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Jim Herd Is Dead: WCW 1991

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"Jim Herd can go to hell." The men at the table started laughing and cheering. Jim Herd had made WCW a miserable place to work. I was nervous as can be standing in front of these guys. Guys I grew up watching. Champions. Legends. Ric freaking Flair was six feet away from me. Thankfully I broke the ice. "Some of you may know me from my time with the NWA and before that World Class. I'm looking forward to making WCW bigger than anyone could ever imagine. This is a new time, a new decade. We're only nine years away from the year 2000. WCW is at a crossroads, wondering what direction to go in. I'm here to tell you that direction. Gone are the days of confusion, mismanagement, political bull****. Gone are the days of the only guys getting pushes are those who work their way into others good graces. Those idiots up north with Vince are going in a new direction. Comedy and cartoon characters for the kiddies. WCW is going to be real wrestling. Old school, where guys get punched in the mouth and punch right back. WCW is blood sweat and tears. WCW is wrestling. Gentlemen, we are wrestling." Some of the guys sitting in front of me looked a little worried, some smiled, some clapped. It's scary going away from what your used to. Guys only getting pushed because they're friends with the booker. Yeah, that's not going to happen any more. This is my WCW, where real wrestlers get the push. The 90's are going to see a major development in wrestling. A boom in the business is coming and the name on every ones lips will be WCW. ------------- Photobucket WCW ENTERS NEW ERA: New WCW booker and president Steven Richards has released several wrestlers from their contracts. Chris Cruise Madusa Miceli Tim Horner David Sheldon Dwyan McCullough Brad Armstrong Matt Borne Bill Kazmaier Black Bart Buddy Landell Buddy Lee Parker Charlie Norris Chris Youngblood Curtis Highes Moondog Rex Dick Slater Jorge Gonzales Curtis Thompson Van Hammer Jim Cain Jimmy Garvin Dale Veasey Mark Youngblood Mike Shaw Paul Neu Ranger Ross Sam Houston Mark Canterbury Steve Armstrong Dave Sullivan Todd Champion It's going to be interesting on how he uses the current talent plus any new talent that will be debuting over the coming weeks and months. ----------------- Welcome to Jim Herd is Dead: WCW 1991. Photobucket ----------------- [B]NOTE:[/B] The next show I post in my TIGER diary is the last one on this board. I'm moving it completely to EWbattleground. This is going to be my diary here on this board. I think some of you will dig it. The write ups won't be as detailed as the TIGER shows are but that will allow me to get them done quicker. I hope you enjoy my take on WCW as it will be very different than the WCW we saw in real life. I grew up on WCW, I didn't care about WWF one but until they purchased the company in 2000. I hated that so much I stopped watching wrestling for over a year. First show, WCW Saturday Night up next.
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Photobucket Live from Tulsa, OK at the Tulsa Mabee Center. January 5th, 1991. [quote]Boomer Sooner, we're live from Tulsa Oklohoma, welcome to WCW Saturday Night. I'm Jim Ross joined as always by Gordon Solie. Tonight we have a big main event for you with Ravishing Rick Rude taking on Beautiful Bobby Eaton. Also the tag team champions Doom will be in action in a non title match against the Steiner Brothers. The currently vacant Light Heavyweight Title is up for grabs as we have two matches tonight in which the winners will face each other at Clash of the Champions for the title. Finally...[/quote] [i]J.R is cut off by Ric Flair's music playing as he and the Horsemen, Barry Windham, Ole and Arn Anderson walk down to the ring. Flair grabs the mic from the ring announcer.[/i] [QUOTE]Flair: Whooo, Tulsa the Horsemen have arrived. The Nature Boy has something he needs to say. I've been hearing that people are saying The Horesmen aren't any good anymore. The Horsemen can't win the gold. The Horsemen are washed up. No no, the jet flying limousine riding wheeling dealing kiss stealin son of a gun Ric Flair is not washed up. The Enforcer Arn Anderson is not washed up. Ole Anderson is not washed up. Barry Windham... Barry it's time to trim the fat. You're weighing the Horseman down and it's time for you to leave.[/QUOTE] [i]Barry Windham has a look of shock sweep across his face as he starts pleading with Ric Flair and the Andersons. He looks to be begging to keep his spot. Ric Flair pulls back and knocks Windham down with a big punch. The Horsemen start putting the boots to him. Arn and Ole pick up Windham and hold him with his arms behind his back.[/i] [QUOTE]Flair: Barry, you can't hang with us any more. It's time for the Horsemen to get back to greatness baby. It's over for you.[/QUOTE] [i]Flair nails Windham with another punch and they leave him down on the mat. Flairs music hits and he and the Andersons go to the back as referees come down to help out Barry Windham.[/i] [i]Sting is backstage with Gary Michael Cappetta.[/i] [quote]Cappetta: I'm here with the World Heavyweight Champion, the fan favorite Sting. Sting a question on a lot of peoples minds is how long can he hold the title. Your thoughts? Sting: Gary, I've got to tell you it's tough being champion. Everyone is gunning for you but you know what the Stinger is up for the challenge. I've beaten some great great men to keep this belt around my waist and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. It doesn't matter whos coming for this belt, I know I can beat anyone that comes in front of me. Capetta: Thanks Sting, J.R, Gordon, back to you.[/quote] [b]Light Heavyweight Title Tournament Match Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs. Joey Maggs[/b] [quote]This match was all Liger as he showed why he can be called one of the best light heavyweights in the world. Maggs was able to slow down Liger with a dropkick top rope elbowdrop combo but Liger fought back and was able to nail the [b]sheerdrop brainbuster[/b] for the win. After the match Liger shakes Maggs hand then makes a title motion across his waist. The fans love his high speed high impact style.[/quote] [i]Gary Michael Cappetta is backstage with the Steiners.[/i] [quote]Scott: Doom you seem to have something wrong with you two. You seem to think you're the best tag team in WCW. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but the Steiners are, and have been the best tag team in this company since the day we stepped foot in a WCW ring. We've got you two in a non title match but it won't make a difference if the title is on the line or not. It'll still end in a 1 2 3 for the Steiner brothers.[/quote] [i]Rick barks and gets fired up before Capetta tosses it back to J.R and Solie.