries to double clothesline the pair of them but they duck under and level him with a pair of hard rights at the same time. Power then drops out of the ring to take a powder and to get consoled by Carl Batch, R!ot and Morgan take a look at each other and then go toe to toe with each other, at that point Power gets back into the ring and tries to take both of them out, but they both turn around at the same time and level Power again who stumbles out of the ring, before turning their attention back to each other. JD Morgan seems to have the momentum at first with a flurry of European Uppercuts, but R!ot absorbs them and comes right back with a some hard rights of his own before finally putting Morgan down with a clothesline. Morgan then staggers back up to his feet, but is met with a clubbing blow from R!ot, who then lifts him up into a vertical suplex. R!ot hold Morgan up in the air for around half a minute, before finally sending the English veteran crashing back down onto the mat....... One........ Two........ Morgan kicks out, but R!ot is still in control and sets up for the 'Charles Peterson' (Exploder Suplex) but before he can deliver his finisher, Da Power announces his arrival back into the match by levelling R!ot with a SAN JUAN RUSH !! One........ Two...... Thr...... Morgan makes the save ! R!ot rolls out and Power as the fresher man turns his attention to Morgan, levelling the English Born technician with a series of clubbing blows. Power then whips Morgan into the ropes and levels Morgan with a roaring elbow, Morgan then staggers into the atomic drop.......before being planted onto the mat with the spinebuster ! Power gets set to deliver another San Juan Rush but as he does R!ot turns him inside out with the SUB POP BOP ! (Crooked Arm Lariat) One...... Two....... Thr....... Once again Morgan is there to make the save ! Morgan and R!ot now go at it once again and R!ot whips Morgan into the corner , the UNITY man comes rushing but Morgan gets the boots up and then stops R!ot in his tracks with a European Uppercut. Morgan then manages to send R!ot into the corner and unleashes a flurry of European Uppercuts before heading out to the opposite corner....... Morgan comes rushing in with a running European, but gets cut off with a clothesline from Da Power. Power lifts Morgan up to his feet to set up for a powerbomb, but R!ot crashing down onto power with a flying double axe handle off the second rope. R!ot goes to take Power down with a Russian Leg-Sweep but then Morgan applies the same to R!ot, simultatneous Russian Leg-Sweeps as all three men are down ! They all take a breather, before scrambling up to their feet at around the same time...... Before unleashing a battle of strikes on each other, with none of them giving an inch....Da Power desperate to keep the twin belts round his waist, Morgan who wants them back and R!ot who wants to win his first major championship. Despite being the smallest man in the match Morgan seems to take control and he winds up for a big European Uppercut on Nicky R!ot but the UNITY man ducks under and Power eats the uppercut instead. R!ot then sends Power out of the ring with a clothesline and then turns around to level Morgan with a fore-arm smash R!ot sets up for the 'Charles Peterson' once again but Morgan has it scouted and he counters into a Hammerlock Divorce Court ! Morgan tries to apply the Cross Atlantic Stretch but R!ot makes it to the ropes, but on the rope break Morgan retains control with a fore-arm smash befofe spinning R!ot round and dumping the UNITY man with a Half Helson Suplex ! One...... Two..... Thr....... R!ot is determined not to let this opportunity slip by, but Morgan immediately puts him into the Cross Atlantic Stretch......... However Bret Graveson is distracted by Carl Batch who has gotten up onto the apron, and while that is going on Da Power sneaks back into the ring, and cracks a slapjack over Morgan's head.......... Power disregards the slapjack and dumps a limp Morgan out of the ring, while Graveson sends Batch back up the entrance ramp. Graveson turns around to see Power standing in the ring and R!ot staggering back to his feet....... SAN JUAN RUSH !! One......... Two....... Three !! Da Power has found a way to escape with the Undisputed Championship in his grasp again ! An absolutely fanstastic match, these three showed that you don't have to be 'flashy' to put on a great match. The crowd were really emotionally invested in this one and wanted to see either Morgan or R!ot come away with the victory, at the point where Morgan had R!ot in the Cross Atlantic Stretch a fair few of them were chanting 'tap ! tap ! tap !' not because they wanted to see R!ot tap out but because they wanted to see Power leave the arena without the twin belts. This was such an emotional roller coaster of match, many came away from his event saying that this match was the best they have witnessed in the history of FCW. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Da Power defeated JD Morgan and Nicky R!ot in 15:39 when Da Power defeated Nicky R!ot by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Da Power retains the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [I]Da Power holds the twin belts aloft and appears to take great pleasure in soaking in the vitriol of the crowd, who were so desperate to see him leave the Gynasium minus the belts.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] A pretty average show for the most part and that included the much anticipated showdown between Ultimate Phoenix and Mainstream Hernandez but the incredible main event turned this into one of the most unmissable shows in FCW's history. Power vs R!ot vs Morgan will surely be talked about in years to come as one of the great matches during the early years of FCW.
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[CENTER][B][U]March in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] Highlighted by a great main event between Da Power, JD Morgan and Nicky R!ot Marzo Batalla, was generally considered by all those went to see it as one of our best shows. There's a real buzz amongst the roster right now that FCW is definately on the up and if we keep producing shows of the consistent quality we have been doing, then eventually more wrestling fans will catch on. As a comparison to the quality of show we are putting on here is what the 'competition' (all promotions considered to be Regional Size) in USA , Canada and Mexico produced this month for their big monthly shows. [B]4C- Final Fight[/B] (Overall Show Rating: C- ; Main Event: Philip LaGrenier defeated Joey Poison to retain the 4C Championhip- C Rated match. [B]CZCW- Uprising 2010[/B] (Overall Show Rating: B- ; Main Event: Harry Allen defeated Ultimate Phoenix to retain the Coastal Zone Championship, B- Rated match. [B]MPWF- Energia Cruda[/B] (Overall Show Rating: C ; Main Event: Angel De Mexico, Electrico & Snap Dragon defeated Gino Verde, Inca Jr & Arthur Dexter Bradley in a traditional six man lucha tag, C+ Rated match.) [B]MAW- Game On[/B] (Overall Show Rating: C+, Main Event: Mean Jean Cattley defeated Nathan Coleman to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship, B- Rated match.) [B]NYCW- Epic Event[/B] (Overall Show Rating: C, Main Event: Mean Jean Cattley & Greg Keith defeated Masked Mauler & Rick Sanders, C Rated match. Though this was