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Lethal Dosage Wrestling: 3.0

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Le sigh. Welcome to 3.5. The backstory and the first three shows are the exact same as the old 3.0 (I'm editing the same thread), but instead of using the old save (which was pre-Cornellverse update, obviously) I've updated TEW to the latest version and started again, rebooking everything. Some things like segment grades and owner goals may therefore be a tad off, but anything that changes I'll highlight in [COLOR="YellowGreen"]a pretty green colour.[/COLOR] So if you've already read the 'original' LDW3, and are unfortunate enough to still remember what happened, you needn't read it all again. -=- There was no phone-call, or winning lottery ticket. There wasn’t even a backstory. So let’s get down to business. Blank promotion, no owner, no prestige, no money, no… chance? We’ll see. All based on a challenge Anubis made (whatever happened to him?) wayyy back, over a year and a half ago now. Real-time, people. Doesn’t that make anyone feel old? ¬_¬ [quote] I have a better challenge. Put in a promotion with 0 prestige, 0 money, and 0 popularity everywhere, starting with no workers; play as the head booker of that promotion on Straight Edge without ever losing your job. Don't add any workers to the database to help fill your positions, let the game generate any extra people needed and pick only from the default workers.[/quote] My user character for this venture was none other than the mysterious Grand Avatar, since he’s essentially the same person as the original Mr. H. Booker. Mainly because adding an actual active character would’ve skewed the challenge somewhat. The product would be thus: Key Feature: Comedy Heavy: Lucha Libre, Mainstream Medium: Risque, Modern 60% Danger, 20% Intensity Women’s Division (for the future) TnA: Low F/HD: Strong [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Based in the Great Lakes area.[/COLOR] (I figured, since no other promotion was based there, we would be).
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]-January 2008-[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- Finding a human being willing to own this piece of crap was a difficult task, in the end (due to the entire wrestling community drawing straws, probably), it turned out to be a Canadian. Figures. [b]Jon Jetson[/b] lost, and ended up in charge. Immediately he set me some goals to achieve: [INDENT][b]#1[/b]: “When the time expires, we must have at least as much popularity in America as we do now”. ‘At least as much’, Jon? Not even ‘more than’ like Bob? You really are the least ambitious person in the world, aren’t you? Welcome home.[/INDENT] [INDENT][b]#2[/b]: “You cannot hire or extend the contract of any worker who has less than D- in Resilience”. Jon, someone with less than D- in resilience would have difficulty getting out of bed without pulling a muscle, I don’t think that’ll be a problem.[/INDENT] [INDENT][b]#3[/b]: “You must not hire anyone who’s classes as an MMA Crossover”. There aren’t any MMA Crossovers available, so that won’t be hard.[/INDENT] - Then, less immediately, he set me another one: [INDENT][b]#4:[/b]: “You also must not hire anyone who has an industry reputation lower than D-”. The only guy in the entire universe who this rules out died 16 years ago, I don’t think even we’d be desperate enough for that…[/INDENT] - So, in summary, Jon expects even less of us than I do. Sweet. - With the roster hired, referee and announcer in place, tickets set to free (the odd $10 won’t really make a huge impact on our finances…), it was time for the first show of the new era… - With literally hours to go before the show starts, the bank issue us with a financial warning. Why, we don’t know, we haven’t spent or earned anything at all. In reaction to this, Jetson issues a fairly sensible owner goal; [INDENT][b]#5[/b]: “We must not be in debt after two years”.[/INDENT][/color] [CENTER]-=-[/CENTER] [quote][CENTER][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling Presents: The First Argument Of Kings[/b] [I]Friday, Week 3, January 2008[/I] -=- Weston Gymnasium, Weston, NJ -=- [I]Doors: 6pm[/I] -=- Tickets: Free![/CENTER] [u]Round One of an eight-man tournament for the newly-sanctioned Lethal Dosage Championship[/u] Featuring: Jon Jetson vs. [I]Rockin’ [/I]Ryan Turner Roderick Remus vs. [I]‘Canada’s Favourite Wrestler’[/I] Johnny Molson New York Red vs. [I]‘Ravishing’[/I] Rex Reeves [I]‘The Geriatric Luchadore’[/I] El Geriatrico vs. [I]‘Xtremely Dangerous’[/I] Xavier Reckless[/quote] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="Red"][B]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: The First Argument Of Kings[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]In front of 13 people at the Weston Gymnasium[/COLOR][/I] -=-[/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]Angle: LDW Gets Dangerous![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Xavier Reckless heads to the ring, accompanied by Lee Bambino and Dwayne Hewitt. Reckless announces that, as LDW is such a second-rate promotion, he’s had to bring his own announcer and referee for the match, since the LDW board probably can’t afford one. Despite being wholly correct, the 13 fans don’t take too kindly to such unkind things being said about a promotion that lets them waste an hour of their Friday evening for free. Reckless goes on to lay in to ‘El Geriatrico’, saying that only LDW would put someone as dangerous as him up against a 75-year-old man. Reckless warns Geriatrico that he is Xtremely Dangerous, and a forfeit wouldn’t make Geriatrico a coward in anyone’s eyes.