[/i] [b]Light Heavyweight Title Tournament Match Art Barr vs. Scorpio[/b] [QUOTE]Scorpio came out to a lot of cheers and got right into it with Barr. Barr was taking every shortcut possible to try and get the win. He raked Scorpio's eyes so he could put him down with a DDT. Barr had things slowed down as Scorpio was in a sleeperhold. The fans cheers willed Scorpio back to his feet and it looked like he was going to have the win until Barr went to the eyes again, tripped up Scorpio and locked in a [b]single leg crab[/b]. Scorpio taps out and Barr moves to the finals against Liger. [/QUOTE] [i]A cameraman is backstage as Lex Luger is walking down the hallway with his U.S title across his shoulder. Steve Williams walks up to him and slaps the title.[/i] [quote]Williams: Boy you better hang on to that title as long as you can because I'm coming for it. Luger: Get your hands off of me. What makes you think you can take this belt from me? Williams: I've beaten men ten times tougher than you. Luger you might just want to hand it over because it won't end pretty.[/quote] [i]Luger shoves Williams and he shoves back until referees and security break them up.[/i] [b]Non Title Match World Television Champion Tom Zenk vs. Brian Pillman[/b] [QUOTE]This match was a back and forth contest that saw both men get in some offense. Pillman brought a very close to three count with a top rope cross body block. the Z-Man fired back with some kicks that set up Pillman for a superplex. The move took a lot out of both men. As Zenk was crawling towards Pillman the ring announcer tells everyone that the time limit in this match of 10 minutes has expired. Neither man is pleased with the result. You better believe a rematch is coming.[/QUOTE] [i]Michael Cappetta is back with Terry Funk who says he has something to say.[/i] [QUOTE]Funk: You know something Cappetta all these people have written Terry Funk off but they still know I've got fire inside me. I'm not done yet by a long shot. I've broken bones, bled massive amounts, and been beaten down pretty badly but I keep coming back. Now this youngster Terry Gordy wants to use me to get to the top. He wants to get to my level, to Ric Flairs Level, to Sting's level. Well kid you got a lot to learn. You gotta earn respect you can't just take it. I'm going to teach you a lesson about respect tonight son. [/QUOTE] [b]Diamond Dallas Page & "Vegas" Kevin Nash vs. Hiroshi Hase & Masahiro Chono[/b] [QUOTE]DDP and Nash seem to be on different pages as throughout the match they were arguing. Nash totally ignored DDP's requests for a tag multiple times through the match. This allowed Chono to take out the leg of Nash and set him up for a big suplex. He followed that up with a STF. Nash looked to be ready to tap but he used his large frame to get to the ropes. Chono was shaking off the beating he had taken before the hold when Nash knocked Hase off the apron to the guardrail. Nash hit a big boot to the back of Chono's head which pushed him into DDP knocking him off the apron as well. Nash swings Chono around... [b]JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB[/b]! Nash gets the win for his team but he doesn't seem to want anything with his partner DDP. [/QUOTE] [b]Terry Funk vs. Terry Gordy[/b] [QUOTE]Terry Gordy and Terry Funk are brawling away outside the ring before the match has even started. Funk is laying into Gordy with jabs knocking him back into the guardrail. Gordy runs away and ducks into the ring. Funk follows suit but gets stomped on as he does. Gordy picks up Funk and drops him on his cranium with a deadly backdrop. Funk lays still until Gordy picks him back up. Massive jumping piledriver by Gordy. He grabs Funk again only to put him down with another [b]piledriver[/b]. Gordy covers him and gets the win. He's certainly sent a message to not only Funk but everyone else who might have to face him.[/QUOTE] [quote]J.R: We've just gotten word that WCW management has signed Lex Luger against Dr. Death Steve Williams for WCW Saturday Night next week![/quote] [b]Non Title Match Steiner Brothers again WCW World Tag Team Champions Doom[/b] [QUOTE]The Steiners came out hard against Doom. They want those titles badly. Doom cam back as Simmons hit Scott with some big clubbing back blows to beat him down. Rick Steiner came in and took out Simmons with a big lariat. He ducked two Reed punches to waistlock him... turns it around... RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX! Scotty gets up and goes after Ron Simmons, beating him down... throws him into the ropes... back body drop. Scott lifts him up on his shoulders... Rick goes up top... [b]DOOMSDAY BULLDOG[/b]! Steiners get the cover and the win. They celebrate afterwords but Teddy Long has given his men steel chairs and they use them. Both Scott and Rick Steiner taste steel as Doom gets revenge for the loss. They hold the titles in front of their faces yelling at them before finally leaving.[/QUOTE] [quote]Solie: We have Barry Windham backstage with comments about what happened earlier tonight.[/quote] [i]Windham is backstage sitting down in the medical area with an ice pack to his face.[/i] [QUOTE]Windham: Ric Flair you made the biggest mistake of your career. You think I'm washed up, I'm dead weight, I'm slowing you down. You have no idea what your getting yourself into. I want you in a match Flair. One on one. I'll beat you so badly people won't even remember who you were. I know all your tricks Ric. You've brought shame to the Horsemen name. A name I worked hard to make mean something. I guess I'll just have to do things differently. So Ric, when your ready you let me know what day you want to lose to me and we'll make it happen. [/QUOTE] [b]Main Event Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Ravishing Rick Rude[/b] [QUOTE]It was all Eaton in the early going. He had Rude running away from him as every time he got close it was Eaton firing off big punches. Eaton finally got a hold of him and suplex him down. He put the boots to him a little before bringing him down with a shoulder break. Rude conveniently knocks the ref down then low blows Eaton. He plants him with the Rude Awakening. Ref crawls over and makes the count, Rude even puts his feet on the ropes to add insult to injury. Rude grabs the win and celebrates but before we go off the air... [/QUOTE] [i]Barry Windham is up in the parking garage chasing after Ric Flair. Out of know where comes the Andersons and they take down Windham. Flair speeds by in a limo and after smashing Windham's face into the car door Arn and Ole get it. The show ends looking down at Windham on the concrete floor.[/i] ---------- WCW POWER HOUR QUICK RESULTS Tracy Smothers and Jacko Victory beat Johnny B. Badd and Scorpio via Pumphandle Slam Bobby Eaton told Rick Rude he wants another match after Rude cheated to win. Kevin Sullivan beat Dan Spivey via piledriver. Teddy Long was backstage with Doom letting the Steiners know that their win over his team was a fluke. Lex Luger defended his U.S Title successfully against Dick Murdoch via Torture Rack. A video is played showing the Four Horsemen kick out Barry Windham. Arn Anderson beat Nikita Koloff via the Spinebuster.
