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Mod Name (TBA) : Current Day Real Life Data By: XxFutureLegend112xX

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Sundy when i bought TEW 2008 and noticed there really no playable real life data i started my own. Now i didnt announce on the board when i did cause i didnt want to be a person does this then nothing ever gets released. But ive now decided too announce as ive set a short term goal and thats to get data for atleast WWE, TNA and ROH done and released and see what happens after that. This is something ive been thinking about doing since TEW 2005 but never did it in fear of the huge workload and to tell the truth i still fear the workload. So if anyone would like to help me send me a PM and tell me what youd like to help with. Heres some pictures of excuse any grammar errors as im terrible with them they should be fixed before i make any sort of release hopefully =). if i can get someone to write profiles for me that would be even better lol. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/SJ.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/Angle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/SS.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/BT.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/AJ.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/Ab.jpg[/IMG]
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lol yea you could say that smart ass =) for your information my 1999 Mod actaully was released I still plan on releasing My 1994 Fantasy Mod and Lawsonverse for god sakes did you have to dig up my 2000 mod from TEW 2005 it was my first attempt at a Mod and a beta was released. so too my credit i did make good on my Early 1997 and Late 1999 Mod but ill go ahead and agree i dont have a good track record making mods but the release of this and my other mods is going to help change that hopefully. and as a side not TNA is nearly complete then ill be moving on to ROH, then WWE, then some free agents and then beta release time
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[QUOTE=Ghetto Anthony;462865]o. All I saw was Beta releases.[/QUOTE] no big deal man like i said i know i have a bad track record with mods but this ones for real. like i said thats why all im promising to start is WWE, TNA and ROH after that i may not doing anymore or maybe ill continue to add and the mod will grow.
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The A.I. is running TNA quite well i think see for yourselves though and leave some feedback =) Hard Justice [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/HJ.jpg[/IMG] No Surrender [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/NS.jpg[/IMG] BFG [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/BFG.jpg[/IMG]
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well im going off to bed but heres a status report [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/Game112/sr1.jpg[/IMG] i hope to finish ROH tommorrow and then the huge ass WWE in the coming days. Then ill test it it and sim a few years and make some adjustments where there needed. After that i i will release the first release and we will see what happens from there but i hope to add on to the mod little by little. There wont be many bios in the first release as im hoping to get some help there. Im hoping to get the beta out within one week from today.
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I will go out and say that TNA may be a bit over rated with matches like sharkboy & curryman vs ODB & Christy and sharkboy & curryman vs Salinas & Gail Kim getting rated in the B range. :confused: There seems to be too many B rated matches showing up for me. Something to consider maybe.
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[QUOTE=bobinc;463467]I will go out and say that TNA may be a bit over rated with matches like sharkboy & curryman vs ODB & Christy and sharkboy & curryman vs Salinas & Gail Kim getting rated in the B range. :confused: There seems to be too many B rated matches showing up for me. Something to consider maybe.[/QUOTE] yea there are a bit many B Matches but you have to take into account that i set the product the wrestlers are rated in performance as much as popularity and The upgraded AI (which is insane). But i've been trying various things but they still seem to get those ratings. such as i've dropped Beer Money and LAX's momentum and popularity but still when they wrestle each other they pull off an B+ - A Matches. i plan on trying to figure it out im just hoping i don't have to drop stats because i find my stats pretty accurate. But if anyone has any advice on how to fix this i'd love to hear it =). Also why are the girls wrestling the men i have it set to Division not intergrated.
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Takeshi Morishima is done in ROH to focus on the GHC title. Go and Marufuji work less for the promotion, they go for short stints and go back to Japan. It's like a talent trade. But adding them is up to you. Also, Go is beating up on women and the under card is way too good for both promotions. You need to deflate your stats a bit.
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i simulated 4 Months with the current data (TNA Complete and ROH over 3/4's done) TNA Averages B - B+ Shows with the ocassional B- when they use alot of undercarders (Also i played with TNA's product settings and i havent seen anymore men vs. women matchs yet.) ROH Averages C+ to B Shows with the occasional B+ show (and aftering adding Daize Haze there have been only 1 women vs men matchs)
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After "deflating" some stats and popularity in TNA they now average C+ to B shows with a B+ show here and there and very rarely A but ive got very few of those. Myself i find those ratings pretty realistic as imo. As far as the women fighting the men i honestly dont know what to say as no matter what settings i use you get atleast few while simming. I probaly going to finish ROH and then go back through and 'deflate" stats for them as i think ive been to generous so thats probaly going to be what gets done tonight hopefully. Tommorrow im going to start WWE and i hope to get the ECW/Smackdown Done but i woulnt hold my breath on that lol. again thnx for the advice rocksta. also i forgot to metion im not going to inculde the noah guys besides Go (who is kinda fulltime in ROH) because like rocksta said it more like a talent trade so....theyll be free agents in the 1st beta and later if i add noah theyll be there
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[QUOTE=XxFutureLegend112xX;463871]Anyone know who ROHs Road Agents are?[/QUOTE] To the best of my knowledge they do not really have any, it is just Gabe lol, Les Thatcher was there in the past but that was not a permanent thing.
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[QUOTE=forlan;463916]To the best of my knowledge they do not really have any, it is just Gabe lol, Les Thatcher was there in the past but that was not a permanent thing.[/QUOTE] thnx dude i just want to update and say ive done ECW and a Few Smackdown Guys today. Im breaking from the mod the rest of today and tommorrow probaly to actaully play TEW 08 which is somthing ive done very little of as i almost immediately began modding after i bought the game. But Monday or Tuesday at the latest ill resume work and hopefully by next weekend ill have the first beta out but no promises.
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