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [B]Notes:[/B] [I]God I missed the days when an F+ segment was a glorious success. Good to have them back.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Match One: El Geriatrico vs. ‘Xtremely Dangerous’ Xavier Reckless[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Xavier Reckless defeated El Geriatrico in 11:55 by pinfall with a Reckless Abandon (Slingshot DDT) after a distraction from Dwayne Hewitt. Geriatrico hobbled out, assisted by a walking stick, and was pretty much dominated by Xavier. He wouldn’t say ‘die’ though, and only got pinned after Hewitt confiscated his cane and handed it to Reckless, who used it as a weapon.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] F [B]Notes:[/B] [I]Not only was Geriatrico off his game, he was also exhausted by the end. Then again, he is “seventy five years old”. These two don’t click either. And Hewitt is a crap referee, but we already knew that…[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Match Two: ‘Ravishing’ Rex Reeves vs. New York Red[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Rex Reeves defeated New York Red in 11:57 by pinfall with a Flying Headbutt.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [B]Notes:[/B] [I]Really must get Reeves a new finisher to go with the gimmick. These two had good chemistry, but there was little flow to the match (which is annoying, as Jetson was scripting it. Does this mean we might have to invest in a road agent?! Unthinkable!).[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Angle: Canada’s Favourite Wrestler[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Out comes Johnny Molson, to immediate booing from the fans. Molson cuts a promo on Rod Remus. Molson harps on about how everyone in his home country loves him, which is more than can be said for Remus. He says that the thirteen people in attendance are proof that nobody cares about Rod. But there are tens of thousands of people north of the border who love him, because he’s Johnny, and he’s Canadian.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [B]Notes:[/B] [I]Johnny Molson is Stan ‘The Man’ Manna. His picture just fits the Johnny Molson character so perfectly that it was worth breaking up the Rock City Stars for. I haven’t got a tag team division anyway…[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Match Three: Johnny Molson vs. Rod Remus[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Roderick Remus defeated Johnny Molson in 9:38 by submission with a Remus Clutch. Molson put up a brave fight, but in the end Remus emerged victorious after he reversed Canada’s Favourite Move into a Remus Clutch and Molson was forced to tap out when Hewitt chose to ignore Molson’s foot being on the rope.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Notes:[/B] [I]Pretty good chemistry again, which is great for the future; a phrase that pretty much sums these two up. Hewitt really is a useless twonk though, hopefully we’ll make enough money this month to justify firing him.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Main Event: Jon Jetson vs. Rockin’ Ryan Turner[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Jon Jetson defeated Rockin' Ryan Turner in 9:49 by pinfall.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [B]Notes:[/B] [I]Not much to say about this really, bland vs. bland = bland. The only reason it was in the main event was to keep the boss happy.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Overall Show Rating:[/COLOR][/B] E-. [B]Notes:[/B] [i]A good show, in spite of the main event. Remus vs. Molson saved the day. Now, to find out how much poo we’re in money-wise…[/I] [CENTER]-=-[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]Finance: [/COLOR][/B] - [COLOR="DarkRed"]Opening your email on the first day of February is terrifying when you’re a local fed, isn’t it? That yellow exclamation mark saying “You’ve got mail, let’s hope it’s not from the bank!”