Keith's final match with the promotion, it was still odd NYCW went with that as the main event, as opposed to the title match between American Machine and Steve Flash, which incidently was a B- rated match.) [B]PSW Desolation[/B] (Overall Show Rating: D+, Main Event: Johnny Martin defeated Wolverine to retain the PSW Championship, D+ rated match.) Looking at those events I would say that the only promotion really producing a better quality product right now is CZCW, but they have long had a reputation amongst the internet wrestling community for producing top quality shows, their problem is that their growth is hinderded by the fact that their product (so revered by the IWC) appears to be unattractive with the 'casual' fans. 4C are of little concern and whilst MPWF are more prestigious than us right now, there is a feeling they are a promotion going in the opposite direction to us and perhaps one day the likes of Angel de Mexico will see us as a priority over them. NYCW seem to be our main rival right now and MAW also appear to be on the rise, following their change in philosophy. The promotion that really seems to be struggling right now is PSW, with Alex Braun doing an appalling job as head booker. With little of their 'talent' I would actually be willing to bring into FCW, I am considering ending our 'working relationship' with them, it's certainly a relationship that benefits them more than us. Another thing that might be asked right now, is that with the situation SWF are in right now, why aren't we looking to sign some of their talent on PPA contracts as have NYCW and CZCW have done have yet. Right now we have a non aggression pact in place with SWF, and admittedly that pact was put in place to prevent SWF from 'stealing' our talent, whilst it might seem to be a bit of a cautious strategy to keep this pact in tact, there is no doubt that with all their resources SWF will bounce back, and when they do they will resign everyone to written contracts. The other reason why I am not so keen to go down the route of CZCW and NYCW is that we want to begin moving away from bringing in 'name' wrestlers and begin to build our own home grown talent. It's a strategy that should help us stabalise our finances, that's not to say that we won't be looking to bring fresh wrestlers into the promotion, but the feeling is that we have enough 'established' veterans to build the main event around, whilst we look to build up young talent on the undercard. Behind the scenes there were quite a few contracts up for renewal this month and the pleasing thing is that they all went by without a hitch, with Harry Allen, Masked Cougar, Inky the Squid Boy, Crippler Ray Kingman, Dane O'Hara and Bret Graveson all putting ink to new deals with us. Cougar who has been a solid mid-card addition since he joined us last year, has been a real postive influence in the locker room and it appears he has struck up a strong friendship with Mainstream Hernandez. [RIGHT]______________________________________________________________[/RIGHT] [CENTER][B][U]March News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] The big news this month comes from Canada, where Dan Stone has stepped down as the owner of NOTBPW and handed over the reigns of the promotion to eldest son Jeremy Stone. In a slightly suprising move Jeremy Stone appointed former CGC & DaVE star Eric Tyler as the Head Booker, instead of his sister Victoria continuing on in the role. Asked about his decision Jeremy said that Victoria was starting to feel burnt out as booker and with their father Dan stepping down it was a chance to freshen things up in NOTBPW and to have someone who could come in with new ideas. [B]Worker Signings[/B] Hugh De Aske who has been concentrating on working in the UK, has now expanded is horizons and will now be part of 4C's roster in Canada. Gaijin's; Golden Delicious, Jana Marie Bowen, Kristabel Plum and Zoe Ammis will all take part in 5SSW's upcoming spring tour. Damian 'The Natural' Carvill has returned to CGC, whilst Aaron Andrews also joins on a PPA contract. Greg Gauge has joined brother Matt in GCG, signing a written contract with the resurgent Japanese promotion, up and coming youngster KAZ also joins on a written contract, whilst Black Eagle, Nigel Svensson, Roy Edison and Sotatsu Sarumura will all take part in their up-coming spring tour. Hinote Dojo boosted their roster with the additions of gaijin veteran Stuart Ferdinand plus Wasichi 'Fire Fox' Inao and Quick Kick Nakao. In a somewhat surprising move NOTBPW have added former 4C road agent Grant Truman to be part of their backstage staff. NYCW sign Akima Brave, taking advantage of the fact that his chief employers SWF have currently only got him signed to a PPA contract. PGHW have called up youngster Goemon Komiya from developmental territory SAISHO. Hirokumi Saito, Kimitada Yanagita and Toshinobu Taku are the latest set of journeyman veterans to join SAISHO, who now seem to have more of them on their roster than 'young talent' on developmental deals with PGHW. Golden Scorpion who surprisingly left BHOTWG last month has signed a written contract with WLW, many see this as the first true sign that the BHOTWG/PGHW dominance of Japan in recent years in now over, as many would have felt that Scorpion would have re-signed with BHOTWG despite the fact that WLW are currently the 'hot ticket' in Japan. Meanwhile the usual suspects of gaijin talent in the form of Antonio Maxi Marquez, Extraordinario Jr, Nathaniel Ca$ino and Mr Lucha III return for another tour. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contract of Kevin 'Shane Hanningans' Jones. 4C extend the contracts of Nate Johnson, Philip LaGrenier, Chris Flynn and referee Andy Gordy. 5SSW extend the contracts of Etsuko Ariyoshi, Ikuko Temko, Ochiyo Ijima and Yoko Ikina. AAA extend the contracts of Joanne Rodriguez, Michelle Brendon, Vixxen and Debbie Rose. APW extend the contracts of Spiffy Stan Standish and colour commentator Frank Mucciolo and manager Sean Quartermaine. BHOTWG seal Eagle Kawasawa, Chuichi Sanda and Sanetomo Shiraishi to new written contracts, while Eisaku Hoshino signs yet another short term PPA contract (at least he's got one with WLW now to make this whole 'freelancer' thing worthwhile) BSC (who's roster never seems to change) extend the contracts of Amy Galaxy, Jen Neptune and Sister Beth Mercy. CGC extend the contracts of Jesse Gilbert and Hotstuff Marie, who is currently working as a backstage interviewe for the DeColt run promotion. CWWF extend the contract of Roz Larren. Despite her over-crowded schedule Farrah Hesketh will be continuing on in her role as color commentator for CZCW, whilst Dylan Sidle stays on as the promotions resident road agent. EWA extend the contracts of Arson Wells and Poppa Punisher. GCG seal Naonobu Murkami, Strong Style Yoemon, Yasuhide Tayama and most surprisingly of all former BHOTWG Junior Division star Silver Shark to written contracts, whilst Burning Takash!ta also sees his short term PPA contract extended. Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deals of Hirokazu Yamanoue and Julian Watson. INSPIRE extend the contracts of Burning Takash!ta (short term), Tasuku Iesada, Tornado Nagai, Mohammed El Yaagouudi and road agent Gesshin Nishihara. MAW extend the contracts of Warlord Power* and colour commentator Duke Hazzard. [I]* You'd think it would be USPW where he is using that cheesy gimmick but it's MAW where he's adopted it[/I]. MAW extend the contracts of Buff Martinez, Harley Neill, Jeremy Allen and Thug. MPWF extend the contract of Javier Cano. NOTBPW seal Frankie 'White Angel' Dee to an exclusive written contract. NYCW extend the contracts of Steve Flash, The Sensational Singh, Black Hat Bailey and current commentary team Marv Earnest and Whistler. OLLIE extend the contracts of Asesino De La Espada, Velocidad, road agent Oceano and valet Cuervo. PGHW extend the contracts of gaijin veteran Larry Vessey and home grown youngster Eien Miyamoto. PSW extend the contracts of Marv Statler, and commentary team members Doc Messing and Alex Braun. RIPW re-sign Justin Senstive to a PPA contract. SAISHO extend the PPA deals of Gonnohyoe Kada and Torijiro Sekazowa. SOTBPW extend the contracts of El Fuerza, Demon Seed (Duberry Excess), Junior Youth, Mexican Beast and road agent The Gatekeeper. SWF resign Kid Toma and young valet Emmy to PPA deals. TCW extend the written contract of All-Action Division mainstay Chance Fortune. UEW extend the contracts of Joey Beauchamp, Sergei Kalashnov, Scott Van den Berg and Geoff Borne. USPW extend the contracts of color commentator Shane Sneer and referee Robbie Sanchez. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Following the release of his tag team partner Davey London last year, Davey Celtic has finally been let go of 21CW. Shooter Sean Deeley and Greg Keith (who also departs from NYCW) both depart form CGC after signing written contracts with resurgent Japanese giants GCG, whilst Shane Nelson is somewhat suprisingly not offered a contract extension. One man deemed surplus to requirements at GCG is English veteran Barry Griffin. Both KAZ and Strong Style Yoemon (who also leaves SAISHO) both leave Hinote Dojo after being offered written deals, by (guess who) GCG. Sotatsu Sarumura is no longer part of INSPIRE's roster following the expiration of his contract. Shiba Mizoguchi is not offered a new contract by PGHW's developmental territory SAISHO. Damian 'The Natural' Carvill leaves SWF after he failed to make much of an impression with the (fallen) Sports Entertaiment giants, to return to his previous employers CGC. Silver Shark departs from WLW, after he decided to sign a written contract with GCG. [B]Injuries[/B] NOTBPW's Dark Angel strained his rotator cuff, it is said he will work through the injury but probably wont be back to 100 % for a good few months. BHOTWG's Everest is currently suffering from a reverberating bicep that will keep on the shelf for about a month. [B]Retirements[/B] Smarks the world over rejoiced in celebration as Peter Valentine announced his retirement as an active competitor. Valentine was a three time International Champion and Tag Team Champion in HGC/TCW but his rise to prominent main event position in HGC/TCW was not due to his skills as a wrestler and more to do with his friendship with Sam Strong (arguably the biggest star in the history of wrestling) and someone with considerable backstage clout, so it was no surprise that when Strong took over USPW, Valentine spent the final years of his much maligned career with that very promotion. [B]Media News[/B] TCW's Total wrestling has ended it's run, leaving the Cornell run promotion with only one T.V Show (Action Packed). Considering that SWF currently has no T.V, this is not seen as a major concern and that TCW are in fact holding out to try and get Total Wrestling onto a bigger network, when the negotiations for T.V Contracts come up for renewal once again in May. [B]Title Changes[/B] New Zealand Pitbull became a double champion in APW, when he captured the Tag Team Titles alongside Boo Smithson. Elemental III defeated rival Sensational Dragon to capture the BHOTWG Junior Championship for a second time, whilst Harumi Okazawaya and Ninja Shunji became the Junior Tag Team champions, ending the half year reign of Yoshii Shiomi and VENOM. Hugh de Aske ended the year long reign of Bruiser to become the Blood & Beer champion in MOSC. Rafael Ruiz who came up short last month in winning MHW's Campeon de Mundo title, made up forhis disappointment by defeating Mexican Beast to capture the MHW Nacional Title. American Machine was only able to keep hold of NYCW's Empire Championship for three months, as Steve Flash recaptured the title he held for a record 25 months. Jeremy Stone defeated Dan Stone Jr, to equal his brother's Six reigns with the NOTBPW Canadian Championship, Also in NOTBPW it was the annual Ed Henson memorial tag team cup, where Tap Out Express (Art Reed & Johnny Bloodstone) beat out The Scientists (Davis Wayne Newton & Derek Frost), Gargantuan & Bruce The Giant and Omar Brown & Sean McFly to win the prestigious Tag Team competion. Other tandems to take part in this years competion were The Stone Siblings (who lost out to McFly & Brown in the semi finals), Jason O'Conner and Dark Angel, Tim Westybrook & Joey Poison and The McWade Brothers. In a busy month for tourmanents it was also the Elite Series in PGHW, where Shuji Inukai captured perhaps the most prestigious tournament title in wrestling, defeating Kozue Kawashima, Masaru Ugaki & Nobuatsko Tatsuko on the way to claiming the trophy. This years field was rounded out by Akinori Kwakami, Alexander Robinson, Eisaku Kunomasu, Li Bingci. The general consensus was that PGHW had a good balance to this years field between etablished veterans and up-coming talent. It was a month of disappointment all round for Nobuatso Tatsuko, who not only lost in the finals of the Elite Series but also lost the Glory Crown to Mito Miwa (who becomes champion again for the first time since 2006).The Historical Japan title also changed hands Alexander Robinson defeated Buddy Garner to capture the belt for a third time. Henry Bennett and Wasichi Inao defeated Hirokazu Yamanoue and Dean Daniels to win the vacant SAISHO Destiny Tag Titles. Marcos Flores became the Campeon de Mundo for the first time in SOTBPW, to add to his three Cameon de Univeral reigns with OLLIE. The Campeon de Parejas also changed hands as the tandem of Demoliton (Rebelded Loco & Axxi Jr) ended the 7 month reign of Los Sickness and The Cannoball regained the Campeon de Menor title from Pirata Malvado to win the title for a second time. The Heartbreak Connection (Jay Hearbreak & Scott Van Den Berg) captured the UEW Tag Team Titles, ending the 8 month reign of Geoff Borner & Christopher Lister. Giant Redwood & The Bandit (Randall Hopkirk) ended the 10 month reign of The Towers of Power to capture the USPW World Tag Team Championship. The big news to come out of USPW though is that the Women's Division looks to have been scrapped/or at the very least put on the backburner following the retirement of the Womens Championship. This is a somewhat puzzling move as though they were rocked by the recent departure of Cherry Bomb, the last holder of the title Alicia Strong (daughter of owner Sam) is still with the promotion.
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Wow, awesome show! And I think I got most of my predictions right. ADB winning was quite a surprise, I know nothing of this guy, stat wise. The Phoenix vs. Mainsteam and the main event three way were great. :) Keep up the good work! That "B" grade always puts a smile on my face when the promotion is someone like FCW.
