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Question regarding talent trades, a bit confused...

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I use the talent trade feature often and whenever I bring in an outside talent and try to job them to my champion or someone else on my roster, they refuse. Now, whenever I loan my workers out to other promotions, they almost always lose. I loaned RVD out to TNA for a total of 24 appearances and he had lost 23 of them. I don't see why my workers allow themselves to be jobbed but whenever I have someone from the outside they always refuse.
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Because the AI is all powerfull lolz. Wel all guys on loan have creative control automaticly so can refuse. Also depends on the personality of the guy you are getting and the difference in overness between him and the guy you are jobbing him too. What you can try is to use dominate + keep strong on the guy you want to win and not assing a winner hopefully your guy wil win(if hes less over) if hes more over 9 times out of ten the AI lets him win.
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Folks on talent trade will only agree to lose to guys who are equal or more over than they are and this will depend on their personality. And overness will depend on the region they are in so if you could get a guy who's really over in Japan but not at all over in the US into your US fed on talent trade he'll pretty much lose to anyone on your roster but if you are talent trading your champ for some one of equal overness in the same region and he is an ass he won't want to job to your champ and can block with creative control.
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