. Luckily, LDW’s logo was still in the centre of the screen, so I hadn’t been fired… yet… False alarm! It was to say the networks were scheduling. Will be a while before we can worry about that. - We did lose $545 this month though, which ain’t great. Especially as we only used ten guys on the whole show, just unfortunate that five of them were really expensive. Next month we’d only need to use half that number though…We’ll no longer be selling DVDs, to see if that helps, and swapped Merchandising back to Conservative, as I can’t see there being much of a demand to justify the 10% extra costs. This is, of course, if the bank let us survive another month…[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]Popularity:[/COLOR][/B] - [COLOR="DarkRed"]Up 0.4 in the Tri-State. - We’re not popular enough to get trounced in the regional battle yet though. NYCW won (C+), with FREEDOM second (C-) and PSW third (D+). - It’s gonna be a long ride, folks. Buckle up![/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]Momentum:[/COLOR][/B] [B]C:[/B] Rod Remus (A gimmick) [B]C-:[/B] Jon Jetson (C- gimmick), Ryan Turner (F gimmick) [B]D+:[/B] New York Red (B) [B]D:[/B] Rex Reeves (F) [B]E+:[/B] Johnny Molson (C-) [B]E:[/B] El Geriatrico (D) [B]F:[/B] Xavier Reckless (C-) - [COLOR="DarkRed"]Very pleased with Remus, a bit surprised at Turner’s gimmick rating though (Reeves’ was expected. It’s half the charm with him, isn’t it?). Amazingly, Creative Meeting puts Turner ahead of Remus, with Molson third as our top heel. Allll the other screens are blank until you get to ‘Who’s Not’. Fitting, eh? - Amazingly, one worker gained Tri-State overness this month. Give it up for the least likely man on the roster, Rex Reeves! Up to F+ now.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=-[/CENTER] Next Month: [quote][b]LDW Presents: The Second Argument Of Kings[/b] Friday, Week 3, February 2008 -=- Weston Gymnasium, Weston, NJ -=- Doors: 6pm -=- Tickets: Free! [u]LDW Championship Tournament Semi-Finals[/u] ‘Ravishing’ Rex Reeves vs. ‘Xtremely Dangerous’ Xavier Reckless Jon Jetson vs. Rod Remus [u]Non-Tournament Match[/u] El Geriatrico vs. Dusty Bin[/quote]
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Guest The Aussie
It's Back..... again. Will enjoy reading the diary as your LDW stuff is fun. LDW Championship Tournament Semi-Finals ‘Ravishing’ Rex Reeves vs. [B]‘Xtremely Dangerous’ Xavier Reckless[/B] [I]Wins after inteference from a yardtard of some kind[/I] [B]Jon Jetson[/B] vs. Rod Remus [I]The boss wins because he can[/I] Non-Tournament Match El Geriatrico vs. [B]Dusty Bin[/B] [I] Head Kicker 2008 FTW[/I]
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LDW Championship Tournament Semi-Finals ‘Ravishing’ Rex Reeves vs. [B]‘Xtremely Dangerous’ Xavier Reckless[/B] [B]Jon Jetson[/B] vs. Rod Remus Non-Tournament Match El Geriatrico vs. [B]Dusty Bin[/B] I never read your stuff before, I might just go back and check it out now.
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Doing my own private game of from the ground up. i.e. started a promotion on rock hard setting, I have found Xavier Reckless is actually fairly decent for the 'load of crap' group. I usually get matches and segments in the E ranges even though he is going against the cheapest, least talented wrestlers in America in a place we are only F popularity. Despite the poisonous backstage attitude he has in my game, it makes me want to see how far I can go with him. Oh, and good start to LDW version 3. I will be following along. :D
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The Second Arguement Of Kings [COLOR="DarkRed"][B][CENTER]- [COLOR="Red"]February 2008[/COLOR] –[/CENTER][/B] - We released Dwayne Hewitt, as “looking a bit like James Marsters” wasn’t reason enough to keep him around and he had no other talents. We hired Alan Gray to take his place, who was only slightly better for the same price, but hopefully slightly enough. - In sad and shocking news, Rip Chord passes away, aged 58. Even more sadly, it happened on the very same day that MAW held the third Rip Chord Invitational tournament, which has now been renamed the Rip Chord Memorial Tournament. Oddly, I seem to remember doing this very early on in LDW1.0, but have never seen him die in any game since. LDW is cursed! Fittingly, Mean Jean Cattley won this year’s event. Larry Wood has now taken over as owner and The Masked Mauler was brought in as head booker. - Nothing else happened, presumably because everyone was too busy mourning Rip to do something stupid or get injured.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [B][COLOR="Red"]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: The Second Argument Of Kings[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]In front of 14 people at the Weston Gymnasium Commentary by Lee Bambino and Rod Remus/El Geriatrico/Xavier Reckless[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]Match One:[/B] El Geriatrico vs. Dusty Bin[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Dusty Bin defeated El Geriatrico in 4:44 by pinfall after a… DDT.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] F [B]Notes:[/B] [I]We’re up one fan, but down one grade for our opener. Unbelievably this is WITH good chemistry between them, although El Geriatrico’s gimmick change would’ve brought it down (I clicked Comic Book Villain instead of Hero last time, and although it still got a D, I felt weird about it). Even more unluckily, Alan Gray got a note about being not being very good during a Dusty Bin match.