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Waking Up In 1920 (organic effinverse)

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[I]I completely acknowledge that what appears below is kind of a rip-off of Household Gods by Harry Turtledove. But most of you have no idea what that is, so to quote NBC's tag-line "It's New To You"[/I]:p It all started when I went to a junk errr...organized yard sale. I passed it everyday I drove to work but never thought about stopping. I mean it is a complete waste of time and something no man would be caught dead at unless his wife/girlfriend drug him there. That all changed when a couple of co-workers came in raving about this new guy who had opened a booth there. He sold some of the most interesting stuff including some old title belts. I immediately set the alarm for 2 hours early the next morning so I'd have plenty of time to peruse the wares. Boy was I glad I did! This guy had tons of awesome stuff all in pretty good condition. There were some nice TCW and SWF belts along with SCCW and DaVE titles. All of them were appropriately priced too which meant they were out of my price range:( I had almost given up when the owner stopped me with one of those standard sales pitches, "Wait, I have some other things that would look good for you." I sighed and checked my watch, almost 1 hour before I had to be at work. I came back thinking that sure he had some great stuff, and it would be in worse shape than a candy bar left in my car in July. Yep, the stuff he pulled out could be called road-kill if it wasn't for the fact that it wasn't animal. There were some of the early HGC belts and a few ones from the European feds. The APW belts all looked like they had been handled by UPS repeatedly for over 2 years. I mean these were definitely in my budget, but why would I ever buy them? It was then that he pulled out a 2nd box marked Very RARE that I almost started laughing. Who did this guy think he was fooling? These belts and trophies were typo's. WWW, QCW, AOW, and FNP????? Who the hell were these feds? "The next thing you're going to tell me is that there is an NWA World Championship belt in there" I said. At which point I just lost it and started laughing hysterically until I was fixed with the weirdest, nastiest stare I'd ever seen. "You can mock my wares, but don't you mock these feds! There was wrestling, real wrestling, before the likes of Sam Strong, Tommy Cornell, and Sam Keith" he said. That is when he whipped out what had to be the finest looking belt I had ever seen. It was another one from a fed I'd never heard of, SPW, but it just looked amazing. The thing just gleemed in the morning sun, and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I had to have it, and after 45 minutes of bickering, cajoling, and a little bit of begging, I got it.
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I rushed home after work because my best-friend was coming over to watch the massive SWF PPV. The Main Event was going to be Jack Bruce Vs Enygma for the SWF World Heavyweight Title. This was going to be their biggest show of the year, and we had been enjoying the massive build-up. Enygma had been on another long winning streak and had been dogging Bruce for months. Gary and I were both huge Jack Bruce fans so we were happy that he was facing a no-talent goober like Enygma so we were sure he'd win. Cut to the end of the show, and the both of us are sitting just staring in disbelief as Enygma was being handed the belt. It was a 25-minute cage match that just looked ragged as hell. Bruce looked pissed off the entire match, and Enygma just looked...well....like Enygma. I mean how do you miss a kick like that when you're being held onto by the guy near the top of the cage? He hit Bruce flush in the jaw knocking him out long enough for him to land awkwardly leading to millions losing their lunch and dinner (compound fractures are really ugly to look at). That led me to pull out my new belt and spend 10 minutes ranting about where I was going to put it in Enygma or use it to beat Enygma down. It was a rant to make sailors proud. Once we both calmed down, we spent the night talking about wrestling and how much better we could book USPW or TCW or especially SWF. We've been watching SWF for years especially after mourning the loss of SCCW and consider ourselves very smart marks. I'd even gone through some basic wrestling training several years ago. After another of our marathon discussions of how great we'd be running a fed, we finally went to sleep with me holding my new belt. I knew something was wrong when I looked at the sheets on the bed that were not even close to any sheets I've ever owned. Then, I looked at the very plain walls and started panicking. My near-hysteria woke up Gary who just told me I was an idiot. Then we heard the train go by and knew something was wrong. See, there wasn't a train for 500 miles where we live. We stuck our heads out the window to be hit by the distinct smells of a large city and a newsboy hawking the defeat of the League of Nations by the US Senate. Shutting the window, we sat back down in horror. We were in [B]1920!!!!!!!!!!!!![/B]
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[I]*Sorry guys. I will get to the wrestling specifics in a couple of posts just bear with me. And any comments will be appreciated.[/I] "What the hell happened?" "I don't have any idea." "What is that on your bed?" Okay, the first 2 were said together, but the last was said by Gary which stopped the discussion. When I turned to look, I was shocked to see that the nice shiny belt I had bought had turned into at least $500 worth of gold coins (historical note: we didn't use bills exclusively until the 30's)! There were also two slick-looking suits hanging in the closet. After figuring out where the bathroom was mainly using my extensive classic movie knowledge, we were dressed and ready to go see where exactly we were. It didn't take us very long to figure out we were in New York City. Namely because the newsboy was hawking the New York Times, but also, because we passed a guy who looked suspiciously like Babe Ruth!!!!!! So, we head over to the bank to deposit our "belt" money as Gary refers to it all the while gawking at how cheap everything is 5 or 10 cents buys a whole lot. The teller calls over the manager while we're trying to start an account which makes us very nervous, but it turns out to be really good news. The bank manager informs us that our "belt" money totals to $1,150.70. We both spend a week enjoying a stripped down NYC (no Empire State Building along with many other landmarks finished after March 1920). After a week of goofing-off and getting settled into our apartment, we are left with $1,000 (did I mention how cheap things are?). Things inevitably turn to getting jobs. There just isn't anything to do, and no, partying full-time isn't an option. We mull some things over and hit on something so basic that it takes 2 hours to realize it. We're from the freaking FUTURE!!!! Sure, the mundane basics are lost to history, but the really big stuff is common knowledge. This is where we can make a ton of money without doing a whole lot of work. The stock market is getting ready for a massive growth spurt (it was called the roaring 20's for several reasons). Also, baseball is huge, and we know who is going to win! So, we go to work as stock traders. We also become season ticket holders to the Brooklyn Dodgers (sure, we could go see Babe Ruth become a legend but someone is a Dodgers fan:mad:). This seems like fun, and the parties are wonderful. The ladies, as usual, go more for Gary, but with the money we're both making, there is a long line for both of us. However, there just seems to be something missing besides alcohol (stupid prohibition). This was solved one morning in late June when Gary practically threw the Times at me. "Look on page 8!!!!" I wiped the egg off my face while glaring at Gary then opened it to page 8. There I found what I was looking for all along. [FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]Southern Pro Wrestling Presents Flaming Youth[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] I read the article barely blinking feeling the excitement grow inside of me. All it did was list the card, and the writer then gave his thoughts on the entire show. I immediately clipped the article from the paper. I told him we were calling in sick to work which wasn't a problem since Gary gleefully noted that it was Saturday and we were off anyway. It was time to formulate a [B][SIZE="3"]PLAN![/SIZE][/B] Btw, here is the card from the first show [COLOR="red"]SPW Presents Flaming Youth[/COLOR] From The Rainbow Bar & Grill (South East) Attendance 66 Ruben Batch defeated Daniel Loiselle--E Joel Westybrook defeated Joe Boone--E Levi Andrews defeated Emilio Suarez for the [B]Top Contender Title[/B]--E Raul Vegas defeated Saita Kuroki--E [B][U]Main Event[/U][/B] Sir Anthony Henry went to a time limit draw against Friederich Herzog--E The story with the time limit draw had to do with the blue laws in force at the time stating that no alcohol could be sold after 11pm. As the show started late due to some ring setup trouble and a lengthy pre-show talk by owner Don Loomis, they had to end the match at 11. Thus, the first show ends with a goofy finish.:eek:
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Gary and I spent the next 8 hours hashing out how we were going to enter the pro wrestling world. It was a very detailed plan, and with great detail comes great cash requirements. We were going to have to wait a few years before we could raise enough money to do this up right. Gary wanted to move sooner arguing that if we delayed too long SPW would become too big. I told him exactly why we wanted them to grow. See, the problem with anything new is that it takes awhile to do two things. One, to build up an audience, and two, to build up a supply of performers. There just isn't going to be enough quality people to do this right for a few years. Let others do the hard work of training the guys and promoting the new sport of pro wrestling. Once the time is right, we will step in and build on that wave taking over pro wrestling! That seemed to make Gary happy and got him to slow things down. However, I knew it was going to take a little longer than Gary thought. He also wasn't going to like where I was going to want to start our promotion either. Southern Pro Wrestling continued to run a show once a month in the Rainbow Bar & Grill. Herzog won the SPW World Heavyweight Title at the 2nd event over Henry and held it for the rest of the year. They hit a milestone at the October show, Gangland, with their first E+ show. Then, they surpassed that in December with a D- show featuring Herzog defeating Emilio Suarez to retain the title. It became apparant to everyone other than Frank Norris, head booker of SPW, that Suarez was fast becoming the best wrestler in the business. Even Gary and I could figure that out just by reading the recaps in the Times. The next year seemed to fly by. We were rolling in dough and ladies. Our bank balance had jumped to $8,000 even after we found a great new place and had it redecorated. It was a year of growth for SPW as well. They finally sold out the Rainbow Bar & Grill in July despite backtracking with an E+ show. Gangland was yet another milestone for them as it was their first D show. It was headlined by guess who? Yep, Suarez kept carrying them even though he kept losing to Herzog for the World Heavyweight title. They did throw him a bone in July by giving him the Top Contender title, but really, who was Norris kidding? The guy kept having easily the highest rated matches month after month. This was proven when the New York Times decided to hand out some End of the Year Awards. As expected, Emilio Suarez won Wrestler of the Year while Gary Funk won Young Wrestler of the Year. To no one's shock, Suarez was also involved in the Match of the Year though it was a little surprising that it was a tag match. 1922 saw a new promotion debut, Pride of Germany. We really got a great laugh out of that one. Many Hitler jokes were made in our room. Our mood quickly changed when we read the report of the death of Frank Norris. Evidently we should have been nicer and not asked what he was smoking by not riding Suarez to the top position. He was really smoking opium which as we all know is a really, really bad idea. This got Gary excited. He said that we should go apply to become head booker of SPW. Why wait any longer? Loomis is in late 50's which is pretty old by 1922 standards. Work there for 5-10 years, and when he decides to either sell or kick the bucket, WE would get it. This was not going to be the answer, I said. Herzog had already run off to start PoG, and I think he's going to hire someone very close to him so he can keep control over professional wrestling. I was proven right when he hired Saita Kuroki. He had gotten hurt after only his 2nd match, but Loomis kept him as a Road Agent. Now, Gary was unhappy, and we had 2 promotions in professional wrestling. On a wrestling note, this year marked the end of the Herzog era as top dog when he lost to Raul Vegas at their August event. That was after 22 defenses, but he would never get the title back. He wisely didn't ever give himself the top title in PoG as there were better choices in Europe though he gave himself the tag titles with Alvaro Lorenzo. The Triple Crown title was won by former shoot fighter D'arcy Fournier though in a move that sent shockwaves through the wrestling world, he lost it the very next event in June to Uri Vidmar. This was the first title change for the main event title of a promotion in wrestling history. Suarez won WOTY again with Larry Rush winning YWOTY and Suarez again had MOTY honors with Gary Funk 1923 saw the 3rd wrestling promotion formed, this time in Mexico. VLL or Viva La Lucha promised to bring this new sport of pro wrestling to Mexico as there had been several people wanting to wrestle for over a year. Esteban Moya founded the company and was its first booker. Oh boy what a booker he was too. Their first 3 shows were all rated F+:eek: However, he does get the credit of having the first non-wrestling segment in pro wrestling history. It is called an angle because the writer couldn't decide what the point of it was and asked "What was their angle with that?" in his article. The name stuck. Soon, they were running at least one angle each show. Guess who won Wrestler of the Year again? This even though he spent the year at the bottom of the card opening the show in VLL. Larry Rush won YWOTY honors for a 2nd time. The biggest news was SPW reached Small and continued to grow.
