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Turncoat Revolution - Join The Underground Wrestling Cult (C-Verse 08)

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[CENTER][QUOTE][CENTER]Behold The Youth Come Down The Pipe All Worked Up, All Spent Up, All Faces Turned Up Overdone I Never Met A Traitor I Didn't Like Never Criticized A Turncoat Written Off In Spite Caught Up On Robbing Peter To Pay Paul Obsessively Stabbing Achilles To Kill It All Jump On Board And Feel What I've Confessed The Small Bus Is Leaving And Will Never Be Blessed Pissed Up The Same Flagpole Once Too Many Times Blood On My Shoes Makes Light Of Death And We Mock The Crime Behold The Youth. Sad Again Hair All F*cked, With Black Eyes But Untouched Behold My Own Part. Unaware Of Where We Start But You've Given Up On Giving Back, And Frankly I Miss Your Heart But I Could Care Less, I Behold Their Resources They Get So Far, And Cause So Much Stress Behold Our Turncoat Revolution That's Doomed Step One, A Step Undone Behold Our Lifelong Manifesto Of Failure Assumed [IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/RevBackWresUnderRefined.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] ...[/CENTER]
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[I]The music played through my ears... my eyes.. the rest of my face... my entire body.[/I] [I]The music was speaking to me. It cut into me as though it was a Jack The Rippers knife and I was another cheap whore from London about to meet my maker.[/I] I wish I could say I have been watching wrestling my whole life, but I never had Tuesday nights with grandma watching SWF. I first watched wrestling six years ago. I was twelve and turned on an old HGC telecast. I was immediately draw into the scene. It was the end of a tag team match, the drama was high, the good guys were doing all they could to win, but the heels were to much, they cheated and rolled up one of the babyfaces. I was astonished that the referee gave them the win when the bad guys clearly had cheated. What happened next fully encapsulated me. One of the babyfaces crawled back into the ring and rolled over his partner. Then instead of helping him out all he did was spit in his face. The downed member of the team was in shock, the commentators were in shock, I was in shock. He then proceeded to kick the crap out of his partner. They were friends! Why is he hurting his friend? I knew it was all fake. For me there never were those warm memories of the kayfabed era, but it didn't matter. I was drawn in be this spectacle, by this freakshow. Drawn in by a passion that I couldn't fight...
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[I]The song told me what I ought to do. It told me what needed to be done. The changes that this revolution must shock into the wrestling world.[/I] Since that day I watched any wrestling I could. It started with SWF and TCW, but I soon found DAVE and was sucked in. It was the best wrestling I had seen. Not the hardcore brawls, but rather the athletic ability of the high flyers, or the technical prowess of the mat based guys. It was good to live the Tri State. From there I moved onto ordering tapes from across the country of the smaller indy groups. CZCW and then later, MAW. Over the last two years I have ventured into Japanese companies. PGHW and WLW ships DVD’s to me every month, and I like to pick up an old BHOTWG event every once an awhile. But things changed in wrestling. The guys I liked started getting old, either retiring or selling out to the big two. It had been years since I have been able to stomach a full flagship show from either TCW or SWF. The product wasn’t even wrestling. It wasn’t the freak show I fell in love with. It was just a demented body that fooled the world and made a mockery of what I loved. It made a mockery of me. Then DAVE closed. That was a day the Tri State will not forget. When PSW formed many thought the dark days were over. They weren’t PSW was a façade, a joke compared to DAVE. Legends of the original American indy turned their back on the ideals of the promotion that made them, and the people bought it. Wrestling is in it’s darkest days. This is the time of revolution. Not just any type of revolution. A turncoat revolution. We must turn our backs on the business we love and rebuild it from the bottom up. The lyrics were so true. Behold the youth, the only way we would survive. Forget the has-beens that are failing to put on the show in USPW or PSW, the next generation is now! Come down the pipe, be on your toes or we’ll knock you off your feet. Join the underground wrestling cult movement! All worked up, all spent up, all faces turned up, this isn’t about the money, politics, or about looking pretty, this is about pride. Overdone, wrestling is just a machine that is making copies of the same sh*t time and time again. We need to tear the machine down before it caves in on us. I never met a traitor I didn't like. Have you? Never criticized a turncoat written off in spite, for that is only the beginning, we must fall apart before we can fall together. Caught up on robbing Peter to pay Paul. They may accuse us of killing wrestling, well f*ck them! We are wrestling! Obsessively stabbing Achilles to kill it all, to take down the monster we will attack and attack until we find their week point. Jump on board and feel what I've confessed. The small bus is leaving and will never be blessed. Our ragtag group is never going to be truly recognized, but there is no turning your back on the movement. Pissed up the same flagpole once too many times. We need to stop taking this same sh*t form wrestling companies. Blood on my shoes makes light of death and we mock the crime, as we reach our goal, the benefits to this sport will be seen. Behold The Youth. Sad Again. These kids are the future, but the world won’t take them because they want to go watch the past f*ck around. I’d be upset too, I am upset. Hair all f*cked, with black eyes but untouched. This is gonna look real. This is gonna be intense, this is gonna be dangerous. This is gonna be change. Behold my own part, unaware of where we start. I have as many questions as you, but I take the plunge regardless. But you've given up on giving back, and frankly I miss your heart, this veterans and all the promotions are not adding to the business. They have lost their passion. But I could care less, I behold their resources. This is going down with no money, no prestige, and no popularity. We don’t need their money or their phony propaganda. They get so far, and cause so much stress. Others try and fail but this my friend is legit. Behold Our Turncoat Revolution That's Doomed Step One, A Step Undone Behold Our Lifelong Manifesto Of Failure Assumed
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So here is the basis of this dynasty. First off the song in mention for the first few posts is 'Turncoat Revolution' by Hot Cross. I am starting with zero money, zero prestige, and zero popularity. Underground Wrestling Revolution will be based in the Tri State and the deatabase is the defualt C-Verse. Key-Cult/Modern Medium-Mainstream/Realism/Lucha/Pure/Daredevil Low-Hardcore Intensity-60% Danger-80% Up Next-Who is the owner?