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Angle:[/B] Geriatricide Is Unacceptable![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]After the match, as Dusty walked to the back, he was stopped by a young guy in a black and red mask staggering out of the curtain with a microphone and a bottle of Budweiser. “Hey! Wha’s that all ‘bout? Beatin’ up old guys like that. He fought wars fer you, yannow? ‘s an unfortunate fact o’life that havin’ fought a war doesn’t make you old no more, but… where was I? Oh yeah, you ‘n’ me nex’ week, in this very ring?” “Pfft”, said Dusty, and even that was enough for the rating to plummet.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [B]Notes:[/B] [I]Fans of the first iteration should recognize him, but if not, Drunken Dragon is played by K-Squared.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Match Two:[/B] Super Sonic vs. Ben Williams[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Super Sonic defeated Ben Williams in 9:39 by pinfall with a Sonic Boom (Sit-out Double Underhook Powerbomb).[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [B]Notes:[/B] [I]These two have great chemistry, and Remus in the announce booth was a good move.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Match Three:[/B] Rex Reeves vs. Xavier Reckless[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Xavier Reckless defeated Rex Reeves in 10:16 by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [B]Notes:[/B] [I]Hmm, maybe Alan Gray does need to be fired… Lee Bambino and El Geriatrico have good chemistry in the announce booth (pfft, as if we have an announce booth) though.[/I] [COLOR="Red"] [B]Main Event:[/B] Jon Jetson vs. Rod Remus[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Roderick Remus defeated Jon Jetson in 12:54 by submission with a Remus Clutch.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] E [B]Notes:[/B] [I]With Reckless taking over the road agenting and commentary (I’ve settled on a plan, Rod, Geriatrico and Reckless are my colour commentary/road agent ‘squad’. When Rod isn’t in the ring, he’s in the booth. When he is, Geriatrico steps forward, when they’re both in the same match or one isn’t booked that night, it’s left to Reckless), we get our best match so far. And it includes the boss, so he'll be pleased.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Angle:[/B] Reckless Interference[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]After the match, while Remus is celebrating reaching the finals, his opponent in said finals steps up from the announce table to the apron with a microphone. “Yo, Remus. Congratulations on reaching the finals of this meaningless tournament. If I were you, I’d give up now…” While Remus was distracted, Super Sonic had crept up on him and now blasted him over the head with a chair. “…because there’s plenty more where that came from”. Sonic and Reckless continued the beatdown on Remus as Bambino laughed to himself on commentary, until Ben Williams came out to help, but was rather ineffective. Eventually Sonic and Reckless got bored and left.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] E [B]Notes:[/B] [I]I bet nobody can guess what the main theme of the first year will be. ¬_¬[/I] [CENTER]-=-[/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]Overall Show Rating:[/B][/COLOR] E-. [I]- Another good show, setting up the final nicely, if the bank will let us hold it. Our extra fan probably came from The Ministry, as PSW’s show there on the same night was sold out so they couldn’t get in.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Finance: [/COLOR][/B] - Hah, no worries. We almost halved our worker and merchandise expenses, and pulled in $600 more from sponsorship, so not only did we make up the debt from last month, we actually made money on top of it, and now sit looking at a $1,120 bank balance. [B][COLOR="Red"]Popularity:[/COLOR][/B] - Up 0.6 in the Tri-State (but… it got the same grade as last month… maybe it’s percentages not grades…) to a total of 1 whole percent. Freedom won the battle with a C- show, NYCW were second with a slightly worse C- show, PSW were off pace again with a D. [B][COLOR="Red"]Momentum:[/COLOR][/B] C: Rod Remus C-: Ryan Turner D+: Jon Jetson (down from C-) D: Super Sonic (new entry, A gimmick) E+: Johnny Molson, Ben Williams (new entry, C gimmick), Rex Reeves (down from D) E: El Geriatrico (early gimmick change has plummeted his gimmick rating to an F), Dusty Bin (new entry, B+ gimmick) F+: Xavier Reckless (up from F) [I]- So next month’s main event is Hottest vs. Coldest. Figures. As an aside, the tournament storyline is up to an E now. Sweet. - Add Ben Williams to the list of really odd popularity increases, he’s up to F. Lee Bambino and Xavier Reckless are up to F+ also.