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Grr....I just lost the long post I had for 1924 and 1925. It won't be up until tomorrow now.:mad: Critical, this is the Effenverse by i effen rule. Basically, he created a list of promotions to debut at certain dates and created a starting group of 6 wrestlers and 2 non-wrestlers. The game then creates all of the wrestlers and non-wrestlers. This means that every game is different as different people are created everytime you play. It is available in the Mod forum here (think it is on page 2). I may just skip on to 1928. See you all tomorrow.
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The great big mistake In 1924, pro wrestling was growing pretty well. SPW was pushing towards Regional status while PoG had hit Small status in the middle of the year. VLL had finally made a good decision by firing the owner from the book and giving it to someone who realized who should carry the promotion, Emilio Suarez. Though he was smart and didn't give himself the title until the next fall, his move to main event status kept VLL from failing. The same couldn't be said for a new Britain promotion that opened that spring. All Out Wrestling introduced a new term to pro wrestling, Pure. This meant that the matches were fought mainly on the mat with savage viciousness. Unfortunately, most of the wrestlers available were high-flying spot-monkeys whatever that term meant. Seriously, English is way too different from American English. Gary and I decided that the British press meant that the wrestlers wanted to hype up certain parts of the match with over-the-top action sequences. Laughing, Gary said, "Those 2 things sure don't seem to mesh well". He was right, of course, and they promptly folded after 6 months in October. Another new promotion was founded in Quebec in September by a Japanese sumo wrestler. Why a guy would leave Japan where there still isn't any wrestling promotions to start one in French-speaking Canada, you ask? Well, rumor has it that he did something horrible in his last sumo match that led to the powers that be to escort him to a ship in the harbor with the understanding he was to NEVER set foot back in Japan. Soon, he was in Montreal spouting to everyone who could understand him that he was pure and that his new promotion would feature the Purest wrestling the world could find. This set Gary to a laughing fit joking about how Choshi was pure because he was a fat, sumo wrestler, and how if one fed that featured Pure wrestling was failing would a promotion devoted to that harsh wrestling style succeed? I reminded him that all Canadians are nuts for harsh stuff, hockey having been organized into the NHL just a couple years before. We were distracted by our double-weddings to take place on November 30th. You probably will recognize the last name of my bride, Vanderbilt. Yes, from that family. We were rising in society very quickly. Being the golden boys of Wall Street tends to make that happen. Our bank account was up to a cool $250,000 after the market really took off along with our aggressiveness. The honeymoons took place in Charlestown, SC for 3 weeks followed by Christmas at THE mansion. Christmas with the in-laws was all financial talk and ducking the mother-in-law. The triumphant return to NYC was tempered by headlines of QCW's financial struggles. Was pro wrestling going to be controlled by Don Loomis? I knew what I had to do, and I knew Gary wasn't going to like it. The wife and I left town under the auspices of visiting Niagra Falls, but we only stayed 2 days before moving on to Montreal. I met with Mr. Buncho Choshi after watching their January event, Your Time Has Come. The attendance was a horrible 62 which was only surpassed by the horrendous main event. What is it with these owners? Just because you own the thing doesn't mean you should hold the title. The rest of the card was decent, but the main event featuring Choshi defeating Gilbert Bryant was awful. Even Enygma would have made fun of it. I laid the contract down on the table in his office. Quite simply it stated that I would loan him $5,000 to be repaid in 2.5 years. The terms were harsh enough that even a guy who couldn't go home again and was failing miserably gave pause. See, he was to repay me $50,000 at the end of those 2.5 years either in one lump sum or 2 payments of $25,000 in August and December of 1927, or if still in business but unable to afford the repayments, I would own the promotion. You would think that this would have been the major sticking point, but nooooooooo, that wasn't his biggest problem. Item #2 simply said that he was to drop the QCW Championship title immediately as there wasn't going to be a promotion left if he held onto it much longer. I got called a racist along with the entire Ontario province for failing to see his greatness. I replied that I was well aware of his "greatness", and that he could either be great stuck in French-Canada by himself or take my deal and be an historical owner and kingpin of Canadian wrestling for decades. 4 hours of wrangling later, I left $5,000 poorer (yeah, like that mattered to me), but with high hopes that another training ground for professional wrestling was going to flourish. Bracing myself for the impending argument with Gary, I entered the room to be met by his butler. Yeah we had butlers now, and nice houses outside of the city too. I was informed that he didn't want to see me.:mad:
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[I]*It's going to be time-warp time*[/I] Eventually, Gary and I heard each other out and rebuilt our friendship. Unfortunately, he was proven right as QCW pulled itself off the ledge twice more in 1925. Choshi finally dropped the belt in December never to regain it. While they are doing what I wanted them to do with developing wrestlers (as a look at their mid-card title is a who's who of N. American stars), they were also now financially stable and growing. "It's going to be a negociation problem for us when we start our own promotion." I really do hate when he's right. Two new promotions opened their doors in the United States in the following years. The first was Fight Night Promotions founded in literally our backyard as we held a New Year's party with some of the legends of pro wrestling, excluding Don Loomis. Daniel Loiselle announced that he was opening the promotion with Joe Boone holding the book. The interesting thing was that they would be what he termed a "Touring" promotion meaning that they would hold weekly events part of the year starting in May in various parts of the country. This was quickly proven to be too much for the active wrestlers to handle so they soon settled down in NYC. They would be joined in the Tri-State area by Championship Wrestling of Buffalo. CWB billed themselves as a family-friendly promotion as they tried to counter what were very intense matches in FNP, SPW, and especially in QCW. Boy were they ever family-friendly. We had to leave a couple of times because we were laughing so hard. I mean they made USPW look like DaVE for crying out loud. And to think that Gary was worried about them keeping some people away from us. Ummm....we were both wrong on that. Evidently some of these people like to get paid for minimal effort.:confused: The day after Thanksgiving of 1927 was spent packing. The PLAN was finally coming to fruition, and we had been very busy the last couple of months finding out who to sign and getting the belts made. I put Gary in charge of that which turned out to be a mistake. We had already sent a few of our friends out to the coast to start hyping our promotion up so wrestling was getting even hotter than it was in this horribly untapped area. Gary thought I was nuts for leaving NYC, and our wives said worse things about the idea. I finally put my foot down by letting it slip that NYC wasn't going to be a great place to live in a year, and now was the time to get the heck out of town. We cashed out all of our money which now totalled $750,000 plus the two houses in NYC and the two in Seattle. Yes, folks. We are headed to the NORTH WEST! Even FNP never ventured here so it is very untapped. Oh, we got the belts hours before we boarded the train December 1st. I just stared in disbelief. "What the hell is this," I asked. "It just came to me," he replied. New Wrestling Alliance?????????? "Yeah, we'll just call it NWA for short," Gary said.:eek:
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The Wrestling World & Some of the Big Players [SIZE="4"][U][B]Files From The Desk Of Commissioner Zod[/B][/U][/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"]It has come to my attention that people would like to know where everyone stands in the world. So, I have convened the council to rank everyone and everything.[/COLOR] "Ha Ha. Very funny, Gary." Now just present the information, okay? After muttering about me not being fun anymore, he continued with the presentation. 1. [COLOR="red"]Southern Pro Wrestling[/COLOR] Regional Promotion Rated D- in Southeast and F+ in Great Lakes, Mid-Atlantic, and Puerto Rico Bank Balance of approx. $2.5 million dollars!!!!!:eek: [B]Current Title Holders[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]SPW World Heavyweight--C+[/COLOR] Melvin Green (2)--just won in December over Raul Vegas again. They've held it since Herzog dropped it back in 1922. Green held it the last time for a ridiculous 35 defenses then gave it back to Vegas for just one defense. How long is he going to hold it this time? [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]SPW Top Contender--C-[/COLOR] Emilio Suarez (2)--held for just over a year with 13 defenses. Should just be renamed the Emilio Suarez Title as he's held it for 33 defenses (20 the first time and 13 this time). [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]SPW National Tag--D[/COLOR] Danielle Loiselle & Joe Boone--this infrequently defended title has been held by these 2 very good friends since July 1921 yet have only defended it 17 times.:confused: [B]OOC--Smart Notes:[/B] The top dog has now started having a few shows in the Great Lakes region. They need to if they're going to be bigger than a Regional fed. Their main eventers are Melvin Green and Patrick Randall. Boy is their roster small. Oh, and where is Suarez, you ask? Stuck in the midcard. The first Ric Flair in this universe and he's in the midcard.:confused: 2. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Fight Night Promotions[/COLOR] Tours from May-September and in November Regional Promotion Rated E+ in Tri-State everywhere else F+ though F in 3 areas in popularity Bank Balance of approx. $800,000 [B]Current Title Holders[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]FNP Big Gold Belt--C+[/COLOR] Melvin Green--won in September over Sean Murphy. This is a big departure for FNP as it has been shared between Patrick Randall and Sean Murphy since the beginning. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]FNP Top Contender--D-[/COLOR] Randall Rock--won in September over Joel Westybrook. Maybe he can hold onto it longer than Westybrook who had just 2 defenses. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]FNP National Tag Team--D-[/COLOR] Forgotten Generation aka Mike Kelly & George Corbett--held since July. Really, they've owned these titles only dropping them for one match. At least they've been given really cool names there with Natural Athletes and Team Pro joining them. [B]OOC--Smart Notes:[/B] They stopped touring pretty quickly and now seek to dominate CWB in the Tri-State area. Meanwhile I'm rooting them on since it was kinda my idea in the first place, and CWB is really, really starting to annoy me. 3. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Viva La Lucha[/COLOR] Regional Promotion Rated E+ in Northern Mexico Bank Balance of approx. $900,000 [B]Current Title Holders[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]VLL World--C+[/COLOR] Emilio Suarez--won in October of 1925. This illustrious belt has been held by only 2 men, Suarez and Jorge Rubio with over 20 defenses each [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]VLL #1 Contender--D-[/COLOR] Jose Mendez--won in August 1927. Defended 3 times. Only 3 people have held this title. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]VLL National Tag--D-[/COLOR] Jose Mendez & Enrique Marcos--you thought the SPW tag titles weren't defended frequently. How about 4 matches total! [B]OOC--Smart Notes:[/B] As mentioned before, this program came back from the depths of closure once Suarez got the book away from owner Esteban Moya. Now, they are putting on solid D shows with the occaisonal great show propelling them to 3rd position. Odd that they are a Normal promotion instead of Lucha Libre though that is their key feature of the fed. 4. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Championship Wrestling of Buffalo[/COLOR] Small Promotion Rated E- in Tri-State Bank Balance of approx. $121,000 [B]Current Title Holders[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]CWB Heavyweight--C+[/COLOR] Lance Eaton--The only title-holder with 5 defenses as there's been conflicts with both FNP and SPW so he hasn't been to every show. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]CWB Tag Team--D-[/COLOR] Randall Rock & Joe Boone--only holders as both work for FNP [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]CWB #1 Contender--F-[/COLOR] Dustin Davis--only holder, 5 defenses [B]OOC--Smart Notes:[/B] This is my first target for elimination as this country isn't big enough for 4 promotions yet. They can take their 0% match intensity and shove it. A few of the big names work for SPW, QCW or FNP, and CWB, and I can't get them to drop CWB for me. So, I'm a little angry at them. Gary keeps threatening to call a few people in NYC we know to "solve" the problem, but I've said that we'll give them a chance to fail while we succeed. 5. [COLOR="Lime"]Pride of Germany[/COLOR] Regional Promotion Rated E+ in Mediterranean Bank Balance of approx. $1.4 million dollars!!!!!:eek: [B]Current Title Holders[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]PoG Triple Crown--C+[/COLOR] Federico Sanchez (2)--just won in November over Juho Andersson. He also held it for 15 defenses before this current one. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]PoG Radio--D[/COLOR] Uri Vidmar--the first long-term holder of the Triple Crown title has been pushed down the card in recent years culminating with him winning this belt in December. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]PoG National Tag--D-[/COLOR] Baccaus Charisteas & Courtenay Fournier--defended 7 times with only one other team ever holding it. [B]OOC--Smart Notes:[/B] With the end of All Out Wrestling, PoG has the entire continent to themselves again. Hopefully, they will leave Italy and explore Europe soon. I mean the women are really hot there, but if they're going to grow, they'll have to leave soon. The NWA is starting off at 6th with E+ influence in the North West and F popularity in British Columbia and South West. I decided that I'm going to run two shows a month. We even tossed around the idea of splitting the roster into two divisions, but we're going to see how it goes first. Nobody has any overness in the North West as nobody has wrestled one match there. In fact the only people who are E- or more over in the entire USA are a couple of refs, road agents, color guys, and an MMA fighter. Here is how New Wrestling Alliance is setup. Traditional--Key Feature, Mainstream--Heavy, Realism--Medium, Comedy, Risque, and Hardcore--Low. Match intensity and danger are set to 40%. The match ratio is set to 60%. Yes folks, we are unleashing upon the world a scourge unlike any other, Sports Entertainment!!!!!!!!!!!! Next post will be my roster with a little bit of background on the main people.
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[I]*Thanks for the mention i effin rule and thanks for doing the work on the mod that led to this diary in the first place*[/I] OOC: As many of you are not familiar with ier's mod, this is almost a completely TEW-generated landscape. Sure, the promotions are pre-set, but all except the original 8 (only 6 of them wrestlers) people are created by the game with the new worker creation set on high. Now, this means a few things are different than every other mod or the Cornellverse. With the exception of a few MMA types, and for some unknown reason refs, nobody starts with any overness. Also, though it does make the game really hard, the game tends to create workers with both E or worse consistency and stamina which does make some sense due to wrestling's novelty. He did leave the region ratings and other settings (pop., wrestling type favorites, etc) the same from the Cornellverse. The game does seem to create a wide swath of workers so there are plenty of each of the different wrestling types though the game does tend to go a little overboard with the rumble skills (brawling and hardcore make sense though it's odd to see non-japanese workers with high Puroresu ratings but oh well). Overall, you will see ratings in the C's or lower with the exceptions being the camera and entertainment skills where there are plenty of A's and B's. Whew, that was a little longer than I thought it would be. Now onto my roster. Format is Wrestler/Style/Creation Date/Age Overall category ratings: Rumble, Technical, Flying, Entertainment, Performance, and Physical Key individual ratings and payment A few will have title and other pertinent facts [B][U][SIZE="4"]Target #1[/SIZE][/U][/B] Emilio Suarez/Luchador/Original/33 E/D+/C+/D+/B/B- He has solid B's on every performance skill which is HUGE! B+ on stamina also huge. Hurting the bank $700/show AND $517 in travel.:eek: Gary and I both argued whether it was really worth it to hire him. I pointed out that he will be a huge trainer of the rest of the top card guys. Also, having THE MAN of pro wrestling was a necessity to put us on the map. How much of THE MAN is he you ask? Try being the only man to win Wrestler of the Year 1921-1927 AND being in EVERY SINGLE Match of the Year winner. He will be the top heel basically working with every face I need/want to push. And yes, that D+ entertainment rating means he gets his own manager. More on that later as we are introducing the world to the very first stable!!!! I can hear The Syndicate shaking in their boots.:p [B][U][SIZE="4"]Target #2[/SIZE][/U][/B] Joel Westybrook/Entertainer/June 1920/28 C-/C-/E/A/C/C- Can you say gold on the mic? He has A/A/B on entertainment. The other huge key is that he's also B- on consistency and stamina meaning iron matches for these two!:D He's hurting the bank to the tune of $500/show and another $500 for travel (stupid Canada:mad:) One of the first to enter the new sport of pro wrestling, he was in SPW until last November when he was thankfully cut by Loomis so I could sign him as he works for FNP and QCW as well. We are both praying every night that there is chemistry between these two and that Loomis doesn't realize his mistake and try to resign him (unless he dumps stupid QCW;)). The top face will try to help boost the heel's consistency, stamina, and entertainment skills. [B][U][SIZE="4"]Target #3[/SIZE][/U][/B] Gary Cooper/Regular/Feb. 1921/26 C-/D+/E/A/C/C+ Sometimes the random name generator just kills me. Not only that, but of course, he's A* in acting too.:D If you think I'm giving him anything but a cowboy gimmick, you're crazy. (go ask your father or grandfather who Gary Cooper was irl) His big things are the B+/B+/A* in entertainment along with truly great performance (B- in consistency) and stamina B-. I'm still mystified at his low Sex Appeal and Star Power C-/C. He's setting us back $450/show and $379 for travel (guess where he's from:mad:) Another early entrant into pro wrestling, his other big bonus is that he's tagged with Westybrook in the past so they're at E- as a team. Considering the dearth of tag team wrestling, that is pretty darn good. He's another solid wrestler who I have big plans for in NWA. Oddly rated as #1 Franchise Player in the promotion over Westybrook who's #2. Geez Gary, I didn't realize you were that big a Cooper fan. [B][U][SIZE="4"]Target #4[/SIZE][/U][/B] Randall Rock/Technician/Feb. 1927/20 E-/C/E-/B+/C+/D The first youngster to join NWA also currently holds 2 titles one in CWB (the tag titles with booker Joe Boone) and FNP Top Contender. He's also the first to have a glaring weakness that can't be covered by a manager with a D- stamina. Hopefully some time with Cooper will remedy that as he has everything else you want in a main eventer (well, except the star quality which is a D). He's being paid $500/show and HEY!!! we have an American so no travel fee.:p As you can see, he's hit the ground running. His technical skills will hopefully give a boost to the roster that tends to go more toward brawling and aerials. As mentioned, he'll start off feuding with Cooper which makes his Troublemaker gimmick even more appropriate. [I]Geez, it looks like you put a lot of thought into it. Commissioner Zod approves. Shut up Gary.