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Affliction: Banned!


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I saw it: Production needs to be better overall, and I'm still awaiting official paid attendence numbers. But from all accounts of those and closed circuit things are definitley looking up. They wanted 200,000, I figured 60-80 was more realistic, with 100,000 being good for PPV buys, but we'll find out in the coming weeks. With EXC on CBS and the UFC being the UFC, one, two, three events may not be enough. They'll need solid buyrates each time and to take fighters away from the other two. We'll see what the numbers our, and depending on what they are... we could be looking at a legit company to come in and provide quality fighters and entertainment... Fedor is amazing. Nothing more needs to be said. Made me looked good in my Fedor Affliction shirt tonight too, merely wore it because I just got it and my friends never saw him fight before... not the type to wear an Affliction shirt on MMA nights, I generally think people who do that are tools. Barnett came through, but Rizzo is a mere shell of himself and Barnett is vastly improved. Early accounts have Barnett finally fighting Fedor at Affliction 2 which will be amazing if they get that signed. Arlovski finally looked like the Arlovski of old, but I mean let's face it... he was made to look better than he was in the UFC anyway. The Heavyweights he beat weren't all that great outside Tim which was rectified twice, and he was beaten by Werdum soon after. He's an exciting fighter who isn't to be at the top, with that said he is young and still getting a lot of tools polished. His athletic ability should let him compete, and with the proper training he can be a legit beast against the top level guys. As this was Rothwell's first real test, but didn't do much to stop Arlovski tonight. Babalu and the rest of the card... meh. Take it or leave it really. None of them are the cream of the crop and so forth. I fully expect Tito to be on the second Affliction card against someone at 205, and possibly heavyweight depending on who they need him to fight as they don't have much of a 205 division right now.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;464394]What happened? How did Fedor do? Damn sucks living in Europe with limited access to MMA[/QUOTE] Fedor and Sylvia came across the ring. Sylvia swiped at Fedor. Fedor dodged, and hopped back then came forward. About a second later, he exploded - tapped Sylvia with a left and came into the clinch. Tim tries to use the muay thai plum, Fedor explodes again. Uppercut, uppercut. Right hook, left hook, right hook, left hook .. I think he broke his nose in one of the punches. Sylvia starts to cover up now, but loses his footing. Fedor immediately jumps in and starts landing lefts and rights on the ground. Sylvia covers up, and rolls - Fedor takes his back. Fedor sinks in a rear naked choke at 0:36 of Round 1 and Sylvia taps.
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