[/I] [B]Next Month:[/B] [quote][b]LDW Presents: The Last Argument Of Kings[/b] Friday, Week 3, March 2008 -=- Weston Gymnasium, Weston, NJ -=- Doors: 6pm -=- Tickets: Free! [u]LDW Championship Tournament Final[/u] Rod Remus vs. ‘Xtremely Dangerous’ Xavier Reckless Dusty Bin vs. Drunken Dragon Super Sonic vs. Ben Williams II Johnny Molson vs. El Geriatrico[/quote]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]- March 2008 –[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- Tasuku Iesada is working through a bruised tailbone. Because he’s a badass like that. Talking of badasses, PRIDE Koiso is your new PGHW Historical Japan champion. - FCW have set the bar for this month’s war early, with a C show on day one, funnily enough, PSW went for day one too, but only managed D+. NYCW then beat that with a C+, with a show where Grandmaster Phunk buries American Machine before leaving the company. I really, really want Steve Flash to retire, because he’s the only thing keeping them ahead in this battle. Although they did just sign Davis Wayne Newton… - Since we could apparently afford to within reason, we were splashing out in style with no less than three big (for LDW) money signings for the main storyline. - Talking of big money, Soul Taker has rejected MPWF’s contract offer on the grounds that they aren’t big enough. He might as well have said “I want to go and work for SOTBPW”. - How’s this for irony? MAW present a show called Out of Control, where the Masked Mauler defeats Mean Jean Cattley. Talk about taking the piss…[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [B][COLOR="Red"][B]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: The Last Argument Of Kings[/B][/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]In front of 10 people at the Weston Gymnasium Commentary by Lee Bambino and Rod Remus/El Geriatrico[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]Match One:[/B] El Geriatrico vs. Johnny Molson[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Johnny Molson defeated El Geriatrico in 5:45 by pinfall with Canada's Favourite Move. [/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [B]Notes: [/B][I]Alan Gray still sucks, we might have to fire him too.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Angle:[/B] XDW Are Ready[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Before his match, Super Sonic comes out to the ring accompanied by Xavier Reckless. Reckless announces that Super Sonic won’t have a problem beating Ben Williams any more than he did last month. And if he does, he knows reinforcements are nearby.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] E [COLOR="Red"][B]Match Two:[/B] Super Sonic vs. Ben Williams[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Ben Williams defeated Super Sonic in 7:43 by pinfall. Towards the end of the match, Daredevil Aero ran out to try and interfere, but was at the bottom of the ramp by Rod Remus, running out from the crowd. Bambino went nuts when it became apparent that it wasn’t Rod at all, but his brother Remmington. He began screaming at Aero to ignore him, because “he’s a cripple, he ain’t gonna hurtchya”, but Aero was skeptical, the fans in the arena, as well as Remmy himself, seemed surprised by the outburst. Regardless, the commotion distracted Sonic enough for Williams to roll him up from behind.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [B]Notes: [/B][I]He might be $450 a pop, but Remmy ensures we don’t need a different road agent every damn match ¬_¬[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Angle:[/B] The Return Of The Remus Twins. Sorta.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]During the Post-Match Shenanigans (TM), Rod Remus came out from the backstage area with a microphone. Walking directly to the announcers table wearing an extremely pissed off expression, he grabbed Bambino by his shirt. “What did you call my brother? Say it to me, huh? You little ****bag. Say it to me!” Bambino, clearly scared ****less by the ordeal, was too scared to say anything, so at the behest of his brother (who was clearly not too bothered about the slur) Remus just threw him to the floor. “I’ll deal with you later. Meanwhile, Remmy, come over here. We seem to need a new announcer!”. Before entering the ring, Rod turned back to Bambino and kicked him in the ribs *really hard*. “Xavier”, Rod continued, “if you think it’s gonna be easy later, you’re wrong. And your friend over there just made you ten times more wrong. You can bring as many of those little punks as you like tonight, Reckless, you’re not winning this title”. Xavier snatched the microphone. “I don’t want the title, a**hole. I just want the glory!”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [B]Notes:[/B] [I]While this angle was planned right from the start, it’s important to note that the very day after I signed Remmington, Rod developed a Strong Dislike relationship with Bambino, so I thought I’d have a bit of fun with that. Rod Remus shooting in front of ten people? Only in LDW…[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Match Three:[/B] Drunken Dragon vs. Dusty Bin[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Dusty Bin defeated Drunken Dragon in 6:01 by submission after a Full Nelson.