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[B]WCW TITLE ROLL CALL[/B] [B]World Heavyweight Champion:[/B] Sting - 7 month reign so far [B]World Tag Team Champions[/B] Doom - 10 month reign so far [B]World Light Heavyweight Champion[/B] [I]Vacant[/I] [B]United States Heavyweight Champion[/B] Lex Luger - 3 month reign so far [B]World Television Champion[/B] Tom Zenk - 1 month reign so far [B]Current Tag Teams[/B] Vegas Connection: DDP & Vegas Kevin Nash Doom: Butch Reed & Ron Simmons The Steiner Brothers: Rick & Scott Steiner Hase and Chono: Hiroshi Hase and Masahiro Chono Rock 'N' Roll Express: Robert Gibson & Ricky Morton (part time) Miracle Violence Connection: Steve Williams & Terry Gordy [B]Current Stables[/B] Four Horsemen: Ric Flair, Ole Anderson, Arn Anderson
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Photobucket [B]MORE WCW NEWS[/B] We here at WR have learned that along with the massive list of released WCW wrestlers you can add another. Alexandra York will be looking for new employment after being released yesterday. From what we're hearing WCW has signed some new talent that could be debuting soon. Eddie Guerrero who works mostly in Japan has signed a contract with WCW. He's a young exciting high flyer that is sure to help build up the Light Heavyweight division. Chris Jericho is another youngster full of talent. The Canada native has been working for CMLL down in Mexico and BCW in Canada. Finally a name some of you might know has signed a deal with WCW, Scott Hall. He's got a very good look to him as well as size and charisma. He's spent some time with the WWF and currently works in Puerto Rico for WWC. Finally be on the look out for WCW to be adding more talent not just for the Light Heavyweight ranks but to fill out the upper card scene which is sorely lacking right now. One of the names WCW was looking at, Owen Hart the brother of Bret Hart signed with the WWF last week.
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[B]WCW POWER HOUR QUICK RESULTS FROM BEFORE SATURDAY NIGHT[/B] Spartanburg, SC - Memorial Auditorium Brian Pillman tells us all he's going to take the Television Championship from Tom Zenk the first chance he gets. Eddie Guerrero beat Chris Jericho via the frogsplash. Terry Funk attacks Terry Gordy back stage. Kevin Nash tells DDP he's done being his lackey and wants him out of his life. He challenges him to a match later tonight. Michael Hayes beats Johnny B. Badd via rollup. Sting beat Ole Anderson via The Scorpion Death Lock Kevin Nash beat DDP via the Jackknife Powebomb. He beat him down some afterwords. ------------------ Photobucket [I]The show starts off in the parking garage as a white limo pulls up. The driver gets out and opens the door and it's Ric Flair. Flair turns around to grab his bag but when he turns back around Barry Windham is there. Windham starts punching Flair up against the limo. He has him slumped against the side of the car and starts kicking away at him. He picks Flair up and dumps him on the hood before sliding him off the other side on to the concrete floor. Security comes and gets Windham off of Flair.[/I] [quote] Jim Ross: Ladies and Gentleman welcome to WCW Saturday Night. We're live here in Atlanta from the Atlanta Civic Auditorium. I'm Jim Ross joined as always by Gordon Solie. It's a packed house tonight and boy do we have a show for you. As you can already tell things are getting off to a fast pace. Later tonight we have a main event that pits the U.S Champion Lex Luger against the man they call Dr. Death, Steve Williams. The match is non title but a win for Williams sure would go a long way in him getting a title shot. Also this evening Doom has a message for the Steiner Brothers. Arn Anderson will be in action against Michael Hayes as well as Kevin Nash with an announcement. Nash has broken away from Diamond Dallas Page and wants to be his own man. Lets go to our first match.[/quote] [B]Art Barr & Eddie Guerrero vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger & Chris Jericho[/B] [QUOTE]Two men who made their debuts on Power Hour are coming to the big show tonight. Eddie Guerrero is teaming with long time partner Art Barr to take on Jushin Liger and the new comer Chris Jericho. In two weeks time Barr and Liger meet to determine who will be the new WCW Light Heavyweight Champion. This match was very fast paced. Lots of spots from the top rope being involved. The finish came when Barr kicked away at Jericho knocking him from the top rope to the floor. Eddie took out the knee of Liger and held him in place as Barr came off the top with the [b]frog splash[/b]. Barr and Guerrero celebrate afterwords.[/QUOTE] [I]Vader and Harely Race are backstage looking for Sting until someone points them in the right direction.[/I] [QUOTE]Race: Sting, I wanted to offer some advice. You see my client here is the most destructive force in all of wrestling. You don't stand a chance. Vader will beat you down so badly you won't be able to walk again. Sting: Race... Vader... I can't wait until it's us in that ring. You won't know what hit you. [/QUOTE] [I]Jim Ross: We're going back to the ring ladies and gentlemen where Doom is with Teddy Long.[/I] [quote]Teddy Long: Steiners, plain and simple we want another match. Yes or no? Scott Steiner: You got it. Next week. Hope you don't mind losing again.[/quote] [B]Michael Wallstreet vs. Brian Pillman[/B] [QUOTE]Brian Pillman is looking to pick up a win tonight to get him some momentum on his quest for the TV title. Michael Wallstreet took it to Pillman the best his could even getting in some hard hitting strikes that weakened Pillman. Wallstreet made a big mistake though when he turned his back on Pillman after hitting a suplex. Pillman unleashed on him with right and left hands eventually leading to a big backbreaker. He picks him right back up and hits another backbreaker. Pillman is on fire waiting for Wallstreet to get up... [b]AIR PILLMAN[/b]! Cover... 1 2 3. Brian Pillman picks up the win.[/QUOTE] [I]Tom Zenk comes down to the ring after Pillman's match and gets in his face. He shoved him then pushes the title in his face taunting him with it. Pillman starts yelling back and shoves Zenk. Referees hit the ring and hold the two men apart.