[/I] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Target #5[/SIZE][/U][/B] Peter Edwards/Cruiserweight/Oct. 1927/21 F+/E-/D/B+/C-/D+ Ummm....Gary, why is he Main Event status and #4 on the franchise list? Uh, well, he's great on the mic, and he's really young and improving all the time. Oh, and he's C- in consistency and stamina. Plus, he is ours alone and works really, really cheap. We're only paying him $150/show and 5% of merchandising sales. Uh, what merchandise, Gary? Oh, I found a couple of people and kinda made some contracts with them. Their stuff will be ready for our first show. You were going to tell me this when? Well, I just did, duh.:mad::mad::mad: Seriously, I don't understand why he's this high. He is good on the mic, but so are a bunch of the guys below him. The only thing going for him is his 2 C-'s, but that just means he can go 10-15 min of suckiness. Hopefully, he improves dramatically working 2 shows a month, and maybe Gary and the other creatives know something I don't. [I]Zod knows all!!!!![/I] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Target #6[/SIZE][/U][/B] Sean Murphy/Regular/Oct 1922/23 D+/D+/E+/C-/C-/D+ Okay Gary, what the hell is up with this? He's held FNP's Big Gold Belt twice, and the first time he defended it 24 times! And? Dude, he just kills with the ladies. How he hasn't been snapped up to model is beyond me. Sean can be the face of this promotion. *Mutters* Until they see him wrestle that is. How much is YOUR signing going to cost us? *Looks sheepish* $450/show. That's not bad so why am I worried? He's getting $301 for travel. HE'S AN AMERICAN!!!!!!!! ARE YOU STUPID?????? It's mostly for his gimmick as a City Slicker. If he stinks, I don't care if he's dressed as a hobo or a monkey. You better be right, or the Phantom Zone is going to be better than what you'll be going through.:mad: Our first wrestler who has A's/B+'s in camera skills. He's even got a B+ in menace. I'm being a little overly harsh as he does have the basics down with C-'s or C's plus a C- in stamina. Guess I'll have to push him some since he's got a high ceiling, I hope. I have 2 other Main Eventers on my over-crowded roster. Angel Vaughn is a heel who is an E/E/C/C/D+/C- Hopefully, his high-flying will go over well with the crowd as that's about all he can do. Leon Hudson is a face who is an D+/C/F-/C-/C+/C He's a solid technical wrestler who's best attributes are his B+ consistency and C+ stamina. [B][U]Upper Midcarders[/U][/B] *notes guys I am going to push Dustin Davis-Face Gary Funk*-Heel Looks to be the successor to Suarez in ability B Camera and B- performance skills Joe Gilbert-Heel Manuel Munoz*--Heel A bonafide superstar as soon as he improves that F in consistancy. A* in star quality and look with B+'s in a lot of other stuff, just not on the mic (which since he's Spanish speaking doesn't matter) Masami Shirane*--Heel C's all over the place at just 22 make me think he'll get better. Pedro Phillips*-Face (Hey a good face!!!) Lots of B-'s and C+'s including on the mic. At 21, we have hopes he'll continue to grow. Just needs to improve on that D- stamina. Ricardo Rude*-Face (And another face!!) He is a mic god with A*/A*/A* on entertainment skills. Solid technical and performance wrestler (C's) and B+ consistency, [B]B[/B] stamina. He's just ugly as sin D-/E I only have a few in the lower cards that look like they could be something, and unfortunately, one of them is a complete jerk (the game also seems to produce a plethora of egotistical or extremely egotistical people). There are 3 people out there I desperately wanted to sign which would have taken care of Gary's dumb signings, but guess where they all worked (along with SPW and FNP)? Yep, 2 of them are in CWB while the other is in QCW. Now onto the creation of the stable I've entitled [COLOR="Red"]Viva La Revolution![/COLOR] (stupid no spanish c symbol). Emilio Suarez--Royalty Tonya Hannigan (Manager)--Amazonian (she's a Light Heavyweight) Gary Funk--Enforcer Manuel Munoz--Old School Heel (now featuring mustache twirling!) Leonardo Carmona (LM)--Old School Heel I'm going to post the card tomorrow night after I see Batman. It's going to be all downhill from here folks.:D
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[I]OOC: Hmmm...guess I really shouldn't rely on Gary (irl) for movie recommendations. Claimed The Dark Knight was the best movie of the last 25 years. Ummm....it is good, but I came up with over 10 in about 5 minutes. Go see it as it is good, but man, it makes Harry Potter 5 look as bright as a Shirley Temple movie, and that was a very dark movie.[/I] I thought it was necessary to list my non-competitors as they are very vital in a Sports Entertainment fed. [B][U][SIZE="4"]Announce Crew:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Lead Announcer[/COLOR][/B] Kathryn Martinez--22 years old/Dec. 1924/Face She was a carnival barker for her father since she was 13. She'd also sneak off to be the opening act of a vaudeville shows when she could. To say she is a special talent is an understatement. Try A*/A*/B-/A* in Entertainment skills. Uh, she also appeared as the Daughter of the Bearded Lady with D/E+ in camera skills:eek: Also, is a woman who knows how great she is as she costs us an unbelievable $1500/show:eek::eek::eek: [B][COLOR="Green"]Color Commentator[/COLOR][/B] Jose Henderson--22 years old/Dec. 1923/Heel We debated a long time on who would be the color guy. Henderson won out as he's a very effective heel so we'll have balance on the announcing. He's outstanding with A/A/A/F in entertainment skills meaning he's an A color guy. Oh, and the pay balances out a little as he costs $400/show.:( [B][COLOR="Purple"]Authority Figure[/COLOR][/B] Pedro Rodriguez--26 years old/April 1920/Face The other option at either broadcast position, Pedro has been with SPW for a long time as a manager/3rd announcer (the dynamic Loomis/Jay Keith B-/C+ team has been together since Keith debuted in 1922 so yes, Loomis is an egotistical idiot:D). He's B+/B+/B+/A in announcer/color/manager/personality and B+/B/A*/B+ in entertainment skills. Gee, think Viva La Revolution is going to be attacking him?;) Well, they won't be doing it often as he costs $1,000/show. Sheesh, and I thought the wrestlers were prima donnas. Just having a show is going to be expensive whether anyone wrestles or not. [B][COLOR="Gray"]Referee[/COLOR][/B] Rodney Keith--20 years old/Aug 1927/Heel YES!!! A heel ref! Umm...we're going to play that down, Gary. Plus, he's the only ref we have. One of the best refs in the world at C- also has a huge ceiling, we hope. [B][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Road Agent[/COLOR][/B] Introducing the best road agent in the business today!!! *Drum roll please* Street Smart!!!!! *The crowd goes wild!!!!!* Some would call this cheating, some would call this being a cheapskate, but I call it THIS GAME STINKS AT MAKING ROAD AGENTS!!!! Oh, it is great at making jerks or worse who need a firm hand (or a swift kick in the rear), but wow, a C- road agent is rare. You just can't run a show with that weak an agent. And I'm only at B- which I think is consistant with being a business mogul.:p [B][COLOR="Orange"]Managers[/COLOR][/B] Here are the 4 people who are going to help get my guys who don't know what a mic is over with the crowd. Tonya Hannigan--(heel/Amazonian) wrestler who has nothing to do with no one running women's matches (CWB stopped after like 3 shows). Good thing she's A*/A*/B on Entertainment skills. Christine Hogan--(heel/Spoilt Brat) that horribly-English spelling of spoiled fits perfectly since she's English. She's basically managing the non-stable heels that need help. She's plenty busy doing that. She's A*/A*/B on Entertainment skills. Eva Carter--(face/Girl-Next-Door) Basically, our big-name faces don't need any help on the mic so she's working with the midcarders whom I'm probably going to push. B/B-/B+ Stephen Macy--(face/trash) He's our backup color guy/personality option just managing a few guys right now. $100/show makes him an attractive alternative. B+/B+/B+ manager/color/personality B+/B+/B in entertainment skills [B][U][COLOR="Navy"]TITLES[/COLOR][/U][/B] NWA World Championship-B The main belt for the promotion NWA Triple-Threat-B This should keep the main eventers happy, give me double main event matches, AND eliminate repeat booking penalties. Again, it is like I have a plan and know what I'm doing. [I]Zod knows better. His big plan is the spaghetti theory aka throw everything out there and see what sticks.[/I] NWA North American-C- I needed something for the midcarders to fight for and propel the good ones up the card/build some of them up. And now for something completely different, TIME TO PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!! [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Green"]Welcome To The New World![/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]4-Man Tournament For North American Title[/B] Don Cooper vs Armando Santos Duane Jenkins vs Cecil Marsters Finals--?????? vs ?????? [B]The ubiquitous tag match[/B] Pedro Phillips & Ricardo Rude vs Gary Funk & Manuel Munoz [B]Triple-Threat Title Match[/B] Gary Cooper vs Randall Rock vs Peter Edwards *Hint: Anyone picking Edwards not named Gary should commit themselves immediately as they are nuts* [B]NWA World Championship Match[/B] Joel Westybrook vs Emilio Suarez (it will be a special match too) Predictions are welcome as I haven't even run the show yet. Any comments are welcome as well. To everyone who's been reading, thank you for being patient as it took awhile to get to the action.