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] E [B]Notes:[/B][I] Yes, this is going somewhere. Although I’m sure I’ll wish it wasn’t when we get there.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Angle:[/B] Tournament Final Video[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]An amateur video plays (on a ****ty widescreen TV donated by our sponsors), set to extremely ill-fitting music, basically just showing clips of Rod Remus and Xavier Reckless. Some of the clips shown weren’t even LDW clips.[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Notes:[/B][I] Seriously, how *do* Local promotions do videos, exactly? I figure a big TV and Windows Movie Maker will do for now.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Lucha Libre Main Event:[/B] Rod Remus vs. Xavier Reckless for the LDW Championship[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Xavier Reckless defeated Roderick Remus in 14:50 by two falls to one, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT. Xavier Reckless wins the Lethal Dosage Championship title. The first fall was clean. Remus won it. Xavier didn’t like that, so the second fall was basically a handicap match between Remus, Xavier and Sonic. Remus almost won that too, it took a Sonic Boom behind Alan Gray’s back to keep Remus down, so when the third fall started, Aero got in on the action too. Alan Gray’s uselessness managed to keep the heels on top, and eventually Remus succumbed to the Reckless Abandon (Slingshot DDT).[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [B]Notes:[/B] It’s amazing what a little storyline can do. New LDW Match of the Year [COLOR="Red"][B]Angle:[/B] What’s In A Belt?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]After a little post-match 3-on-1 beatdown, Reckless cuts a promo from atop Aero and Sonic’s shoulders as the threesome celebrate. “It’s no question, Rod Remus, you are one hell of a competitor, and I will not be a champion that hides. In the tradition of Dick The Devestator, in the tradition of Dan Stone, all of the Stones, of Spencer Marks, of Pat Deacon, the man who’ll never die! Of the real ‘Strangler’ Ed Henson, upstairs tonight. From the Ray Kingmans to the Micky Starrs, to the… Rip Chords. I accept this LDW Championship… wait a second, wait, of George DeColt, of the fat man himself, Chief Two Eagles, and Ray Kingman, and they can all KISS MY ASS!” he throws down the LDW belt. “Because I am NOT the man to accept the brand new torch, created a mere three months ago! ‘Xtreme Danger’ Xavier Reckless is the man who reignites the old flame of the [I]extreme[/I] side of professional wrestling! Tonight, I declare... myself, ‘Xtreme Danger’, as the new Xtreme Danger Wrestling Heavyweight Champion of the World! I, Xavier Reckless, have set out to change the face of professional wrestling. So, tonight, let the old era begin anew! The era of the extreme. The era of ‘Xtreme Danger’. The era of the X-D-W!"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [B]Notes:[/B] [I]Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I needed a ‘throwing down the belt’ promo. If you want water, you go to the ocean, if you want money, you go to a bank. If you want a throwing down the belt promo…[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Overall Show Rating:[/B] E[/COLOR] - [I]Best show yet. It’s all down to Remmington’s match scripting, clearly. *madly tries to justify expense*[/I] [CENTER]-=-[/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]Finance: [/B][/COLOR] - [I]We lost $61, which in the grand scheme of things isn’t exactly alarm-bell-inducing.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Popularity:[/B][/COLOR] - [I]Up another 0.6, to 1.6. If you’ve been paying attention you’ll know the battle results already :p[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Momentum:[/COLOR][/B] C-: Rod Remus (down from C-), Ryan Turner D+: Jon Jetson D-: Super Sonic (down from D) E+: Drunken Dragon (new entry, B gimmick), Ben Williams, Rex Reeves, Dusty Bin (up from E) E: El Geriatrico, Johnny Molson (down from E+ despite winning), Xavier Reckless (up from F+) F-: Daredevil Aero (new entry, hasn’t actually wrestled yet, A gimmick) - [I]Lee Bambino has shot up to E- popularity in the Tri-State now. Rod Remus has dropped to the same level, while Xavier has gone from F to F+ and F+ straight to E in two months. He’s also gained a grade in Stamina, meaning there are only two guys on the roster who can wrestle longer than him, and neither have debuted yet.[/I] [B]Next Month:[/B] [QUOTE][B]LDW Presents: Xtreme Danger Wrestling[/B] [I]Friday, Week 3, April 2008 -=- Weston Gymnasium, Weston, NJ -=- Doors: 6pm -=- Tickets: Free![/I] [u]XDW Title Match[/u] Xavier Reckless vs. Super Sonic Rod Remus vs. Fearless Blue, Extreme Deluxe and Daredevil Aero w/Lee Bambino[/QUOTE]
