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Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW En Viaje[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [SIZE=1]Tuesday 1st April 2014[/SIZE] Attendance: 300 (Sell Out !) Weston Gynasium, Philadelphia, Tri State [I]The show opens with Sara Silver and The Guerrero's Del Amor in the ring. Silver says that at Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor that Apathy's reign as Undisputed Champion will come to an end and that Mainstream Hernandez so called revolution will begin to fall apart. She added that the Mainstreamer being absent (he was working for TCW) for this show spoke volumes and that the formation of the Guerrero's Del Amor had him worried and running scared.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Match #1: Tag Team Championship: Sons of Lucha Libre (El Mitico Jr & Capitao Brasil Jr) vs No ! Dance2Win (B-Pev & K-Zing) w/Carl Batch[/B] No ! Dance2Win got a title match here on the rather flimsy reason that they won their last match, and for someone to get a title shot on an En Viaje show they hardly need to have been in contendership. Unexpectedly this was about as 'routine' a title defence the SoLL will most likely have. The masked duo popped the crowd with some lucha dives at the start, the Batch Enterprises Inc. duo got back into it via some blatant cheating that involved Carl Batch being a distraction. Capitao played Spencer Marks for a stretch then made the hot tag to Mitico. After a couple of near-falls on both sides, the champs managed to get K-Zing isolated enough to finish the former Sensational Singh/Mr Electricity off with the always impressive Lucha Dreams, a springboard rana doomsday device (has to be seen to be believed) [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Sons of Lucha Libre defeated No ! Dance2Win in 10:37 when El Mítico Jr defeated K-Zing by pinfall with a Lucha Dreams. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]The Sons of Lucha Libre retain the FCW Tag Team titles. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [B]Match #2: Matt Hocking vs Xavi Ferrera w/Carl Batch[/B] This turned out to be not a bad little match. Ferrera got the early jump and arrogantly taunted Hocking, only for laisse fare attitude towards his opponent to allow Hocking back into the match. Hocking then owned Ferrera for the next few minutes leading to him downing the c0cky teenager with the Shock Drop II (Front Flip Neckbreaker) but Ferrera with the aid of the constant irritant of Carl Batch managed to ge this foot on the ropes. Then with the aid of Batch distracting Hocking, Ferrera cheap shotted the Team FREEDOM man to re-take control of the match. Ferrera then looked to finish Hocking off with the High Impact Frogsplash but crashed and burned when Hocking rolled out of the way. But Batch was proving to be constant distraction to Hocking and instead following in, Hocking went to slug the Batch Enteprises Inc. mastermind off the apron. Hocking managed to do just that but Ferrera took immediate advantage of Hocking's mind being elsewhere and quickly rolled Hocking up, making sure to get a handful of tights. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Xavi Ferrera defeated Matt Hocking in 8:17 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Carl Batch then got on the mic Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ! He said he's gonna throw down a challenge to Primal Shock and whoever else they want to bring along to face B-Pev, K-Zing and 'hotter than piri piri' Xavi Ferrera at Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor. He said it doesn't matter who those fools Primus and Hocking bring along, the outcomes gonna be the same and that his boys will be handing them a good old fashioned Batch Enterprise approved beat-down....Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ![/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Match #3: Boriken Love Machine Jr vs Joseph[/B] This was a decent back and forth contest, that suffered a little from the crowd being a little cold on them. Boriken's fairly popular back on the Island, simply for being from the Island whilst the improving Joseph no longer gets the 'jobber' reaction back 'home'. But here on the mainland they fail to get the sort of heat that perhaps their steller efforts deserved. The match followed the basic principle of just when it looked like one was going to get the clear advantage, the other would be able to counter what the one in control was going for an seize back control of the match themselves, so much so that they ended up battling to a time limit draw with Boriken just about to drill Joseph with the Love Package after he was able to slip out of the Misery Be-Shared. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Boriken Love Machine Jr drew with Joseph in 10:00 when the time limit expired.[/COLOR][/B] Rating: D [B]Match #4: Amazing Fire Fly & Angel De Mexico vs Animal Magic (Fox Mask & Masked Cougar)[/B] Amazing Fire Fly and Angel De Mexico were not exactly on the same page going into this match, but showed some suprisingly effective teamwork in the early going, however when Angel 'accidently' laid out Fire Fly, the tension between the LEA pair exploded....Fire Fly dropped kicked his own tag partner off the apron and then snapped off a pair of head-scissor take downs on Animal Magic. But instead of following up with a cover on either of his opponents he decided to lauch himself at Angel with a springboard splash before raining down a series of punches on his LEA leader, leaving a somewhat bewildered Animal Magic to pick up the count out victory. This wasn't really about the match here but more about the falling out between Angel De Mexico and Amazing Fire Fly, that is causing a rift within the LEA. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Animal Magic defeated Amazing Fire Fly and Ángel De México in 8:46 when Amazing Fire Fly was counted out while fighting Angel De Mexico.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match the Sons of Lucha Libre, who don't appear to be choosing a side right now get between their two stable mates to be peacemakers and pull Angel and Fire Fly apart. [/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Match #5: Bill E Stone vs Nicky R!ot[/B] Bill E Stone's unorthodox methods actually seemed to ruffle the Affliction Trinity man for a bit and an upset looked to be on the cards when he had R!ot in the Stone Hold. Well it would have looked to be in the cards if he actually knew how to apply it properly and after R!ot made an easy escape he turned it up several notches and ended up putting Stone to bed with the 'Charles Peterson' Exploder Suplex. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Nicky R!ot defeated Bill E Stone in 6:35 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Match #6: Los Beetoolz (Gringo Starr & Lennon McHarrison) vs Charles Rainier & Primus[/B] After a very brief section where I got to play Spencer Marks in the Los Beetoolz corner, the Beatles impersonators ended up doing what they usually do and that's to look up the lights, with Gringo Starr this time the one to eat the pin after being on the receiving end of the Rrruuuussssshhhh!! from Primus. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Charles Rainier and Primus defeated Los Beetoolz in 3:37 when Primus defeated Gringo Starr by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Match #7: Jared Johnson vs Phoenix Negra vs Speed Machine w/Carl Batch[/B] These three guys obviously didn't get the memo to put on a good match but not a match so good that it ended up making the main event look pedestrian in comparison, if we had the foresight that Double J, Phoenix Negra and Speed Machine were going to rock the house as they say, then we would have put them in the main event but despite all three being good wrestlers this was just a randomnly put together three way with no real reason behind it. The match began with all three competitors warily feeling one another out, until Negra was able to take control by taking both of his rivals down with an Enziguri DDT combination. Negra then followed up with a standing shooting star press on Jared Johnson for a two count only for Speed to come in an break it up. Negra however stayed in control with a spin kick to Speed that sent the Batch Enterprises representative out of the ring. Negra then seemed to get a bit carried away in the moment and looked to be winding up for the no hands plancha, forgetting that Jared Johnson was there who wiped him out with a standing drop-kick that snapped Negra right back. After Johnson tried to get a quick cover he then lifted Negra up for a German Suplex but the Guerrero's Del Amor man was able to force a standing switch and instead dump the Carolina born youngster with an Elemental Suplex, followed by a bridging pin, which was the broken up with a double stomp from Speed. Speed then lifted Jared Johnson up for the W.O.V Spike (double arm DDT) only for Negra to nail him with a spin-kick before he could deliver the move. At that point Double J rolled out of the ring, as Negra began to pepper Speed with a kick combination only for the former People's champion to get a leg hold and take Negra off balance with a Dragon Screw before effortlessly transitioning that into the Deadly Heel Hook. Realsiing that the match was in jeopardy, Double J rolled back into the ring and peppered Speed with a series of fore-arms, but Speed would just refuse to let go of the hold. However Double J did eventually get Speed to release the submission he had on Negra with a basement drop-kick. Johnson then took a dazed Speed over with a Fisherman Suplex, before attempting to turn Speed over for the Carolina Crossface, however Speed had it scouted and instead managed to get the Team FREEDOM man locked in the Speedbreaker 2000 (Cross Arm Breaker) but Johnson was able to force a rope break. Johnson then retook control and set up for a German Suplex but as he delivered the move on Speed, Phoenix Negra reannounced his arrival back into the match by breaking up the pin with a springboard splash. After Negra tried to steal a quick pin on Double J, he then sent both of his opponents out of the ring with stereo drop-kicks and then sending himself soaring over the top rope to wipe each of them out with the no hands plancha. Phoenix then pitched Speed back into the ring. Negra then drilled Speed with the kick to the head/ Brainbuster combo for a close two count, before heading up top to set up for the Phoenix Firebird Splash but was cut off at the top by Jared Johnson, who then sent Negra crashing back into the ring with a top rope MDK Powerbomb !! Double J looked set to score a major upset win, only for Nicky R!ot to suddenly emerge and drag the Team FREEDOM man off Negra. R!ot then proceeded to give Johnson a beat-down on the outside before smugly heading back up the entrance ramp, looking pleased with himself that he had cost the young prospect from Carolina a break out victory. Back inside the ring, Speed dragged his body over across to Negra's and laid and arm over the former Undisputed Champions chest but too much time had elapsed and Negra was able to get a shoulder up. The two competitors remaining in the ring then wearily rose back to their feet before engaging in a strike battle......Negra then managed to double Speed over with a back heel kick to the sternum, but Speed was able to block another Brainbuster attempt, and then tagged Negra with a roaring elbow before taking the Guerreros del Amor man over with a Dragon Suplex. After a frustrating (for Speed) two count, he lifted Negra up for the Speed Spike but Negra was able to block the move and then managed to turn Speed round to drill the Batch Enterprise Inc. represenative with the CERTAIN DEATH ! (Vertebreaker) and with Johnson unable to pick himself up off the floor, that spelled certain death for Speed's challenge in this match and gave Phoenix Negra a momentum boosting victory and further his case for a shot at the Undisputed Championship. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Phoenix Negra defeated Jared Johnson and Speed Machine in 16:13 when Phoenix Negra defeated Speed Machine by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match a livid Jared Johnson demanded a microphone, he said that he at Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor he want's Nicky R!ot one more time. He said the fact that R!ot had to resort to using brass knucks to screw him out of a win at Traicon and then coming down here right now to cost him victory in this match, showed that he has R!ot worried. That actually brought R!ot out onto the entrance ramp, who proceeded to laugh off this suggestion, the Affliction Trinity man then said that he would be more than happy to hand Double J another beating, and one so bad this time that Johnson may just finally come to his senses and that he's just not got what it takes to a be a successful wrestler.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Match #8: Apathy & Soul Krusher vs Puerto Rican Power & Ultimate Phoenix[/B] The main event had a hard time following the surprisingly awesome semi main, but probably didn't help it's cause by basically being a formulaic tag match. The Guerrero's del Amor pair began the stronger fonly for some the Mainstream Nation duo to get back into it via nefarious means. Phoenix then played spencer marks for a bit, before he was able to create an opening when he spiked Soul Krusher with a Tornado DDT. Apathy then almost prevented Phoenix from making the hot tag but got the popular masked man was able to nail the Undisputed Champion with an Enziguri to get the hot tag into Power. Power then cleaned house, leading to the Mainstream Nation duo trying to re-group on the outside, before the fans got treated to their second no hands plancha of the night. Power then looked to have won the match after he hit the four moves of doom on an out of sorts Soul Krusher only for Apathy to roll back into the ring and low blow Power from behind. Apathy then synched in the Love Me Now ! the submission he used to defeat Power for the Twin Belts but was told that he was not the legal man. Krusher then rose back to his feet and the Mainstream Nation duo looked to double team the patriotic hero but a miscommunication lead to them collding with one another and Power was able to get the tag into Ultimate Phoenix who took both of the Mainstream Nation duo down with a double missile drop-kick. Phoenix then snapped off a headscissors take-down on Apathy, before Soul Krusher clubbed him from behind and set up for powerbomb, only for Phoenix to counter than into a sunset flip. Apathy then broke up the pin before Power re-entered and it broke down into a pier six brawl. Power then clotheslined Krusher out of the ring, with the momentum also taking the patriotic hero over the top rope. Leaving Apathy and Phoenix in the ring, Apathy scored a clubbing blow on Phoenix and then set up for the Mood Swing but the former two time Undisputed Champion had it scouted, slipped out of the move and then countered with the Flaming Driver. The eerie champion managed to kicked out of that, but Phoenix remained undeterred and headed up top, only for Apathy to rise to his feet and join Phoenix on the top turnbuckle but a series of back elbows put Apathy flat on his back again and Phoenix was able to launch himself off the top with the always impressive Phoenix Firebird Splash. This time referee Dewey Libertine counted to three, and now both of The Brothers Phoenix had scored successive pinfall victories over the current Undisputed Champion. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Puerto Rican Power and Ultimate Phoenix defeated Apathy and Soul Krusher in 10:09 when Ultimate Phoenix defeated Apathy by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] After the match had ended Power and Phoenix celebrated their victory but were blindsided from behind by their defeated opponents who were soon joined by Animal Magic and Joseph in trying to lay a beat-down on the Guerreros del Amor pair. However before the could do too much damage Phoenix Negra and Boriken Love Machine stormed the ring (coming armed with chairs) to clear the ring of the Mainstream Nation. Phoenix Negra then made a gesture towards Apathy that he was coming for the Twin Belts but at the same time so did Ultimate Phoenix. The fact that both The Brothers Phoenix clearly wanted the same thing, a shot at the Undisputed Championship ended things on a note of tension between the pair. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] The last two shows this one and Traicon included have basically been booked to set things up for Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V. This was solid enough for an En Viaje show, though in order to save a bit of money after MQNM I may well cut the next few of these back to 90 minutes and use less upper card talent.