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Welcome To The New World! 4-Man Tournament For North American Title [B]Don Cooper [/B]vs Armando Santos [B]Duane Jenkins[/B] vs Cecil Marsters Finals--[B]Don Cooper [/B]vs ?????? The ubiquitous tag match Pedro Phillips & Ricardo Rude vs [B]Gary Funk & Manuel Munoz[/B] Triple-Threat Title Match [B]Gary Cooper[/B] vs Randall Rock vs Peter Edwards *Hint: Anyone picking Edwards not named Gary should commit themselves immediately as they are nuts* NWA World Championship Match [B]Joel Westybrook[/B] vs Emilio Suarez (it will be a special match too)
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Welcome To The New World! [I][COLOR="Blue"]Angles[/COLOR] will be in blue and [COLOR="DarkOrange"]matches[/COLOR] will be in dark orange[/I] [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD![/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Dark Match--5-man Elimination:[/B] Bradley Kelly vs Cecil Bull vs Jaime Soto vs Ruben Batch vs Tomas Pastor Welcome to the first of many ring rust dark matches, and boy do I have a lot of rust to shake off of these guys. This show highlights the other midcarders not in the North American Title tournament. And it is obvious why this is a dark match as it Gets an [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR][/SIZE] in just under 10 minutes. [B]Jaime Soto[/B] gets the win. Now onto the main show live from The Portland Center (Tiny) [COLOR="Blue"]Joel Westybrook makes his way down to the ring and is handed a mic. He thanks the crowd for coming out to see the best in professional wrestling, and as such, they will be enjoying seeing him win the NWA World Championship. Sure enough, that brings Emilio Suarez and Tonya Hanningan out from the back. Thankfully, she has the mic. She starts in on Joel by stating that her man is the undisputed best wrestler in the world today and that Westybrook is nothing but a punk who isn't worthy of carrying her purse. Joel stupidly goes "What purse"? The answer, of course, is that it is hitting him in the back of his head in the hands of Emilio. Joel recovers, and both of them brawl for a few minutes before Gary, myself, and the rest of creative pull them apart[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]We now see that there is an area roped off with a desk and chair. Pedro Rodriguez is sitting in the chair. Here come both Duane Jenkins with Stephen Macy and Cecil Marsters. They both demand a shot at the North America Title. Pedro tells them to explain why they deserve it. When they start to talk, he interrupts them by saying they're both unworthy, but he's willing to give them a shot. The winner of the match will get a shot. Oh, and the match starts NOW![/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Duane Jenkins Vs Cecil Marsters[/COLOR] Wait, who scheduled a match? Oh yeah, we do have to have them occaisonally.:D I got the dreaded rusty note on Marsters though he claimed not to be. Jenkins also was tiring at the end which was bad as it was only an 8 minute match. Marsters gets the win when he uses the ropes for leverage. [B]E-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]We go back to the office where Pedro still is in his chair behind the desk. In walk Don Cooper and Armando Santos both talking about how much better a match they could put on and how great each of them are. Pedro is just fed up now. If you two think you can just waltz in here and get a title shot, you've got another thing coming. However, since you two are here, I guess you'll get a match. Just make sure it is good or no title shot for either of you.[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]However, the match will have to wait as Ricardo Rude is in the ring with a mic. No sooner does he introduce himself and tell the crowd how he'll be a star they can cheer than Gary Funk and Manuel Munoz come running out with Tonya. Again, thankfully she's got the mic. She says that he's woefully outclassed by her two men, but not to worry as they will make sure his stay here will be a very short one. Funk and Munoz are in position and start beating him down while Kathryn Martinez is begging someone to help him with Jose Henderson egging Funk & Munoz on. The crowd "erupts" as Pedro Phillips comes charging down to the ring, chair in hand. Tonya gets their attention and the 3 heels decide to leave.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] Yay, finally some positive notes. Munoz and Tonya are a good pairing. Munoz and Phillips both improve their charisma and performance skills. Of course, every segment has managed to bring the crowd's mood down. "Zod doesn't understand how a crowd's mood can keep going down." Me either. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Don Cooper Vs Armando Santos[/COLOR] Okay, now I'm really unhappy. Both of them looked really rusty out there despite both of them working many matches in the last part of 1927. I know because I went through and noted who had been working and who hadn't been. The only good things about this match are they have great chemistry and it only went 7 minutes. Cooper won by submission. [B]F+[/B]:mad: [COLOR="Blue"]Emilio Suarez Vs Joel Westybrook Hypefest as we show some of the video clips we shot yesterday of them doing impressive things. Unfortunately, the camera we were loaned was out of focus leading to 3 minutes of horribleness. The crowd responds in kind.[/COLOR] [B]F-[/B] [I]Grrr....too many of these angles are rated on overness which no one has.[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Pedro Phillips and Ricardo Rude are in the ring. Again, Rude tries to say something but is interrupted by Tonya who is oddly by herself. She says that since Pedro wants to join him on the way out of here, she challenges them to a tag match between themselves and Funk & Munoz. Phillips grabs the mic and says that if she'd ever shut the hell up that that was what they were going to ask for themselves so it is on. Tonya starts to laugh at how predictable men are. While Rude & Phillips get red, Munoz and Funk slide in the other side of the ring and start beating them down.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] More charisma and performance improvements by Munoz & Phillips. Also, Funk improves his acting skills. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Pedro Phillips & Ricardo Rude Vs Gary Funk & Manuel Munoz[/COLOR] A ref slides into the ring after Funk and Munoz are pulled off of Rude & Phillips. I "ask" them if they are ready for the match, and they both nod. The ref then rings the bell and all hell breaks loose. Well, that didn't work. Ouch, that wasn't how it was supposed to go. That didn't look fake. Yep, there's the welt coming up on Phillips' head. Ugh, I knew Munoz was rusty, but Funk just was off tonight contributing to a mediocre match. That welt meant Phillips was tiring at the end of the match too. Funk loses the match when he connects on a low blow on Phillips that the ref saw. That's a banned move folks which even gets Jose to side with the faces for a minute. Phillips & Rude win via DQ in 15 minutes. [B]E[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Gary Cooper comes to the ring looking like he stepped off a Western movie set, and the crowd just eats it up. Then, he gets a mic and hypes up the Triple-Threat title match and how the title belt will look great with his sheriff badge while he's out on the prairie upholding the law.[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Now it is Randall Rock's turn to hype up the match. He says he's sick and tired of uptight people running around spouting law and order like they are good things. Causing a little bit of trouble here and there got me branded as a troublemaker by people like Gary Cooper, and since Cooper wants the Triple-Threat Title, he's going to make sure he doesn't get it.[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]NWA Triple-Threat Title Match[/B]--Gary Cooper Vs Randall Rock Vs Peter Edwards[/COLOR] Hey! Gary comes over and demands to know what happened to Edwards getting his chance to hype the match. I had to cut it to fit the time. We're running a little over right now. This was a great match as no one was rusty in the slightest. Cooper and Rock started off trying to figure out who was the better wrestler putting together a nice series of moves and holds then double clotheslining Edwards when he tried to do anything to interrupt them. Rock threw Cooper out of the ring and went to work on Edwards. Cooper stopped the pin attempt and threw Rock outside. They brawled out there for a few minutes before Cooper ducked a punch and pushed Rock into the ring post knocking him out. GC slides back into the ring, grabs a still-dazed Edwards from behind locking his arms behind him, lifts him up before dropping him face first in kind of a hybrid bulldog/front legsweep. He calls it Prairie Justice. 1....2....3 Gary Cooper wins by pinfall in 15 minutes. [B]Your new NWA Triple-Threat Champion! E+[/B] [I]E+!!!!!!!! What the hell are they expecting???? Stupid lack of overness.[/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]NWA World Championship Title Match[/B]--Joel Westybrook Vs Emilio Suarez--Ladder Match[/COLOR] As the ladder is brought to the ring, a spotlight shows the World Championship belt being lowered. The announce team goes over the rules of the match highlighting the danger and uniqueness of the match. Finally, everything is set, and the wrestlers are ready. The early part of the match saw the two feel each other out with some good solid wrestling holds and counters. Gradually, the offense started to pick up with Suarez connecting on some flashy moves while Joel wisely works over his legs trying to keep him from going up the ladder. Joel has Emilio in an ankle lock when Tonya hops up on the ring apron distracting the ref. Here comes Funk into the ring causing Joel to break the hold. They brawl out of the ring leading to Joel getting a face-full of ring post. Tonya screams at Emilio to get the ladder. The ladder gets set up in the middle of the ring, and Suarez starts to climb the rungs much to the fans' dismay. He's almost there, but Westybrook gets back in the ring and sends Emilio flying out of the ring. Suarez starts grabbing his knee as he landed a little awkwardly causing the ref to attend to him. Tonya is screaming at Joel saying he's hurt her man. Joel just points to the title and makes the belt sign. The crowd is now on its feet (okay, 80 of them are on their feet. got to love teenage girls) as Joel starts to climb the ladder. There's some screaming as Manuel Munoz comes roaring out of the back. He slides up under Westybrook and procedes to suplex him off the ladder. This has a miraculous effect on Suarez's knee as he bounces up as Tonya pulls Munoz out of the ring on the other side. It is all academic from there. Emilio Suarez wins by retrieving the title belt in 20 minutes. [B]Your new NWA World Champion! D-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Tonya grabs the mic. She says that you have witnessed the start of a Revolution in the NWA. In fact, you are looking at Viva La Revolution. We are the future of professional wrestling, and if anyone crosses us, well you've seen the results of that. She continues to hype all three of the wrestlers as the show ends.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [I]Oops![/I] Attendance was 893 Show Rating was E (Thank you Extreme Eye for NOT telling me I needed more than the 2 storylines I'm running.) Well, I won't be running angles to end the show for a few years. Heck, a few more shows like this we won't have a promotion.:mad:
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[I]I know about the option to basically turn storylines off. I was just unhappy that the extreme eye went off at 2 storylines. Hell, I would have added one or two more if I thought it was needed. Besides, I don't think it affected my show's grade. It was just annoying.[/I] I was so pissed at the world after the show, but part of being an owner and the one responsible for this mess means shaking everyone's hand, thanking them for coming, and handing out booking assignments for next week to the appropriate workers. I pulled Don Cooper aside and asked him if he was up to the title match. He looked me in the eye and said that tonight was an aberration. I told him it better be because there are many others who want to get into the title matches. That done, I went back into the creative lounge and slammed the door umm...didn't realize I could crack a door even if it is wood. Like good little lackeys, they tried to blend into the furniture hoping I'd ignore them. When that didn't work, the accountant decided that good news would be something to try. He handed me a slip of paper with number jotted on it. HEY! Good news does calm me down.:p I only lost $2,300 on the show without a dime of sponsorship money! Oh wait, that was with an almost packed arena which we won't be HAVING MUCH LONGER IF WE KEEP RUNNING HORRIBLE SHOWS!!!!!!!!!! (I don't stop being pissed for long.) Gary threw everyone else out. "Street, shut the hell up! One show doesn't mean the end of the world. YOU wanted to leave NYC to start this fed. I understand the logic especially since you've beaten it into my head these last 5 months. We couldn't have a regional war with Fight Night Promotions or CWB because we wouldn't last. Did you ever stop to think that moving to a place that has NEVER had a pro wrestling match AND starting a Sports Entertainment promotion would start smoothly? Yeah, you got screwed in that Cooper/Santos match. We probably should have waited a couple of years to start this promotion, however we both know what is going to happen in a little over a year so we had to act now. Money is never going to be an issue, Street. We've both been very busy these last 7.5 years to ensure that it won't be. All we have to do is keep putting on shows introducing these fans to our wrestlers. Once they get over, the fans will care about the matches more, and the promotion will grow in popularity. Plus, remember the disaster that was your mock booking of Pride of Germany when it opened? That was rated F+ across the board, and that was almost as far away from Sports Entertainment as possible." So chastened, I handed him the card for next week's [COLOR="Navy"]NWA Bringing The Excitement[/COLOR] Torajiro Iitaka vs Randall Rock (somehow he came out of the show with the highest momentum of the entire roster-C+:confused:) Peter Edwards vs Craig Rahn Don Cooper vs Cecil Marsters--NWA North American Title (I apologize to Buck44f as I ran out of time in the show. That proves that I'm writing it as it happens not 2 shows back.:rolleyes: Plus, it wasn't actually advanced booked either.:D) Gary Cooper vs Leon Hudson vs Angel Vaughn--NWA Triple-Threat Title First ever 6-man tag match (not to be confused with the Please Oh Please Emilio Save Our Show Rating Match aka The Main Event:p) Joel Westybrook, Pedro Phillips, and Ricardo Rude vs Emilio Suarez, Gary Funk, and Manuel Munoz Plus there will be a rust match err...dark match and maybe another match for the show as I boosted the match ratio up to 70%.