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Xtreme Danger Wrestling [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]- April 2008 –[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- I’ve decided to do away with the news reports unless something actually happens, because reporting that nothing happened gets repetitive, and then we end up with things like some random Japanese guy bruising his tailbone as a news item. One notable thing though, we fired Alan Gray and replaced him with Xander Summer. Same money, but up another grade to D-. Let’s see if THAT is good enough…[/COLOR] [center]-=- [color=Red][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Xtreme Danger Wrestling[/color][/b] [color=DarkRed][i]In front of 19 people at the Weston Gymnasium Commentary by Remmington Remus and Lee Bambino[/i][/color][/CENTER] [color=Red][b]Angle:[/b] Remus Reunion[/color] [color=DarkRed]Backstage, Remmington Remus catches up with his brother. Remmy explains that he was never in XDW, so he doesn’t know how they operate, but “dude, three on one just isn’t cool. Unless it’s three chicks o’course!” Remmy proposes he teams with his brother for the match, but Rod is reluctant. “Nah, man. I can handle it, honest. They’re not worth the risk, with your leg ‘n’ all.” Eventually Remmy persuades Rod to let him accompany him, promising to only tag in when necessary. [/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E+ [b]Notes:[/b][i] Note to self: Make sure matches are actually possible in TEW before you announce them ¬_¬ 3 on 1 isn’t. 3 on 2, however…[/i] [color=Red][b]Match One[/b]: The Remus Twins vs. Fearless Blue, Daredevil Aero and Extreme Deluxe[/color] [color=DarkRed]Roderick Remus and Remmington Remus defeated Extreme Deluxe, Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero in 5:45 when Remmington Remus defeated Extreme Deluxe by submission with the Remus Clutch. Rod took Extreme Deluxe out of the match early on with a superkick while Deluxe was poised on the top turnbuckle. After that, Rod had it pretty easy since normal tag rules applied. Underhanded tactics towards the end by the XDWers led to Remmington blind tagging, then applying the Remus Clutch on Deluxe while the others were occupied, with Lee Bambino screaming about how unfair everything was.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i] The fans were, quite harshly, all over the case of Remmy, who wasn’t even a wrestler. He still performed better than Extreme Deluxe though, who was buried, protected, and still treated like crap by the fans. And it was still better than most Dusty Bin matches.[/i] [color=Red][b]Match Two[/b]: Johnny Molson vs. Drunken Dragon [/color] [color=DarkRed] Johnny Molson defeated Drunken Dragon in 5:39 by pinfall with a Canada's Favourite Move. Before the match, Dragon staggered out with his bottle of Budweiser and was about to start rambling into a microphone before Molson snatched the beer from his hand. He replaced it with a Molson Canadian Light (he’d never give the real stuff to foreigners, obviously). Dragon took one swig, and with a disgusted expression spat in out onto the floor. Molson took exception, and smashed the Budweiser over Dragon’s head before rolling him into the ring.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i]A completely unannounced time-filler. But an expensive one, made even more expensive by the fact that I forgot to check the referee. Apparently Alan Gray isn’t as fired as I thought he was.[/i] [color=Red][b]Match Three[/b]: Xavier Reckless vs. Super Sonic[/color] for the XDW Heavyweight Championship [color=DarkRed] Xavier Reckless drew with Super Sonic in 3:17 following a double disqualification. Before the match could even get properly started, Rod Remus and Rockin’ Ryan Turner ran out and leveled both competitors. Remus kicked the XDW title out of the ring as if it was on fire, and Turner guarded the stage-facing side of the ring against the other XDWers who’d appeared from the curtain.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Reckless bitched about drawing the match :\ Ego trip or what? Also, Xander Summer wasn’t good as a referee. D’oh! As long as it’s only for the good matches I guess we can live with it.[/i] [color=Red][b]Angle:[/b] So Wait, Who’s Paying For All This?