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WWOF- the Cornell-verse e-fed!!

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[SIZE="5"][B]World Wrestling Online Federation[/B][/SIZE] (The camera opens up to see a young man by the name of Kevin, in bed sleeping at 7:00 in the morning. when suddenly the phone rings, waking him up) Kevin: Hello? Local radio station: Hello, this is 91.7, WWRP....the Rock station. Is Kevin there? Kevin: This is him. station: remember the silent auction you entered, to buy the World Wrestling Online Federation? well, we are calling to tell you that you won the auction, your bid won....you are the new owner of the WWOF!! Kevin: Yeah, right!! Nice joke to play on someone when they are sleeping. (slams phone down) (a minute later the phone rings) Kevin: hello? Radio station: This isn't a joke....you are the new ower of the WWOF!! You have a meeting with the board of directors at 2:00 p.m. today. Congratulations! I couldn't believe it. The greatest wrestling fan in the world, owning a new promotion. a guy who spent years watching pro wrestlers like Bruce the Giant, Tommy Cornell, Jim Force, Big Smack Scott, Fox Mask, Joanne Rodriguez, and others tear it up on tv. Now it is my oppertunity to sign these guys and have them work for me!! I need to wake up and get ready for the board meeting!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (At the meeting) *note* I am using Freestyle mode for this diary/e-fed, If you want to be a part of it.....sign up!!! ** BOD: (Board of directors) Hello, and welcome to the World Wrestling Online Federation. We are pleased to announce you as the new owner. We are also curious to see what plans you have for this fed. But first We should let you know that we are at "National" popularity, this will allow you to sign anyone who you can lure in to take us to the top. and we are also an entertainment fed, so we run a lot of storylines and angles. So, what are your plans? Kevin: I'm going to try to sign anyone that wants to work for me, whether they are psychopaths, brawlers, cruiserweights, entertainers, or regular wrestlers. I'm thinking about signing Jim Force, and trying to lure Tommy Cornell to step down from his ownership position in TCW. Hell, I'll even sign Big Smack Scott if he can take us to the top. BOD: What about drug testing procedures? Kevin: As long as they stay out of the media, and continue to produce good matches every week, I'm not going to worry too much about it. All the superstars I bring in and hire should be responsible enough to know what they are doing. If they want to look like a jackass in front of the media when their house gets raided for drugs, they are only embarassing themselves. Then I might do somethig about it. BOD: Just don't let our prestige take a hit when that happens. But moving on....what is your opinion on women wrestlers? Kevin: I think women are under rated in wrestling. There are quite a few good ones out there. I think I would create a division for them to show off their talents. And I do have a crush on J-Rod. (grins) BOD: What would your position be on the roster? Kevin: I think I would do best as an announcer or heel color commentator. I do have some training in the ring, and can mix it up when possible.....but I prefer to stay out of the ring. BOD: Ok, that's all we have for you right now...go out and start hiring some wrestlers!! (Ok guys....if you want to take part in this, let me know who you want to be, otherwise I will sign everyone myself....and start a diary, instead of an e-fed)
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(The sports station, USA Sports 1, is doing a story on the world of Pro wrestling.....we begin by having the reporter, Ken Burger, talking about the WWOF) Burger: How many of you viewers ever woke up to a phone call explaining that your the new owner of a new wrestling promotion that just opened up? For one man, that happened. He claims that he is the number one wrestling fan in the world. His name is Kevin, and that he is already making waves in the world of pro wrestling! He stole the SWF babe, Emma Chase, out of their hands, to be his color commentator on shows, he already signed a couple wrestlers, Blackjack Robbins, and Jim Force. And in the most surprising move, He talked the owner of TCW, Tommy Cornell, to step down as owner, and to join him in the quest to make the WWOF, the number 1 wrestling promotion in the world. We have been unable to reach Tommy Cornell for comment, but joining us in studio today, is the owner of WWOF, Kevin. Thanks for being here. Kevin: No problem. Burger: First off, your already making quite a name for yourself, and you've only been on the job one day. How are you feeling? Kevin: I feel great. I love this job. This is really exciting to try to dominate the wrestling world. With the staff I have already signed, I think it can be possible in a few years. I think if I can Richard Eisen to step down as SWF owner, I would have an easier chance, lol. Burger: Good luck with that. TCW have been at war with them for