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[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]NWA Bringing The Excitement[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Ring Rust Match err...Dark Match[/COLOR][/B] (now with tag chemistry!) [B]Cecil Bull & Jaime Soto Vs Ruben Batch & Tomas Pastor Vs Bradley Kelly & Masami Shirane[/B] Ugh...We really have to get the rust off of these guys. Not a terrible match, but some of them really can't go almost 16 minutes even in a tag match. [B]Bradley Kelly & Masami Shirane win in almost 16 minutes pinning Cecil Bull F+[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hey it must be the start of the show because here come Tonya Hannigan and Emilio Suarez. He parades around with the really cool NWA World Championship belt while Tonya calls Joel names saying he's never going to see a title match again.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [B]Peter Edwards Vs Craig Rahn[/B] Another very rusty wrestler with Rahn being the guilty party. He was also off his game tonight. Note to self, chat with Rahn afterwards and let him know that he better step things up. Thankfully, Edwards performed very well, and the match clocked in just under 8 minutes. [B]Peter Edwards wins by pinfall in 7:52 E-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Gary Cooper is steaming mad as Gary (the future one) and I are trying to console him. How did that mic get back here? He grabs the mic and demands his NWA Triple-Threat Title Belt back. Gary then sets off to round up a posse to get the bandit.[/COLOR] [B]D!!!!!![/B] Highest rating ever! [COLOR="blue"]Joel Westybrook makes his way to the ring with mic in hand. He says that Emilio and Tonya are scared to death of him because it took all 4 of Viva La Revolution to keep him from that belt. Joel then challenges Emilio to a match at My Bloody Valentine in 2 weeks.[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] [B]Dustin Davis Vs Leon Dahl[/B] Hey, the rustiness continues as Dahl is rusty too. However, they put on a great match as they have great chemistry. At least we're finding some good things out in these matches. [B]Dustin Davis wins by pinfall in 7:53 E-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Randall Rock is storming around backstage. As he rounds a corner, he hears someone laughing behind a newspaper. Randall deduces that he's being made fun of and grabs Torajiro Iitaka and starts beating him up as he's dragging him to the ring.[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] [B]Torajiro Iitaka Vs Randall Rock[/B] As you can imagine, Rock did most of the offense in the match, but Iitaka does get to show some nice flashy moves. Rock gets some momentum back, and at C+, he really needs it.:confused: [B]Randall Rock wins by pinfall in 4:06 E[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Angel Vaughn walks out from the back to the ring. What is that shiny thing around his waist? It's the NWA Triple-Threat Title Belt!!! He calls out the rural hick sheriff saying he will give Cooper the chance to get the belt back, but only if he can take it from the greatest, richest, sexiest man alive today. Gary Cooper comes out of the back to accept and says he's going to have trouble finding a rope big enough for that ego but he'll come out on top anyway. Meanwhile, Gary keeps telling me that he isn't the one with the title belt, Angel is.:rolleyes:[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Cecil Marsters comes out and basically says that after last week's performance Don Cooper isn't qualified to hold a cat, much less the North American title. He continues to belittle Don saying this match was in the bag.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [B]Don Cooper Vs Cecil Marsters--NWA North American Title Match (Submission)[/B] And it is in the bag for him because I'm booking it that way as that match last week really ticked me off. Also because it was obvious Cecil had already shaken off the ring rust while Cooper still had it by the bucketload. It was still a much better match than last week's one. I was able to let them go way longer than either match last week as they both have good stamina. Marsters locked on a figure-four while holding the ropes for the win. [B]Cecil Marsters wins by submission and cheating in 13:20. E-[/B] [COLOR="Red"]New North American Champion--Cecil Marsters[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Gary Cooper comes out to the ring and says he's been putting away scum in the Wild West for years, and tonight he gets to add another one to the list. I want my belt back now![/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [B]Gary Cooper Vs Angel Vaughn Vs Leon Hudson--NWA Triple-Threat Title Match[/B] This wasn't quite as good as I hoped it would be, but in reality, it was exactly what I expected when I debuted 2 wrestlers in the match. Both of them held their own, and I have things planned for Leon in another storyline so he was here to get noticed. As you imagine, Cooper and Vaughn did most of the work. [B]Gary Cooper wins by pinfall of Vaughn in 19:43. E+[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Gary Cooper has title defense #1[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Joel Westybrook, Pedro Phillips, and Ricardo Rude come out to the ring with 2 mics in hand. Hey, Rude gets to speak this week! They inform the crowd that they had been in negociations with Pedro Rodriguez all week to get a match with Viva La Revolution where it would be cheat free. They got the clearance from him for a new type of match never-before-seen in pro wrestling. You are seeing the cage go up right now. What are you going to do when Tonya can't help and there's nowhere you can hide? Now get out here so we can kick you butts![/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [B]Joel Westybrook, Pedro Phillips, and Ricardo Rude Vs Emilio Suarez, Gary Funk, and Manuel Munoz IN A STEEL CAGE!!!![/B] Okay, so the cage looked worse than those SWF cages from the late 70's, but it was the best we could find and have built in 2 weeks. Tonya did a good job angrily stalking around the cage complaining that she couldn't get in there. I guess Phillips just can't hack being protected, in a 6-man tag match, where he wouldn't even work 10 minutes (thanks Adam) as he wore himself out to where he was dragging at the end. Munoz was still rusty which hurt the match a little bit. The end did have the crowd on its feet as Joel got Emilio alone in the ring where he put a variation of a sharp-shooter causing Emilio to tap out! The announcers end the show asking what this means for My Bloody Valentine in 2 weeks. [B]Joel Westybrook's team wins by submission by Suarez in 24:48 E[/B] Overall Rating--E Somehow I slightly over-used Munoz even though exactly like 3 others in the match, he's an upper midcarder.:confused: They even appeared in an interview of 5 minutes too. This game hates me.:mad: Attendance dropped to 643 people.
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Some things in wrestling just make you laugh. Guess who the two people are that our creative team say have the highest momentum? Randall Rock and Leon Hudson at C+ Hey, those guys sound familiar. Didn't they wrestle Gary Cooper for the Triple-Threat Title? Yep. They didn't win or lose that match, right? Yep though it does count as a loss for record keeping purposes.:confused: So, yes our ONLY 2 hot wrestlers in the promotion are a combined 1-0-2 and one interview segment along with one angle. Want to guess what Cooper's momentum is at? Try C- Oh, and my main event storyline guys? Both at E+ which is below Dustin Davis (D+) and Masami Shirane (D after working only a dark match). I immediately order everyone on my "creative" team to undergo a drug test tomorrow as they're all high on something other than life.:eek: However, there is one pressing matter to attend to before our creative meeting. I bring the jerk in to job to one of my main eventers hoping he'd just come in, lose, then go get drunk or leave the state. I get told by Gary that I am not that lucky. I'm not surprised to hear an English accent yelling fun English words when I rounded the corner. Leon Hudson was holding Leon Dahl in a camel clutch (hey, heavyweights do have some uses!;)) while 3 people were holding Cecil Marsters away from Dahl's legs. Not even asking what happened, I asked Hudson to bring Dahl into my office (complete with new door). Also, I tell Cecil to head off and celebrate being North American champion. He certainly deserved it. Now, Dahl is seated in a chair right in front of the desk with big Leon right behind him in case it got out of hand. "Let me cut to the chase Dahl. You're a good wrestler, and I was happy with your performance tonight. Hell, I even thought that you could be here full-time. You could race up the card here with all that ability. Are you familiar with Gary and myself and what we have accomplished? *nods head* We did that because we don't tolarate behavior that negatively affects our bottom line. Cecil is going to help our bottom line holding that title, and you acting like a jackass trying to pick a fight could jeopardize that. Thankfully, Leon here saved your behind and job here before it came to that. You keep causing problems in our locker room, and you will be gone. Now dwell on that for awhile and I'll see you next month." "Whatever. I'm better than him (pointing at Hudson), and I'm much better than a lower midcarder. Put me there, and I'll be...." "You'll be an unemployed snot-nosed (several things that would get me banned on here). Get out and go to Australia permanantly. I'll make sure you never work in North America again! Leon, please escort this trash out of my office through the door. *he goes to open the door* Hudson, did I mention anything about opening the door?" *he smiles and Dahl gets an arrogant look on his face* Dahl goes flying through the door which splinters and grabs his bags sitting next to it then runs out like his pants are on fire. [B][U][COLOR="Gray"]End of the Month Report[/COLOR][/U][/B] Made $28,417 this month (thanks exclusively to our wonderful merchandising deals Gary made $400 made/$120 cost:rolleyes:) Current Balance--$78,417 Popularity in North West--Lost 1% to 39% still D- (5.1% still in BC and SW) Importance in North West--Still E+ Wrestlers who gained overness in North West: Gary Cooper: F- to F+ And that's the list folks, and a couple went down from F+ to F. For the record, once I hit Feb., Randall Rock fell to C momentum.
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[I]If you thought I didn't post last night because of the Gary Cooper marathon on Turner Classic Movies last night, you'd be right.:D[/I] The next couple of weeks were spent with our families as we all tried to recover from the stress of getting this promotion off the ground. [I]Some of us had more stress to blow off than others.:rolleyes:[/I] That didn't mean we didn't do any work or ignore what was going on elsewhere. There were plenty of news and notes in the first part of the month too. [I]Cut to the scene at Gary's house with the creative staff and Street in the den. Gary walks in.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: I have to commend you Street. Your plans are already working like a charm.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Steet: So, they've all left a promotion?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: Yes, Westybrook, Kathyrn, and our target left FNP, and Murphy and Vaughn left CWB.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: Excellent! (Yes, like Monty Burns) Is the target signed with us?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: I have his signed contract right here. He didn't come cheap, but we all agree he's well worth the money. Unfortunately, Randall Edwards re-upped with SPW before our guy could talk to him.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: That's fine. With our new guy, our main event scene is pretty packed. Can we go ahead with the brand split?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]I think we need to hold off for this month as we need to focus on running a great show before trying a show without a few of our top guys.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: I still can't figure out how Suarez can run C- matches with the likes of Juan Cortes in VLL, but he can't do better than a D- with a much, much better wrestler like Westybrook. We'll see if he can do better with someone else at Valentine.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: One note about our 2nd show of the month, NWA Leaping Into Greatness, on the last Friday of the month. Pride of Germany is also running a show meaning Don Cooper, Armando Santos, and Pedro Phillips won't be available.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: Oh no! How will we ever survive without Don Cooper????:p I already have a plan for how to account for Phillips' disappearance. Thankfully, we have our new signee to take his place. [/COLOR] Here's the card for [COLOR="Red"]My Bloody Valentine:[/COLOR] Joel Westybrook vs Leonardo Carmona Ruben Batch & Torajiro Iitaka vs Gary Funk & Manuel Munoz ???????? & Ricardo Rude vs Gabriel Henderson & Armando Santos Tomoaki Hatayama vs Cecil Marsters--North American Title Match Gary Cooper vs Peter Edwards vs Sean Murphy--Triple-Threat Title Match Leon Hudson vs Emilio Suarez--World Championship Match Show will be up tonight.