[/I] [I]Our cameras cut to the parking lot where Terry Funk and Terry Gordy are going at it. Gordy slams Funk into the wall and starts punching away at his body. Funk counters and now he's hitting the punches to Gordy. Gordy headbutts Funk and bodyslams him on a pile of wooden frames. Funk grabs a trashcan and throws it at Gordy. Security comes running down the hall way to break things up but Gordy is able to throw the trashcan back over hitting Funker in the head.[/I] [B]Bobby Eaton vs. Rick Rude[/B] [QUOTE]Last week Rick Rude cheated to win and Bobby Eaton wanted a rematch, he gets it tonight. Rude was in control of the match until Eaton made a comeback that cuts Rude off with a swinging neck breaker. Rude gets up bet gets taken face first to the mat with a divorce court. Eaton is working the arm but Rude gets to the ropes. Rude is coming back now, rakes the eyes to get the advantage. Rude gets Eaton into the backbreaker rack... Eaton doesn't tap. He gets to the ropes. Kick to the gut... DDT by Rude. Rude picks him up, does a little hip swinging... [b]RUDE AWAKENING[/b]! Rick Rude gets the win again tonight.[/QUOTE] [I]Kevin Nash comes down to the ring in new ring gear void of Diamond Dallas Page. He has a mic and climbs into the ring.[/I] [QUOTE]Nash: I'm done with that loser DDP. He can't hold me back any longer. I've been through so much crap with WCW so far. Vinnie Vegas, Oz. Well those are dead. You're looking at Kevin Nash. A new man. I'm feeling though that maybe I need a partner in crime. So come on out. [/QUOTE] [I]Out comes Scott Hall, looking very different than the last time we saw him. Black hair and toothpick in tow.[/I] [QUOTE]Hall: Yo, we here, we the bad guys of WCW. We're running roughshot here in WCW chico.[/QUOTE] [I]Nash and Hall celebrate as their opponents make their way to the ring.[/I] [B]Hall & Nash vs. Chono & Hase[/B] [QUOTE]It was all about the bad guys of WCW in this match. Hall and Nash dominated throughout. Chono was able to take down Nash with a big jumping inzugiri. Hase took out Scott Hall's legs and tried to make him tap with an arm bar. Nash got up though and delivered a massive big boot to the face of Chono. Hall starts coming back at Hase and throws him into Nash who lifts that boot again. Hall grabs Hase and Nash grabs Chono... they set them up... [b]JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB - RAZORS EDGE COMBO[/b]! Double cover... double pin. Hall and Nash win it in impressive fashion.[/QUOTE] [I]We have out cameras back stage where Barry Windham is getting attacked by Ole and Arn Anderson. Arn takes out hand cuffs and cuffs Windham to a steel pole back stage. Their beating the tar out of Barry Windham. Arn leaves because he has a match next and takes the key with him. Ole keeps beating on Windham until security stops him.[/I] [B]Michael Hayes vs. Arn Anderson[/B] [QUOTE]Arn Anderson comes marching to the ring looking mad as hell. Hayes comes out next and gets assaulted by Anderson. Anderson is stomping a hole into the chest of Michael Hayes. Arn starts slamming his knee into his face. Arn picks up Hayes and drops him with a powerslam. Arn slaps on a dragon sleeper but Hayes gets to the ropes. Suplex by Anderson. He pushes him to the corner and props him up on the turnbuckles. Arn throws Hayes off the top rope to the mat slamming hard. Hayes looks like all his breath has jumped out of his lungs. Arn grabs his limp body and takes him down with a brutal [b]spinebuster[/b]. Cover for the win. Arn leaves the ring and heads right back to where he was before the match.[/QUOTE] [I]Ric Flair is standing backstage in front of Barry Windham and security guards trying to free him.[/I] [QUOTE]Flair: You see what happens Barry when you mess with space mountain. When you just can't accept things the way they are. The Horseman aren't the guys you piss off. We're the greatest group of professional wrestlers in this company and in this whole world baby. You're learning some tough lessons. You need to lay down Barry. You want to beat Ric Flair? Well to beat me you've gotta beat the man and there is no way you're ever beating the man Ric Flair. Whoooo![/QUOTE] [I]A video clip plays showing the confrontation between Lex Luger and Steve Williams from last week.[/I] [B]Main Event Non Title Match U.S Champion Lex Luger vs. Dr. Death Steve Williams[/B] [QUOTE]Both men want to take the other out. Luger wants to keep his U.S title and use it to get to the World title. Steve Williams is an animal that will tear anyone apart to get what he wants. Luger comes at Williams strong but Williams is able to match him. It's a back and forth match. Luger takes down Williams with the running forarm but can't get a win out of it. Luger almost gets Williams up for the torture rack but Steve Williams gets out of it. German suplex by Williams only gets a two count. Luger hits another forearm and picks up Williams. He punches him back into the corner and props him up. Luger takes Williams off the top rope with a bodyslam. Luger goes for the cover but can't get it. Williams digs at Lugers eyes but Luger fights him off. Big elbow by Williams takes down Luger. Williams goes back to the eyes of Luger but the ref steps in. Williams now going for a choke but the ref breaks it. Williams is waiting for Luger to get up... LARIAT! Luger is down. His jaw got rocked hard on that massive blow. Williams picks him back up but Luger is trying his best to fight him off. Williams grabs a waistlock on Luger... Luger fights him off. Luger is looking for another running forearm but meets the boot of Dr. Death. Williams grabs hold... [b]DOCTOR BOMB[/b]! 1 2 3. Dr. Death picks up the non title victory over the US Champion Lex Luger.[/QUOTE]