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[CENTER][B][U][I][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/U][/B] [B][U][I][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] Last month the wrestling fans in Puerto Rico witnessed an incredible 3-way match for the FCW Undisputed Championship between Da Power, J.D Morgan and Nicky R!ot, with the despisped former icon of Puerto Rico escaping with the twin belts once again by the skin of their teeth. FCW return to action on Saturday April 3rd at the Gynasium Aguada in San Juan with their Limite Del Honor event which will be headlined by the double main events of Power- R!ot and Phoenix- Daniels. Nicky R!ot goes up against Da Power in a non title match. Power has said that because the 30 day title defence limit will not be up, that he has every right not to defend the twin belts against the UNITY man. Though the championship will not be on the line R!ot will be fired up to prove that he is deserving of another shot at the gold. Ultimate Phoenix earned a shot at the Undisputed Championship at Marzo En Batalla by defeating Mainstream Hernandez, but it has been revealed that Lisa Bowen has issued a challenge for that title shot on behalf of her client, the Peoples Champion Dean Daniels. Phoenix and Daniels fought to a time limit draw in February and according to Bowen that gives Daniels as much right to a shot at the twin belts as Phoenix. The FCW Championship Commitee agreed to giving Daniels the re-match but also said that unlike the last time these two met, Daniels People's Championship will also be on the line. Will one of these great competitors finish the night with both the People's Title round their waist and a shot at the Undisputed Championship in their possession ? The Tag Team Titles will also be on the line as the UNITY duo of Charles Rainier & Harry Allen get their re-match agains the Messiah's Circus of Leper Messiah & Soul Krusher. Angel De Mexico will look to continue towards getting another shot at Da Power's Undisputed Championship by making his way past another W.O.V 'roadblock' in the form of Primus, whilst J.D Morgan looks to get back on the winning track when he goes up against the Messiah's Circus' Inky the Squid Boy. Arthur Dexter Bradley who was the surprise winner of the Batalla Royale match last month, looks to stay on the winning track in preparation for his shot at the Peoples Championship, when he takes on M.C Speed of Wave of Violence, Mainstream Hernandez takes on youngster Leftie Wilkes and The Sensational Singh goes toe to toe with Eddie Howard in match between two talent's looking to get their somewhat floundering careers back on track. The Pre-show matches see Animal Magic take on D.C Rayne & Jeremiah Moose in tag team action, while Bradford Peverall goes up against debutant Jared Johnson. [I]Here is a full rundown of the card for Limite Del Honor[/I] [CENTER][SIZE=2][B][U]FCW Limite Del Honor[/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2]Saturday 3rd April 2010[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]at Gynasium Arriba in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Non Title:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Undisputed Champion-[/SIZE] Da Power vs [SIZE=1]'Representing UNITY'[/SIZE] Nicky R!ot[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]People's Championship/[/B] [B]Undsiputed Championship Contenders:[/B] Dean Daniels vs Ultmate Phoenix[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] The Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & Soul Krusher) vs UNITY (Charles Rainier & Harry Allen)[/CENTER] [CENTER]Angel De Mexico vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] Primus[/CENTER] [CENTER]J.D Morgan vs [SIZE=1]'Representing The Messiah's Circus'[/SIZE] Inky the Squid Boy[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing Heat Magnets'[/SIZE] Arthur Dexter Bradley vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] M.C Speed[/CENTER] [CENTER]Mainstream Hernandez vs Leftie Wilkes[/CENTER] [CENTER]Eddie Howard vs The Sensational Singh[/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New][B]Bonus Pre-Show Matches:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask)vs D.C Rayne & Jeremiah Moose[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Bradford Peverall vs Jared Johnson[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]____________________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Predictions Form:[/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B][U]Limite Del Honor[/U][/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Non Title:[/B] Da Power vs Nicky R!ot[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship/Undisputed Contenders:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Dean Daniels vs Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] Messiah's Circus (Messiah/Krusher) vs UNITY (Rainier/Allen) [/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Angel De Mexico vs Primus[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]J.D Morgan vs Inky the Squid Boy[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Arthur Dexter Bradley vs M.C Speed[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Eddie Howard vs The Sensational Singh[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Mainstream Hernandez vs Leftie Wilkes[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Animal Magic vs D.C Rayne & Jeremiah Moose [/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Bradford Peverall vs Jared Johnson[/COLOR][/LEFT] [/quote]
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[B]Limite Del Honor[/B] Non Title: Da Power vs [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] [I]'Cause it's non title. :P[/I] People's Championship/Undisputed Contenders: Dean Daniels vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] Tag Team Championship: [B]Messiah's Circus (Messiah/Krusher)[/B] vs UNITY (Rainier/Allen) [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Primus [B]J.D Morgan [/B]vs Inky the Squid Boy [B]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/B] vs M.C Speed Eddie Howard vs [B]The Sensational Singh[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs D.C Rayne & Jeremiah Moose [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Jared Johnson
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Predictions Form: Limite Del Honor Non Title: Da Power vs [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] Nicky should have enough overness for 'Da Powah' to job and set up a rematch for the belt next month. People's Championship/Undisputed Contenders: Dean Daniels vs Ultimate Phoenix Draw and rematch Tag Team Championship: Messiah's Circus (Messiah/Krusher) vs [B]UNITY [/B](Rainier/Allen) You win, but by DQ or countout so no titles. [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Primus Dq win and then Primus destroys him. [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Inky the Squid Boy The Dean of Submissions schools Inky [B]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/B] vs M.C Speed building off their big win Eddie Howard vs [B]The Sensational Singh[/B] two men going nowhere, but Singh deserves it more. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs D.C Rayne & Jeremiah Moose [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Jared Johnson squashes
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Non Title: [B]Da Power[/B] vs Nicky R!ot Unlike the others I don't think PPR will job People's Championship/Undisputed Contenders: Dean Daniels vs Ultimate Phoenix - draw Daniels has had a really strong run and it'd be a shame to see him lose and also lose the championship. On the one hand Phoenix has gotten his many shots against PPR but on the other Daniels vs PPR alone doesn't make a great main event. They both face PPR and Daniels grows in the eyes of the crowd while keeping your next main event strong. Tag Team Championship: [B]Messiah's Circus (Messiah/Krusher)[/B] vs UNITY (Rainier/Allen) I think your hasty title for Messiah has led to plans for them with the titles. Angel De Mexico vs [B]Primus[/B] I like Angel but I think Primus is also great for your company and if he's the last roadblock before Da Power then Angel should spend some time getting through him. [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Inky the Squid Boy I love iNky jut he's not in JD's league at this point. [B]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/B] vs M.C Speed I'd like to see a continued push for ADB Eddie Howard vs [B]The Sensational Singh[/B] You seem to have it out for Natural Storm [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes Hernandez is involved in a story, Leftie not so much. [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs D.C Rayne & Jeremiah Moose Fox Mask is on this team 'nuff said Bradford Peverall vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] I'd like to see a good debut for JJ
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As well as posting in my own diary, I'll even get back to posting in yours TK! :D Non Title: [B]Da Power[/B] vs Nicky R!ot I'd like to pick Nicky, but given my choice below, it doesn't make sense for Riot to win tonight - well unless you're gonna make it a 4 way! People's Championship/Undisputed Contenders: [B]Dean Daniels vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B] I'll also pick the draw and a three way with Da Power for the title next month Tag Team Championship: Messiah's Circus (Messiah/Krusher) vs [B]UNITY (Rainier/Allen) [/B] I don't think you're a fan of talentless hulks holding the belts. UNITY v Animal Magic could be great [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Primus DQ win and beatdown [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Inky the Squid Boy Squash [B]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/B] vs M.C Speed The push continues into his title shot Eddie Howard vs [B]The Sensational Singh[/B] Easy [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]vs Leftie Wilkes Easier [B]Animal Magic [/B]vs D.C Rayne & Jeremiah Moose Easiest [B]Bradford Peverall [/B]vs Jared Johnson Whats more than easiest? I take it JJ is someone who comes into the world in 2010. Having never got that far - is he actually any good?
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[quote=Rob4590;522580] I take it JJ is someone who comes into the world in 2010. Having never got that far - is he actually any good?[/quote] Jared Johnson is a trainee of Johny Bloodstone, and as you can guess he's pretty good in technical skills (average's C+), and his physical (C+), Entertainment (C) and performance (C) skills are also very solid. Rumble skills are average at best (D) with his flying skills being his own real glaringly weak point (E+). He's far from the finished article but I'd put him in the category of promising young talent, who could certainly be mixing it amongst the mid-card by the end of the year, if not earlier.