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[CENTER][B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B] [U][I][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/I][/U][/CENTER] [B][/B] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] FCW will be back in action on Thursday 24th April at the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom to present the 5th edition of their Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor show. Seen as one of big four shows in FCW alongside Rey De Reyes in August, Anniversario in September and Batalla Final in December, this years edition will see Apathy put the Undisputed Championship on the line against both of The Brothers Phoenix in a Triple Threat match. One has to think that the new FCW Commissioner Sara Silver (who has made it no secret that she plans to bring down the Mainstream Nation) has tried to book things in the favour of her allies, especially as Apathy does not even need to be pinned to lose the title but one does have to wonder how well it would sit with either of the Brothers Phoenix were they to be pinned for the belt by the other ? Mainstream Hernandez and Soul Krusher reform the team that once took them to Tag Team Championship, but going into the match they will only know one of their opponents, that being Puerto Rican Power. Will the patriotic former champion's mystery partner be someone who has never set foot inside of an FCW ring or will it be someone with a past history in FCW and more specifically someone has a history with the Mainstream Nation ? The advantage that the Mainstreamer and Soul Krusher have coming into this match is that they have succesfully teamed up before but the mystery partner for Power brings an unpredictable wildcard element into the match that could turn things in the favour of the Guerrero's del Amor representatives. Since Billy Russell returned to FCW he has been locked in a feud with former People's champion Speed Machine and thus far in two previous meetings they have been unable to find a winner. The first meeting at Batalla Final went to a Time Limit draw, whilst last month at Traicon the match ended with a controversial double pin. This month FCW officials have vowed that there will be a winner, as the two men noted as being the two best submisssion artists in FCW will go at it one more time in a Tap Out match, where the first to submit is declared as having lost the match. Russell specifically sought the competition of Speed Machine in his return to FCW, but the former MMA star will be keen to prove that he is the true master of the art of submissions and that Speed will still have alot to learn. Last month at Traicon Angel De Mexico became the new People's Champion, but many including Amazing Fire Fly himself will feel that the Lucha Equity Alliance somewhat screwed the lightning fast luchadore out of retaining the title in a triple threat match that also included Charles Rainier. The problems between Angel De Mexico and Fire Fly were further compounded when they ended up having major communication problems to the point of breakdown in match against Animal Magic at a recent En Viaje show. Now Fire Fly will get the chance to regain the belt he lost to Angel De Mexico, when the quarrelling stable mates face off one on one for the People's Championship. Things look a little more rosier amongst the remainder of the LEA, that being the Tag Team Champions the Sons of Lucha Libre, who will face off with old adversaries Animal Magic one more time in a 2/3 Falls match. It was in this type of match that the Sons of Lucha Libre won the titles from the Affliction Trinity duo of Dean Daniels and Bulldozer Brandon Smith, however Animal Magic are former three time champions and know what it takes to win the titles and with the added stipulation being that the Mainstream Nation representatives won't get another title shot as long as the SoLL still hold the belts, the former champions will be coming into the match with an added fire to try and win the belts for an unprecedented fourth time. Two Tag Teams who have been at logger heads with one another since the end of last year have been Primal Shock and No! Dance2Win and at their last showdown in a Barrio Street Fight at Traicon, it was the inteference of the newest addition to Batch Enterprise Inc. Xavi Ferrera that helped N! D2W to victory. This time the two teams will be joined by an extra man with N! D2W being joined by the aforementioned Ferrera whilst Primal Shock will line up alongside their fellow Team FREEDOM member Charles Rainier, as the two teams face off in a Six Man Elimination Tag match. Meanwhile fellow Team FREEDOM member Jared Johnson will go one on one once again with Nicky R!ot. Last month R!ot used a foreign object to defeat the young prospect from Carolina, whilst at the recent En Viaje show R!ot intefered to cost Double J victory in a triple threat match with Phoenix Negra and Speed Machine. R!ot and Johnson once stood alongside one another as allies as part of the Devine Right stable, but when that faction imploded following the departure from FCW of it's leader Darryl Devine, R!ot turned on Johnson who he saw as a weak link in the faction and thus far R!ot has had Double J's number whenever they have met and seems keen to rub that fact in Johnson's face. The main show card rounds out with another 3-way match with Boriken Love Machine Jr of the Guerrero's del Amor taking on the Mainstream Nation's Joseph and the promising youngster Quentin Queen. Those who get to the show early will be treated to another Six Man Tag as Los Beetoolz team with Bill E Stone to take on Austin Smooth and the debuting Gilbert Brothers (Joe and Jesse Gilbert). The Canadian brothers are a tag team with plenty of experience, having teamed together their whole career since enterting the wrestling business together and have competed in many promotions including CZCW and CGC in their native Canada. Here is full run down of the card for Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V [CENTER][B][U]FCW Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Thursday 24th April 2014 at Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico [B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing the Mainstream Nation'[/SIZE] Apathy vs 'Representing Guerreros del Amor/The Brothers Phoenix' Phoenix Negra vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Guerreros del Amor/The Brothers Phoenix'[/SIZE] Ultimate Phoenix [B]Tap Out Match:[/B] Billy Russell vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Batch Enterprises Inc.'[/SIZE] 'Speed Machine' Marc Speed [B]Special Attraction Tag:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing the Mainstream Nation'[/SIZE] Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Guerrero's del Amor'[/SIZE] Puerto Rican Power & A Mystery Partner [B]People's Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Lucha Equity Alliance'[/SIZE] Angel De Mexico vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Lucha Equity Alliance'[/SIZE] Amazing Fire Fly [B]2/3 Falls Match for the Tag Team Championship:[/B] [I]* If Animal Magic fail to win the titles, they do not give another title shot as long as the Sons of Lucha Libre remain champions.[/I] [SIZE=1]'Representing Lucha Equity Alliance'[/SIZE] The Sons of Lucha Libre (El Mitico Jr & Capitao Brasil Jr) vs [SIZE=1]'Representing the Mainstream Nation'[/SIZE] Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) [B]Six Man Battle:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Batch Enterprises Inc.'[/SIZE] Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win (B-Pev & K-Zing) vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Team FREEDOM'[/SIZE] Charles Rainier & Primal Shock (Matt Hocking & Primus) [B]Grudge Match:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Team FREEDOM'[/SIZE] Jared Johnson vs [SIZE=1]'Representing The Affliction Trinity'[/SIZE] Nicky R!ot [SIZE=1]'Representing Guerreros del Amor'[/SIZE] Boriken Love Machine Jr vs [SIZE=1]'Representing the Mainstream Nation'[/SIZE] Joseph vs Quentin Queen [B][FONT=Courier New]Bonus Pre-Show Match:[/FONT][/B] [FONT=Courier New]Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz vs Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers.[/FONT] ___________________________________________________[/CENTER] [LEFT][Quote] [B][COLOR=purple]Predictions Form:[/COLOR][/B] [B][U][COLOR=purple]Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] Apathy vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Tap Out Match[/B]: Billy Russell vs Speed Machine[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs Puerto Rican Power & ???[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs Amazing Fire Fly[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship (2/3 Falls):[/B] The Sons of Lucha Libre vs Animal Magic[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win vs Charles Rainier & Primal Shock[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Jared Johnson vs Nicky R!ot[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Boriken Love Machine Jr vs Joseph vs Quentin Queen[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz vs Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers [/COLOR] [/quote][/LEFT]
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Undisputed Championship: [b]Apathy[/b] vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]Can't really see Apathy losing the title unless it's one on one.[/I] Tap Out Match: Billy Russell vs [B]Speed Machine[/B] Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & ???[/B] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Amazing Fire Fly [i]Angel's going to cheat to win[/i] Tag Team Championship (2/3 Falls): [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Animal Magic Six Man Battle: Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win vs [B]Charles Rainier & Primal Shock[/B] Jared Johnson vs [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Joseph vs Quentin Queen [B]Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz[/B] vs Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers
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[U]Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V[/U] Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy [/B]vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix Tap Out Match: [B]Billy Russell [/B]vs Speed Machine Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & ???[/B] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico [/B]vs Amazing Fire Fly Tag Team Championship (2/3 Falls): [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre [/B]vs Animal Magic Six Man Battle: Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win vs [B]Charles Rainier & Primal Shock[/B] Jared Johnson vs [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Joseph vs Quentin Queen Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz vs [B]Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers[/B]
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Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V Undisputed Championship: [b]Apathy[/b] vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix Tap Out Match: Billy Russell vs [b]Speed Machine[/b] Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs [b]Puerto Rican Power & ???[/b] People's Championship: [b]Angel De Mexico[/b] vs Amazing Fire Fly Tag Team Championship (2/3 Falls): [b]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/b] vs Animal Magic Six Man Battle: [b]Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win[/b] vs Charles Rainier & Primal Shock Jared Johnson vs [b]Nicky R!ot[/b] [b]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/b] vs Joseph vs Quentin Queen Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz vs [b]Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers [/b]
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Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy[/B] vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix Tap Out Match: Billy Russell vs [B]Speed Machine[/B] Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & ???[/B] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Amazing Fire Fly Tag Team Championship (2/3 Falls): [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Animal Magic Six Man Battle: [B]Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win[/B] vs Charles Rainier & Primal Shock Jared Johnson vs [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Joseph vs Quentin Queen Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz vs [B]Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers [/B]
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Predictions Form: Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy [/B]vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]The Phoenixes cancel each other out[/I] Tap Out Match: Billy Russell vs [B]Speed Machine[/B] [I]Not sold on Billy Russell[/I] Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & ???[/B] [I]your own senor creativo controllo gets these wins[/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Amazing Fire Fly [I]you dont tend to hotshot titles back[/I] Tag Team Championship (2/3 Falls): The Sons of Lucha Libre vs [B]Animal Magic[/B] [I]this title does change hands though as the SoLL have had a good run[/I] Six Man Battle: Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win vs [B]Charles Rainier & Primal Shock[/B] [I]fairly even but I think you and 'new name, but same suck team' are slightly higher on the ladder than the other jobber team and new guy.[/I] Jared Johnson vs [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Joseph vs Quentin Queen [B]Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz[/B] vs Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers [I]Los Jabronis get the rare win as the Gilberts have to be bottomfeeders in Puerto Rico.[/I]
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Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy[/B] vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]I somehow feel that the Mainstream Nation will get one over on their opponents here as the Phoenix brothers struggle to work together with such a big prize at stake[/I] Tap Out Match: [B]Billy Russell [/B]vs Speed Machine [I]If you want Russell to be anybody in FCW, I'd imagine you'd need him to win this one.[/I] Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & ???[/B] [I]Power & partner get on for the face stable[/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico [/B]vs Amazing Fire Fly [I]I can see Angel being the only one of his group with a title by the time the night is out, leading to the ultimate fall-out[/I] Tag Team Championship (2/3 Falls): The Sons of Lucha Libre vs [B]Animal Magic[/B] [I]Something will go down here - The Sons will lose their belts as a result of what is going on in their stable rather than Animal Magic's brilliance[/I] Six Man Battle: [B]Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win [/B]vs Charles Rainier & Primal Shock [I]A little torn on this one - originally I went for the faces to win it with maybe Primus and Rainier surviving. But I changed my mind and I'll go with just Ferrera surviving for the heels.[/I] [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Nicky R!ot [I]More heart than head, this pick. R!ot seems to be on a different level to JJ. At some point, JJ has to win to make this rivalry seem worthwhile. Plus, a win would certainly elevate him in status.[/I] [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Joseph vs Quentin Queen Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz vs [B]Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers [/B] I have to say that, as an FCW fan, I'd be very interested going into this show to see what happened! Keep up the good work, TK! :)
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Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy[/B] vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix Too early to take it off Apathy, plus we get the intrigue of one or the other Phoenix costing his 'brother' the match. I have tried to get the man behind the Negra mask to catch on in my 4C game, but alas he is not working out for me... Tap Out Match: Billy Russell vs [B]Speed Machine[/B] A firm win to re-establish SM's rep, but Russell will make him work for it. Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & ???[/B] I have genuinely no idea who PRP's partner will be, which is awesome. Hopefully it's someone who sticks around to make the faces 5 strong for a War Games down the line? People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Amazing Fire Fly ADM wins it, natch, but I think he might get unexpected help from the Mainstream Nation... Tag Team Championship (2/3 Falls): The Sons of Lucha Libre vs [B]Animal Magic[/B] I was really unsure about this one, but I really don't see what AM can do if they can't challenge for the titles. I think ADM tries to help the Sons cheat, Fire Fly tries to stop him and the distracting gives the Nation the Tag Titles. ADM later joins the Nation and they can do the 'all the gold' thing I love in Heel stables. Six Man Battle: [B]Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win[/B] vs Charles Rainier & Primal Shock Another one I'm unsure on. Primal Shock could really do with a win and I ALWAYs underestimate Rainier, but Xavi is still the hot new act, so I could see you waiting for the big face winning blow-off. [B] Jared Johnson[/B] vs Nicky R!ot R!ot has been solid, but not spectacular throughout his entire run with you, while JJ consistently performs above and beyond expectations. I see JJ taking a major step-up here. [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Joseph vs Quentin Queen BLM is dangerously starting to look like the Guerreros' whipping boy. He probably shouldn't lose to the Nation's whipping boy. Mind you, Double Q could take it after the two factions cancel each other out... Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz vs [B]Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers[/B] Combining my rule that debuting workers, even debuting jobbers, usually win with the fact I'll never pick the Beetoolz. Also I have a soft spot for the Gilberts from my aforementioned 4C game. Especially with the bad-ass Slap Shot alts from the Alts thread...