years, and even they are still unsuccessful at getting the job done. Kevin: Yeah, that's why I signed Tommy Cornell. With his experience, I think it's possible. Burger: Speaking of Cornell...You have only been on the job one day. You have no backstage experience. How were you able to force him to step down and join you? Kevin: I'm not going to talk about it, basically we had a long talk about the SWF. He was getting tired of running his own promotion, with rumors that they might fall to cult level in the next month or so. I just told him that if he joins me, we might be able to take over the Supreme Wrestling Fed, and become number one. Burger: Yeah, you even stole Emma Chase, and assigned her to work color commentary with you....tell me about that? Kevin: Yeah...I have been watching her for a long time, until DAVE closed. Whether she's a manager, or on color commentary, she has the ability to attract fans to the product. She has a sweet voice, and she is also easy on the eyes. She has the sex appeal that the fans love. Buger: She does great things in the wrestling business. What about Jim Force. This is a guy who's been in wrestling a long time. He was part of SWF until 2000, then went to USPW, winning 4 world titles. He won the SWF North American title twice, he's a two time world tag team champion, and he's a two time National champion. How did you pull this off? Kevin: He's also a former body-builder, too.....so he's really strong. He did everything he could in USPW, he rose up the ranks to become one of their most popular superstars. He wants a new challenge, and as long as he works hard....I think he can do great things in the WWOF. As far as how I got him....he came to me looking for a job, and I was happy to sign him. Burger: The other wrestler you signed was Blackjack Robbins. He is in his mid 40's. Do you expect him to do much for you?? it's only a matter of time before he decides to hang up his boots. Kevin: This is another guy who has been in wrestling a long time, he won the SCCW Tag team titles 3 times, which was a record in that federation before they closed up. He's a tough guy from Georgia. He is also a former Champion, from SCCW. If I didn't think he could achieve much, I wouldn't have signed him. Burger: I'm just saying...I think he's washed up. Kevin: Listen, you prick...if your going to criticize my hiring skills, and my wrestlers, then I have no business sticking around and talking to you. This interview is over....bye. Burger: But we still have ten more minutes left in this interview, this station is going to fire me if I don't cover it.....who am I going to interview? Kevin: Interview your right hand, Then you can get fired....then you can come work for me, and you can tell Blackjack Robbins yourself that he's washed up, jerk! (With that, Kevin walks off the screen, and the camera fades)
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[QUOTE=d_w_w;453503]This is very interesting. Can you explain a little bit more about how it would work?[/QUOTE] Pick a character that you would love to roleplay with, make his/her decisions, compete against other people (like an e-fed). I will be using TEW 2008 for the matches, news stories, etc.. and actually competing against the "ai", or game to take the fed to the top. Once I can get a few more people to join, I will make a card.....then you can roleplay, and predict the winners. Sometimes I will let the game choose the winners (if the characters are roleplaying good, and I can't decide, then I will choose a winner based on the predictions, and if that is tied, then the game chooses the winner), and sometimes I will choose the winners based on the roleplays. So just choose a Cornell-verse character, and join the fun!!
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Just so everyone knows....I'm only taking characters for a couple more days, after that....I will just bring in random superstars to help with the matches and diary. If you want to sign up, let me know who you want to be!! Private message me, or post a reply on here!! Thanks!
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ok everyone....last chance to get your characters in, before I start bringing in new characters. I will post another roleplay later tonight, with possibly a card. How should I do a World Title match? Royal Rumble? Tournament? Just hand it to someone? I am interested in your ideas and suggestions!!
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[B]WWOF Monday Night Storm[/B]!! The card is as follows (feel free to make predictions) Weird Waldo Odlaw vs Aaron Andrews Blackjack Robbins vs Calvin Dark Justin Moellman (created character) vs Cal Sanders Tommy Cornell vs Dusty Bin Jim Force vs Freddy Huggins vs Edd Stone Air Attack Weasel vs Mystery opponent The winners will then compete at the PPV in an Elimination Chamber for the World Title! Also....a special appearance by......Nemesis!! The person who predicts the most winners right gets to do something!! So, everyone that joined, you can start roleplaying....and get the predictions in!!
