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MAW: The Young Guns

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Its funny how just one simple mis-step can change so much in your life. As I went for my running plancha Mean Jean grabbed my leg as I hit the rope just like he was supposed to. Thats when things went wrong. As i turned i suddenly felt my knee give out. It dident hurt..yet but i knew this wasent a simple out for 2 weeks kind of injury. It dident help that thats when Mainstream Hernandez hit me with the super kick. But Im getting ahead of my self here, my name is Benjamin King(thats my real name and my ring name)and this was supposed to me my big debut with MAW. It was the Rip Chord Invitantional and the start of my big push. Instead it was really the begining of the end of my wrestling carrer. I spent the next month in a hospital as the doctors had to do 4 different surgerys on my knee to even get me to walk again. When all was said and done I could walk but with a slight gimp. As i came out of the hospital and returned home I had a message waiting on the machine. "Hey Benny its Rip here, I know we talked in the hspital but you were so drugged up on painkillers I dont think you understood what I said so here it goes. Mean Jean wants to focus on just wrestling and frankly I have to agree, now I want you involed some how with MAW and this is the perfect way. Call me back ASAP to discuss this and so we can meet, I think this is the turing point for us and I want you part of it." (Hope you like the backstory, 2 more posts of backstory and lead up to the first event.
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I decided not to call Rip at first, I wanted to get my life back in order before i could think about getting back to wrestling. But eventually I gave Rip a call to see how this would all work out. [COLOR="Red"]"Hey Rip its Ben King, I was wondering if that offer for head booker was still on the table?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Of course its still on the table, lets not talk over the phone meet me in an hour at my office we will go over all the details there."[/COLOR] So I went to see the legendary Rip Chord about becoming the had booker for his up and coming MAW promotion, I was headed back to the place that ended my carrer, I thought to my self, there has got to be some kind of irony there. When i got to the office things went real somoothly, RIp told me he wanted me to start with The Rip Chord Invitational becuase it is the start of the new year for MAW, so untill then Mean Jean would book all the cards and I would worry about everything else. Rip said I could go ahead and do what ever I wanted with a few key exceptions. He wanted me to push Casey Valentine and Antonio becuase he say them as the future of the business he also told me I couldnt hire anyone if they were not athletic, fine with me i plan on making this the hardest hitting, highest flying, best wrestling promotion of all time I told him. Rip told me to get a plan ready for the Invitational and show it to him in a week. I would get a plan ready for him, but first I had to make some calls and see if I could bring in some real athletes to take MAW to the top. (Next post will be the last back story and will also include the final card for the Rip Chord Invitational for perdections.)
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[COLOR="Blue"]"Ummmmmm, what exactly am I looking at here?"[/COLOR] Said Rip I responded[COLOR="Red"]"You are looking at my booking ideas, like you told me to bring a week ago."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I understand that but who are these people, they dont work for us."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"As of yesterday they all do, you said I could do what I wanted to do so I decdied to bring in some new talent for the Invitantional. They are all on PPA deals so if it doesnt work out it can be a nice easy split."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"You got some balls on you kid, and hell you must have some serious skills if you could bring all these people in, I mean Mainstream Hernandez, how did you get him to come back."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Well I expressed our desrise to become a big time promotion and to tell you the truth I dont think he is really enjoying his time with FREEDOME, so it was an easy choice for him. The ony problem is that Black Eagle, he wants to be know as American Optimus from now on and he wanted a title run and I kinda said ok so we are going to work that in there some how but thats not for a while down the line for now this is the final card for the Invitational."[/COLOR] Rip Chord Invitational First Round Match 1-Ultimate Phoenix Vs Fumihiro Ota Match 2-American Optimus Vs The Masked Patriot Match 3-Mainstream Hernandez Vs Sean Deeley Match 4-Jacob Jett Vs Mean Jean Catley CV2 Vs The Canadian Blondes NON-TITLE Semi-Finals Match 5-Winner of Match 1 Vs Winner of Match 2 Match 6-Winner of Match 3 Vs Winner of Match 4 Erik Strong Vs Citizen X-For The Mid Atlantic Championship Finals Winner of Match 5 Vs Winner of Match 6 (perdictions are encouraged, the winner of perdections will win some kind of prize.)
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I like the ideas of who you are bringing in. I also like the idea of American Optimus, or Black Optimus, for Plague. I will be sure to 'borrow' that in the future. First Round Match 1-[B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] Vs Fumihiro Ota Match 2-[B]American Optimus[/B] Vs The Masked Patriot Match 3-[B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Vs Sean Deeley Match 4-Jacob Jett Vs [B]Mean Jean Catley[/B] CV2 Vs [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] NON-TITLE Semi-Finals Match 5-Winner of Match 1 Vs [B]Winner of Match 2[/B] Match 6-[B]Winner of Match 3[/B] Vs Winner of Match 4 [B]Erik Strong[/B] Vs Citizen X-For The Mid Atlantic Championship Finals Winner of Match 5 Vs [B]Winner of Match 6[/B] (perdictions are encouraged, the winner of perdections will win some kind of prize.)