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Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy[/B] vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix Tap Out Match: Billy Russell vs [B]Speed Machine[/B] Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & ???[/B] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Amazing Fire Fly Tag Team Championship (2/3 Falls): [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Animal Magic Six Man Battle: [B]Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win[/B] vs Charles Rainier & Primal Shock [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Nicky R!ot [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Joseph vs Quentin Queen Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz vs [B]Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers[/B]
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Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy [/B]vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]Apathy will play off of the bros' competitive spirit.[/I] Tap Out Match: Billy Russell vs [B]Speed Machine[/B] [I]Tough one for me as I see Batch getting involved someway somehow.[/I] Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & ???[/B] [I]Just wanna see who ??? will be.[/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Amazing Fire Fly [I]ADM needs to cheat to win and hopefully he will succeed this time.[/I] Tag Team Championship (2/3 Falls): [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Animal Magic [I]AM hasn't done much (or at least not as much as they did as faces) IMO and with those kick @$$ alts of SOLL, I mean hey. . .[/I] Six Man Battle: [B]Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win[/B] vs Charles Rainier & Primal Shock [I]These three have a lil momentum going in due to Xavi's actions but I wouldn't be too surprised if you pulled it out.[/I] [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Nicky R!ot [I]Besides the obvious reasons (North Carolina, yo!!!!), JJ needs the win to sorta even out the rivalry. He hardly dissappoints in the ring compared to R!ot.[/I] [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Joseph vs Quentin Queen [I]BLM has alot going for him out of these three as he is a patriot for PR although I wouldn't be surprised (again?) if QQ pulls it out.[/I] Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz vs [B]Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers [/B] [I]Simply based off of the Gilberts bros' gimmicks. Slapstick hockey is a plus for me, lol.[/I]
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Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy[/B] vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix Tap Out Match: Billy Russell vs [B]Speed Machine[/B] Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & ???[/B] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Amazing Fire Fly Tag Team Championship (2/3 Falls): [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Animal Magic Six Man Battle: Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win vs [B]Charles Rainier & Primal Shock[/B] [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Nicky R!ot [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr [/B]vs Joseph vs Quentin Queen Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz vs [B]Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers [/B]
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Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy[/B] vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]Building a bit of tension between the Phoenii, I'm guessing[/I] Tap Out Match: [B]Billy Russell[/B] vs Speed Machine [I]I just can't get behind Speed Machine for some reason[/I] Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & ???[/B] [I]With the caveat that if ??? is Boriken or a similarly lowly worker, the result is reversed[/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Amazing Fire Fly [I]Seems like a good time to drive the wedge in that bit further[/I] Tag Team Championship (2/3 Falls): [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Animal Magic [I]Cool new renders apart, TSOLL are perfect tag workers[/I] Six Man Battle: [B]Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win[/B] vs Charles Rainier & Primal Shock [I]Tough call, as the two sides are pretty evenly balanced. Still, Carl Batch could make the difference.[/I] Jared Johnson vs [B]Nicky R!ot[/B][I]Rumblings about a new member for AT could be confirmed here - and that could the difference[/I] Boriken Love Machine Jr vs Joseph vs [B]Quentin Queen[/B] [I]I don't have a three-sided coin. If I did, I'd flip it here.[/I] Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz vs [B]Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers [/B] [I]Really the Gilberts? Can't recall them being in any diary I've read lately, so let's have a debut win for them[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][U][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][U][B]FCW Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Thursday 24th April 2014[/SIZE] Attendance: 2000 (Sell Out !) Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch /[B] Backstage[/B] [B]Interviewer:[/B] Katie Cameron [/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B][SIZE=2] & [/SIZE][/B][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG]/ [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG][/I][/CENTER] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [I]Katie Cameron is ringside with the Sons of Lucha Libre, to interview the Tag Team champions.[/I] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] I'm here with the Tag Team Champions the Sons of Lucha Libre...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] Our pleasure senorita Katie.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron[/B]: Now tonight you defend the Tag Team Titles in a two out of three falls match against your long time adversaries Animal Magic.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] Indeed and it's a battle we look forward to once more, we may not like what Animal Magic now stand for but we still have great respect for them as opponents.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] Now if Animal Magic lose they don't get another shot at these belts as long as you remain champions.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] Yes that it is the case and we have every intention of staying the champions for a long time.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] You sound confident that you will walk out the Monty tonight with your belts intact.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] And why wouldn't we be, we have proved we are the best Tag Team in FCW and once we end the challenge of Animal Magic we welcome challenges from all comer's to try and better us.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Capitao Brasil Jr: You[/B] see Senorita Katie, it was a long hard journey for us to win these belts, so we have no intention what so ever to lose them[/COLOR]. [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron[/B]: Now onto another matter, how is the tension between Angel De Mexico and Amazing Fire Fly affecting things in the Lucha Equity Alliance.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Capitao Brasil Jr:[/B] We would rather not comment....[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] It was very noticeable that your leader Angel De Mexico somewhat, and perhaps I could put it a better way, 'screwed' Fire Fly out of the People's Championship. Does this sit well with you ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] As my compandre Capitao said, we would rather not comment[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] But surely the actions of your leader in recent month's goes against the very values of the Lucha Equity Alliance ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] We said no comment........[/COLOR] [I]The Son's of Lucha Libre then storm off, clearly irritated by Katie Cameron's line of questioning over the tensions in the LEA camp.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Match: Bill E Stone & Los Beetoolz (Gringo Starr & Lennon McHarrison) vs Austin Smooth & The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse Gilbert & Joe Gilbert)[/B] Not alot to say about this match, except that it delivered what was expected of it for a pre-show match featuring six lower carders. Austin Smooth picked up the victory for his team when he downed Gringo Starr with the Silky Suplex, which most of the fans in the 'Monty' couldn't really care less about as they were more interested in filling up with Rice and Beans. Even though the Gilberts pick up a 'win' here, they have basically been brought in to add another pair of lower tier workers, as there is only so many times the higher up teams can beat up on Los Beetoolz without it becoming repetitive. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Austin Smooth and Gilbert Brothers defeated Bill E Stone and Los Beetoolz in 6:36 when Austin Smooth defeated Gringo Starr by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [I]Katie Cameron is back out again, this time on free merchandise give away duty.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] The main show begins with Sara Silver standing in the ring with the rest of the Guerrero's del Amor surrounding her. [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] I stand here in this ring, to promise you that tonight will the night that the Mainstream Nation will be brought to an end, the twin belts will he taken from their grasp by either of the Brothers Phoenix and their leader Mainstream Hernandez will face defeat at the hands of Puerto Rican Power and his let to be named partner.....[/COLOR] This gets a positive response from the crowd but their cheers are soon turned to boos as the Mainstream Nation appear on the entrance ramp, and their hated leader Mainstream Hernandez begins to speak.... [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Sara, Sara you seem to be making alot of promises to these uneducated masses........[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] The tide has already turned James, and you can't stop it....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]: The Mainstream Nation are at our best with our backs against the wall, you can force us down with your crooked ways but you'll never eliminate us[/COLOR]. [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver[/B]: No group, stable, faction whatever you wish to call it in the history of wrestling has ever stayed on top forever and your's wil be no different 'Mainstreamer'[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] But you see the difference is that we are not a stable, we are more than that we are a revolution, a revolution that shall not be stopped.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver[/B]: Dress it up all you like Mainstreamer, your so called Mainstream Nation is just a stable of followers without thoughts of their own, a stable of followers who have been sucked in by your gibberish.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] They joined the Mainstream Nation because they saw that those who really cannot think for themselves are in fact everywhere...the masses who decide to accept the status quo, the masses who are willing to be lied to be frauds like Puerto Rican Power[/COLOR]. [I]A shut the f*** up chant pipes up round the Monty.....[/I] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver[/B]: You hear that 'Mainstreamer', the fans don't care what you have to say....they've heard you enough times, when do you realise that no one is buying the Kool-Aid you are trying to sell them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] The Mainstream Nation is here to save them from being fed false promises from the likes of you and these so called 'heroes' that stand beside you...perhaps one day you too Sara will see the light.[/COLOR] [I]The fans continue to get on the Mainstreamer's case.[/I] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Did you not hear these fans the first time, they want you to shut up Mainstreamer, as in permantly shut up and after tonight, your so called revoltion is coming to an end.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Promises, promises, promises that cannot be kept.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Six Man Elimination: [/B] [B]Charles Rainier & Primal Shock (Matt Hocking & Primus) vs [/B] [B]Xavi Ferrera & No! Dance2Win (B-Pev & K-Zing) w/Carl Batch[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesRainierF5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHockingF5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllenF5.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [B][/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_XaviFerrera.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverall_Leather41.jpg[/IMG][SIZE=2] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_Leather21.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/CENTER] Given the bad blood here, there was no surprise that the match began as a chaotic all out brawl with referee Michael 'No BS' Bull struggling to keep control right from the start. Of course amongst all that chaos the Batch Enterprise Inc. trio had a fourth man, as Batch intervened himself into the brawl to help turn things in their favour. When things settled down Matt Hocking found himself isolated in the Batch Enterprises Inc. corner, and despite taking down B-Pev with the Shock Drop II he was unable to follow up with a cover and as he went to tag out myself and Primus were knocked off the apron by Ferrera and K-Zing. Ferrera then somewhat arrogantly headed up top and came crashing down with the High Impact Frogsplash only to miss his mark. At that point Hocking looked set to take advantage but got low blowed from behind by K-Zing who then planted Hocking face first into the canvas with the Move #54 (Forward Russian Legsweep) and that was enough for Batch Enterprises Inc. to take the lead. [B]Elimination #1: Matt Hocking @ 4:55 (Team FREEDOM 2- Batch Enterprises Inc- 3)[/B] But as K-Zing celebrated the elimination, I took him by surprise with a slingshot crossbody, so much so that I managed to pin his shoulders to the mat for a full three count. [B]Elimination #2: K-Zing @ 5:07 (Team FREEDOM 2- Batch Enterprises Inc-2)[/B] B-Pev then entered the ring for the Batch Enterprise Inc duo and peppered me with a series of right hands but I was able to take him down with a leg lariat and tag Primus into the match. The match then settled down for a bit as Primus and myself combined with some neat double teams, leading to myself heading up top to finish B-Pev off with a Moonsault but Xavi Ferrera came round to grab my legs, that caught the attention of Michael Bull, only for Primus to get laid out with a slapjack shot from Carl Batch. I managed to kick Ferrera off the apron but as I finally launched myself off the top turnbuckle, B-Pev managed to move out of the way, the Rapid Eye Movement series followed but B-Pev was unable to gather the energy to follow up with a cover. It then became a race to make the tag out but with Primus still laid out on the outside, it as B-Pev who managed to get the tag into Xavi Ferrera. Ferrera then nailed me with a super-kick before picking me up and tossing me into the turnbuckle with the Buckle Bomb. I then fell into a heap and Ferrera made the academic cover. [B]Elimination #3: Charles Ranier@ 9:47 (Team FREEDOM 1- Batch Enterprises Inc-2)[/B] A groggy and weary Primus then finally made it back into the ring, and he walked straight into another superkick from Xavi Ferrera who then decided to strut around the ring and remind the fans that he was 'hotter than Piri Piri'. That display of arrogance proved to be a mistake as Primus rose to his feet and then laid Ferrera out with an explosive clothesline. Primus had now suddenly got a second wind. Noticing that B-Pev was about to intervenened, he then knocked the remaining half of No! Dance2Win off the apron but then got nailed from behind by Xavi Ferrera with a spin-kick. Ferrera then went to snap off a pop up rana he dubs the Ferrererana but Primus managed to hold on and reversed into a powerbomb into a folding press and that was enough for Primus to even things back up for Team FREEDOM and for it to ultimately come down to a straight one on one match. [B]Elimanation #4: Primus@ 11:48 (Team FREEDOM 1- Batch Enterprises Inc-1)[/B] B-Pev then entered the ring and peppered Primus with his tradmemark punches but to no avail and a desperate Carl Batch got up on the apron to intervene with a slapjack shot but Primus managed to duck and instead B-Pev l felt the full brunt of his managers favoured foreign object. Primus then knocked B-Pev half way cross the ring with the Rrrruuussshhh, sending the No! Dance2Win man into Batch for good measure in the process. Primus then made the cover to ensure that Team FREEDOM secured a come from behind victory and managed to overcome the odds stacked against them by Batch's meddling from the outside. An OK but far from great opener, as much of the match felt a little rushed. The way the match was laid out was very much there to remind fans that Primus can be this unstoppable powerhouse. However the problem is that he lost that aura some time back and the fans weren't really buying into him going all Jim Force on Batch Enterprises Inc. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Charles Rainier and Primal Shock defeated Xavi Ferrera and No ! Dance2Win in 12:37.