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Can anybody help me out? I was a cult size promotion with a medium size american tv deal, i know rose 2 national size but my current tv network will not let me negoitate with a bigger network or cancel my current contract how do i get round this without leting my contract expire and having no tv deal 4 the next 3 months?
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I'd say just keep the tv deal. :o When I rise to National etc, I always copy my savegame, so that I know what will happen if I don't get that tv-contract etc. :D (Almost cheating, yeah I know. But I just hate negotiating for tv-shows)
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;465154]Let it expire and negotiate a new deal in between expiring and new schedules anounced. And how can a network disagree with cancelation? never had that problem.[/QUOTE] I have, I feel buddy's pain!!! *sob* Lol, I got Sunday Night Heat on Internet TV. I wanted to cancel Heat on all networks, but Internet TV said no and I can't sign with anybody else... Yay for now pulling in 0.03 rating every week.... *grumble*
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Other option is to make a new A show just before the other one runs out you wil have to start from scratch coverage wise tough. And Serson don´t worry about Heat its a `B` show it wil never get high ratings its for showcasing and thus improving overness of your lower workers without affecting your promotions overness.
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