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Photobucket [QUOTE]Jim Ross: Ladies and gentleman welcome to WCW Saturday Night. We are live in Raleigh North Carolina at the J.S Dorton Arena. I'm Jim Ross joined as always by Gordon Solie. Tonight we have some big action lined up for you. Our main event pits that Nature Boy Ric Flair against Beautiful Bobby Eaton. Doom is getting their rematch against the Steiner Brothers. Rick Rude is in action tonight against Michael Hayes. We're going to the ring now as Ric Flair and the Horsemen are making their way down the entrance ramp.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ric Flair: North... Carolina... WHOOOO! The Horsemen are here and baby we're ready for action.[/QUOTE] [I]Flair starts strutting across the ring looking totally insane.[/I] [QUOTE]Flair: We beat down that no good fat slow idiot Barry Windham last week because the Horsemen are coming back to glory. The Horsemen have always been the best, most elite wrestlers in the world baby. As you can see we're short one member. We need a new Horsemen... make that two new Horsemen. Ole Anderson is stepping out of the ring. We've got our eyes on two men that have the Horsemen spirit. Get ready because the Horsemen are back and are going to be better than ever. WHOOOO! [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ross: Wow Gordon, can you believe we're going to have two new Horsemen? Who are the two men Ric Flair is talking about? Gordon Solie: I don't know Jim but you have to imagine they'll be just as ruthless and arrogant as Flair and the Andersons. What's Barry Windham going to say about this? [/QUOTE] [B]Sid Vicious vs. Joey Maggs[/B] [QUOTE]This one was over before it began. Sid dominated Maggs in under a minute. Big boot by Sid then a [b]chokeslam[/b] nets him the win. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ross: Hey we've got something happening backstage, I think we have a camera back there. [/QUOTE] [I]Sting is running around the backstage screaming "Where's Vader? Where is he?". Sting is looking in every door and around every corner to find him.[/I] [B]Tim Parker vs. Chris Jericho[/B] [QUOTE]The young Chris Jericho looked very good tonight showing off what he can do. Parker tried to slow down the youngster called the Lionheart but he just couldn't match Jericho. Jericho finished off Maggs with a springboard moonsault he calls the Lionsault right into a high angle boston crab where he digs his knee into his opponents spine called the [b]Liontamer[/b]. [/QUOTE] [I]Barry Windham is outside somewhere in front of a brick wall.[/I] [QUOTE]Windham: Ric Flair, you stupid idiot. You think you can find two guys to replace Barry Windham. There is no replacement for Barry Windham. I was the backbone of the Horsemen and you know it. You're all talk Flair. I was the guy who got it done in the ring. If I find out who those new guys are you better believe I'm taking them out. You don't do what you did to me and get away with scot free. Your day is coming Flair, the clock is ticking down. You can talk all you want but when it's time to actually get in that ring what are you going to do?[/QUOTE] [I]We come in mid action as Doom is beating down the Steiners back stage. They throw them into the wall before stomping away on them. They're softening them up for their match later tonight.[/I] [QUOTE]Solie: Next we have a man who is looking to win some gold here in WCW, one of the scariest most imposing forces in the world of professional wrestling, Dr. Death Steve Williams.[/QUOTE] [B]"Dr. Death" Steve Williams vs. Johnny B. Badd[/B] [QUOTE]Badd stated off dancing around Williams who just stood there and stared at him. Badd was hopping around until Williams almost took his head off with a lariat. Williams dominated from then on hitting him with a massive powerbomb before picking him off and finishing him with a devastating [b]Murder Backdrop[/b]! Williams picks up the win then grabs a mic.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Lex Luger! I'm coming for that belt, you see what I can do? Do you?! I'm going to drop you on your skull and end your career. That belt is going to be mine Luger.[/QUOTE] [B]Non Title Doom vs. Steiner Brothers[/B] [QUOTE]The Steiners came out looking roughed up as Doom beat them down earlier in the night. Doom took it right to them as Simmons was clubbing away at Rick Steiner. Steiner tried coming back but Doom's power was too much. Reed came in and disposed of Scott Steiner with a vicious [b]Powerbomb[/b]. Doom gets the win but in a controversial way.[/QUOTE] [I]Tom Zenk is backstage with Gary Michael Cappetta[/I] [QUOTE]Gary: Tom, you've been chased by Brian Pillman who wants your TV title. What do you have to say about it? Zenk: Well you know what Gary, people have been saying that I don't deserve this title. That I'm not good enough. If I'm not good enough than why am I holding gold in the best professional wrestling company in the world? Pillman, I'm looking forward to getting you in the ring again. I'll retain my title and put the critics to rest.[/QUOTE] [B]Scott Hall vs. Diamond Dallas Page[/B] [QUOTE]This match is coming about because DDP wants his hands on Kevin Nash for turning his back on him. Though you can't blame Nash, DDP is a slimy sleazy dirtbag who was just using Nash for muscle. Nash brought in Scott Hall to be is partner in crime as Nash wants to move on to bigger and better things. DDP started off throwing big punches that caught Hall off guard. DDP came in with a big diving shoulderblock that took Hall off his feet. DDP worked Hall's arm but Hall came back. He was sending right hands to the side of DDP's face until DDP goes to the eyes. DDP grinded Hall's face against the ropes before taking him down with a spinning clothesline. Hall made his come back getting some big shots to DDP. DDP goes for the diamond cutter... Hall sends him to the ropes... kick to the gut... [b]RAZORS EDGE[/b]!. "Razor" Scott Hall picks up a big win tonight. DDP is throwing a fit after the match not getting the win. Nash is at ringside and taunts DDP. DDP might have been too focused on Nash at ringside than Hall in the ring. It costs him here tonight.[/QUOTE] [I]We cut to backstage where Sting has found Vader and Harley Race. They notice Sting and start running away towards the parking garage. Sting is giving chase and catching up to them but Race knocks over a bunch of chairs that become obstacles for Sting. Sting gets to the parking garage but Race and Vader are getting in a car. Sting is running as fast as he can to the car and gets there just as Race and Vader make an escape. Sting is quite angry that he didn't get his hands on Vader.