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[I]Sorry this is coming up a couple hours late. I've been having water pump issues.[/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]My Bloody Valentine[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: Wow, you were right Gary. We cranked up the advertising and packed the place. You can feel the energy in here tonight![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: Commissioner Zod knows all! I'll take us places.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: Oh brother.:rolleyes:[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Rust Match Special[/COLOR] [B]Masque & Cecil Bull vs Don Cooper & Jaime Soto vs Lester Gordy & Bradley Kelly vs Joe Gilbert & Masami Shirane[/B] Eventually, I'd like to replace Rust Matches with actual, useful matches, but I did learn a couple of things. One, Cooper just plain sucks. 3 matches and he's been off his game in all 3 of them. I'm beginning to think he has no game at all to be off of. Two, Gilbert & Shirane have good chemistry tagging together. Good heel tag teams are nice to have around.;) Three, Bradley Kelly is off the rusty list (so is Don Cooper, but who cares?). [B]Gilbert & Shirane win by pinfall in 11:39 F+[/B] Cool, we managed to put in fireworks to start the show! [COLOR="Blue"]Pedro Phillips is in the ring with a mic. He starts to talk about how he's undefeated here in NWA when Gary Funk and Manuel Munoz come charging down the ramp with Tonya in tow (OOC: though I don't know why as she's not listed in the angle). They start beating the crap out of Pedro. Wow, he's bleeding pretty badly. Here comes Ricardo Rude charging down to help his buddy. Wait, he's got somebody with him. IT'S LARRY RUSH!!!!!!!! The crowd goes mediocre. The 3 heels go away in a hurry. Uh oh, here come the "medical" team to help carry Phillips out. The announcers hype how it looks like Phillips will be out of action for awhile. Unfortunately, the crowd goes "meh".[/COLOR] [B]F+[/B]:mad: Well, there goes the shows rating as I made that a 6 minute angle. Notes: Munoz is really improving here. He's improved his acting and showing better charisma and performance skills. [COLOR="blue"]Emilio comes out to the ring, and Tonya pops out of her hiding place to join him. They say that they're so tired of hearing about Bringing The Excitement. "You tapped out. You tapped out." Hey, the crowd learned how to get moderately excited. This ticks both of them off. She says that he will gladly accept Joel's challenge. It will be at NWA Leaping Into Greatness.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [B]Ruben Batch & Torajiro Iitaka vs Gary Funk & Manuel Munoz[/B] Wow, it's never good to play "Which guy isn't rusty?". The answer is Funk, but unfortunately he can't wrestle himself. Well, I hope the rest of the show is infinitely better as the first 2 overall-rated segments for the show got F+'s [B]Gary Funk & Manuel Munoz wins when Funk pins Iitaka in 7:50 F+[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: What are you looking for Street?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: I'm looking to see if Leon Dahl got into the show because I need to smash something.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: There's plenty of show left, and we always have Emilio.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Joel Westybrook comes to the ring with a mic in hand. He says that Emilio has shown that he really is as stupid as he looks. I'm going to do whatever it takes to take that title from you. Oh, and that match is going to be a CAGE MATCH! You remember the last time you were in a cage, don't you? "He tapped out." Hey, the crowd is catching on.[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [B]Joel Westybrook Vs Leonardo Carmona--First Blood Match[/B] Well, Carmona is rusty which I knew. Still this turned out to be a decent match. Carmona got to show some cool moves off. He did make a rookie mistake when he threw Joel outside. Joel reversed whip and sent him face first into the ring post busting him open. [B]Joel Westybrook wins by first blood in 11:50 E-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Street: *head in hands* When is this rustiness going to end? I feel like I'm running a training school here not a wrestling promotion.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Suarez comes running out from the back and catches Joel unawares and beats him down leaving him lying in the ring.[/COLOR] [B]F-[/B]:mad: stupid no overness [B]The Rude Rush Vs Gabriel Henderson & Armando Santos[/B] One of the reasons I hired Larry Rush was he had teamed with Ricardo Rude several times in the past. Plus, he's a great wrestler with tons of star power. They don't have great chemistry as a tag team, but they don't have bad chemistry either. Hey, Santos improved his flying skills. Notice I'm not talking about the match? It was another rusty match as both heels were incredibly rusty. [B]The Rude Rush win by pinfall in 9:54 when Ricardo Rude hits a Rude Ending on Armando Santos E-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Gary Cooper is in the ring about to thrill the crowd with another interview when a roar from the back interrupts him. Before he can figure out what happened, Sean Murphy, the source of the roar, sprints to the ring. He completely destroys Cooper much to the crowd's dismay. Then Sean picks up the Triple-Threat title and stares at it before dropping it on Cooper's face.[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA North American Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Tomoaki Hatayama vs Cecil Marsters--Best 2 out of 3 Falls[/B] I started humming the infamous Hee Haw song "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. Gloom, despair and agony on me." Wow, what a lousy match. I could tell they didn't click after 30 seconds. Thankfully, I had Marsters win in 2 straight pinfalls (umm...exactly how do you have it go 3 pinfalls?). Being the good heel he is, Marsters pulled out some brass knuckles and whacked Hatayama knocking him out. Then for good measure, he put him into Boston Crab causing the ref to say Tomoaki tapped out. [B]Cecil Marsters wins in 14:35 by submission (and cheating) E[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Cecil Marsters has title defense #1[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Peter Edwards comes down to the ring with a mic. He says that he'd like to thank Sean Murphy for doing all of the hard work. With Cooper being at less than 100%, that only leaves you. Others may be scared of you, but I'm not. The Triple-Threat Title is as good as mine.[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA Triple-Threat Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Gary Cooper Vs Peter Edwards Vs Sean Murphy[/B] Oh goody, I let this match go on too long. 18 minutes shouldn't be too long for Edwards and Murphy, but oh well, you live and learn. Cooper sold the injury thing well while letting Edwards and Murphy go at each other. He finally saw his opportunity when Murphy was sent out of the ring by Edwards. Cooper grabbed Edwards and hit the Prairie Justice before Murphy could break up the pinfall. [B]Gary Cooper wins by pinfall in 18:22 by pinning Peter Edwards E+[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Well, I cooled off the crowd too well with this segment. I'm just left wondering how this could have turned out so badly. Stephen Macy brought Leon Hudson down to the ring. He talked about how his big client was going to rip that title out of Emilio's bare hands.[/COLOR] [B]F+[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA World Championship Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Leon Hudson Vs Emilio Suarez--Last Man Standing[/B] The managers basically neutralized each other leaving this to be a good, solid match. There were even a couple of times when it got to an 8-count on Suarez as the huge size differential (lightweight vs heavyweight) to effect. Of course being a LMS match, there is no disqualification. At the last 8-count, Gary Funk came running down with a chair. He whacked Hudson right in the head knocking him out cold. The ref looked on in dismay, but he counted to 10. [B]Emilio Suarez wins by 10 count in 19:48 E+[/B] Overall Rating-E Great, now I'm getting notes saying that the fans are disappointed because I don't have any hot storylines going. Umm...you can't get hot storylines with low-rated segments, and you can't get high-rated segments with un-over people.:mad:
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Whew, back to a very nice, calm locker room thanks to Dahl being literally shown the door. Some people might like wild locker rooms, but I like to have everyone hanging out with each other and getting along. After putting on a happy face, giving a rah-rah speech about how we're going to keep selling this place out etc, and passing out the bucks, I held the post-show creative meeting. [COLOR="Red"]Gary comes in and looks at the door. Hey, you okay Street? You didn't break the door this time.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: I'm celebrating the first ever sell out in our history. Plus, the ring rust should have been eliminated ring rust off most of the midcarders. Now, we just need to work the ones below that more.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: Okay....but you do know that we got another E show rating, right? You haven't given up on your PLAN, have you?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: No, I've come to the conclusion that we're going to have to tweak some things here to improve our ratings. I wanted to do more, but I was afraid we'd alienate too many of our fans. Here's our new promotion settings:[/COLOR] Key Features--Traditional & Mainstream (up from Heavy) Heavy--none Medium--Modern (up from Low) & Realism Low--Hardcore, Risque, and Comedy Nothing else [COLOR="blue"]Street: This is going to push us more towards performance mattering than popularity. We have plenty of talented people, and umm...overness is a foreign concept to our guys right now.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: *Looking nervous* You aren't going to fire Peter Edwards are you?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: No, I'm not firing anyone right now as we'll need everyone when we go with that brand split. Though, you're guy pulled me aside and complained about his losses. You better talk to him and inform him that going 1-2 with both losses coming to our #2 face is nothing to sneeze at.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: Okay, I'll do that. Hopefully this adjustment works for us.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: Yeah, I don't have a Plan C if it doesn't pan out. Guess that's what I'll be coming up with while we're on break. Here's the card for our next show:[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]NWA Leaping Into Greatness[/COLOR] Torajiro Iitaka vs Sean Murphy Peter Edwards vs Hirotaka Nakanishi Jaime Soto vs Cecil Marsters--NWA North American Title Match Leon Hudson & Rush and Rude vs Gary Funk, Manuel Munoz, and Leonardo Carmona Gary Cooper vs Randall Rock vs Angel Vaughn--NWA Triple-Threat Title Match (uh oh, the first 2 heel triple-threat match. Can Cooper keep the belt?) Joel Westybrook vs Emilio Suarez--Cage Match for NWA World Championship Match [I]Thanks to everyone who is reading this. Any suggestions, comments, predictions are always welcome. Show will be up tonight.[/I]