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Non Title: [B]Da Power[/B] vs Nicky R!ot [I]- Righto. I'm not into wrestling right now and as good as this dynasty is I confess to mostly skimming it. But one thing I think Tigerkinney might want to do is rename Da Power's finisher. The San Juan Rush is so... Puerto Rican. What better way to really insult the fans by renaming it the Mainland Boot (or something more pithy.) And Da Power picks up Da win... see why below.[/I] People's Championship/Undisputed Contenders: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]- Another Time Limit Draw would bore me, and while Phoenix could win by DQ it makes more sense for Da Power to show up here and interfere to cost Phoenix the match. This does three things. One - set up the Power/Phoenix match. Explains why Phoenix shows up in the main event to attack Power AND gives Daniels an excuse to start trumpeting how he's as good as Da Power since both (might) beat Phoenix.[/I] Tag Team Championship: [B]Messiah's Circus (Messiah/Krusher)[/B] vs UNITY (Rainier/Allen) [I]- MC needs it more and aren't yet the Monster Heels I want them to be.[/I] [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Primus [I]- Primus' time will come but Angel has more upswing as a challenger to Da Power.[/I] [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Inky the Squid Boy [I]- Right. I love Inky but not even the combined might of WoV and MC could tip this match in The Squid Boy's favour... maybe if he was The Squid Man... but no.[/I] Arthur Dexter Bradley vs [B]M.C Speed[/B] [I]- Hello WoV, here's your second bone. Enjoy.[/I] Eddie Howard vs [B]The Sensational Singh[/B] [I]- Singh has a gimmick, Howard a job.[/I] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes [I]- I'd pick Sarah Silver over Leftie, a'ight?[/I] [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs D.C Rayne & Jeremiah Moose [I]- Poor Foxy Cougar on the preshow, at least they get the win.[/I] [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Jared Johnson [I]- Uh. Coz it's not over with The Mainstream Nation?[/I]
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Limite Del Honor Non Title: [B]Da Power[/B] vs Nicky R!ot People's Championship/Undisputed Contenders: Dean Daniels vs Ultimate Phoenix Tag Team Championship: [B]Messiah's Circus (Messiah/Krusher)[/B] vs UNITY (Rainier/Allen) [B]Angel De Mexico [/B]vs Primus [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Inky the Squid Boy [B] Arthur Dexter Bradley[/B] vs M.C Speed Eddie Howard vs [B]The Sensational Singh[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes [B] Animal Magic [/B]vs D.C Rayne & Jeremiah Moose [B] Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Jared Johnson
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Limite Del Honor Non Title: [b]Da Power[/b] vs Nicky R!ot [i]Even though it's non-title, I think Power will still win, unless R!iot wins by DQ or something[/i] People's Championship/Undisputed Contenders: Dean Daniels vs [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] [i]They've already drawn once, I think Phoenix takes it this time.[/i] Tag Team Championship: [b]Messiah's Circus (Messiah/Krusher)[/b] vs UNITY (Rainier/Allen) [i]I think they need to be built back up again and losing the titles so quickly wouldn't do them any favours.[/i] [b]Angel De Mexico[/b] vs Primus [i]May not be a clean victory but I think he'll win nonetheless[/i] [b]J.D Morgan[/b] vs Inky the Squid Boy [i]Squash[/i] [b]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/b] vs M.C Speed [i]After winning the battle royal he's not losing here[/i] Eddie Howard vs [b]The Sensational Singh[/b] [i]Neither seems to be getting anywhere fast, but Singh at least has a gimmick[/i] [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b] vs Leftie Wilkes [i]Squash[/i] [b]Animal Magic[/b] vs D.C Rayne & Jeremiah Moose [i]Squash[/i] [b]Bradford Peverall[/b] vs Jared Johnson [i]Squash[/i]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Limite Del Honor[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Saturday April 3rd 2010[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Gynasium Aguada, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'000)- Sell Out !! [/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [B]Match #1 : Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) vs D.C Rayne & Jeremiah Moose[/B] Animal Magic got the expected win in what was actuallly not too bad of a match, with the the masked duo pinning Jeremiah Moose after the Last Hunt (Double Enziguri). The thing to note most from the match though, is that Jeremiah Moose looked alot sharper out there, than in any of his other outings. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Animal Magic defeated D.C. Rayne and Jeremiah Moose in 4:34 when Fox Mask defeated Jeremiah Moose by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B]Match #2: Bradford Peverall vs Jared Johnson[/B] If this match was any evidence to go on, then Jared Johnson will be a good addition to the roster. Johnson was basically there to make Peverall look good, and he did just but more by making Peverall 'work' for the victory than just pretty much yet Peverall go through the motions and then hit one of his finishers. The fans who decided to stay in their seats and watch this match, came away with the feeling that with a little more experience under his belt 'this kid' could be rising up the ranks real soon. In the end Peverall got the expected win by putting Johnson away with the Totally Totalled (Twisting Inverted Brainbuster). [B][COLOR=red]Result: Bradford Peverell defeated Jared Johnson in 6:51 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Lisa Bowen came out to pose and shoot t-shirts into the crowd, this time dressed in a boob tube/hot pant combo. [/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The Show begins with Da Power and Carl Batch coming to the ring and it looks like they've got something to say.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ! The champ is in Da House[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] That's right batchman and one thing this champ does not have to do tonight is defend his title, because quite simply I don't feel there's anyone good enough to take these twin belts away from me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] You got that right playa[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Nicky Rot or whatever you're calling yourself, I know you just dyin' to get your hands on this belt, but you've proved nothin' to me and it all so seem's you were unable to prove nothin' to big old Sam, ain't that right 'CHAMP'.[/COLOR] [I]At this point Nicky R!ot comes out onto the entrance ramp with a microphone in his hand.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Nicky R!ot[/B]: You're full of it Power, you're really full of it[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Truth hurts Nicky ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Nicky R!ot[/B]: If your ego could grow any bigger 'Wilson' your head would explode.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power[/B]: NO ONE, NO ONE calls me that ![/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] I don't see what's wrong.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] You don't want to go there CHAMP[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Nicky R!ot[/B]: Oh but I think I do......[/COLOR] [I]At that point Da Power comes charging out of the ring, toward Nicky R!ot but the UNITY man block his attack and starts to get the upper hand but as he does Primus and M.C Speed sneak up from behind and make it a 3 on 1........[/I] [I]But just as it looked like R!ot was going to receive a major beating, Heat Magnets (Arthur Dexter Bradley & Matt Hocking) came rushing out armed with chairs to make the save ![/I] [I]Arthur Dexter Bradley then grabbed a microphone.......[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]ADB:[/B] Power, Batch, Primus, Speed....everyone and I mean everyone is bored of your schtik, you're a cancer, you need to be removed and me and my main man Matt right here, are joining the fight to remove you. So bring it on, lets go, right now !![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] The face turn for Heat Magnets was a complete success. The reason for the turn is that I feel the Magnets have more chance of rising up the card as faces, than as heels. I felt with Wave of Violence and Messiah's Circus being such strong heel stables and with other strongly characterised individual heels like Bradford Peverall and Dean Daniels, that the Magnets were spinning their wheels as a heel duo.[/FONT] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Arthur Dexter Bradley vs M.C Speed w/ Carl Batch[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ArthurDexterBradley.