[/I] [B]Michael Hayes vs. Rick Rude[/B] [QUOTE]Hayes is looking ****y and confident tonight. A win here could do big things for Hayes. Rude is trying to move into title contention. He's had some solid wins recently but still needs a bit more to really move up. Hayes was on the offense early on until Rude starting coming back. The action spilled outside as Rude found himself pushed into the guardrail. Rude kicked back at Hayes and slammed his face into the ring post. Back in the ring it was Hayes looking for the win but he found himself the victim of the [b]Rude Awakening[/b] as Rick Rude grabs the win.[/QUOTE] [I]We cut backstage as two men are beating down Barry Windham. We can't see who they are but Windham is getting attacked badly. One of the men turns and knocks out the cameraman but we couldn't see his face. The feed gets cut off as we go back to J.R and Solie.[/I] [QUOTE]Ross: Who were those two men? Are those Flairs new Horsemen? Maybe we'll find out because Ric Flair is coming down to the ring for his match and he's bringing Arn and Ole Anderson with him.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ric Flair makes his way to the ring with Arn and Ole in tow. Flair gets in the ring and takes the mic from our ring announcers. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Barry Windham you want to talk about The Nature Boy? You know that I can walk the walk baby. The Nature Boy can do whatever he wants whenever he wants. I'll take what I please. You think that the Horsemen can't survive without you? Your sorely mistaken Windham. You met the new Horsemen earlier tonight, and where do you find yourself? In the back of an ambulance, beaten again. Ric Flair will always be on top baby. Your standing in my shadow and the shadow of the Horsemen. You couldn't cut it anymore and you had to be put down. I've found two new men that are real Horsemen. Ruthless, smart, they'll do whatever it takes to get to the top. Where the Horsemen belong. You all know them very well. Two of the toughest wrestlers in the world. The new Horsemen, Terry Gordy and Dr. Death Steve Williams![/QUOTE] [I]Williams and Gordy come down to the ring to a chorus of boos. They get in the ring and the new Horsemen all raise their hands up in the air showing the four fingers. Flair passes the mic to Williams.[/I] [QUOTE]The Miracle Violence Connection is now the Miracle Violence Horsemen. This is a new time in WCW. Soon enough the Horsemen are going to be back on top. The gold will be around our waists. WCW your on notice. Barry Windham, Lex Luger, Terry Funk, your time is over. Time to step aside boys. The Horsemen are running wild baby, and there is nothing ANYONE can do about it.[/QUOTE] [I]Ric Flair starts bouncing off the ropes, "WHOOO! WHOOO!".[/I] [B]Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Ric Flair[/B] [QUOTE]The Horsemen go outside the ring as Flair gets ready for Eaton who comes down to the ring. Flair is chopping the skin off of Eaton's chest to start things off. Eaton comes back delivering chops of his own. Flair is getting rocked and rolled by Eaton who wants to make a statement tonight. Flair gets sent into the turnbuckle and flips up and over. Eaton doesn't go outside because all the Horsemen are standing together helping Flair up. Flair gets back into the ring and trades punches with Eaton. Flair gets the upperhand and gets Eaton in the corner. Massive chops to Eaton's chest. Flair snapmares him over and locks in a chinlock. Eaton gets to his feet as the crowd is getting behind him. Flair cuts him off with a knee lift. Eaton goes down to the mat... Flair follows up with a big knee drop. Flair grabs hold of Eaton's leg and starts kicking at the back of his knee. Eaton pushed him off blocking the figure four. Eaton is limping but still coming after Flair Eaton goes for a suplex but Flair counters into a small package. Just a two count. Eaton is coming back at Flair knocking him down with a shoulder tackle. Arn Anderson gets on the apron distracting the ref. Flair with a low blow. Flair locks in the [b]figure four[/b]. Arn drops back down. The ref turns around to see Eaton taping out. Flair gets the win. All the Horsemen get back in the ring and beat on Eaton before tossing him outside. The show ends with the Horsemen all celebrating together in the ring.[/QUOTE] ---------- WCW POWER HOUR QUICK RESULTS Charlotte, NC - Park Center Harely Race and Vader sent a stern message to Sting about is World Title. The Nightstalker beat Dan Spivey via a Pumphandle Powerslam. Terry Funk told Terry Gordy he needs to watch what he's doing or else. Brian Pillman beat Tracy Smothers via the Air Pillman. DDP told Kevin Nash he's coming for revenge. Johnny B. Badd beat Kevin Sullivan via a Shooting Star Press. Nikita Koloff beat Terry Taylor via the Russian Sickle.
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Photobucket [B]WCW NEWS[/B] We have learned that Michael Hayes match last night against Rick Rude was his last for WCW. Hayes has signed an exclusive deal with the WWF. The Four Horsemen have been reinvented in WCW as they look to have their strongest lineup ever. New WCW booked Steven Richards is said to love the idea of the Horsemen so it looks like the group will be a focal point in WCW. The new lineup consists of Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Terry Gordy, and Steve Williams. Ole Anderson who is stepping down from active competition is going to be staying on in a manager/coach role much like JJ Dillion was. WCW World Champion Sting seems to find himself in a rivalry with Vader. Vader who has been trying to physically intimidate Sting found himself being chased off by the champ last night. Finally, Doom and Teddy Long tried taking out the Steiners last night by sneak attacking them before their match. Doom won the match but look for the Steiners to get revenge. The gold is in the eyeline of the Steiners and Doom had better watch out.