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[SIZE="3"][B]WWOF Storm!!!!![/B] (Fireworks explode as the camera opens, showing the crowd with signs. Some of the signs include: Tommy Cornell is my dad; I want to marry Emma Bitch; Edd Stone is stoned; Jim Force stole my paint; Blackjack Robbins for president. The camera then pans to our announce team- Kevin and Emma chase). Kevin: Hello, and welcome to WWOF Storm! Our first tv episode... Emma: and there's going to be a storm between me and you, if you don't give me the raise I deserve. Kevin: What? You just signed a contract, that both of us agreed on, and now you want to change it? Emma: Yes, I'm on tv now. Everyone is watching me and listening to me. That should count for something. Kevin: Maybe it's because this is our debut show, and everyone is tuning in to see how well we do?? We have six matches tonight, the winners of the matches will go on to fight in an elimination chamber match at the PPV to decide who the World Champion is. Emma: Who's fighting first? Kevin let's find out... [B]Weird Waldo Odlaw vs Aaron Andrews[/B] Kevin: Weird Waldo Odlaw is on his way to the ring to face, Aaron Andrews..this should be a great match. Emma: he was formerly known as the gremlin in another company, then he all of a sudden changed his name. I guess no one liked him. Kevin: Here comes Aaron Andrews, who's yelling at the crowd...what's up with that?? Emma: This guy hates the fans, Kevin..He's a lot better than the trash sitting in those seats paying our paychecks. I can't blame him. I'd yell at them too if I could. Kevin: The referee is Chad Brent, and we are ready to go.. Emma: I just found out something through my headset Kevin....I know who the mystery opponent is for Air Attack Weasel later on tonight? Kevin: Your sources? Emma: Yeah, I paid good money for them too, they better be right. But they tell me it's Nemesis!! Kevin: Well, he is in the building. He could be. We have to wait to find out!! What's Waldo doing?? Emma: Looks like he's going outside to grab a chair.. Kevin: He's giving it to Andrews?? He wants Andrews to hit him with it? Emma: He thinks Andrews is stupid. and he is if he actually does it, so he can get himself dq'ed. Kevin: Nothing wrong with that, you gotta win the matches somehow. Ouch!! He just clotheslined Waldo. Emma: That'll take your head off. He's now going to the top rope.. Kevin: He's signaling for the Flying Body Press!! He hits it!!! The ref counts... 1 . . . . . 2 . . . . (The lights go out) Kevin: What the ---??!!? Emma: Why did you book this event in San Antonio, at the "Ranch" they always have electrical problems. (after a few minutes, the lights come on, with the referee in the ring, and also Andrews in the ring, but no sign of Waldo) Kevin: What the ----!!??!! I'll be right back (Takes off his headset and talks to the ref, who has a confused look on his face) Emma: Where are you going?? I'm wondering if the mystery opponent is playing mind games on everyone?? First he turns the lights off, now he kidnaps Weird Waldo Odlaw?? The only question is...where's Waldo?? Ring announcer: Ladies and Gentleman, Kevin has ordered the referee to start counting, If Weird Waldo Odlaw doesn't make it to the ring by the count of ten, he is counted out, and Aaron Andrews is declared the winner!! (kevin returns to the announce booth) Kevin: I'm back. 1------2-------3-------4-------5-------6--------7-------8-----9--------10!!!! [B]Winner: Aaron Andrews!! (Match Rating: D+)[/B] Kevin: Aaron Andrews advances to the PPV Elimination Chamber match!! We have security checking the backstage areas to find out where Waldo went. Emma: I still think he got kidnapped, Kevin. I wish it was you that got kidnapped!! Kevin: You can kidnap me anytime you want... Emma: Oh Please!! You'd enjoy it too much!! (Music starts playing, and Nemesis comes out to the ring. Emma Chase follows him.) Emma Chase: Ladies, I present to you...Nemesis!! Woo-hoo!!! (some fans applaud, but most boo). So tell me, Nem...what brings you here tonight? Nemesis: I am here to let everyone know that Kevin is no longer in charge around here.. Kevin: What?? Nemesis: After what just happened in the last match, the board of directors came up to me, and wants me to run things. We can't afford to let people get kidnapped on the debut television program. I am now the commissioner of WWOF. And my reign of power begins......right now!!! We will find out what happened to Weird Waldo Odlaw....and whoever did this, will be punished!! Thank You!! (He leaves) Rating: B+ Emma: Looks like you just got axed from your power, little man. and I couldn't be happier!! Kevin: What?? I still run things around here, not Nemesis!! Emma: Well, the next match