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-WoV.jpg[/IMG] [/B]w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] M.C Speed steps back into the ring and referee Bret Graveson calls for the bell to get their match under way. Crowd are now fully behind ADB after his face turn and that seems to lift the atmosphere in the opening stages of this match as they exchange lefts and rights. ADB really begins to press home the advantage, and as he whips Speed into the ropes he takes the W.O.V man down with a Leg Lariat. Speed gets back up but ADB nails him with an Enziguri and then drives Speed into the mat with an implant DDT ! That brings the half samoan youngster a two count, who then lifts Speed up to his feet, ADB tries for a belly to back suplex variation but Speed manages a standing switch, who then sneaks in a low blow and rolls ADB up. To the relief of the fans in attendance ADB kicks out , but it's clear the match has turned in Speed's favour who then sets up for the W.O.V spike but ADB works his way out of it and then powers Speed against the ropes.....ADB then goes for another leg lariat but Speed ducks under this time and then takes the Heat Magnets' man's legs out from underneath with a legwhip and then keeping hold of the leg to transition into the Deadly Heel Hook ! Speed wrenches back on the hold but ADB is determined to get to the ropes and he does. Speed then comes charging in on the rope break but ADB manages to block and takes Speed down with an STO. ADB follows with a knee strike to the head, as Speed begins to get back to his feet, before lifting Speed up and dumping him with a Dragon Suplex ! That brought ADB at close two count, who then decided to head up top, but just as it looked like he was going to come crashing down on Speed with the Superstar Splash, Carl Batch hopped up onto the apron....ADB shoved Batch off but it gave Speed time to get back to his feet. ADB then came flying off the top turbuckle, but was clocked with a right hand from Speed, who then tossed away what looked like a steel chain and the way ADB fell to the mat, it looked like he had been clocked with something more than a regular punch. Speed then lifted up a limp ADB, and drove the Heat Magnet into the mat with the W.O.V Spike (Double Arm DDT) to pick up the victory much to the distain of the crowd. These two put on a solid opener, but the crowd did feel a bit deflated by the ending, as they really thought ADB would follow up his big surprise win in the battle royal last month. [B][COLOR=red]Result: M.C Speed defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley in 7:28 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] We then go backstage where the People's Champion Dean Daniels who is backstage with his manager Lisa Bowen, and it looks like they (well Bowen, as Daniels is now a man of few words these days) have something to say about Daniels opponent for the night Ultimate Phoenix. [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Lisa Bowen:[/B] A few months ago Dean Daniels was only seconds away from beating you Ultimate Phoenix, yet the powers that be round here consider you the Number one contender to the Undisputed Championship.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]Going on past reputation and beating a few mid-carders should not give you the right to a shot at the top prize in FCW, especially as the man who should got that title shot is this man next to me right here....Dean Daniels. Daniels has seen off all comers as People's Champion and he's more than ready to move to the 'next level' and prove that HE is the dominant force in FCW.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]Phoenix you know that only the bell saved you, the last time you stepped into the ring with this wrestling machine. Dean Daniels is focused to getting to the very top and this time Phoenix you will need to step aside or suffer the consquences.[/COLOR] [I]As Bowen is hyping him up as the best thing going in FCW, Daniels just stares into the camera, unflinching in his lack of emotion.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: J.D Morgan vs Inky The Squid Boy[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_InkyTheSquid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The match began with Inky frustrating Morgan by backing off and running out the ring every time the former Undisputed Champion would try to stick a hard fore-arm or European Uppercut on him. Eventually Morgan had enough of waiting Inky to go toe to toe with him and gave chase, but Inky managed to sneak in and low blow, then roll up the English veteran. Morgan manageds to kick out but Inky reeled off a string of rolls-ups, before Morgan was able to catch the Messiah's Circus member in the Cross Atlantic Stretch, but Inky managed to wriggle free and then take Morgan by surprise with a basement drop-kick, before sliding out onto the apron and springboarding himself back in to take Morgan down with an Ed Henson Press. Inky followed up the press with Double-Stomp, then an elbow drop for a two count. Inky then decidee to head up top but Morgan got back to his feet and rocked the Messiah's Circus man before setting up for the London Bridge but Inky 'bit' the shoulder of Morgan who recoiled in agony, giving Inky the opportunity to plant Morgan into the canvas with a bull-dog. Inky then waited for the English veteran to stagger back to his feet before driving Morgan face first into the mat with the WELL IS DRY (Sitout Facebuster). The former Undisputed Champion just about managed to get a shoulder up in time. Inky then decided to head up top again, and flew of as if to take Morgan down with the Inksplot but Morgan was able to nail the masked man with a European Uppercut in mid-air, before spinning Inky round and slamming him into the mat with the Half Nelson Suplex, before slapping on the Cross Atlantic Stretch and this time round an already semi-dazed Inky had no choice but to tap out. A suprisingly good match, Inky did well in his role as the troublesome 'underdog' who on paper should have given Morgan little problems but in reality almost stole what could have been a huge upset victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: JD Morgan defeated Inky The Squid Boy in 7:52 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Mainstream Hernandez w/ Sara Silver vs Leftie Wilkes[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeftieWilkes.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Nothing more than a extended squash match. Wilkes got to 'hang' with Hernandez for the first couple of minutes as they exchanged some nice chain wrestling sequences, and the youngster probably picked up more in those two minutes than in any of his other matches since making his FCW debut. Of course there was only going to be one winner though and the Mainstreamer put Wilkes away with the Apparition # 14 (Moonsault Leg-Drop). [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mainstream Hernandez defeated Leftie Wilkes in 4:18 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match, Mainstream Hernandez is celebrating when the lights go out ....the fans are wondering what is going on.........[/I] [I]About a minute passes......[/I] [I]Then when they come back on Hernandez is layed out in the middle of the ring, with an equally unconcious Sara Silver dumped on top of her client/boyfriend.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [SIZE=2][I]As Hernandez and Silver are being helped to the back. A video plays to hype the Tag Title match between The Messiah's Circus and UNITY. It basically outlines that the Circus took the titles from UNITY via nefarious means and that the former champs are looking to exact revenge by taking them back tonight.[/I] [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Rating: D[/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Tag Team Championship: [/B] [B]The Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & Soul Krusher) vs [/B] [B]UNITY (Charles Rainier & Harry Allen)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This one pretty much followed the pattern of the previous encounter between the two teams with Harry and myself taking the fight to the Messiah's Circus in the early going, but eventually the Circus considerable size advantage did start to matter and I soon found myself isolated in their corner. At any point the monsterous duo could have put me away, but they were never quite satisifed that they have dished out enough punishment and they kept pulling me up off the mat when they could have had the match won. Eventually they did decide they wanted to put the match to bed and set up for the Gutwrench Lankyplex, but I managed to wriggle free and then take both of the by suprise with the Raindrop (Dropsault), I then rolled back to my corner and got the hot tag into Harry Allen who took Leper Messiah down with a missile drop-kick and then stunned Soul Krusher with a jawbreaker. Harry Allen then went out ont the apron and drove Soul Krusher into the mat with a springboard bulldog, whilst at same time I somersaulted off the apron, bowling into Leper Messiah. With Krusher planted onto the mat, Harry Allen headed up top and then scored with the Flying Fist Drop....... But when Harry Allen went up top, Leper Messiah had cracked me over the head with a chair and the Messiah's Circus did shoved Bret Graveson out of the way, to then blatantly crack the chair over the back of Harry, causing the DQ. Messiah may have just cost his team victory, but he had ensured that the Tag Team Titles remain in the possesion of the Messiah's Circus. [B][COLOR=red]Result: UNITY defeated Messiahs Circus in 8:31 when Leper Messiah was disqualified.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: The Sensational Singh vs Eddie Howard[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt1.