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Jared Johnson vs Nicky R!ot[/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] R!ot managed to get the early advantage in the match by blindsinding Double J on the entrance ramp before they even got into the ring. The first few minutes then saw the Affliction Trinity man dominate Johnson, without putting him away and interspersing his relatively basic yet effective offence by stalling to taunt both the Team FREEDOM man and the fans. R!ot then somewhat arrogantly headed up to the second turnbuckle and then went for a leg-drop only for Double J to move out of the way at the last split second. As they got back up to their feet R!ot went for a clothesline only for Johnson to duck and then tag him with a drop-kick. Double J then knocked R!ot down again with a leg-lariat, then following in with a quick cover. R!ot managed to power out but Johnson kept up the pressure with a double leg-take down and then followed up by raining a series of punches down on his one time former stable mate. R!ot managed to power his way back to his feet though only for Johnson to snap off another drop-kick that sent R!ot stumbling back into the corner, that was then followed by a fired up Double J stomping a mudhole into R!ot, before dragging the Affliction Trinity man out. R!ot kicked out of the subsequent pin and then used his size advantage to once again get a foothold back in the match, as he managed to overpower Double J into an over the shoulder backbreaker. With Johnson's back still feeling the effects of the last move, R!ot kept the pressure on by dragging Double J back up to a vertical base and then lifting the youngster from Carolina up into a delayed vertical suplex, keeping Johnson hanging upside down for a full 30 seconds. That earned R!ot a close two count, who then taunted Johnson to get back to his feet before nailing the Team FREEDOM man with a fore-arm smash. R!ot then appeared to be setting up for the 'Charles Peterson' (Exploder Suplex) but Johnson was able to block and then countered into a Side Russian Leg-sweep. However the youngster from Carolina was too worn down to follow up with an immediate cover but as they got back to their feet Johnson continued to turn the match back in his favour by taking R!ot off his feet with a baseball slide. Double J then turned R!ot over onto his stomach and went to apply the Carolina Crossface, but R!ot managed to use his size and power to shrug that off, however a chop block from Johnson took R!ot back down to the mat again and this time Double J looked to plant the Affliction Trinity man's face into the canvas with the Tar Heel Stomp but R!ot managed to shrug that off and then turn himself onto his back and kick Johnson off. R!ot then turned things fully back in his favour again by charging into Johnson as the Team FREEDOM man was propping himself back up against the ring ropes. R!ot then took a dazed Johnson and planted him back onto the mat with a slingshot suplex. That earned R!ot a close two count, who then taunted Johnsons back up to his feet before winding up for the Sub Pop Bop but Double J had it scouted and then tagged R!ot with an Enziguri before slumping to the mat. R!ot then managed to get back to his feet first and went to take Johnson down with a clothesline only for Double J to duck under and then knock R!ot down with a leg lariat and then follow up with a facebreaker as R!ot staggered back to his feet. With R!ot down, Johnson then decided to take a risk by heading for the top rope but he did not have the Affliction Trinity man sufficiently weakend and R!ot was back up to his feet and managed to cut Johnson off on the top-rope. The two then traded punches up on the top-rope until R!ot somewhat expectantly managed to get the better of the exchange and then sent both crashing back into he ring with a superplex ! However in mid flight Johnson managed to turn his body round so that he would end up on top of R!ot as they hit the canvas on impact and suddenly the Affliction Trinity man found himself in a pinning predicament....... One........ Two...... Three ! And the Jared Johnson fanatic in the front row of Section C of the 'Monty' practically goes crazy over the realisation that his 'man' has pulled out the victory ! R!ot himself was in equal shock at what just happened, the Affliction Trinity man banged the mat in frustration before getting in Dewey Libertine's face, telling the referee 'no way that was a three count'. Meanwhile Johnson was smart enough to get out of the ring before R!ot could exact some sort of post match retribution. These two put together a good solid match here. Neither really managed to nail any of the their major moves, but that doesn't always need to be the case for there to be a good match, the fact that both managed to have their opponent scouted enough to counter one anothers offence effectively, makes for more intrigue for further clashes between these two down the line and with Double J finally scoring a victory, albeit a none too decisive one over R!ot there is little doubt that these two will hook up again. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Jared Johnson defeated Nicky R!ot in 14:14 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Boriken Love Machine Jr vs [/B] [B]Joseph w/Alyssa Viperini vs Quentin Queen[/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BorikenLoveMachine.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RegularJoe_alt1.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowenGoth1.jpg[/IMG][COLOR=white] __[/COLOR][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_QuentinQueen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Though not a bad match, this definitely fell into the role of being the 'filler' match of the night and pretty much just an excuse to get these three on the card (if Dean Daniels was available this would no doubt have ended up a 4CS). The exchanges between the Guerrero's Boriken and the Mainstream Nation's Joseph were where the match picked up in intensity. Double Q of course tried his best to take advantage of the other two focusing so intensenly on one another, and it lead to a fairly amusing moment where Boriken and Joseph worked in tandem to double clothesline Quentin Queen out of the ring, so they could continue beating seven bells out of each other ! The finishing stretch saw Quentin Queen hit a double missile drop-kick on both of his opponents, with Boriken crashing out of the ring and Joseph left prone in the middle....Double Q then went to finish the Mainstream Nation man off with the Q-Ball, but Joseph was playing possum and managed to block the move and then counter into the Misery Be Shared (Wrist Clutch Fisherman Brainbuster)....however Boriken then re-entered the ring and stunned Joseph with the Love Gun (Double Knee Facebreaker) to pick up the victory in front of the 'home' crowd. [COLOR=red][B]Result: Boriken Love Machine Jr defeated Joseph and Quentin Queen in 10:01 when Boriken Love Machine Jr defeated Joseph by pinfall.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Rating: D+[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Tag Team Championship:[/B] [B] The Sons of Lucha Libre (El Mitico Jr & Capitao Brasil Jr) vs [/B] [B]Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) w/ Alyssa Viperini[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElMiticoJr_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CapitaoBrazilJr_alt21.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]vs[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowenGoth1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This match is pretty much a do or die situation for Animal Magic, at least of the forseeable future as far as their ambitions for holding the Tag Titles again are concerned. Because if they fail to win the titles, as long as the Sons of Lucha Libre remain champions they won't get another title shot. It came as little surprise when Animal Magic tried to jump the champions before the bell (they are heels and they are desperate) least of all to the Sons themselves who knew what was coming, and countered with stereo drop-kicks that sent the challengers out of the ring. As Animal Magic tried to regroup the Sons came crashing through the ropes with stereo dives. El Mitico Jr then rolled a shell shocked Masked Cougar back into the ring, then instead of going straight for the cover he levelled Cougar with a lariat, before scooping the Animal Magic man up into the Mitico Driver....... One..... Two.... Three ! Mitico had just put his team one fall up, and the challengers were already playing catch up this early in the match. [B]Fall #1: El Mitico pinned Masked Cougar @ 2:24 (Sons of Lucha Libre 1- Animal Magic 0)[/B] As the second fall got under way Cougar was still isolated on the champions side of the ring and the champions began to work over Cougars legs. But a distraction from Alyssa Viperini allowed for Fox Mask to sneak round and take Mitico's legs out on the apron with a Kendo Stick. Meanwhile Capitao Brasil Jr was trying to get his A Prayer for Mercy (Inverted Figure Four) submission locked on but Cougar managed to sneak in a low blow as he kicked Capitao away and with Mitico just taken out from a sneak attack by Fox Mask, Cougar was able to tag out to his partner, who then unleashed a flurry of kicks, before going for a quick cover. Capitao managed to kick out but he was sufficiently softened up enough for Fox Mask to drag him back to the Animal Magic corner and take control of the match. Animal Magic then proceeded to work over Capitao in their corner, all the while interspersing their double teams (that included a bow and arrow hold from Cougar followed by a slingshot double stomp from Fox Mask) with quick covers but to their frustration a determined and defiant Capitao Brasil Jr kept kicking out. Capitao's defiance, lead to the challengers beginning to lose even more desperate and dirty tactics with Alyssa Viperini doing her best to distract highly gullible ref Michael 'No BS' Bull. But for all the cheap shots Capitao still kept hanging on in there, but Mitico who had now fully recovered was becoming increasingly frustrated and each time he tried to get Bull to wise up to the challengers tactics, Bull would just order Mitco back to his corner as Animal Magic continued to get in more cheap shots. It only seemed a matter of time before Animal Magic would be able to put Capitao away and even the match up at one a piece but the 'Brazilian' still had enough left in him to duck under the Last Hunt (Stereo Enziguri's) causing the challengers to collide with themselves. But it was if though Capitao had just used up his last ounce of energy, and he simply slumped to the mat before attempting to crawl back across the ring to get the tag into a fired up El Mitico Jr. Just as it looked like Capitao would make that tag, Animal Magic managed to recover and cut Capitao off before knocking Mitico off the apron.An incensed Mitico then jumped into the ring before getting sent back to his corner as Animal Magic fired off a snapmare/basement dropkick sequence on the worn down Capitao. But even after that Capitao still somehow had enough left in the tank to kick out. Animal Magic then dragged Capitao back over their corner and then proceeded to set up Capitao up on the top rope, both Fox Mask and Cougar then joined him up top, and it soon became apparent that they were about to go for the double team Fox Flip Off DDT but Capitao managed to fight them off with back elbows causing the Animal Magic pair of fall back into the ring and then as they got back to their feet, in desperation more than anything Capitao launched himself off the top, before connecting with both members of Animal Magic with a moonsault press. Mitico then waited desperately for Capitao to make the hot tag but just a it looked like Capitao would make the tag, Animal Magic managed to to cut the ring in half again, however this time Capitao managed to dive through the legs of Masked Cougar and the finally get the tag into Mitico who launched himself into the ring with a slinghsot shoulder block. Mitico then cleaned house on Animal Magic, that included a series of release German Suplexes on both Fox Mask and Cougar. Mitico then clotheslined Fox Mask out of the ring before turning his attention back to Cougar and then planting the man he had already pinned earlier in the match witha Quicksilver Suplex..... One..... Two..... Thr..... Fox Mask broke up the pin with the Fox Hunter (Shining Wizard Enziguri) but as he went to cover Mitico he was rightly told by Michael Bull that he was not the legal man. Fox Mask then managed to get Cougar to drag himself back over to their corner and officially tag him back into the match. With Mitico still struggling to get back to his feet Fox Mask unleashed a flurry of kicks on Mitico before setting the bigger half of the defending champions up for the Fox Flip Off DDT !! Fox Mask managed to get all of it and it looked as though the match was finally going to get evened up at one fall a piece.... One..... Two..... Thr..... No ! Capitao Brasil Jr dived in at the last second to make the save...... From there things began to break down as Fox Mask came charging at Capitao but the Brazilian managed to use the momentum to send Fox Mask out of the ring with a headscissors takedown. Masked Cougar then entered the ring and took Capitao out with the Cougar Pounce (Spear !)....but as Cougar went for the cover, Bull rightly pointed out yet again that he was not the legal man. Fox Mask then rolled back into the ring and ordered Cougar to turn their attention back to El Mitico Jr, who they whipped back into their corner before charging in with stereo drop-kicks. Mitico then slumped out of the corner....... One..... Two.... Thr..... To Animal Magic's frustation Mitico managed to kick out. Desperate to get the fall back by any means necessary now Alyssa Viperini then tossed in a kendo stick into Masked Cougar. As Fox Mask held Mitico in place, Cougar then wound up to 'hit one out of the park' but Mitico ended up ducking and Cougar ended up striking his own partner instead. Mitico then knocked the kendo stick out of Cougar's hand only for Cougar to retake control with a knee strike to the gut, before planting Mitico onto the mat with a leg-sweep. However instead of going for the cover, Cougar waited for Mitico to get up and then rushed in with a Cougar Pounce but Mitico managed to side step put of the way, with the momentum sending Cougar through the ropes and crashing into Alyssa Viperini ! With Cougar and the inteferring Viperini wiped out on the floor. Mitico turned his attention back to Fox Mask, who was still seeing stars from the mis-timed kendo stick shot from Cougar. Mitico whipped Fox Mask into the Sons of Lucha Libre corner and then tagged in Capitao who then set up on the apron as Mitico set the dazed Fox Mask up on his shoulders. Fox Mask however began to come to and tried to fight his way out of the Electric Chair posiiton but he came too a little too late as Capitao managed to springboard in off the tope rope and send Fox Mask crashing back to the mat with a head-scissors take-down, as the Sons managed to complete their signature double team move the LUCHA DREAMS ! And with Cougar still wiped out on the floor that was enough for The Sons of Lucha Libre to seal victory by two straight falls and to ensure that the Tag Team Titles stay around their waists. A good tag team title defence for the Sons, and the two out of three falls format is quickly becoming their speciality, with them winning their matches in these matches, against the Affliciton Trinity and this one against Animal Magic both by two straight falls. However with no immediate title shot in sight one has to wonder if this spells the end for Animal Magic as a team ? [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Sons of Lucha Libre defeated Animal Magic in 18:36 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening when Capitão Brasil Jr defeated Fox Mask by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]The Sons of Lucha Libre retain the FCW Tag Team titles.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]_________________________________________________________ [B]Match #5: People's Championship:[/B] [B] Angel De Mexico vs Amazing Fire Fly[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][COLOR=white][COLOR=black][B] vs[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmazingFireFly.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/CENTER] Whatever way this match goes, it will ensure a good night for the Lucha Equity Alliance unless either champion or challenger decides to defect from the stable during or after the match, which given that things have clearly boiled over between Angel De Mexico and Fire Fly has a definite possibility of happening. The match begins with the two squaring up to one another, and though Angel is not exactly the biggest wrestler in the world he still has a height and general size advantage over the pint sized Fire Fly. After some exchange of words, Fire Fly unleashes a flurry of strikes on Angel only for the LEA leader to brush them off and shove Fire Fly down.Angel then taunts Fire Fly to charge at him. A fired up Fire Fly duly does, but once again Angel just swots his fellow stable member away. Angel then taunts Fire Fly to get up and bring the 'fight' to him again but once again Angel uses Fire Fly's fired up atttidue against him, as he uses the momentum to snap off a series of arm-drags before holding Fire Fly down on the mat with a simple seated hammerlock. Angel at this stage lets Fire Fly get back to his feet, before pointing to his head and suggesting to Fire Fly that he's always going to be one step ahead in the match. Fire Fly who was letting emotion get the better of him, charged in off the ropes again at Angel, only for the LEA leader to move out of the way and then take Fire Fly down with a leg lariat. Angel then strutted round the ring for a bit, telling the fans and Fire Fly that he was LEA's Numero Uno ! With Fire Fly still down Angel then decided to go for a quebrada but his earlier arrogance caught up with him as Fire Fly moved out of the way and then went for a quick roll up on Angel. Angel managed to kick out but Fire Fly then snapped off a spinning head-scissors, leading into him into another pin attempt. Angel again was able to kick out just in time and before Fire Fly could keep the pressure up, rolled out of the ring for a powder. Feeling that the match was now moving in Fire Fly's favour, Angel gestured that he had had enough and began to head back up the entrance ramp but a fired up Fire Fly was having none of it and the dimunitive high flyer launched himself at Angel with a springboard senton, that he then quickly turned into a rana as Angel caught him in the powerbomb position. Fire Fly then pitched Angel back into the ring before deciding to head up top and wait for Angel to stagger back to his feet....Fire Fly then launched himself off the tope rope with a flying cross-body......Angel managed to kick out of the subsequent cover but Fire Fly kept the pressure up, snapping of a series of tilt a whirl head scissors to further disorientate the LEA leader, that lead into Fire Fly locking the Infest Hazard (Triangle Choke) but Angel's ring positioning was such, that he managed to back himself over the bottom rope to force the rope break. The rope break gave Angel some time to catch his breath and then cheap shot Fire Fly, who was being told to stay back by Dewey Libertine. Angel then whipped Fire Fly across the ring into the corner, only for Fire Fly to shoot off the turnbuckle and take Angel down with a springboard drop-kick. Fire Fly then snapped off another spinning head-scissors before deciding to head up but Angel was soon back to his feet and cut Fire Fly off before sending his fellow LEA member crashing back into the ring with a top rope hurrucanrana. That move had taken a bit out of Angel as well, but he was still up to his feet first and as Fire Fly staggered back to his feet Angel was able to catch him with the Acapulco Twist (Corkscrew Neckbreaker)...... One....... Two....... Thr..... To Angel's astonishment and frustration Fire Fly managed to get a shoulder up just in time. Angel then paced around for a bit before deciding to send Fire Fly into the corner once more and come charging in with a flying fore-arm smash.The LEA leader then decided to place Fire Fly on the top-rope but before Angel could deliver what he had in mind...the dimnutive high flyer flipped off the top turnbuckle over Angel and then stunned the LEA leader with a standing drop-kick. Fire Fly then snapped off yet another head-scissors this time transitioning it into the El Cristo (Crucifix Pin)....... One...... Two...... Angel kicked out, and then seemed to regain control with a simple fore-arm smash. Angel thne whipped Fire Fly across the ring but the ultra quick Fire Fly used the momentum to shoot off the ring ropes and nail the LEA leader with a springboard moonsault press. That lead to another two count for Fire Fly who then decided to head up top and with Angel still flat on the mat he launched off with the Sky High Fire Fly (Shooting Star Senton) but Angel managed to move out of the way at the last split second....... Angel then rolled Fire Fly up...... One..... Two....... What had also quickly become noticeable was that Angel was grabbing the tights of Fire Fly..... Three ! Angel De Mexico had managed to retain the title by the skin of his teeth or should that be by a handful of lycra ? Angel's desperation to keep the Peoples Championship round his waist by any means necessary was hardly endearing him to the fans. That was a solid match between those two, though there is the feeling they could produce even better against one another if they are allowed to become more familiar with one another as opponents. They seemed to hold back a little here, between the bursts of energy that Fire Fly injects into everyone of his matches and much of the work here (especially early on in the match) was to further establish Angel's gradual change in attitude. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ángel De México defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 12:15 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Ángel De México retains the FCW People's Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [I]Post match and Angel De Mexico grabs the microphone and addresses a dejected Amazing Fire Fly who is heading back up the entrance ramp.[/I] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Fire Fly you gave me one hell of a match there, but I showed once again that I am better than you. You are a great talent, that is why I invited you into the LEA but you need to know your place, and right now your place is to support me , not to outshine me ! As long as you continue to challenge my position Fire Fly I will have to continue putting you in your rightful place, however if you accept that I am your superior, then I am willing to forgive you and the LEA can move on.[/COLOR] [I]Fire Fly doesn't give any sort of answer to what Angel just said and just simply heads back up the entrance ramp.[/I] [COLOR=darkgreen]Fine, but be warned you continue to go againsy my leadership and you will pay the consequences and Sons of Lucha Libre, I know you have decided not to take sides between myself and Fire Fly but the same goes for you...continue to back me and we can the LEA to even greater heights, go against me and I guarantee it'll be a decision you regret ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]The Tag showdown between Puerto Rican Power and his mystery partner against Mainstream Hernandez and Soul Krusher is up next (they're unaccompanied by Alyssa Viperini who is still recovering from being accidently Cougar Pounced in the Tag Title match). The Mainstream Nation head out ot the ring first, and as ever are treated to a chorus of boos from the fans, before Power makes his way onto the entrance ramp to a big cheer from the fans. There's a bit of a pause before Power's mystery partner is revealed and Mainstream Hernandez can be seen mouthing 'who the hell are you ?!'....[/I] [I]Then Alex Braun emerges to a mild cheer from the fans. It's understable that some are going to be a little disappointed that it wasn't a big new signing but given the history between Braun and the Mainstream Nation it makes sense that he would be the mystery partner....[/I] [COLOR=sienna][B]Alex Braun:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez, you may have removed me from my position as the FCW Commissioner but there was nothing in the stip to say that I would have to leave FCW for good. You see by removing me from Power, the FCW officials got in someone who wants you and your Mainstream Nation brought to heel as much as me, your former beau Sara Silver. You've got Sara, me and the Guerrero's del Amor to contend with every step of the way now.[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna] You thought that by removing me from power that the Mainstream Nation could just take over and run roughshod over this great company that the man standing beside me help to build, well news to you that was just never going to happen and as long as the Guerrero's del Amor are still standing, we will never let you and your Mainstream Nation run the rule on this Island ![/COLOR] [I]Throughout Braun's promo the Mainstreamer could be seen pacing round the ring, seething with anger that the man he thought he had sent packing from FCW at Batalla Final was back once more and ready to do battle against him.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Puerto Rican Power & Alex Braun vs [/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AlexBraun.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandezEmo1.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Power and Braun storm the ring and as expected it break down into a big melee like brawl at the start with the action spilling out to the ringside area. The Guerrero's del Amor control the early going with Braun taking the fight to Hernandez and Power laying into Soul Krusher. Things then begin to settle down with Power having sent Soul Krusher sprawling into the front row with a SAN JUAN RUSH ! As they brought the match back into the ring Mainstream Hernandez was left isolated with Alex Braun. Braun was then about to hit the Braun Damage but the Mainstreamer countered that with a love blow and then countered with a DDT that he soon turned into the Love Me Now ! But before the Mainstreamer could really synch in the submission Puerto Rican Power was able to break it up. Things then settled down with Power and Braun taking turns to dish out some punishment on the Mainstream Nation leader in their corner but just as Power was about to powerbomb Hernandez, Soul Krusher re-entered the ring and clubbed Power from behind, Hernandez then wriggled free before collapsing to the mat, before Krusher planted Power onto the mat with a sideslam. Michael Bull then ordered Krusher back to his corner and it then became a race to see who could tag out first. Both Krusher and Braun were tagged in at the same time, and soon Krusher's size and Power became too much for the veteran, who no longer had the speed to provide an effective counter to the Mainstream Nation Monster's offence. Krusher literally threw Braun round the ring, with the intention to wear the former FCW Commissioner down before going for a big splash in the corner, however despite not being as fast as he once was Braun was able to move out of the way at the last split second and then stunthe big man with a step up Enziguri. But as he attempted to tag Power back in, Mainstream Hernandez re-entered the ring and dragged Braun back, before getting a cheap shot in on the patriotic former Undisputed Champion. Krusher who was the legal man had now recovered and levelled Braun with a clothesline before tossing Braun into the Mainstream Nation Corner. Krusher then scooped Braun up for a powerslam before tossing in Hernandez who came crashing down upon Braun with an elbow drop for a two count. The Mainstream Nation pair then proceeded to stomp away on Braun, with Hernandez goading Power into the ring to 'save' his partner, as Krusher pummelled away on Braun. With Power tying Bull up with his protestations....Mainstream Hernandez then held Braun in place, as Krusher entered the ring with a steel chair...Krusher then lined up to take a swing at Braun, but the former commissioner managed to duck out of the way and Krusher ended up waffling Mainstream Hernandez instead. Braun then hit a desperation standing drop-kick, that sent the chair back into Krusher's face before collapsing to the mat. But with Krusher and Hernandez both still down Braun was able to get the hot tag into Puerto Rican Power. Hernandez stirred first but was immediately sent out of the ring with a clothesline....Krusher then clubbed Power from behind but then got tagged with a roaring elbow, and then stumbled into an Atomic Drop, a huge spinebuster then followed, before delivering the SAN JUAN RUSH ! One.... Two..... Hernandez dove back into break it up but was intercepted by Alex Braun...who then drilled the Mainstreamer with the BRAUN DAMAGE (Brainbuster)...... Power who was still the legal man then went back to covering Krusher..... One..... Two..... Three ! Krusher was still out of it, as the Mainstream Nation pair were left defeated in the middle of the ring. A messy match, that lived more on the fact that the men in the ring are pretty over with the crowd. I was hoping to get in someone other than Braun for this match, but the talent available to sign right now, wasn't going to bring anything more to this match than Braun and wouldn't have really fit in either in a storyline sense. Hernanez and Krusher also failed to recapture the magic they had as a team during their reign as champions. Though they didn't really have any noticeable communication problems (apart from the one that was booked leading to the finish) they just didn't seem to be as smooth together as a team, that may be to do with the fact that Hernandez has mostly been working singles since their tandem broke up and also the fact that Krusher who was never the quickest mover around the ring is beginning to slow down a little more. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Puerto Rican Power and Alex Braun defeated Mainstream Nation in 11:09 when Puerto Rican Power defeated Soul Krusher by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Tap Out Match: [/B] [B]Billy Russell vs Speed Machine w/Carl Batch[/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-SubZeroFIN.jpg[/IMG] w/ [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This match was in the semi main event slot at the last Puerto Rico show and it failed to deliver but that may have been more to do with the fact that the match was booked in such a way that it was basically a building block to this match (in hindsight that installment probably should have been booked as a midcard match). However this installment has a stipulation that plays to their strengths and after two draws there has to be a winner this time, which should make for a more satisfying conclusion. The circle each other rather wearily to begin with, before locking up, Billy Russell forces a go behind only for Speed Machine to get a standing switch. The first few minutes continue in this vein with both of them trying to get control over the other on the mat. Eventually Russell seems to be able to get Speed turned over for a single leg crab, only for the Batch Enterprises man to be able to kick the former MMA star off with his free leg. Russell charges back in towards Speed, but gets caught with a knee to the gut and is then driven to the mat with a hammerlock divorce court by Speed. Speed then tries to get his Speedbreaker 2000 Cross Armbreaker locked on but Russell manages to clasp his hands together to prevent Speed from getting a hold. A series of elbow strikes from Russell then forces Speed to release the whole completely. The former MMA star then manages to grab hold of Speed's right leg and then takes the former People's Champion down with a Dragon Screw and then turning Speed over once more into a single leg crab. Speed then started to fight his way back to his feet only for Russell to pull Speed back down and then grapevine the leg into his devastating Grounded Knee Bar submission. But Speed has already managed to pull himself close to the ropes and the Batch Enterprises man managed to dig down and force the rope break. One the rope break Speed then hobbled back to his feet, only for Russell to take him down with a single leg take-down but as the former MMA star looked to go back to working on Speed's right leg again, the former People's champion had the ingenuity to flip Russell out of the ring with a monkey flip and even though Speed was in condition to follow up the defensive manouevre did manage to buy him a little bit of time. Russell then looked sent to re-enter the ring only for Carl Batch to get in his face and Batch's distraction was enough for Speed to blindside Russell with a baseball slide, that sent the local hero into the guard-rail. Speed then got a hold of Russell's left arm, yanking down on it over the top of the guard-rail. Speed then dazed Russell with a series of fore-arm strikes before placing the former MMA stars arm against the guard-rail and deliver a series of kicks, pressing the already injured arm of Russell against the cold steel. Speed then pitched Russell back into the ring, having turned the match a full 180 in his favour on the outside. Speed then proceeded to stomp away on Russell before taunting the former MMA star back to his feet, before driving Russell back down to the canvas with an arm wringer. Speed then continued to kick away at Russell's left arm, which was now lamely hanging to his side. Speed then tried to lock on the Speedbreaker 2000 only for Russell to still be aware enough to turn himself over onto his back and then kick Speed off. Speed then charged back at Russell, only for the former MMA star to take him down with a drop toe hold and then attempt to lock on the grounded knee bar, but the damage done to Russell's arm meant that that he was unable to get a good grip and the Batch Enterprises man was able to wriggle free. Speed then rolled out of the ring, but Russell was smart enough not to give chase and simply waited for Speed to step back inside. They circled one as both tried to hide the fact that the damage done to their arms (Russell) and legs (Speed) was beginning to really slow them down. They then proceeded to fire off a series of strikes against one another, with Speed then seemingly taking control with a knee to Russell's mid-section. Speed then looked to double underhook Russell's arms as he looked to drive the former MMA star into the canvas with a Speed Snap but Russell was able to wriggle his way free and then tackled Speed down to the mat with a double leg take-down. Russell then tried to get a hold of Speed leg once more, only for the former People's champion to be able to kick him off once more. Speed then stunned Russell with a roaring elbow as the Puerto Rican star charged in, that was then followed by Speed double underhooking Russell's arm's once again and driving the former MMA man down to the mat with the Speed Snap. However instead to immediately following up with a submission, Speed decided to head up top, but the Batch Enterprises man was obviously slowed by the damage done to his legs and Russell was able to get back to his feet and cut Speed off. However as Russell tried to climb the ropes, Speed kicked him off and then dove off the top-rope to take Russell down with a flying armbar that he immediately transtioned into the Speebreaker 2000 ! Speed had the hold locked on right in the middle of the ring but just as it looked like Russell was starting to fade, the former MMA star began to fight back with a series of elbow strikes, then all of a sudden Russell managed to get hold of Speed's right leg and turn the Batch Enterprises man into an ankle lock, Speed then tried to use his free leg to nail Russell with an Enziguri but Russell managed to duck under and then wrench back on the ankle lock by grapevining the leg. Speed now looked like he was about to tap out, but then managed to dig down to force his way over to the ropes and force a rope break. Speed then 'accidently' shoved Billy Russell intp referee Dewey Libertine , causing the balding ref to hit the mat as though he had just been shot from the circle balcony of the Monty. Batch then got up on the apron to get in Russell's face, with Speed still trying to shake off the effects of the ankle lock. Batch then swung a slapjack at Russell, but the former MMA star was able to nail Batch with an elbow shot that saw Batch take a tumble off the apron. However Speed was now up and he suddenly produced a slapjack out of his shiny silver and blue leggings, and as Russell turned around, Speed cracked the foreign object over the head of the local star. Speed then locked on the Speedbreaker 2000 just as Dewey Libertine was coming back to his senses. Russell of course was completely out cold from the slapjack shot and with no response coming from the former shoot fighter, Libertine unaware of what had just gone before saw no choice but to call for the bell. Another controversial finish between these two, there was a winner this time but Russell will rightly feel agrieved about the result, so this feud does not look like it has been settled yet. But this was much better than their last outing, with the stipulation of the match really playing to their strengths with both Speed and Russell doing some fine selling work to put over the limb focused work of their opponent. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Speed Machine defeated Billy Russell in 22:36 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Post match Carl Batch taunts gets into the ring and stands over Billy Russell microphone in hand....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Yo'fool you think you could better the Speed Machine, you have been a big playa in da past Billy, but ya ain't no playa now....Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ![/COLOR] [I]Russell starts to come to but then collapes on his feet.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred]Face it you done Billy, you done, you ain't in this playa's league....[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=black]Batch then herds a victorious Speed Machine out of the ring, as Russell is helped back to his feet by ringside personnel. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]A video package is then shown to hype up the three way Undisputed Title match between the Mainstream Nation's Apathy and the Guerrero's del Amor's Ultimate Phoenix and Phoenix Negra. It does a good job of building anticipation for the match, showing the past title triumphs of the Brothers Phoenix as well as Apathy's recent title defences. Ultimately it asks if one Phoenix can set their own ambitions aside to help seize the Twin Belts from the Mainstream Nation.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Undisputed Championship:[/B] [B] Apathy vs Phoenix Negra vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MeanJeanCattley-FIN.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][COLOR=white] ___[/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Apathy is accompanied to the ring by Mainstream Hernandez but the Mainstream Nation leader is told by Michael 'No BS' Bull on the orders of FCW Commissioner Sara Silver that he must leave ringside or Apathy will be stripped of the title, that announcement gets a huge pop from the crowd and the Mainstreamer scuttles off to the back, seething at the power play his ex girlfriend had just pulled. Following the pomp and ceremony of the introductions, the bell rings to start the match... all three men are masked, yet in their eyes you can see the focus, the intensity, the desire to be the top dog in FCW. The tension builds as they circle one another and then the Brothers Phoenix both unleash kicks at Apathy. The former tag champs then unleash a flurry of stereo kicks and it soon becomes that the Guerrero's del Amor pair have a game plan in place eliminate Apathy and the title will be out of the hands of the Mainstream Nation. The Brothers Phoenix continue to work in tandem peppering the Mainstream Nation man with strikes and kicks but Apathy shows some resillience (something that actually gets Apathy some appreciation from the crowd, despite being a member of the despised Mainstream Nation) and begins to fire back. But the Brothers Phoenix double teaming soon starts to wear Apathy down and it culiminates in them combining on a legsweep/leg lariat high low combo that brings the resillient Apathy crashing down to the mat. Ultimate Phoenix then seeing an opportunity to pin Apathy goes for a standing moonsault and perhaps unintentionally goes for a pin attempt but is quickly pulled off by Phoenix Negra...there is then a tense moment as the Brothers Phoenix begin to argue with each other. It does not lead to them coming to blows but there brief lapse of focus on wearing down Apathy, allows for the champion to semi blindside them with a double clothesline. Negra is up first but is driven down to the mat with a side slam, Ultimate Phoenix then pops up with a spin kick but Apathy ducks under and then levels the former two time Undisputed Champion with a fore arm smash before launching Phoenix overhead with a release belly to belly suplex. But Apathy doesn't have any time to follow up as Negra pops back to his feet and nails the Mainstream Nation member with a standing drop-kick, that sends Apathy crashing through the ropes, Negra then sets up for the no hands sommersault plancha only for Ultimate Phoenix to pop back up to his feet and then prevent Negra from going ahead with the move. For some reason The Brothers Phoenix then proceed to argue again in the middle of the ring before both decided to go for the no hands plancha in tandem ! but the decision to go with a stereo version of their signature move to try and wipe out Apathy backfired as the champion moved out of the way and both of The Brothers Phoenix crashed and burned as they went flying into the guard-rail. Like a vulture picking on scraps Apathy then sent the Brothers Phoenix hurtling into opposite guard-rails before charging in with running knee strikes to each of his two challengers. After breaking up referee Bull's twenty count, Apathy then lifted Negra up into a military press before dropping Negra chest first across the guard-rail. Ultimate Phoenix then came charging from the opposite guard-rail but was soon turned inside out with a clothesline from Apathy. With Negra still trying to shake off the effects of being dropped chest first against the guard-rail, Apathy then pitched Phoenix back into the ring. Phoenix kicked out of the subsequent pin attempt but Apathy was now fully in control and when he shot Phoenix off into the ropes he was able to use the momentum to send the former two time champion crashing down across his knee with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker and then follow up with a German Suplex into a bridging pin...... One...... Two..... Thr...... Phoenix managed to get a shoulder up just in time, but Apathy now looked to be in total control and he began to set up for the Mood Swing. But all of a sudden Phoenix Negra was back on the apron and he nailed Apathy with a springboard drop-kick before the champion could dump Ultimate Phoenix and still walk out of the arena with the twin belts intact around his waist. Negra then climbed up top and as Apathy was getting back to his feet dived off the top-rope to drive the champion down to the mat with a Tornado DDT. However instead of going for the cover, Negra told Phoenix to get back up and help him 'finish' Apathy off. They waited for the Mainstream Nation man to get back to feet before sending the champion flat on his back with stereo standing drop kicks. With Apathy down Negra then followed in with a standing shooting star press as Phoenix headed up top and then came crashing down upon the champion with the PHOENIX FIREBIRD SPLASH ! One.... Two... Thr.... But just like last time Phoenix went for the cover, Negra pulled him off and this time began to fire-away on his former nemesis turned ally with a combination of kicks, Phoenix then fired back and all of a sudden the match was on between the Guerrero's del Amor pair as Apathy appeared to be lying helplessly in the corner. Either Negra had just gone into business for himself when Phoenix went to cover Apathy or this was the plan all along, do enough damage to Apathy and then fight it out for the title amongst themselves. With Apathy seemingly down and out, the Brothers Phoenix then went hammer and tongs at each other, but their familiarility with one another both as allies and opponents saw them match once another move for move , so neither was able to gain the advantage. When Negra would go for a spin-kick Ultimate Phoenix would duck under, when Phoenix would try to set up for a suplex, Negra was able to force the standing switch and vice versa. It then lead into them trading quick roll ups, but the determination of either of the Brothers Phoenix not to get their shoulders pinned to the mat by the other and to become the Undisputed Champion once againt, meant that neither was able to get the other pinned down for that all important three count. Of course whilst the Brothers Phoenix were focused on one another, Apathy had been recovering and just as it looked the former tag champs were about to go into another exchange that would see them pull out counters of counters, all of a sudden the Undisputed Champion levelled them both with a running clothesline. Both of the Brothers Phoenix then popped back up to their feet and only to get driven back down to the mat with double sideslams from a revilitalized Apathy. Negra was up first but got planted with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and Phoenix was then levelled with a stiff fore-arm before being tossed into the corner with a release German Suplex, Apathy then sent Phoenix Negra into the same corner with an Irish whip, the Brothers Phoenix then slumped into a seated position and Apathy followed in with a running knee attack. Apathy then dragged Negra out of the corner and then after peppering Negra with a flurry of elbow strikes, lifted the Guerrero's del Amor man up onto his shoulders and then dropped Negra across his knees with a gutbuster. Apathy then waited for Negra to stagger back up to his feet and then turned the former Undisputed and Tag champion inside out with a clothesline....... One..... Two..... Ultimate Phoenix dived across to make the save but Apathy continued to maintain control drilling Phoenix with a roaring elbow and then simply tossing the former two time champion out of the ring. Apathy then turned his attention back to Negra and began to set up for the Mood Swing but Negra had the move scouted and managed to slip out and then went to stun Apathy with a spin kick only for the champion to duck under and then plant Negra with a Uranage backbreaker.... One..... Two..... Negra kicked out but Apathy remained in control and tried again to set up for the Mood Swing only for Ultimate Phoenix to roll back into the ring and level Apathy with a spin kick. Phoenix then peppered the champion with a kick combination, ending with a heel kick to the mid-section that had Apathy doubled over for Phoenix to drive the Mainstream Nation man into the mat with the FLAMING DRIVER !! One.... Two.... Thr.... Once again Phoenix Negra dived back across to break up the pin attempt, leading to an incensed Ultimate Phoenix to right up in Negra's face. Negra then delivered a kick to Phoenix' mid-section and tried for the Brainbuster but Phoenix was able to block and then tried for a Brainbuster of his own only for Negra to block that and then get the Brainbuster on the second attempt...... One........ Two...... Phoenix managed to kick out but then Negra managed to get his fellow Guerrero del Amor into his Last Chancery submission only for Phoenix to have lucked out with the ring positioning and make it across to the ropes.....Negra however then delivered a kick to the head on the rope break, clearly showing that though the Guerrero's del Amor ultimate goal is to get the twin belts out of the hands of the Mainstream Nation, Negra clearly desired to be Undisputed Champion once again evne if that meant taking out his own 'brother'.... Negra then lifted Ultimate Phoenix back up to a vertical base and then looked to be setting up for the Certain Death only for Phoenix to feel what was coming, wriggle free from the attempt and then suddenly dump Negra with an Elemental Suplex...... One..... Two..... But Apathy was back up to save the twin belts from leaving his grasp....Apathy then went to plant Phoenix with the mood-swing, only for the former two time champion to slip out and then stun Apathy with an Enziguri before planting the champion onto the mat with a leg-whip. Phoenix then decided to head up top as he looked to finish Apathy off with the the Phoenix Firebird Splash only for Negra to spring back to his feet and stun his fellow stable ally with a jumping roundhouse kick. Negra then joined Phoenix on the top-rope and it looked as though he was about to drill Phoenix with a top-rope brainbuster ! But Apathy was back up to his feet, climbed up to the second rope and then sent both of the Brothers Phoenix crashing back into the ring with a double superplex ! All three then lay motionless in the ring but it was Apathy who was up first and he was able to level Ultimate Phoenix with a clothesline and, Negra then got up and ran into the same, but Phoenix was able to drill Apathy with a standing drop-kick as he got up a second time, Negra then popped back up and went for a standing drop-kick of his own, seemingly aimed at Apathy only for the Mainstream Nation man to move out of the way. Phoenix felt the full force of Negra's drop-kick and was sent tumbling out of the ring. Apathy then drilled Negra with a fore-arm smash and then set up for the MOOD SWING (Swinging Fisherman Suplex).... This time Apathy managed to pull it off ! One..... Two..... Thr..... Phoenix dove back in to make the save and then peppered Apathy with another kick combination only for the eerily masked champion to simply shake it off as though it has no effect....Apathy then whipped Phoenix into the ropes, only for the former two time champion to use the momentum to launch himself off the ropes with a sprinbgoard roundhouse kick but the Mainstream Nation man was able to move out of the way and then tag Phoenix with a roaring elbow. Apathy then lifted Ultimate Phoenix up into a Vertical Suplex before sending Phoenix crashing down to the mat with a side-slam in one fluid motion (a move that the commentators dubbed 'The Solution') * One..... Two... Three !! Apathy had just retained the Undisputed Championship with what looked to be a new finisher. It was an incredible looking move and one that looked as though it could finish off anyone who would be unluckly enough to fall victim to it. It was also a fitting finish to an excellent main event that combined all out wrestling, with some superb story telling from all three men as the original plan of the Guerrero's del Amor pair to 'eliminate' Apathy from the match began to unravel, as Phoenix Negra in particular began to lose sight of the original plan and in the end it was his unrelenting focus on becoming the Undisputed Champion once again that ultimatelty lead to the twin belts remaining round the waist of Apathy. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Apathy defeated Phoenix Negra and Ultimate Phoenix in 26:42 when Apathy defeated Ultimate Phoenix by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Apathy retained the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New]*[B] O.O.C Note:[/B] For those familiar with NJPW, it is basically Hirooki Goto's Shouten Finisher.[/FONT] [I]After the match the rest of the Mainstream Nation come out to celebrate with Apathy and to gloat in front of the fans who showered them with hatred , meanwhile the defeated Brothers Phoenix were seen arguing with another as they headed back up the entrance ramp.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] It's been a while since we had an event this good. The show of course was topped by one of the best main events in FCW history, but top to bottom (discounting the pre-show match) this was a very solid show throughout with even the weakest matches the opening Six Man Tag and the midcarder three way being of a reasonable quality for a Regional sized fed.
