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FAO Mexican Fed Players/Spanish Speakers

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How do, I was just wondering how do you guys name your events when taking over a promotion in Mexico. Basically i've got the book at MHW when it opened and it looks fun but I would like it to be a little authentic and have Spanish event names, so far there is only one Viva Imprudente which i have no clue what it means in english. Can anyone give me a few Spanish event names think DaVE/real life hardcore fed names.
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Go to babelfish. Google babelfish. Type in the English name you want and then translate it into Spanish et... voila! Ok, that was French but you get the idea. Make it your own. The web is a wonderful place, use it accordingly! [URL="http://babelfish.yahoo.com/"]Link to Babelfish[/URL] Now go read A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!
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Off the top of my head . . . Intenciones Malos (Evil Intentions) Rey de Reyes (King of Kings) Guerra Civil (Civil War) El Amanecer Nuevo (The New Dawn) Las Gotas De Sangre (Blooddrops) Sorry I can only think of 5 . . it's scary I can do them better in Spanish than in English. Mind you, I've got 4 years of university Spanish so I should be good :p
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