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The one problem with my little dream is that, I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to operating a wrestling company. I needed someone who has been on the inside, someone who as worked as a big time staff member for successful promotions of the past. [I]In walked Nemesis.[/I] I made a lot of calls to anyone involved in wrestling that lived in the Tri State. None of them wanted anything to do with some smark fan that thought he could change wrestling. To find success I had to call someone who left the business. [I]He sat down across the table. No smile, no handshake.[/I] Nemesis left wrestling after DAVE closed. He was tired of the politics and knew he needed to stay out of the train wreck that is PSW. Yet that long needed vacation only saw him grow lustful of his past profession. The pain to rejoin a promotion was to much when I gave him a call and planned this meeting. Before I opened my mouth he started talking. "Kid, heres the deal. You are right about this whole thing. The business needs to be changed from the ground up. I will assume the role of owner but I refuse to put any of my money into this company." Before I could agree he pulled out a flask and offered me some. I lost my words by the fact that he carried a flask around in public, and even more so by the fact that he was drinking hard liquor at ten in the morning. He took his drink and started talking again before I could even regain my ability to speak. "There are a couple ground rules you need to follow. You said you wanted my help to be successful, and that is the direction you will be headed if you follow these rules. First off. Never go in debt. Ever. That is always the first step toward losing it. Even if you can get back in the black you will lose a lot of ground. Next, always be gaining popularity in America. It is the only way to move forward. Last, stay away from those who won't deliver in ring. This means look out for guys that are to old, can't sell, or don't know how to put together a story in the ring." With that he got up and walked away. Again, this man has made me speechless. After a few steps turned around, and gave me some last words. "Don't rush this. Take your time building a roster and then call me and we'll talk." That was that. Wow. He was onboard. The Underground Wrestling Revolution was looking legit. Nemesis' rules were good, the only one I worry about is the financial one, a local company like UWR that has $0 in the bank, is always near that red line. So now I am gonna take a few months to build my roster, watch indy stuff to find the best faces for the revolution. I also will use this time to get sponsors and be prepared financially so we can stay in the black. [I]OCC-Since Nemesis had no default owner settings, I had to make my own up for him based off of what I know. Roster Size-Large Pacts-Hostile Patience-Low Turnover-High Finance-Mean It should be a steep climb with him as owner, as these settings made a few intense owner goals, but if you think about it, Nemesis is a pretty intense dude, so it all works out.[/I] NEXT-Who made the final roster cut?