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Photobucket [B]WCW Clash Of The Champions, January 15th 1991 Fairfax, VA - Patriot Center[/B] [QUOTE]Jim Ross: Welcome to WCW's Clash of the Champions. We are live in Fairfax Virginia at the sold out Patriot Center. I'm Jim Ross joined as always by Gordon Solie. We have an action packed show for you tonight. Title matches, grudge matches, and more. First up we're going to the ring as Barry Windham is standing by with a message for Ric Flair and his Horsemen.[/QUOTE] [I]The show starts off with Barry Windham in the ring with the fans cheering him on.[/I] [QUOTE]Ric Flair... Horsemen I want you out here now. I'm going to settle this now. I'm tired of getting attacked from behind. Flair, be a man and get your coward ass out here right now.[/QUOTE] [I]Ric Flairs music comes on and he makes his way down to the ring in street clothes instead of his ring gear. He steps in the ring and both men get face to face arguing. Flair shoves Windham and Windham shoves back. Windham fires a huge right hand and it's on. Both men are brawling in the ring trying to kill the other. Security hits the ring and breaks it up. Windham grabs the mic again.[/I] [QUOTE]Tonight Ric, tonight. Just you and me one on one.[/QUOTE] [I]Ric Flair yells back "You got it!".[/I] [B]World Television Title Match Tom Zenk(champion) vs. Brian Pillman[/B] [QUOTE]This has been a match in the making since Pillman decided to go for the TV title. Zenk and Pillman had a draw and earlier tonight during Power Hour Zenk got a big win over Pillman. Zenk started off the match hot going after Pillman with slams and heavy blows. Pillman makes his come back and gets a big top rope missile dropkick to land square on Zenk. The cover only got two. Zenk hit a big DDT and was looking for a super kick... Pillman ducks and [b]rolls him up[/b]... 1 2 3. Pillman gets the win and is the new WCW World Television Champion.[/QUOTE] [I]Gary Michael Cappetta is backstage with the Steiner Brothers.[/I] [QUOTE]Scott Steiner: Doom, you think you can pull one over on the Steiners? No way buddy. Those tag titles you have are hanging on by a thread. We've beaten you two before and we'll do it again. Your time is up fellas, these fans don't want you around any more and neither do we. When we get in that ring tonight it's going to be 1 2 3 new tag team champions, the Steiner Brothers.[/QUOTE] [I]Rick barks as the camera fades out to a shot of the arena before going to J.R and Solie.[/I] [QUOTE]Ross: Next up we have a match between a veteren here in WCW against a new comer. "Razor" Scott Hall came to WCW when Kevin Nash called on him to help him move up the ladder here in WCW. It should be an interesting match. The little we've seen of Hall has certainly impressed.[/QUOTE] [B]"Razor" Scott Hall vs. Ivan Koloff[/B] [QUOTE]Scott Hall started things off with some big punches and chops. Firemans carry by Koloff kept him off his feet. Koloff was working a chinlock as well as pushing his knee into Hall's spine. Koloff worked the back most of the match trying to weaken him up perhaps for a bearhug. Hall was getting some momentum going with a diving clothesline but couldn't get the win. Koloff fired back with clubbing blows to Hall's shoulders and back. Hall had to use his raw strength to get out of a Koloff bearhug. Hall started kicking Koloff away knocking him back into the corner. Hall props him up on the top turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope. Hall hooks him... [b]avalanche fall away slam[/b]! Hall crawls over... gets the cover... gets the win.[/QUOTE] [B]WCW Light Heavyweight Championship Match Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Art Barr[/B] [QUOTE]This match is for the vacant WCW Light Heavyweight Title. These two men won matches earlier on in the month to get the chance to fight tonight for the belt. Liger was using his amazing speed to keep ahead of Barr in the opening minutes. Barr was able to catch him though with a big elbow. Snap suplex by Barr... still has him... hits another suplex... still has him... hits a third suplex. Liger is down. Barr drags him over to the corner. Barr climbs up... frogsplash... misses. Liger rolled out of the way. Barr was a little to ****y. Liger takes advantage. Gets him up... SHEER DROP BRAINBUSTER! Liger decimates Barr with it. Liger pulls his body to the corner... gets up top... [b]SHOOTING STAR PRESS[/b]! 1 2 and 3. We have a new light heavyweight champion here in WCW and his name is Jushin Thunder Liger.[/QUOTE] [I]A video plays showing all the events leading up to our main event tonight. Windham getting kicked out of the Horsemen, his subsequent beating. Flair announcing he'll be bringing in new members. WIndham getting attacked by them. Williams and Gordy joining the Horsemen and celebrating in the ring.[/I] [B]Diamond Dallas Paige vs. Kevin Nash[/B] [QUOTE]This match has some history as DDP had been using Kevin Nash as a fall guy when things went wrong for him. Nash broke away and brought in Scott Hall and earlier tonight they told everyone they have plans to enter the tag team title hunt. DDP coward away from the big man early on. Nash tried htting him with some power moves but DDP was able to get away from him. DDP left the ring and tried leaving but Scott Hall came down the aisle and forced Diamond back in the ring. Nash started going to work landing huge punches and knee strikes. DDP goes for a big ride with a huge suplex that shakes the ring. Nash waits for DDP to get up... shoots him into the ropes... big boot! DDP's face might be caved in after that one. Nash lifts him up and signals for it... [b]JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB[/b]! DDP is totally out. Nash with the cover and gets the three count.[/QUOTE] [B]WCW World Tag Team Championship Match Doom(champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers[/B] [QUOTE]Our tag title match is up now with the champions Doom taking on The Steiner Brothers. Doom works the match cautiously trying not to allow the Steiners to get too much momentum. Lots of double team work by Doom on Scott Steiner. Scott finally makes the hot tag into Rick who tears through Doom with lariats for each. Rick grabs hold of Reed... overhead belly to belly on the big man. Scotty grabs Simmons... release dragon suplex, dropped him right on his head. The Steiners are standing tall in the middle of the ring as the fans are cheering loudly. Teddy Long gets up on the apron and both the Steiners and the ref come over to get him back down. Doom slide back in the ring steel chairs in hand and [b]smack both Steiner brothers in the back of the head[/b]. Simmons throws Scott out of the ring and Reed pins Rick for the win. You have to imagine the Steiners will want revenge for this.[/QUOTE] [I]Backstage Harley Race is with his client the massive monster Vader.[/I] [QUOTE]Sting you came after us last Saturday night for what? What happened. Earlier tonight Vader comes in after your match and destroys you. What have you got now? You've got a bad knee and you're sitting in some hospital bed in this horrible town. The monster Vader will not stop until he has that title belt. You better heal up fast boy because we've coming for you sooner than later.