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[CENTER][B][U]April in Review[/U][/B] [/CENTER] Despite Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V being a crticial success, we did lose close to $30,000 this month. It's a frustrating situation because senor Lopez wants us to expand but we probably don't really have the resources to do so. It's not something I'll be proud of doing but perhaps we do have to think about making the En Viaje shows even more like 'B-shows' and to use less upper tier talent on them. Anyway next month we will just run the one show as a cost cutting measure. Though it's an expense that perhaps some may see as a bit extravagant for a promotion of our size, our small scale drug testing policy came to be effective this month, when we found that newcomer Joe Gilbert was juicing, the fact that the news didn't break out into the public domain meant that we averted a potential P.R disaster. As for how I dealt with Joe Gilbert himself, his misdemeanour was revealed to several members of the roster (those who were available to turn up) in an emergency roster meeting. I told them all that the use of performance enhancing drugs is something we don't really tolerate in FCW and that if he gets caught again, he'll be gone from FCW and that would go for anyone in the locker-room. Gilbert unsurprisingly was none too pleased at being used as an 'example' and stormed out in a non too pleasant mood. In reality, I wasn't all that bothered because one of the Gilberts (who we have been brought in as job fodder) getting caught for juicing didn't really seem like much of an issue but I had to be seen to be taking situation seriously and giving Gilbert the 'get caught again and you're out spiel' in front of about half of the locker room seemed the way to go and hopefully if anyone else is 'juicing up' they have got the message that if they choose to do so, then their time at FCW may very quickly be brought to an end. To round things out this month; Masked Cougar, manager Carl Batch plus referee's Michael Bull and Dewey Libertine put pen to paper on contract extensions this month. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] CZCW Spring Break Bash 2014 was a succesful show (B) mostly of the back off a great main event that saw Ultimate Phoenix defeat Mick Muscles in a Last Man Standing Match to retain the Coastal Zone Championship (B+) and whilst nothing on the Undercard came anywhere near that, the rest of the show was solid with matches mostly in the C/C+ range. MAW's Out of Control was overall a good show (C+) but was a bit of mixed bag. On the positive side the main event delivered with JD Morgan defeating Nicky Champion to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship (B-) and Shady K, Jay Chord, Andre Jones and Warlord Power combined to put together an enjoyable tag contest (B-) but the semi main event that saw Avalanche defeat Ekuma was disappointing (C-). NYCW's Phoenix Rising event was a solid show throughout, but lacked a truly memorable match to take it to the next level (C). Edd Stone succesfully defended the Empire Title against Shady K in a good but not great main event (C+) PSW's Powerslave event was once again headlined by JD Morgan defeating Knuckles to retain the PSW Championship for about the millionth time, thing is their matches are always decent enough (C) to save their show from being a complete disaster and into respectability (C-). RIPW's Raining Blood Event wasn't too bad, by their admittedly lowly standards (C-) and saw Avalanche retain the RIPW Championship against Ekuma in a good by RIPW's standards main event (C-). [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]April News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Worker Signings[/B] BSC decide to give their roster a boost with the additions of Power Girl, Candy Floss and Simony Sentinel. CWWF add Paige Croft and teenage newcomer Maria Guest to their roster. EWA decide to add Nurse Darla Knight to their 'women's division' In a slightly bizarre move Exodus 2010 sign Knight's former BSC nemesis Nurse Hope Daye. Daye who has retired from the ring will be used as a ringside valet. INSPIRE sign veteran Hirokazu Yamanoue and Teruihi Inoue joins their announce team. Akima Brave returns to the U.S by joining MAW. Arthur T.Turtle returns to MOSC just over a year after his original run with the promotion came to an end. About half a year after leaving the SWF, former three time World Champion Steve Frehley decided to join up with Canadian giants NOTBPW. Bulldozer Brandon Smith also makes the decision to make NOTBPW his new full time home by putting pen to paper on a written contract, as does former CGC worker Nathan Black. After a stint in Japan with INSPIRE, Crusher Von Steinberg returns to his native Europe to join UEW. WLW add veteran announcer Monzaemon Ouchi to their announce team. XWA add Scythe and Masked Patriot to their roster. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contracts of Daniel Black Francis, Jay B and announcer Steve Smith. 5SSW secure Yoko Ikina to a new written contract. AAA extend the contracts of Kate Lilly, announcer Jim Lou Freebush, interviewer Sue Danes and general backstage hand Marcus McKing. Tiger Fuyuki and commentator Katsuhiko Shunsen sign new written contracts with BHOTWG, whilst Eisaku Hoshino has his lucrative PPA deal extended. BSC extend the contracts of Lauren Easter, Nadia Snow and Suzanne Brazzle. CGC extend the contracts of Slim V and referee Coach Norman. CWWF extend the contracts of Kristabel Plum and Debbie Rose. CZCW extend the contracts of Andre Jones, Matt Sparrow, referee Pee Wee Germaine and valet Little Miss Sunshine. EWA extend the contract of american import Lead Belly and for some inexplicable reason manager and general pain in the derrierre Stetson Hatt also manages to keep hold of his job there. Exodus 2010 extend the contract of JOJI and Sozen Ishimori. GCG secure Toshiharu Hyobanshi, Masutaro Kataoka, Barry Griffin, Yasuhide Tayama and road agent Yoshifuse Maeda to new exclusive written contracts, whilst Burning Takash!ta has his PPA arrangement extended. Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deals of Beetle Kimura and Toju Munkata. INSPIRE extend the contracts of Hypnos, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Stuart Ferdinand, MAW extend the contract of current champion Nicky Champion and John 'The Silencer' Synder. MHW were busy again this month with contract negotiations, securing Amazing Fire Fly, El Leon, El Mitico Jr, El Toro De Oro Jr, Enrique Merino, Mexican Ghoul, SWARM I and commentator Lorenzo Blanco to new contracts. MOSC extend the contracts of Joss Thompson, Brilliant White and Martin Heath. MPWF extend the contracts of Electrico, Magnifico, Asiatico, Luchador Orginal, Slayyer and announcer Carlos Moreno. NOTBPW secure Omar Brown and retired wrestler turned color commentator Eric Tyler to new written contracts. NYCW extend the contract of former Empire Champion Andre Jones. OLLIE extend the contracts of Championa Jr, Gino Montero, Vincente Romero and referee Domingo Castillo. PGHW secure Masaru Ugaki and announcer Tsunuyoshi Yamamoto to new written contracts and Burning Takash!ta has his PPA deal extended. PSW extend the contract of John Greed. ROF extend the contracts of Merle O'Curle, Stevie Stoat and announcer Justin Blackham. SAISHO extend the PPA deal of Simon Flemmingway. SOTBPW extend the contracts of Delirium, Hurucan Sandoval Jr and Lobo Blanco. SWF re-sign Madman Boone, Citizen X, road agent Lee Wright, uber attractive valet Hannah Potter, commentator Adrian Garcia and referee Ryan Holland to new PPA contracts. TCW secure Eddie Peak, Joey Minnesota and announcer Duane Fry to new exclusive written contracts. UEW extend the contracts of Beast Bantom and announcer Matthew Morris. USPW extend the contracts of James 'Mainstream' Hernandez, road agent Randall Hopkirk and announcer Rob 'Don't forget the L' Miskovsky. KC Glenn makes the somewhat unsurpising decision to make WLW his full time home by signing a written contract extension with the Japanese giants. Yuki Horigoshi and Sotatsu Sarumara also put pen to paper on new written deals and Eisaku Hoshino has his PPA arrangement extended. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Jessica Bunny decides to cut BSC from her increasingly busy schedule. Thea Davis finishes up with EWA. Announcer Monzaemon Ouchi leaves INSPIRE for WLW. Greg Rayne fails to come to agreement over a new contract with MAW. MHW decide against extending the contracts of Hijo Del Mephisto and El Sucio. DJ Reason leaves MOSC after failing to come to terms on a new contract. Probably fed up of being jobbed to Lumberjack Jeff (the former Grunt in TCW) Lassana Makutsi takes the decision to leave SWF. Veteran Stig Svensson fails to come to an agreement on a new contract with UEW. USPW decide to release Ash Campbell and lose KC Glenn to WLW on a permanent basis, after Glenn signed an exclusive written contract with the Japanese giants. Marc Speed decides against renewing his contract with XWA. [B]Injuries[/B] A spot in an NOTBPW match between Bruce The Giant and Johnny Bloodstone, where Bloodstone German suplexed the Australian Giant went horribly wrong when it resulted in Bruce suffering a broken neck. At the very least Bruce will be out of action for over a year, but given his age many feel this could be a sad end to what was a great career. Staying in NOTBPW Davis Wayne Newton suffered a minor concussion in a match against Alan Parent and has been told to sit the next month out as a precautionary measure. TCW's Chris Morrisette will be out of action for the next month after suffering a percussive ankle stretch. Out in Japan 5SSW were dealt a huge blow when Fuyuko Higa suffered a shattered elbow in what was yet another classic match with her arch rival Megumi Nakajima. Meanwhile BHOTWG's Fukusabaru Inao is being slowed down with a strained rotator cuff and PGHW's Snap Dragon is suffering through chronic lower back pain. [B]Worker Retirements[/B] Helen Earth a foot note in AAA's championship history when held the Tag Titles alongside Cherry Bomb in late 2004/early 2005 has decided to retire from in-ring competion. Considering she has done nothing of note since her release from AAA in 2006, no one really cares. [B]Title Changes[/B] Danny Patterson defeated Daniel Black Francis to become the 21CW United Kingdom Champion for the first time. Eri Sato and Jana Marie Bowen regained the 5SSW Tag Team Titles from Gemmei Oonishi and DEVIL Karube only to lose them to Oonishi and her replacement partner of Tamara McFly. Heiachiro Sakai defeated Yasunobu Masuno to become the Burning World Champion for the first time and the 14 month long World Tag Team Title reign of the 'Raging Bulls' (Eiji Hamacho and Chuichi Sanda) was brought to an end by the duo of Tadakuni Toshusai and Fukusabaro Inao, to equal the Bulls with most title reigns at four a piece and VENOM defeated Mohamed El Yaagoudi to become the new BHOTWG champion. Rolling Johnny Stones ended the year long reign of White Knight to become the EWA European champion for the first time. Exodus 2010's Golden Crown is back in the hands of one of it's home grown talents, with Guide's brief but eventful reign brought to an end by Edo Phoenix IV, who wins the upstart promotions top belt for a third time and Speed D become a two time Silver Crown champion after upending Mercury. Mashashi Urogataya brought to ane end the GCG Openweight title reign of Jay Chord, only to lose the title in his first defence to Takayuki 2000 and it was double success this month for Takayuki when he captured the Tag Titles alongside Masataro Kataoka, after they defeated the gaijin pairing of Greg Keith and Roy Edison. Phoenix I, Phoenix II and SWARM II teamed up to defeat Mexican Beast, Hijo Del Relampago and Vincente Romero to become the new Campeones del Trios in OLLIE. Richie Riggins ended the near year long reign of California Love Machine to become the new PSW National Champion. Frederique Antonio Garcia defeats Eric Eisen to become the SWF World Heavweight champion for the first time. Garcia has been with SWF for the past decade and has been a solid consistent hand for them throughout their tenure but his big moment comes during a time when SWF is a shell of it's former self. Also in SWF Paul Huntingdon ends the half year long North American Title reign of Jack Giedroyc to win the belt for a second time. William Hayes defeated Americana to become the WLW Universal Champion for the first time, Antonio Maxi Marquez teams with Mitsunari Fuganaga to defeat Tanyu Toshusai and Barei Yasujiro for the Tag Team Titles and Sotatsu Sarumara regains the Tap Out Title from the Incredible KOYAMA.