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After six month of nonstop watching of low budget indy shows I had assembled my roster. This rag tag group is a mix of styles and backgrounds. During that six month period I build up $11,000 in capital from sponsors, meaning that I have some cushion between me and the 'never go in debt' goal from Nemesis. So, here is your Underground Wrestling Revolution roster. [COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol[/COLOR]-A technical cruiserweight who is working as an underdog. [COLOR="blue"]Cale Sanders[/COLOR]-A technical cruiserweight who works as a lumberjack. [COLOR="red"]Canadian Dragon[/COLOR]-A Canadia flyer who works as an old school heel. [COLOR="red"]Citizen X[/COLOR]-An entertaining flyer who works as an anarchist. [COLOR="red"]DeCipher[/COLOR]-An all rounder from Mexico who has a great demonic look. [COLOR="blue"]El Diablo Loco[/COLOR]-Recently Duberry Excess signed with SOTBPW and doned the mask. This is an off shoot of that character. [COLOR="red"]Frankie Dee[/COLOR]-A technical flyer who uses legit martial arts skills in his gimmick. [COLOR="blue"]Geoff Borne[/COLOR]-This flyer comes over from Europe with a thrill seeker gimmick. [COLOR="blue"]Joe Benning[/COLOR]-Regular Jow is a bland technician that was recently trained by Shawn Gonzalez. [COLOR="red"]Ken Killross[/COLOR]-K-Squared is now suiting up under a mask as a cowboy from the future. [COLOR="red"]Marc Speed[/COLOR]-A technically snug MMA style fighter from California. [COLOR="blue"]Mark Smart[/COLOR]-A newcomer flyer. [COLOR="red"]Nelson Callum[/COLOR]-A rookie on the Tri State scene. He is c0cky even with his lack of experience. [COLOR="red"]Raphael Moretti[/COLOR]-RIPW's Raphael looks to make his character more serious, tapping into his considerable mat skill. [COLOR="Red"]Romeo Valentine[/COLOR]-Valentine, who also works as Romeo Romero is a prima donna who is well rounded. [COLOR="blue"]Stuart Grimm[/COLOR]-The former Puma Boy is a flyer who has turned from his masked roots to be a fun babyface. [COLOR="blue"]Super Panther[/COLOR]-At the same time as his regular partner (Duberry Excess/El Diablo Loco) went to Mexico, Phenominal E headed to Japan as the masked Super Panther. [COLOR="blue"]Tempest Flames[/COLOR]-Tempest Applebee is a Canadian who loves to dance and bring on the Disco Inferno. [COLOR="blue"]Warren Smith[/COLOR]-Warren Technique is a well rounded stud who is focused on putting on a good show. [CENTER][SIZE="6"][COLOR="red"]UWR Turncoat Revolution[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/DuberryExcess_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/PhenomenalE_alt3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/RevFist.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG] [B][I][SIZE="5"]The International Invaders vs. Tap/Snap/Nap[/SIZE][/I][/B] [I]A mix of both Japanese and Mexican talent, the International Invaiders bring some real skill and milege to the Revolution. They face off with the ultra serious duo of Frankie Dee and Marc Smart. Tap/Snap/Nap is stiff and is quite danerous on the ground. This should be a solid contest and worth the price of the ticket alone.[/I] [IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/BrendanIdol.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/RevFist.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/TempestAppleby-1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B][I]Brendan Idol vs. Tempest Flames[/I][/B][/SIZE] These two both like to take it to the air and thus should be big time fan favorites. Will we all bow down to our new Idol? Or will we be burning in the Disco Inferno? Who will be the king of high flying action? You gotta be there to find out! [IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/RevFist.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B][I]Cale Sanders vs. Raphael Moretti[/I][/B][/SIZE] [I]The most humble man in the Revolution faces off with the c0ckiest, most confedient man to grace the Underground. Both can tie you up in knots. Who will be successful in turning their back on the mainstream, and focusing on a traditional contest rather than showmanship? UWR is the only place where you can see these indy stars from across the country.[/I] [SIZE="5"][B][I]Plus Much More![/I][/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [LEFT][I]Quick Picks; The International Invaders vs. Tap/Snap/Nap Brendan Idol vs. Tempest Flames Cale Sanders vs. Raphael Moretti[/I][/LEFT]
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[I]Like you said in mine, it should be interesting to see how our promotions progress through time. We have similar products as well, so we can get a good gauge on how we compare with each other. Good luck with yours and hope we can each keep them running for the long haul.[/I] [B]The International Invaders[/B] vs. Tap/Snap/Nap Brendan Idol vs. [B]Tempest Flames[/B] [B]Cale Sanders[/B] vs. Raphael Moretti
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[CENTER][I][B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]UWR Turncoat Revolution[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/I] [I]Held In Front Of 19 In The Tri State Thursday, Week 3, July, 2008[/I] [IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/RevFist.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] [B]Raphael Moretti defeated Cale Sanders[/B][/CENTER] This was a standard technical fare that saw some hints at high risk offense. The cool thing was the clash in the style of their submissions, as Cale worked with Canadian stretching style while Raphael was doing submissions of a flashy American style. Raphael picked up the win with his flipping neck breaker, Poetic Justice. Not the best match in the world, but Raphael was off his game tonight. I should not here that I have no announcer, only Nemesis doing color, and so all matches ratings will be pulled down a little. [B][COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR][/B] Nemesis comes out to a huge pop, or at least as big of a pop as you are gonna get out of less than twenty fans. He puts over all those in attendance and those that have supported the Revolution in other ways. He says that tonight will be a fantastic event, but was cut off in doing so. The fan’s didn’t mind seeing a star like Nemesis, as his overness helped the rating. [COLOR="red"][B]C+[/B][/COLOR] Citizen X comes out and proclaims that he is the only revolution in this town. He says that the UWR will fail, just like all institutions will fail. Nemesis that cuts Citizen X down for hating on the revolution and he says the only thing that will fail is wrestlers who don’t support positive movement’s in wrestling. Nemesis declares that if Citizen X ever loses a match in UWR he will no longer be a member of the roster. He hopes that that loss will be tonight, as Citizen X will face off with Stuart Grimm later on. This segment didn't go down with the crowd, Citizen X was not enough of a name in the Tri State for people to understand his gimmick, thus the segment failed. [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/BrendanIdol.