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;460302]I like the ideas of who you are bringing in. I also like the idea of American Optimus, or Black Optimus, for Plague. I will be sure to 'borrow' that in the future.[/QUOTE] I always feel like MAW doesnt have enough good main event talent so I like to bring in some new people and With American Optimus, I feel like Black Eagle just gets boring I dont know why but American Optimus just seems more of a bad ass to me
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[CENTER]MAW Presents: The Rip Chord Invitational Atendence:204[/CENTER] Bonus Pre-Show Match: Davis Wayne Newton Vs Kirk Jameson An very exciting match between these two young up-and-comers. In the end it had looked like Jameson was going to come out with the win when he locked in the Kirk Hold in the center of the ring, but Davis Wayne some how managed to get to the ropes, as he was getting up Jameson went for the Bulls-Eye but Davis Wayne dodged it and hit the fisherman suplex for the win. Winner-Davis Wayne Newton by pinfall at 7:04(D) As Davis Wayne is walking back into the locker room Kirk Jameson gets on the mic and challenges him to a rematch at next months show MAW Rising Up.(F+) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="Green"]Hello everyone, this is Marv Earnest here welcoming you all to the Rip Chord Invitational, along here with me for tonights show as always is Duke Hazzard.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Great to be here, Marv, with the matches we have set up for today no way I would miss this.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Your exactly right we have Erik Stong defending his Mid Atlantic title against Citizen X, we have CV2, Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey going up agianst The Canadian Blondes in a non title match. And finally we will determine who the next star is with the crowning of tonights tournament champion.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Well lets not waste anymore time and get right to the action, first we have two people who are new too MAW but need no introduction Ultimate Phoenix vs Fumihiro Ota is nex.[/COLOR] Ultimate Phoenix Vs Fumihiro-Quarter Finals of The Rip Chord Invitational A great match to start off the tournament, Ota was all over Phoenix to start hitting him with everything he had, he even got him with the Ninja Strikes once but Phoenix got his foot on the rope. Slowly Ultimate Phoenix was building a comeback, he then sent Ota to the outside and nails a huge running corkscrew plancha to the delight of the crowd. The end came when Phoenix reversed an Irish Whip sending Ota into the corner, Phoenix then hit him with a big corner Shinning Wizard and pushed Ota to the ground, Phoenix then went and hit the Phoenix Firebird Splash for the 1,2,3. Winner-Ultimate Phoenix by pinfall at 12:36(C-) Citizen X then walks out to the ring. [COLOR="Red"]What a great match we just saw there. Two men fighting it out to pay their dues and win the Invitational. But I have already paid my dues, I have already stood up to the man, and i have won my chance to take on the bosses hand picked champion, Erik Strong.[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Now you wait one damn second there X.[/COLOR]Erik Strong emereges from the back.[COLOR="royalblue"]Hand-picked champion?Rip Chord did not pick me to win this title, I won it myself, I fought for this title with everything I had, this title means everything to me. And i know you have your shot tonight but there is no way I am going to let you take this away from you, so you better get ready becuase later tonight I will still have this(ponts to his belt)and you will have nothing but another check in the loss column.[/COLOR] Marv Earnest:[COLOR="Green"]Strong worcs from the champ, its looking like this thing is getting personal. But before we get to that we have another Quater Final match, this time its the Japanese Star American Optimus against our very own The Masked Patriot.[/COLOR] American Optimus Vs The Masked Patriot Another strong match here, these two brawl all over the place with American Optimus throwing in a few high spots here and there. Patriot does his best to mount a come back, but when he went for the Back Drop Driver, Optimus easily slipped out of the back. The end came when Patriot went for a big top rope clothesline only for Optimus to duck under it and hit The New Jeresey Turnpike when Masked Patriot turned around. Winner-American Optimus by pinfall at 10:43(D+) Duke Hazzard-[COLOR="Red"]Now folks is a moment I have been waiting eagerly for, the return of the mainstreamer him self, MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ![/COLOR] Marv-[COLOR="Green"]Calm your self down there Duke or your not going to be able to stand up later on if you know what I mean.[/COLOR] Mainstream Hernandez Vs "The Shooter" Sean Deeley Another strong match, would have been much better but these two dident show much chemistry together in the ring. Hernandez dominates most of the much hitting all his vintage spots and all the mainstreamers in the crowd are just loving it. Hernandez goes for the SuperKick but Deeley dodges it only to get hit with the Pontiac To Home followed by the Appirition #14. Winner-Mainstream Hernandez by pinfall at 13:22(D+) Duke-[COLOR="Red"]WHAT A RETURN, HE IS GOING ALL THE WAY MAINSTREAM LIVES AGAIN!!![/COLOR] Marv[COLOR="Green"]Duke, what did I tell you, if you dont bring yourself down a couple notches your going to be having to explain to people why your walking with a sweatshirt covering your pants. Now in the final match we have MAW vetren Mean Jean Catley taking on new comer Jacob Jett in what promises to be a great match.