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Both of these two are a bit directionless at the moment and despite putting on a competent Six minute match, it showed in the reaction of the crowd, many of whom took this contest as an opportunity to head for the merchandise stalls, queue up for the Rice and Beans etc. It was a pretty even match with Howard starting out on top, but Singh turning things round after a poke to the eye and a back-rake.....after working over Howard Singh locked on the Singh it Back (Figure Four) but the former Natural Storm was able to make it to the ropes. Howard then re-took control with a series of clotheslines, before setting Singh up for the Natural Ending, but Howard was distracted by his former tag partner D.C Rayne (who had come out onto the entrance ramp)......The brief hesistation gave Singh enough time to slip out then roll Howard up....to score the victory. All Rayne did was come out and watch, but Howard's deep distrust of his former tag partner, lead to Rayne's prescence alone being a major distraction. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Sensational Singh defeated Eddie Howard in 6:17 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]We go backstage where Angel De Mexico is getting ready for his match with Primus, he then turns to camera to cut a promo.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Wave of Violence, this is one Angel who will not save you......except for one man and that is you Da Power. Power I believe deep down, you are still a good man but you have been turned by the mindless rhetoric of the organisation you have chosen to join and I will pick them off one by one, to get into the ring with you and save you from the destruction you are inflicting on yourself.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Speed has already felt the Mexican Death and I will ensure that Primus will feel the same, but they are merely pawns in this battle between us. Power, Batch may have your ear right now, but can he look inside you soul, for I can...I know the good you are deep inside, you have lost faith my old friend but when we meet again, I will ensure that you get back on the right path.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Angel De Mexico vs Primus w/ Carl Batch[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Primus takes the early iniatitive jumping Angel right on the sound of the bell. The W.O.V man flings Angel around from pillar to post, completely dominating the early going and not giving the patriotic Mexican any breathing room. After a two count following a clothesline, Primus lifts Angel up onto his shoulders and sets up for the Power Plant but Angel manages to snap off a rather awkward looking swinging DDT...driving Primus face first into the mat and buying himself some time to recover. As they both stagger to their feet, Primus goes for a clothesline but Angel ducks under and then nails the W.O.V man with an Enziguri. Primus is staggered but stays on his feet and Angel follows up with a standing drop-kick. Primus still stays on his feet, so Angel follows up with another drop-kick, this time sending Primus tumbling out of the ring. The masked high flier then sends himself flying into Primus with an Arabian Press, the momentum taking Primus crashing into the guard-rail and Angel landing in the front-row. Angel picks himself up and begins to head back into the ring, as Primus remains slumped against the guard-rail but Carl Batch pulls Angel back and the distraction is enough to allow Primus to get up and clobber Angel from behind to take back the advantage. Primus then gets a two count after pitching Angel into the ring, he then lifts Angel up off the canvas and sets up for a Power-Bomb but the patriotic masked man counters with a jawbreaker, before slingshotting himself off the ropes towards Primus, but the big man takes him down with a clothesline, before flinging Angel half way across the ring with a release German Suplex. Primus scrambles over to make the cover , and gets a close two count, before lifting Angel up and whipping the masked man into the ropes , he then goes for the Rruuuussshhh !! but Angel ducks under and as Primus turns around he snaps off a spinning head-scissors before transitioning into the Mexican Death (Arm Bar)......... Just as it looked like Primus might pass out from the pain, he powers his way up to his feet and then Power-Bombs Angel onto the mat, but the masked Mexican highflier manages to get a shoulder up and still manages to keep hold of the armbar....... With Angel not letting go, Primus begins to wilt and in the end Bret Graveson sees no other choice but to call for the bell. I was hoping for a lot better out of these two, but they just didn't seem to click and their timing with each other was off throughout, which made a for a rather awkward bout. Sometimes when you get an clash of styles, it can make for a really engaging bout, but this match really emphasied the clash element of that phrase. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ángel De México defeated Primus in 9:44 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Angel is celebrating a hard fought win, when M.C Speed and Da Power of Wave of Violence hit the ring and begin to beat the masked man down to the mat, but the Nicky R!ot (who himself was saved from a W.O.V beatdown earlier in the show) comes out to make the save, sending Speed out of the ring and then going right after Da Power [/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Non Title: [/B] [B]Da Power w/ Carl Batch vs Nicky R!ot[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPowerWOV.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] With R!ot and Power already duking it out in the ring, Bret Graveson calls for the bell, as what was the scheduled main event gets an impromptu start and goes on a match earlier. It's and all out brawl at the start with neither one of them giving an inch, eventually R!ot clotheslines Power over the top-rope with the momentum taking R!ot too the floor as well, both of them pick themselves up off the floor, neither one of them backing down. After hitting Power with a relentless flurry of fore-arms, R!ot goes to send Power into the guard-rail but the Undisputed Champion manages to put a block on and instead is able to throw R!ot into the ring-steps ! Power rolls into the ring to break up Graveson's twenty count, he then lifts up the mats off the floor, before turning his attention to R!ot, dragging the UNITY man to the exposed concrete. Power then looks to be setting up for a Power-Bomb but R!ot drops to a knee, blocking the attempt. Power drags R!ot back up but gets rocked by several fore-arms , R!ot then backs off and comes charging but Da Power gets a boot up, stopping R!ot in his tracks and sending the UNITY man falling backwards onto the concrete. Power then rolls into the ring, and Graveson begins to count R!ot. The former USPW prospect staggers back up and tries to get back into the ring but is knocked off the apron by the hated champion. R!ot tries again, this time ducking the charging fore-arm from Da Power and countering with a shoulder block into Powers gut. Power comes charging in again this time with big Boot, but R!ot catches Power's leg and drives it down across the middle romp. Power the limps back, as R!ot goes to the top turbuckle, before crashing down onto the Undisputed Champion with a flying double axe handle. Power drops to a kneeling position, before R!ot dishes out some of Power's own medicine with a running boot to the head...... One...... Two...... Thr...... Power kicks out, but R!ot remains in control and the UNITY man sets up for the Charles Peterson but Da Power proves troubesome to shift of his feet and the Undisputed Champion counters into a back body drop. R!ot gets right back to his feet however, and comes charging in with a clothesline, but Power ducks under and counters with a poke to the eyes and a supicously low kick to R!ot's mid section that has the UNITY man doubling over.....Power sets up for a Power -Bomb but R!ot works his way out, only to be levelled with a hard fore-arm from Power and then locked in the Atomic Full Nelson....... R!ot begins to go to sleep......... Graveson checks on the UNITY man's condition....... R!ot looking very sleepy......... Graveson takes another look....... R!ot looks almost out of it....... Graveson with one more look...... R!ot is do........NO ! R!ot is not giving in just yet, he comes back to life and then sends Power staggering backwards with a stunner...... R!ot then turns around and levels Power with the SUB POP BOP ! (Crooked Arm Lariat)...... R!ot the goes for the cover, as the crowd count along..... One....... Two....... Three But Power had convientely stumbled into Bret Graveson, causing the referee to slump to the mat and become out of position to make the count. R!ot realising this goes over to 'wake' the referee up, he gets no response and turns his attention back to Da Power....... But the 'turncoat' cracks a slapjack over the head of R!ot, before discarding of the foreign object . R!ot slumps to the mat, and Power goes over to make the cover........ Graverson slides over to make the three count...... One..... Two........ Not this way surely ? Three R!ot was out cold from the slapjack shot and it looks like Power may have just knocked one rival out of the title picture. In terms of a 'wrestling' match this wasn't that great, with 90 % of it being little more than basic punch-kick-punch brawling but there was enough 'heat' to keep the crowd engaged. However I had the feeling these two would put on a solid but not great match against each other and this is why I decided to switch them to the semi main event slot. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Da Power defeated Nicky R!ot in 10:51 by pinfall after using a foreign object. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [I]As Da Power is celebrating, Ultmate Phoenix who will now be in tonights main event opposite Dean Daniels comes out onto the entrance ramp with a microphone in his hand.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B]: Power congratulations on another well earned victory.......[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] You trying to be funny ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] Why would I be funny, that was a really hard fought victory.......[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Somehow I don't buy the sincerity[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] Oh so you're admitting that your victory right there was bit of a sham[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Look you masked punk, Da Power is not a sham, charlatan, cheater or whatever else you or these losers wish to call me....I won that match fair and square.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B]: Since when was cracking someone over the head with a slapjack fair game[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] What Slapjack ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] You may had Graveson fooled but you didn't have anyone else fooled, we know what we saw.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Well what you saw was a figment of your imagination[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] I tell you what wont be a figment of your imagination and that's me next month, crashing down apon you with the Firebird Splash to take those twin belts out your grasp........[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Da Power: Getting a bit ahead of yourself aren't you ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] Like how ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Well figure that one out for yourself...[/COLOR] [I]At that point Dean Daniels, who had gradually been sneaking up behind Ultimate Phoenix clobbered Phoenix from behind...before tossing Phoenix into the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Peoples Championship/Undisiputed Contenders Match: [/B] [B]Dean Daniels w/Lisa Bowen vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG][B] vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The match gets under-way immediately as Bret Graveson calls for the bell.......... Daniels stomps away on Phoenix who simply wasn't ready before going for a quick cover...... One..... Two...... Phoenix kicks out, but Daniels remains in control, lifting the popular masked man back to a vertical base, before whipping Phoenix into the corner and following in with a jumping knee strike. Phoenix staggers out of the corner and Daniels applies a double underhook before flinging the masked man over with a butterfly suplex...... One....... Two...... Phoenix kicks out again, Daniels lifts Phoenix back up and snaps off another suplex........ One..... Two...... Daniels is still unable to put the masked man away and begins to get frustrated........ The People's Champion then begs Phoenix to get to get back to his feet, and as Phoenix begins to stir, Daniels comes charging in with a running knee, but Phoenix catches the leg before taking Daniels down with a leg-whip. Phoenix who had been on the backfoot all match, then takes a breather....... Daniels gets back up and comes charging in at Phoenix (who is propping himself up against the corner), but the masked man gets his feet up...... Daniels charges in again, but Phoenix gets the feet up one more and then hops up the turnbuckle before sending himself crashing onto Daniels with a flying cross-body...... Daniels rolls through and sets up a suplex but Phoenix slips out and then nails Daniels with a drop-kick to the back, that sends the Peoples champ tumbling out of the ring. Phoenix then wastes no time in trying to swing the momentum in his favour as he sends himself soaring over the ropes with a no hands plancha. Phoenix then pitches Daniels into the ring, before sending himself back over the ropes and crashing down upon Daniels with a slinghsot senton..... One..... Two..... Thr...... Phoenix made the cover too near the ropes as Daniels was able to save himself....... Daniels then seemed to retake control on the rope-break with a stiff fore-arm, but he made a mistake whipping Phoenix into the ropes as the masked man used the momentum to come right back with a springboard round house kick. A stunned Daniels then staggered into a spinning head-scissors take-down, before rising back to his feet, only to be dropped back onto the mat with leg-lariat from Phoenix..... One...... Two..... Daniels kicked out, but Phoenix retained control with a kick combination that had Daniels doubled over and in prime position to be driven into the mat with the Flaming Driver, but the People's Champ managed to block the attempt, and then rock Phoenix with a stiff fore-arm....... Daniels then took Phoenix over with a release German Suplex but the ex MPWF star managed to right himself onto his feet and then used the momentum to spring off the ropes....but this time Daniels was ready as he sent Phoenix crashing down onto his knees with a Tilt--Whirl Backbreaker. Daniels then lifts a suddeny limp Phoenix up, double underhooks the arms and goes for the trapped knees...... But Phoenix was 'playing possum' he slips his way out of the double underhook and then takes Daniels by surpise, planting the Peoples champ first into the mat with a reverse STO. The high flying star, then heads up top, but Lisa Bowen gets up onto the apron and goes to hold Phoenix's leg..... Phoenix shrugs Bowen off but her intervention is enough to allow Daniels to get back to his feet, Phoenix spots this however and deviates from the original game plan, as he comes off the turnbuckle with moonsault press but Daniels catches him mid move and sets up for the Raise the Stakes but Phoenix is then able to snap off a rana into a pin..... ... One...... Two...... Thr..... Daniels powers out, and then grabs Phoenix, before flinging the masked man over with a release belly to belly suplex....Phoenix manages to land on his feet though and he nails Daniels with a drop-kick. Daniels then staggers back to his feet but Phoenix is a step ahead as he snaps off another spinning head-scissors before heading up top once again..... This time Phoenix is able to come off the top with the incredibly beautiful PHOENIX FIREBIRD SPLASH !! But Daniels gets the knees up...he applies the double underhook again and begins to unleash another furious flurry of knee strikes...... They are quite near the ropes though and the veteran Phoenix has the prescence of mind to inch himself over to the ropes and force the rope break.... But Daniels is now so focused at unleashing on Phoenix, that he becomes totally oblvious to Bret Graveson's five count...... Lisa Bowen even gets onto the apron as Graveson's count reaches four, pleading with her man to let go, because if he doesn't he will cost himself a shot at the Undisputed Title....... But Daniels is a man possessed and Graveson reaches five, leaving the referee no choice but to call for the bell and DQ Dean Daniels. What all this means is that Daniels loses the match but does not lose the People's Championship as the title cannot change hands on a DQ, but what Daniels has failed to gain is Ultimate Phoenix shot at the Undisputed Championship. Another incredibly intense match between these two, and I feel vindicated in having these two go on as the main event instead of the Power- R!ot match. And though it's pretty much another non finish , it actually helps to build the rivalry between these two. In both matches Daniels has probably edged the contest but has been denied victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ultimate Phoenix defeated Dean Daniels in 18:49 by disqualification. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][COLOR=purple]Dean Daniels retains the People's Championship Title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match several lower-card talents (Leftie Wilkes, Joe Benning, Island Boy Apollo) who were doubling up as ring-crew/security came into the ring to help pull a 'possessed' Daniels off Phoenix.[/I] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Definately a feud building show, as was highlighed by the fact that there were so many screwy finished (which looking back there were a few too many, I regret not giving ADB a clean victory over Speed, as the cheating victory by Speed doesn't really forward anything) but despite the concern over the lack of clean finishes, it was still a good show and it flowed really well from beginning to end[I].[/I]
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Good decision to have the main event between Phoenix and Daniels I think. However, ADB really should have won his match - his winning of the battle royal has basically been pointless. He's got a shot at the People's Championship after winning it (I think) but no momentum going into it.
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