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/RevFist.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/TempestAppleby-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brendan Idol defeated Tempest Flames[/B][/CENTER] A fast paced aerial affair that lasted just over ten minutes. It was pretty even, and though both were faces, the crowd was fully behind Tempest Flames who was clearly learning how to improve his performance skills from the superior Brendan Idol. Brendan catches a win after Tempest went down to a DDT followed by a 450 Splash called the Idolizer Splash. [COLOR="red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/RevFist.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/GrimmQuibble.jpg[/IMG] [B]Citizen X defeated Stuart Grimm[/B][/CENTER] The crowd was strongly against Citizen X who had been hating on everything they stand for in wrestling. Citizen X controlled most the match, toying with the fans. Grimm made a comeback in the eighth minute, but Citizen X put a stop to that with a brutal European Uppercut. He then finished it with his top rope lariat, Flaming Anarchy. Grimm clearly learned a thing or two in the loss, plus he is now a fan favorite for sure. [COLOR="red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/DuberryExcess_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/PhenomenalE_alt3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/RevFist.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG] [B]The International Invaders drew Tap/Snap/Nap[/B][/CENTER] As predicted, the match of the night. Frankie and Marc continually grounded Super Panther in the early going. Panther hit a quick hurricanrana and was able to make the hot tag. Frankie ducked the clothesline and went for the legs to get a takedown but El Diablo Loco ended up getting Frankie‘s back. Frank worked out and ran to his corner, they thought they were the Loco ones because they had no idea either of their opponents had any technical skill. The match was a solid struggle with both sides getting equal offense. Frankie had Diablo in a deep Dragon Sleeper, and Panther was out on the floor with Marc. The crowd was chanting not to tap and when the bell rang they went ballistic thinking there favorites had been cheated. They soon learned that the time limit expired. The chant’s of ‘5 More Minutes’ met no avail from Tap/Snap/Nap, who quickly high tailed it to the back. [B][COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR][/B] Certainly not a bad show at all for a no name promotion. The [COLOR="red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR] rating given by critics is fantastic for a local fed, and nearly beats the D+ PSW had this month. The one downside is that we spent a wee bit to much on the show, about $4,000 more than planned. Next month we will have to hold one less match to keep costs down. Other than that it was a successful outing with what seemed like a harmonious locker room that had nothing come up. NEXT-Will The International Invaders Get A Rematch?
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"][U][B][I][SIZE="6"]UWR Shock The World[/SIZE][/I][/B][/U][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/DuberryExcess_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/PhenomenalE_alt3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/RevFist.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG] [B][I][SIZE="5"]The International Invaders vs. Tap/Snap/Nap[/SIZE][/I][/B] [SIZE="4"]No Time Limit[/SIZE] [I]They‘re at it again! Last month these two teams rocked the house with a fantastic display of styles from around the world. Unfortunately the time limit expired and there was no clear winner. Who is the better team? Who will lead the chase toward revolution? They face off again as our main event this month in a match that has been deemed time limit free. You may have missed their bout last month, don’t miss it again! [/I] [IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/RevFist.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/GeoffBorne.jpg[/IMG] [B][I][SIZE="5"]Canadian Dragon vs. Geoff Borne[/SIZE][/I][/B] [I]Both of these men are outsiders who were held back by ignorant fans who wanted to see wrestlers running around waving, or even wearing American flags. Now they have their chance to shine in the wrestling hotbed of the world, the Tri State! You are in for a treat in this one as both can take to the air or the ground, there is no telling what is gonna happen in this match! If you don‘t come to this show you will be reading about it on the web and feeling bad you didn‘t show up.[/I] [IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/Valentine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/RevFist.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p363/maxxhero/UWR/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] [B][I][SIZE="5"]Romeo Valentine vs. Warren Smith[/SIZE][/I][/B] [I]These newcomers are looking to make names for themselves. Both are solid all-rounders who can find victory in any sphere of the game. Will Warren be able to stay serious with Romeo‘s shenanigans or will he lose his concentration and make a mistake? Be the first to see these soon to be big names early days![/I] [/CENTER] [I]Quick Picks; The International Invaders vs. Tap/Snap/Nap Canadian Dragon vs. Geoff Borne Romeo Valentine vs. Warren Smith[/I]
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