[/QUOTE] [B]United States Title Match Lex Luger(champion) vs. Dr. Death Steve Williams[/B] [QUOTE]We have another title match right now with Lex Luger defending his U.S title against Dr. Death Steve Williams. Williams has been gunning for the belt for the past few weeks now. Luger starts the match by keeping his distance from the deadly wrestler. Luger gets some good offense in with a couple slams and big strikes. Luger suplex him down. Picks him right back up and hits him with a big shoulder tackle. Luger is looking for a piledriver it seems but William's counters it. Williams is waiting for Luger to get back to his feet... big lariat from Williams. Williams is putting the boots to Luger. Luger is fighting back though. The fans are getting behind him. Luger gains control and sends Williams into the ropes, Luger comes off the ropes as well... massive forearm to the face of Steve Williams. Luger is signaling for that torture rack submisson. Luger gets Williams up... Williams gets out. Rear waistlock by Williams looking for a suplex... elbows to the head by Luger. Punches by Luger... kick to the gut... he's got him up... he's racking him. [b]Ole Anderson has slid in from outside and pushes Luger down[/b]. The ref calls for the bell. Ole and Dr. Death are beating away at Luger. Williams gets him up... MURDER BACKDROP! Luger is down and out. Williams poses with the U.S belt as the crowd is audibly unhappy with the result here in this match.[/QUOTE] [I]Terry Funk is backstage.[/I] [QUOTE]Terry Gordy, you want to run with those Horsemen well let me tell you what. It doesn't matter what kind of backup you're bringing kid I'm still going to kick you to one side of the ring to the other. When we finally meet one on one you're going to learn the biggest lesson of your career. You don't mess with a man who's been through it all and still here on the other side. I know everything you have inside of you, and that's nothing. You got nothing Gordy. No heart, no pride, nothing. Terry Funk has heart, Terry Funk has pride, Terry Funk has what it takes to put down a punk like you.[/QUOTE] [B]Rick Rude vs. Vader[/B] [QUOTE]Vader came out looking confident and focused. Even though he's damaged Sting he still needs a big win to look like a legit contender to the title. Rick Rude has been fighting to get up the ranks here in WCW. Vader was too much in this one. He started hammering away at Rude's head at the start of the match. Those giant sledgehammer like fists of Vader were demolishing Rick Rude's skull. Vader whipped Rude into the ropes and met him with a full body attack that sent Rude down. Vader started kicking away at the ribs of Rick Rude. Vader slams Rude's ribs over his knee... picks him up and does it again... and again... and a forth time. He slams Rude down who is clutching at his ribs and trying to catch his breath. Vader is punching away at the ribs of Rick Rude. Medical staff is coming down to put an end to this but Harley Race punches out a few. A couple get in the ring but get met by Vader. Vader powerbombs one and gorilla presses the other and tosses him over the ropes to the outside. The ring is surrounded by bodies. Vader picks up Rude and powerbombs him down. He drags his limp body to the corner... Vader bounces up on the ropes... comes off with the [b]Vader Bomb[/b] splash. Vader gets back up and does it again. Rick Rude has been decimated tonight. Vader is sending a message. Harley Race gets in the ring and demands that the ref make the three count. Vader gets the win then powerbombs the ref. As he leaves you can hear him screaming about Sting "See what I've done? What I can do. You're next!".[/QUOTE] [I]The main event is up now as Barry Windham makes his way to the ring first. Ric Flair comes out next with the Horsemen. They get met at the ring by officials and tell Flair that Arn, Old, Terry, and Steve have to go back, they can't be at ringside. Flair pitches a fit and William's threatens to take out the ref but eventually they get pushed to the back.[/I] [B]Ric Flair vs. Barry Windham[/B] [QUOTE]Flair gets in the ring and gets jumped by Windham. Windham is unleashing on Flair. Rights and lefts. Teeing off on Flair's face. Ric goes to the eyes to break it up. Flair starts shooting off punches of his own before transitioning to chops. Their echoing off the walls here in Virginia. Flair goes to the leg of Windham and starts chopping him down. Flair runs forward with a knee lift to Windham's face. Flair starts stomping away at the leg of Windham. Windham starts kicking with his free foot at Flair's face. Windham gets to his feet but is limping a little bit. Windham is pushing through it and goes back to swinging haymakers at Flair. Flair goes down with a bodyslam. Picked back up... suplex. Windham comes down with a middle rope elbow drop. Windham gets him up and brings him down with a nasty looking implant DDT. Windham looks to be going for the figure four! Flair is kicking away at him and crawls to the ropes. Flair gets back to the ring and kicks at the knee of Windham knocking him down. Flair hits a swinging neckbreaker. Flair goes to the top... jumps off... Windham stops him! Flair tried going for a double axe handle but Windham caught him with a lariat. Both men are on the mat. Windham is crawling towards Flair. Flair sees this and rolls out of the ring. Arn Anderson is running down towards the ring. The ref goes over to the apron to stop him. Steve Williams, Ole Anderson, and Terry Gordy come out of the crowd and help Flair up. They put him in the ring and Flair is able to low blow Windham. Arn drops down and the ref goes back to the action. Flair gets to his feet and stumbles over to Windham... grabs the leg... [b]figure four[/b]! Flair has it locked down tight. Windham is fighting as much as he can but his leg has taken a lot of damage tonight. Flair is cranking down on the hold, punching at the knee of Windham. Windham taps out. He couldn't take it anymore.[/QUOTE] [I]The other Horsemen jump in the ring and start beating the hell out of Barry Windham. Gordy picks up Windham and drives him into the mat with a running front powerslam. Williams grabs hold of Windham and tosses him to Arn and Ole who hold him up. Williams charges forward with a three point stance tackle. Arn grabs Windham and nails a spinebuster. Barry Windham has suffered amazing punishment tonight. Flair is looking to do something to Windham but the Horsemen are diving out of the ring. Terry Funk, Bobby Eaton, and Lex Luger have come to the aid of Barry Windham. The Horsemen duck out and walk to the back taunting the men in the ring all holding up the four symbol on their hands.[/I] -------------- WCW POWER HOUR QUICK RESULTS (TAPED BEFOREHAND) Pillman and Zenk get into a shoving match that leads to a match later on. Rude Attitude (Barr & Guerrero) beat Terry Taylor and Scorpio via frog splash. A video package plays showing the new horsemen and the beatings of Barry Windham. Masahiro Chono made Thomas Rich tap out to the STF. The Bad Guys (Hall and Nash) made it clear they plan on going after the WCW Tag Titles. Tom Zenk beats Brian Pillman via a roll up as Pillman was arguing with the ref. Sting beat Rick Rude via the scorpion deathlock. Vader come out of the crowd and attacked String with a metal pipe. Sting was taken out of the arena on a stretcher.
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