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[FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] Forgot about this, meant to post this up after the last event[/FONT] [CENTER][B][U]Predictions Contest[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]There were 11 entrants all together for the FCW Mejor Que Nuestro V predictions contest, here's how everyone performed[/I] [B]9/9:[/B] Grj1234 [B]8/9:[/B] Critical 23, Phantom Stranger [B]7/9:[/B] Bigpapa42, Foolinc, LFC Chris,Markish, Smurphy1014 [B]6/9:[/B] Dragonmack, Marcel Fromage [B]5/9:[/B] James Casey [I]This months clear winner with a perfect score of 9/9 is Grj1234, for doing so well he gets 2 front row tickets and a V.I.P meet and greet pass to one of the biggest shows of the year the Rey de Reyes to take place in August.[/I] __________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][U]Predictions Analysis[/U][/B][/CENTER] Everyone correctly predicted that both singles titles would stay around the waists of the champions, but the no title shot as long as the champs retain the belts stip in the tag title match saw a fair few stump for Animal Magic instead of the Sons of Lucha Libre. The other surefire pick for everyone was the Mainstream Nation vs Power/Mystery Partner tag match. Speed Machine/Billy Russell divided opinion as did the Six Man Tag match, most wisely went for Boriken in the 3-way (unless it's against an upper carder, Boriken doesn't tend to lose in Puerto Rico). The Nicky R!ot- Jared Johnson match also split opinion, to the point that I was actually surprised that so many (excluding Critical 23 who would have called it regardless) called the 'upset' but I suppose the way the feud was building that many felt Double J had to win here to keep the feud going.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][I][U]Delorean Driver.com[/U][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][I][U]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/U][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B][/LEFT] FCW return to action at the Ricardo Montenenz Ballroom in San Juan on Thursday 12th May to present FCW Conflicto. After succesfully overcoming the odds stacked against him with a title defence against both of the Brothers Phoenix, the Mainstream Nation's Apathy will defend the Undisputed Championship against Phoenix Negra. One can only assume that Negra get's the one on one title shot because he was not pinned in the three way that also included his fellow Guerrero del Amor Ultimate Phoenix. It appeared the plan in that match was for the Guerreros' to get the belt off Apathy but in the end, Negra's desire to become champion got the better of him but perhaps with Ultimate Phoenix out of the equation, Negra can focus all his attention on the champion but the Mainstream Nation will also be confident that their man can come a straight one on one challenge, after what was basically a two on one at the last show and will feel that triumph was a set back for the Guerreros' del Amor to win the twin belts from their grasp. In the semi main event the leader of the Mainstream Nation, Mainstream Hernandez will go one on one with the Guerrero's del Amor Ultimate Phoenix. Phoenix will be keen to bounce back from being pinned in the Undisputed Title match at Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor V but in recent singles meetings the Mainstream Nation leader has had the former two time Undisputed Champion's number. Even though there isn't anything on the line as such in this match a win for either man could provide a huge psychological boost/blow in the war between the Mainstream Nation and Sara Silver's Guerreros' del Amor. And there will be more MN-GdA action as Puerto Rican Power teams with his fellow Puerto Rican patriot Boriken Love Machine Jr to take on the Guerrero's del Amor duo of Soul Krusher and Joseph. Amazing Fire Fly has been granted a re-match for the People's Champion against his fellow Lucha Equity Alliance member Angel De Mexico, after the FCW Championship commitee felt that the LEA leader retained the title in less than convincing fashion. After their match at Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor Angel gave his fellow LEA member a 'you're either with me or against me ultimatum' and just how Fire Fly approaches his re-match with Angel could well seal his fate within the Lucha Equity Alliance. Meanwhile fellow LEA members, the Sons of Lucha Libre have been sitting on the fence in the feud between Angel and Fire Fly and were somewhat aggrieved by the questioning of interviewer Katie Cameron over the situation at the last show, will they show just who they stand with at Conflicto ? And this inner conflict within the LEA may well see the champions overlook their opponents, in their latest title defence the Team FREEDOM duo of Primal Shock (Matt Hocking and Primus). Two men coming off big victories at Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor clash in singles competition as Jared Johnson goes one one one with Speed Machine. These two were part of an excellent three way with Phoenix Negra on a recent En Viaje show but just who will continue to build on the momentum of their recent victories over Nicky R!ot and Billy Russell respectively. Rounding out the main show Speed's fellow Batch Enterprises Inc. member Xavi Ferrera goes up against Johnson's fellow Team FREEDOM member Charles Rainier and Quentin Queen goes up against Bill E Stone. The pre-show match for those who get to the 'Monty' early will be a 4 Corner survival featuring Austin Smooth, Jesse Gilbert and both of the Los Beetoolz Gringo Starr and Lennon McHarrison. [I]Here is full run-down of the card for FCW Conflicto[/I] [CENTER][B][U]FCW Conflicto[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Thursday 12th May 2014 at Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico [B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing the Mainstream Nation'[/SIZE] Apathy vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Guerreros' del Amor'[/SIZE] Phoenix Negra [SIZE=1]'Representing Mainstream Nation'[/SIZE] Mainstream Hernandez vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Guerreros' del Amor'[/SIZE] Ultimate Phoenix [SIZE=1]'Representing Mainstream Nation'[/SIZE] Joseph vs Soul Krusher vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Guerreros' del Amor'[/SIZE] Puerto Rican Power & Boriken Love Machine Jr. [B]People's Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Lucha Equity Alliance'[/SIZE] Angel De Mexico vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Lucha Equity Alliance'[/SIZE] Amazing Fire Fly [B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Lucha Equity Alliance'[/SIZE] Sons of Lucha Libre (El Mitico Jr & Capitao Brasil Jr) vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Team FREEDOM'[/SIZE] Primal Shock (Matt Hocking & Primus) [SIZE=1]'Representing Team FREEDOM'[/SIZE] Jared Johnson vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Batch Enterprises Inc.'[/SIZE] 'Speed Machine' Marc Speed [SIZE=1]'Representing Team FREEDOM'[/SIZE] Charles Rainier vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Batch Enterprises Inc.'[/SIZE] Xavi Ferrera Bill E Stone vs Quentin Queen [B][SIZE=1]Bonus Pre-Show Match:[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=1]Austin Smooth vs Gringo Starr vs Lennon McHarrison vs Jesse Gilbert[/SIZE] _____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [LEFT][quote] [B][COLOR=purple]Predicitions Form:[/COLOR][/B] [B][U][COLOR=purple]FCW Conflicto[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][/B] [COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship: [/B]Apathy vs Phoenix Negra[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Mainstream Hernandez vs Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Joseph & Soul Krusher vs Puerto Rican Power & Boriken Love Machine Jr[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs Amazing Fire Fly[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] Sons of Lucha Libre vs Primal Shock[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Jared Johnson vs Speed Machine[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Charles Rainier vs Xavi Ferrera[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Quentin Queen vs Bill E Stone[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Austin Smooth vs Gringo Starr vs Lennon McHarrison vs Jesse Gilbert[/COLOR] [/quote][/LEFT]
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FCW Conflicto Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy [/B]vs Phoenix Negra [I]UP will make an appearance, costing Negra the match by accident and further driving a wedge between the two.[/I] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]Keep the Nation strong.[/I] Joseph & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] [I]PRP aint losing to the whipping boy and big monster from the Nation.[/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico [/B]vs Amazing Fire Fly [I]ADM is an a-hole cheater and will be once again to beat AFF.[/I] Tag Team Championship: Sons of Lucha Libre vs [B]Primal Shock[/B] [I]Toss up for me as the SOLL have been awesome but I am ready to see Primal Shock get the titles around their waist at least once.[/I] Jared Johnson vs [B]Speed Machine[/B] [I]Normally (99.999. . .percent of the time, lol) I would choose Double J to get the duke but with Carl Batch at ringside Speed will get the win bu hook or crook.[/I] Charles Rainier vs [B]Xavi Ferrera[/B] [I]I see you as a slight stepping stone and Xavi is one to watch for the future. Another heel win via cheating.[/I] [B]Quentin Queen[/B] vs Bill E Stone [I]Stone is entertaining (as far as his promos go) but i don't see him on the same level as Quentin Queen just yet which, to be fair, ain't all that high.[/I] Austin Smooth vs Gringo Starr vs Lennon McHarrison vs [B]Jesse Gilbert[/B] [I]This will sound crazy but I put the Gilberts together with Jared Johnson (I know--my obsession is unhealthy and my New Year's resolution is to get into therapy:p) as a hockey-loving trio (North Carolina has a pretty OK hockey team) and it works in my game pretty good. Umm. . .I forgot why I picked Jesse now, lol. Nah, just a totally random pick.[/I]
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Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy[/B] vs Phoenix Negra Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] Joseph & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & Boriken Love Machine Jr [/B] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Amazing Fire Fly Tag Team Championship: [B]Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Primal Shock Jared Johnson vs [B]Speed Machine[/B] Charles Rainier vs [B]Xavi Ferrera[/B] [B] Quentin Queen[/B] vs Bill E Stone [B]Austin Smooth[/B] vs Gringo Starr vs Lennon McHarrison vs Jesse Gilbert
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[U]FCW Conflicto[/U] Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy [/B]vs Phoenix Negra [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix Joseph & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Amazing Fire Fly Tag Team Championship: [B]Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Primal Shock Jared Johnson vs [B]Speed Machine [/B] [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs Xavi Ferrera [B]Quentin Queen[/B] vs Bill E Stone [B]Austin Smooth[/B] vs Gringo Starr vs Lennon McHarrison vs Jesse Gilbert
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[U]FCW Conflicto[/U] Undisputed Championship: [B]Apathy[/B] vs Phoenix Negra Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [I]I see a split here. 1 victory for Brother Phoenix and one for The Nation. [/I] Joseph & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] [I]The addition of Joseph means a lose for Mainstream Nation.[/I] People's Championship: Angel De Mexico vs Amazing Fire Fly [I]I'm calling a draw with somebody being involved.[/I] Tag Team Championship: [B]Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Primal Shock [I]SOLL gets victory. No! Dance2Win will cost Primal Shock a win here.[/I] [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs Speed Machine [I]Rooting for the underdog here.[/I] Charles Rainier vs [B]Xavi Ferrera[/B] [I]Rainier can choose to lose here as Xavi could benefit from a win.[/I] [B]Quentin Queen[/B] vs Bill E Stone [B]Austin Smooth[/B] vs Gringo Starr vs Lennon McHarrison vs Jesse Gilbert
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Undisputed Championship: Apathy vs Phoenix Negra [I]Apathy to retain, but it won't be clean so PN has a chance down the line to further antagonise his 'brother'[/I] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]Mainstream could stand to win one here[/I] Joseph & Soul Krusher vs [B]Puerto Rican Power & Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] [I]PRP won't lose this one[/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Amazing Fire Fly [I]But the end of the alliance between the two...[/I] Tag Team Championship: [B]Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Primal Shock Jared Johnson vs [B]Speed Machine[/B] Charles Rainier vs [B]Xavi Ferrera[/B] [B]Quentin Queen[/B] vs Bill E Stone [B]Austin Smooth[/B] vs Gringo Starr vs Lennon McHarrison vs Jesse Gilbert
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