[/COLOR] Jacob Jett Vs Mean Jean Catley A strong technical match. The two start of exchaning holds on the mat before they work there way back up and Jean throws Jett off the ropes and then hits a picture perfect back-body drop, but Jett flips all the way over and lands on his feet. He turns around and Mean Jean looks stunned. They stare each other down and then suddenly the brawl is on. They exchange right hands before Jett hits a big snap suplex but Jean is up right away and hits a big running clothes line. Its a mix of sharp smart technical skill and all out angry brawl with Jett hitting Jett TakeOff for the pin in the end. Winner-Jacob Jett by pinfall at 11:09(D) Marv-[COLOR="green"]Well that ends the first round of matches, the semi-finals are now set with, Ultimate Phoenix taking on American Optimus and Mainstream Hernandez taking on Jacob Jett. But before we get to that we have our tag team match with CV2 taking on The Canadian Blondes.[/COLOR] CV2 Vs The Canadian Blondes Non-Title Match A decent tag match, both teams showed potenial for the future. CV2 works over Flash Savage for most of the match untill Oscar Golden gets in with the hot tag and starts hitting everything when out of no where CV2 hits the Flyving V and Flash is to tired to break up the pin. Winners-CV2 by pinfall at 8:52(E+) CV2 rushes to the back right away and goes right into Rip Chords office [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Did you see that, Mr. CHord?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Yes, I saw it, what about it?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]How about a re-match at Rising Up but this time for the titles?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Fine, whatever just get out of my office.[/COLOR] Marv-[COLOR="Green"]Wow so a Tag Team Title shot for CV2 at Rising Up, things are looking up for those two.[/COLOR] American Optimus Vs Ultimate Phoenix A very strong high flying match with these two, both showed why they belong in this tounrmant and both have very good shots to win if they keep this up. American Optimus is all over the place hitting arm drags and leg lairats left and right to keep Ultimate Phoenix down, but Phoenix hits a arm drag of his own and then nails Optimus with a big spring board leg drop. Both men are trying to beat each other with speed, if you blink it seems like you miss 3 or 4 moves. In the end Phoenix goes for a baseball slide to the out side but slides right into the New Jeresy Turnpike, Optimus then rolls him into the ring and gets the pin. Winner-American Optimus by pinfall at 19:36(C-) Jacob Jett comes out to the ring for his match but quickly grabs a mic. [COLOR="Navy"]Erik Strong or Ctiizen X, as soon as I win this tournament, who ever has the title at the end of the nigh better watch their back becuase Im coming for you and I will be the next Mid Atlantic Champion.[/COLOR] Jacob Jett Vs Mainstream Hernandez A decent match but I expected better out of these two. Yet again Mainstream does his normal move set getting the fans into the match, building up to the end. Jett has other plans though and hits a series of hard chops that send Mainstream into the corner he then follows up witha big spear in the corner and then a big corner drop kick that take Hernandez down. Later Mainstream looks to have it wrapped up when he hits the Pontiac To Home but as he goes for the Super Kick Jett rolls out of the way and nails the Jett Takeoff for the surpirse upset. Winner-Jacob Jett by pinfall at 16:42(D) Erik Strong Vs Citizen X for the Mid Atlantic Title Citizen X decided to mail in his match tonight and it really showed. As hard as Erik Strong tried he just couldnt get anything out of X. The least said about this match the better. Erik Stong hits the Strongsault to retain. Winner Erik Strong by pinfall at 18:21(E+) Rip Chord Invitational Finals Jacob Jett Vs American Optimus A good strong performance from these two that cement their place at the top of the card. American Optimus yet again domiantes most of the match using his mix of brawling speed and high flying ability to keep Jett on his heels most of the match. Jett responded by using more of technical route trying to work on American Optimus's legs when ever he got the chance. Jett had Optimus in a modified Boston Crab when suddenly Optimus turns out of it and hits the New Jersey Turnpike but some how Jett gets his shoulder up at 2.9. Optimus lifts up Jett and goes for a second one when suddenly Jett gets Optimus in a quick school boy 1.........2..........3! Winner-Jacob Jett by pinfall at 19:41(D) Erik Stong comes out and down to the ring. He lifts his title up over his head and him and Jett stare each other down as the show ends. Final Rating-D- An alright show I expected better out of the title match, I thought it might sneak a D for the two C- matches but they were two far down the card I guess, at least its somethign to build on. Perdictions MaxxHExx 5/9 Maxx is the only one that did perdictions so he wins by default. He gets to choose who I fire between Jefferson Stardust, Curtis Jenkins and Ernest Forthdyke-Hume, so Maxx message me back and who you chose out of those 3 is gone.
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