is about to begin, Calvin Dark is headed to the ring. Kevin: I still can't believe this... [B]Calvin Dark vs Blackjack Robbins[/B] ------------------------------- This is a basic matchup, with a lot of back and forth action between the two men. Blackjack ends the match in 8:56 with a Leaping side suplex to advance to the Elimination Chamber!! [B]Winner: Blackjack Robbins (match rating: D)[/B] Emma: Blackjack Robbins advances to the PPV. So far we have Aaron Andrews, and now Blackjack Robbins, turning out to be great, so far. Kevin: I'm leaving... (gets up and walks away) Emma: Hey, don't leave me out here by myself. (Gets up and follows him, leaving the tv audience with no play by play or color commentary). (Nemesis comes out to the ring, and grabs a mic) Nemesis: Well, it turns out that Kevin wants to be a crybaby because he got stripped of his power, and he doesn't want to do the play by play. So he is fined half of his paycheck. When you want to be a real man, let me know! As for Easy Emma, I'm not fining her, so take the rest of the day off. Feel free to stop by my office if you want!! (He leaves to the crowd booing). Rating: A* Justin Moellman vs Cal Sanders (This match went ten minutes, with a lot of offense from Sanders. But a mistake led Justin to taking over, getting the win with the Slam Jam Stunner!! The lack of announcers hurt the match rating!! (Match rating: D+) [B]Winner: Justin Moellman[/B] [B]Tommy Cornell vs Dusty Bin[/B] (Cornell dominated the match, easily getting the submission victory with a Guilt Trip) [B]Winner: Tommy Cornell (Match rating: C-)[/B] (The camera cuts to the audience to find Justin Moellman in the crowd, buying a whole section a beer, while he celebrates with them) Rating: E [B]Jim Force vs Freddy Huggins vs Edd Stone[/B] (This match went 13 minutes, and ended with Jim Force pinning Freddy Huggins with the Full Force) [B]Winner: Jim Force (Rating: D+) [/B] [B]Mystery Opponent (Bruce the Giant) vs Air Attack Weasel[/B] (It turns out that they have great chemistry, which boosted the match rating. Bruce the Giant picked up with win with a Giant Choke Slam) [B]winner: Bruce the Giant (Rating: C)[/B] The Elimination Chamber match is: Aaron Andrews, Blackjack Robbins, Justin Moellman, Tommy Cornell, Jim Force, and Bruce the Giant) One of these will be the first ever WWOF Champion!! Tune in later!! (Camera fades)[/SIZE] Sorry guys, due to time restraints....I could not do full play by play commentary for the matches!! :(
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(The camera opens up to WWOF Headquarters in Dallas, Texas. We see a meeting taking place between the Board of Directors, and Nemesis, when an angry Kevin bursts into the room) Kevin: Can someone please explain that the *^&%%$ is going on? Who's idea was it to strip me of my F*&^&*(* ownership?? BOD: It was our idea. Emma Chase told us that you told someone to kidnap Weird Waldo Odlaw. We can't have that on our show. What the "F" were you thinking?? Kevin: First off, I did not tell anyone to kidnap him. I'm just as confused as everyone here about what happened.... Nemesis: Yeah, right! Tell that to someone who gives a sh*t. Kevin: If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be in this situation. All your doing is causing trouble, just to make me look bad. Nemesis: When you let people get kidnapped, your the one causing trouble. I'm running things until you get your act together and tell us where Waldo is?? Kevin: How in the world do I know where he is, I'm not the one who kidnapped him, you no good prick!! Nemesis: I should have you arrested. Get the hell out of my office!! (With that said, Kevin runs toward Nemesis and rams him into a wall, causing both of them to fall down. After rolling back and forth, trading punches, the Board of Directors gets in between them to stop the fight. As soon as Kevin turns around to leave, Nemesis attacks him from behind. He is constantly kicking Kevin in the head until he is busted open. He then picks Kevin up, and throws him face first into the glass window in the room, shattering it into a million pieces. We then see the Board of directors, and Nemesis laughing about it, while Kevin lies in a pool of blood, as the cameras fade).
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If anyone has any ideas on where this storyline should go, please let me know (either respond, or PM me). I have an idea, but just want to know what other people think. What should I do with the Board of Directors, Nemesis, Kevin, and Waldo angle?? Did Waldo really get kidnapped? Will Kevin get his ownership back? Is Nemesis really working with the B.O.D??? (board of directors)
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