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I am a huge fan of McKenzie as of last night. The reason, well it's simple. I have been running the promotion and had fired him back in about March/May of 2008, he was dragging down the show and the crowd **** on him everytime he breathed. Well fast forward to May 2008 and I have fired a few Main Eventers and Upper Mids that have been causing a ton of havoc that I couldn't deal with. I had also turned Swoop Face and Harry Heel along side Lanny and Vance to freshen up the ME stops. Well none of them where getting any more momentium above D+ so I went out and pulled McKenzie in on a huge deal(I went for him after reading Rathon's Diary..Made ups...BTW Im coming out with my own..Based after a few years of playing, and using the in game history I cause as my backstory. Keep your eyes out!). Well I just got a note from the RA that Pitbull was getting boring on screen so I booked him to turn face and be distroyed by the debuting McKenzie. BOOM!!! GOLD!!! McKenzie get a C+ Momentium from that win and the next week destroys Swoop for the title!!! Simpley golden!!! After that I turned Blake heel(His parnter has been Fuzzy for the last year and the have been champs together once. I fired his old partner because he was a dick!) having him drop Fuzzy as a partner and the tag team titles in the process. He just boosted to a C+ Momentium so he will be getting a big break(if you can call anything in the Down Under Region a "BIG BREAK".
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I started out a game yesterday (probably will re-start once I have a better handle on what I want to do) and APW seemed ideal, considering the lack of competition, so no one bothers you and since most of the workers look like they can only work in Australia you don't have to worry about losing them to other companies. But I'd have to say just from what little I saw, it would have to be Swoop & McKenzie.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=Midnightnick;462002]I'm a total fan of New England Pit Bull. I don't know why, but he just takes off in my games.[/QUOTE] New England? It's New Zealand
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