[/color] [color=DarkRed]With the brawl set to only intensify, Jon Jetson came out with a microphone to calm things down. “Ok, I’ve had ENOUGH! All of you, stop it, now!” he shoved Extreme Delux on his ass on his way to the ring. “Reckless, it’s time to stop all this nonsense. XDW? It’s dead! I feel for ya, buddy, I really do. But you’ve gotta move on. I don’t pay you to throw MY title on the floor and run down MY federation, attack MY talent outside the ring and bully everyone into doing what you want. That’s not why I pay you. Because, remember, I DO pay you. I pay every one of you ungrateful ****s!” “But this is wrestling. So in the spirit of competition, you get one chance. You want XDW back? You want to run your two-cent promotion on my turf? With my money? I have a proposition. We have a match. Right here, right now. Team LDW vs. Team XDW. If my team wins, I keep LDW. That title you’re holding is discarded, never to be seen again on my show. And you and your boys stop bullying everyone else. If you win, I sign the company over to you. No strings, no frills. You own LDW, and can do with it what you wish. Three on three, whaddya say?” “I accept!” says Reckless, simply. “Good, and your team?” “Myself, Fearless Blue, Super Sonic”. “Fair enough. Let’s get on with it then!” As the chaos sorts itself out into the setup for a six man contest, with Remus and Turner on one apron and Blue and Sonic on the other, Reckless backs off into his corner while Jetson enters the ring. “Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a two out of three falls lucha libre rules tag team match for ownership of this company. Introducing first, the challengers…” He smirks. Reckless is not impressed. “From some backyard somewhere; Xtreme Danger Wrestling!” “And their opponents, from right here in Lethal Dosage Wrestling… Rod Remus, Rockin’ Ryan Turner, and… making his LDW Debut…” Xavier springs forward, half confused and half worried. “…ANGEL DE MEHICO!”. The 19 fans erupt as Angel sprints through the curtain towards the ring. Reckless explodes at the backstabbing, demolishing Jetson with a stiff STO, but Jetson can’t stop smiling as he rolls out of the ring.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b][i] Jetson is hardly a master of the microphone, but it was decent enough. His turn was horrific though :([/i] [color=Red][b]Main Event[/b]: Team LDW vs. Team XDW[/color] [color=DarkRed]The match started with a chaotic cluster****, as Angel arrived and took out Xavier from behind, prompting the other two XDWers to leap to their boss’s defence, which in turn promoted Remus and Turner to get involved as well. It took a good five minutes for Alan Gray (yup, f’ed up again) to regain control. Five minutes later and Blue and Turner were out cold on the floor after a table failed to break during a spot, Remus and Super Sonic were brawling through the crowd (of 19…), and Xavier Reckless was being hit with a Mexican Death. Ángel De México, Roderick Remus and Rockin’ Ryan Turner defeated Xavier Reckless, Super Sonic and Fearless Blue in 11:50 when Ángel De México defeated Fearless Blue by pinfall with a Mexican Death.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Alan Gray is DEFINITELY being fired this time. Promise.[/i] [CENTER]-=-[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]Overall Show Rating:[/COLOR][/B] E- [I]- Slightly down from last week, but that’s not surprising as it involved a lot of the XDWers, who aren’t that great. It felt like a really expensive show though, so hopefully it won’t put us in the red again…We’re still gaining popularity, that’s the main thing at this stage.[/I] [I]- During the show, Xavier Reckless was at it again, pulling a mean prank on Alan Gray. Since Gray shouldn’t have been there anyway, and we don’t like him too much right now, we merely gave Xavier a slap on the wrist. He seemed to take it surprisingly well, for him.[/I] [CENTER]-=-[/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]Finance:[/B][/COLOR] [I]- Ouch, we lost $1,170, leaving us $71 in the hole. Nothing disastrous, we can pull that back next month easily. Just means I’ll have to actually pay attention to who’s on the show, and not book a $450 worker in a meaningless filler match…[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Popularity:[/COLOR][/B] [I]- Up another 0.4 to 2.0%. So it is based on percentage and not grade, which means it was a low E-.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Momentum:[/COLOR][/B] C-: Rod Remus, Ryan Turner, Angel De Mexico (new entry, A* gimmick) D+: Extreme Deluxe (the hell? I completely buried him, the fans hate him, his gimmick debuts with an E+, yet he debuts with D+ momentum) D: Fearless Blue (new entry, E gimmick) D-: Super Sonic, Johnny Molson (up from E), Jon Jetson (down from D, gimmick as a face is down to E+ from C+), Remmington Remus (new entry, B+ gimmick) E+: Drunken Dragon, Ben Williams, Rex Reeves, Dusty Bin E: El Geriatrico E-: Xavier Reckless (up from F+. Sigh, he’s getting there…) F-: Daredevil Aero [I]- The XDW stable is up to F+ momentum, finally. The main storyline is still at E-. - Remmy Remus is now up to E popularity, and thus is more popular than his brother.[/I] [B]Next Month:[/B] [QUOTE][b]LDW Presents: Blood Of The Kings[/b] [I]Friday, Week 3, May 2008 -=- Weston Gymnasium, Weston, NJ -=- Doors: 6pm -=- Tickets: Free![/I] Xavier Reckless vs. Angel De Mexico* Super Sonic vs. Rod Remus El Geriatrico vs. Daredevil Aero (*Please note that this match is subject to Reckless accepting the terms of his loss in last month's main event. Should he refuse, Angel will still wrestle, but we are currently unable to announce any potential replacement opponent).[/QUOTE]
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