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[I]err....show will be up right now! Sorry about that, but I have high hopes for this show and tweaked everything 2 or 3 times. It might not have gone up tonight except for living in a beyond po-dunk town that doesn't even rent Blu-Ray movies. Now I'm going to have to wait to see Autumn in Lost Boys 2.[/I] Along with changing our promotion settings, we decided to change our venue. Basically, we decided to tryout Washington state. It's a jump in venue as the Washington State Gym holds 2,000 people which we don't fill, but it is nice to try different crowds. Plus, as I look at the half-filled gym, we do have money to burn.:( [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Timothy Macy vs Masami Shirane[/COLOR] Hey, we squeeze in TWO Ring Rust matches this week as we have to seperate our two UM heels (Shirane & Gilbert). However, we barely have enough time for two matches, so squash goes the enhancement talent. [B]Masami Shirane wins in 4:43 by pinfall F+[/B] (like you were expecting anything else?) [COLOR="darkorange"]Tomas Pastor vs Masque vs Craig Rahn vs Joe Gilbert[/COLOR] OMG!!! Two guys were off their game tonight. Thanks, Pastor and Rahn. Of course, we pass that off as everyone being rusty. However, what did work was quite impressive. It was certainly a Ring Rust Match first. And of course, the UM guy wins. [B]Joe Gilbert wins in 9:31 by pinfall F!!!!!!![/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: Wow, what could they have put on without the rust and two sore losers err...off their gamers?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: Maybe we've found some more guys to push.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: Yeah, I think we're going to see if a new face tag team will be born next show.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"][SIZE="5"]NWA Leaping Into Greatness[/SIZE][/COLOR] Wow, bigger space means bigger pyro! [COLOR="Blue"]You know it must be showtime when Tonya comes to the ring with mic in hand. This time she's brought out everyone but Emilio. Gary Funk, Manuel Munoz, and Leonardo Carmona pace around the ring angrily. "Leon Hudson, you messed with the King of Wrestling at Valentine. When are you people going to learn? You see, when you mess with a snake, you have one head to deal with, but when you mess with a member of Viva La Revolution, you have FIVE heads that will kill you. If you need further proof, just ask Pedro Phillips. That is if you can find the hospital he's in. Rude Rush, why don't you come along too. Well, that is if Rush hasn't already run for the hills when he remembers what we did to your last partner.[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] [B]Peter Edwards vs Hirotaka Nakanishi[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Street: We should have put this one as the dark match instead of the 4-way. Any comments on your boy there Zod?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: The other guy is really rusty. How was I to know it would kill the match?[/COLOR] [B]Peter Edwards mercifly ends this in 7:23 by pinfall F+[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Street: I'd blame Don Cooper if he wasn't in Italy right now. Hell, I'm still blaming Cooper BECAUSE he's in Italy right now while I'm stuck here.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Cecil Marsters comes to the ring with the North American title around his waist and a smug look on his face. Stop booing me you idiots and respect the greatness in the ring. *boooooooooo* Do you morons realize I'm undefeated here in NWA? Or that everyone in the back is scared to face me? So, I'm challenging anyone in the back, and I'll even put the title on the line.[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] [B]Torajira Iitaka vs Sean Murphy[/B] Wow, and this officially kills our show. I'm thinking I should have run my first 6 shows in Hawaii where no one would have noticed us, and the weather is much better. Iitaka really shouldn't still be rusty. Murphy tries to carry the match but he and Hogan at ringside just couldn't do it. [B]Sean Murphy wins in 7:11 by pinfall F+[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Gary: Maybe no one in Portland will know this show ever ran? Can we keep it out of the papers?[/COLOR]:mad: [COLOR="Blue"]And the hits just keep coming as our camera breaks again making the hype video for the title match a garbled mess.[/COLOR] [B]F-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]We hurridly run Jaime Soto out to the ring. He grabs a mic and says that for someone who's had to cheat to win most of his matches, he's sure talking big. Well, I don't have anything better to do than kick your butt, so I'll accept the challenge.[/COLOR] [B]E-[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA North American Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Jaime Soto vs Cecil Marsters--Ladder Match[/B] Okay, just light me on fire. They don't click, AND somehow Soto has ring rust even after wrestling in the previous 3 dark matches! To say this match stunk is an understatement. I start hunting around for that device that makes everyone forget in those two cool movies. [B]Cecil Marsters wins in 11:43 by retrieval of the belt F+[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Cecil Marsters makes his 2nd title defense[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Larry Rush, Ricardo Rude, and Leon Hudson w/Stephen Macy make their way to the ring. Rude takes the mic. "So, you cheap-shot artists don't like it when I recruit some guys to even the odds, do you? Well, you're the ones who have made it your mission to run me out of here. I'm not going to put up with that crap so I went out and brought in two of the meanest, toughest, and baddest friends I have, and we'll be more than glad to kick your butts here in Pullman, Washington *cheap pop* [I](wow that even works in 1929:p)[/I].[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [B]Leon Hudson & The Rude Rush vs Gary Funk, Manuel Munoz, and Leonardo Carmona--Ladder Match[/B] Somebody call the police because I think we just broke the law by having a decent match. Carmona and Munoz are still shaking off the rust (again, how can Munoz still have rust after 3 matches????). Hudson didn't help things by being off tonight either. However, considering the matches before, the crowd thinks they're seeing a Tommy Cornell match. The crowd cheers when Hudson throws Carmona onto both Munoz and Funk leaving Rude to climb the ladder as they stood guard. Umm...look behind you guys! Hannigan throws a bag of powder right into Rude's eyes causing him to fall off the ladder right onto Hudson. Meanwhile, the heels have recovered and race into the ring making it a 2 on 1 with Carmona and Munoz beating on Larry Rush while Funk climbs the ladder. He reaches up and grabs the briefcase while Tonya has Hudson's ankle keeping him from stopping Funk. [B]Funk, Munoz, and Carmona win by retrieval in 13:31 E[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Randall Rock conducts this interview from the entrance ramp (another perk of the bigger place). "Gary Cooper, you have something that is mine. Why don't you just give me that swell-looking belt, and you can go live out your life on the prairie hugging your ugly cows and your livestock too. You know you can't beat me. You went to our commissioner and kept me off the last show just to hold onto the belt for a few extra weeks. Well, I'm here now, and your reign is over.[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Street: Can I just give him a 10 minute segment each show and then have one for Gary Cooper and one for Westybrook, and one for a few other people? It's the wrestling part we're screwing up consistantly.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA Triple-Threat Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Gary Cooper vs Randall Rock vs Angel Vaughn[/B] Randall, Randall, Randall, you talk a great game, and I love your skills in the ring, but you get gassed in a 12 minute match. My main eventers need to go much longer than that, certainly title holders do. Thankfully, they put on a great match. The match started off with the typical 2 heels attack the face beating him down. Of course, someone has to get the pin and receive the belt, and this is when trouble starts. Vaughn tries to sneak in a pin, but Rock breaks it up. They start brawling, completely forgetting about Cooper. Wow, what a brawl it was too. Even Cooper was impressed and kept the ref from counting them both out. They went everywhere in the building. The two of them did come back into the ring where a well-rested Cooper promptly took them both out, covering Vaughn for the win. [B]Gary Cooper wins by pinfall in 11:40 D+[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Gary Cooper makes his 3rd title defense[/COLOR] Gary Cooper also improved his technical skills. [COLOR="Blue"]Joel Westybrook comes out to the ramp. "Look at that cage going up in the ring Emilio. The last time you were in there I made the self-proclaimed King of Wrestling cry like a little baby. This time the most prestigous title is on the line. This time you won't be walking out of that ring at all. This time I'm going to get what should have been mine from the start.[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] (really? how does that get an E? He's A* across the board in entertainment skills) [COLOR="DarkOrange"]NWA World Championship Title Match[/COLOR] [B]Joel Westybrook vs Emilio Suarez--Modern Cage Match[/B] Our machinists got more creative and cut a door into the cage so the announcers explained to the crowd that a wrestler could exit the door to win as well as pinfall or submission (the structure isn't up to climbing out yet). Wow, I'm paying this guy $700/show to deliver the goods and....he just hasn't yet.:mad: These two still put on a great match, but it just didn't come close to the Triple-Threat match before it. Both of them bled as a few rough edges didn't get ground down properly. Emilio had been working on his counter moves as Joel tried repeatedly to lock in his sharpshooter. The match turned when Emilio tossed Joel into the cage several times leaving him splayed on the mat. Emilio tried to pin him, but Joel managed to kick out right at 2.9. Emilio then tried to go out the door, but the door didn't want to open. Tonya goes over and pulls on it while Emilio pushes. Wow, Tonya shows her strength a little too well as the door flies open wide. Emilio flunked physics and sticks his head out...CRASH!!!....when the door comes flying back hitting him square in the head. He staggers back into the center of the ring where Joel pushes him to the mat. Westybrook locks on his sharpshooter making Suarez scream in pain. He looks for Tonya, but she's out on the floor. Finally, he taps out! [B]Joel Westybrook wins in 24:41 by submission D-[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Your NEW World Champion! Joel Westybrook[/COLOR] come on D-, come on D-, come on D- Overall Rating: E+, crap Still the best show in the company's history. Attendance-1057
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I like this fed. You're doing a great job with it. I've got a few observations, though.. First, you're not really playing to your gimmick. You're running a 1929 fed, but you're complaining of "ring rust"...? By your wrestling backstory, the world of wrestling only sprung up 9 years ago. Shouldn't people be just inexperienced and green as hell rather than rusty? Second, you're a sports entertainment fed in the 1920's... Should things be a little more... carny? Where's the Chicago gangster? Where's the hated Hun character? Where's the hillbilly and the Tarzan guy? Where's the cowbo-.. Oh, there he is. Hi, Mr. Cooper! Keep in mind that you have creative license to be pretty damn racially, politically, and culturally insensitive. You don't have to have open ugly racist stuff in your ring (although it would sadly fit with the times), but you could have something like an openly drunk character to flaunt the Prohibition laws of the day (with a cop trying to bust him?). Don't be afraid to rename your wrestlers as well. It's weird that you have Japanese wrestlers take week-long trips to come to America, and you're not promoting them as a special attraction from "the Mythical Orient". I realize that the TEW engine fails in correctly rendering 1920's economies and travel restrictions, but whatever. It'd be in line with the era if you threw a mask on them (The Masked Superstar!) and pretended they weren't from Japan, unless you want to. Keep in mind that I'm only offering constructive criticism. You're already doing a great job with your fed and booking. If you change nothing, you'll still have me as a reader. But if you use your knowledge of the 1920's to authenticate the fed a little more, you could have a classic diary.
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